THE VALENTINE DEMOORAT I. M. RfCE EDITOR Thursday , October 1 , 1 ? > 03 TERMS RubBcrlptlon $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 When not paid In advance. Single copies 5c. Display adverti8l E l inch single column I5e per Iwue or 86.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Ixtfgo Resolution- .ind Socials for Revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , IK iDfhes-84.00 per year in advance additional space $3-00 per Inch per year jengraved blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per conally known are requested to pay In idvance 10 per cent additional to above rates U ever 6 months In Arrears. Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver tisers. Fusion State Tic/set. For Judge of the Supreme Court JUDGE J. J. SULLIVA.N. For Regents of the University WM. O.JONES , i Of Adams County. DR , E. O , WEBBFR , Of Saunders Count } , h For District Judges 15th Judicial District IV. H. WESTOVER , Of Sheridan County. J.J. HARRINGTON , of Holt County , County Ticket. ' 'For Clerk Diu A.J. PLU.MER. For Treasurer J. F. YOUNG. For Sheriff D. W. HILSINGER. For Superintendent PROF. R.H.WATSON. For Judge W. R , TOWNE. For Surveyor HUGH BOYER. For Assessor JOSEPH KREVCIK. Per Coroner DR , A. N. COMPTO.V. For Corom.s.oner l t Coin. ( list. SOI , . L. ELLIS. About Oar Ticket. Dr. A. J. Plumer , of Mother Lake precinct , is a man well known to the stockmen throughout the western portion of this county. He will make an efficient county clerk and people ought to vote for him if they consider their business interest and the welfare of the county. J. F. Young is the man who made the race for treasurer two years ago. Manj * who did not know him then will be glad to hear of his re- nomination for this office. He should have been elected two years "ago but the people will try to give ' him a better vote this year and hope 7 for his election. ' " Judge -Towne has been a faithful officer and will have very little op- 4 position. He is an old soldier and . is liked by all who know him. He is not a partisan and all parties agree " that he is deserving of the position be occupies. His decisions are made without political favor or personal influence. It will make the old Judge happy to know that his labor , however disagreeable at times , have met with the approval of an appreciative public. Hugh Boyer , of Steene precinct , Is a competent man for the office of surveyor , as is shown by the confidence of all his neighbors who want surveying done. He is cen trally located andis acquainted with the country where surveying is needed. He is known to be honest and conscientious. His work will bo done right. " D. W. Hilsinger is our popular city marshal who knows no friends 'and fears no enemies in the dis- .charge of his duty. He is popular with everyone and gets along with the people so well that few arrests are necessary. Everybody is a good man with him and everybody is his friend. He is fearless in the discharge of his duty , but does not antagonize anyone nor is he ever .found en gaging in disputes. There 13 better order in our town than ver before. This man will make a good sheriff. Prof. R. H. Watscn is the prin cipal of the Valentine schools. He has not a superior as an instructor in the western part of the state. Dr. A. N. Compton is well known and well liked everywhere he goes. He has the confidence of Valentine people and for coroner will make a good officer. J. P. Kreycik , of "Wood Lake precinct , is well known and popu lar at home. As he makes your ac quaintance you will bo impressed -r * j * with his being a good man for coun ty assessor. Solomon L. Ellis is the merchant at Simeon. He is well qualified for the office of commissioner and will be a fair man to deal with. He will use every man right and will be careful with county affairs. He's always pleasant and uses good horse sense in all affairs. If you have never met him you will feel like you are acquainted as soon as you are in his presence. He is out spoken but not offensive. In all we have a county ticket that should be elected. Every man is honest , competent , and they are worthy. More Local. Does a pot ever call a kettle black ? Andrew Benson and son Allen were in town Monday. The Valentine Bottling AVorks puts up eleven different kinds of drinks. 