Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 24, 1903, Image 7

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    Paper -was invented by the Guinea
123 years before tlie Guirstian era.
' moat thickly populated island ir
world is Malta , which lias 1.3G <
.people to the square mile. Barbadoer
has 1,054 people to the square mile.
"SVTiile a fire was in progress in i
tenement house In Paris , a poodle
[ I dashed upstairs , and in a few ruinutei
E returned with u doll In its mouth
This doll was then joyfully seized 03
of the ten
an eight-year-old daughU-r
A remarkably clever little woman h
Miss Emma Kellogg of Colorado. Slu
wants to be a ysiine warden , anc
states as her qualifications that shi
f ouce lassoed a young bear and brougfr
It home alive , has hunted mountaii
lions , deer and elk , and is well versed
is woodcraft.
The skeletons of dwarf elephant )
liave been found on the island o ;
Malta. One of these , whose teeth an (
bones showed that they belonged to t
full-grown .specimen , was less thai
two feet six inches in height , anc
could not have weighed over sixrj
pounds when in tin * flesh :
Nine successful no\els recently pub
lished hi the United States had a tota
fc/ / &ale of over 1,000,000 copus. Since tlu
fcf average weight of each book sold wa <
probably twenty ounces , a little cal
* f culatlon will prove that these 1GOO,00 (
jl books contained , approximately twc
if jnillion pounds of paper. A manufac
turer of paper asserts that the averag <
spruce tree yields a little less that
half a cord of wood , which is equiv
alent to about five hundred pounds ol
paper. In other words , these nint
novels swept away four thousand
trees , and they form hut a small par
of the liction so eagerly read hy th
American puhlic.
The record of old-lime drought
shows some extraordinarily protracted
periods. The longest drought thai
ever occurred in America was in tht
summer of 1702. No raiu Ml iron
May 1 to Sept. 1 , making 323 daj
without raiu. In that year grain am !
hay were imported from England
Other serious dr aights were 103 days
In succession without raiu in 17-19
ninety-two days in succession in 1730
eighty-two days in 1791 , eighty-one
days in 10SS and eighty days in 1773
In more recent years there were forty-
two days wUhut raiu in 1371 , twenty
six daj-s in 1S75 and the same in 1S7G
airl twenty-four days in IfcuJ. In thes <
latier years tlie lowest and highest
Chicago' cash prices were in 1850
FL75 ; 1871 , JlOit ) and § 1.32 ; 1875 , 83
and $130 . and 1870 , ' eighty-three am
The Bis Snake Objected , but "Woul ( *
Not Bite K.s Surgeon.
Those who happened to be passim
a weJ-knowu bird Store the other daj
might have witii.s ed the uausua
sight of a surgical i perution perl'ormec
on a large python , a huge- snake fron
the West Coast of Afri.-n. Mr. Snake
so the dealer states , had run couutei
of a detached wireon the side of hi !
cage and cut a dc-ep ga.h iu his fore
bead. This the dealer set about doc
toring , administering a large applica
tlon of Balm of Peru , an old
used a great deal by army and
surgeons and an.mal deaicis for heal
ing purposes. The python was not
however , in a humor for being open
uted upon and tried to dodge and craw
uway from the proprietor , who finaUj
caught him , aud then the trouble be
gau. The muscular anJ constrictivt
powers of these mk > s is surprising
and the had to call several oth
ers to his assistance bet ore he couU
hold the serpent I'a t. Not once dur
ing the time the- dealer was curtiuj
.uway the loose patches of skin aril
liesh fiom about the wound and put on the balm did he offer to bita
although he tncd hard lo get his coiL
around those who were "a-doctoriu' u'
liiin. " Since the application of balu
the wound has healed , and he is iiov
a better snake.
A pet animal and bhd store is oftei
the scene of peculiar accidents. Thi-
same dealer , in addiaon to his bin
and animal business , conducts a board
ing house for birds of all sorts. When
ever a lady outers with a parrot , ca
nary , mocking bird or cardinal , whicl
she does not care to take along to th
summer resort , she is certain to ask
"Now , Mr. Q. , please don't put m ;
birdie in cage Xo. 13 ; something wil
be sure to happen to him if you do.1
The denier had no faith in the No. U
superstition , but to humor his , pairoru
always consented , so that for sorn.
time past cage No. 13 has remaiuei
Several days ago , however , the cage
became somewhat congested , aud t
make room he placed one of his owi
canary birds iu the unlucky cage.rlh
bird appeared to be in good health a
flic time , but he died before morning
since which event the dealer has beei
less s-kepticul about No. 12
An KarJy IDn-jlish Habit.
