l < THF VALENTINE OEMOGRAT 't- 5 itt . - , I Hereford Hunch BrownieNe.br. . PrinciBnatmel 131003 and Curly Coat 112:201 : a head of herd The blood of fowler. Anxiety. Lord Wilton and Sir i Gladstone predomi nates ID my herd. No stot-k for , ! at pn cnt Kanrh four miles north-west of Hrownlce. Nebr 0. u. FAUI.HAUKU. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , bulb. 75 pf.i cwt $14.UU ton i hulk . . , .85 $16.DU tow .85.70c $13.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.05 $20.00 " Corn 95 < $18.00 " hoi * rnrn . .1.00 119.00 " 6at 1.20 $23.00 14 John Nicholson , Realist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve > ou t work for him. Office at Donoher Hoiit e , ETTA BROWN SUP i , PUBLIC'INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each mouth and Friday preceding. IALENT1NE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Kosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Browniee , Aebr. cB general blaokbiuithiiigathard times prices for cash. E. M. CR AMEK , City Deliveryman , ' Trunks , -valises and packages huuled to and : rom lu clepoi ami all parts ol the City. , A. KJMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect ESLU de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Hair Tonic. Herpteide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake . . TO. lil. N t BAJ. WOuK PJUOB1PTL.Y ATTKKDKD A N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights Tin Doii- olier residence , Cherry street. Edward S. Fwray Physician and Surgeon Qfflce Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. I9un2 F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A % ABSTRAGTER Talentiiie , Nebr. H in district Court and U. 8. Land Ofllc . Real Estate and . . tauch Property . ' hot-A/.N > r Kobert G. Easley , ATTORSI3Y AT I * AW * "Office over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE "Valentine , Clothes Cleaning ! Dyeing and Iresing Hats renovated and blocked. W3I. JOPLf.V. 53 ? LeJive orders at Davenport & Tliacher's. The Moler Barber College Omaba , -'Nebr. , * ants men to learn barber trade. Their free catalogue explains i , how they teach it quickly with little expense. Their offer an excellent op- .jpprtunity Write thenii $ 2 \ J * i % air At VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , . B txfF & i ksSV BaMf sa k B B. BC Commencing at 1 o'clock. o or o * oc I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the follow ing stock : The standard bred stallion Manteno No 6862. He is the finest stallion that ever came to this country , has both size and speed. We have his pedigree and several of his colts I to show what he is. i I A grade Shir stallion , 7 years od ] , weight 1,500. He is a \ good stock horse and range broke. Two Draft mares , six and seven years old , weight 2,500 , colts by their side. Two Draft mares , eight and nine years old , weight 2,7OO. - The following stock sired by standard bred stallions : Six I trotting bred mares , 3 and 10 years old , weight 900 to 1,100 I colts by side ; 1 dry mare , six years old , weight 1,000 ; One dry mare , 4 years old , weight 9oo ; Three mares , two years old ; One gelding , five years old , weight 1,15O ; Two geldings , four years old , weight 1OOO. Two geldings , three years old. Two geld ings , one year old. Two Thoroughbred Hereford Bulls , 3 and 5 years old , they are fine animals. Four Thoroughbred Cows with calves by their side. Three two-year-old Thoroughbred Heifers. 25 high grade cows and heifers , 2 and 5 years old , most of them have calves by their side. 17 yearling steers. 7 yearling heifers. This stock is all well bred and in good , condition. TERMS : 12 months time will be given on bankable notes drawing 10 per cent interest. 5 per cent discount for cash. t . HALEY , Clerk.G. . E TEACEWELL , Auctioneer I California Fruit * and Flower * * Los Angeles , California. You may wonder how it happens that being so far south California seems to escape the hot season so general in other parts of the coun try. This is due to the peculiar for mation of the country and the breeze from the ocean which is caused by the Mexican current , the benefit of which we receive at this point altho 20 miles from the coast. There is little or no rain here for 6 or 3 months of the year , but as the rain and snow of the winter season are accumluated in large reservoirs as it flows from the mountains , the water is stored away for summer use , and vegetation is kept green during the dry season by irriga tion. Where reservoirs are not accessible , gasoline engines are es tablished on farms and ranches , as abundant water can be secured from wells , and the farmer and fruit grower can irrigate from 5 to 50 acres during the dry season at com paratively small expense. Nature has provided fuel for these pump ing plants as there are extensive oil wells even within the limits of this city , and the derricks marking the oil fields dot the scenery for hundreds of miles between here and San Francisco. But coming back to my subject , you can easily understand how , with perpetual sunshine , rich soil and plenty of irrigation , delightful fruits and flowers are produced in abundance. Southern California has long been noted as a winter resort , for