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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1903)
WORN OUT , DRAGGED OUT , Arc Most Women in Summer Pe-ru-na Is a Tonic of Efficiency. MORRIS. 230 SL , Brooklyn , N. Y. . writes : "Penina is a fine medicine to take any tiraeof the year , but I have found it es- 'pecially helpful to with.-Land the wear and tear of the hot weather. I have taken it now for two summers and feel that it has kept my system free from malaria , and also kept me from having that worn-out , dragged-out look which so many women have. * * I therefore hare no hesitancy hi say ing that I think if is the finest tonic in the world. " .losephiiie Morris. Penina is frequently used as a mitiga tion of the effects of hot weather. What a bath is to the skin , Peruna is to the mucous membranes. Bathing keeps the ekin healthy , Peruna makes the mu t cous membranes clean and healthy. With the skin and mucous membranes 1 In good working order , hot weather can "be withstood with very little suffering. Frequent bathing with an occasional use of Peruna is sure to mitigate the 'horrors ' of hot weather. Many ladies The English postoflice gives 20 per cent better speed in delivering par cels than the private carriers and a6 a cost of G cen's for one pound , 8 cents for two pounds , and 24 cents for eleven pounds. A recently invented door-lock has the ke > hole in the knob of the door , and there is no other iceyhole. The man who is always having his feelings hurt is about as pleasing a companion as a pebble in a shoe. " . - * . 10 CENTS. Will HBDACHES Mrs. Tressie Kelson , 422 Broad St 1 Nashville , Tenn. , writes : "As Peruna has done me a world of good , I feel In duty bound to tell of it , in hopes that it may meet the eye of some woman who has suf fered as I have. "For five years I reay did not know what a perfectly well day was , and if I did not have headache , I had backache or a pain some where and really life was not worth the effort I made to keep going. "A good friend advised me to use Perunn and I was glad to try any thing , and I am very pleased to say t that six bottles made a new woman J of me and I have no more pains and life looks bright again. " Mrs. < Tressie Nelson. \ have discovered that the depression of hot weather and the rigors they have been in the habit of attributing to malaria , quickly disappear when they use Peruna. This is why Peruna is so popular with them. Peruna provides clean mucous membranes , and the clean mucous membranes do the rest If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna , write at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman , President of The Ilartman Sanitarium. Columbus. O. Every miu ; has bis little weakness. Ib yeuerally takes the form of a de sire to tjet something for nothing. The cornet of 1843 was the onh one during the last century visible in broad daylight. ThrHC things to wish for health , friends and a cheerful spirit. Money makes the marriage go. An idle hertis Cupid's workshop. A proposal in need is a proposal in deed and 130 limes as fast as the popula tion. When a girl blushes the other girl.- say : "Well , 1 like her cheek. " The smallest thoughts are some times expressed in the largest word.s. There are a few men who allo their religion to interfere with busi ness. When there's the devil to pay b < usually charges a high iate of inter est. Even a first mortgage isn't always satisfied. A woman's tears are her most , con viocirjg arguments. Life is a riddle that every mother' son of us must give up. If a girl wants to shatter her ido all she has to do is marry him. The people who have no opinions- of thfir own are always agreeabh It's easier for the average youth ti raise a row than a mustache Occasionally a steady stream ol men may be seen guing into a saloo but the coming-tuti stream is ap to be a trifle unsteady. Chicagi News Manila has a total population some thing like 300,000 , about 10,0iO beim A'merican and European born Tli- American population is estimated ai 3.000. Such has been the improvement i > engine b ; ilers and Ore boxes that th power derived fr m a pound of coi today is nearly three times as greai is it was fifty years ago. Canada is thinking nf making vrt ing compulsory If it is like voting insome pi ices , will arnica , ats-Tli . -nt cotton and surgeons be providei free ? Aching backs are eased. TJip , back , and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs , rheumatism , and dropsy .signs vanish. . They correct urine with brick-dust sediment , high colored , excessive , pain in passing , dribbling , frequency. Doan's Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpita tion , sleeplessness , headache , nervous ness. ' Cmr , Inx I received the free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills. They are splendid. I had an awful pain iu my hack ; on taking the pills the pain left me right away and I feel like a new man. Stephen Schaefcr. Mrs. ADDre ANDREWS , R. F. D. No. 