Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 19, 1903, Image 5
OLD GOA THE GOLDEN ITS SITE IS NOW ONLY A VAST ANZ ; GRASSY TOMB. The Once Splea < fld Portngraene Cllj In India a MasrntflccntVlidcrnex * Itn Bls terplece of Art tne Tomb o St. Franc ! i Xnvier. * fc ( It was said that during the prosper ous tlnies of the Portuguese In Indl ; you coul not have seen a piece of Iroi In , anymerchant's house , hut all gok and silver : They coined immense quan titles of- the precioiiH uietals and usec to m key 'pieces of workaianship h themrfor exportation. Tlie very sol dler enriched themselves by coin incrcc. . But then at last came the inquisition which celebrated its terrible and deadlj rites with more fervor and vcucmenci at Goa than in any other place. Iteli gious persecution , pestilence and wars with the Dutch , disturbances arising from ] an unsettled government , and above1 all , the slow but euro working ! of the shortsighted policy of the Portu guest ? in intermarrying and identifying themselves with the Hindoos of tlu lowest caste , made her fall as rapid ai her rise was sudden and prodigious. In less than a century and a half aft r Da Garna had landed on the Indiai shor& the splendor of Goa had departet forever. The Inhabitants fled befon the < deadly fever which soon fastenec upon the devoted precincts of the city andin 1758 the viceroy transferred hh hea/lquai'ters from the ancient , capita. to. Parjina , about eight miles distant Soon Afterward the religious orders wejce expelled , leaving their magnifi ceit convents arid , churcl s all but ut terly deserted , and the inquisition wa. suppressed upon the rccornmcndatS.or ofthe British government. cc Jii 'now a grass grown wil * v. Bat fftnijhc firm and well cVayg of "this olden city aiu , its moldering splendors are reminisce ! ; ; of echoing pageants and the tramp cf armies which once sounded there. A we tread the ancient wharf , a loiv broad road , lined with a dcuble row r ' trees and faced with stone , a more sv gestive desolation can hr . - . be conceived. Everything nnrijcl tem > wlth melancholy assocIatioiiK , the very fUstlftige of the trees and murmur r.f Ult tvarea Round lilfp ft dirge for the to- : part d grandeur of * a city. ' ' ' ' . Towering above n mass of ruii.s a 80llttiJ' | gateway flanks the cutrnncp to'.the Stl'ada tJlretttt. . the Strv .it fetrectj .BO called , b cnUKe hljiaost all ' . ' etrectfijn old Goa art ? laid but In < ; rlllncar form. . v It vras tbf-WJ li th-- portal .Bunnonnted by th. f.- : -c i ' ' St atherine and Vaaco da f rn. ih" 'th [ ewly nbloted Vj'rrroys rf o pnesed in trlamp-Jil to tiv palace. - ' * - ' ; . Beyond the pate n IPVP ! rr.nd. uace a populouq thoriuphfari' . l-o- : < n t" Terra dl : Sab'nlo , n lai'jrv f ii rf n l g th : ? Prlnr.clal. or ( ilhrciral rf . Catherine , 'who bic.iintthe } ; atr fealnt of Goa when thP > i > ! : ice wns . - . - turo < l by Albuquerque 0 ! the il.v- hiTfcstva ! ] . Grovcft-of ; .caknut p 1 nnd" mango topes now incnml > or ground once covered by .tro ps : > f U .rso THe wealth , the busy llfr and the . .is- ufy of th""e old place" arexdrad. K'ns' nnd cobras infcat the crumbling hails which once resounded with the ban quet and the dance , nnd imujjht but a few old monks and nuns keeps rl ll onildlts desolation today. But Goa possesses one treasure of great.Interest. . This is the- tomb of Jgr uda .Xavler , the great ! * - : ; ? -s foiSarV 'fo tbe east. It is to Lo J i.i.i i. the" Church of Don Jest : . : . It is a msis tcrpjcce of art which in lost to all l.r.t tb"i&'casaar visitors to old Goa. Sera toVI * vpiituro.1 to susrpest that no tuli-v mausalrum In India or ? VPU in Asia .ocpt..tbe'Tlahal can cqunl it ; U . - built of rich marbleof variegated en , qre > The. lowest stage , Is .r.f red aiu pjufplc"jjsjer tfud Carrnrn nlab.vstfr cdorncd xvit.i statuettes and c-heruh ThT liiiddlp 'stage Is of recii nnd yclhv nsper decorntpd With bcrttitiful hron.