Hengist and iiorsa had just hindei
at the mouth of the Thames.
"Do you expect to deliverBritaii
.from the Scots ? " inquired an inter
"No , " replied the brother's ; "we canii
liover 'ere to drop our bloomiii' Mi's ,
-doncherknow. "
Appalled by hearing the cockney dia
lect for the first time , the canny Scob
fled back to their golf links , making ;
battle unnecessary- New York Tri
After all , happiness Isn't a questioi
x > riches , pie , a good complexion , o
lava and. nower. but ccontentment. .
Slaughter 'of Such Xninhcr tit Present
Critical Stage Most S-TIOUS 31ol > -
ilizing ; of Ilul ariuii Army
Sofia , BulR ria , Sept. 18 The for
eign i-llice here has received reliab e
inform ition that the Turks have < .e-
stroyed tbe town of K.istoiia , thirty-
six miles south'of Monastir , and have
massai red the population.
The report or a massacre at Kast-
oria comes from sources admitting
or' little doubt , tbouuh the details
are lackintr. It was received with
ttie gravest concern by tbe officials
nure. Tbe population of Kastoria
numbers about 10,000 persons and the
massacre of such a number in one
p.ace , il tbe report be true , exceeds
anything which has yet occured in
Macedonia. At the present critical
moment , when popular feeling is intense -
tense , the effect of the report of such
stupendous slaughter may be most
The press is assuming a bellicose
tone. Tbe Uuevnik t-miyht com
plains that the government's paitial
in j'liliz-uion ' of three divisions is ut
terly hud quate , and urges the im
mediate mobilization of tbe whole
Uuig.irian army , pointing out tuat
tbe experi nee of other . atious ,
-ranee , the United States , and Aus-
t ia. has proved that ic is always
u c b.-aty t-i display strength when
de-ili. . g with 'lurkey.
Tne paper advises I he government
to act now 'ai a favorable moment ,
wlnn the people of U rope are e i-
dencing encouragement to Uu gaiia "
The government whilesteanily pro
ceeding with tbe ( .artuil inotiliz.-s-
tion plans is endeavoring to avoid
u i u-cessarily exciting the people and
consequently has r solved not to mob
ilize any part of the Sofia garrison
The war office has re.caile.i the btrl-
garian otlicers who were studying in
the military she ils of Russia ,
France , Austria and Italy.
The German representative here
has addressed a note to tbe Bulgarian
gjverument , in accordance with the
declaration ol lliissiaand
ing Bulgari i cannot expect as
sistance from any power in tne event
of war with Turkey and that Austru-
Jungariau re.'orm plan will be ap
Tbe Austrian representative , in in
sisting on the necessity for Enigma
remaining calm , declared that it tire
principality was powerless Co pre/ent
U5e p'-is ige of insurgent bards iuic
Macedonia. Austria and Ru-sia wuulo
tike note of her powerlessness an I
charge Tuncey to exercise her rights
rhfend her territory agiiust foreign
incursions and maintain eider iu tbu
Dispatches from Uskub announce
that since the calling out ot ihe 1'ur-
k.sli re erves he situation in tbe vil-
ay t his grown wo-se. The Austri.ui
a id Russian cons . ! * are rep irteii ic
hue asked their aujbaSdors ! at CMH-
sriuitinople to demand the p rty
disband the reserves or in liniain dis
cipline among them. Since the ie-
serves v\ere inusiered pilltginu and
jmirders have been reported dai.y
The consuls are pnvyerless.
The Autunorrne publishes the nam s
of thirtieo villages in the vi ajet ol
M'inastir1winch were re em y de-
stn.yerl by .the reg lar troops a1 d
Basni-UazO'ik- a-S'i announces
that tbe monastery < f tbe Hey of
Holies , near Okhrirle , has been des -
s royed. At the monastery Jurkisu
soldiers killed an eutir'e f uni y , th
Bulgarian pritst. his children a no
his grandchildren , thirty-five pet-
sons in all.
Beirut , Sept. 17 Pusiness is sti I
being suspended notwithstanding tne
change in the. governorship , and it
will take a lung time to restore cf > r-
fidence. Rohberies and murders me
the eider of the night if not of ti.c
day , ard the feeling of inse urity ou
the oart of both Europe n and na
tive residents is very great. '
No Union Alen Need Apply.
