Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 03, 1903, Image 7
GRAlEfUL , HAPPY WOMEN Miss Muriel Armltage. Female Weakness Is Pel vie Catarrh. Always Half Sick are the Women Who Have Pelvic Catarrh. Catarrh of any organ , if allowed to progress , Avill affect the whole body. Catarrh without nervousness is very rare , but pelvic catarrh and nervousness 0 hand in hand. What is so distressing a sight as a poor faalf-sick , nervous Avoman , suffering from the many almost unbearable symp tom of pelvic catnrrh ? She does not consider herself ill enough to go to bed. lint she is far from being able to do her intt coiton crop of Alabama , Ar kansas and South Carolina is al out a,000,000 bales , worth $50 each. Gci-igia and Mississippi produce 3,400,0000 bales and Texas 2.400,000 bales. More lhi' ) half of the cotton 1s now produced west of the Miss issippi river. In one of the congressional dis tricts under the new apportionment 1n Texas there are tifty-five counties. The entire vote of the district , how ever , is only 22 000. HoJher Gray's Su-eet Powders for Chil dren. BucceFFfuUy used by Mother Gray , nurse In ith" rhildn ii's H > in In New Vor . cure on- tetipHtiO't. Feve Mines * . Had toraach , Tee'h- Sng his-rder . mo\e and regulate tlip Rowels find De trov Worms Over SO 000 testimonials A tall dniKsisc. 2TC. ample FUEE. Address A. , a. OlmEted , LeKoy , N. Y. AVERAGE MURDER TRIAL. JFriend "You don't expect to get fiat murderer off , do you ? " Great Lawyer "Certainly. " "Why , sir , fhe evidence ajrainst Lim is complete. lie has been a thief and t iujr 11 his life , and In fact , is notorious as the worst man in the city. " "That's it that's it. His record is so bad that I can easily prove him Put Up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mnstard or anj oLher plnrter , and " 111 not blibtor the most delicate kln. The pain allaying end camtivo qualities of this rticletire wonderful. It Trill stop the toothache at once , and relieve headache and Mystics. We recommend it as the best and safest external 1 counter-irritftnt known , nlao as an external remedy for tpnlna in the chert and ttomach and all rheumatic , lueurnlcicnnd goaty complaint * . A trial will prove wlmt we claim for it , and it will b found to be invaluable in the household. Many people tay "It is the best of all your preparationc. " Price 15 cents , nt all drugcjisn ? , or other dealers , orb ; ending this amount to as in postage stamps , we will end yon n t ibe by mail. No article should boccc pteJ by + .he public unless tins tame carries oar label , as otherwise it is not genuine. 'CHESEBROUGH MANUf ACTURING CO 17 State Street , New York City. The opinion that commands respect is the one that can be backed up with a check. Mrs.Winelow's SOOTHING SYRUP for ehil idrpn teethinjrsoftens the eurns , reduces inila- inatlon , allays , pain rnres colic , i'uce 25c bottle The place you get married in is called the altar because it is where the sacrifice begins. Man's recupertive power after an injury is in an inverse ratio to his isocial advancement. Piso's Cure for Consumption promptly relieves my little 5-year-old sister of 'croup. Miss L. A. 1'earce , 23 rilling street , Brooklyn , N. Y. , Oct. 2 , 1 J01. The lower classes are the ones that everybody thinks he is neb in. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color more goods , brighter colors , with less work than others Germany sells the United States neaily 88,000,000 worth of beet sugar a year. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. tturf&aaa CURES WHEKE All EISE FAILS. Beet Cough Syrup. Taste * Good. Ufa In time. Sold by druacliti. N. N. U. 8OO - 49. YORK NEBR Thank Pe-ru-na for Their Recovery After Years of Suffering. Miss Mnriel Armit.iRC , SO Green wood Ave. , Detroit , Mich. , District Organizer of the Royal Templars of Temperance , in a recent letter , says : "i think that a woman naturally shrinks from making her troubles public , but restored health has meant so much to me that 1 feel for the sake of other suffering women it is my duty to tell what Peruna has done for me. "I suffered for five years with uterine irregularities , which brought on hysteria and made me a physical wreck. I tried doctors from the dif ferent schools of medicine , but with out any perceptible change in my condition. In my derpair I called on an old nurse , who advised me to try