Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 19, 1903, Image 2

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I. flt KICE ,
Rout pins : ird oafj > et tm'ks come mi
ller Uie head of felt goods.
The military automobile , we pie-
mine , will be equipped with bullet
proof tires.
Radium has dropped from $ r , OOQOCO
to $2,721n 5.90 a pound and still ev
erybody can't afford it.
Yes , as a race AVC "eat too much
meat. " We also burn too much hard
teal and use too much ice.
A Kansas man cured dyspepsia by
fasting for thirty days , lie lias gone
vhero stomachs do not trouble.
The presence of the American eagle
has had a good deal to do with the
rupprcsslon of cock fighting in the Phil
President Harper sympathizes with
the sultan. President Harper\vs :
tvhat governing a lot of flighty people
la himself.
Wlien we read hi the papers that the
beef trade or flour trade is promising ,
the consumer is always able to sup
press his joy.
The latest concerning the Elolstein
cattle Is that "they ought to be bliot. "
Does an unsatisfied longing for cream
make people bloodthirsty ?
How much of the homicidal char
acter and reputation of Kentucky
must be charged to a long line of hair-
trigger-pardon governors ?
A speed , of 114 miles an hour has
been developed on a German electric
railroad. Here Is a new mark for the
lutomobile scorcher to aim at.
Won't that magnetic pole they have
discovered In the neighborhood of
Bkagway do just as well as the north
p le ? 'Twould save a heap of trouble
If It would.
An injunction i-estraiuiug a Chicago
Irm from paying debts is the latest
thing in the injuncrioa : line. Get your
ipplicatlon Tor an injunction in early
ind avoid the rush.
A new blackberry is causing some
comment in the southwest It is yel
low when it is green and white when
it is black. Hold on there hold on
what's the matter with us ? Yes , on
second thought , those are the exact
The New York Herald , comes out
against the Standard Dictionary be
cause it gives vogue to the new word
"chesty. " Nonsense , "chesty" fills a
great aching void in the language and
Is here to stay. Let's give it a "hear
ty" welcome.
The water-cure for the mob spirit has
Its advocates. A new stand-pipe has
just been erected at an Indiana county
Jail , and the hose is to be turned on
rJoters in the future. Men who have
tried it say that it is more effective
than bullets. It certainly Is more hu
Down in Mexico there are travelers
who say that a native will "murder a
white man for five dollars. " That's
one view of the Mexican. Quite an
other Is supplied by the recent feat
of the Indian yeofl , who , when James
Howard , An American mining man ,
was taken with a fever in the moun
tains , put him on a litter and , alone ,
bore him fifty miles on his back to
Lawbreakers should not be brutally
treated , but their discipline should be
always sulliciently rigid to make them
sigh for a return to liberty. They
should never be permitted to forget
that the prison is a penal Institu
tion a place of punishment for crime ,
and not merely a health and pleasure
resort to which it Is pleasant to re
turn after a brief Bojourn outside its
\\aILs. The good citizens of the State
ure In a fair -vay to suffer when the
inulefaciors begin to view the State
prison as a haven of rest
One of the arguments against the
proposition to apply the bash to the
til-serving backs of wife-beaters Is
that the witnessing of such punish-
} x-iit would be brutalizing to the pub-
' . There is no necessity for having
r.any : witnesses of the whippings , and
the few that might be present would
not be more injuriously affected than
are those who are invited by officials
In charge to witness the killing of a
man or a woman by either of the
methods employed In this country for
Inflicting the death penalty.
Each great j'acht-race brings out the
suggestion that because the craft em
ployed are mere ruclng-machines con
tests of this sort are of less value to
the ait of ship construction than if the
test of speed were between boats de
signed in accordance with certain
practical needs. But this criticism
might be made to apply to most sports.
