Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 08, 1903, Image 7
Why Do "Women Karn Wastes ? It would seem superfluous to ask why women are wage earners. But there Is never a day that somewhere In this broad land a preacher , a workingman - ingman , a statistician or a college pro fessor does not discourse on the wage- eaming woman as though she were a perverse creature , indulging her fling at old-time conventions and , in consequence quence , upsetting things masculine in a way that is not only hard for the Individual man worker to bear , but which is also subversive of funda mental props of the good old time , fault is it that the woman If it be a crime or a wrong , is guiltless , for man's laws say she must not take her own life , and her only choice is between that or en gaging in gainful occupation. She works because her father was or is incompetent or a drunkard or un thrifty , or what is known as a pool- business man , or because he married when he should not have ( lone so ; or , along with fellowmen , he carried the home industries out of the home and made them the activities of great fac tories. In the last analysis it will be found that it is always man who is to be blamed ( if any one should be cen sured ) for this latter-day entering of women into pursuits which men have labeled strictly masculine. For one thing the fathers of wage earners are never concerned about whether or not the particular business possibility is pre-eminently feminine , the only con sideration with them being how it will pay. The father will sympathize with I' the mourning of his own particular craft over the inroads of women , but the woes of men stenographers and bookkeepers from the same source draw from him not a throb of sym pathy. If his daughter can but make a comfortable livelihood in either pro fession that is the extent to which their affairs interest him. Lastly , man is in ninety cases out of a hun dred her employer. The persistency with which men critics insist upon regarding the wom an wage-earner as an inexplicable problem is a discreditable reflection on their common sense. Since the worker is everywhere in evidence there is no.difficulty in observing many varieties of her. The majority of women wage earners give every indi cation of being the victims of adverse circumstances , and only the craziest imagination could conceive that mil lions of women would voluntarily toil in mills and offices through summer's blistering heat , when trees and field flower , woods and sen , seductively beckon to holiday making ; or that in the bitter weather of midwinter they would brave the terrors of blizzard for less vital reason than to keep body and soul together. This eternal discussion of the wage earner as a problem is simply im becile. She is not a problem , nor a perversity , nor anything other than the result of a social evolution set in motion and maintained by man him self , who sits up. as is his wont , and discusses a's a deplorable.phenomenon what is in reality an inevitable result. It is about time the preacher and the workingman ceased inveighing against the wage-earning woman. It is as fu tile as it is silly. Vogue. ITovr Women Rest. How differently men and women in dulge themselves in what is called a resting spell. "I guess I'll sit dQAvn and mend those stockings and rest awhile , " but her husband throws him self upon the easy lounge , or sits back in his armchair , with hands at rest and feet placed horizontally upon another chair. The result is that his whole body gains full benefit of the half hour he allows himself from work , and the wife only receives that indirect help which comes from the change of occupation. A physician Avould tell her that taking a ten minutes' rest in a horizontal position , as a change from standing or sitting at work , Avould proA'e more beneficial to her than any of her makeshifts at resting. Busy tvomen have a habit of keeping on their feet just as long as they can , in spite of backaches and AA'arning pains. As they say , "I used to think I must do thus and so , but I have grown wiser and learned to slight things. " The first rears of housekeeping are truly the hardest , for untried and unfamiliar cares are almost daily thrust upon the mother and homemaker. Leslie's Weekly. Shnn the Bonrdinjt-House. Young man , the time will soon come * ' when you Avill seriously entertain thoughts of marriage. When the hap py hour has arrived which makes you a married man , at once resolve that you will have a home of your own. Avoid a boarding-house , unless as a temporary