Peruna. and promised good results if I would persist and take it regularly. I thought this was the least I could do and procured a bottle. I knew as soon as I began taking it that it was affecting me differently from any thing I had used before , and so I kept on taking it. I kept this up for six months , and steadily gained strength and health , and when I had used fifteen bottles I considered myself entirely cured. I am a grateful , happy woman today.Miss Muriel Arinitage. Peruna cxrrfes catarrh of the pelvic organs with the same surety as it cures catarrh of the head. Peruna has become renowned as a positive cure for female ailments simply be cause the ailments are mostly due to catarrh. Catarrh is the cause of the trouble. Peruna cures the ca tarrh. The sj'mptoms disappear. work without the greatest exhaustion. This is a very common sight and is almost always due to pelvic catarrh. It is worse than foolish for so many ) women to suffer year after year with ai disease that can be permanently cured. Peruna cures catarrh permanently. It cures old chronic cases as well as a slight attack , the only difference being in the length of time that it should be taken to effect a cure. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Penma , write at once to Dr. Ilartiiian , giving a full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. < Address Dr. Jlartman , President of The Ilartman Sanitarium , Columbus , Ohio. By the terms of tne new license law of New Hampshire licensed sa- IOJHS are forbidden to sell intoxi cating liquors on Sundays , election day and public holidaysbut licensedi hotels are exempted from tnis re- > strictioo. Although the sea covers three- fourths of the earth's surface it does : notpiovidcin the same proportion for mjn's ; wants. Only about ; 3 per cent of the people in the world gain their living directly from the sea. SELECTED PLEASANTRIES. His Changed Name Naggsby "I understand that Sir Thomas used to rail Capt. Wrince 'Sinbad the- Sailor , ' just for a joke. " Waggsby "Yes , and since bis re cent experience he has probably changed it to 'Sailbad the Sinner. ' " Baltimore A erican A Conundrum Answered. She "Why sh' < uld the average wcman laid people to believe she's yuunger than really is ? " He "She don't. She meiely tries to. " Philadelphia Ledger. A Confiscated Chicken. "I see you have chicken for dinner. " "Yessuh , " said Mr. Erastus Pink- ley. ley."I "I hope you bought the chicken. " "Well , no ; but the transactions were strictly regular. Dab chicken has been roosting on my fence for months without payio' nuffin,5 and I reckoned it were 'bout time to fohclose. " Washington Star. STUDY IN PSYCHOLOGY. Mrs. Bloom " 'Did you ever notice how hard it is to keep from laughing on solemn occasions ? " Bachelor Bounce "Once. " "I thought likely. Nearly every one has such experiences. Tell me about yours. " "It was the day I was told that the baby next door was dead. " The Cnrean governmrnt has order ed that all Coreans , without reearrt to rank or class , should not weai clothes except of a blue or daiij cjlor. "JUST RUN ACROSS. " Sonic People Ara I/ncky. Some people make an intelligent study of food and get on the right tiack ( pure food ) , others are . luckj enough to stumble upon the right wa3 out of the difficulty just as a Philadel phia young woman did. She says : "I had suffered terriblj from nervous Indigestion , everything seemed to disagree with me and I "was on the point of starvation when one day I happened to run acr ss a demon stration of Postum Food Coffee at one of the big stores here. "I took a sample home and a sample of Grape Nuts as well and there tried them again and found they agreed with me perfectly. For months I made them my main diet , and as the result [ am restored to my former perfect health and can eat everything Iwant to. "When I spoke to my physician about Grape Nuts he said , 'It is a most excellent food. ' " Name given , bj Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. There's a reason. Look for the famous little book , "Tin Road to Wellville , " in every package of both Postum and Grape Nuts. To bu < jar Cure I'ork. Hogs of 200 to 250 pounds weight ire best for family UFG In dressing a hog It should be so hung that it can be split down the back , and the sides allowed to separate , the head being cut off. The leaf and some other sur plus fat should be removed