Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 22, 1903, Image 2

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31 BICE , Publisher.
A hae lilt In time may save tin
i. me.
The Iron will of the average man It
nothing but pig iron.
Qlvle reform Is awaiting th inven
' tlon of wirele s politics.
A Turoman Invariably has more listen
ing than speaking acquaintances.
From the epicure's point of view fine
fpather * do not make fine birds.
Any man who Is determined to en
joy life , whether he does or not , is a
true optimist
. bachelor imagines he's a born dip
lomat because he is able to settle his
affairs out of court.
Happiness consists in finding some
one to love and in working for that
aoine one.
Even the man who lives a useless
life may serve a purpose by posing
as an example to others.
The lady who plays bridge whist can
not be expected to countenance the
man who plays poker. That's differ
If old Geroulmo has repented of all
Ids sins he is to be congratulated on
his speedy work. The feat beats riding
ninety miles in nine days.
"William Shakespeare , " says the
Cincinnati Enquirer , "prjobably did not
write the Shakspeare works. " This
"ttirows the whole qtlestion ojen again.
A writer In "Hie laris Figaro says the
o ? T urkey is doing more for ,
on tuftH ttny 1 1 * ] | § IS
Europe. Still , that "isn"f"saying so
much foi the sullaji.
. Altogether , the Humberts seem to
have made a profitable business trans
action. Having collected theic $10 ,
000,000 In advance , they can afford to
stay in prison five years at $2,000,000
a vear.
Japan now proposes to trade Corea to
Russia for Manchuria. As Japan doe ;
not own Corea and Russia has no title
to Manchuria , both nations would pro
tit by the bargain , like men trading
stolen umbrellas.
Profiting by the disastrous experi
ence which has practically stripped the
older settled States of their origina
magnificent forests , the interior depart
ment has set aside 6,000 square miles
of land In Alaska as a timber reserve
Lumber is an article of such scarcity
in Alaska that there has been improvi
dent cutting of trees in the timber
belts for mining and building purposes
Bj' establishing a system to enable
the lumbermen to use matured trees
without destroying Immature growths
the forests may be so conserved xs to
yield a continuing supply.
Despite a rigorous and rational prop
aganda cremation as a mode or" dis
posal of the bodies of the dead grows
little In general faror. According to
German statistics the total number
of incinerations after death In Europe
: uid the United States during 1902 was
only 9,920 , ef which France , despite
her declining birth rate , furnished
nearly half , and the United States ,
despite their vast population , less than
a third. When grief caused by death
is not personal the hygenlc argument
for incineration seems convincing , but
ix-lion the personal test arrives subjec
tion of the dead te the furnace turna
human feeling away from the crema-
* on' . Nothing wnich science or art can
devise robs the coffin of Its living
agony. Securely Incased , the gentle
earth continues to appear the most
Kindly receptacle of pulseless human
The biggest thing hi England isn't
the king. It is precedent. The Eng
lishman Is content to do things as his
father and his father's father did them
and doesn't seem to be able to learn
the meaning of the word , "Progress. "
JiiBt now the shoe statistics make
jrood reading. John Bull Is a famous
shoemaker. Once he could point with
pride to his shoe product English
shoes were clumsey , but they wore
well and were what the English were
used to , so John Bull was content and
pleased with his trade and his meth
ods. An American business man
doesn't ask for any better opportunity
than is afforded by a competitor who
js satisfied. "Let well enough alone , "
isn't worth a red cent as a business
motto. In 1S92 the United States sent
to Great Britain 1,507 pairs of shoes.
They were better than the English
shoes. They wore well , were artistic
In shape and finish and cheap enough
to find ready sale. In 1893 we export
ed 498,027pairs of shoes. In 1902 the
United States exported 3,966,760 pairs
of shoes , and more than 1,000,000 pairs
went to England. They were valued
at $2,030,890. In addition , 1,495,587
pairs went to various English colonies.
The business is growing In spite of
the efforts of English manufacturers ,
and it all goes to show that the Amer
ican workman and the manufacturer
make a team that is Invincible.
