WtEHTlhE EM < HKA tDITOR 'MM , } } > * ' ' r - t MI'K- * . ttuierwiatltjel'oatroniceat VaientiUf. " . . counw. Niil J ( i SAGE OF LONE JACK" EIGHTY-NINTH BIRTHDAY OF V" MARTIN RICE CELEBRATED. One of the Oldest Living Pioneers in Cass County Many Old Timers Present An Au = thor of Some Note. r Martin Rice , author of "Rural Rhymes and Talks and Tales of Olden Times , " familiarly called ' the "Sage of Lone Jack , " Mo. , ' celebrated his eighty-ninthbirthday - at his home in Cass county , Mo. surrounded by friends and rela tives on Nov. 22. Ric is the old est living pioneer of Cass county , having come to Missouri and set tled at Lone Jack in 1832. He was born in Tennessee in November , ISM , and since that time he has seen 8 generations of his own kin grow up and pass away , some of them , while he still lives in peace and happiness , enjoying the com panionship of his younger com rades , though some are gray hair ed with age , who constantly sur round him. At his 89th birthday a few days ago there were seated at the table 15 friends and relatives of the kind old man who ranged in age from 60 to 85 years. J. M , Tate , the first grandchild of Martin Rice , was at the birth day'anniversary and gives the fol- lowipg story and reminiscences of RiceJs life : November 22 , 1903. "The "sage" of Lone Jack , the poet laureate , Martin Rice , passed his 89th mile post of life and is K. now enjoying the sunrise of his 90th : t W- . - - fr * 'tfear , ' while-he tremblingly rests on his-cane and watches patiently , trustingly arid prayerfully the eve ning sunset of his eventful life. This wonderful and useful life began - gan its journey in Union county , Tenn' , Nov. 22,1814 , passing IS milestones there ; then journeyed westware ( o Mo. arid passed the remainder of its year marks on , or near , the home where its mortal tabernacle is now slowly crumb ling , weakening and waiting for its eventful fall , which will probably take' place before another birthday snail occur. This S9th mile post was pleasantly passed last Sunday in the , home of the "hero" of this sketch , with several old friends and # ' few kin. The day was all that one could wish for beauty , pleasantness and good cheer. -While "Uncle Martin , " as the poet is familiritfty called , is subject to sudden attacks of sickness and pain , he was spared this suffering that he might enjoy the company of His kind friends and the feast of , good things which they spread be fore him. Among these guests were two of his daughters , Mrs. "Mary Butler and Mrs. Nancy Mitchell , oiieson , A. B. Rice , their ages respectively , being 63 , 56 and a4. A number of those present and their ages as follows : James \VUsoq , & & ; Wesley Yankee , 81 ; Yankee , 79 ; Alvis Pow- | ; Stfllie Yankee , 77 ; Rebecca Jackson , 77 ; Noah Hunt , 73 ; Mollie - lie # untf 72 ; Mose Ferguson , 72 ; Jacpfo Bennett , 70 ; Alex Jackson , (3ft ( ; 'Cqrnelia Rawson , 65 ; Jonath- enjtjayden , 6i ; Julia Rice , 62 ; Mary Ferguson , 61. The entire gather IS * ing Cumbered 30. A coincidence . . 'p. yjf tjis ( gathering may be worthy of : 'pqto at this juncture. Four of tis.'concourse | had met 70 years Rrqr at the first Baptist Associa- tiqn held in Jackson county , viz : IVJartin Rice , James Wilson , Alvis Powell and Rebecca Jackson. This association was held with the Sal- en ; Baptist church , east of Inde- s , before the Blue River was organized. An- . oi .IM ; historical fuel , Mrs. Ork'.ina Yankee , another of our .subject'- bo&ored guots , is tlic ouly living in the township now that was living in it when "Uncle" Martin came here in 1833 , and has lived continuously 71 years within one mil < of the same place and are now neighbors and in sight of each other's home. Uncle Mose Ferguson - uson , another guest , claims that he I was the first white male child born ' in Johnson county , and the first . white child was a cousin to our honored host , daughter of Pleas- , Rice , living- then