Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 10, 1903, Image 4

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Thursday , December 1O , 1103
Knbscnption $1.00 per year JD advancp ; $1 50
When not paid iu advance. Single copies Cc.
Display advertlshp 1 Inch single column I5c
per laso or $8.00 a year.
Local Notices" , Obituaries , l edge Jlosolutlon *
< * nd Socials for-ftevenne Oc per line per Isaue.
Jranda. JV < Inches $4.00 per year In advance
ddIUonw spa -13-OOper Inch peryeareuEravea
Waeka extra : 91 oo * ecn.
rartlei livinR outside Cherry nmtnotior
nonally known are requested to pay IP advau.-e
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 0
raoHtta in Arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
Mr. Bryan , who tried to trans
mute 50 cent's worth of silver into
a coin the value of a gold dollar ,
will doubtless be greatly interest
ed in the information given out by
Sir William Ramsey to the effect
that the transmutation of metals
is entirely possible , owing to the
discovery that a gaseous separa 1
tion from radium is really helium.
No doubt the Nebraska statesman
will take new courage and now
consent to run again on a helium
oasis , with a ratio to his liking.
If helium is to be the next issue
before the country , 'Rah for Bry
an ! Los Angeles Times.
It was not necessary that Mr.
Bryan wait for the information
given out by Sir William Ramsey.
If Mr. Bryan had needed "new
courage-he probably found it in
the linancial record of the republi
can administration.
For instance , on November 1 ,
1897 , there were in existence sil
ver dollars aggregating § 4:52,713 : ,
792. That was about eight months
after the republican party came
into power. On December 1 ,
1903 , the silver dollars aggregated
$554,739,235' . The difference is
It would seem therefore , that
the republican administration to
which Editor Otis of the Los An
geles Times points with pride , has
not only "tried if , " but has actu
ally succeeded in "transmuting 50
ceift's worths-silver into a coin
the value 'of a 'gold dollar , " in
102,025,443 instances.
Republican editors and republi
can politicians have so often talked
gbout 50 cent dollars that they
have entirely lost their bearings.
Several years ago the late Robert
G. Ingersoll delivered a lecture
in the city of Omaha and in his ef
fort to describe a miracle , said :
4Xow , if any one could make a
dollar out of 50 cents worth of
silver , that would be a miracle , "
and every gray haired atheist and
infidel on the front seat screamed
with delight , as though the great
orator had scored a mighty point.
But they all forgot that half an
hour before Colonel Ingersoll
made that statement , his agent in
the box office had been receiving
in exchange for tickets to the
Ingersoll lecture an enormous
amount of the "dollars of our daddies -
dies , " not one of which had in it
more than 50 cents worth of silver.
More Local.
' *
Corn 'Shelters , both hand and
power. '
47 LUDWIG LnmEn Co.
. .S. , L. Ellis of Simeon , and his
'brother-in-law Jas. l oian , of Sioux fc
conty-who is visiting with him/
were in-town last Friday.K
Repair that wall before winter ;
> m
Oysters and lunch at Bethel hair
by the Y's Friday night. Come. ]
The most complete line of lum
ber in the Northwest.
47 LtDWio LnmER Co.
A. W. Grooms called at our of
fice for a visit before returning to
his home Tuesday , after spending ta
the past two weeks attending court
as a.juror. et
Try our. Fiber , WalJPlaBter.
' *
. The town board ordered three to
more electric a e lights at their CO
meeting- Monday nigbk placed at j
CatherinVand jCberrj , Catherine' ' of
streets. - . . ' , &
- e
Just opened up a stock of
Dry Goods , Notions , Cloth
ing , Furnishing Goods.
Shoes and Flour.
door to Democrat oiiico.
Moline and Fuller & Johnson
Wagons at rock bottom prices.
47 * LtDwio LUMBER Co.
Oyster supper , given by the Y's
at Bethel hall Friday night 25c
Lunch 15c. Oysters and Lunch
Col. James was retired from
the 25 infantry last week and de .
parts Saturday for his old home in
Tenn. Col. Hoyt will be placed [
in commend of the 25th infantry.
