Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 22, 1903, Image 5

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* * I 1'ttr I - * ' , *
rfntored act ton Post-olllce at Valentine , Cherry
souuty. Nebraska , as Second-clai s matter.
Lonp VHPV ! ! Ilprofffrt Ranch
Brownim , N ; l > r.
131693 and Curlj
r.oit 112261 a. head
of herd 'l'li - bKKMl
of Fowler. Anxiety.
Lord Wilton and Sir i i
Gladstone pr doim- ; ;
nates in my herd.
ho 8tK-k lor salat present. Kanch f nr m.l > *
iicrih-west of Brownu.o , ? * cbr
3 rMi.oulk 75 per , 'wt * 14.m * ion
. . . .V.7" " 18. M ) "
< " - i.t.tnjrr " , . . " * :
" .i'05 $20"-
; . , . 95 $18.00 "
. , - - ( , in" .1.00 * 190
. . .1.20 " * 23 < M
John Nicholson ,
: \ < . iii Valentine t'li llif < ' 1U , 21. lili
an- - Miu MI month. Lie ervr
t , . r - , . k mi rum tllcfrfi Doimiu-r
fci i A
Qtiiee over the grocery deparnjent
of T. U Hornby's store.
Will bain itabiuJ agency July
aid , Oct. 2nd and Jan , i ,
L > oeu general hlar-kHiuithiugatliaiil
times price * for caah.
C.'ity Deliverymaa.
uuuka , valibcs ami pHt-.kagu ? li uied to HH .
iruiu tLc uepoi.and ab parts ot tlie City.
\ VA. . ICMKbLL ;
b'irst-clasa Shop in Every Respect
Eu de Quliilnt Hair Toiiio , Goldeu Star hair
Tonic. Hi'rptaide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
I ry Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
VtttrntiiK * or \ oodlake
u ui'ii Surgeon
-it QuiglcN A : Cbapiuaii's !
U Mine. . Nijrht * Tin Don- '
ru. ' lu-rr )
hr Lira I'd $ Fur ay \
| ( 'hj > iciau Surgeon' ! ,
'jjjla frute.nul Hull or El--
lion' * Utuy IUUU2
Vain iiu < s S
; l ! : < * ' 11. Oisliiet < * oirt and U S.
OR3o K a ! Ksiattjwici Utncb Property
. . . .
. . . .
.pf. -V1 - ! ' ' ' * > | "tl
Hobert G. Easley ,
' Office over Ked BYont
Vnlcnline ,
Clothes Cleaning !
Dyeing ami Pn-s
rruovat d and blocUod.
$3TLeaVe orders fit Davenpor : & Tliacher's.
Orders taken for Eeady-Made t
Tailor Skirts at reasonable prices.
More Local.
Lew Smith , Mat House , Chas.
Greene , Sam Iraes , Dave Weis-
hart and Fred Butual returned yes
terday from Norfolk. They had
gone as teamsters helping the 25th
Infantry to that place.
E. Towne , a brother of Judge
Townc , from Shellrock , Iowa , has
been here on a visit the past week
with the judge. He was out here
about 16 years ago and notes consid-1
erable changes and improvements.
Fred Beman was in town Tues
day night to meet his brother
Oscar who comes from Des Moincs ,
la. , to visit and may decide to locate -
cate here. Mr. Beamer is a son-
in-law of J. A. Lansing , south of
town on the Niobrara river.
Let every man talk of election and
tell your neighbor who is too busy
to think of just when it is. It is
only one week from next Tuesday
and if you don't keep talking to
your neighbors about it you are
liable to forget it yourselves. Cast
yo ir vote.
The silver medal was won by
Mr. . Hornby Tuesday night at the
silver gray contest , though all the
speakers did exceptionally well.
There wasn't one who attended
this contest but was more than
pleased with the entertainment.
Home talent is often times over
M. Swigert , of Gordon , was in
town last Saturday , having come
up with two prisoners , Arthur
Russell and G. Brewer , whom he
had arrested by She riff Key , of
Bur well , for stealing horses from
his ranch in the west part of Cher
ry county , 25 miles southwest of
of Gordon , about Sept. 17Rus
sell's father gayo bond for his ftp
pearance at court and Brewer was
left in charge of Sheriff Layport
until the November term of court.
Miss Jennie Barker and Archie
Pettycrew were married Wednes *
day evening at S o'clock , October
21 , 1903 , at the home of Mr. a.ncl
Mrs. Jas. Hull by Judge W. R.
Towne. A nice lot of useful pres
ents were given as a token of the
high esteem of the bride and groom
by friends who were present. Mr.