There is always the liability that
games of skill will be developed or
refined beyond the point where the
generality of people can hope to par
It is a Berlin physician , who must
be a sufferer from such "practice , "
who has Just started a campaign
against the widely spread custom of e <
giving pianoforte lessons to children.SL
He asserts that this Instrument 3
largely responsible for the alarmin
development of nervous affection !
which are steadily increasing. In hi
opinion a girl ought not to begin th
study of music before the age of 1
years , and even after that age nc
, more than two hours a day ought t
be devoted to practice. Out of 2,00
girls who were put to the torture o
scale exercises before the age of 1
GOO are doomed to some form of nei
vous disease , whereas out of the sam
number of girls whose musical edt
cation was neglected enl } ' 100 turuei
out neuropathic.
Miss Gladys Vauderbilt can cook. 1
Is in the newspapers , along with
half-tone picture of this daughter o
wealth and luxury. Her pies are toutl
some. She concocts fine giugerbreac
and knows all about the preparing o
baked beans. But why should the fac
that a girl , rich or poor , can cook b
considered news ? Cooking isn't a los
art , and good cooks are not so rar (
If you could get close to the home lif
of some of the wholesome girls yoi
meet , you'd be surprised to learn hoA
much they really know about the prep
aratiou of good food. Kitchen know ]
edge is priceless. The ability to mak
good bread and light biscuits rank
right up with the best work at th
piano. Padcrewski pleases the few
and the good cook pleases everybody
And most of the good women cooki
are home-made. Mothers taught them
and before that other mothers di <
their duty. The message of good thingi
to oat has been handed down from thi
dim past , like the traditions of the In
dians , and of the beginning no mai
can tell you. The girl who can danci
like a sylph , talk interestingly , sing
divinely , is good company. There is al
ways a place fcr her in the world. And
then there is the girl who puts on a
high-necked apron , says "excuse me *
to her guests and disappears into the
kitchen. An hour later she sits be
hind the tea urn. a picture of domes
ticity , happy in the consciousness thai
her hands prepared the food that hoj
friends find delicious. What a wif <
that girl will make ! She is independ
ent. She is powerful. She has n <
lured girl troubL-s. She is happy whet
her untaught sister is helpless. It is
[ rood to know that Gladys Vanderbili
sun cook. Here's to the Mollies and
\Farys suul Lulus and a million nion
ivbo nl > o can cook , and who have neve )
Licen featured in the newspapers !
John Philip Sousa , the baud leader ,
in an interview says : "Hag time is an
3Stablished feature of American
music ; it will never die any more thai ]
Faust' and the great operas will die.
tt is Just as popular everywhere as
it ever AVJIS , and I see no reason why
it should not reran in in favor as long
is music is played. " This demon
strates that Mr. Sousa is better as a
jand master than as a musical observ
er. There is no feature of American
nusic that is "established , " for thenj
s no American music. There is no
feature of music that Is established ,
.n music fashions change with each
jeneration. Sometimes they changa
nany times in a generation. In noth-
ug is the popular taste more fickle
han is music. Where are the ok
nadrigals , and glees and catches
A'here is the old "penny royal"
.Vhere . are the old time negro melo
lies ? Where are the old sentimenta
ougs and descriptive ballads ? When
s the old piano program music ? Mr
iousa says "rag time will never die
ny more than 'Faust' and the great
peras will die. " But where , Mr ,
kmsn , are "Norma , " and "Lucia , " and
Robert the Devil , " and "Semiramide , '
nd "Cenerentola , " and "Dinorah , "
iid "Masaniello , " and "William Toll , "
nd "Trovatore , " and "Ernani , " ami
cores more of operas once considered
reat ? And does not Mr. Sousa know
lat all of Gounod's operas are dead ,
ive "Romeo and Juliet" and "Faust ,
nd that these two already have re-
jived the final summons to retire to
ic shelf and gather dust ? Mr. Sousa's
Smoky Moke" and "Georgia Camp-
iceting" may last a little longer , foi
Is the day of the rag time , the two-
: ep , and the coon song , but the intisl-
il comedy , itself wearing out , li.ii
iven them their finishing blow , and
ley will soon pass and be forgotten
A Valuable Sacltlle.