-.t plates representing inridents in the lf- of the saint Tlie highest of the tbivr- images IB surrounded by a lovely rail Ifig of red jasper mnrkpd with \vhite th < 5 < : oruments being fipuri'S of middle portion Is carved. literal col uius are of black stoyie | and the plintljs ( if yellotr Jnsper. Surbiountinp this fapt BtajM' s the overlaid \vivu silver. : > rseous embellished tvltli many ox EpccSruons of relief \Vork Lj .r 5 of ; i - > r depending uniund com lil do the aooruiupnt of the slirluu. It ia a worthy relic of Goa's departed glo ry. ' ; ! t bell of the Auxustiuinn convent { . ' : : ; .a forth its vesper peal above I.- ! . ' . city of ghosts , nnd it is iuipos- I.t. . , - : forget the effect of the deep. f" ! notes as they strike upon the r r. NV.crr.s heard a more beautiful ? : - ! ' tuscal ! sumuions than . . . i , .is in v.iin froin th" t. wer ; . \i.-.utiniansio the forsuken ami 6U1.UHcity. . it is all summed up in the eloquent npns'trq P of Sherer : "Goa the golden csin's Ifb' more : Goa. where the aged Di Ginn closed his glorloup lif < : G : > a. \vb.rt' Hie imuioctal Caindcn Mr.K and Buttered It JK nojv. but a \ni and P.Jru .tr.n-.c-'a Shi * Hpd a Winning \V--iy. to TRAPPING ERMINE. Different Method * For the Pull Grown nnd Dally Anisnal.t. The colder tlie climate the finer tht f.r : , RJtys tlie author of "The .Great. si Fur Coii.pany of the \Vorld" in Fntrtfc Lcslii , " : ; Ma axine , and the flillcul..c ! $ of obrnlning the rare furs are many. Ermine is at its best when the cold is moBt intense , the tawny weasel coal turning from fawn to yellow , from yel low to cream and then to snow \vh te , according to the latitude and the sea son. son.Fox Fox , lynx , marten , otter and fopjir the trapper can take with steel traps of n size varying with the game or oven with the clumsy but efficient frmd&tll , but the ermine , the fur of which is n. easily damaged aa the finest auai- , must be handled differently. The hunter proing the rounds of traps has noted curious tiny tracks ixt the dots and dashes of the telegraphic alphabet. Here are little prints slur ring into one another in a dash ; th " a dead stop , where the quick ea. stoat has paused , with bendy eyes alert , for snowbird or rabbit ; here , again , a clear blank on thesnow , where the era. ; v little forager lias dived below the light surface and wriggled forward likr n snake , to dart up with a plunge of his fangs into the hart blood of the un wary snow bunting. From the length of the leaps the trap per judges the age of the ermine. Thf full grown ermine has hair too < to be damaged by a snare. If , tb , - fore , the tracks indicate a full . . .o animal , the trapper suspends tlne.o. . of a looped twine or wire across the runway from a bent twig , which , whe-n released , springs upward with a Jrrl ; that lifts the ermine off the ground and strangles It. If the tracks are like the prints of a baby's fingers , close and small , the trapper hopes to capture a pelt fit for a throne cloak. Perfect fur would be marred bj * the twine snare , so the trap per devises us cunning a death for iln ermine as the ermine ? devils when t darts up through the snow and fixes its spcarlike teeth in the throat of a rabbit. First' he smears his hunting knife with grease ; then he lays It across ih.