near Columbus. I Speaking of cousins calls up an other incident connected with the memorable birthday anniversary. A cousin of Mr. Rice's was pres ent , the oldest one now living as far as known , the time honored and esteemed citizen , Alvis Pow ell , who is well known in the coun ty and a nephew of Elder Joab Powell. " The idiiin. shnnle preacher , the good , ( honest preacher. The old-fashioned preacher of long time ago. " The above quotation is from one of the poems written by the host in 1875 and is found in the auth or's well known book of poems , entitled "Rural Rhymes and Talks and Tales of Olden Times. " The home in which "UncV Martin received his worthy guests and was so royally entertained by them is where he has lived since 1856 , his wife dying in December 1855 in cass county , where the.v had lived since 1836. It can be said of him that he is the oldest living pioneer of that county , and its first county surveyor , taught one of the first public schools in VanBuren township , then a part of cass county ; helped in the culti vation of about the first apple tree stock in said township. The writer of this article is his first grandchild , now 45 years old , son of his first child , daugher by his first and only marriage. Grand father is also the first child of his father's family and the only one living of 8 children ; and his father the first of his grandfather's fam ily. ily.This This grand old man has"seen 8 generations. , p his--own kin : His great-grandfather in the morning of life , his own children at the noontide and his great-great grandchild in the evening. It is to be hoped that he may spend several more such days with us as he did last Sunday. But to hope thus , when we look upon his white locks , furrowed cheeks , bent form and faltering steps , it is to hope against fate. To say that he ap preciated everyone present and en joyed their hospitality , would but feebly express his gratitude to ward them and to his God , whom he has so faithfully served more than 60 years in the Baptist church having been baptized into its fel lowship by Rev. William Owsley in 1841 at Pleasant Garden church uniting with the Lone JacK Bap tist church in 1844. ml now while 'he ev iii.ig sh < tdw - | r ngilu- ml tin ; uiylit of tli'at' tlmwnijjh. . hi > host iid ywst he ever mriiKtbin d For t" ( rials ouminjj tty and i > y J. M. TATE. In Kansas City Journal. Real tstate Transfers Wui L Eanc ck and wf to D A Bu\ \ cocK. w d $ o,000 rtivnw nsw 27 30 28 Com Gen Li'e In ? . Co to.Jauje-E ' 't\cre-\ ' . - - \ il $150n \ nsw 20 : Jo 27 din.Ttn Lite ins ' < i' E - Uiuiuiruatri , rci suw nsw 20 357 id. , 1' Dtviso vV doriew ii $2i i- i ? 14-15 OIK 34 " . O'jil si V Wast ami wf toS E uti , vd 3140 t4lo > 17 IS OIK 42 * L U rt to Aln.jrt Zla.binjjer , pat awne ties * wje30 29 27 J A asti fclone. } and wf to .lot ? D.tvid & . o , wd $250 lraction.il lots 14-15 OIK 34 wood lake. Pioneer Townsite Co to Cbaeles W Maxwell. d $105 lot 2 blk 17 Valen. vVcn vj a v bee- and vf toease vV anil Daniel L Garner , wd $3500 sue 4 lots 1-2 see 4w 3 33 35 1 'A'alcott to Anna Shauyn , ui'iryi n-i 1 : 16 b'k-1 Valentine E F Swrnevto . Ge rj > e lot 5 in 29. lots 5-6 swse 30 30 28 U S HI John Rilev , H R lot 1 s c 5 , lei 2-34ficc 4 25 40 - . - . ' , . U 't s : i . - . R R * 2f > A , , < ; . , -v i-e.-i aWri' * ± _ x/ ? 5o diEferent games all new one in each package of Lion Coffee at your Grocer's. Rraltv To , v d value recd lot 22 blk 5 Valentine. John Riley to Richards & Cair.ne's Co , w d 8500 lot 1 in 5 lots 2-3-4 sec-4 56 40 lames B Hull and wf to Archibald Thompson , w d 8500 nnw 28 , sesw swse 21 32 28 \1rrchnnfs & Farmfrs Rank to Hi o HrckH. rel n w gwnw 14 32 36 - Q S to EIenrM Doujjert pat hene 24 29 28 ; / L N Lavport to and wf to John -D Kime , w d $1000 se 14 29 33 ; Hans Pedersen to I/has H Becllman svd 81500 P * 21 32 29 David A Hancock and wf.to Efenr\ L. Brown , w d $350 sne senw mvsw,35 3425 c.Jhas H Heryford