at This allows the meat to cool thorough ly , and it Is in good shape to handle. The meat bairel should be kept in a cool place without freezing. A good tvay to keep the hams and shoulders after being cured is to slice and fry ana pack in jars , covering with hot lard. Fresh pork may be kept this way in hot weather , but it must be thoroughly cooked. While the cured meat requires much less cooking to preserve it. Allow the hog to thoroughly cool be fore cutting , carefully trim hams and shoulders and split the sides in two lengthwise. Sprinkle bottom of bar rel with fine salt , and rub each piece Df meat with salt. Pack in barrel with hams on the bottom , shoulders next and sides on top. After three days cover the meat with brine made as follows : Water , S gallons ; salt. 12 pounds ; sugar , 3 pounds ; saltpeter , 3 ounces ; concentrated lye , 3 teaspoons. Boil all together and skim. After coolIng - Ing , pour over the meat. Leave in brine from four to six weeks , then smoke as desired. The bilne should be strong enough to bear up an egg. Philadelphia Record. Rain and Snn Proof Coop. I have a chicken coop which I think suits me better than any other I have tried before. This coop is made out of cheap lumber. The bottom is hing.d MR. BECRAJTTS COOP. at the back to the upper part. At the front I drive two staples to fasten the coop down so as it can be moved about. The upper part conies down over the floor all the way so that you can put a nail through the staple The shade in the front is to keep the sun and rain out. These coops are very easy to clean. .7. C. Recraft in Poultry Keeper. Care of Winter Apj > le > . Gathering mid. storing Avinter apples is an important duty that must be at tended to before the heavy fro--ts begin in the fall. Apples that aie to be ko..t over winter should be cart-fully picked and placed in IwirreK After picking they should be left in the open air for some time , as this tends to thoroughly ripen them. They also pass through a sweat at first , and it is much better if they can be left exposed so that all fnir- face moisture is evaporated. Fruit should be placed in a cool , dark cellar. In some instances where there are a few barrels of specially good apples the practice is adopted of wrapping the apples in paper. This prevents them from coming in contact with one another and will msure their keeping- It usually pays to pick over apples two or three times during the winter , so that those showing signs of decay may be discarded. Windfalls should never be placed among apples that are hand- picked. A plentiful supply of apples to be nsed in the family during the winter will contribute much to the general healthfulness of every member of the family. Iowa Homestead. A Primitive Threahiiijr Machine. A common sight in the agricultural districts of Hungary is two women treading out grain by means of a beam. The woman seated on the ground takes a bundle of grain and puts it under one end of the beam. When the grain is is place the woman leaning on the pole for support takes a step backward which has the effect of raising the broad , flat end of the beam , and making the other end fall in a hole made for that purpose. Then a quick step forward , with some little pressure , brings the thick end of the beam down on the wheat and flattens It out so effectually as to separate the grain from the husks. Dairy Farm Side Lines. Along with dairy farming naturally goes the ponltry business. And a nice , clean , profitable business it is , too. Sere is a fine field for the women folks. They naturally take more pride In the chickens than the man d es , al though now and then we do find men who enter heart and soul into the keep ing of poultry. There is always a good ieal of skimmed milk on the dairy farm which would be apt to go to waste were it not for the hens. They ire the greatest of scavengers. Every Irop of the sour and skimmed mflk is ajdelicious morsel for the hen , and sine will turn it to good account , too. Pork also adds its mite , and it is not a small mite , either , to the revenues of the up-to-date dairy farm. During the last few years pork has sold at splendid figures. For the money It brings in , pork involves perhaps as little labor as anything about the farm. Here , too , is a place where one must be in love with his business. That Is the only key to success. Beardless Wheat. Those who have