C-ilor.idO Springs , Colo. , wept. 18
The mine owners' assoc aliou el
tte Ciipple Creek district announc s
that it will not employ men belong
ing to tbe western federal ion of rain
ers in the future , it being its purpose
to nou-unionize the camp if possinle
Notices to the effect that miners be
longing to the federation need not
apply for emp'oyinent ' in the future
are being printed and will be posted
at the various mines'
Deleware BreaKsra er * " " eJLj Sent.
17. The Schooner HaSoft A. 21'arsn
with a cargo of paving stones from
Painters Point , Me. , for Philadelphia
was dashed em the rucks of the Har-
her of Refuge during the storm
yesterday. Uapb. J. B. Mabaffey and
four eif the crew were drowned.
The storm which had been coming
up Mie Atlantic coa t for several days
struck the U laware capes early yes-
'erday ' morning with almost cvclonic
force. The Htorm lasted from 3-a. m.
nnliI 7 a. m
In the old harbor , southwest of the
maritime reporting station three
schooners dragged their anchors and
collided. The Sea Bird , a two-mast
ed vessel , s.uik hut her crew was
rescued. Tne other schooners were
slightly damaged ,
The barges Elm wood , Gilberton
and K.ilmia. laden with coal from
Philad Iphia for eastern points sank
in Delaware 13 iy westward of the
Hiown Shoal. Their crews were re
scued. Thertug Spartan which was
buying the cc < al baiges Traverton ,
Hammond and an unknown barge , is
reported to have sank. There ace no
tiding of tbe Spartan's crew.
Falls To Pavement.
New York , Sept. 17. A huge bfrck
of stone fe'l from the upper
part of the twenty-siory flat iron
building , Twenty-third street , Broad
way and Fifth ave ueearly yesterday.
I he mass landed on the Fifth avenue
side of the building with a crash.
A large hole was torn in the pave
ment and fragments of the stone flew
in all directions.
One of the pieces struck John Rup-
pie , a bar tend-r , as he was passing
along the avenue half a block away ,
and broke his leg. Another fragment
hit a passing team of hoiscs and
caused them to run away. A broadway -
way car cotnf irtably tilled with pass
engers was also dam iged by the
sMower of sm ill stones. Half a dozen
of the uimiows in the car were shat
tered and several of the passengers
were slightly injured.
No cause for the looseninc of the
stamp could be given. The flat iron ,
a c Mup.iratively ne skys.raoei of a
p.-ctiliar hui'd and twenty-stories
high , -tands in one of the busiest
quarters of the city , and at any other
h ur the laling stone undoubtedly
would have caused several fatalities.
.awyer Ogden Missing.
cvv York , Sept. IT. The Worle }
says : "Bei jamin Ogden , m tyor and
le.jdinu lawyer of Keyport , N. J , l-as
disappeared ; leaving debts of S100 000
and small assets. He had in his
hands numerous lame trust estates
f r settlement. Ogdeu was largelj
interested in a cut ery factory in
Kejport and sank thousands of dollars
lars in it. Up to two weeks ajo he
was a director in the Peep e's Nat } '
oinal bank. When he resigned there
was a run on the the bank , which
was wea'hered. 1 he bank holds over
$11,000 of Ogden's paper.which , it is
said is fully secured.
Farmer Commits Suicide
Mtnden , Nebr. Sept. 17. N els
Swan.scd , a wealthy farmer living
n .ar ICeert oninittP.d suicide fujv
t-iday nuon by cutting the artery in
his left wrist. He went to the giau-
arv ' d th-'defdand when he WHS
discovered by his wife he was bevo"d
aid and died before the doctor reach
ed him He has been drinking quite
Leavdy the iasi t\\o months and was
quit" mor 59 and despondent. I here
were times when he was rnpnta'lv ' nn-
balanced. The coioner , sheriff aid
county attorney wenc to f escene 'ast ' ,
nit-'ht ard held an inquest , the jury
fi ding that he came toeath by an
aci of his own hand. He has o e of
the best improved tarms i the co'iu-
ty and leaves quite a- bib of money in
the bank.
Woman Murdered.
Lebanon , Kans Sept. 17. Mrs.