to John I ) Kime , Ad $300 < ne 14 29 33 In * z ' - ' Smit n to John I ) Kime. w d. $400 swserfw 24 29 33 P'orence E Hainar to John D Kime , w d 8400 st18 29 32 A 1 Morrisst'y to D Hanna , v d 81 24 29 28 Harrvi Dougherty and wf to A . < > rrisesse nrsr sesw 24 7 19 in Sur icco county N. M L N La\port , sheriff , to Frederick Shiek , s d 81000 wse swne sen v 15 25'B business N oticeb. i r N utnler ih's ' lir > tliii 5 cent.nt | ti'h insfrtldii. Anioiif , n-udiiiK niHttfr. l'u vin r Mnf cHKti insert tou lh oi neavnarowart .m ; . . mi ivooii Mtock at It' . ' lircuklandei Good fresh Meat and Lard at 8 tetters Meat Market. 2b' 1 am now iead > to take orders for iirie Knit Underwear for ladies and and children. MRS. ELMOEE. 36 LOST ! One brown yearling horse colt randed , fig i < > n left hip. 12 I ) . STINARD , Valentine , .Nebr. Genuine home made Lard at the new Butcher Shop. 26 For all kinds of Undertaking Goods and Undertaking work call MM the Red Front Merc Co. 27 Rooms furnished for rent by the month , or beds by the night. North of depot on Cherry street. 44 i MRS. M. HOFFMAN. > GH FOR -AL'r 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay can be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. AI- , so open water on a part.of the range the year round. § 4,000 will buy it. Call at this office or write 1. M. RICK ; Valentine , Nebr. ci\ : - : . : . : i .t or. , .r.ii nothing except runil > L. < 1:3 : " 'r'morbid condition..si. tiu . .1. . i.ijr.x I ress. They remind out very sirlJnjjly of the old lady who. when sjhe was asked how she felt , re plied that she felt better , but tha' when she felt better she always fell worse , as she knew if she felt beKni she was going to have a worse spell It Would So < rn Jkj. Fair Niece Wliy do you object ta toots so strenuously. Xfocle Ton ? IFScle Tbni Because-wl ) Dtwo people ple attack one inoffensive "piece .of music simultaneously it's taking an JJU- "The w : ! ; oou.e * ehsniers p-.y n ? : sfiill ; bills in ec .Iu- : . for \\v. \ o . mr : t iuko other iiicu as t.'v'd as it wearies me * . " remarked : uiwarring bnsiijos ; ? man to another ' - , " .r. ; ! . : : l-"i . ft * " - uptown r"-- str.p tlo : o : . . > < : : ii. i nvos ! : s- n tc-u a tl'.uiigu ho wj.v . ' . . of molnsscaiiiJy ever . - > . lj- . hit ii ; ( let go. "It d ) t s. " : u-tjnicsced hjs fri .Mii { . lull pyi.cc ! to bo n Unit.'d Sts : I.-- my c' ; ; f"t. "The way -some . -.si , t-rs jerk , simp :5i l pull at bills ; is uu-y j-v : them otil is ull rly : il > < iu' l. Tl.o ol.l ; ulw about ! : ! . ; : i sliver < loii..r 'until the eajr ! ? screins pales li"i'n % tLe way tl.e i : ; > io . . .tIIU ) t. ; ; > . . . -r "jerks the lon ; green l.e haixllps. "In this eoi..ection ; I will give you : i /fact that is nut generally known , and Unit is the weight a it-v.- tva.4ary : ein- glo note , aiul four i.oies in a s..er ' . ' ' ] sustain without breaking. Tlie ii. . . - nmy be accepted as oliicial and ai- curate. "A single-treasury note measures ya in flies wide by \ \ inches bug ' : 1 will suspend pcuuds longtlnvi-- : ' and OJ. pounds crosswise. Notes are pri.ed four to a sheet. A sheet'will su ; - > : . : ' " 108 pounds lengthwise ami 177 p Crosswise. ' ; The remarkable streji ; th of a T. . ! ed States I. . ; sury note may t.ii ! > be seen at a glance , and I venture t < > : : ay that not one jserson in a million would have guessed the great tenacity of the paper which , when properly pruned land stamped , becomes good money " The cashier had interestediy list to the treasury expert's explaino ! the weight sustaining and nvs. > ! ; ly resisting power of wear and tear oi' our paper money , and then i. < --i' ' . "You see , it is this wy : : I'-- ] together , see. and we casi.let- make uj ) "iiy shortage oui ! pockets , and { hat's one re ; snap and jerk the bills so . i , . will not pay out two for < M. > ' . be done. Again , a two doii.tr quently mistaken for a five , au-l versa , and by counting out oi- ; : - as if it were drops or' ( ' ; -Hf " are less liable to pas ? out OIK i. . . < other.