1. BKODIIEAD , "Wrs. , writes : I received the free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills with much benefit. My little nephew was Buffering terribly with kidney trouble from scarlet fever. Two doctors failed to help him and he finally went into spasms. Ilia father gave him Doan's Kidney Pills and from the s ri > nrl dose NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UNION , the pain was less. He began to gain and is to-day a well boy , his life saved by Doan's Kidney Pills. HUDDLES MILLS , KY. I received the frre trial of pills. They did me great good. I had bladder trouble , compelling I me to get up often during night. Now I sleep well ; no pain in neck of bladder ; pain in back is gone , also headache. Jxo. L. HILL. poan's Kidney Pills , rmct so ctms. STATE For frpe trial box , mall this coupon to FosttT-MUburn Co. , Uuffulo , N. Y. If above space U insufficient , vrnto address on sepa rate clip. ADVICE FREE. 791-40. YORK. NEBRASIf WALKING THIRTY-SIX YEARS. Slavonian Count V.'ho lias Kxplored All Parts of the i arth. Count Rocco Dianovich is a Slave nlaii who for the last thirty-six years has been wandering in all parts ol the world with two objects. The first is , he likes waiting , believing it tc be the healthiest form of exercise , an enabling one to obtain insight into na- j tional character and peeps of idea' scenery which are invisible from a railway carriage. His second objec ? is to study the prisons and punish- 1 ments of every country , and very of ten , he told a London Daily Chronicld representative , he has committed some trifling offense in order to be locked up in some jail to which admission haJ been refused him as an ordinary indi v.dual. He has slept in the dungeons ol Spain and has "enjoyed * ' life in thd prison settlements of Siberia. 'T hav4 not been in London for thirty years , and the last time I was here I wanted to see the interior of an English peni tentiary. I could not get the neces sary permission , so one day I assumed drunkenness and hit a constable. My end was achieved and I was happy , Oh , no ; I paid no fine , but went to prison for a few days , and I was treat ed very well. But I shall not do l\ \ again , because I am afraid of youi solitary confinement arrangements , which must be awful. " The count is not a poor man , thougli he confesses he hopes to make money out of a book he is writing on his travels. From his experience of liffl In every country , civilized and unciv ilized , he thinks that America is the best place for a poor man , because ha can always earn a livelihood there. This globe-trotter , who walked to Lon don from Liverpool , will , after a i'c rt days' stay here , proceed to his hoim at Lissa , in Austria. He has not beer near his ancestral abode for the la&1 thirty-six years , and he doubts wheth er he will be recognized bj * his kius- tollc. A NOVEI FOOT-CYCLE. A German inventor has designed a foot cycle of improved construction , IE which the springs for raising the fee * usually found in such devices an avoided. The support is thus steady and solid , even when the person is ai rest. The driving wheel is located un der the center of pressure of the wear er's foot , and this enables the person to move In smaller circles than wltl the usual construction. The details ol FOOT CYCLF. . this cycle may be readily understood from the illustration. Two sprins pawls are secured to an extension fron t'hn ' foot-plate , and are adapted whei pressed downward to engage projec tions foinned on nn endless chain , butte to slide by the same when drawn up ward. The chain is thus driven for ward positively at every downward stroke of the foot , and its motion i ! oommunicatod through intermediatt gearing to the driving wheel. A braki is situated on the forward end of tin device , which may be operated bj downward pressure at the toe to frlc tioually engage the driving wheel. Fooled with the X-Rays. Hearing of the efficacy of the Roent gen rays for the removal of hain from the upper lip , a lady in Hanover aged 35 years , applied to Dr. Car Bruno Schurmayer , a properly qual ified doctor and Roentgen ray special 1st , for treatment. He operated twice but instead of removing the surplui hairs the operation resulted in th skin of the face becoming red and thi lips swollleu. The lady thereupoi brought nn action against the doctoi and was awarded $00 damages agaiust which he appealed , but the de cision has been upheld. A New Club. Atchison has a new club the Don' Do That Club and it has invented i new form of slang that should spreai over the earth. Every one has som. sort of offensive mannerism , and who ) members of the club are together aui a man or woman becomes disagreeabl > the others shout in chorus : "Don't d < that ! " The Don't Do That Club ha already scored twenty-eight reforms- It is a better plau than submitting t being bored and then gossiping aftei ward. Atchison ( Kan. ) Globe. Sp akinjf Literally. "What is meant by 'the Powers