"Don't run an account Pay for wlia ,
> u get when you get it , " was Grand
Oier White's frequent advice to hi ;
: iltlren and grandchildren. And tliei
f used to tell us this story :
My father had an account when h )
fed In England , and once his bill ai
e saddler's was larger than lie ex
ctcd ; but he paid it , for he had i\ (
ly of proving that he hadn't bough :
items charged. A year or two lites
e saddler died , and it came out
rough his clerk that he.had doiii
me queer things. He was consider
honest man , but queer. A mai
? nt to tlie store one day and bough
saddle , and ordered It charged tj
) account And when It was too lati
3 clerk who sold the saddle did no
ow the gentleman's name1.
'Oh , well , " said the saddler , "chnrgi
to all who have accounts here , nn (
> right one will pay for It. The otli
i will know they didn't buy It. "
Lnd did they know it ? Never a bl |
e clerk said that forty persons paii
that saddle.
> t
The Wisdom of Experience. 1I 1
'Why , " asks a Missouri paper , "doei
ssouri stand at the head in raisin/ / r
lies ? "
Because , " replies the Paw Paw Cor
f Bazoo , "that Is the only safe placj
stand. "
Hint has become of the old fashion
woman who referred to her enemj
"flu old
Disinterested View of tlis
Prosperity Under Our Rule.
The two principal articles of expor
tation in Porto Rico , sugar and tobac
co , have increased from 27,50f ) . ( o (
francs and 3,101,800 francs in 1001 tf
81,975,000 francs and 10.570,000 francs
the year following. The exports n ]
cigarettes and of leaf tobacco havf
diminished , but the diminution is 01
little importance compared to the mud
higher value of cigars.
The sugar cane plantations Avith the
employment of modern methods an
Increasing , facilitated as they are bj
the creation of central factories , OIK
of which has recently been started al
Guanica. NotAvitbstanding the nd
vances made , still there remains mucL
to be done.
Coffee culture is extending rapidly ,
The product of the present yi-ai
amounts to 350,000 bags. During the
last ten years 3,500 acres have boon
devoted to orange plantations. They
plant about seventy trees to the acre ,
which yield in five years to about 35
000 oranges , Avhich are usually sold at
the wharfs at the rate of five franc. ?
a hundred , and this gives a profit of
1,250 francs to the acre.
Cotton planting is about to be re
newed. The exportation of cotton
reached 4,000 bales in 1SG5. About
300,000 acres will soon be set apart
for cotton plantations.
Many mining concessions have been
granted since the annexation of the
island to the United States , but none ,
so far , have been Avorkcd with energy.
Gold , silver , iron , copper and bisimrh
exist in the island , and also
beds of tin , mercury , lignite , yellov
amber and nickU , without speaking of
the lead mines.
The construction of railroads is j.fl
ing on rapidly. The entire system , it
is expected , Avill be completed in less
than three years. The French lino. ie-
organixed under the name of the
"American Railroad Company of Porto
Kico , " has obtained a new concession.
It is UOAV occupied in finishing the nei
work of railroads in the island. An
electric tramway has been started at
Ponce. Another line connects Buya-
mon with San Juan , and it Avill soon
be linked to a steamboat line to Ponce.
L'Ecouomisie Francais.
A Triple 'ira edy.
An Indian from the Flambeau reser
vation in northern Wisconsin recently
wane into the iisaing retort of Squaw
Lake Avith a curiosity iu the \\jiy of
fleer horns he wished to sell. Failing
to make a sale , he took the horns buck
to the reservation. The Montreal \Vit-
Qe s describes his treasure as tluee
Bets of aiulu-s inextricably iiKedjclad.
r\vo sets of antlers so lockeJ are raie ,
but not unkuoAvn. It is believed that
.he Flambeau ChippeAva has th. ' only
> et of three-locked antlers in the \\\rld.