Do not pump water by hand. Buy
the old reliable Eclipse Wind Mill.
M. Christenscn's one and a half
year old child fell oil'a chair
Wednesday evening and dis
located its neck. A doctor was
called immediately and after setting -
ting the neck straight put a plaster
paris cast around it to hold it until I
the muscles can bind it secure. It
is thought the child is doing nicely
and will recover.
The year old baby of Geo. A.
Chapman and wife died Wednes
day about two o'clock from stran
gulation. The child had been
suffering from sore throat ar.d
whooping cough and was sitting
on the floor when the mother heard
it choking and ran to it picking it
up gave it a teaspoonful of water ,
but all efforts to relieve the xlittle
one proved futile and it died in the
mother's arms shortly after. The
funeral was held this afternoon
( Thursday. ) The parents have
the sympathy of the entire com
A spelling contest last Friday
night in , the church was well at
tended. * Floyd Petty crew and
Miss Hobson were the captains
and the high school pupils were
divided between them. Misses
Gaskill and Collett competed for
honors in a speaking contest , all
of which was very good. Miss
Collett was said by the judges to
win in speaking , and the spelling
match was about a tie. The prac
tice in spelling as well as the study
the past six weeks for the occasion
has been quite beneficial to the
students. An admission fee of 15
and 25 cents was charged and the
money will be used for the library.
State vs ItbHfr. and Irving M.
Jones , obtaininglaSttey under false
pretense ; dismissea'tby Co. Atty.
State vs Tellies , shooting with
intent to kill ; jury failed to agree ,
then plead guilty and was sentenc
ed to 18 mos at hard labor , Sun
days excepted , and costs of prose
State vs Poole , shooting with in
tent to kill ; plead guilty , sentenced
to 18 raos in penitentiary.
State vs T J Nelson , action on
bond ; continued.
First Nation * ! Bank of Omaha
Dye , replevin ; verdict
or defendant.
: H 31 JHenley vs Caroline"IE
IVederick ShiekTrs 'Roy Ger
man etal , foreclosureconfirmed. ; .
F E Means vs A T White , act
ion on bond ; plainttff to give se
curity -for costs in 60 days.
J L Hibbs vs John Leslie etal ,
tax lien foreclosure ; confirmed.
Eobt. E Evans vs Clarr A With
al , petition ; confirmed.
In the matter of the application
Christian Shackleton , guardian
sell real estate , petition in equity ;
In the matter of'tli0 application 32
Clayton Smith , guardian to sell
* " T f
estate , petitiojr/ih equity ; con
firmed , ' '
Eliza B Terry vs Gee W Beam-
er and wf , forecloeure'continued. ;
J A Stce * & St'-es Cattle Co vs
D M Sears , replevin ; dismissed.
J A Stees & Stees Cattle Co vs
Ilaeber & Grange , A E Tennis ,
replevin ; dismissed.
Gee Monnier vs J C Nichols et
al , tax lien foreclosure ; defendants
defaulted , decree for plaintiff fo-
§ 14.55.
Samuel Parry vs E A Curyea
etal , tax lien foreclosure ; defend
ants defaulted , decree for plaintiff
for $6.59.
State vs Chas Dodson , horse
stealing ; plead guilty , confined at
State Industrial at Kearney. /
A D Mariord vs Lewis K Beld-
j j
ing , attachment ; court finds for
t' ' plaintiff § 209 , judgement on findi
ing , order for sale of attached
Andrew M 'Morrissey vs Cherry
county , appeal ; jury waived , judge
ment for plaintiff for § 250.
Andrew M. Morrissey vs Cher
ry county , appeal ; dismissed at
plaintiff's cost.
C S Reece vs C F Keeper , at-
' tachraent ; jury waived , trial to
court , court finds for plaintiff for
§ i70 , judgement on finding and
order for sale-of attached property ,
Julius Heckman vs Addie.L
Heckman divorce divorce
, ; absolute/ -
vorce granted and pltf to pay coasts.
