Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 24, 1903, Image 5

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in Advance.
rr.o rtHllr Post-otUeK al ValBiillDK. I 'Merry
. * Nit nikA. as Second-class tnart r.
- -
t'ho Loup Valley Hereford Ranch
Brnwnle - , Nebr ,
Prince Boabdel
131693 ami Curly
Coat iiSiiGlat head
of lierd The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety.
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates m my herd.
' ' .M m * t-nmnutr-r - i
No stock for sale at present. Ranch f r miles
tiorlh-west of Brownlee , .Nebr.
Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton
Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 too
Screenings 70c $13.00 "
r-hn FPfid . . . .1.05 $20.00 "
f.-orn 95 $18.00 "
- . huh < ; orn . . .1.00
Oats 1.20 $23.00 "
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. Heaerve
your work for him. Office at Donoher
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and F-riday preceding.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Kosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 190i.
Brownlee , Kebr.
Does general blacksmithingathard
times prices for cash.
( Jity Deliveryman.
trunks , valises and packages bauled to and
irom the depot and all parts of the City.
First-class Shop in Every Kespect
Euu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Kights The Don
oher residence , Cherry Street.
JSdu'ard S. Furay
Physician and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El
liott's Store.
Drug 19u n2
Valentine , Kel > r.
Practices in District Court and U. S. Land
Onica. Keal Estate and Hanch Property
Robert G. Easley ,
over lied Front
"Valentine ,
K-I-P-A-JX-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
tin ! ii-eeul l > ac < < $ u s cnou li io > usual occas-
Bious. Tlie family buttle ( CO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All druggists sell tlicm .
The Moler Barber College Omaha ,
Nebr , % vants men to learn barber
trade. Their free catalogue explains
how they teach it quickly with little
expense. Their offer an excellent op
portunity1 "Write them , 39 3
. : , * i i
Commencing at 1 o'clock.
I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the follow
ing stock : The standard bred stallion Manteno No 6862. He
is the finest stallion that ever came to this country , has both
size and speed. We have his pedigree and several of his colts
to show what he is.
A grade Shire stallion , 7 years old , weight 1.500. He is a
good stock horse and range broke.
Two Draft mares , six and seven years old , weight 2,700 ,
colts by their side ,
The foil owing stock sired by standard bred stallions : Six
trotting bred mares , 3 and 10 years old , weight 900 to 1,100
colts by side ; 1 dry mare , six years old , weight 1,000 ; One dry
mare. 4 years old , weight 9oo ; Three mares , two yearsold ; One
I gelding , five years old. weight 1,15O ; Two geldings , four years
raold , weight 1OOO. Two geldings , three years old. Two geld
ings , one year old.
Two Thoroughbred Hereford Bulls , 3 and 5 years old , they !
are fine animals. Four Thoroughbred Cows with calves by
their side. Three two-year-old Thoroughbred Heifers. 25 high
grade cows and heifers , 2 and 5 years old , most of them have
calves by their side. 17 yearling steers. 7 yearling heifers.
This stock is all well bred and in good condition.
TEKMS : 12 months time will be given on bankable notes drawing 10 per cent interest. 5
per cent discount for cash.
. E. HALEY , Clerk. G. E TKACEWELL , Auctioneer |
H9Bi g 3BB
The following poem was read by Mrs. Lottie Cramer and by re
quest of the old settlers is published in full :
Ode to Old Settlers ,
The destiny of all nations , where'er you roam ,
And their beneficent institutions , the school , the church , the home ,
Upon patriotic impulses and a high sense of public duty depend ,
The noble deeds of those who have shaped a country's history lend
Emulation to awaken and nurture these sentiments.
Therefore we are called upon to cherish with high veneration
The heroic deeds of the discoverers and maintainers of our nation.
Such a one as Columbus crossed the unknown deep and found a
new land ,
Then England to settle it sent a stalwart band.
They were so strong and bold that their new settlement soon' became old
Then with a desire to know and gain more
Daniel Boone pushed to a western river's shore.
Little he feared the savage craft ,
And at the hunter's tales only laughed.
Thence in 1S04 Lev/is and Clark explored our Nebraska fair ,
And paved the way to habitation there.
So it runs ; emblazoned ever on history's pages
Are the first men of all ages.
As it is with the nation and state ,
Thus it becomes the country's fate.
