Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 24, 1903, Image 4

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Thursday , September 24,1903
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50
Whim not paid in advance , Slnple copies 5c.
Display advertising ; l inch single column 15c
per Issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Refolutlon-
rod Socials lor Revenue 5c per line per issue.
Brands , IK Inches $4.00 per year in advance
additional space S3-00 per Inch per year ; eugraved
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
gooally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over c
months In arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
Fusion State Ticket.
For Judge of the Supreme Court
For Regents of the University
Of Adams County.
DR. E. 0. WEBBER ,
Of Saunders County.
For District Judges loth Jud. Dist. .
Of Sheridan Count } ' .
Of Holt County
Call for Democratic County
Convention , Sept , 28,1903
The Democratic County Con
vention is called to meet in Valen
tine , Nebr. , Sept. 28 , 1903 , at 10
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
placing in nomination candidates
for the following offices : Clerk ,
Treasurer , Sheriff , Supt. , Judge ,
Surveyor , Coroner and Assessor ,
and the transaction of such other
business as may come before the
convention. The basis of repres
entation for the several precincts
will be one delegate for every 10
votes or major fraction thereof
cast for "W. H. Thompson for gov
ernor in 1902 and one delegate at
large from each precinct , said ap
portionment will entitle the several
precincts the following represen
tation in said convention :
Parley 2 Buffalo Luke
Boiling Springs 4 Cleveland
Dewey Dake 2 Enlow
Ely 2 Georgia
German 2 Gillaspie
Goose Creek 2 Irwin o
Kennedy 2 Kewanee O
Loup 4 Lavaca ii
Merriman 4 Allnnecluuluza 3
Mother Jjike 1 Nenzel 3
Pleasant Hill 3 Sparks 3
Schlugle 2 sharps Ranch 2
Tahle 3 Valentine 11
Wcod Lake 6
The delegates present from the
1st commissioner district will also
nominate a candidate for commiss
ioner of the 1st commissioner dis
trict. It is recommended that the
precinct caucuses be held Satur
day , September 19th , and that a
precinct conimittcemau be elected
by them. It is further recom
mended that no proxies be allowed
and that the delegates present cast
the full vote of the precinct rep
resented by them.
W. E. HALEY , dim.
I. M. KICE , Scc'y.
The Populist convention is hero-
'by called as above.
Gus CAKLSOX , Chm.
More Local.
Dr. Seymour corning Oct. 16th.
The Valentine Bottling Works
. puts up eleven different kinds of
drinks. ' 17
Mrs. Edith Beck , of Chicago , is
visiting Mrs. McCrca and her sis
ter Mary.
John Neiss returned from ship
ping his horses last week 'looking
well and cheerful.
Two furnished rooms in good
' . location for rent. Inquire at this
office for particulars. 3G tf
C. P. Hamar has bough t th < ? lot
and little house just west of the R.
R , on Catherine St. of Mrs. Cole.
Earl Riggle has purchased a lot
north of Grandpa Clarkson's and
we suppose he intends to build on
it soon.
Max Viertcl and F. II. Baum-
gartl were in the city yesterday.
Mr. Baumgartl returned this
week from a visit back East.
Frank Ashburn returned Satur
day night from shipping cattle not
very well satisfied with the market.
Wm. Erickson , of Kennedy , had 5
cars of cattle down at the same
J. K. Watson will be here Friday
dayor Saturday with his merry-go-
round and shooting gallery. He
has the celebrated Parker machines
I and expects to be with us about
weeks ,
The republicans in the Fifteenth Judicial district have placed in
nomination for judges Allen G. Fisher , of Chadron , and W. T. Wills ,
of Butte. It seems to have been a scheme of Fisher's to get a weak
man on the ticket in order that he might be traded off to advantage.
Fisher is a politician , and will leave no stone unturned to secure his
own election. The only hope for a continuance of judicial fairness in
that district is that the people are well enough acquainted with Mr.