17 Win. Calkins , of Cody , called on us Monday while in town on business. John Bowers has bought a lot north of Grant Dunn and has be gun to build. O. W. Hahn , of North Table , was a delegate attending the con vention Monday. Thomas Hudson and wife , their little girl and Miss Beck , who is visiting them , called at our office Tuesday while in town. J. W. Whillans , J. P. Kreycik , W. A. Parker , J. W. Groves and W. A. Smith , of Woodlake , were up Monday attending the conven tion. Wm. Thunder Hawk , a full blood Sioux Indian , who is a printer on the New Era at Rosebud was tak en to Deadwood last Saturday as an interpreter. Wm. Heelan , of Schlagel pre cinct was one of the delegates at tending the convention Monday. He had deferred shipping his cat tle to be at the convention. Jack Prichard and Prof. Hans tad a large crowd to visit them on Tuesday evening at M. Christen- sen's paint store , where Prof. Hans gave a free lesson in painting. They will be in town for some time and those interested in art should call on the Professor. The convention was called to ord er by W. E. Haley , chairman of the Democratic County Central Committee. M. Christensen was chosen temporary chairman and I. M. Rice temporary secretary which organization was afterward made permanent. On account of the small attendance a motion was made to adjourn the convention until Oct. 10th but was afterward re-considered. A com mittee of three were appointed by the democrats to confer with the populist committee in regard to J distribution of the various offices. The populist organization was call ed to order by J. W. Whillans , sec. , Gus. Carlson being absent , and their organization was made permanent by the selection of W. A. Parker of Woodlake as chair man , and J. W. Whillans as sec. The following nominations were made for county officers : Clerk , Dr. A. J. Plumer of Mother Lake ; Treasurer , J. F. Young of Cody ; Sheriff , D. W. Hilsinger of Valen tine ; Supt. , Prof. R. H. Watson of Valentine ; Judge , W. R. Towne of Valentine ; Surveyor , Hugh Boy er of Steene ; Assessor , Joseph Kreycik of Woodlake ; Coroner , Dr. A. N. Compton of Valentine ; Commissioner , Sol L. Ellis of Sim eon. W. E. Haley , W. R. Towne and I. M. Rice were shosen as a * committee of three to fill vacancies by the democrats , and M. Christen sen , W. E. Haley and I. M. Rice a committee on resolutions. M. Christensen was chosen chairman of the Democratic Co. Cen. Com. , and I. M. Rice , sec'y. For want of space , resolutions will be pub lished next week. From the New Era Pete Decory made a shipment of 175 head of cattle from Cody , Nebr. , on the 22nd. Lieut. Green and a party of friends fro m Ft. Niobrara came to the Agency Sunday night. The Lieut , inspected beef cattle here on Monday. The Parmelee Cattle Co. will make a roundup beginning next Monday. As we understand it they expect to work the country in the Spring Creek district clown to Cody Nebr. , and east along the state line to the vicinity of Charbonneau's ranch or thereabouts. Goc Him One Better. The Sedwick Pantagraph is authority for the /statement that Osage boasts of a man who has been married thirty years and kiss es his wife every time he leaves home. Mason City beats that with a man married thirty-five years who kisses his neighbor's wife ev ery time his neighbor leaves home , and here comes the Waverly Dem ocrat with an account of a citizen of that town married forty years who not only kisses his wife when he leaves home , but kisses the hired girl when his wife leaves home. Manhattan Mercury. Absolutely Pure Milk and Cream. Free from all weedy and bitter tastes. RED GATE DAIRY , 36 MARK D. CIPHERS , Prop. Over 11,000 Men Will Take Part in Ffc. Uiley Maneuvers Washington , D. C. , Sept. 14. Plans for the forthcoming army maneuvers at Ft. Riley , Kan. , were announced at the war department today. The maneuvers are to be gin on or about Oct. loth and con tinue until Oct 27. They will be participated in by'troops from Jef ferson Barracks , Mo ; Forts Leav en worth ahd Riley , Kan ; Still and Reno , Okla ; Niobrara and Robin son , Nebr ; Logan , Cole ; D. A. Russell , Wyo ; Douglas , Utah ; Shelling , Minn ; Lincoln , North Dakota ; Keogh , Mont ; and Myer , Virginia ; one regiment of infantry from the Arkansas National guard , one regiment of infantry from the Iowa National guard , two regi ments of infantry and two batteries of field artillery from the Kansas National guard , one