had the most ex perience in combating the hessian tiy are the strongest believers hi the late sowing o f wheat \ \ , wherever it can be done. Some varieties are better for late towing than others , and the two shown in the illustration seem to be especially snit- ed f r late sowing. The center head of the illustration shows a beardless sort known as the Claw on Longberry. The variety is a strong BEAKB OB HEAT. grower and stools prolltically , the stra\\ being strong and wiry. The heads ar < full and long and wide. The chaff , which is broAvn , is free from beards. The grain , which is of true Long- beri-y type , is dark amber in color , large and lei g and of the finest qual ity. The other heads shown are of the bearded sort. Sheaf Longberry Red , and claimed to be the most per feet Longberry read wheat grown. II is one of the hardiest varieties , a strong , healthy grower , and especially desirable for late sowing. The straw is strong , though only medium tall The chaff is thin and of a peanj white. The grain is dark and flinty , and nearly as large as rye kernels. This variety is much prized as a fancj milling sort. Indianapolis News. The Farm and the Man. How any farm should be crnpppo depends upon where the farm is , its character and location. Some farms are by nature pasture farms , becatso they are not adapted to cultivation ; other farms invite tillage. Size , too , is a controlling factor. A crop rota tion and schedule of farm work thai is admirable for fifty acres may be wholly impracticable for five hundred or a thousand. The ambition to own and cultivate broad acres is an Ameri can disease. This disease is not so much a desire to add to worldly pos sessions as it is for a gratification o ] the ownership of dominion ; when an alyzed it will be found to be a feature of man's kinship Avith nature. Another arid the most important fac tor of a 11 * is the man himself. The man makes the farm good or bad , as he makes everything else that comes under his control The experience ol one farmer is invaluable to another , but each farm is nevertheless a-separ ate and local problem which the farm er must think out and work out him self. Pe'-cin Ducks Are Popular. The Pekins are the most popular ano probably the most profitable of alj breeds of ducks. They reach heavj > < * [ > 5 -J J IP ' ' , _ . . ; 0 > ji - v s -.wfrssaa . * ' * : * * as&if . * % . * < 42fe m -air * > > TAIU OP rEKlTJ DUCKS. weights at an early age , lay a larg number of eggs which hatch well , and produce strong , hardy ducklings. Thej are pure Avhite in color with bill and logs. As a farmyard fowl they arc somewhat noisier than som other breeds. Farm and Home. Farm Notes. The horse has a tail that should nev er be clocked. The lightning rod ped dler and the cloth peddler haye.tala that should be completely anof effectu ally docked. The cow that gets fat is never tht best oue for the dairyman. The good dairy cow Las a good appetite and eaU heavily , but her feed goes to milk ricl in butter fat instead of to the makln $ of flesh. The Keifer pear is one of the best varieties for canning , and is also nardj and a strong grower , but the supposi tlon that it is free from attacks ol blight is not corroborated by growers There is no blight-proof pear. It is the seed that mostly exhaust * the land of plant food. A grass croj that is allowed to produce seed. take more from the soil in mineral mattei than two crops cut for hay while th < grass is young. If a garden is made on sandy soil , especially in a \tion ; whore nearly all tlie soil is sandr the use of air-slacked lime will be found very beneficial , at such soils are deficient In lime. Gat lime will not serve as a substitute foi stone lime , but shell lime is excellent however , though the use of stone linw should be preferred. The cost is compared with the benefits derived. 