The despnwl farm and the woman
\vlio must' support herself have o e
Ihing at least in common they are not
l.icnl problems. Careless writers have
almost made it appear that aUl the
deserted farms are In New Englanc
and all the women who have to ear :
their own living are restricted by ci :
cumstances to the cities. Two essay
recently read before agricultural BO
cletles In the Central West suggest j
wider and truer view of the situa
tlon. One essayist told of a wonrai
who bought a farm , when overworl
forced her to retire temporarily fron
her profession. She hires a man fo :
outside work and a woman to do th <
rougher housework. She enjoys pun
air , fresh vegetables and plenty ol
milk and butter and eggs , and re
ceives enough money for the hay pro
duced on the farm to meet all hei
expenses. The heroine of the othei
essayist was a successful stenogra <
pher , who , wanting a house of hei
own , pitched upon a three-acre plac
which was far from cities , but wlthlq
reachable distance of several summei
hotels. By study , perseverance , tacj
and common sense , she presently
found herself marketing every yeal
five thousand pounds of honey , fifteen ,
hundred ducks and quantities of fina
fruit Probably there is not a county
In any State which does not offer sim
ilar opportunities for tired women to
rest by change of occupation , and
meantime earn a living ; or for ambi
tious women to take up fruit-growing ,
market-gardening , poultry-keeping , oi
some other specialty , and carry It on
to a profit. We glory In the women
who have sought out such openings ;
Their number should increase.
The man with the cheery smile.
all know him , and you are all glad yotj
do. He Is a blessing to his friends
and strangers take to him. Everyone
feels good when the cheerful maij
hoves in sight. His coming drives oul
the shadows which have been lurking
In gloomy corners. His advent is lika
a stray streak of sunshine , stealing
in between gray clouds. Jfo matterf
what the cheerful man's avocation Tsj
everyone feels , , the better .of having
come in contact with him. He may
be the grocery man , of the ice man ,
or the gas man , or the doctor man ;
"latter . what . * * , < kryl [ . * of - , a * + nuin + - ' * * H
is , Tie Is always welcdlnf. if he iJ
the grocery man , his smile gels" litrti
more orders than if he were gloomy.
The most exacting housewife neyci !
notices short weight when the sunaj1
Ice man hands in the daily supply oi
frozen water. The gas man's bills arq
not half so hard -to pay when they ara
presented by _ a collector with an il
luminated countenance. And the cheer
ful doctor. He is a man who is a
veritable blessing. His patients look
for his visit longingly and his ring at
the door bell Is worth all his physic.
Perhaps he has not anything like the
ability of the physician who does not
smile quite so expansively , but you
just know that he has twice as much
practice. The cheerful man Is not hi
the same class as the affable man. Ho
beats him by a head every time. The
latter type is not always to be trusted j
sometimes , just sometimes , his smooth ,
polished ways are only on the surfacej
But the cheerful man is nearly always
jood hearted. He loves his fello vi
men , and he would just as soon theji
knew it He may not have anything
to give but his cheering words and
tindly looks , but they are given so
generously that they are worth theii
tveight In gold. The cheerful man ia
) ften abused for the very quality
svhich really endears him to hid
'riends , but if anything should happen
: o take him away from the haunts of
nen he is missed more than anyone
; an possibly imagine and mostly btf
: he very ones who have often called
ilm an intolerable nuisance. Thq
iheerful man is all right , and every
> ody , always down deep , thinks so )
Used by Tabby.
A French professor has become th < l
Holumbus of Catland. He has learneij
he language of cats. The vocabular
s so small that it is a matter of woni
ler that the world waited so long fotf
iomeone to put it among the thlng
tnyone may know. Here are some oi
lie cat words he has learned :
"Aelio" la a request for food.
"Aliloo" is a request for water.
"Lae" is a request for milk.
"Bl" expresses a desire for red meat
"Bleeme-b ! " means kitty wants cook <
d meat.
"Ptlee-bl" is mouse meat and is ap-
died to any food which kitty fondled
iefore devouring.
"Meouw , " uttered simply , Is a greetj
og ; uttered fiercely and with acceni
n the "Me" is an expression of hatrecj
nd defiance.
"Mieuow , vow , wow , yelwoyow
low , ys-ss-syow" in the yell of defi
nee in battle and Is variously accent
d to tell of the progress of hostilities
ys-s-s-s-s-s-yow" being the cry o ,
attle madness. .
"Yew" signifies that the cat is
istress and needs human aid. It
ttered very softly.
"Parriere" is a request to open q
oor.Turrieu" is the I-love-you of cat- |
ind , and when uttered with rolling
r" and a rise on the last syllable ia
call from a mother to its kitten.
t Louis Post-Democrat.