From a territory to a state we grew ,
With counties large and small not a few ,
And of all , the largest is our Cherry ,
To which brave men have come by rail and ferry.
"The poet sings of sunny France , fair olive laden Spain ,
The Grecian Isles , Italia's smiles , and India's torrid plain ;
Of Egypt , countless ages old ; dark Africa's palm" and bounty.
Let me acclaim the land I name my own dear tiherry County
I love every inch of her prairie land ,
Each table above the river's strand ,
Every drop of water clear that forms a rippling for the listening ear ,
Every blade of grass , and the growing pine ,
Within the gates of this land of mine ;
But most of all the beauty
Lies in the friend's dear lives of duty ,
To whom in my feeble way I attempt to give an ode today.
Black and Palmer , Harm and Pettycrew ,
Miller , Hubbard , Bullis , Granger and Hobson too ,
And all other Cherry pioneers
From the northern to the southern boundaries , .
Today with glad acclaims
All of us greet thy names.
Since first we came here have come and gone twenty years
Of hardships , privations , tails and fears.
Twenty years what thought
What memories dark and dear can trace what thou hast wrought ?
When first ye came , to bid you welcome , was a fenceless prairie and
pure air ;
Even water close at hand was denied there.
But a hundred feet 'neath mother earth's face
Ye delved and freed the precious liquid from its hiding place.
But progression has been thy lot , and by a much easier way ,
Drills and augers it is done to-day ;
And the wind doth turn the mill-wheel
Where once thy strength was expended upon rope and.reel.
More then than now beyond thy reach was lumber ,
So of sod , houses ye builded quite a number ,
But now many a sod hut crumbled to its base ,
To a stately .dwelling giveth place.
Once the heavy wagon was the only vehicle of work and pleasure ,
That across the open prairie dragged at leisure.
This by bicycles , buggies and phaetons has been succeeded ,
And we hear that one pioneer has to him an automobile deeded.
Too , we now must keep the section line ,
For we hear some one say "That land is mine. "
Chinch-bug , droxigbt and hail thou bast learpetl to foil ,
Business Notices.
- * inxl r this huiirtinp 5 cents JUT line
each liNfi-iioii. Among ruadui matter , 10 cent *
per 'in - - . ri Mis
AH kiwis of heavy hardware and
wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Do uofc forgot that Friday , Octob
er IGtb , is the date of Dr. Seymour's
visit to Valentine.
Dr. Seymour will be in Valen
tine , at the Donohcr hotel , Friday ,
October 16th. 31 tf
I am now ready to take orders for
fine Knit Underwear for ladies and
and children. MRS. ELMOEE. 30
For all kinds of Undertaking
Goods and Undertaking work call
on the Red Front Merc Co. 27
L.OST . !
One brown yearling horse colt
randcd , IRS ] on left hip.
12 D. STINARD , Valentine , .Nebr.
Genuine home made Lard at the
new Butcher Shop. 26
ILadies and JUis es Skirt * .
Orders taken for Beady-Made
Tailor Skirts at reasonable prices.
, Strayed or Stolen.
One bay pony mare , white face ,
five years old , weighs about 750
pounds , broke to ride , has saddle
marks , small sore right check from
blind tooth , branded . > on left hip
Raised on Rosebud agency by an
Indian named Ben Hungry. Lib
eral reward will be paid for recov
ery. M. WEBBER ,
28 Ft. JSTiobrara , Kebr.
Roy Sawyer was here on a visit
last week.
Perry Walker and family re
turned this week from Hot Springs.
S. S. McClean , C. A. Potter and
Frank Chaloud were up from
Brownlee last Friday proving up
on a claim for the latter.
And today thy spreading fields are yielding recompense for honest toil.
Once the dainty golden-rod peeped above the virgin sod ,
Where toclay thy planted products wave
Ready for mow and bin and cave ;
Grain and cattle from thy fields , nature's richest bounty yields.
And for those who have attention given are fruits and trees
Fanned by the fragrant breeze ,
To bless some weary traveler and brighten life's dull way.
jtfot to thce alone , however for all things done , belongs the praise
But alsoto thy noble helpmate always
Who ever willingly , uncomplainingly bore her share
Of poverty , work and care.