Pettycrew is the oldest son of our
worthy townsman and merchant ,
W. A. Pettycrew , and has the
good will of all who know him.
Miss Barker is a niece of Jas. B.
Mrs. Louis Nollette , northeast
of Valentine about IS miles , died
at her home Tuesday morning of
a hemorrhage. A child was born
to her Monday night and is alive ,
The funeral was conducted Wed
nesday by Rev. Muyssen of the
catholic church. Six children and
a husband survive her and have
the sympathy of all their ncigl
bors and friends. Jas. Nollette ,
of Nenzel , was telegraphed and
came down Tuesday evening and
went out Wednesday to attend the
There was a collision of two
- stock trains at Georgia Sunday
morning just after the passenger
passed through. One train had
pulled into Georgia and stopped ,
waiting to get onto the switch ,
when the train following crashed
into it. The engineer and fire
man saw that they were about to
run into the train ahead , but owing
to the force of the long train and
going down grade , were unable to
stop. The caboose and three stock
cars were wrecked of the train in
the lead and the engine and tender
of the other train were pretty
badly smashed up. One stock
man , who was asleep in the caboose
of the train ahead , was thrown sev
eral feet in among the cattle after
the caboose had been bursted to
pieces. It is said that he was not
seriously hurt , though it is the
greatest wonder , since the car he
was in and also the cattle cars
were all broken up. The wreck
caught fire and two cars burned.
Thirty head of cattle were killed.
The wrecker arrived from the ,
west but a track was built around
the wreck and the trains in waiting
over during the
. * fsLL sXX r JfXZLf !
The Telephone/
There are blessings that come to us daily ,
Of which we give scarcely a thought ;
Our trials and our cares we bemoan them ,
But are blessings are considered as naught ;
We find joy and care in our pathway ,
"Wherever we fancy to roam ;
But the blessing that suits me exactly ,
Is the telephone , right in our home.
You may talk of the modern inventions ,
That comfort to mankind doth bring ;
But of all the inventions I've heard of ,
The telephone surely is king.
It does all our errands most quickly ,
And delivers our messages well ;
We can call up our friends in an instant ,
By simply a ring of its bell.
If business should suddenly call you
Away , for awhile , from your home ,
Your telephone up in the corner ,
Will guard them all while you are gone ;
For you know it is faithful forever ,
I If threatened by danger or harm ,
And a ring of your friend in the corner ,
Very quickly will spread the alarm.
If you urgently wish for a doctor ,
Thftn quicKly yon give a few rings.
Which will bring him speedily to you
As if the possessor of wings.
Your loved one is save by Ins promptness ,
As qniokly he comes to your rail ;
And friends you'll admit what , a hlo sinjy
A telephone js to us nil.
There are cranks of all .sixe and ages ,
There are cranks of degree high and low ,
Who declare that a telephone sy-tem
On wire fences , never will jrn.
So friends rally now to our standard ,
For we think it vorks pretty fine ,
t We gladly will give yon a welcome
To our ' 'North Table Telephone Line. " IB *
_ _
tei 3T % J 5 * * i *
While in Cody we visited the
store of Sparks Pros , which Iws
been rebuilt In part and additions
joined to it until at present it is
, 78 feet front and 50 feet long , one
room of which is a story and a hajf ,
I arid the whole is oho k full of
goods , The bank which is run in
connection with the store is on the
west end and front , wa \ cellar
under the building- , the back part
of which is used for stock. The
bank fixtures are of latest design
and a vault is built in the center
of the room for the safety of the
money and papers. There are 3
; cellars under th ° StQi'Oj giving
I i plonl-v of room for goods usually
I ! kept in such places , Chas , Butch-
1 er and Wesley Holselaw were the
masons. 1 E ) , Stuart , C , H ,
Stoncr and Boss Hook were the
carpenters , C , Nichols of Merri-
man built the vault and Gus Carl
son , of Valentino , is putting in the
fixtures ,
Pt ii brook
Dick Ogle went to town Sunday
| D. A. Handcock is buying oats
and corn ,
Wra , Grooms went to town
\ , Monday.
; Ray Polen is working for Aetna
Dick Keeler will start for Mo.
in the near future.
Henry Brown was over to the
j Rake ranch Sunday.
I J. C. Rounds was down to the
Rake ranch Sunday.
Corn husking has commenced
in this neighborhood.
Mrs. Kuskie's father and moth
er are here on a visit.
Miss Hattie Randall was home
last Sunday from Valentine.
Mr. Maple , of Crookston , was
in this neighborhood Sunday.
Charley Billings commenced
work at J. S. Grooms' Monday.
Frank Thompson we understand
will buy a farm in this locality.
Mr. Swain went to town Friday
and Friday night went up to Cody.