The accident could have happened
July in one Avay. Two bucks of equ.u
strength Avere fighting in the forest
md became locked. Then , Avhile they
svere still Struggling , a third buck ap
peared and charged them both , prob-
ibly repeatedly , until his OAVII horns
jecame fastened.
rlhe Indian says he found the horns
lorlh of Flambeau /.alee / , about a mi e
'rom the Avater. Tlu-y Avere lying on
: he side of a hill , and there Avere no
jones near them. The condition of the
lorns proved that the fight occurred
lot more than tAvo years ago. The
intlers Avere all of full-grown bucks ,
ihoAving eight and ten points each.
The third pair had been driven into
he others just above Avhere they were
oined , and the branches of them were
bout equally lacked Avitb. the branches
the others.
They Avere not broken or chipped in
"y way , Avhich seems to indicate that
vhen the third buck had made his last
barge he Avas fastened so firmly that
here was no room for ; iny one of his
oints to play in the forks of the oth-
rs. Indeed , all the horns were so
toutly joined that they could not be
uvid at all. They are as rigid as if
lolded in that fashion from steel.
i * Rings.
Among the curiosities of wedding
ings it is on record that in the early
ays rings Avere mads of rushes. Per-
aps the most curious material used
> r rings required on an emergency
; the case of 0112 being hurriedly
lade by cutting it out of the finger of
glove , and another out of a visiting
ird. Many cases are on record o
ngs made of brass and iron being
-e.l , as also certain rings and do r
? ys being prcsswl into service at Avid-
iugs. The Quakers and Swiss Prot-
itants do not use rings at their mar-
age ceremonies. The Irish pe ; pie
ive a strong objection to any b it
) ld rings. In St. Kilda wtdJing rings
e made of Avorstexl. The Avoman of
e Upper Bayanzi on the Congo ,
eir welding rings around their necks ,
liese rings are made of thick brass
ds , which are made into great rings
id strongly welded together. The
ore Avoalthy the husband the heavier
e ring. In some cases they weigh
irty pounds.
Designers haA'e been busy with love
fairs and their sj-mbols. The on-
gement ring Avill probably never lose
5 favor , but there are now several
velties in the AA-ay of engagement
fts that vie with the ring for popu-
rlry. A pretty idea is the curb
acelet with the heart clasp in Avhich
poses the portrait of the giver.
Going Down the Chute.
St. Peter What did you do on
i-th ?
Jainbler Well , I-er-kept a dive ,
t. Peter Take one now. Philadel. .
La Press. (
< - & > 4 $ g &i v. & ?
Quick Results.
V. J. Hill , Justice
of the Peace ,
Concord , N. C. ,
says : "Doan's
Ividney Pills
proved a very
efficient reme
dy in my case.
I used them for
disordered kid
neys and back-
ache. f ro in
which I had exp -
p e r i e n e e d a
great deal of
trouble and
pain. The kidney secretions were ver ,
irregular , dark colored and full of seili
inent. Since taking the pills the secrc
tions are cleared up. I have not had ai
ache in my back , my health general !
is improved a great deal.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. \
For sale by all dealers , price 50 cent
per box.
Everybody knows the prent value o ;
this remedy in the household , hut every
body does not know that the imitation :
of it , which some second-class druggist !
dishonorably palm off on their custom
ers , have little or no value. What shonh
be understood by the public is that it i ;
not a mere question .of comparative valm
hetAVoen "Vaseline" and the imitations
hut that the imitations do not effect tht
wonderful healinc results of the work
renowned "Vnseline. " nnd that they an
not the some thing nor mncle in the sanu
way. Besides this , many of the imita
tions are harmful , irritant and not safe
to use , while true Vaseline is perfectlj
Perfect safety therefore lies in biiyinj
only original bottles nnd other paeknjret
put up by the Chesebroujrh Manufaotur
ing Co. Attention is called to theii
Capsicum Vaseline , advertised in anothei
column. ,
Friend "Why do you sell to those
soohty people if you have such E
tinio collectii g the bills ? "
Florist "Hiat ! I use them as
sti'ol-pinrons , to lure in the no-
bcdies who pay cash. "
Mr. Gotham "Is th.fc suburban
cottme that you are advertising
rea'lv desirable ? "
A cent "Dos rabl/ ? Why , sir , it's
painted in sixt-eu colors. "
How's This ?