Wil iamsou was inurd * red and her daugliter and Lei
aged rnther , Mrs. H. H. I'uyne ,
brutally beaten , Mrs. Willian.son's
dead \ ody was found out Mde the
h "use and her mother and daughter
in bed unconscious. All had been
horribly wounded with a cultivator
t-ar. Mrs. illiams n was suing for
cli0'ce from her husband , and aye
yo in. m > iu of Lebanon v\no wished
to ma r her. and whom she refused
repeatedly is suspected of the mur
Heavy Fa'IofSnow
Denver , G lo. , Sept. 17. Tlpports
fn m the no-them part of the st' te
are to the effect that a storm has
prevailed there during the last twin-
ty-four hours. In a number of places
snow fell and the storm approached
the proportions of a blizzard In the
mountains it has been snowing f-r
several da s. In the neighborhoo I of
Uuena Vista a high wind pr vailed ,
i-ausing the snow to drift In many
places it is reported to be ten feet
ivf , Tu < 1ge .Equal to the the Occasion
and Sends Tlu m to Prison for
Six Months Loya I
San Juan , Porto Rico , Sopt. ! G
Eduarclo Conde and LeoriklasFuillot ,
.two socialists , who spoke in a recent
meeting of the American federation
of laborwere put on trial yesterday for
insulting the American flag and
thri'atmhig tlie lite of Guv. Huno.
Their speeches teemed with a1 use of
the government. One of the prison
ers was accused of advising the WOCK--
men , upon the return of Governor
Hunt on October 1 from the United
States , to parade , carrying black
flags and to make demands upon the
government. If these demands were
refused , tbe speaker added , the alter
native of kil ing Governor ITiut re
mained. The other orator was said
to have declared that tbe American
flag was a rag fit only to cover rascals
and criminals. Tbe accused vehem
ently denied tbe charges. They were
tried before Justice Kopel , convicted
of anarchistic conduct , and sentenc
ed to six mouths in prison.
Justice Kopel says the Hag is high
er than tbe law and anarchists need
never expect any mercy in bis < ouit.
Tbe case has established a precedent
iu a Porto Rican official warning
that attacks on the flag and govern
ment must stop. The Americans
and loyal Porto Ricms are jubilant ,
wbile the socialists are angry at the
decision. Tbe convint'-d men wili
appeal from the judgment ; , claiming
that Justice Kopel had nn junscl'c- '
lion. as there is no law covering > .ije
offense. Tbe interest in tbe cas is
Shoots Saloonkeeper Dead.
Sheridan , Wyo. Sept. 1(5 ( Henry
Shroder , a sa'oonkeeper ' at D.iyton , a
town west of here , was shot and kil
led , and Edward Sims , his bar tend
er , seriously injured ty Jack Hanley
as the result of'a dispute concerning1
mcney lost at cards. At tbe point of
a gun Hanley compelled the employes
of a livery stable to saddle a h'-rse
for him. and he rode away A p sse
of citizens over took Hanley , who re-
lused to surrender. Hanley was cap
tured after bis horse had been shut
from under him and his leg broken
by bullets tired by tbe pusse. He
was brought to this city aud placed
; n jail.
Fatal Duel Over a Woman.
Chicago Sept. 1(5. ( A dispatch to
the Record-H. raid from Abiia Springs
la , snys :
Frank A.llisonand Marshall McGhee
two younjf men at St. Tainany parish ,
fought a duel to d-'alh at the Tulis-
book camp ground , four miles from
Abita Springs today. Both men were
riva s for ttie h uivl of a young woman
fiYui Alli.son challenged McGnee to a
duel , PNtols at ten puces were
n uned , and at the first shot both
men fell dead , one with a bullet
Hi rough his brain and the other a
bulleu througn his heart.
Tom KJIIJ ? Yung a Suicide.
San Francisco , Sept1. 1C Toiu
K > nv ! Yung , a higher official in court
iclt-s at Peking , military fittiche of
je Chines1 le.-ation at Wash ng on
and secretary to Jung Bow He , tbe
acting consul general at San Fran
cisco , has committed suicide by
aspv bxiation at the Chiuese consu'ate.
Yung was arrested on a charge of
misdemeanor on Friday morning last
ann Ihis disgrace led him to take his
life. He left a letter fur the acting
Consul to this etfect
Stolen Cattle Recoveied
Wood River , Neb. , Sept. 16 The
twenty one cattle stolen rom W. H.
Farber's pasture near the Platte
river Tuesday night wore found on
tbe Jacob Sherer farm , three miles
nortnof ton , yesterday. The thieves
had headed for the bluffs and aban
doned the cattle near daybreak.
Muddv roads caused the delay , There
is no clue.