abode. Hoarding-house life encourages laziness , and wives who have no regular duties soon learn to gossip at first to pass away the time and afterward for pure love of scan dal. The woman who indulges in this questionable pastime seems to forget that when she is absent from the meetIng - Ing of the gossipers' club , that her character and habits will be discussed by her boarding-house friends , and certainly not to her credit , for scandalmongers dal-mongers always have something fierogatory to any of the absent. In a boavdlng-house there are no * home" attractions or duties , and the female occupants are forced to seel amusement elsewhere some by con slant visiting among such gadabouts as themselves , and others by shopping excursions , without the least intent oi purchasing. The shoppers roam fron store to store , examining the good ; here and there , and causing the clerks useless and irritating trouble. A young wife who has spent om year in a boarding-house has renderec herself unfit to preside over a home She has become lazy , discontented , an has learned from her older associate * a great deal concerning matters oj which a good and true wife should 1) . ignorant. Promiscuous association such as prevails in the average boardinghouse ing-house , should be avoided. It if very apt to seriously affect even th most conscientious of women , while- < the young wife who lacks stability oi character , it is likely to work an ir reparable injury which leads to life long unhnppiiH'Ss. Exchange. Health anil Reality Hints. A soft linen cloth which is employee for no other purpose is better to us ; when bathing the eyes than a sponge Pompadour pads , commonly calle ( "rats , " should be avoided as much a. possible , as they are very heating t ( the head. Do not wear shoes too small for the feet. It will cause them to grow largt and very unsightly and will make graceful walking an impossibility. A daily gentle polish of two or three minutes helps to keep the nails in or der. If the cuticle be dry and apt In grow ragged or split a cream should he applied every night. The eyes should never be used when they are tired or weak from illness , nor should they be exposed to a strong light at any time. The light should al ways fall on the work or book froir over the loft shoulder. The possessors of dry scalps should know that they are more liable to early grayness than their friends with greasy hair , but that this is quite pre ventable by regularly feeding the hail with the oil it lacks. "Don't sleep under too many bed clothes , " cautions a physician. "It is unhygienic to have too much cover ing , as it keeps in the impurities of the body. Try to do with little bed cloth ing. and see if you do not sleep better. " To preserve the round shape of tin eyeballs occasionally rub them gently and always toward the nose. As one grows older the eyeballs have a ten dency to become flat. Gentle rubbing or massage helps to preserve their shape. If you wish to reduce your weight abstain from all eating between meals. Cut. out of the diet all candy and swee ! foods , all severe acids and all alco , holic or malt liquors. Drink plenty of pure , cool water. Partake of only two meals a day. Many preparations for keeping the hair in curl are sold , but they are generally orally unpleasant to use. as they make the hair pasty and stiff. If it is possi ble to get on without curling it is mucl better to do so. as nothing looks mon untidy than hair which is half out ol curl. Many English doctors are now con vinced that the eating of pigs' flesh in different forms is greatly responsible for the increase of cancer. They poin. out that it is most common among the poor , whose chief moat is that of pigs while the disease is extremely ran among the Jews. Salts of tartar bring out the pretti est shades in light hair. Put 5 cents worth into a quart of boiling water and let it'cool. . Then use a small wine glassful to a basin of water when rins ing. Afterward rinse in pure water. This cleanses the hair beautifully and makes it light and fluffy. The eyes should be bathed every night before retiring to remove any dust that might have gathered on the lids during the day. Cold water should be used , although lukewarm water is good occasionally. Open the lids and let the water bathe the eyeballs. Wipe them with a soft towel , taking care to rub toward the nose. This motion has a tendency to remove any foreign mat ter. Teachers' Hard Lot. The lot of the teacher is proverbial ly hard and the women who went out to the Philippines some time since to teach in the schools there