Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 19, 1903, Image 8
? ' f ! H VALENTINE DEMOCRAT . ; ' I M RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses in full , \V discount 1. M. RlCE , Autit Absolutely Pure Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquor. Notice is hereby Riven that we have filed with the County Clerk or Cherry County , Nebraska a petition accompanied by a bond duly attested , said petition praying that we he granted a lic ense to sell malt , spirituou- and vin < . liquois in said county in section thirtyhree (33) , row thirty-four ) , Range twenty-seven (27) . tor one year from the date of action on th'.s pB'ition. ' 43 STRATTON & KLINE , Datfld this 12th day of November , ii > 03 Notice to Creditor * * . In County Court , wituin and f r Che' y f'oun ty , Nebraska. In tbe matter of the e-tate of iJtuinuh At Smith , deceased. Notice is hereby given , That the creditors of Hie said deceased will meet the executor of said estate , before me. County Judge of Cherry coun ty , Nebraska , at the countv court room in t aid county on tub 5th day of Deccmbt r I9o3 ai lu o'clock a. in iur ilie purpose o. presenting their claims for examination adjustment ai.d ailow- ance .Six months are pMowed for creaitois to present their claims--Mid one year f r the ex ecutor to.settle said estate. trom th * 4th day of April 11)03 ' his notice will be published iu the Valentine Democrat for four weeks successive ! } . Witness my hand and tbe seal f sa u Count } Court this llth day of vovem- , 1U03. SEAL \Y.R.TOW\K , , 431 County Judge Xotlcc to Creditors. In.County Court , within jnd for Cherry County Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of William A. Winder - er , deceased. Notice is hereby Riven , That the creditor ol the said deceaseu wilt mi11 the executors ol said estate , before me. Gointy .Judge 01 Cheiry c 'tiu- ty , Nebraska at the county court r > om iu s.vid county on tue2 th day of November 1903 , . t 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose o > piesentinu their claims for examination , adjus meiit and al lowance. Six months are avowed lor eredior.- to piesent tneir claims and one year lor ihex ecutors to settle f > aiu utiau- , from the Itith ua > of April 1903. Tnis nutice will be published in the Valemiiiii Democrat for lour weeks -uccess- ively prior w the 28th day of Aovemuur 19 < i3. Witness my hauu ana the seal 1 s-tid SEAL ( jount > ourt tuis 3rd day ui Noveiti- f her 1903. \v.K i M\M . 124 County Judge. Tak * n Up. By the undersigned , Sept.5 1903 , at my place , C miles uonInvest , of SparHs , one wuiie horse about ten yeans old. wire cut on right trout leg. no brands. ' 12 5 LOUIS NOLL KITE. 1M-P-A-K-S Tubules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 3-ceut package s ennuRh lor usual occas- Biens. The family buttle ( CO cents ) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell ilw-m TIME TABLE ( jireat Aonhrii JLine at O'cieili , Kebr. Going liast , Going West. Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives y :50 p. m Passenger , daily exrept Sunday. Connections with Elkhorn trains rast and west-bounu from all poiuts westoi O'Mmli Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond Through connections ( r Sioux Fuii.s , Minne apolis , > t. Paul and all points north aud west. Buy loc l tic et3 to O'Neill FKED ROUERS , G , I * . A. Sioux CitJ. Iowa Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and it' you are without iLsurance itKvill be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by I. M. Rice , Valentine , tfebr. RANCH FOR 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Ruiigc for ' 200 head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay can Jbe cut on' this ranch and there is a.good house'corrals , cattle sheds stable' , ! two. windmills with never - and/stock' tanks. Al so open water * tin apart of the range the year round. ' KUOO will buy it. Call at this office or write ' I. M. RICE , -.r , ' Valentine , Nebr. § ALONZO HEATH P' stoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left .side Hor-i ses left shoulder Range nortii U. G Criger. Merrlman N"h Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand same as cut on si AIS. . _ ieft hip Range 10 miles south of Merri man on the Nio brara. D. Bray Rosbuud 8 ( i Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brtind same on the V.ft shoulder" A T DAVTS Postofflce address Hyannls , Nel on right side horses on left shoul ier aiso cattlt on rlnht SUK Range 16 mile.- north of HvannN A len & Sons Ft Nlotiram Horses hranden ii left hip Range. Nlobram ' iver 12 mile * ' f Valentine ( , Codv , Neoraskfj ' 'ut tie branded as on it on left side , hip 2- . * . I -dionMer : her .n. . . * * -tine tange. rtnake Creek Seth Mernmau , Nebr On both side and hip. Herd mark lewlap. Horses same on ft shoulder KanueLake ' 'reek and Litte Rlv r D A Hancock Marshall , .Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska C-ittlt branded M. left side as on rut , aiso 16 on left side with _ on left hip of some cattle ; also S46 on right side Horse brand , rake and (6 ( Oil 'en ' should * " ir hip. 35 on left jaw rain-ti Dewey Lake Range on Niobrara River. tta i V > rt Niobrara. all In Cherrx Connr.v. " - ' ' A BHIISOII Address - Arabia Nebrahka Range North of Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. ostoitiee address. Oa is. e' r G. K. Sawyei has charge of these cat tle Horses l > on eftsh'iuld'T. 'ome st IBy 'efi side H rjgfjx s same left ttiiirh RHime on rlv i Jb < d . Tingst. Arabia Nobr Rnind -tiistered No 1139 Cattle i-raiided on left side as in cut. Hors"s same on , left shoulder Range "ii ICvei ureeu creek 5 miles nortn est of 4.abia K ati Woodlake Neb .lohi. p ivta mark in left Kir 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADC MARKS DESIGNS , -COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n slccich and description may nnlcldjr"a3certnii our opinion free whether an invention Is prObnWy patentable. Communica tions BtrlctlyconOdcnUuI. Handbook on'I'atents Buntfreo. Oldest'nirency fcrBecurlnepatcnts. I'iitents taken through Munn & Co.Tecolve tpcciat notice , without charge. In the Scientific A. handsomely HlnatrateH weokly.T.nrcest cir- culatloii tit any sclontlUc tnurnal.- Term * $3 p pear : four months , I L Soli kyall newsdealers. Offlco. 625 F SU' YocbUuton. D. MILLS BKOH Merniuau. N hr. : attle and hor- eH oranded- lett side or shmil oerBr.iinl rem.slei ed 1W1 Range l2mMe- sonihwest of , M- ' - ' 'uaioh hf ' br - . river. H A BUCK Postofflce addre Hyannis , Neb Branded on leit side Range eighteen miles north of Uvannis J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. Other brands : If - Horses branded : ? - < orf on lelt shoulder ; O 1 ° * ' tliinh. Range > n Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. P II Younp. Simeon. Nebr Cattl branded as cut on left side . some QYon ' * ' * ' eif'e ' " on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Cre k north of Simeon , illiHin Merriinaii > 01 left side St > me oi > right side' Horses same on left shoulder Knuge Lake Trenk. S. O. .1 A SAULTS Postofflce : Gregory. Nebr. attle or. luf1 hir > Horses on left shoulder Some stock yet bearing my former brand as Shown liHlnu St. Francis 'Mission address : Cmo ston. Nebror Hosebud , S. D. Cattle branded as iu cut. tome cattle in S n brand * d onl\ on le > t hip. R nte : North of the Minnecha- duza , 8 miles west ol Cp-okston , am * 'on ' Hull Creek. Anv info-mation rejnirding cattle branded as atiovM will be ihankfulTy revived uy v\m Sklly. . Trooketon , Nebr. ; or St. Francis Mission , Rose bud. S D. J. B. Lord slmeon Ne.i Stock branded je as cut back ol right shoulder and on right hip Range 'in MI. v lobrara F. W J.TSlg : Valentine. Nebr Cattl'- branded M- sliown in cut on le.ft side , loin 01 hip. Range on ween the Cordon and -iourh ol the Niobrara river J B xvallinffford ltennedyNeb. Catte branded same dscut ; also some branded " lefthlp P 8 UOU8CHE foBrofllce address Browiilee , NI Oi left side or au\ part of animal. Ear mark rigiit ear cut > fT : horses ! > randp < l same on left hip. Also Mas sto"k branded Her or < hr > u"lder. Also the-following. rhe first Wm P. chmidt Rosebud sI > Same as om > r with bar under * right ea- silt and dulapped Horce.s branded J J. Peck' ' . . - - Cotly , Nebr Da both sides- " Horses ' 4 a left thigh Rauge Head Pass' Creek. S I ) Parmelee Cattle Co. Rosebud , S. D. HatMe branded as cut on left side with ftnpe under1 tail j Horses branded left thigh. Range on Soldier creek. Garner Brothers CodyNebr. . Anywhere on cat tle. . . Horsei on left shoulder. RangeNorth. . Eli. F T. Brackett Rtege. Nebr. Brand Registered Brand right side > r hip Horses same OP right shoulder Range , Niobrara > miles south of Kilgore F. M Wiilcott. Valentine. Nebr. Pattl * branded on left hip- W. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded * irh 7 on left hip also same as cut Rauge between Gordon and Snake , nvei FranK .T Brownlee. Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range - Four miles northeast of Brownlee D. M Kennedy , Nebr * attle' branded Non fiit.left side i left hip Morses same on eft shoulder. Range Square WILLIAM WILSON Postofflce address Kilgore Nebi Two half circles ot left hip and leftside of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip Obi Psi Cattle ( Jo Edward Lewis , foreman. Simeon , Nebr. Cattlb auded av in cut "ii tight side. Range : fi miles east of Simeon on Cronin ranch. W h. Haley Valentine Net- Brand register * No 200 . * - Range in Sharp * Ranch and German precincts 6 mile * , of H , Little. Mernman , Nebr On either side Hordes same on hip Also Q > Range Lake 'reek HD BE AM KB Gordon. Nel > , Cattle brainier same asut i left si ! e. Horses branded jg on left shoulder