Tried-to Kill a Family.
Washington. Jnd. , Sept 1C.
Mrs Belle Fountain ytsterday pkaded
guilty ? o assault with intent to kill.
She had confes eel ti chloio'brming the
Harnish family near Dora last week
and was sentenced t ) from three to
fourteen years in the Ii-dianapolis re-
formatorywhithershe will be taken
tomorrow. Miss Lola BLarnish , of
whom the prisoner was jealous , on
account of the attentions of Albert
Turner , will recover. .
A land boom is in progress at Cam
* * *
Henry Brush of Gretna who was
Injured in a runaway will recover ,
* * *
While scbuffling with a friend at
Beemer William Drusker made a mis
step and broke one of his legs.
* * *
Charles B. Carpenter has been
ippointed regu'ar route carrier at
Wayne , with .bred Benchoff as subs -
s itute.
* * *
Secretary Boyce of the state bankIng -
Ing board has issued a call for bank
Jtatements at the close of business
Septernoer 5.
* * *
Tl e Rev. B. W. Smith and congre
gation of the Methodist church at
Auburn are preparing to build a new
B10.000 church edifice.
* * *
Fred Benson , a twelve-year-old boy ,
sustained a broken arm and d.sloca-
cion of shoulder by being thrown from
i hois"e at Litchfield.
* * *
It has been decided to postpone the
work of erecting the new physics and
administration buildings on the uni
versity campus until spring.
* * *
A Union Pacific freight train was
derailed at St. Paul. A defective
track is supposed to have been
the cause. No one was injured.
* * *
Many shocks of oats are reported
growing and threshing has again been
delayed at Papillion on account of the
rain. Corn is looking well.
* * *
The meat market of Reynolds &
Ericksun was destroyed by tire at
Hastings. The Jos is estimated at
8t,500 , with * 8no insurance.
* * *
The residence of Mr. and Mrs D.L.
Haiues , two old residentes of Frant-
lin was entirely destroyed by fire.
There was no insurance.
* * *
Congressman Burkett will make a
tour of Ohio during October for the
republican nominees. Senator Hanna
and Chairman Dick invited him
* * *
The residence of Morris Norris ,
thrt- m les sou h of Stella , was burned
to the ground. The family escaped
from the burning building with dif
* ft
Mabel Rhodes of Elkliotn in stoopIng -
Ing todiivea cat l > om a baby on
the floor ran a crochet needle into
her side. It was removed after
some difficulty.
X * *
Mr. Mosher of the Mo3he < Li ? ery
company of South Omaha went to
Papillion to try to locate a rig which
was hired by Mrs. V7. H. Eeeci , who
formerly lived at Papiliion.
* * *
Charles Shennings , a faimer near
Litch field , was accidently shot in
the head by a boy. The shot
entered the left eye and was
imbeded In the skull , lie will re
* * *
The store building of JJmes G.
Stokes at McL'ouk was struck by
lightening and- the building and
contents practically destroyed The
damage is $2,0.0 with Si 300 in-
* * *
The county ooard or supervisors
at L op Cky resolv ° d to em-
p'oy counse' a si.sD in the prosecu-
cution of Carl Deusterhof , accused oi
murdering his v\ife. H. M. Mathew
of Loop Oity 'vas recommended as
counse ; .
* * *
The Rev. R .7. Dierks , who has
been pastor of the German Methodist
church at Osciola. has been assign d
by the conference to the pastorate ol
the Fiist German -Methodist church
at Kansas City , Mo.
cAt * *
At the home of his daughter , Mrs.
Thumas Crad vick , at Blair , John
Romans , an o.d pioneer of this countj
died from paralysis. eU arue tc
this county thii ty-four years ago
and has resided here eve since.
His wife died five years ago. Sij
childien survivehim.
* * * *
In a runaway at Wahoo Carl Arid
erson. the 14 year-old son of Post
master Anderson was knocked in
sensible and Mrs. Claude Smith sus
tained a brokeu leg an 1 other lnjuritt
They were thrown fncm the buggy ,
* * *
Mrs. in. Ur. A. died . .
her home in Hastings. Decease
had been a resident of Hastings foi
twenty years. Her husband diec
several yeais ago.
Joseph E. Wiles aL Miss
Marie spangler were married at th-
home of the brides parents four mPe
s uth of Plattsmoutb. Mr. and Mr
Wi es will lake an extended tri4
through the west.