Alice Metzgar vs 'Wm R Metz-
gar , divorre : defendant defaulted ,
decree of absolute divorce a ? prayj '
ed , plaintiff's maiden name retain
ed and custody given of minor'
children. ' ' ' ,
Edward Amiotte vs Elizabeth
Amiotte , divorce ; granted. ,
M Shoafe & C Harmon vs John
M Sales et al , foreclosure ; . decree
for plaintiff for1165.19 , mortgage'
debt first lien forclosure. . , '
Herman Russell vs B'F Anderson -
son , foreclosure ; defendant default
ed , verdict - for plaintiff , plaintiff {
to pay costs. . . v . , vvs
William Deering Co vs Casper
Zimmerman , appeal ; dismissedi
Fred H Robinson vs Wm O
Wilson , action to quiet title ; ver-
diet for plaintiff. '
Nelson S Rowley vs J R Waiv
lingford , creditor's bill ; continued.
In the matter of the application
of Inez A Petty crew to sell' real
estate , license to sell real es'tate
ordered , bond fixed at § 500. ' ,1
Benjamin Pearson vs George'O
Pearson , petition in equity ; Johnf
M Tucker appointed guardian'
litum for. miner ' children , verdict * ,
for plaintiff , guardian ad litjum i '
allowed § 10 to be taxed as costs , i _ |
plaintiff to pay costs. .
J ! :
Jas Gr Wilson vs Nina V Wilson
et al , petition in equity ; continu-
ed. . | iT |
Willis Ashby vs Yearnshawr & tl
Hull , action for damage ; verfiicfc a
for defendants. ' ti
Ludwig Bock vs wm and '
nie Palmer , equity ; se.tled and s1
dismissed at plaintiff's costs. !
Ludwig Bock vs wm Palmer ,
equity ; decree for defendants ,
plaintiff's petition dismissed.
Samuel E Howe vs Michael P
Jordan , action-on sdamage ; co'iltim
Jser as
; defendal
, defeulted , decree ' for , ;
Iff ior § 5.17.
* \V
Real tstate Transfers &
U * to la i belle Burr , pat swaw 24 ,
nnw n vne 25 28 36
27 37 be
Frank \V Logsdon and wf to Sher
man Weight , wd 82000 nene 33 , nnw a
sen v 34 27 37 - / v
Lillian M Efner to Brownell , as-
8300 sne nwne 15 , SWHW 14.-31 28
U s to Robert .1 Weatover , pat Bf
23 38
-U S to-Wm Ballard pat eeae lot8-8'lJ
sec 13 lot 1 . 2f 2958- . of
WmN Ballartf andwf % Wm ( ?
RaUard , w d 8600 a hove latid
Francis -Reeae and wf to F. ivt.
Walcott. ic d $600 | . s 5-6 npv mse
25 33 29 <
OrviMo.r to 'Vm G Ballnrd ,
urn -5600 n. 30.nw.9 30 29
C H Eatinjrer. Sr and wf to C'oas
IIEa.tini er , Jr. , w d 8500 nesw wse se j
se 25 26 29 other land '
Harper Rend and wf to Wra Nemoth
w d $600 nsw nwse swne 24 55 27
Cornell"Townsite & Land Co'to Ida
A Hol claw , w dS125 lots 15 16 hlk 3
H & ( ' H Cornell ad to Valentine.
U S to Erba Stratton. pat lot 4 sec
lotl sec 3 34 wsw 35 35 40
: U S to Otto-G M Pfeiffer , pat nne
Bwne senw 10 34 40
" , U S to Heirs of Ptra Olson pat wne
wse 24 34 40
, . U S to Oeo M Owens , R R $200 ane
snw IT 27 31
Louis Olson stal to Frank Bresee ,
w d $225 wne wse 24 3/1 40
Gee M Owens to Standard Cattle Cd
w d 8500 sne snw 17 27 31
E izaorth and Vjchael Fitzgerald
to Henry VonSeggvrn , w d $750 lots
3-4 snw 2 , sw 2 34 29
An OM Timer Gone.
Kansas City , Mo. , Dec. 6.
Martin Rice , "the Bard of Lone
, Jack , " died yesterday morning at
his home in Lone Jack , this coun
ty. He celebrated his 89th birth
day on November 22 and had lived
in , this state seventy-one years.
/ Mr. Rice was born inTennessee. .
