Thnraday , October 13 , 190 , ' &
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance .GO
n not paid in advaiico. flinele cop'es 6c.
Dlcplay advertlnlPR 1 Inch single c > 1umn I5c
per Issue or $6.00 a year.
Local NoM 58j Obituaries , 1/odge Rosolut n-
ind RoclalR lor Revenue 5c per line ptr issut
Brands. 1J < lnrnps-84.00 per year in advice
additional space § 3-00 per Inch peryeai ; 'nRra.ed
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Partlei living outside rh rry com ty not , > r
tonally known arc requested to pay li. advp.ut e
18 per cent additional to above rat < a If oer 0
months In Arrears.
Isotlces of Imues of Block free to br..nd ach er-
Fusion State Tic/s < : f.
For Judge of the Supreme Court
For Regents of tbe Uulverslty
Of Adams County.
Of Saunders County ,
For District Judges loth Judicial District
Of Bherldan County.
of Holt Count } ' ,
CcmnfjTictut. . .
Foj Clerk
For Treasurer
For Sheriff
D. W. HI LSI NG Ell.
For Superintendent
" For Judge
For Surveyor
For Assessor
For Coroner
For Commlssoner 1st Com. disl.
Bailey , Nebr. , Oct. 5,1903.
I. M. Rice , Jsq. ) ,
Dear Sir :
Your letter of even date received
and in reply must say that the
action of the county convention
was a little surprise to me , but I
. am sure that no one could more
appreciate the honor than I to
. thus be placed in nomination the
second time by the voters of Cher
ry county. While I feel flattered
at thus being honored , must say
that jny .business connections at.
thisriimewiJInQtp.ermit me to ac-
jepf $ he , nomjnaUqn ; and in declin
ing I trust there , will be no discord
Sand tha "youTcommittee will secure
Ta man in ' 'every way satisfactory
, to the party. Yours truly ,
The above explains itself. The
committee chosen by the conven
tion to fill vacancies met Monday
and decided to put up the name of
I. M. Bice , the editor of this pa
per , as no one else was willing to
take the nomination. In accept
ing the , nomination I will turn the
paper over to , M. Christensen to
run during tbe next two issues of
tbo. campaign. He will bo fair to
all fusion candidates and will be a
loyal supporter of the ticket. Dur-
ibg the next two weeks I expect to
make a trip through the county.
I cannot hope to meet everyone ,
but will makcan effort to see some
of you. If my friends will each
make an effort to get as many votes
as possible for me for county
treasurer in their respective pre
cincts I may get enough votes to
elect me. Let us try.
. Yours very truly ,
; . I , M. RICE ,
Candidate for County Treasurer.
J3oyd County Courier ( rep ) : The
people of this judicial district will
erect two judges this year , and it
is of great importance that a proper
selection bo mador The offlco of
of district judge is in no sense a
psrtisan office. What the people
want on the bench is a good lawyer
ind an honest man who will bo fair
to everybody. If there is any
thing that is a eurse to tbe publici
it i's to have , a .mere politicaii on
the bench. During the four years
that .jXudgpJHBrrington has jbeen
judge of this district , he has treat
ed all persons coming before his
court witfc" courtesy and impartial
ity. His-decisions have inspired
public confidence andhe'deserves
4 second term. While the Courier ii
man is a republican , we do mt
hesitate to urge the people who La-
lieve in an upright judiciary to
support Judge Harrington for re-
Hon. J. J. Harrington and Hon.
W. H. Westover are the two judges
who will be elected. Judge Har
rington is too well and favorably
known to need any comment and
will be elected by an overwhelm
ing majority. His associate on the
bench , Hon. W. H. Westover of
Rushville , is the choice of the pro
fession and the attorneys say he
has no superior in the state. He
is one of the best read lawyers in
the state and has presided in an'
impartial manner in all cases tried
before him in this county and dis
trict. He is a courteous and af
fable gentleman and the voters of
this county should retain him on
the bench. Both judges have giv
en universal satisfaction during
'their term as district judges and
the profession is a unit for their
retention in office. Lynch Sun.
More Local.
Thomas. Gates and J. A. Ganow
and wife were in town this week.
Edward Foster brought in last
week some fine samples of blue
victor potatoes rasied on his fath-
ers's farm , one of which weighed
over four pounds.
fc ,
j * *
The telephone line from Wood-
lake has been connected with Val
entine and we can now talk any
where down the road. Now we
want one out south.
Mrs. Daniel Hubbard returned
home last week from her visit with
her daughter , Mrs. Mae Beamer ,
of St. Paul , Minn. , and this week
has been visiting with her son , R.
F. Pettycrew.
Miss Dora Pease came Sunday
evening from Omaha to visit her
sister , Mrs. M. R. Harden , after
spending the week previous visit
ing friends in Omaha and taking
in the carnival.