Wa offer One Hundred Hollars Reward foi
any ca-e of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by
Hall's CatarrhCurfi.
F. ,1. CHK.NKY & CO. . ITon * . . Toledo. O.
We , the imd'jfMirnoil. ha\eknown r.J rluwj
for the la-t ir.ears. . an. 1 belieu- him vtrlivtlv
ipnoiablu in aU I > UMUS trail-action > and tinan-
eially able to carry out any obligations made In
nieir linn.
West Tniax. vfliole aie DrimtrNts. Toledo , o.
WaldinKuinan & Marvin. \ \ hole-sale Dnij-
jiits. Tc eiio. ouio.
Ihti s Catarrh Cure is taken internally , actiuu
hreciiy upon ' .lie blood and mucous surfaces o
the system , /'rice " > . . jn-r bottle. Sold by all
Wru Kists. Te > tunonialtree. .
Hail's Family ' , , n-c lie best.
Drummer " 1 want a pair of con
gress gaiters. "
Dealer "There has been so little
lemand for congress gaiters lately
tint AVG have ceased to keep Mi em "
Drummer "H'ml Then give nif-
i naif of button gaiters and a fiie
- . "
Mahin's Magazine says , "If at first
rou don't succeed , dun'c count the
iisc time. "
A man doesn't uecess'irily lead a
Jog's lile because his wife pets bin : .
When an individual minds his own
Dusiuess he is one kind of monopolist.
Occasionally women make f < ols of
nen , but they arc not responsi ble
'or all the fools. the trimmings for drcssv
ai or-made suits aie oriental em-
MOideries , fur , bntid , and ciochet
nseuiO'is and medallions , the latter
ound. square and oval , worked in
olorcd flax tin cad or silks and wool.
Trees form a rough guide to the
lO'nts of the compass. The mos in-
a'iably grows tnicke t on the north
ide , and , where exp > sed to the sun.
he liuibs attain the largest dimen-
ions on the south side.
Hns Had Kxperiences.
A woman who has used Postum
'ood Coffee since it came upon the
narket eight years ago knows from
jxpcrience the necessity of tying Pos-
um in place of coffee if one values
lealth and a steady brain.
She says : "At the time Postuin was
irst put on the market I was suffering
rom nervous dyspepsia and my physi-
ian had repeatedly told me not to use
ea or coffee. Finally I decided to take
lis advice and try Postum and got a
ample and hnd it carefully prepared ,
imling it delicious to the taste. So I
ontinued its use and very soon its
eneficial effects convinced me of its
alue for I got well of my nervousness
.nd dyspepsia.
"My husband had been drinking cof-
ee all his life until it had affected his
.erves terribly. I persuaded him to
hift to Postuin and it was easy to get
im to make the change , for the Pos-
um is so delicious. It certainly work-
d wonders for him.
"We soon learned that Postum does
ot exhilarate or depress and does not
timulate , but steadily and honestly
treiigthens the nerves and the stom-
ch. To make a long story short , our
ntire family have now used Postum
or eight years with completely satis-
ying results as shown in our fine con-
ition of health , and we have noticed a
ither unexpected Improvement In
rain and nerve power. " Name given
y Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
Increased brain and nerve power al-
rays follow the use of Postum in
lace of coffee , sometimes In a very
mrked manner.
Look In each package for a copy of
le famous little book , "The B < * ad to
fellyiile. "
A sensible wife is averse to flattery ,
but merited praise delights her.