A Matter of Donbt.
"I suppose , my boy , " said the strang *
r in town , "I can jump on any ono
C these cars and go to the park. "
"I dunne , " replied the newsboy
Anudor guy dat looked as clumsy as
ou tried to jump on one de udder day
Q' he went ter de morgue. " Philadel-
hia Press.
At the Play.
"This is what they call realism , 1
ippose ? " '
"I guess so. Everything seeing tea
a real except the sentiment. " De-
oit Free Press. I ?
Home-Mnde Fruit Ladder.
The average fruit ladder , as found in
nest orchards , Is not particularly de
sirable mainly because it is not de-
Jigned for this particular work. The
broad top of the common ladder makes
It almost impossible to get it among
( he branches in a firm position. Where
bne has considerable fruit to gather , a
special ladder constructed after the
i lau of the one in the illustration will
DO found not only useful , but will save
tonsiderable time in the fruit-gather
ing season.
A pole , preferably a green one from
the woods , should be secured , having
if of the desired length. The largest
end should be split up about three feet
Und a brace inserted to keep the sides
kpart. The ends which stand on the
ground should be sharpened or covered
frith sharpened pieces of iion , which
iny blacksmith can fashion and at
tach. Bore holes one and one-half
Inches in diameter in both sides as far
apart as the rungs are to be placed.
Ihe rungs should be formed of some
lough wood so that they may not be
made too buugling. At the top of the
pole a strip of strap iron is fastened
ivith a long hook so that # may bo
passed over the branches did the tree ,
fhe illustration on the left of the cut
; hews how the hook is fastened on.
Dhls ladder will cost but a small sum ,
ind if well made will last for years.
[ t would be a good plan to have sev-
jral of them of different lengths.
Lime and Fulphur Wna' .
Fruit growers are quite interested in
he formula composing the new in-
( ecticide , lime and sulphur , but have
bund the labor of making it consid
erable because of the necessity for boil-
ng the mixture. Recent experiments
lave shown that if potash or caustic
oda Is used there will be no neces-
Ity for boiling. The formula for mak-
ng in this way is this : Take twenty
ounds of sulphur , forty pounds of
ime , five pounds of caustic soda and
ixty gallons of water. Make a thin
iaste of the sulphur and dissolve the
austic soda in water.
In slaking t-he lime , use only enough
rater to make it boil rapidly. During
he process of .slaking , pour Into the
ime the sulphur paste , and then the
austic soda solution , adding water if
.ecessary , and stirring rapidly until
11 bubbling stops , when dilute with
rater to the consistency and strength
eeded for the spraying. The use of
bis material in spraying Is not only
decided check on scale , but very ef-
ective against various insects. Ap-
lications may be made In the late
ill , in midwinter and Ia tha early
Crops for Orchards.
If the soil in the orchard is in good
hape and fairly rich , the best cover
rep is undoubtedly crimson clover ,
nd this may be sown at any time
ow. If the soil is poor crimson clo-
er is not likely to succeed , so that
omething that will add humus to the
oil should be used rather than to at-
2inpt to get the benefit of the leg-
mes. For sowing in an orchard of
: iis kind rye will probably be most
itisfactory. It should be sown about
le 1st of September , and plowed un-
er in the earlj' spring , and then the
iiinmer cultivation of the surface soil
iken up again. It is quite probable
iat following this method will put
le soil in shape so that another fall
will be fit to grow crimson clover.
Good for Ho s.
Take six bushels of cob charcoal or
iree bushels of common charcoal ,
ght pounds of salt and one pound of
psom salts , two quarts of air-slack
me , one bushel of wood ashes. Break
le charcoal into small pieces and
loroughly mix the other ingredients
ith it Then take one pound of cop-
2ras and dissolve in hot water , and
ith an ordinary watering not sprin-
le over the whole mass and again
ix thoroughly. This mixture should
i kept dry. Feeding a portion of it
rice a week furnishes something that
le hogs demand and assists in taking
f the gases of the stomach , expelling
orms and regulating their conditions.
Winchester ( Ind. ) Herald.
Large Farm Families.
One of the English agricultural so-
eties has started a new form of com-
itition along the line of the anti-race
licide idea. The first prize went to
e farm laborer who had brought up
id established .in a career the greatest
imber of children. The winning fam-
* had a record of 19 children born ,
17 brought up and 12 of these at work.