J. D. Spall , of Simeon , was in
town yesterday ami called at our
office for a friendly chat. He had
a couple of cars of cattle down to
Omaha last week and took in the
carnival while there.
31 head of horses were stolen out
of J.R. Ay ers'pasture last Saturday
night. They were taken up thro
the Rosebud reservation and the
thieves are making a strong effort
to get away , but Indian police and
several detectives are on the trail
and will soon overtake them they
W. A. Kimbell departed Mon
day morning , taking his barber
tools with him , seeking a new lo
cation we suppose. He had a good
barber business here and could
have made plenty of money if he
had attended to it. Mr. Kimbell
is like a great many who intend to be
a good fellow but can't make mon
ey as fast as they'd like to spend '
it. The shop will be sold to satisfy
mortgages. It is a good opening
for someone who will stay with it.
Prof. R. H. Watson declined
the nomination for county super- '
intondcnt on account of his en
gagement as principal in the Val
entino city schools , which he
thought to be his duty to continue.
Mrs. Lottie Cramer has been select
ed by the committee to take his
place on the ticket and will make
a splendid substitute for Prof.
Watson. "She has been teaching' '
in the county for. years and holds !
four first-grade certificates. Mrs.
Cramer is now teaching on a first-
grade certificate with an average
grade of nearly Oi. She is a
bright teacher and is enthusiastic
in her work , ever holding up for
Cherry county and her schools ,
faithful , .perservoring and of highest - j
est character ; everyone-can rejoice
over her selection for county super
intendent. VVhatevercomes up be
fore this fair daughter of Cherry
county our. people can rest .con- .
tented that it settled , right.
Let old Cherry county put on new
yraments ami'go fortH * b gredt a
) enefactor who'has been faithful
n the least'
The Democratic State Platform * '
Following is thY platform Adopted at the state convention at Columbus : f
We , the democrats of Nebraska , in convention assembed , reaffirm < ?
our faith in the principles or the party as enunciated in the last national
platform , adopted at Kansas City.
We denounce the national republican administration for its failure
to carry out its promises heretofore made and its subservience to special \
interests at the expense ot 'ind to the detriment of the interests of the \
public at large. . {
We are unalterably opj osed to anv form of asset currrncy legisla- j
tion and to any legislation > f the character of the Aldricb bill.
We demand that tne 3. torney gienenal of our state shall make ap
plication to the supreme c ' rt of the United States for permission to
put the Nebraska maximun freight law into immediate effect , in accord
with the suggestion ot tha court. In the campaign one year ago the
democracy of Ne jraska charged that the election of a republican legis
lature would he a victory . " r the railroads and other corporate interests *
which presume t dictate in state atlairs.
We call attention to tbe faithful manner in which republican officials
have championed the corporations , enacting and applying statutes to
the injury of the home ov rets , farming and business interests to the
profit of the raihoads and othe public corporations. We charge that
the late republican-legislature deliberately substituted the Ramsev bill
intending thereby to deny 1 D the farmers of this state all relief from the
grain trust , the most burdensome and exacting comhine now operating
within this state.
We arraign the republican party of Neb.aska for the failure'of the
last legislature to keep its ante-election promises ; to provide a just and
equitaple revenue law , and charge that it surreodered to corporate in
fluence and dictation , discriminated in'favor of the railroads in the tax
ation thereof.
We arraign the republican state administration for its extravagant
expenditures and for burdening the state with an immense floating inrv |
debtedness as a direct result of such action and we demand a more '
economic handling of tbe public funds The shameful interference by
Governor Mickey in the efforts of his deputies to properly and honestly
enforce the provisions of the oil inspection law should meet the severe
condemnation of every lover of law. His notorious and successful attempt -
tempt to permit the Standard Oil company to sell in this state a grade
of oil condemed by his deputies as dangerous to the life and property of fc
consumers must be construed as evidence of woeful ignorance or criminal -
nal collusion.
We believe the judiciary to be the corner stone of American govern
ment , both state and national. Upon its ability , independence and in
tegrity rests the future of American institutions. We therefore demand
that tbe judiciary of this state be kept free from partisan bias and the
undue influence of special and corporate interests.
We commend to the voters of Nebraska the record of John J Sulli
van as embodying our ideas of the high character the judiciary oug-ht to
We invite all citizens , without reference to their political affilia
tions , who agree with us in the foregoing principles and who believe in
an Independent judiciary to support the nominees of this convention.
:5f : gto ftZir3KBHK5 K
The Valentine Bottling Works
puts up eleven different kinds of
drinks. " 17
Dave Dunn , of the north'table ,
is in town today.