appear to be no exception to the rule. The teachers entered the service , it is said , on the understanding that they would remain in it two years and on their leaving it before the expiration of that time they were" prevented from obtaining any other employment under the govern ment. They justify their action by saying that the Philippine commission has not kept faith with them and that on their entering complaints with the proper officials they were told that if they did not like the service they could leave it. They expected that their sal aries would be paid in United States currency , but were compelled to accept checks calling for payment in unrelia ble Mexican currency. They under stood also that they were to be allowed to make purchases at the commissary stores at reduced prices , but this priv ilege was denied them and they were compelled to pay the ordinary market price. Virginia tobacco Is one of the strong est varieties. EARLY PYRAMIDS IN MEXICO. An Archreolojyist Describes Them and n City Antedatinjr Columbus. Great archaeological value is at tached to the discovery of an ancient city in a remote portion of the stats of Puebla , and in order to ascertain the exact import of the find the federal government has commissi n d the sub- director of the national museum * F. Rodriguez , who is one of the foremost Mexican engines. to visit the ruiJ and make investigations , says a spe cial to the Philadelphia Press. Dr. Nicolas Leon , the archaeologist an I e.hnolcgist of the institution , accon panics him. , Dr. Leon reports that the ruins havq never been known to the world ol science and that they are the most primitive that have been discovered in Mexico and are , in fact , so ancient that it will require a great deal of time and study to learn in what epoch they were built , as well as by what people. Dr. Leon has made the follow ing statement in reference to the dis coveries : "In a range of small hills that ex tends from north to south from the higM neighboring mountains we found : i very numerous scries of pyramidal constructions guarded by elaborat ! trenches and connected , for purpose I of communication , by wide avenue ? ; which Avere set off at intervals by sloping acclivities , platforms and stair- cases. All the pyramids were found to bo quadrangular and to have been built with especial reference to tlri cardinal points. Those important mon uments were constructed entirely < i rocks and sandstones cut and laid in juxtaposition. The surface dressing of the pyramids is small stones work ed into cubical forms of very orna mental appearance and laid close to gether. "As a rule , every four of the pyra mids surround a court. All of them are so grouped that each and every" one of them guards the entrance to tha courts. Hut if in any case the en' trances are not protected , great walls with bares much wider than their sum mits re-enforce the pyramids. Thea walls are of such sizes that their sum rnits are really streets. "They are well paved with flal stones and have platforms , staircased and sloping acclivities like the aven ues. On one of the highest of tlu platforms and at the bases of all the pyramids we found pieces of pot" " rery which were certainly made befora the time of Columbus and which werfl evidently the remains of a civilizaticri relatively more advanced than that ol the builders of the pyramids. "We found also many sculptured scenes in bas-relief of prehistoric times. Figures of human beings and animals in stone and iron were quitd numerous. Domestic utensils of stone painted rose color were scattered ovei the ground. "Stone knives and arrow heads ot the obsidian epoch were encountered in great abundance. Leagues of thfl mountainous country are covered witli ? uins. " MEASURES SMALL. Just why any one would want 1r measure a millionth of an inch is not plain to us , yet there is a inachinj that will measure with accuracy that tiny distance. A picture of it , taken at the office of the United States Coal Survey in Washington , is pivsent ) herewith. The way in which it work' ) Is too technical to be popularly inter esting , but it depends upon lialf dozen small mirrors reflecting in eacli other and casting a resulta ray of light upon a fine scale. He Cannot JLosc. The conversation happened to tun on an eccentric capitalist , who had re. tired from business with a fortune large enough to satisfy the avera ? \ ambition , but not so large as populai report credited him Avith having. "What is he doing with his mon-\v ? ' was asked. "The only thing I have heard of Ini doing with it , " was the