frost is seldom known and flowers grow in abundance at all seasons , but from previous experiment and what I am told by pebple who have lived here many years , I think the summer season far more enjoyable even though the trees and flowers are not quite so fresh as in the win ter on account of the dust. It is often remarked by Eastern people that California fruit is wat ery and tasteless compared with northern fruits. This I think is due to a lack of real knowledge on the subject , as I fail to find any fruit that is not fully as delicious here as in any other climate , and the mistaken impression I think arises from the fact that fruit ship ped from here East must of neces sity be picked and shipped green and allowed to ripen on the way. The fruit markets here are indeed wonderful compared with any in the East , and strangers will see for the first time many varieties which are practically unknown elsewhere as they are grown for btfrao usfc being of such delicate texture that they will not stand handling and must be used shortly after they are picked. This pertains to cer ium varieties of oranges , frest , runes , nectarines , apricots , peach- - . - > , strawberries , red raspberries , oganberries , ( a cross between the olackberry and red raspberry ) , nearly as large as your thumb , and in fact many others too numerous to mention. Speaking of prunes , , you who have seen them only in dried form can form little idea of how really delicious a ripe prune can be. It is neither a plum or a peach , and is not , as many suppose the variety which is shipped to the East and looks like a large , dark blue plum , although those you nave seen are a certain variety of prunes , but are not the same as the ones we have here. Price of fruits : Lemons , 5 to 10 cents a doz ; for the best oranges , not to exceed loc ( such as cannot be bought in the East for 60c a doz ; ) peaches , the most delicious varie ties , from 1 to 3c alb. , which means all that one can possibly eat for 5c and canning peaches are much cheaper ; strawberries are 5c a box at the present time , and grow the year around except during Janu ary and February when they are a little scarce. Flowers : I will use our own yard as an illustration , which is by the way , a poor comparison with the average home as we are located very near the heart of the city and have only one lot 50x150 ft. In our front yard we have two palm trees ( the same as you j.row in the house in jardeniers ) which are something over 40 feet high , and the trunks between 2 and 6 ft. in diameter. About the base of these trees we have pansy beds which have been in bloom all summer. At one corner of the house there is a rose bush extending to the eaves some 25 or 30 ft. in height , and in fact the entire border of our yard , amounting to some 300ft. , is lined with roses and geraniums ol : all descriptions. These flowers are the most common on account of the little care which is necessary to keep them in constant bloom. Within ten feet of me as I am writ ing there is a rosebush , which must have an average of a dozen new blooms every morning of the most delicate and peculiar texture I have ever seen either in hot houses or cultivated. And the immense cabbage roses which are supplied by the florists of Omaha would actually look like cabbages ctfm- pared witli the bfcautiful varieties that grow in almost every yard , comparatively unattended , and only require watering a few times a week. Yours truly , DR. SEYMOUR. Ed Richards is still stacking hay. S. Q. Spain moves on the Dunham place this week. Hanford Dunham moved to Loup county Tuesday. Wm. Erickson was in Valentine several days last week. J. M. Ganow and family are getting ready to move to Idaho. W. H. Wilkinson is on Pelican Lake , helping to build a clubhouse. .Ben Ganow has quit business at Oasis and is getting ready to move to Idaho. Mrs. Parker , from Gordon , is vis iting relatives in these parts at the present time. Lewis Ganow , of Valentine , was visiting with friends and relatives several days last week. "Money makes the mare go" Was said in days gone by ; Now , to set a fast clip Use a Buffalo Whip ; Mnkes the good steed fairly fly. For the "Tale of the Buffalo Buggy - | gy Whip" call on the Red Front j Merc. Co. 36 Business Notices. this he.'idhip 5 oents per line eacli ii" < f ni'iit. Among reaumtj matter , lOconts per Jinc - . cu i ) : > crtuD. Dr. Seymour coming Oct. 16th. Two furnished rooms in good location for rent. Inquire at this office for particulars. 36 tf All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Do not forget that Friday , Octob er 16tb , is the date of Dr. Seymour's visit to Valentine. Dr. Seymour will be in Valen tine , at the Donoher hotel , Friday , October 16th. 31 tf I am now ready to take orders for fine Knit Underwear for ladies and and children. MRS. KMORE. 