Sofia , Bulgaria. Sept. 15. Warne *
by previous disastrous experiences ttu
revolutionary leaders have decided to
adopt only guerilla tactics in easten
The policy of occupying towns and
villages has "proved a mistake , as it
has usually resulted in Turkey reoccupying
pying the villages , destroying every ,
thing and killing the inhabitants , the
insurgents being hampered in theii
operations by the women and child
A guerilla warfarea's expected to ex
haust the Turks much sooner , whili
the unhampered hands can move morf
easily and more rapidly. It is hoped
that the new tactics wil. . result in Lha
women and children being spared un
necessary dangers.
The insurgents now have r early tw <
th > usand men armed with rifles in
eastern Macedoni a and thousands oi
peas -nts are ready to join their forcei
when a general rising has been pro-
ulaimed. Ihis step is being delayed
unt.l the supply of rifles , cartridyei
and dynamite is rece ved.
New bands , aggregating 1,60C mt a ,
are reported to be on their way to the
'rontier. IheTurksh forces now ia
eastern Macedonia are esiimated at
17TOO. The bauds are experiencing
jreat difficulty in obtaining arms. It
is believed that not a single rifle can
be found in Sofia.outside. the garrison.
The Bulgarian government is re
ported to have protes'ed against
Austria's action in intercepting the
10.000,000 cartridges ordered in Hun
jary for which Bulgarian money has
been paid to the contractor.
A panic prevails in the town ol
Ve os. The sold.ers permit no one
o leave Velos and the peasants in the
surrounding villages have all been
killed and their villages destroyed.
Corr plaints made by the civil and
military authorities have been without
Nearly all advices'given out here
fc 11 of very severe los es by Turkish ;
forces and very few of the revolu >
tionaries killed or wounded.
Murderer put to Death
Auburn , N. Y. , Sept. 15 Clarence
Ennoi of Buflilo. was nut to dea" n
pesterday in the electric chair for the
murder of Archibald Benedict , a
keeper in Auburn prison.
Egnor was a convict and had more
than once been punished by Benedict
for disobedience On January 9 , 1901 ,
Benedict reprimanded Egnoi fur talk
ing to another convicD. Expecting
punishment Egnor armed himself
with an iron bar and laid in wait ior
the keeps r. When Benedict passed
aim , Ennor sprang fiom behind and
3ealt him a crushing blow on tbei
head , fracturing his skuil. The vic3
tim sank to his kneas , when Egnor ;
'spied the butt of his revolver pro
truding from uis nip pncket , which
lie seized and shot Benedict in the
dead. Death was instantaneous.
E-znor then surrendered. Egnor.
served in the war with Spain unuec
nether name.
Crook Kills Officer.
Seattle. Wash. , Sept. 15. Patrol
man Schanernan of the local police
force , was s' ot and killed at mid-
eight by Wi liarn S. Thomas , one of
jhree men who held up the Villiard ,
jar Saturday night. Thomas and a
jompaninn dad been rec"guized by
5'rhaneman on his heat as answering
she description of the hiyhv\aymeni
ind he called on ihem to halt. They ?
louk to fli ht , and Thi mas dodging !
nto a doorway , escaned the siuht oG
the policeman. As Snaneman piss-di
pursuing the other man , Thomas
Bred , tlie bullet lodging in the p-'lice-
man's head. Other : otlic rs ai traded
by the shots has eued up and Thomas
was brought down with a bullet in !
bis ba < K by Detective Phi I brick. '
Schanemarn never regained consciousness - :
ness and died in a few minutes.
Thomas dues neb appear serioualv ;
Firemen Organize A Union.
Pittsburg , Sept. 15 , It is learned
here that the Pittsourg firemen
have secre ly organized a union and
will receive a charter from the Arner-
h-an federation of labor this week.
The organization starts with 550
members and the intention is to fol
low with the unionizing of th * Alleg
heny fire department on Saturday ,
When these t.vo cities are through
ly organized an international as ocia.
tinn will be funned by the f derat
ion with the object in view of sacur-
ing better pa- , with shorter li-iurs
for the fire fighters and a release
from all political coercion.
Open Switch causes Wreck.
Chicago , 111 Sept. IFour pri
sons were injured , one Henry Wase-
fieid , Chicago baggagmen , probably
fatally and many passer gers badly
shaken up in a collision on the Chicago
cage and Northwestern railroad at
Desplanes An open switch Is
said to have caused the acrident , the
passenger train westbound ciashng
into the rear of a freight on a siding.