reply , "is buy ing up mortgages on little one or tAVij story houses OAA'ned by widows or or phans. " "I should call that pretty poor busi ness for rf'man of his means. " "He seems to be satisfied Avith tin inA'cstrnent. He never forecloses tl. 3 mortgages , and never collects any in terest on them. " Perhaps the eccentric capitali knoAVS what he is doing , and will g j large returns on his "investment" somt day. Gambling Among : Workmen. Gambling among American workmen is almost unknoAvn as compared witU the same evil in Great Britain , sayi the Moseley commissioners. All Tired Out. The weary , worn all-tired feelings out , - ings come to CA-- eryhody who taxes the kidneys. When the kidneys are overworked they fail to perform the duties nature has provided for them to do. When the kidneys fail dan gerous diseases quickly follOAA' , uri nary disorders , dia betes , dropsy , rheu- inatistn , Bright's disease. Doan's 'Kidney Pills cure all kidney and blad- 'der ills. Read the following case : Veteran Joshua Heller , of 700 South Walnut street , Urbana , III. , says : "In the fall of 1899 after getting Doan's 'Kidney Pills at Cunningham Bros. ' drug store in Champaign and taking a coursD of treatment I told the readers of the paper that they had relieved me- of kidney trouble , disposed of a lame back Avith pain across my loins and be neath the shoulder blades. During the interval Avhich had elapsed I have had occasion to resort to Doiifs : Kidney Pills Avhen I noticed warnings of at tack. On each and every occasion the results obtained were just sis satisfac tory as AA'hen the pills Avere first brought to my notice. I just as em phatically endorse the. preparation to day as 1 did OA-er two years ago. " A Free Trial of this great kidney medicine Avliich cured Mr. Heller will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Medical advice free ; strictly confidential. Address Foster-Milburn Co. . Buffalo. N. Y. For sale by all druggists , price 50 cents per box. I g = all horrel troubles , appendicitis , bil- iounmiK * , bad hrc .t3i , bad blood , wind on the stomucii , blortted bowels , foul mouth , Iieudarhc. Imlisestion , pimples , pains after eating , liver trouble , xallow complexion and dir.zf lien * . When your bowel * don't move regu larly you are gettina : nick. Cojiwtipation kills more people than all other di ei ! > e < < tozellier. It in a. utarter for the cltronio ailments and lonjj years of suffering Hint come after\vards. No matter vrhat nil8 you , start taking CASCAKKTS to-day , for yon will nerer get tvell and bo well all the time until you put your bowels right. Take our advice ; start with CASCARETS to-day , under an absolute guar antee to cure or money refunded. ua A hotel in Bangor , Me. , contracted witb an electric linht company to put in seven electric lights. After they were in working order , tbe ho tel employed a handy man to tap the wire surreptitiously on the street side of the meter aud add forty-nine lights more. Three vaccinations , are now com pulsory in France. The fiist must be made din ing the first yearrf infancy , the second in the eleventh year , and ' tlietiiijd in the twenty-first year. Every time a person loses his tem per he finds a lot of trouble. No , Cordelia the seasbnre bree/.e is not caused by tbe hotel ricti"s blow ing in their money. A man spends one-third of his life in bed but it's the cither two-thirds that usually causes all the trouble. Being a financier is being able to bag for yourself somebody else's fi nances. A girl ought to be careful to dress so as not to have any pins about her waist. It takes some people longer to let go of a dollar than it does some to get a million of them. IT'S A MISTAKE To Attribnte Coffee Ills to Poor Graded of Co fie ; . Many people lay all the blame for the diseases caused by Coffee upon the poorer grades of coffee , but this is an error , as the fnlloAving proves1 have used every kind of the host grade of tea and coffee that can be got from n first-class grocer hut never found on * that Avould not upset my nervous sys tem , and it Avas not until 1 began to drink Postnm Food Coffee in placeof coffee and tea that I had relief from the terrific attacks of non'ous sick- headache from which I had suffered for 30 years. "I had tried sill kinds of medicine * but none helped me. "Soon after I stopped drinking coffee and began to drink Postum the head aches grew less , and it Avas not long until I was entirely cured and I have never had a return of this distressing trouble , for nowadays I never drink coffee but stick to Postum. "As soon as my Avife ? aw what Postnm had done for me she gave up coffee , which she had drank all her life. This was six Aveeks ago and she is a changed woman , for her nervous ness has all disappeared , her face has become smooth and her cheeks have a good rosy color. She sleeps well , too , something she could never do while she drank coffee. We consider Posrum a household necessity in my house and have induced many friends to try this Avonderful food drink in place of coffee. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. Look in each package for a copy of .the famous little book , "The Road to Well , UK" An ( > ld'maid should be well shaken before taken. It takes a woman to marry a man just to see what kind of a husband he will turn out be. Most men begin to economize on their own spending b ? cutting down their wife's allowance. The amateur piano player is all r'mht : the trouble is witb the people who dont' like tint kind of music. It s a good thing for some people that the necessities of li.'e do not in clude brains. Sufferers from Lomg Troubles. The offer made elsewhere in this paper by Dr. Dcrk P. Yonkonunn , 3ISi Shake speare building. Kalamaxoo , Mich. , to consumptives and sufferers from limy trouble is remarkable , especially as show- iu the undoubted confidence of those who make it in the eflitracy of the remedy offered to the public. The list of names given as testimonials to.back up the offer and the remedy are not those of obscure individuals , but of men of renown , many of them of national fame who have used the remedy and been cured. It certainly looks as if this offer was a genuine one , made in jrood faith and based altogether upon the merits of the remedy. It's queer what different ideas widowers and widows have about what is good and what bad luck. I cannot praise Piso's Cure enough foi the wonders it has worked in curing me -It. II. Seidel. 2120f5 Olive street , St I.ouis , Mo. , April ! " > , 1901. A stHurban servant is known b\ tbe family she consents to let Jive with her. Waa BX KUKfB.I UKHKMMaBBag BBH i T0BCirVUtfICtC ! Wil ntRWlSE IS THE MA WHO WEAfiS , V\A reputation extending over " xxx sixty-six years and our guarantee are back of i \every oLarmentbe&rind the SIGN OP THE FISH. There are many imitations. > Be sure of the name TOWER on the buttons. A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTON. MASS.U. 5. A. " TOWER CANADIAN CO.Lhnitti TORONTO. CAR W. L. DOUGLAS S3.S&S3 SHOES SB ! You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes. They equal tlioso that have been cost ing you from S4.00 to $5.00. The im mense sale of W. Li. Douglas shot's proves tlieir superiority over all other makes. S < > M by retail shoo dealers "everywhere. Look for iiamo axitl price on bottom. That Dnuzl.ts uses Cor- nnnColt [ troves ( hero is value in Douiflit * shoes. Corom is Hie highest nt.Le.itlierTii.iile. ' n' nl.r- " ' . " " " Sl'SH" 5S * / SSZfefiB U'ir $ * utlt tags Line nnnnt be equalled at an u price. Shoes by ninil , 25 rents extra. IHuKtralril Catalog free. W. L. HOUCLAS , KrorLton.Jlass. lOc 25c 50c NEVER ALL DRUGGISTS SOLD IN BULK. TO CURE : Fire yenr aeo the iK t box or C'ASCAIC- ETS iva. * aold. Now It ! over fclx million boxc * A year , erenter than nny Blmllnr medicine In the world. Thin I absolute proof of trrent merit , nn l our l > 5 t testimonial. We have faith nntl will ell CASCARETS uhiolutely eunrunteed to cnro or money refunded. Go buy today , two COc boxe . Kl ve them a fair , lionc.t trial , no per Dimple direction * , and Ifyou ar s not atfled , after n lns one SOcbox , return the unimed 5Oc box and the empty box to u by mall , or the drafficUt from whom you purchased It , and tfetyour moneybucte for botn what alia yon-start to boses. Take onr udvlce no matter day. Health will qnlckly follownnd you will ble i. toe day you firatetarted the n eoCAHCAXKT& . Boot free by mall. Address : STEKLING KEJ1EDY CO. , NEW IOBK. or CHICAGO. The red coral wbicb is used in jewelry , and which is known as precious coral , is mostly obtained in the Mediterranean , the Barary Coast furnishing the dark red , Sardinia the yellow or salmon color , and the coast of Italy the rose pink. It is also found in the Ked Fen. Smoking cars for ladies are in use on some of the Russian1 railroads. Since capital punishment was abt 1- ished in Italy , in 1875. murders there have increased forty-two per cent. Cynical Views of I.iIP. Be honest , and your friends will call you rude. Re pious , and people will call you a hypocrite. Be independent and people will say you pub Dn airs. Be philosophic : 1 , and people will call you a regular fool. Be tactful , and people will wonder what you are driving at. Cure For UIuiiie"T . Study what conserati/e men are doing. Desire to" be something. Yciu may rot have been born that way. Cultivate the memory , be energetic , attentive , and on the alert. Ifyou will sit do/vn every nigh1 and write out briefly an account o everything you have done during tlj day you will be startled to see hnv > many mistakes you hae made. Do this for awhile and you will notice that the number of blunde-s dimin ishes. Why ? Because you get to thinking about your errors and yoi are unconsciously over watchful. E. M. Pratt , in Chicago Inter Ocean Mrs.Winslow's SOOTHING SYKUP for ohi. dnn teeihnie , softens the eurns , reduces iii'ia- uiatloii , Bllayspain cures > colic. Piioe'Joc bottle The oldest ship in the world , the mail schooner Vigilant , running into St. Croix , F. W. I. , although now under , the French Hip , was built of Ess x oak. at Essex , Mnss. , ' in 1S02. PUTNAM FAUKlLKSS DYES pro duce the brightest and fastest colors. An Arkansas man was recently bitten by a mule with.fatal results. This merely shows that the mule is dangerous at either end. STATE OF Onio , CITY OF TOLEDO , : - . LUCAS COUNTY. fss- FKAKK .1. CHENEY makes oath that he is the senior partncrof the firm of F. J.CHBNKT&CO. . doing business in the City of Toledo , Countv am ! State afore-aid. and that said firm will nav tlie sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for "each and every case of CATARUU that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATAUKH CUKE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence , this 6th day of December , A. D. 1SSS. A. T7. GLEASOX. Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. Sold by Drtipslsts , 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A furnished house was rented in , Asbury Paik , N. J. , and ten days ! after moA-iug in the tenant was forced to A-ucate because the domi cile was infested witb bedbugs. Suit for tbe rent was brought by the owner , but Judge Heisley decided that the house was untit for occu pancy , and that thcrefrre the land lord had no just claim. The lide : of a cow produces about thiity-tiA-e pounds of leather ; that of a horse about eighteen pounds. A man can make up his mind that h ? 1 ives a w.iman a co > .d deul quicker than he can that he Avants to marry her. n in article on "The Age of the WoVkV Sir Edward Fry. tl'e famous English geologist , declares that 450- 000,000 years must have elapsed since tbe existence of life on the globe. Fifteen steamers landed during the week ending .July 25 at Liverpool from Amsterdam and Cinadian ports 6,048 cattle , 2.972 sheep , 31,813 sheep carcasses and 29,593 quarters of beef. A recent census of China shows that that couutrv , crowd-d with , "teeming millions , " Ins 103 to the * squaie mile. Belgium has 220 lo tho. square mile. Great Britain 130 and Germany 105. Kasy to Get. Pierpont. O. , Oct. 5. Remarkable in- fl ' 0d is the experience of Mr. A. S. Turner , a man noAv over seventy-one- yesirs of ajre. and whose home is here. ' For many years this old gentleman. had sufl'ered with a very unpleasant- form of Kidney Trouble , a kind that very often bothers ajred people. He Avouhl have to { ret up four or five times every nijrht. and this A'ery tiresome dis ease AA-JIS fast Avearing him out. At Inst after having almost made up ni mind that he Avould never be able o .tier relief , he stumbled over a medi- rine which relieved him almost imme diately , and has cured him permanent ly. It is so very easy to get and so simple that Mr. Turner thinks every one .should knoAA' of it. EA'ery dealer in the country has it. and all you have to do is to ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Turner says : "I can heartily and honestly recom mend Dodd's Kidney Pills for they cured me. Several others in the fam ily have used them , too , and always Avith the best results. I think they have no equal. " Ripans Tabaies are the beat dysp"psin medicine ever made. A hundred millions of th m have been sold in the United States in a single year. Constipation , heartburn , sick headache , dirzi- ness , bad breath , eore throat and ever other illr.ess arising from a clstrdered stomacb are relieved or cured by Ripans Tabules. One will generally give relief withiu twenty minutes. The tjve-cent package is enougk for ordinary occasions. All druggists sell them. CURES WHERE All EISE FAILS. Beat CouglSyrup. . Tastes GooO. Use In time. Sold br drnsrifUt * . N. N. U. 792 - 41. YORK NEBR.