- Washington Star. v PICKINGS FROM FlCTiO " Ambitious people mu t always i appointed people. "Fame For a \ an. " - , The best kind of courage off-u from a full stomach. "Cijiiin 1J. . . ' lin. " ' ' ' Upvo is like bonoy it must ho trt-eu. : . by sips. One must not s\viui in it. "Tb-c , rhanioli and the rrieat. " 1 Tire inimvlio inveik ; < norl ii : -si , doaug by tbe ingratitude ot otiurin serving God on ; i salary 'basin. "TLo : j Iowcr of Truth. " : Nirie times out of ten a woman f.Ml : * through love , and sle must be roi-.ed : by love if she is to be restored. "Dovrji In Water Street. " Don't call yourself a friend and lv thinking all the time what the oilier side of tlie friendship can do for you. -r"Aunt Abby's Neighbors. " : Philosophy is primarily a matter of . food ; secondarily , a matter of clothes ; ' it does not concern the head at all. . "Two Thousand Miles on an Automo- ' > Half the trouble of this troubled world comes from the fact that , for 39 reason or another , wouieu are not 'able to look up to the men with whom ' 'they have dealings. "The Vultures. " A Couple of Inscriptions. j "I was in New York one day and j tock a trip down to Coney island , " j said- the agent of a Pittsburg nail j mill. "I had heard of the slick fellows down there , and so I left my watch at j , , b.ome. and carried a dummy across which I pasted a slip of paper bearing the words , 'Look inside for a fool. ' I : Ji dn't got the salt taste of the ocean yet when the watch disappeared , and it was three hours later , as I sat in a ibooth drinking beer , when I felt that watch In a side pocket of my coat. I .pulled it out in amazement , and I found my slip of paper replaced by , * bhe bearing the words , 'Look outside ! -for an ass ! ' It may be that I got the .bulge on the gang , but somehow I have always thought that they came out a trifle ahead just a triOe. " ' ' Barberlns : Used to Be iin Art. f Time was when barbering was a way up art. In ancient times barbers were 'surgeons , the only persons who could Scientifically "let blood. " In London there is still a barber surgeon class. They possess a cap given the guild by Charles II. Around the barber's pole still twines the snake , the subtlest Jjeastof the field , a survival of the bra zen serpent lifted up in the wilderness , the symbol of the healing art. i. .f. - ? * ot Concerned. . ( "Why don't you try to hand an hon ored name down to posterity ? ' ' "I don't know , " answered Senator rfiorghum. "Maybe I don't look far enough ahead. So long as my signature ' .Js honored nt the bank I can't see that iny credit trith posterity makes much difference. " Washington Star. Cynical. Inquiring Young Man When a per * eon says something nice about another , why is he said to "pay" a cpnjplimcnt ? ' Crusty Old Man BecausarW expects tc get something for it. There Arc Others. Old Emdce WcJl , Low clo you 7our profession ? : . . . ' Youug .Eindeer-Profe sion is O. J2. It's the practice I'm ieking abbift. ' Mrais Lunches Short Orders ! THf KANGAROO First class meals at all hours , lay andi i .l.t. C stciihi season. Tics , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. I.E. Cohota , Prop. THE -WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Kallrotttl bi't.iceeii Jlittttonri J trrr a tttl C/iicayo. Direct linn to St oils. oils.Direct Direct Hint to lilttrlt IfiUti. o ncarrttt nyt'iit for i' " ami tiiiif van/N. The Elite Restauram and Chop House Meals at all hours. Frnits , Candies , Cigars. Good cooking and just as you want it. MRS , C , L , WALKER , Propr 2825 Kceley St. , : CHICAGO ILL Oct 2 1002. , * , , , , - I suffered with falling and con gestion of the womb , with severe pains through the groina. I suf fered terribly at the time of men struation , had blinding 'headaches and rushing of blood to the'brain. . What to try I knew not , for .it seemed that I liad tried" ' all and . failed' , bat I 'had nevertried.Wine . i of Cardui , that blessed remedy , fqr sick women. I found it pleasant' to take and soon--knew.