The second pri e winner had 15 chil
dren , IS Drought up ; al-usefuTly occ'u
pied. There were 10 entries , and thosa
next Jn order fcad 16 , 14 , 13 , and 11
children , respectively.
Te Vftlne of Fertilizer.
The Purdue Experiment Station has
been conducting a number of experi
ments with corn , using different kinda
of fertilizer. The tests show thai
kainit is valuable as compared with
straw or lime. The corn was plantec
the second week in June. The corn
on the plats to which kainit or straw
was applied made ajcontinuous growth ,
and after the middle of July these
plats could readily be distinguished
that shown on the plats on which no
fertilizer was used. The treated plat ?
did not ripep as eaiiy as Hie others ,
and the fodder was" ? ITgfcij : ilamag d
by frost on September 27 , although no
injury was done to the ears. The core
was cut from the different plats Oc
tober 3 and husked October 19. Tha
yield and treatment are shown in the
accompanying table ;
- Yield Pec Acre-
Plat . Sound corn , Fodder ,
No. Trtv./cnti bushels. tons.
1. Straw 48.4 2.30
2. None 28.G 1.39
3. K.iiult 55.8 2.43
4. Kainit.
Lime 52.4 2.48"
5. Lime 25.1 1.48
0. Ftraw 48.6 1.92
7. None 16.1 1.04
8. Kairlt OJ.4 2.43
9. Kainit.
Lime 52 2.21
10. Lime 15.04 1.04
11. None 4 .96
The conclusion is that returns ara
bound to be profitable in land treatet
as were the plants in the experiments
cited especially as to kainit or straw
Another thing shown is that the influ
ence of the treatment is bound to be
effective for years to come , as the lane
will the more readily respond to laboi
put upon It
Street Potatoes.
To keep well sweet potatoes should
be dug whem the soil Is quite dry and
afterward spread thin to cure for ten
days at least in an outbuilding secure
ti-om rain and frost. Road dust one-
th'rd of which is composed of fine sand
is best for packing in. Place a layer oi
dust In the bottom of box or barrel oi
whatever is used to pack in , then a
layer of potatoes , being careful to cov
er every potato completely with dust
before adding the next layer. The last
layer is dxist We keep srweet potatoes
in this manner all winter , and they
s ° em as fresh as when first packed.
We keep them in an outhouse until
severely cold weather , merely covering
the boxes with carpeting , etc. When
severe cold sets in they are removed tea
a room where a fire is kept part of the
day only. Failure to keep well is often
due to too much heat or packing awa.1
in too wa-rm materials. Cor. Ohio
Prolific New Wheats.
New varieties of Russian wheat have
been tested with good results at a
branch experiment station In Kansas.
Several kind3 , Kharkov , Crimean ,
Theiss , etc. , yielded pver forty bush
els per aero , and others ranged from
thirty-five to forty bushels. The seed
Is being sold to Kansas wheat grow
.Farm Notea.
The crab apple is one of the hardies ;
jf trees , and as there is nearly always
i demand for crab apples in market
they are found profitable by some. The
Blossoms are beautiful in spring , and
: he trees are more ornamental than
; ome which are used for shade and or-
lament The large and growing de-
nand for pure jellies and preserve ;
should create a larger market in the
future for crab apples.
Roller process bran is , on the aver-
ige , better than old process bran. Bran
s rich in ash , or mineral matter ,
vhich renders it a suitable food for
rrowing animals. It serves well witli
ill foods which are lacking in line oi
) one forming material , and is valuable
n the manure heap. It may not b
> qual to linseed meal or some othei
'oods , for certain purposes , but it is n
'ood that should alwaj's be used.
A city boy is greener in the coun-
ry than the country boy is in the city
i dairyman recently hired a younjj
: ity chap and sometime during the firs' '
veek gave him the order to "salt th < 3
: alves. " He found out later that thli
oung American had rubbed about < S
[ iiart of salt into the hair on the bacli
if each calf. Laterwhorses running ii
he pasture discovered" these salty
: alves and proceeded to help them-
elves , resulting in many instances in
he hair being licked completely off.