He came to Missouri when IS years
old and took up his home near
where he died. He voted for Ab
raham Lincoln , his vote being'it
is j said , the only one cast for the
emancipator in that part'of the
county. Sines 1S35 he voted at
every presidential election. Mr.
Rice's first book was entitled ,
"Rural Rhymes and Talks and
Tales of Olden Times. ' ' World-
Uurl < Martin Ilic nr.
Uncle Martin Rice , of Lone
Jack , Mo. , died at his home last
Saturday morning * , Dec. 5 , 1903.
In last weeks paper we1 gave an
accourit of his last birthday party
of November 22 , in which 30 of
his old comrades participated. His
life I : has made the world better for
his having lived. He was a con
sistent Christian , a member of the
Baptist church for 62 years. He
was born in what is ndw Union
county , then a part of Campbell ,
in East Tenn , 30 miles north of
Knoxville near the present Lost
Creek postoffice , on November 22 ,
ISli , and was 89 years and 13 days
old at the time of his death. His
father was a poor , man thotfgh
fairly well educated and encour
aged his son Martin * in his studies.
Though his schooling Was liniited ,
he studied at home and m&ify a
"Sunday and rainy day while ? other
boys were at play , he spdn his
time at his books or writing his
thoughts both in prose , and in
rhyme. ; His studies' continued and
though he never1 attended school
after he was fourteen his educa
tion was superior to most college
professors in every branch of
study , though his preference was
manifestedior mathematics with its
subdivisions and a thorough mas
tery of the English grammar.
The world will remember him
for his works of a literary nature
and his poems and writing will be
found in every public library.
His Telatrees illrrcmeinber him
nncle Marfan ood.und1dnd ,
always thoughtful jof the troubles
and trials of the afflicted.
As the .grand old man ceases to
\ one of us let us Jiope that his
watchful care and thoughtfulness
for us will be increased in that
.greater beyond and that we as he
may be of some use in this busy
world. Pleasant memories of this
departed one will linger with us
and his verses and works will ever
cherished by those who knew
him best. To his relatives at homo
family tie is broken. There , no
longer will be heard the faltering
footsteps of the old man , grown
feeble with years of toil and sorrow
row , but cherished beyond meas
in the homo of his oldest
daughter , who now is nearly 70 Ci
age her family grown up and yo
.IP. E. Pepper W II. A- ! m\.r < lilt )
Alt iliu s ; mdiii'i I 'M > * ! \ ! il-\u ! , i
. imported Wines , GoidonV * Dry Gin , and Uguis
of the choicest brands. Blue Ribbon Bottled LJcer
; i speciality. : : : ' :
Oakland Unnters Rve P ltic Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey
THE OWL S Proprietor-
9 9 Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEEP
Choicest Wines and Cigars.
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Rarn
Your Patronage Solicited.
: ffafctcc : § afooti
. (1 .
Valentine - - Nebraska
IA 2 ' - Minimum. of Friction Gives the
Maximum of Life
. . . . TO THE .
Smith Premier
Typ e writer
Bearing Carriage. Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Shaft to Convey
" 'o/er from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no other Machine.
. . . * : : [ Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : : Beautiful Catalogue Free.
Premier Type-writer Company.
Oor * . 17"i h an < l JTar-i
Tracewell & Bonser
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable
We iiave g me to consi lerableexpene - - af rebuilding and en
larging our barn to inale room for hay and grain and-to accommodate
people who drive in ami want th < ir teams r k 'ii care of while in town.
Wt $ are now prep -ed to do this and have plenty of Hay and Grain
and lots of stable -00111 We have new rigs arid good horses. Horses
for sale Baled Iay always on hand'
.25 CENTS.
. . . .
Weekly State Journal
The Weekly Journal has no equal in the West as a
reliable newspaper.
Telegraphic news of the world
and Nebraska in particular. . . , ,
Send 25 cents in stamps and try it for one year , 52 issues.
Weekly State Journal
Wo have LOTS of Milk and-
ream. Best quality. Lot us sell
D. CIPHERS , Prop.
- Orders , taken .for Beady-Made
Tailor SIdrtB at reasonabje pricis.