-that ] ! had i the right medicine. New Wood" . , . sccmcafxi course through-jnyveirik' ! .j | | and after using eleven bottles ; I was a well Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders , bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cases requiring special directions , address , giving symptoms , "The Ladies' Advisory Department , " The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chattanooga , Tcna. Joedecl in Every Home THE NEW : JS , ) AND E.NLAR.GED E.DITION OF WEBSTER'S I A Dictionary of ENGLISH , biography , Geography , Fiction , eic New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Phrases and Definitions Prepared under I lie direct super vision of W. T. HARRIS , Ph.D. , LL.D. , United Slates Commissioner of Edn- c.'iliou , assisted by a large corps oC nm potent , specialists and editors. Rich Bindings 2364 Quarto 5000 Illustrations E2IT'TheInternational n-nsfirst issued in 1S90 , succeeding the "Unabridged. " The New and Enlarged Edition , of the International was issued in October , WOO. Get tie Infest and lest. We iilso publish Webster's Collegiate Dictionary , vith Glussury < > rScottish Words ami Phrases. j HOOrhgcs. llOOUInitrations. Siio 7r.IOi3 5-8 mcbea. 3 "FirFt-clnsHin quality , second-clnss in size. " Specimen pasrcs , etc. of both books bc-nt on application. ' G. & C. MER.RI AM CO. i Publishers , Springfield , -Mass. The Valentine Bottling Works- puts up eleven different. kinds of drinks. IT We have LOTS of Milk and Crean ) . Ke b' ualitww.Let us sell GATE DAIRY , ession : . .i : Valiev Hereford Unnoh. ( ! ii 's.onc pi . . . it 1 nrt.cor my henl | MNBBto-1 Basl1 rw ' NoMoct. * rsilpu jiresent. Kiuicb I iir miles . ' norih-w m of l.nnvnlee. l e'tr ' C , H. FAUI.IIAr.HU. MILL PRICES FOR FEED. firan , bulk. . .1..75 per cwt $14.00 ton Aborts bulk. . ' . ; ; . 85 per cwt $16.00 ton Screenings . . 70c „ ' " $13.00 Chop Feed _ 1.05 " $2Q.OU " Corn . iOo$18.00" Chop corn . 1.0P- , < Oata . 1.20 - ' v John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each 'month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. : ETTA BROWN . . . t SUPI. PUBLIC iKSTRlJ * Examination Third Saturday , qf each month and Friday preceding. IALSNT1NE ' NEBUASKA H. DAILEY ' ; . , , * Dentist. / Office over the grocery deparrncnt of T. C. i-Ior'nbys stdrb. : Will be in" Kosebud dgency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. I' U.ENEY , . / . .BriViviilocJ A'ebr. , > . - , t.i Jv , : > . { . , I'oes Irutinf Mi > ifi > . ; times .prices for cash. r ' ! . i-- . ; LJity i runks , valises ana imckHjies 'D'JfiJed to and ' ' froin tile de'pot.an.4 aJi pa-rts orfhe City. 'iiWt UiSK hiipjiiii'jb jsjrjit ? Respect in de ( jiilitlue llaif yo ; W ? . .poj/lqo atar Iiair I'ouii' . IJ niicidfaiidok S"l > aijdruirCure. . ' f J . . ' ' ' ' : 'U'-v v/ ; j - i ry rompeian . r ace . .Massage Cream - r , . ° : ii j. f i LEKOY LEACJH County : Siifvey or . Yulci C i ne oit ; > Voo < i lake - r lr'- . h KKAI > TO. A. N. COMiTilT ? Pbysician and Siirgeon 1 ffice ut Qtiigley & Chapiuau's Drug Store. iSights Tli" * Don oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S.-Jwray Physician and Surgeon Qfflce Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. 10UU2 F. M. WALCOTT ' ' r - Xebr. Practices iu IMstrict Court and , U. S. I and I Office. l eal Kstate an'd .ianch'Tropeny - Eobert G. Easley , ATTO R'X E V AT X AW . " " ' Office over Red Front . GENERAL LAW PRACTICE ' s ' Valentine , Clothes Cleaning ! Dyeiiiju am ) Iiv * - ni Sluts reiioYatt'd and \V3I at Davenport & : Tlii ; bers. Orders taken for " .Eeady-Macle railor Skirts f , at reasonable i pnces. MRS. EIAIOBE. . I If you need - o'r a-gun some am munition call on'ihe . " . Bed * Front Merc. Co. , tnej can nupply all yonr waate. . ' ' „ r * ' r.