She likes her husband to be thought
ful of her , kind and considerate ol
her we.fare. Wiien she Is well and
Le-omingly dressed , a quiet notice oi
it is always appreciated.
A \\ord of praise for a nice dinner
or supper often more than compen
sates her for tbe worry and work of
She wants her husband not only to
be her suppoiter , but her companion ,
remembering that it is the kind
word that often brings her greater
happiness than a new set of dishes ,
though presents like the latter are
always welcome.
She liks to realizs that she is
good for something besides a mere
household drudge. She Jikes to be
petted occasionally , but not in pub
Burglar Bill "These gypsies don't
know anything. One cf 'em told
Gory ( jus that he'd die on the gal
lows. "
Dynamite Dan "Well , didn't he ? "
Uunrlar Bill "Naw. He died of
old age while waitiu' fer a new
trial. "
Mrs. Slimdiet "Why do you bring
the doc into the hous-j ? "
Cook "Please , mum , the boarders
always inquire after him when there
is sausage fer breakfast. "
Father "Yes , I admit that your
lover has a go d income , but lie has
very expensive t-istes , very. "
Daughter "You amaze me. What
d ies he ever want that is so very ex
pensive ? "
Father "Wellyou.for one thing. "
She ( doubtfully ) "Have jou really
ted : me of all tbe"sins yon ever com
He ( stoutly ) "Yes. All. "
She ( sono.vful.iy ) "Then I am not
oi thy of you. Faiewell for for
t'o.ever. "
. Another new trimming for Avoolen
matrials muc'i ' usd for the aciom-
uiont of ski its consists Of several
tows of naTro v black or colored vel
vet ribbon arranged horizontally , and
travelsed at intervals with strips or
co ored embroideries , the edges of
which come above the velvet.
Female mountain climbers in
Switzerland , if they are American ,
French or English , and value their
complexions , smear their faces with
soot to protect them fiom the sun's
Ball gowns scintillate with lich
embroideries , and sashes figuie on all
of them.
For Infants and CMldren.
fbe Kind You Have Always Bough ?
Bears the
Signature of
Don't get grouchy ; the Lord loves
\ cheerful man.
Colored globes in drugstore win-
lows were first displayed by the
Mours of Arabia and Spain.
Excessive colTee drinking is hurtful
o the sight. This is the opinion of
in eminent French scientist.
Ton many men Avaste valuable time
: alling : about the things they are go
ng to do.
The ancient Romans considered it
jffeminale to wear beards. All their
lusls , representing the famous men
if olden times , are without beards.
I can recommend Piso's Cure for Con
sumption for Asthma. It has given me
treat relief. W. L. Wood , Farmersburg ,
.ml. , Sept. 8 , 3001.
If you can't say a good word for
our neigh'.or . at least you can keep (
our mouth shut.
Mr. = . WI'isloWsOOmiNT SYRUP for chil
r n teethmpsoften- ! t-ums , reduces in a-
lalion , flllaysptiin cures colic. Pi ice ijc bottle
Shads s'inu'd ' ' be pn-tty sure of any-
hmg they feel in their bunes.
Carpprs can br > colored on the floor
pi-s ers come under the
ad of drawing insfni'iient ? .
; errs DEFEXDEK. CopylOc. Great Bend , Kansas
. N. U. 7S8 - 47. YORK N 8R
The Doctor' * Statement.
St. John , Kan. , Nov. 10. This
bas a genuine sensation In the case of *
a little boy , the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William McBride. Dr. Limes , tbe at *
tending physician , says :
"Scarlet Fever of a very malignant
type brought this child very near to-
death and Avben the fever left him , be
Avas semi-paralyxed. in the right le ?
and right arm. He also lost hearing
in his right car and bis mind Avas
much affected.
