Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 19, 1903, Image 4

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. ,
" * '
Thursday , November 10 , 1903
Subftcf iptlon Ji.oo per year in advance- .r n
\Vhr > n not paid In advance. Inule copies F * '
Ptspuy adx'ertlsls-K I Inch single rolmmi ir > -
r issue or 8C.onayear.
lx > cal Notices , Obitujiries , Ixxlge Besolutfon
ind Socials for Revenue 5c perliue per Itsue
Brands. IK irches S4.00 per j ear In advance
additional spfwe.3-00 per Inch per year ; en raved
blocks extra ; f 1.00 each. *
pRrtleB Hvlnp outside Cherry county unt per
tonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 t er cent addUioual'to above rates If ever 6
toontha in arrears , .
Notices of losses of stock Iree to brand tulver-
More Local.
Payday at the Post today.
"Jolly" George Miller is in town
this week.
Mr. \vas"ra'fromr6hestcr- -
field this WCOK.
Agt. McCliesney was down from
Rosebud Tuesday.
Ed Richards was in town this
week .from Kennedy.
H.'S. Ficke , of Dubuque , la. ,
was in town this week.
B. J. Hoffackerand f Clint Ander-
son were in from" Cody Tuesday.
Companies C and L 25th.Inf. . . ,
'are called to Des Moines and start
lecumber 1st.
There is talk of having an early
morning pas.sanger train soon to
come in at'S'o'clock a/m.
Meltendofff's saloon is under
going repairs .this week and the
main room : is-made larger.
John Anderson , of Brownlee ,
was in town last Saturday"an'd
' made our"office a pleasant visifc * .
The Lower Brule Indian reser-
i - , i n
vatiou will be open tor settlement
next Tuesday , Nov. 24. The land
office is at Chamberlain. ' Special
rates and ; accommodations if you
apply at this offi.-e. We have in
formation thatxwill help you.
X. C. Riggs , , of Woodlake , calleV
on us last week wliile in town pre
paratory to "going to Virginia near.
Richmond where he and his family
expect to make their- future home.
Mr. Riggs has the -good will -and
wishes of his neighbors ajid all who
know him. He has been a good
citizen here and will be in his new
- - * " - -It" is - 'question 'whether Diet
rich will'berfired as senator , or
District A ttt rnb.v Summer- fired
for prosecuting him in the post-
office frauds. * It's upto the re
publican part v to take Dietrich in
' if think the
to-their arms 'or they
people know about-this they'll c * n-
sure him in public and cuddle him
up a
Drs , B [ . C. and I\linnip \ Tnfry ,
who ha\'p _ made several tnos to
Y\lr.n t'ni * p'-eviou , will ma'i ' thi ir
nc-v * , pr - fev8ionn'l visit S-J rHa.\ ,
rv. 25th. 'for ono da\ ' 'nJy.
Thc.v arr theolde - 1 and mo 4 re-
llabJrf fTpecisili ts in the wes- and
carry the largost.sct of instruiuejits
i.i'.u 'e. Consultation free , ' las-
"ses fitted 'at the lowest prices.
Thd.y are to be go . and
JJeKoj * Hast ,
LeHoy , Leach , of Wood- Lake , <
this -late , was' tlio guest over Sun (
day of his brother-in-law , H. 6. ]
Hollenb'eck , 62tt South Sixteenth (
; street" * M Leadi isen route to i
Cincinnati v where he will take a i
position in the house of the Pet- (
rrs'Cttr.trulge/actory. Mr. Ldach ii
rs unquestionably onie of the best ! {
fancy rifle shots in the world , in
fact his rewnt- performances surpass - 11 i
pass an-ythhiff-in' the History of
rifle shooting.- '
His perfonnanco at Mronl ( Lake v
'on * Aiugast,2nd 'was qlaimed that t
time to be the world's record 'in
* * * r jf + *
that line ofjshooting. Mr. Leach a
shot at * lj inch wooden blocks , e
thrown into fhe air by two assist- I
ants. ' He used'a 22-calTber repeat- A
e ,
Just opened up a stock of
Dry Goods , Notions , Cloth =
ing , Furnishing Goods/
Shoes and Flour.
door to Democrat office.
out the shooting , which was fitted
witli plain open sights. The score
made' was as follows.
Shot at Broke. Missed
50 . 4S First 2.
50 . . . . . . . . . 47 First and last 2.
450 . -.448 Last 2.
450 . 447 Firstjk
1000 1)90 ) 10
This performance was duly wit
nessed and its correctness sworn
to ho fore a notary public. Ex
cellent though it was , it did -not
satisfy Mr. Leach , who essayed to
hit itiOO' targets straight. On Oc
tober 14th he attempted and ac
complished this remarkable feat.
It was also done at Wood Lake.