Hothouse farming is not only profit *
.ble , but it seems to possess quite a
ascination in the very nature of tha
rork. Most florists and hothouss
; ardeners appear interested and even
nthusiastic , while their eons often
ake special interest in the work undei
lass , and are not so likely to leave
he farm as are other young men irj
be country. Gardening in moist , peri
etual summer has both pleasures and
rawbacks , but seems as near as any-
Uing to an ideal pursuit for men or
romen adapted to .the requirements , j
By Jei. P. T. Alton.
Jesus salth unto them , My meat is t (
< Io the will of him that sent me , and t <
finish his work. St. John , iv. , 84.
Life ISA reat desire. From the crj
of rhevTiew born infant to the sigh oi
the departing soul there is a reaching
out , a longing after , a , never satisfied
desire , for something beyoml the at
tainment of the present moment.
The soulof man is so cou-tituleJ that
jt cannot rest satisfied in itself. It
needs some object which it may desire
as the "sutnmum bonum , " the highest
gocd , the ali 'satisfying end , the final
dappiicss. ! ' In onleito live , one must
There is an" old saying , "As long as
there is life there la hope. " We can
change that and say just as truly , "As
long as there is hope there is life. "
Without hope , without desire , life-soon
fails , because life is but a boundk-sg
EbWil V * desire. an unfulfilled
We JiilAv/ that it sometimes happens
tlik the flickering light of life in some
roul is kept alive by the power of an
intense desire-that when the animal
strength is all gone and science looks
for the end there comes a new power
to the rescue of the soul struggling for
a longer respite , and the spark of life-
is kept burning until the desire has
been gratified , until the message has
been given or the face of the beloved
one has been looked upon once again
ere the fainting ? oul falls asleep. And
so it was with the life of the world.
Without hope , without longing , with
out this innate aaid never failing de
sire , the world would fall aslec-p and
all things would be as at the begin
ning. . But when God created the heaven
when in the eternities
en- and the earth ,
ties of the past there came forth the
power of life , there was wrapped up
in that genesis the propelling , uplift
ing , expanding force of a great desire.
Never could that life remain silent or
passive ; it must , consciously or un
consciously , reach out , long after ,
work for soui ° end in the eternities of
the future. So ' through the ages one
eternal purpose runs. "
Let us unJerstaud , then , that our
life Is made up of desires that we
are the creatures of a hope which
passeth our understanding ; that Tve
are the product of all the past efforts
of life to reach its final destiny ; that
we are the conservers of the ener
gies by which future generations shall
be enabled to reach the goal of their
Let us realize that our happiness in
this world , that our life in the futur
world , that our contribution to the lif <
of the ages to follow , all depend upon
the choice and direction of our prcs
ent desires. Let us grasp this fact and
we will tremble ere we choose the
thing that shall be supreme in our
thought and life.
There have always been two way
by which man has tried to gain for
aimself the desire of life. The first
Lias been by collecting and surrounding
himself with things that will minister
to his physical well being. This ia
the primary and lowest conception of
fia.ppiness. We can trace it back to the
earlier stages of life , and it probably
irose from the Instinct of self-preser-
ration. The other way that man has
: ried to satisfy this yearning for a
more perfect life Is the cultivation of
; he intellect and widening of the hori-
son of knowledge. Neither in the
gratification of the physical nor in thi
levelopment of the intellectual has
nan found the end for which he ex
And now we turn to the great In-
: erpreter of life , the one who is him
self "the way and the truth and the
ife. " What did he make the supreme
ind all important thing in life ? The
mswer comes without hesitation , the
loing of the will of God. "Jesus saith
into them , my meat Is to do the will
if him that sent me , and to finish his
vork. " The "world has never seen a
ife so perfectly happy , because neither
ither life has been so entirely in accord
vith the divine will. Jesus Christ carne
lot only to reveal but to do the will
the Father , and because he gave
limself in perfect obedience there
nust have come to him the perfect
We can realize the desire of life , we
an attain unto perfect happiness only
Q so far as we give ourselves to the
oing of the will of God. There is nether
ther way. Everything must be made
ubordinate and contributory to this
ne supreme aim , to do the will of
rod. Everything that conflicts with
he will of God as revealed through
esus Christ must be given up without
uestlon If we are to enter Into the
ullness of life ; such Is the gospel of
Jhrlstianlty. /
The message is that happiness and
eaven and "the fullness of life with
rod are yours when you can say with
he Master , "My meat ia to do the will
f him that sent me , and to finish his
rork. "
By Rev. Camdem M. Co&era.