Fisher and his methods to bury him so deep he will not know what
hit him. Personally Mr. Fisher is a pleasant gentlemen to meet and
is a personal friend of the writer , but we cannot support him although
a voter in that district. Niobrara Tribune ( Rep. ) Sept. 3.
The foregoing article is copied from the "Iftobrara Tribune" a
strong republican newspaper published at Niobrara. Editor Kendall
is a legal voter and residerit of Boyd county. He is a life long repub
lican , but he knows as The Independent has known for some time that
Mr. Fisher was nominated in the railroad interest , and Mr. Wills was
nominated only for the purpose of trying to trade him oft' in Fisher's
interest. Long before the republican convention The Independent had
inside information but of a confidential character that Mr. Dickson did
not intend to be a candidate for the reason that he well knew he could
not be elected ; but in the interest of the railroad he is attorney for he
would try to get the Holt county delegation made up of his friends on
the claim that he might be a candidate and then lie would deliver them
to Fisher. It was well known to Mr. Dickson that Fisher could not
get the delegation from Holt county on his own merits : Mr. Fisher
very well understood this likewise. There are some republicans in
Holt county who personally know Mr. Fisher and there are others
who knew that he has knifed Judge Kinkaid at every opportunity for
the last fifteen years. These men would have made short work of
Fisher's candidacy in the republican county convention if it was ever
admitted that the delegation should be delivered to him. Mr. Dickson
picked the committee that selected the delegates and he selected the
delegates and he selected only those that he could deliver to Fisher.
An examination of the list of delegates so selected show that they were
people who were either under railroad control or under the control of
Mr. Dickson. Some of them are persons who stuck the knife into
Judge Kinkaid just as industriously as Fisher has done. O'Neill In
County Surveyor Leach is in
town today.
W. T. Bullis informs us that he
has accepted a position with the
May field nursery , of St. Paul ,
Minn. , and will begin taking orders
for fruit trees in a couple of weeks.
Mrs. W. T. Bullis and Miss
Lucilla Stinard returned Tuesday
morning from Whitman , where
they had been visiting for a couple
of weeks with Mrs. Bullis' daugh
ter , Mrs. Cole.
6 quarter sections of Deeded land
and some school land. Eange for
200 head of stock and is the best
range now vacant. 200 tons of hay
can be cut on this ranch and there
is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds
stable , two windmills with never
failing wells and stock tanks. Al
so open water on a part of the
range the year round. $4,000 will
buy it. Call at this office or write
I. M. KICK ,
Valentine , Ncbr.
Pen brook
F. Grooms and Roy Kuskie
went to town Tuesday.
Wheat has reached 23jbu. . to
the acre in this neighborhood.
The new thresher turned out
1075 bu. of grain at Grooms Mon.
Miss Laura Tillson is home once
more after a short visit in the east.
Dave Owens , an enterprising
young man from this neighborhood
went to town Monday.
School commenced last Monday
in district Xo. 28 with Miss Delia
M. Osburn as teacher.
Married , at Sparks last Wednes
day , Mr. Eichard F. Ogle and Miss
Yernie Johnson were united in
holy matrimony. We extend best
Absolutely Pure Milk and Cream.
Free from all weedy and bitter
tastes. RED GATE DAIRY ,
36 MARK D. CIPHERS , Prop.
for the student and the writer ,
as an authoritative reference book
for schools , families and business
men , there is one book which of
fers superior advantages both in
the solid value of its information ,
and the ease'with which it is ob
One's admiration for Webster's
International Dictionary increases
daily as it comes to be better
known. It never refuses the information
mation sought and it never over
whelms one with a mass of mis
information illogically arranged.
The St. James Gazette of London ,
England , says : For the teacher , the pu
pil , the student and the litterateur , there
is nothing better ; it covers everything.
The New and Enlarged Edition
recently issued has 25,000 new
words and phrases , 2364 pages
and 5000 illustrations.