Mr. Leach shot at It inch targets
at a distance of twenty feet. He
used a repeating rifle. At both
te = ; ts he used Peters 22-short cart
ridges , loaded with King's Semi-
Smokeless powder , and did not
"wipe the barrel throughout the
1,000 shots. This shooting was
witnessed by I. J. Leach , Oliver
Halll A. S. McNaraee and C. E.
> *
Dennis , who made affidavit as to
its correctness , which was sworn
to before A. C. Johnson , a notary
public at Wood Lake , Nebr. Mr.
Leach is county surveyor of Cher
ry county , Nebr. Shooting with
him is a mere pastime arid his per
formance on August 2nd was his
first attempt to make a world's
Mr. Leach u-as born in-Rellevue
and is 30 years ofage. . Wo r Id-
Herald. ' .
rour.t will be in session , , next
Mo IJay. . There are numerous
ca 'S that will be interesting and *
some f considerable 'importance
to , I e hied at this term of cou t.
The following list of jurors have
been drawn :
* *
Henry Graham Sam Hu'd on
John Ki ' e .r A Yarvan
W..Smith ' Darf Sears
John Jaquin-s friis tVihd f r
J. W. Wnillans A L .Fohdson
H. R Ed ar Holland Pnlen
D D. Dunn Frank Roti i'put"er
I L Iliobd A V. Grooi't *
W. R HanKin- John Bmxvr- Skinner 'Pett-r Porath
.John Kiel Mhert Rahcock
James Prurlen Jnm * " * R Innhm
A number of attorneys beside
the local bar will be represented
and we may look for interesting
The first annual Sunday school
of Chrrry.-ronnt.v was held Nbvem-
bcr 4th. Nineteen schools were
liearcf from indirectly , but : > nly 8
sent delegates and Deports. Tin *
paper ami talks were very much
ipprcciat''fl , but our "real feast"
same from having with us the two
> tate workers , Prof. Steidly and
Miss Raines. On Tuesday eve-
ling , proceeding the convention ,
Prof. Steidly gave his lecture on ,
lleTho Boy God Made. " Wednes-
lay afternoon Prof. Steidly con-
lucted a Round Table and Miss
3aines a Model ' Sunday School
31ass , which were enjoyed very
uuch. .Wednesday evening we
igain had the very great pleasure
f being addressed by Miss Flaincs
ri Tvhich she demonstrated the dif-
erencejn "teaching" and "train-
ng" ) f a child , followed by a few
'craarks from Prof. Steidly.
The pledges from the schools' ,
nd individuals amounted to $39 , "
rhich more than paid our appor- '
ionment. . - - K
A permanent organization was
ffected , which resulted In the
. '
lection of the. following1 officers : x
kres. ; ftev. : Eflfai D.- Clark , 'of-
ralentine ; 1st vice pros. , KevVrA'.1
, ' .Jenjdin of Merlni'rimn ? sec'j atfd
: ea' * . ; Alias Eva Harden JotVd ; / '
tftine ; supt. of" tqucjiers tnriumg-
Merriman ; supt. of primary work ,
Mrs. Mary Moon ; supt. of home
department Miss Lilian E. Nel1
son of Cody.
It was decided to hold several
district con volitions -during the
next year and we trust that much
good may be accomplished in this
* * * *
way. Our next convention will be
held at Merriman.
Down the River.
Mr : .Wolf killed a jjbeef this
" $ '
week. ' ,
1 Martin Becker went to , town
Mr. and Mrs. Wolf werein
town Saturday.
! Miss Clara Ayers spent Sunday
with IVJiss Clara Crowe.
Aaron Grooms and family went
to Valentine Saturday.
Felix Nollette and family spent
Sunday at Martin Becker's.
Miss Anna Becker spent Sunday
a week ago at Mr. Taylor's'
Miss Ethel Graddy has been
staying with her sister . Mrs ! D.
A new bridge is being- , built
across the Niobrara river -at the j
old Bell ford. ,
The school known as the Dodson
district was opened November 1st
in charge of Miss Spratt. " " {
j > <
Grant Spain and wifef rojni Snake
river stayed over nightof last
week with his wife's sister , Mrs.
Albert Haley , of Sparks , " gave
a nice dance and supper a few
weeks ago. All that were ' pres
ent seemed to enjoy themselves.