The Ola Bidwell entertainment
last night at the M. E. church was
a rehearsal of many of the old
selections that most of us 'have
heard for the past 12 to 15 years.
There are a dozen persons in this
town , each of whom could do bet
ter than this stage struck miss who
is giving an evening entertainment.
There are enough of fakirs travel
ling on the reputations of others
gone before to keep a good play
from drawing a good crowd as it
deserves , while any old thing will
draw enough people to make more
money than some good plays and
think they are a success.
] UcCanii Items.
Mrs. Ralph Wilson , from the
Black Hills , is visiting with P. C.
Gallaway for a few weeks.
Chas. M. Tripp and Edwin
Drake , brother and brother-inrlaw
of Mrs. George Hendorshot , are
making her a visit. They are
from Pennsylvania.
A Bad Fire at Hot Springs.
A fire broke out in the n orth
end of the wooden block north of
j the Evan's hotel at Hot Springs ,
1 S. D. , last Sunday morning be-
j tween 4 and 5 o'clock and burned' '
half the block or more. The loss 1
( 1
loss is placed at 875,000 with less
than § 3,000 insurance. This should I
bo a warning to some business men 1
who take too many chances of be
ing caught without insurance.
Report ot Wood ) . ike Shoola
There are 3S pupils enrolled in
the higher department. Those of
perfect attendance for first month
are :
Lily MoNaniee Nellie Bohart
Gladys Shaul Harvey McXamee
Cliole WacKoner Wilder Parks
Edna Cunningham Vivlun Voting
Gr.tCM Waejjoner leorge DHVOW
Miller N agatir Samuel Wagner
Hey Wague *
iS are enrolled in the primary
The school now contains nine
grades. The advanced class is sis
in number. Each room has organ
ized a literary society. The mar
ching has much improved since we
began to use the bass drum. The
8th grade class are deep in the
subject of percentage. The board
has' purchased a number o'f new
books and other supplies , thus
strengthening- school.
E. B. Go WIN , )
litiilej' Brit'fs.
The eye is the .window of the
human soul.
Dale Crane was at the Churn
ranch last week.
Geo. Hauver is in' Cody doing
some plumbing.
Jean Mosstnan sold his yearling
steers at § 18 per head last week.
The Barley school is in full blast
with Lillie Fairhead at the helm.
Walter Goodin was in Me'rri-
! man last week and employed'a
' teacher.
Mrs. John Short and G. Hauver
spent oLe evening at W. H. Sel
lers' last week.
j W. H. Sellers was in Merriman
| on business last week and had a
nice visit with P. Sullivan.
It has been said that whether
honesty is the best policy or not
| depends upon the efficiency of the
Bishop & Young , Geo. Heine ,
1 Art Brooks and Goo. Ladely ship
ped several cars of-cattle the 12th
to Omaha.
Down the River.
Louis Nollett has been on the
sick list.
Miss Mary Becker has been on
the sick list the past week.
Martin Becker and daughter Miss
Anna went to town Thursday.
Win. Brosius was in these parts
Sunday looking for a hired hand.
Geo. McFarland and family in
tend to go to Iowa in a short time
on a visit.
Mr. Nollett , Becker and Taylor
went to town one day tliis week
with grain.
Miss Myrtle Dodson is staying afc
Geo. McFarland's and going to the
Kewanee school.
A. Haley and family and Miss
Gertrude Allen and brother Ed *
ward spent Sunday at A. Grooms' *
Shorty Mumford says his pota
toes are very nice only they don't
turn out unless he digs them' out.
They organized a Sunday school
at the Prairie View shool house last
Sunday.V e hope it will be a sue *
.A new school house has been
3uilt in the. Dodson district and a
Jance was given in it Thursday
- . , -.YOUXGBTEB.
is none too good when you're eating fruit. Ours 'IB
fresh and well ripened. : :
are good when they are fresh. We sell a lot of them
which keeps them fresh , : : : :
that's why wo sell a lot of them. They're pure sweetness.
is what you need every day. Ours is fresh when you
want it. : : : : : : : : : : :
The Confectioner.
J. W STKTTKR , Vice President COKA L WATTHW. Assistant Cashier
Interest paid on time
Capital , 823.0OO
Surplus , S 1OOO
Persons seeking a place of safety for their
Ofllce Hours money , will profit by investigating the
9 A. 31. to 4 P. M.
methods employed in our business.
Jas. E. Pepper W. E. Me Braver Canadian Clnb
C3-o , KT.
All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and
imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars
of the choicest brands. Hlue Eibbon Bottled Beer
a speciality. : : : : : : :
Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey
r'.r } W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
- . Your Patronage Solicited.
ce :
Valentine - - Nebraska
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Smith Premier
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"Wearing Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : j Beautiful Catalogue Free.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Company. ana faimam St. ,
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