"His parents tried another treatment
for a time and Avhen I Avas recalled I
found that be was having spells very
like Epilepsy and Avas very bad and
gradually growing Averse. I advised
the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills and in
a short time the child began to im
prove. Inside of a Aveek tbe nervous-
nasms or epileptic seizures ceased al
together. "
Mr. and Mrs. McP.ride have made a.
sworn statement of the facts and Dr.
Jesse L. Limes has added bis SAVora
statement saying that Docld's Kidney
Pills and nothing else cured the fits.
There is no tool like an old tool.-
Male gossips are the Atorsc of the-
Fools who keep their mouths shut
may pass for wise men.
Too many so-called gems of thought
turn out to be paste.
The pale of society can be had of
any druggist at 50 cents a box
Earthquakes are responsible for a
lot of non-cole ! < : table giound rents.
Always aim a little higher than
the mark if the mark is a dimple in
her chin.
The kangaroos are disappearing in
Australia. Since IS77 it is stated
that 7,407,863 of them have been
killed there.
Hints to the Plain Featured. No
mailer how plain yuur face may be ,
you can beccmie a styii h and tine
uoking wo'nau , if you cultivate a
graceful carriage and a certain indi
viduality in dress. You know ihafc
the most fascinating women have
teen plain looking. 'ih ; re is a
char iu of peismality that has n th-
114 whatever to do with brig L eyes ,
symmetrical features , or pretty hair.
Uo all you can to improve your cum-
plexion Cultivate a pleasant ex-
[ lusiion by having a cbe rfiil dispo-
situn , and ten ! ; tram y iur boiy : to
symmetry and uracufulness.
Moihr tlr y' Mvet I'omlurs for Chil
Siu-ce sfu'lv rserl by Mother Gray , nurse in
hf rinMr n's Hm in New Vor < ure on-
upatiou. 1-eve i hiii'.1- ? . Uitdtomach , 'IVtrih-
> y l'i riicr . motu m : < l ifj < uliii - tutiiowtIs
iiiii ! > . -tr < Woriu-j nv-r yuOi'O tes imonitila.
\t nil drutr- . i > e.maple FiibE. Address
V -i ui fctea. Le oy , N Y.
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for nnd Superior to Mustard or nny
y her plaster , and will not blit-ter the rep t deliciitu
> Uin. The pain iilhiyiagand curative qualities of tins
rticle ore wonderful. It will sto tlio toothache Hi
) n < e , Biid relieve Lend ache and t-ciatic .
We recoin mend it r the l > et i.nd H a fast external
ounter-irriuint also n * an ezteriial remedy foi
> nina in the chest nnd stomach and nil rheumatic ,
jeurak'if and gouty complaints.
A truil will prove whnt we claim for U. nnd It will h
: ound to l > e invaluable i i the household. .Many people
ifty ' It is the le > t of all yoiirprepnration "
.Price Jf contK. nt nil drucKitF , or other dealers , or bj
enduiK this amount to us in postage stamps , we will f
iend you n t be by n > nil. <
No article"houid bi > ace" pted by hepnli'icinIesMtho-
lame carries our label. u ouieiwi e it is not genuine.
17 State Street , New York City.
Get the cheeiful habit.
'lh' re is f > n y one thing more fool-
sh than not advertising worrying-
Napo'eon is said to h ive remarked
Lmt he feared three newpip-rs more
han one hundred thousand b-iiOiiets
What do you 60 with your even-
ngs ? iMany a success has been mada
a a foundation of home study.
Hise up , brothers , and get pay Jor
nur labir. Elevate the business
nd c 'me ' up with it.
Keep up with the. new. ideas even
f you do not adopt them all.
There is no satisfaction keener < f
than being1 dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest storm.
- - - c
ir he will not supply you
icndfor _ our free catalogue of gormenta oftd hata.
r .i - v- - - .Jt "IS * ? - J
Bast ConzrHyrup. . Taatea Good U §
In time. Sola br
Sale 10,000,000 Boxes a Year.
ICc ,
25c. SOc. Druggist ? |