Any one who knows the Turk knows
iat he ought to be wiped off .the face
t the earth. The Knights Templar \
In the crusades showed him that he
did not own the earth , yet even to-day
this scoffer , whose hands for a thou *
sand years have not been dry froro
the blood of innocent women and chil
dren , slill holds the sacred sepulcher
of our Lord. It is Indeed time Cat a
new crusade was being preached whea >
in the face and eyes of all the powers-
this little indolent beast of prey cap-
keep on defiantly and openly killing ;
innocent Christians.
By Rev. R. A. White *
Men and women have respectively
rar d certain characteristic mental and"
spiritual contributions to social prog-
ress , which havs
been d 1 ssimilaiy
Through an age
long spec alizatioD'
of function or divl -
: siou of labor thc-i
menial and spirr
Kiiil d similarities
of sex have beea
developed and a < >
c.ntuated. In gejjv
eral the tasks' Te
quiring the greatest *
strong-ill of bonr
KUV R. A. WJIITK.strongill
and muscle have *
fallc-n to men. The tasks requiring.
more prolonged effort , but under Ie l ;
tension , have fallen to women. New
industrial conditions seem about to
shift the line of the sexual division ,
of industrial tasks. How far this wills
shift the mental and spiritual charac *
terlstics of men and women remains-
to be seen. The invasion of man's in
dustrial and professional world by
women must eventually have a very
marked effect on sex temperament
Out of th"s complicati n of sex divi
sicn of labor appears" few marked
contributions peculiar to each sex. .
They are never exclusive. Still they
are more emphasized in the one sex.
than the other. First man appears as-
the provider. To hunt the game and
bring it home was his business. When
agriculture and industry took the place
of the. primitive life man still contin
ued the provider. Upon him fell the'
Again , man haa been the pioneer. IB >
the great historic migrations we have-
no Instance of a woman leading the-
migrating hosts. In explorations man
has been and is still the pioneer. Man-
has been the pioneer In truth seeking
and finding Of some COO religious
sects only eight were founded by wom
en , and these comparatively tmim-
portant. In philosophy and metaphysics -
sics , In Invention , in the vast mental'
"ventures which have transformed hu
man thought , with few exceptions , the-
leaders have been men.
Out of all this have emerged certain
not exclusive but characterizing vir
tues. First , man has excelled in ag
gressive courage. Woman also exhibits-
courage , but it is passive courage. .
The courage of the men is in action , ,
of the woman in endurance. Another
vlrtue of man has been honor. It some
times appears well battered and frayed
at the edges. No one EO.VS that woman ,
also haa not honor , but the life of man- ,
as warrior and pioneer developed a
peculiarly masculine honor , which has-
been and still Is very important In.
social progress. It arose in days when.
laws were lax or did not exist when
a maa's word took the place of law. .
It still exists in business.
Man , the provider , the subduer , the-
pioneer , the creator of new Institu
tions , with the accompanying virtue *
of masculine courage and masculine-
honor , has contributed in a special
and characteristic way t social prog
ress. With modifications man will
continue to mold social progress lu
similar ways and through similar vir
tues. These masculine elements wilt
affect the home , education , religion-
ind business and give to each a mas
culine coloring which no merely fem
inine coloring can supply. Those who
seek to make men and women siuiilar-
in tastes , habits and aims seek the-
: mpoEsible and the unprofitable. So-
jial , educational and religious life re-
luire for th-ir full consummation and
symmetry both the man and woman :
> lements of mind and soul.
3y Elshop Samuel Fallows.
Man possesses a religious nature ,
vhich in all lands and ages has found"
expression in varied forms. The foun-
dation of all re
ligion is faith in a
power atove man _
It is a belief old as-
the human soul and.
as permanent as
human existence.
AH the old truths
which pagan and
heathen religions
taught primitive
W = - Christianity
BISHOP FALLOWS ithout their commingled -
mingled errors. Tie love of God for
man and the love
of mac for man
as revealed In Christ have only just
begun their glorious mission. Christ
ret waits for his true throne. Human
ity has not yet learned its new name ,
[ or it has not been interpreted com
pletely with the spirit of Christ. Su-
: > erstltlons are yet to be removed.
Bigotry has not yet been buried , So-
: Ial antagonisms still prevail. "The
statelier Eden' " has yet to. come back
o man.
"Who make * quick use of the
nent Is a genlns of