36 For all kinds of Undertaking Goods and Undertaking work call on the Red Front Merc Co. 27 Don't forget the date that you are to see Dr. Barnes , Wednesday , Oc tober 7th. 37 &OST ! One brown yearling horse colt randed , ESEi on left hip. 12 D. STINARD , Valentine , Nebr. Genuine home made Lard at the new Butcher Shop. 26 Lauies and Misses Skirts . Orders taken for Ready-Mude Tailor Skirts at reasonable prices. MRS. ELMORE . Strayed or Stoleai. One bay pony mare , white face , five years old , weighs about 750 pounds , broke to ride , has saddle marks , small sore right cheek from blind tooth , branded g on left hip Raised on Rosebud agency by an Indian named Ben Hungry. Lib eral reward will be paid for recov ery. M. WEBBER , 28 Ft. Mobrara , ISrebr. ROUND THE WORLD A. Wonderful Trans-Pnciiic Journey of Six Months via THE KOKT-WES FERN AN1 > JLT $ C'OSNECTIOXS. In line with its well known policy of development of trans-continental and trans-Pacific travel , the Chicago & North-Western Railway is no vorgan izing a personally conducted round- the-world tour , to leave Chicago in October , visiting- Hawaii , Japan China , The Straits Settlements , Cey lon , India and Egypt , returning via the usual European points of interest on the way home. The party will be most admirably provided for en route. The rail way trip will be made on luxurious fast trains through the great Mississippi Valley over "the only double track railway between Chicago and the Mississippi River , " and west via Den ver and through the mountain wonderland erland of Colorado and Utah. The trip across the Pacific will be on one of the magnificent new Pacific Mail Co's steamers. This trans-Pacific traffic has grown to such proportions that the service has been improved and elaborated un til in many respects it is said to vie with that found on the finest transAtlantic - Atlantic greyhounds. The trans-Pacific route is the com ing highway over which American pleasure seekers will travel for rec reation and sightseeing. Hawaii , .Fa- uan , China , Australia and our own Philippine possessions are full of int erest and the number of visitors to these faraway lands increases with the increased facilities for travel. Minimum of Friction Gives the axirnum of Life c5S ® , * Z &Z < * . . . . . TO THE . Smith Premier Type-writer ' Bali Bearing Carriage. Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Shaft fo Cdnvey Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no other Machine. ! "Wearing Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : : Beautiful Catalogue Free. I The Smith Premier Typewriter Company. Cor. irtli unil Jf.ii itiiiik St. , Oinalia , Only Double Track t , i lirt irct'ii Jlixxoii ( lint t'/itrllf/O. Direct Hue to St < tl IN. Jtirert linu to lllticl : JIlttH. Aj > i > tito neat-rut agent for rate * tnap * ami time eardti. Meals Lunches Short Orders THE KANGAROO I . . & ± 3 e ± T-gr- First class meals at all hours , day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. * E. P. Cohota , Prop. 2825 Keeley St. , CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct , , 2 , 1902. I suffered with falling and con gestion of the womb , -with severe gains through the groins. I suf- ; red terribly at the time of men struation , had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. "What to try I knew not , for it seemed that I had tried all and failed , but I had never tried "Wine of Cardui , that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush ia now in perfect' health because she took "Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders , bearing down' pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing "Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the patient - , tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cases requiring , special directions , address , giving symptoms , "The Ladies' Advisory Department , " The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chattanooga , Term. IKlNEiCHRDUl The Elite Restaurant and Chop House Meals at all hours , traits , Candies , Cigars. Good cooking and just as you want it. MRS , C , L WALKER , Propr , TI3IE TABLE Great Northern JLine at O'neilJ , Xebr. Going East , Goini ; West.i Leaves lo.-10 a. in. Arrives u:50 p. in. Passenger , daily except Sunday. 'Jonnections with Elkhorii traliisKeast and -.vest-bound from all points w < ; stof O'Neill. Miortest route to riioux City and beyond , : Through connections far Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St , Paul and all points iuorth and west , Huy local tickets to O'Neill. FKED ROHKKS , 0 , P , A. Sioux City , Iowa THE 11 Kl * ( III LlCfS GREAT OFfc'EK. Au Exceptional Opportunity fur Old nn ( I Xev/ Special arrangement has been made by The St. Louis Kepuolic to furnish old or new subscribers with the only official and authorized life of Pope Leo XIII. This ia one great volume , tound in elegant cardinal cloth , jiilt and ink stamping , with Papal coat of arme , containing nearly 800 pages of text and illustrations. The work was prepared and written by Monsignor O'Rilley , D. D. , L. I ) , D. Lit , official biographer of the Pope. The regular cash price of this book \ 32 50. Any one reiuittina 82 50 will be entitled to eighteen months sub scription to TneTwice-a-week Repub lic and a copy of tlie boo * , podtaiie prepaid. This ofi rr la open lo new and old subscribers , The book ; a printed in En iirfb , French ana man and id how ready for delivery. Address all 6rders to The Republic , St Louia , Mo. 35 3 If you need a gun or tome am munition call ou J.Le .8e < .i JJio/it Mere. Co. , tbej can supply ail ynu- Prints , - 80