Our name is on the title-pages of all the
authentic dictionaries of the Webster scric .
"A Test in Pronunciation"
.which affords i
pleasant and instructive evening's e-
ment. Illustrated pamphlet also frc
G.&C.MERRIAMCO.Pubs.SpriH- < -
The Eecl Front Merc. Co. carry a
complete line of sporting goods.
Now is the time to get your in
surance on your buildings and
stock. Storms have already begun
and if you are without insurance
it will be your neglect. It costs but
a trifle to insure against fire , light
ning and tornadoes in the best state
companies. They are represented
by I. M. Kice , Valentine , Nebr.
Real Lstate Transfers
Heirs of Mary H Moberly , dec'd to
Thomas P Hamilton , w d con $150
se 34 25 28
P E & jtf V R R Co to Chicago & North
western w d con $1 other ualuable
" con , all the railroad beginning at
Gmahaand extending to Casper Wy
Mabel Larlen to Ben Roberts w d con
$350 sse 9 swsvv 10 mvmv o 34 38
Oscar C Goodrich and \vf to Heckel
Bros , and Caroline Heckel , TV d con
$800 lot 3 se nw es\v 5 33 35
Alzada A West to David Dennis , mtg
con $200 lot 6 blk 33 Woodlaks.
Heckel Bros and Caroline Heceel to
Oscar C Goodrich , mtg $350 lot 3 se
mv esw 5 33 35
Charles W Hamar and wf to Maggie
J Walcott. mtg $300 lots 2-3 , 2 33 25
U S to Frank Chaloud , pat esw sen\v
s\vne 7 20 27
n -w v = tr m > a-fr tacf BOB H g T j ? a
Commencing at one o'clock P.
We will sell to the highest bidder at the Valen
tine Stock Yards ,
Broke and unbroke , 2 , 3 and 4 years old.
Consisting of Mares , Colts and Geldings.
TERMS OF SALE : 12 months time will be given on bankable notes bearing 10 per cent interest.
> per cent discount for cash.
W. E. HALEY , Clerk. G. E. TBACEWELL , Auct.
is ' eating fruit. Ours is
none too good when you're .
fresh and well ripened. : : ' ' : : : : : :
are good when they are fresh. We sell a lot of them
which keeps them fresh , : : ' >
that's tvhy we sell a lot of them. They're pure sweetness.
is what you need every day. Ours is fresh when you
want it. : : : : : : : : : : :
The Confectioner.
FKED WHITTKMOUK. President JHAUI.K.S SPAKKS , ( 'asl 5 -i
J. W STETTKH , Vice President ConA L. WTTHIH , Assistant < 'H-
lutereet paid on time
Capital , S , > , OGO
Surplus , S 1,000
Persons seeking a place of safety for their
Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the
0 A. M. to 4 P. M.
methods employed in our business.
To use its columns
to advance your business interests.
Cf Cf Cf Cf
Here's a paper that will get business.
You pay the printer and he tells "the
people what you want them to know.
If you have the best thing in the world ,
why not tell somebody ? If you want
anything in the line of
Letter Heads Bill Heads
Notes Receipts
Envelopes Wedding Stationery
Calling Cards Business Cards
Tickets Posters
Sale Bills Etc , Etc ,
Give TJIE DEMOCRAT the job. Rem
ember we guarantee our work and the m
prices arc right. Any quanity goes. 8 ?
No job is too small. Bring it in.
Jas. E. Pepper W. H. AIcBrayer
Canadian Club
G-eo. 3XT.
All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and
imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Ci rs
of the choicest brands. Blue Gibbon Bottled Beer
a speciality. : : : . .
Oakland Hunters Eve Blue
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
A house , stable and two lots for
ale in the town of woodlake , 2ebr.
N. C. Jticjcs , woodlake , Xebr.
Good fresh Meat and Lard at
Stettcrs Meat Market. 26
' fhTT 3 made !
trips through Mebwssii twice * a
' > tor nearly
oycs or