- track. The little ermine comes trottin. in dots and dashes and gallops and dives to the knife. The knife is frostrd like Ice , Ice the ermine has licked , so he licks .the knife. But , alas , for the resemblance between ice and steel ! Ice turns to water under the warm tongue ; steel tut'ns to'Sre that blisters and holds the foolish little stoat by his inquisitive tongue , a hopeless prisoner , until the trapper .comes , ' A Qnnint Old A London sliop assistant saysi."It is my duty every night * to go out to the rear .of the .premises and'fire off an'old flintlock pistol. This curious custom dates back to the middle of the eight eenth century. Our shop , now in a crowded north London district , was in those old days practically In the coun try , and it was the custom of the then proprietor , who was a timid , eccentric man , to fire a pistol off every night to let the would be burglar know he was armed and prepared for him. - Thinking ing his custom such a good one , seeing that his shop was never attempted , he stated in his will that the custom should be continued , which has always been carried out , although , of course , we do it now merely to keep up a quaint old custom. " Awfttl Curlonlty. A woman with her little son , a child af. four years of age , inquired of a man standing in one of our railroad stations , "Can you tell me what time the nest train leaves for Scrantou ? " "At t-t-wenty m-in-inutes p-p-paat [ -four. " About five minutes later she igain put the same question to the ? ame man , and he repeated the same mswer in the same stuttering way. When she approached him for the third time -with the same query , he said to hen "Wtvhy do y-y-you a-a-ask me J-S-BO m-m-inany t t-tlmes7 I-I a-a-al- ready t-t-told you t-t-twice , " "I know you did , " replied the wo- nah , "but my little boy likes to see I'otl work your mouth , " Philadelphia Ledger , tsefol. " \es poor old sport , -when he had inoney be had a good time , but he went "Then starved ? " " 1 should say not. He secured ft splendid. , position In a swell boarding aous'e. ' * ' "What doing ? " "Jtist has to sit around in the hoard * rig' house parlor posing as the star K > arder , meanwhile complaining loudly > efore prospective boarders about the > ad case of gout contracted there , " Baltimore Ilerald. Lore Superstitions. In parts of Massachusetts it is : hought that if a girl puts a piece of .outhern wood dow.u her back the first ) oy she meets will be her husband. In Boston , if. a marriageable woman puts i bit of southern wood under her pil- ow on retiring , the first man she sees n the mom ing will , so says the super * itition , be the one whom she Is to , mar y. Tlit ? Question. "I have a perfect horror of marrying poor man and living in a small "But , darling , I shall grow. " "Ah , but will you develop financially s fast as I develop in social ambition ? " -Life. ; In No flurry * FHbbert Your rich uncle' gays tys rants to be cremated. * 1- GrjingeighYea , but he is In r.o UurrS IXMJJ 'it- zT'ifonTranscript. . * ' ' - . - / . * x pi-Jet ; paid to quiet conscjeijai V y few people poor. CUSca- WATERFALLS' JAPAN , They Are Almost ConntlesB and Ar Uflcd nil Shrines. The watsrfalls of Japan are almo ; countless. There Is one at every tun and where there was not one in tl : beginning the Japs have made one , t < It Is their passion. Every little garde has a fall or two , and it would not t considered a garden at all without i There are many verj' beautiful ones 1 various parts of the country , and the are < all of thorn shrines visited b thousands of pilgrims every year. The do not pray to them as to a statue c Buddha , but they first pass up a littl paper prayer on a convenient rock ai then .sit down in rapt attention an gaze at the falling water for hours , tal ing an occasional cup of tea at a littl teahouse which always stands close s : band. The Japs are great at making pL grimages anyway. When a man hn reached the age of forty-five , lie is suj posed fo have raised a family whic will in the future take care of hn About the first thing he docs on retii Ing io to start on a series of pilgrimage * Sometimes he joins