Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 29, 1903, Image 1
al Pociet * - . / , . - * ' . fJL , 11 V VOLUME XVIIT VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. OOTOBEH 29. NUAJBEJEMl 5 ? Heating Stoves , Cast and Si eel Eanges tote to tote Cook Stoves. tote tote to t We now call \our attention to our large and com tote plete line of Heatiiig Stoves , Hard Ooal Burners tote to arid Steel Range ? , which we now have on our floors ready for inspection. We are glad to say , tote to and can prove what we say , that we have the best tote line of stoves that has ever been offered to the tote tote people of this part of the country. tote Priccu anri ftualify Guaranteed. tote tote to We are ale sole agents for the "Retort Jewel' * , a tote tote 49 stove which has been improved upon by men who tote have had years of experience in the stove busi tote ness and i therefore the best 'Retort" stove on el tote 's ? the market , a gooii one which is especially adapt ed to the cheaper grades of soft coal , handled by tote 4 ? to dealers here. We also sole tote our arc agents of the to "Cole's Dot .Blast" . If tote stoves. you need a stove to tote 4 ? call and . to see us. tote 45 to < & us.MUT tote 4 ? MUT tote * St r ii il Jl V4n M'l * * NM 4 ? Winter Wraps and Clothing ; * * * . Take away the dread of cold weather. Sl The BEST Styles and fit in Ladies Jackets , Ready and Tailor/made Suits and Overcoats For fall and winter wear. Caps and Gloves for a chilly drive , TAILOE m ANDCLOTHIEE. Our Tin and Sheet Iron work can't be beat. A tote tote first class tinner and good material to work with. tote to tote to Guns and Ammunition tote Haymakers Tools tote 4 * 4 ? Undertaking. | j General Hardware , Stoves and Eangj j < ? es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and g ; * ' 5 ftsp * Furniture , windmills and Pumps , FRAHK FISCHER. $ 4 * JAMES B. HULL Proprietor. Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE 3 NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts k iL | Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as & State Bank Chartered as a National Bank Junr 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , T JL Valentine , Nebraska. ( Succespor to ) PAID 1H A General Banking Exchange anti- Co ] lection Business 0. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M.V , , Caebiej : , TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture < Weather Bureau f Valentine , Nebraska , week ending c a , m. October 23.1903 Maximum temperature 82 degrees on the 21U Minimum temperature , irr decrees on the 23rd. Mean jtemperature. o.9 degreee. which is 5.3 decree above the normal. I Total precipitiition , 0.00 inch.hiciiisO 2t inch ' below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge. , Election next Tuesday. Grant Perkins , of North Table , was in town Saturday. Josh Hitt was in town from his place east of the Post Saturday. Chas. Lower , from down the river , was visiting in town Satur day. Wm. Ballard and wife were in , town several days this week visiting - ing friends. Henry Becker , who lives several miles north of town , was in the city Saturday. Andrew Benson , of Arabia , shipped a car load of cattle to Oma ha Monday of this week. Hans Ulrick was in from the reservation Sunday , transacting d business and visiting friends. John Granger , of North Table , was in town last Saturday , com bining business with pleasure. Quite a number of Indians were in town the latter part of last week loading freight for the agency. John Cordier was down from his ranch on -reservation last j week , laying in supplies for the winter. I wi Frann Higgin , of Arabia , while in town last week called at our of ; fice and as a result we credit him > with a dollar on subscription. n Frank Hippie , a prosperous " j ranchman of Crookston , made us ' a pleasant visit while in town Mon o day and set his subscritpion ahead 1C , for THE DEMOCRAT. de Tom Hudson , of Sparks , brought in a load of wheat Monday which it he sold to the mill for GO cents per be bushel. He says he raised about ne 400 bushels this year. ' Adam Smith and Johnny Bur peh nett drove several hundred cat ; h tle from their ranch on "White riv ) er to this city last week and Sunu } day shipped them to Omaha. | al ' They went down with them. * 1 JUi There was a train load of cattle " shipped from here Sunday. Adam Smith and Johnny Burnett shipped he 12 cars , C. P. Jordan i cars and bo Jake Stettcr 3 cars. The cattle he were shipped to South Omaha. heU i , . Merton Holsclaw and wife returned - ' turned from the reservation last to ; week after an absence of nearly a anWJ month. Mert had taken his broth WJ er's place on Curtis' ranch while the latter was away on a vacation. ' . th Mrs. Susan J. Berry departed th : Tuesday morning for a months fn visit with relatives and friends at lid Moorcroft , Wyo. Mrs. Berry will be remembered as an old resi wl dent of this county , having resided vij here for over twenty years. fa Dell Whipple and Miss Nora | , ; were married at the with , home of the bride's father in this thU1 hc city last Thursday evening , Judge ; Towne officiating. THE DEMO-I CKAT joins with their numerous. friends in extending best wishes. ; as The addition to Meltendorlf's tin , saloon building is progressing quite tei rapidly. He has had a large eel- of lar dug under the new and part of all the old building , walled up with an stone. He will have a steel ceiling pe put on , and when the whole is pewi completed he will'have one of the ve tote&foftgj I The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. IT Chas. Bates , of Oak Creek , ac companied Chas. P. Jordan's cat tle i down to Omaha last Sunday. Henry Stetter is improving the place he bought of Hiram Cornell by building a number of stock sheds. Cody Cow Boy : I. M. Kicc , the democratic candidate for county treasurer , was a caller at this of fice last evening. It is not often that an editor aspires to become the custodian of as much money as the treasurer of Cherry county must necessarily handle , but Bro. Rice will do the business all right if he wins the race. D. M. Jeffers , who lives about a mile and a half west of town , had the misfortune last week to lose 7 stacks of hay , amounting to about 100 tons , and a part of his stable by fire , caused by the sparks from an engine. This .vill work much aihi hardship on Mr. JefFers who was depending on the hay to winter his ' cattle. : We understand that he > received 8250.00 from the railroad i company as a compensation for bhc loss. 85nil Found Guilty. After one of the hardest contest ed cases in the history &j& North- ivest ( Nebraska , Fred Mans was Pound guilty of murder in the second end , degree by the jury before ivhom he was tried. Nearly a iveek was consumed in the trial of he case and the verdict of thft jury vas reached too late Saturday light ; to permit the court to pro- iced further. It is understood ihat the defense will file a motion 'or a new trial which will not be icard by the court until next week , vhen it will be acted upon and if lenied sentence will be pronounced. No prediction can safely be made this time what the sentence will , but on account of the serious- icss of the offense it is believed he A'ill get a life sentence. This pa- S % er has from time to time called hc attention of its readers , to the ' eculiar circumstances surround- ng this case , and it has laid spec- ' stress upon the two questions : 'Why was flans in Ainsworth i just at that particular time , " and "Why did he want to serve that warrant ? " The evidence shows had not been deputixed by any- 3ody to serve the warrant and that signed the warrant as Deputy United States Field Marshal. The 'act that Hans had a commission act as a deputy marshal gave no uithority to arrest any man on a warrant from any state court. It was not upon this contention .lowever that he was tried , but on the theory that he killed Luse as he result of a plot to remove him rom the community and that he the job for pay. Mr. Hans was ably defended and ivhile the prosecution was able and rigorous it was handicapped by the tact that the defence failed to place jpon the witness stand several of he parties who were associated vith Hans in the work of fixing evidence upon which to get a warrant for Luse's arrest. . The jury before whomllaLS wab ricd was no ordinary body of men juries go. They were serious , houghtful men , and the close at- eution they gave to every detail the ca o was commented on by . The fact is , the demands for impartial trial are met , and the people would have been satisfied vith the result no matter what the rerdictof the jury had been. S H Dark Gray Skirt $ } With cloth straps and buttons. Gotfd school skirt , 2.75 tel f ; Cadet Blue or Red Skirt 43 f $ Trimmed prettilv with black braid $ l ; 50 | ? Light Gray Skirt J * < gij Strapped with yoke effect / § 5.00 fo f Tan Gray Skirt 49 Corded effect § 5.75 Black Skirt 4 ? Trimmed with braid und straps of silk , forming 49 effect § 6.00 to 49 49 4 ? 4 * 4 ? * 2 43 49 39 49 49 Our stock of. ITER Arc coming in daily and we you to come and look them ovei get prices before buying elsc\\ Give us a chance to show you lines which are complete. Wo handle everything and our prices our right. Come and see. MAX E. VIERTEL CIIOOKSTCHS NEBRASKA 9 9 Our Groceries Are best for GOOD LIVING. You get satis . faction from Good Groceries and we get satis faction in furnishing them.Ve \ give you the best in quality at a price you are willing to pay. * W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. 3 fc'SYSTST tfyvsrrrs'BTrsTraerrs We handle the Moline , Fuller and Johnson wagons , ( Both wide and narrow tire.j Storm Sash , Posts , Eoofing We have both black and iralvanizcd wire. * Tar Paper , Tar Felt , Eed Eosin and Euberoid. Lead and Oil , Crown Cottairc cuturs. 3 CD Builders Hardware , Windmills , Galvanized Pipe , Pumps , 1 and Tanks. Cement , Lime and Brick , * & fn * * % A "f * IT'S * f t fH ? Lf SPARKS , Manager , : TAW ! | | j n.Ifs ( ° y ° u IIL * ( a good one. The place to get the befet Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donouer Bouse Highest t-asli pice pai i for Hid & anil Furfc. , MOON * * 4 Vtifctottoe , Neb ?