Rauge 6 mile south of Irwin I .rrjLros PETERSON Podtofllce address ( fregor\ Neb Hraiuied 'i.s 01cut Kange two miles north of < -Jri.iori F.C. ' & M. G. Metzger. Me > rimau Nebniska. ( 'attle bninded on left side : Horses branded on left thigh , some arc branded r nded } ; . on lett si * > . Kange 0 > n Snake 35 miles so itii of Merriman , Others raneoR mlles'n nhwestof Merriman Char es Richards. Goodfellow ( Tattle branded n lft l > lde eft Jaw Range- - Between he x'tobrarn nd N. S. Rowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on left shoulder of horses ses AlsoVSW on left side hip. .1 on right hip an4 left side. Ffon Q on left hit ) of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. UJQ on le.ft hip of horstts R M Faddis& < ? o. Postofflce address- Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded ion -eft thigh Horses If ft shouldi < oriblgh Sour on rich ! i high T shonlilrr. J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle : horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara ver,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postofflce .i KilgoreNeb. Cattle branded on side as on cut sanv 01 , hm Some on left side sideA George Heyne Cody. Neb Brand register " No 1027 fft shoulder Ramie north < nn1 south of Cutcomb Lake ii > Cherrv ToG GW. . McF'trta Valentine , Nebr < ? ? > . v&y * * - ; $ * ' Ramie--four tSj-gr- miles east of Fort * * % & ' Niobrara , north and south of Burry C. K Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered Vo 374. Brand anywh r- > n rijilit sidp C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattlr same as cut ; also CJ BK U oil riprht hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeka. A liberal rewaru for information leading to detectim. of rustlers of bearing any of these brands. Uorey & Hew'Ptt (4ordpn. Nebr. Brand registered 2292 , On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 94-O Ml Range South ol Snake 35 mile" 4 * of finrd.on Robert (2"i" ' "bt'r\ P .st 'fflee address Siinou. . Nebr. left hip .in \ cattle. Horses same on right shoulder. ' HiverT ' Jos Bristol Valentin . N b aiiL'7 on Xii , r fui ' S H : ' t f I 1) S in , ' reft s'Me OSOoiuiL'htside Some < : ; rttle also ve a - } - on neck- Some with A on left shoulder ami some branded 1 ttith two , a .s .aeross . bind Worses , branded S ( ) > on left h some ratti/ iranded AW bar o nn * " * TI horli sides VHOO pfl hln of hnrqoo * ' Simeon Nebr t \ D L DO O > , h > WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce addres * Brownle , X b Like cut on either left side or hip : al o - jrtsifo. Horses > on left hip 'iViWorReS - cun.H v /-j of anyone unlawfully handJing cattia in theseurands. . John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. Nebr.CO CO Cattle branded j on left hip. Horses sam on eft shoulder. S4 > niH branded- ' " * on left shoulder Some . on re alnihTs southwest of Valentine on north side of i > lobrara river. PIK" Postofflce address rrookston. Neb Cattle branded TEen on either bjp or right side. Horsea PE shoulder. Range On Minne- chaduza 5 miles east of Crookston. 8WEENEY BROS Posrofflce address Pullman , Neb i-Httie branued as on lit ; horses branded * ame as attln except reversed < . Set block RaugeStever , and Stephenson Lake * and South S30U reward will be paid to any person for In. formation leading to Ihe arrest and conviction of any person or persons st * allne cattlp witn tar MOGLE Postofflc address Cody , Nebraska On either side cattle 'herdmark ' left ear clipped and rteht ear splitherse3 ande4 same on left Bh oulder Range oh" NIo'ar O.Stinard \nle.ntine. Nebr state Brand re r- . 15M ' 'attle and horses \ \ randed same a * " n 4in left hip' * fange 2 ist Of Wf.'f4Vi'r V hraski Land 'fnd Feeding Co. .artlett Richard * Pres Will G Comstock. V. T. rhasr famison sec&Treas Cattle branded 0B- - , _ s- " -tny. partofanlraalr alsi th- following brands horses ' ime J' Range iiordon OB tbi > . -&M V..R/B.anl . ' BAM R. K In Jf Addresa B A BTT , rrr \Ietzger Gregory * Neb rherry Co - Branded w n and'thigh squ re n u right ear H _ have -ame brand on t -ft Miigh. Range ou Qor- on and Snake ' 're.eks I Jtetvarcf o$25O will be paid to any rson for information leading to the arrest and inal conviction of any person or p r ona * t aU G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a tu cut , 0-inch bo and 254-Inch circle BrandT registered 875. 'der. ' _ inch circle .Ho tteuistereo B78. . . . oath of on Niobrara nvert \ , - A I Pl.l'MKI te address Hnnis. . Neb and nip < u rmht side and hip Jlor > es .HI right hip Kan.s < .iit w > unr\ * MfN > g ' ' < . an . br 3 $ ( a ti brandedJij-y * a on right side Horne.s branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward foranj Information leadir.-ir to the re- * * overj of cattle strayed ff-mn ay J-F < . Nebr. : attlebninde < cjon ' ft side jwshovro % cut Range-South f Sparks on Nio- rafa river. n 1