tha B ? " "Why , the Powers that R. " "Is Turkey one of them ? " "Turkey Is one of the Powers tha 0. " "GI" Kansas City Journal. Pido Badly Stuck Up. "What Is the matter with Fide ? " "Oh , isn't it horrid ? I gave him t the laundress to wash and she starcl ud. him. " Stray Stones. T / , \ Syrup of Figs appears to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy , Because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions , as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the rjy [ > "ff. i fr skur \ Frs rxcisco , CeJ.Acw Acw York.N.Y. * Price , fifty ccr\ta per bottle * The most -wonderful record in all history merit made it. Advertising- served to make CASCABETS known , bfche greatest advertisment ever printed could do no more than get eg. a person to try CASOARISES once. Ther comes the test , and if OASOABETS did not prove their ir s't there -would not be a sale of nearly a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. This success I has beoA made by the Mndwords of our friends. No one -who tries CASCARETS fails to be pleased and talk nicely about them. O SOABETS are easiest to buy , to carry , to take , to give. THE PERFECT HOME MEDICINE. . They are a perfect cure for Constipation , Appendicitis , i Biliousness , Sour Stomach , Sick Headac" , Bad Breath , Bad Blood , Pimples , Piles , Worms and all bowel diseases. Genuine tablet stamped C C C. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. All druggists , lOo , & 25c , 5Oc. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. sge A new headlight sends a pillar of light vertically from the locomotive , as well as straight ahead. The col- unra of light rising far above the lo comotive can be seen from a great distance , even though a hill should intervene to bide the ordinary head light and dull the sound uf the whistle. _ " " "Two"million of London's inhabi tants never go to church. On Catamount Hill , at Colrain. 1 Mass , a monument has been nised tn mark the site of the first dig raided over a public school house in ihe United States The flag in question was displayed in May , 1812. from a , log school house which stood on the hill I ficd Piso's Cure for Consumption the best medicine for croupy children. .Mrs. F. Gallahan , 114 IIall street , Parkers- burs , W. Va. , April 10. 1901. In order to prev nt the extinction of the chamois in the Swiss Alps a law has been passed in Grisons , Switzerland , prohibiting the shoot ing of chamois in the mountains. A real chamois skin is now worth 850. Overwork is a vice to which few men are in a position to plead guilty. Chinamen in the Philippines carry tin pail , half tilled with water , vhen they go to market for eggs. Before the eggs are bought , each one s dropped into the pail. If the egg falls to the bottom it is good : if it rises to the top it is bad , and is re fused. The importations of pig tin last year were 68.000,000 pounds , against T.O n 00" in Tne Michigan university museum is nw in p > ssession of a complete exhibit of Kirtlaud waiblers male , It male , nrst and egg the only coui- pleie collection in the United States , rn is iare bird was discovered in 1841 Mr Winslow's SOOTHING SYKUP for tliil- dn n teethingsoftens the eunis. reduces iina- mation , Hllayspain cures colic. Piire25 < ibottli Kansas manufactures binding twine at her state penitentiary as a check on the binding twine trust , which has ften ad vanced the price nf twine 50 per cent ai harvest time. .U'NE TINT BUTTER COLOR inaki's top of the market butter. In England alone the volume of co operative business has crown in the last forty years more than forty time ? as fast as her manufactures , What a microbe lacks in size it makes up in ugliness. No wonder they have refused to sit for theii photographers ever since creation. Kilkenny castle is one rf the oldest inhabited houss in the world , many of the roorrs being much as they ere FOO years ago. A wise m'.iise will recognize a trap it lias seen before. r REE TO WOMEN ! To prove the healing and clcinsing power of Pas- tiiie Tollt ; * Dtiaeptic we will mail a i rge trial packaue with book of in structions abBolntely free. This is not a tinj sample , but alarge package , enough to convince anyone of its value. Women all over the country are prais- ing Paxune for what it has done in local treatment of female ills , curing all inflam mation and discharges , wonderful as a cleans ing vaginal douche , for sore throat , nasal ca- earrh , as a mouth wash , and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth. Send to-day ; a postal card will do. Sold bj dmggUtA or sent postpaid by UK , 50 lent * , large box. 6ctl ractlon guaranteed. , 3. FAXTON CO. . 216 Colupbus Ave , Bostos. Massing / CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Constfaymp. . Taste * Good. Use In time. Sold by rtruggl its. * * * * * * * * * * * + * * XHo Old Reliable fl ® A good thing lives and keeps right along curing takes on new life , and so Pains and Acfoes. Price 25c. and 5Oc.