We hope he will give another one
Eooms furnished for rent by the
month , or beds by t tha-- * night *
Nortlnof depot on Cherry street.
f +
Experience \Vith One That Had Been
Apparently Killed. , ,
Alligators move rapidly underwater ,
are harci tt see\ harder to hit , and the
harpoon will penetrate'only the h-ist
accessible portions of the body. Xor
does the title to the hide-necessarily
pass Tvith making fast the weapon-
One afternoon in the Checsehowitz-
kee.liver I harpooned a .largealligator ,
which towed me up and down" the
Bti'cam for an hour or two and then
sulked in its deepest part. I pulled on
the line until the boat was directly
over him and stirred him up with the
harpoon pole. He rolled himself oip on
the line in the manner peculiar-to
sharks and alligators and banged the
boat suggestively.Ve rowed , to the
bank and , making fast to some bushes ,
hauled on the line until we succeeded
in worrying him neariy to the'boat ,
when he rose to the surface and at
tacked us with open mouth/"We re
pelled the attack with harpoon , pol
"and rifle. The-former was promptly
bitten in three pieces , but the Jatter ap
parently finished him. It was so.nearly
dark that we decided to carry hini in
the skiff a mile down the river to wheYo
our sloop was anchored. We brbke tlur
seats out of the boat and'togetherman
aged to lift the1 head of the alligator
aboard and tie It. We then tied : the
other end. rt'lieii the reptile -came to
lifa mid .landed a blow with hia "tail
which lifted mo out of the skiff into
the saw grass , With the breath knocked
out of my body and my hand amffaco
badly cut by the grass. " t '
Coat and 1 oatmeu were capsized. As-
my rifip had 1'jrtunately been leftupon-
the bank , I vas able to kill the alliga ?
tor a Tain. We secured him by floating
the t under him and then bailing it
or e all'Tator completely filled the
bo i th i.y companion and I sat
up . his bark as .we paddled down the-
river with gunwales unpleasantly near.1 , J
the water.
It was growing dart , and the water'
aroud us jvas. becoming alive with
air.g.itors. YVhile we were reflecting
upon our overloaded condition our alli
gator came to life again and shifted
b.illast until water poufcd over the
s.uwjo. : } Wo quickly balanced the.
* ; ly to sec it npaiu disturbed and
'o < - ! . i. o-o water. A scramble for the
: ' " .io : 'fi. which we reached -with- .
1 -nd where wo ! "ft our *
> ' ih u'jrK after-again killing
our buzzard
. L fj'.i : . , ( ; Houiosassa river , sur-
ivy. : ' * \ \ , his family , was. sitting
'i > 4v.1:1 ' in the tree waiting for us to
! . ' 5 ' ' .
' c'ari'Ing dutios. Country t
I , ! '
v JJ i-N li'or r Social Snoccas. 1
Air. Cl.i k I wag rather amused to
hear the children gossiping about their
liltle playuuites.
"Mr3 : filarik The little dears ! If. they
oiily keep'oiY , . "liow they.will.shine in
polite society when they gro\y\ip ! Tit-
Btta. " r'I ! ' '
Ideas generate idfedS , like a potato ,
which cut in pieow reproduces itself in
" ' - * -
i multiplied
Real tstate Transfers
US to .Henry CFlinR ux , put lots 3
4 < Hn < " n > = w 5 30 29 ; sue "ese 8 30 29' ;
, T
o mw 8 30-29
US to Elsie H'O Flineaux pat se
nw swne nesw nwse 6 30 29 , sse6. ! ; nne .
7 30 29 ; se > e 5 , snw nesvy 4 30 | 9 <
US to JohnP Robert , pat- lots 3-J
29 ; lot h 30 34 25'
* "
' .
Susannah Bibbey , wLd , to Thos E
Dowell. w d $500 gpe sesw 32 swsw 33
29 34 ' - 'I- . '
Wm E Halev and wf to . .Johnl X7 enr
ich , w d $500 sse nwse nesw 27 34 31
U S to H A Murphy , pat sue ntfnef
ntrse 20 27 30 {
1 " ' I
U S to Jessie Fr\ , pat sne snw 10 ,27 ,
* .
U S to Jotin P Andrews , pat sese 23' ' ;
ssw 24 uenw 25 27. 31 j
U S to Thos W Valentine , pat se 7
31 40
U S to Arthur W Brings , pat ssw
sse3 27 35 !
U S Mary F Speck , pat lot 2senw !
sne 18 28 34- !
- i
rj rf to Herirv C Hoffjard. pat nenw
swnw 13 sene' 14 28 35
U S to Effle L Altxander , R R $200
ene 21"sn\v 22 31 40
.U S to Thos O Alexander , R R $200
wrcw senw swne 2 ] 31 40
) Alexander to Thos W Vol-
lintine , w d $400 above land
U 8 to Gee Ross , yat lot 5 sec 29 ;
lots 5-6 swse 30 3 28
Gee Ross to David rftinard , w d $500
above land
David Stinard and wf to David A
HancocK , w d $1500 above land.