a band of fello-v pilgrims , or , if comparatively wealth } he sometimes takes his wife and a mi nor child and makes the pilgrimages b ; himself. Those : pilgrim bands can al ways be seen moving about the coun try. They carry little banners with th name of their city and district mark * on them , and when they have recei. good entertainment at a teahouse - < hotel they hang one of their banners u. in a conspicuous place as a testimonial Often a band of pilgrims will trave from one end of the country to the oth er. visiting every temple and waterfal In the land. APHORISMS. Liberality consists rather In givlbi seasonably than much. Cicero. Labor is the divine law of our exist ence ; repose Is desertion and suicide.- Mazzini. ' " Unbecoming forwardness oftener pro ceeds from ignorance than impudence -Guville. Kindness Is a language the dumb car speak arid the deaf can hear and under stand. Bovee. . . Every one cqtnplnlnij of the badness ol his , memory , but. nobody of his judg ment. Rochefoucauld. ' He who has Ho Inclination to lean more will be very ant to think that IK knows enough. Powell. It is not what he has or even what hi does which expresses the worth of si man. but what he is. Amiel. Most people , would succrod in small things if they were not troubled wl great ambitions. Longfellow. Justice is' the Insurance we have o : ; our Jives and property , and obodionre , ij- the premium \Ve pay for It. Penn CnV ' ; of ' Atifetent : By'some pfr Ons the popularity < ' the cat in Igypthas bean attribute io tlu fact that the animal was vain. \\i\e \ \ in ridding the palaces 'of rats : ir ir.ic-e and also in hunting fowls. The : aw several paintings .In the Britif- museum , executed by ancient Egyj tian artists , representing Egypt ! : ' " sportsmen in boats on the river Nile accompanied * by largo- cats , .silling o their haunches In the stern. Othn pictures show the cats swimming with birds in their mouths after the mnnnw jf retriever dogs. These pictures .ha \ . . greatly perplexed modern naturalist because the cat of today has a stroh ; iversion to water , and it is difficult t' reconcile such different traits even af ; r the lapse of thousands of years. CntertalnmentH. In the palmy days of. the Frencl * monarchy sumptuous entertainment ? ) f royalty were not uncommon. To jntertain a queen for a week the Cornt I'Artois rebuilt , rearranged and refur ilshed his castle from threshold to tur et , employing 900 workmen day and ilgTif. The Marshal de Soubise re- : eived Louis XV. as his guest for a lay and night at a cost of 80.000. " 1 iear , " said his majesty to the marshal , vho owed millions , "that you are in " " will of steward lebt. "I Inquire my ind Inform yon ? majesty. " replied the lost , hiding a yawn behind lite hand. Onr Paper Money. The nmn who IB ever ready to bet on Iflytiiing fiaid suddenly to a group of Members of the club , "I'll bet a case of : atchup to a bottle of curry powder ; hat there i ? 't n man in the party that : an name the denominations of Unite.d States paper moliey. " All lost , and all vere abashed when he mentioned $1 , t2 , 95 , $10 , $20. $50 , $100 , $500 , $1,000. ; 5,000 and $10,000 , Most men are un- iccustcmied to handling notes above ilOO , and few ever saw one of $10,000. -New York Press. Foot ! Alter.s Aninidla , It Is surprising how circumstances al- er animals. The savages of the Ama- ; on region feed the common green par- ot for generations With the fat of cer- ain fishes , thus causing it to become > eautfully ! variegated with red and " ellow feathers. In like manner the latlves of the Malay archipelago , By process of feeding , change the talka- ive lory into the gorgeous king lory. The Manager Realizes It. "There is something elevating In mo- ic , " said the artist. "Yes , " answered the manager. "Mu