She who Jane's clothes for Mary cut down ,
And into a black one her old brown
Dress made , by a process of dying learned ,
And Henry's coat for Thomas turned
Aad who from a scanty larder could fix a tempting meal
Was , and is a helpmate that is real ;
And by saving pennies earns as much as if she made.
Even while in thy harder lot
An education thou ne'er forgot ,
"But with earnest night
Turned thine eyes to the light" I
And public schools upon our county spread
Over one hundred in these twenty years that's sped.
And here and there a church we'll see
Acknowledging His love so free.
To tell all thou has wrought a more presuming tongue than mine needs
But will be remembered ever thy valient and heroic deeds ,
Penned where cfi'accment comes not
And the brave arc not forgot.
And now the best wish I can give you
Is that * 'loyal hearts , dear pioneer , for thec beet trim. " .
May-the Creator's richest bleesings be given thee ,
The air with incense laden blow across thy prairies free
And smiling and beautiful heaven's dome
E'er bend o'er thy frontier home.
Mrs , Lottie Cramer.
IA Minimum of Friction Gives the
aximum of Life
. . . . TO THE .
Smith Premier
e wr it er
Ball Bearing Carriage. Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Shaft to Convey
Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no other Machine.
Wearing Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : : Beautiful Catalogue Free.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Company.
Cov. IT'tli : m < l Fiix-miiii St. ,
If 3ou need a gun or Homo am
munition call on the Ecd Front
Merc. Co. , tbej can supply all your
wants. 86
llcmembcr Dr. Barnes , who was
here Tuesday , Sept 1st , treating
eyes , will be here again Oct. 7th.
Kfc'mbmtfei ? the date ,
"Money makes Ihe mare go"
Was said in days One by ;
No\v , to set a fast clip
UdeaBuffilo Whip ;
Makes the good steed fairly lly.
For the "Tale oC the Buffalo Bug
gy Whip" call on the Eed Front
Merc. Co. 86
Double Track
ti ti fH'tirrrii JIitnin VC ! < < /
ainf < Vi ; / / .
Jtlft'ftllnt'to '
Divvtt line tt murk Hitln.
to ucari'HT ttaentjor rates
niitl time vartlft.
Meals Lunches Short Orders
I * -rS 3 e ± i-Ss
First class meals at all hours ,
clay and night. Oysters in
t season. Pics , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
KP. Cohota , Prop.
Stock and poultry have few-
troubles which are not bowel and
liver irregularities. Black-
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts the organs of
digestion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by giving them an occa
sional dose of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. Dealers generr
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicine. Jf yours does
not , send 25 cents for a sample
can to the manufacturers , The
Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chat
tanooga , Tenn.
ROCHELLB , GA. , Jan. 30,1002.
Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine ia the best I ever tried. Our
stock was looking bad when you sent
me the medicine and now they are
getting so fine. They are looking 20
per cent , better.
The Elite Restaurant
and Chop House
Meals at all hours.
Fruits , Candies. Cigars.
Good cooking- and just as you
want it.
MRS , C , L , WALKER , Propr.
ireat Kortlierai Line
at O'neili , Nebr.
Goins East , Goinj ; West.
Leaves 10:10 a. in. Arrives u:50 : p. in.
J'assenger , daily except Sunday.
' 'oimections with Elkhorn trdiiif-ea&t | ; and
west-bound from all points west of O'Neill.
Shortest route to Sioux City at d beyond.
Tlirough connections fr Sioux Fall. , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and all points iiiorth and west.
Buy local ticKets to O'Xclll.
FitKU Ito < : Kits , O , T. A.
Sioi.x City , Iowa
Dr. Snyder has decided to locate
in Chadron and will leave Yalcn-
tine about Oct. 1st.
Bert Jeli'ers returned yesterday
morning from "Washington where
he spent the summer at stone-
masonry. He will re-enter school
in a couple of weeks.
400 colored soldiers of the 25th
infantry started from Ft. iNiubrara
this morning for the encampment
as Ft. Kiley. They go overland
to Xorfolk and take the train from
Eelix Black's and Wm. Palmer's
boys left home yesterday to seek
their fortunes. They came to town
and last night slept in Sax-age's
b'arn but pulled out before anyone
learned where they were gbiny.
They hud been herding cattle and
their folks thought at first that
they were lost. They'd better get
back home as they can.
y are about 12 of ii years old ,