The Miss Semans , of Norden ,
were pleasant callers at Penbrook
S. C. Small , of York , is here on
business and looking after his
School commenced Monday in
district No. 5 , with Mr. Johnson
Dock Grooins , and Tad .felly are '
feeling Mumford's mules smd
threshing machine this week. i
Air. : . the new miniser ?
i ; SparkHe will preach agiin ;
next Sund'iy. Come everybody.
P. Grooms says runaways are
numerous lately. His team ran
'away twice and each time there
wasn't much wagon left.
Wt untlij.r-l.Miid that the Irish
man is building an addition onto
his hou > e and he says when ho gets
that finished something is g injr to
Ivmi'A'n.To ' hope for a good
danoe abont Xmas ,
Tne- frosty cuorns so bright and
clear ,
Unto the farmer brings more cheer
Hw i wintry blast so chilling
At break of morn he's busking corn ,
And all his cribs to full they groan
And when wintry blasts go howling by
He'll set and shake his shillings.
Real bstate Transfers
Eldon Sparks and wf to Sparks Bros. ,
w d 835 lota 9-10 blk 1 Carter's ad to
Cody ,
Benjamin E Kennedy and wf to Wm
E Kennedy , w d 82000 lots 3 4 mvaw
5 29 30
John and Agnes Marshall to Freder
ick G Holselaw , rntg 8325 lots 1-2-3 blk
4 Cornell's ad to Valentine'
Nelson F Nosman and wf to Sheridan
Co. Banu , mttf 8365 ese 32 , WSA33
33 40
' U S to Chas Ganow , pat enw nwnw 27
, nene 28 28 38
' Frederick G Bolsclaw , married , to
.John and Agnes Marshall , w d 8375
i lots 1 , 2 , 3 blk 4 Cornell's add.
A E Thachrr to Samuel Holselaw , wd
: 315 lot 18 div B Mount Hope cem.
Kosett . > ! Davis , wid , to P. H Yountr ,
w tj 81000 wae wse 24 31 29
Gee E fcUle to Mills Bros , w d $600 s
nw 11 ene nese 10 3310
, Gee N Davis and wf etal to Rosctt M
Davis , Q C D 81 wne wse 25 31 29
' Freeman P Mills and wf to Mills Gaston -
ton Co , w d 812000 nsw 11 33 20 o i
Freeman P Mills and wf to The Star
Csttle & Borae Co , * d $23000 senw
24 33 29 other laud.
Edyar Wilkinson to Thomas Gates ,
w d $500 nsw nwse swne 13 28 3S
Levi Gatrs'and to Thomas Gatea.
\v d 8300 sne senw 14 swnw 13 2-3 38
B H Ganow and wf to Thocua * Gates ,
mt S300 nue nnw 15 32 3-S
Edward A Solsclawto Chas Sparkp ,
assijrn 8500 lots 6-7 nesw u ne 30 30 27
E R Mason and wf to Gee W
and Kate A Mason , w d S25000 wn
While returning from Hacklier-1
ry Lake Wednesday night Wm.
Frauclcc and John Tucker drove
too i ! < jiithe edge of a bank near
Hackbcrry Thompsons on the riv
er and the buggy , horses and men
rolled over the bank. Mr. Franckc
had the misfortune of having his
collar bone and two or three ribs
fractured and the buggy wheel
struck him on the side f the head
rendering him unconscious for a
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per line
each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents
per liuelczich insert ion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
The Eed Front Merc. Co. carry a
complete line of sporting goods.
Good fresh Meat and Lard at
Stetters Meat Market. 26
I am now ready to take orders for
fine Knit Underwear for ladies and
and children. MRS. ELMORE. 86
If you need a gun or some am
munition call 011 * the Eed Front
Merc. Co. , thej can supply all your
One brown yearling horse colt
runded , IfS ! ' " 'ctt ' hip.
L2 D. STINAKM , Valentine ,
Genuine home made Lard at the
new Butcher Shop. 26
For all kinds of Undertaking
Goods and Undertaking work call
on the Ked Front Merc Co. 2i
\Ve have LOTS of Milk a ad
( Jream. quality. Let ita .sell
you some. KED GATE JDA1K1.
40 MARK D. CYPHERS , Prop.
To Whom It 31 ay CJoiicr .
This is to certify that I , P. S.
Roueche , have given my bon , \Vil-
imm E. lloueche his freedom and
from this Mine henceforth he is hit
own agent uiid is no longer undei
my guardianship nor care , and i
will not be responsible for him or
his actions. 38 3
oriliurii JLhic
at O'neill , Xcbr.
Going East , Going West.