Ceo Rosa to D Stinard , margl el
above land
'Samuel G Small -Nettie' V Ban-
' '
cock , w d $1500 lotV'JPlO sec 2 h'ehe 11 ;
Iot4swnw 12 33 25 " ' " ' ' - "
The Invention of
th - Modern § * rt s
. The primitive press was used
from the time of the incunabula
until the eighteenth century , when" '
Villiani Nicholson practicaljy ells- :
covered modern printingmueh'iiH
cryHe was an unpractical per
son , but , inv.ento.r. To.
say that he was 75 years . .beyond
his time woulU be no exaggeration.
The inventipn of movable -types is
credited to the year 1 36 ; the first
Teally practical press , thatdl'BIaew-
of Amsterdam. Benjiman FrarikV
; in worked on a.hand press in Lon- ,
, doh jn r725 and practically the--
same press -is. in use today by all
photo-engravers for a. proof pressi
At the beginning of the nineteenth
century Lord Stanhope invented a
pr ss composed of cast iron and
provided with a togle joint which
faciliated the"work. . Taking the
subject broadly , however , rwe are
inclined to give the credit of the
modern printing press to William
Nicholson , for his English patent
certainly foreshadows many of
rhe modern improvements. We
may regard him as a Watt , , although *
it- took Stephenson half a century
later' to develop his ideas.
'The cylinder press was intro
duced in 1812. Various improve
ments we're irivent'ecVancl in 1814
: he first press was driven by steam.
[ G the < ame year the London Times
[ > uVin a press the pieces of which
.vere carr-ied-in by stealth to an
idjoining building , owing to the
i vowed hostility of the workmen.
It six o'clock , while the press-
nen were waiting for the fornis ,
VIr. Walter entered the pressroom
thd astonished its occupants by
tiling that the Times was already
> rinted by steam , and that if they
; ttemptcd violence he had an ad- j
'quate ' force to suppress it , but if ,
hey were peaceable they would be
etained. The speed was 1,100 an
tour ! . The curved stereotype was
B vented in 1S16 and the improve-
dents all tended to produce -the
aodern press which is an erolti-
ion rather than a concrete inven-
ion. In 1S4S Col. Hoe introduced
is huge ten-feeder press , which
a point qf size was equal to the
Teat modern double-sextuplene ws
laper presses/ The capacity 'of
be earlier jnacjiines was.2,000 per
our , wMle. thpseto < Jay print and
3ldi56yOCWeightpage papers " '
n " hour. F gm the cfentific
anejopanjssp'ec'ial nUinber .on
" '
SMern ) J : -
FliKIVl4I 'T K310KK * PrtMd | UC Sl'AHKi . CashitT
J. W TETTKa-Vice President i. A R- ,
L tereet paid on time
deposits ,
S *
t 1
iirplus , $1OOO
Persons seeking a place of safety for
' * ! r Offlco Uours" . money , will profit by investigating' tlie
rt > . OA M. to 4 I' . M.
methods employed in ourbusiness < v
' {
Jas. E. Pepper W H. Mcliraver Canadian C
" . xacox-siioy ,
All the Muiflj rd hraii'ln of \ \ hitkitdomestic' , and
inipdi-rci Wines , O < nd ( nV Drv Crin , and Cigars
< > J tinhoicest brands. linKibhon Hoi tied Beer
a s
Oakland Umir rsR\e Rhu Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey
OWL SALOON Proprretor-/ -
Of Cf * ' Sble Agents ; for. - z , i |
' " - " " - - . ' .
; ' 5. jv ,
; Ale and Porter , ' 'And FRED'.KRUG'S/BEEP . -
. Choicest Wines and Cigars ; * - -
VALENTINE. „ ' ; , ' 'A - . . ' v iJ . f"'y.T
'I * ' *
W. T. Bishdb ,
. , . . .
- - ' - - ; * , > .
. . . . ' The . Wilber . 'Barn . . i- . . ' 5.- . , ; , V '
-r. ' -
. . .
* } ' ' ' - , ' i
. Your Patronage' Solicited ; - 1
/ "
N THEIR SEASON. , . ; ; - ,
I-KH ! > - line-n Bteakfl EtaaaUtf
, , * r * - * V J f f * ' * - 7 tf
> ry vS tlt .MeatB 'Siypked.-Vj , v" ' .
. . -v ' -1 < . . . ' -
„ ' . . v vf
ift e
' ' : - vi-r'
' " "
- -
A Minimum of Friction :
Maximum of *
: . . ; 'TO " * '
Type writ
Ball Bearing Carriage. Conical faring Type Bars. Rocking Shaft to Convey
Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in rib other Machine ,
? -l > r arinfc Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : : Beautiful Catalogue Free.
aiih Premier'Typewriter Company ;
CTot-v 1 t.I and ITsiirii ii St. . - " "
r so yon w'antf
. _ one.
The phu-c to tret th ( > best vVmimH , % als. pump * ; unl Tuikb
Prrsf d'Mir south of ru } * f > i 7i' > hfr Huns * '
- for B25doM \ Fur
- Vh.lenr.iTjp.