regiment of Artillery from the Missouri Na tional guard , one regiment of in fantry and one signal corps from Nebraska National guard , and one batallion of infantry from the Na tional guard making a total of more than eleven thousand men. For the maneuvering of large bodies of men in the * working out of tactical operations , the present service , large as it is , is inadequate. The war department has obtained the written consent of 140 land owners adjoining the reservation , whose aggregate holdings amount to about 70 square miles or 44,239 i acres , to the military authorities , entering upon and occupying these holdings whenever it nyiy become necessary to do so in the prosecu tion of the maneuvers this year , at a nominal rental of five cents per acre. General Gillespie , of the engi neers , has ordered- that the entire pontoon outfit , including eight boats and other material at the Washington barracks , be transfer red to Fort Leavenworth for use in the maneuveres at Fort Riley. Manhattan ( Kan. ) Mercury * AT VALE Commencing at one o'clock P. We will sell to the highest bidder , at the Valen tine Stock Yards , tltl Broke and unbroke , 2 , 3 and 4 years old. tl lah 2O HEAD of HORSES , oi Consisting of Mares , Colts and Geldings. oiM TERMS OF SALE : 12 months time will be given on bankable notes bearing 10 per cent interest , in per cent discount for cash. u.n. . .i.m . . -.MI , , . . - . . i. . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . | ca G W. E. HALEY , Clerk. G. E. TBACEWELL , Auot.Si Ap * . ' . ? > & ! , . ' eating frnit. Ours M is iioiii- too g.oH when you're fresh and well ripened. ' - : : : : r5 are good when they arc fre.K We ! l lot of tlienl which keepr * them fresh , : : : : : : - that's why we sell a lot of them. They're pure * w ot n - . . is what you need every day. Ours is fresh when you want it. The Confectioner. FIIED WIIITTKJIORE. President JHABLE& SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTKK , Vice President COKA L , WATTHKS. Assistant Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. Capital , S23.GOO VALENTINE STATE BANK Surplus , S1OOO - Persons seeldng a place of safety for their Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the 9 . M. . . A. to 4 P. M. methods employed in our business. Jae. E. Pepper W. H. McBrayer Canadian Olnb IST. All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and ff imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars 3 of the choicest brands , lilue Ribbon Bottled Beer a speciality. : : : : : : : Oakland Hunters Eve Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskey . 5 W. T. Bishop , The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. 67) , ai-ace : © a 1/001-1 ? HEADQUARTERS .FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska Sparks Chips. Mr. Swearinger was in Sparks Sunday morning. Jake and Aetna Breachbill went to Valentine Saturday. Mr. Callen , the Sparks merchant , [ vent to town Monday. Sparks has a good Sunday school. Everybody invited to attend. John Grooms , Jr. , has built a lew granary and wagon shed. Several of the young people of Sparks went to Norden to the fair Saturday. Dave Green , Dave Hamar , Wm. jawrence and F , Grooms went to Valentine the fore part of the week. YANKEE. Itailey Briefs. Lillie coodin started for Wyoming he 24th. Chas. Sellers will work for Heine his winter. Mr. and Mrs. Polan went to Cody ist Sunday. Mrs. Goodin made a filing on a omestead the 2ofch. Bishop & Young shipped six cars f cattle last week. \Vm. Alder moved his cattle to [ erriman last week. Geo. and Jennie Weede are visit- ig relatives in the west. James Goodtellow shipped some ittle to Ashland last week. Lee Lellers is helping his Pa underson to finish stacking hay. Wm. Alder sold his ranch to Mrs. iisan Goodin last week for 81,200. GUESS WHO TAii , The Bed Front Merc. Co. . carry a complete line of sporting goods. Good fresh Meat and Lard at Stetters Meat Market. 26 Dr. Seymour has made regular trips through ] STebrasKa twice a year , for nearly ten years. Go and see him if having any trouble with your eyes or ears. He will b,6Jn , Ylenjiiie > Friday , Oct. 16th at the Donoher hotel. Needed in Every lioi THE NEW AND E.NLAK.GI E.DITION OF f A ffTiTFA lATH A Dlcllonai Biography , j New Plates ifcroughoul ! 2 ? ? .S- , Words cation , assisted br alnme peteiiL speciuliats , and SllkS * " ' ' " ' Mass.