'Miss ' Whittaker , a prominent club woman of Savannah , Ga. , tells how she was entirely cured of ovarian troubles by the use of Lydia E , Pmkham's Vegetable Compound " DEAR MES. PINKHAM : I heartily recommend Lydia E. Pinkliam't vegetable Compound as a Uterine Tonic and Regulator. I suffered for four years with irregularities and Uterine troubles. No one "but thoso. wh > have experienced this dreadful agony can form any idea of the physical and . mental misery those endure who are thus afflicted. Your Vegetable Com pound cured me within three months. I was fully restored to health and strength , and now my periods are regular and painless. What a "blessing it is to be able to obtain such a remedy when so manv doctors fail to help JOB. . -Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound fs better than any doctor or medicine I ever had. Very truly yours , Miss EASV WIIITTAKEK , G04 39th St. W. Savannah , Ga. " physician in the world lias had such a training- such I famUy physician. Any woman , therefore , is responsible"for'her ' own trouble who will nofc take the pains to write to Mrs. Pinkbom tor advice. Her address is Lynn , Muss. , and her advice is free , A letter from another woman showing what was accomplished in her case by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " DEAR MRS. PTNKHAM : I am BO grateful i to you for the help Lydia E. Pinkbam'g ! Vegetable Compound has given me that 1 deem it but a small return to write yo 3zt ' expression of my experience. " Many years suffering "with weakness inflammation , and a broken down system * ' made me more anxious to die than live , linfc Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com * ' pound soon restored my lost strength. Taking the medicine only tw.o weeks pro- ' dueed a radical change , and two months re stored me to perfect health. I am now & ' changed woman , and my friends wonder at the change , it is so marvellous. Sincerely yours , JMiss MATTIE HENRY , 429 Green St , Danville , Va. " The testimonials which we are constantly publishing from grateful women prove beyond a doubt the power of I ydia E.Pini- hain's Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases. FO R FEIT 'f we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and Hlgnatnres < abore testimonials , which will prove their absolute genuineness. JLydia 12. Pinkha n "Ue ? , Co. , Lynn , Masx. u..d pou come with } 0jr lawsuit ? * ' "I won it. " "Get damages ? " "Sure. 1 gc.t almost enough to pay my lawyer. " Cleveland 1'Jain Dealer. Aspersing Jones' Note. " ! say , Jones"said Smith , what did you give for that horse ? " "My note"replied Jones. "Well , " lejoined Smith , "you cer tainly got a bargain. " Chicago Daily News. A woman can even take prJde in th2 size of her doctor bill. SOMETHING NEW Human Hair Chain MaMns taught by mail Easily ind quickly learned b > our new nrotess. Any penile- man or lady can do wrll making waU-h chains , brace lets brooche ? pen lioiilerti , etc from human hair or * ilk threnl The 1 < s o > .s v ill l > f cnt to any aiMro. or only SC CM ) Address all orders to t M LONG rt-fk Ind. The best holiday sifts are nccfiil gift * , and one of the-most useful is the Jfew and Enlarged Edition of WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY of English , Biography , Geography , Fiction , Etc. Useful. Reliable. Attractive. Lasting1. The Nevr Edition Has 25,000 New "Words New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary 23SO Page * . 6000 Illustrations. Rich Bindings- Why Not Give Some One This Useful Present ? FREE " A Test in Pronunciation. " Inztractue and entertaimntr for the whole fain 1)7. Illustrated pamphlet also free. Q. & C. MERRIAM CO. , Publishers , Springfield , Mass. , U. S , A. Fish me louad i t bi i. g of Am.iiitan in Guternala. Live n' ee i in the hot springs at and Ilumboldt saw Jiving thrown up by a "volcano in Suu& ? AmericJ. Within three years the United States army and militia will be arm ed with the new Springfield maga zine rifle. The hundreds of thou sands of Krag-Jorensen guns on L will eventually have to be brofce # valueless. Then why not keep Invtew the fact that farming lands are sufficient to sapport t population of 50.000,000 or eves ? The immigration to Westers Canada dunng the past cit years has been phenomenal taesieaci lam easfly necessitate , and other lands may be purchased froze Railway and Land Companies. Western Canada's grain lasdr produce marvellons crops.-wfafie the grazing : lands contain aC the nutritive qualities for fat tening cattle and other stocfc , mark eta i School * , ItiiHw je and nil other condition mutce YVe tern C'nnacJa m. Ue lruble iipot for the seeker. Write to the Immiirratlon , Ottawa , for a scriptive Atlas , and other infot mation ; or to the anthctiz 1 W. V Bennrti. fcCl ? Jew York Uffe Bldg. . Sale 10,000,000 Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE lOc. 25s , SOc. BEST FOR THE BOWELS