Leaves 10:10 a. rn. Arrives 9:50 p. in
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
'Jonnections with Elkhorn trains , east ano
west-bounu from all points webtof U'iS'tsill
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond ,
Through connections iwr Sioux Falls , Miuue
apolis , tit , Paul and all points .north and west.
Buy local lionets to O'Neill.
J-'RKD liOUERS , G , P. A.
Sioux City , Iowa
A Wonderful Traus-Faciiic
Journey of Six. Hlonths via
. In line with its well known policy of
development of trans-continental and
trans-Pacific travel , the Chicago &
NorthWestern Railway is now organ
izing a personally conducted round-
the-world tour , to leave Cnicago in
October , visiting Hawaii , Japan
China , The Straits Settlements , Cey
! Ion , India and Egypt , returning via
the usual European points oi interest
on the way hdme.
j The party will be most admirably
provided for en route The railway
trip will be made on luxurious last
trains through the great
Valley over "tne only double track
railway betwten Chicago and the
Mississippi River , " and west via Den
ver and through the mountain wonderland -
' erland of Colorado and Utah. The
trip across the Pacific will be on one
of the magnificent new Pacific Mail
Go's steamers.
This trans Pacific traffic has grown
to such proportions that the service
has been improved and elaborated un
til in many respects it is said to vie
with that found on the finest trau&-
Atlantic greyhounds.
i The transPacific route is the com *
ing highway over which American
pleasure seekers will travel for recreation -
reation and sightseeing. Hawaii , Ja-
uan , China , Australia and our own
Philippine possessions are full of int
erest and the number of visitors to
these faraway lands increases with
ftttlUttt fo
Double Track
t't't line to tst I'titil-Jlimmttji-
HUP to liluck JlitlM.
/ / ffi'ttetn'fxt ( tycitt Jor r
iit ijH anil time vttrtltt.
Meals Lunches Short Orders
First class meals at all hours ,
d ay and night. Oysters in
season. Pics , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
E D. Cohota , Prop.
W21-2 Congress St.
PORTLAND , MAINE , Oct. 17,1902.
I consider Wine of Cardui superior
to andoctor's medicine I error used
and I know whereof I speak. I enf-
ferod for nine months with suppressed
menstruation which completely pros-
tratad me. Pains would shoot through
my back and sides and I would have
blinding headaches. My limbs would
Bwell up and I would feel BO weak I
could not stand up. I naturally felt
discouraged for I seemed to be beyond
tha help of physicians , but TVino of
Cardui came as a God-send to me. I
felt a change for the better within a
week. After nineteen days treatment
I menstruated without suffering the
agonies I usually did and soon became
regular and without pain. Wins of
Cardui IB simply wonderful and I wish
that all suffering women knew ol ita
good qualities.
Treasurer , Portland Economic League
Periodical headaches tell of fcj
male weakness. Wine of Cardui
cures permanently nineteen out of
every twenty cases of * irregular
menses , bearing down pains or
any female weakness. It you are
discouraged and doctors hayo
failed , that is the best reason in
the world you should try Wine of
Cardui now. Remember that
headaches mean female weakness.
Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of
Cardui today.
The Elite Restaurant
and Chop House
Meals at all hours.
Fruits , Candies , Cigars.
Good cooking and just as you
want it.i .
MRS. C. L , WALKER , Propr ,
Jeedcd in livery Home d
II 54
A Dictionary of ENGLISH.
lography , Geography , Fiction , lc
New Plates Throughout
25,000 New Words
2'hraacs and Definitions
Prepared under Hie diiTct . , npt'r-
vision OCV. . T. HARRIS , Ph.D. , LL.D. ,
United States Commissioner of Ecli- :
i-it ion , assisted by a large corps of cnin-
pclcnl , specialists im l editors.
Rich aindinca 2364 Quarto
5000 Illustrations
Jnlernalional iras first
in 1S90 , succeeding ike "
The Naw and Enlarged Edition of fhel
Intenialional teas issued in October ,
I'.ifiO. ffct the. Infest ami
ako ] nhlifch
T/cboler'a Collegiate Dictionary
.vi.'li GlossaryoCScOttitb V/onL-aml Tlma-c
llu-iruges. lli'Otniutrationt. Sire 7slUi2 5-8 Jr.fbra.
"Firc-clii < s in < innlity , so
SiKicimuit s , etc. of both
books scr.t application.
Springfield , Mass.
. .
y.urp j.m
"Money makes the mare go"
Was said in da3s gone by ;
Now , to sefe a fastcJip *
I Use a Buffnlo Whip ;
, Makes the good steed fairly fly.
For the "Tale oC the Buffalo Burr ,
gyVhiprt call en the Red
, Ctf. 5