le certainly has the effect of stimu- itlng lofty Ideals as to salary. " Wash- agtou Sfcjr. It wa $ to cootf&t' and expose tj nd fools 'hackerny. Any pewoa , atteodiog a ce in Bohemia is liable to a fln of > i A FREE game inside each package of 60 different games. Business Notices , Notices "under this beading 5 nents per iic each insertion. Among reading matter , lOoeni per Hue each insertion. - ' " - ' - - X X / XVrfV -X V rf - X X- All kinds of heavy hardware < m wagon wood stock at E. Breuklander * The Eed Pront Merc. Co. carry i complete line of sporting goods. Good fresh Meat and' Lard a Stetters Muat ? Market. 26 I am now.-ready , to take orders fo fine Knit Underwear for ladies an < and children. MRS. ELMOBE. 3 < L.OST ! One brown yearling horse col rancled , fcusi on left hip. 12 D. STINARD , Valentine , Nebr Genuine home made Lard at th < new Butcher. Shop. . 26 For allyl inds of .Undertaking Good& and . .Undertakingyork cal on the Ked-Front Merc Co. 27 ROUND THE WORLD A Wonderful Trans-Paci fit Journey of Six Months via THEXOUT-WESffEHS In line with itp well known policy ; oJ development of trans-continental. and irans-Facltic travel , the Cnicago & NorthWestern Kail way is newer an izmg a personally couducted round- tne-wurld tour , to leave Chicago in October , visiting Hawaii , Japan China , 1'he Strait's Settlements , Cey lon , India and Eg'jpt ' , returning via the usual European points ol interest on the way home. Thepariy : will , be most admirably provided for en route. The railway trip will be ui ide on luxurious fast trains through' 'the great Mississippi Valley over "the only double track railway between Cnica o and tne Mississippi i-liver , " and west via Den ver and through the mountain wonderland erlandoi Colorado and Utah , The trip across the Pacific will be on one of th'e'inaguiticent new Facilic Mail Go's steamers. This trans-Pacific trafiic has grown to such proportions that the sei vice aas been improved and elaborated un til iu. many. respects it is said to vie with that found on the fineat trans * A.tlantic greyhounds. The-'trans-Pacific route is the com ing highway over which American pleasure seekera will travel for rec reation and sightseeing. Hawaii , .Ia- oanj C-hina , Australia and our own Philippine possessions are full of int erest and the number of visitors to : hese faraway lands increases with Lhe increased tacilities for travel FOR SALE : A second baud spring wagon in good running ) rder. WM. J or LIN. t3 44Valentine , Nebr. IliCl.t r' the . ' sacri- < : oiitrnetij par- * > .v- very earliest adornments 'vu-'ol. . i rlirira a ioailstono , ' - yir' . izcd ! the attrartivc force maiden from her own ' ' : . . -C.P into that of her husband. i. * . . .eved that the fourth finger iae always oeen the bride's ring finger. H . d to Part With. The mm. at our boarding h6use has ho remains of a oiiCe prosperous octet comb , from which tlio teeth lave long sinl'e lied. "Why , " we ask him , "dd you carrs ! ' hat thing arb\in . witli yo\J-rll2t rortliless old c'omb ? " hx& he replies \ , "Well , I can't part with itfr-BaltJ- ' ' Meals ' Lunches Short-Orders THE KANGAROO i -T J cr- First class meals at all hours , day ard i 'glit. Oystcis in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. vE.D.Cohota , Prop. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Itnilronil fcfftrceii Jlixtioiiri Mtiver and Chicago. Direct lint' to St Fuitl-Jlinttetij- Direct line to Itlac/i JlillH. APllt to near > -Ht agent for rate * titajt * aii f time c < trtltt. The Elite Restauram and Chop House Meals at all hours. Fruits , Candies , Cigars. Good cooking and just as you want it. MRS , C. L. WALKER , Propr 222 South Peoria St. , CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct. 7,1902. Eight months ago I was so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time. My stomach was so weak and upset that I could keep nothing oa it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I couched so much that my throat ana lungs \rere raw and sore. The doctors pro nounced it Bright's disease and others said it yas consumption. It mattered little to me what , they called it and I had no de sire to live. A sister visited mo from St. Louis and asked mo i I had ever tried. Wine o Cardui. I told Kcr I had not and she bought a bottle. . I believe that/- it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer ing if they but knew of ita value. Don't you want freedom from pain ? Take "Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak , helpless sufferer. You can Lave a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. "Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to day ? VDINB0ARDUI ,000 w WORDS : % il in the last edition of ' r'a International Diction- The International is kcpb jrhrtiiisl , ff tlio times. It c.otist.inl : , work , esponsive .UK ! worry , bill , il , id the only Kwp i.ho diotionary the STANDARD AUTHORITY : - lOnglKsli spuakiiig world. ! il.ioiiirieg ; follow. Web- II. is I.ho fuvoriLo will ) Judges,1 liohirs , Ei I iiuLors , Printers , cfco. . , i is and foreign countries. \ postal card will bring you . .ii.urusi.iug specimen pages , etc. < i. & tl. MERHIAM C03IPAXY SPRING L'lELD , HASS. I'UIIMSHEHS Of WEBSTER'S iNTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. Tbe Valentine , Bottling Works mts up eleven different kinds of Irinks. J7- We bav LOTS o ! > lflk and . Be t ualiy , s'otne.RED MMwaMBB * MMBHMBIWtaMM MMa WMMMNB M W * .M > _ > * IWBM * M MIB Professional Cards. Tin * ! . up V illHy Hereford Uanch. . Ncbr , I'rinre JSUKO n , | Curly ' .Kit II2--I.1 fit | | Mt f li T < ! The Mix ill of l'"o w ! < r. . A \ ' } ' . niv-henl.- - No strx-J , t. r sale : it present. Itanch frtur nulcs of lirowulee , Ncbr. C. U. FAUUIAKEK. MILL PRICES FOR FEED. Kran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 ton screenings 70c " $13.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.05 " $20.00 " Corn 95 $18.00" Chop corn 1.00 " $19.00" Oats 1.20 " $23.00" John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION -Examination Third Saturday of each . month and Friday preceding. . tALENTJNE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. * Office over the grocery dcparraeiit of T. C , Hornby1 ? start. " Will , bo in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. HENRY ATJGUSTON Blacksmith , Kebr. Does general blacksmithicgathard timee prices for cash. H.M.CRAMEK , City Delivery-man , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to'aud I from tlie depot arid all part * of the City. Krst-cIaBs.Shop. Every' ilespecfc Eau'de Qhlfniieiiatr TtinfCi GoldenStarBalr Xouic..Uerpklde.and ; Cofro'd Dandruff < ? , ure/ 1 ry Pompeian. Face Massage eam LEEQY Cottnty Surveyor. ; Valentine or Woodlakc ATTENDED TO. . N. CQMPTON Physician and Surgeon Jffiee at Quigley ' & Chapman's Drug Store. .Nights The Doii- oher residence , . XJherrj , Street. Edivard S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El- iott's Drug Store. .Wun2i F. M.WALCOTT vTTORNEYAD ABSTRACTE Valentine , Ne radices In District Court and U. S. Land Oflice. Keal Estate and Sancb Pr6peity anld Bonded Abstractor. Robert G. Easleyv f ATTORNEY AT IiAW. Office Red Front over - ' . ' - . . . - . . ' - . GENERAL LAW..PRACTKE " Clothes Cleaning ! * Dyeing and Pressing ' * ! lats renovated and blocked. * " * * - W3I. JO.P&IK. 3rXta\e orders at Davenport &Tnacber' : < . 'and Hisses Skirts . " > > - "Orders taken fqr 'ailor Skirts at reasooalfe. prices. " IBS. If stm'QBed frgun fo earns - lUbilitfn tell dn tVe Hed' . left. Co.yttie } dan gtipfcfy all you *