Tried by Time. Eugene E. Lario , of 75 J Twentieth avenue , ticket seller In the Union Stn tion , Denver , Colo. , says "You are at liberty to repeat - peat what I first stated through our Denver pa pers about Doan's Kidney Pills in' the summer of 1890 , for I have had no1 reason In the interim to change my opinion of the1 remedy. I said when first interviewed that if I had a friend and ac quaintance suffering from backache or kidney trou- w Die i woum uu-neaiiauug- ly advise them to take Doan's Kidney PiHs. I was subject to severe attacks of backache , always aggravated if ] soi long at a desk. It struck me thai if Bonn's Kidney Pills performed haU \ ! what they promised they might at least help. This induced me to try the remedy. It absolutely stopped the badcache. I have nevec had a pain era a twinge since. " A FREE TRIAL of this great kid-- nev medicine which cured Mr. Larld wtfl be mailed to any part of the Unit ed States on application. Address Fos ter-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. N ; Y. For * sole by all druggists , price 50 cents per box. i The cacary stops singing in bis old ago , bul tlie poets keep everlastingly at it till tbe undertaker pets busy. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best me/lTcine I have ever found for coughs ant ] colds. Mrs. Oscar Tripp , Big Rock , 111. . March 20. 1901. A man may be the architect of Ins own fortune , but he can't induce the san to shine in every room. Money refunded for each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES if unsat Isfactory. It is the man at the litlle end of the horn \vho is either hooted or ap plaaded by the crowd. fiow's This : "Wo offer One Him Ireil Hollars Reward foi anv ease of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Halfs Catarrh C'uro. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. . Toledo. O. We the umJer.bIen < ; d have known F. J. Chenej for the last ir > vears. and believe him perfects honorable in all business trait-action : , and Jinan dally able to carry out an ' obligation made by tlrdlr Hrm. AV.KST &Titt'AX. Wholesale DruggistsToledo , O. WAI.IHXO. KIXNA.V & MAIIVIN , Wholesale Dnipj-'lsts. Toledo. ( ) . Hull' } , Catarrh ( ' 'ire is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sykem. Trice 7f o. per bottle. Sold byal DniCKlsts. Testlimini iN free. Kim's Family I'Hls are tbe best. NoCordelia , don't think fora min ute that because every man has his prJee he gets it. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil dren teethingsoftens the turns , reduces inila , allays pain cnrcs colic. Piice 25e botth Three Things. Three things to love courage , gen tleaess and affection. Three things to hate cruelty , arrogance \\1 rogance and affectation. Three th ncs to delight in frank ness , freedom and beauty. Three thincs to avoid idleness Joqnacity and flippant jesting. Three things to fight for honor , home and country. Three things to admire power dignity and irracefulness. Three thincs to think about life , death and eternity. si d 1'layers. Henrik Ibsen is again reported t ( be criticallly ill at bis home ir , Christian. Our ave a ; e fellow citizen is a sane , healthy man , who believes iu deccncj and has a wholesome mind. A bialtiiy rcphulican novernnienl uiusC rest upon individuals , not upor * classes or sectious. It is said that Macaulays memoij was so retentive that , after reading a boolv once , he could give all tin- salient points of it , and recite many lei g passages of it verbatim. A card press in the government p-intiug oflice. Washington , prints 60,000 cards on hoth sides in one Lour. They are printed and cul from a web of .brisLol.board. CUBS' FOOD. They Thrive on Grape-Nuts. Healthy babies don't cry and the wel. nourished baby that is fed on Grape- iNuts is never a crying baby. Many .babies who cannot take any other food relish the perfect food Grape-Nnts and get -well. "My little baby was given up by three doctors who said that the condensed miik on which I had fed it had ruined 'the child's stomach. One of the doctors told ine that the only thing to do would 'be ' to try Grape-Nuts , so I got some .and prepared it as follows : I soaked b. % tablespoonfuls in one pint of cold ( Water for half an hour , then I strained off tlie liquid and mixed 12 teaspoonfuls of this strained Grape-Nuts juice with six teaspoonfuls of rich milk , put in a pinch of salt and a little sugar , warmed it and gave it to baby every two hours. "In this simple , easy * way I saved babe's life and have built her up to a strong , healthy child , rosy and laughing. , The food must certainly be perfect to have such a wonderful effect as this. I can truthfully say I think it is the best food in the world to raise delicate babies on and is also a delicious , healthful food for grown-ups , as wehave discovered in our family. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Greek , Mich. Grape-Nuts is equally valuable to the strong , healthy man or woman. Grape Nuts food stands for the true theory of health. I > ook in each package for a copy of the famous little book , "The Road to .Wellville. " 4- . | . ! 4- ' GOOD rlQtorle $ It Is related that the Dowager Em press of Russia once saw on her hus band's table a document regarding a political prisoner. On the margin Alexander III. had -written : "Pardon impossible ; to be sent to Siberia. " Tie Czarina took up the pen , and , striking out the semicolon after "im possible , " put it before the word. Then the indorsement read : Pardon ; impos sible to be sent to Siberia. " The Czar let it stasd. According to an exchange , a Mis souri woman sat up until 1 o'clock the other night , waiting for her hus band to come home. Then she gave it up and went upstairs , only to find him in bed and fast asleep. "His decep tion , " as she called it , made her so mad that she didn't speak to him for three days. Her anger can be under stood , when one considers the disap pointment she must have suffered , at being deprived of the pleasure of de livering the choice Mrs. ' Caudle lecture with which she had doubtless intend ed to greet her wayward husband. A North Missouri editor received a note the other day telling him. that one of his subscribers was dead , 'and asking that his paper be discontinued. A few days later the editor met the "deceased" subscriber n the street , and told him about the note. "I wrote that note myself , " returned the sub scriber. "What for ? " asked the edi tor. "Well , I wanted to stop yer pa per , " said the subscriber , candidly , "an' knowing' how bad you need the money I didn't have the heart to come right out an' do it. So I jes' wrote you the note about bein' dead. " The late J. H. Shorthouse was af flicted with a terrible stammer , which he used to say was a blessing in disguise , having led him to use the pen as his great instrument of ex pression. There were times , how ever , Avhen the stammer almost ceased , and he could talk on uninterruptedly. One very striking and touching habit grew out of the stammer. At "family prayers" he and his wife read all the prayers together , because , if an attack of stainmerjng came on , her gentle voice would carry on the thread till he recovered , and the knowledge of this prevented all nervousness on his part. At a certain London church the col lection used to be made in nicely em broidered bags , but , so many old but tons and stale pieces of chocolate be ing put in , it was decided to try plates" instead. The first Sunday the usual number of coppers and three-penny pieces were put in. but among them a bright yellow shining piece was observable. On Monday morning there were more callers than usual at the vestry , some of them with the same application. After a short interval another came with the aine , "Oh , I am so sorry , but I put i sovereign into the plate yesterday by mistake. Could I have it , as I real ly cannot afford it ? " "What ? " said the vicar ; "you axe the fifth that has been to see me this morning with the same application , but the church warden has .lust told md that the sup posed sovereign is only a gilded shil- WHAT GERMANY IS AFTER. Eujjlisrimen Think Kaiser's Plan Is to Kxcel in Sea Streneth. The idea prevails in the United States that Gorma'ny's present activity in increasing her naval strength has some relation to what are alleged by some to be her designs on South Amer ica. But some Englishmen explain Germany's action in a very different way , representing that it her purpose to rival or surpass Great Britain in sea power. Karl Blind , in the North American Review , endeavors t ex plain "Why Germany Strengthens Her STavy. " Prof. Blind points out that Germany is geographically wedged in between two great military and naval powers , which are now in close al- iance , and that it might be necessary for Germany in conceivable circum stances to fight a defensive war on two fronts , east and west. In such a : ase it might be of extreme importance : o her to have command of the sea upon her own shores. At the beginning of the last war with France , when France dominated the sea , Germany had to detach 1(50- ( DOO men for the defense of her coasts and harbors ; and the German army and population would run enormous isks , in reference to provisioning , if , n any future war , the North sea , into whose vast corner bay a mass of im ports converges , were not properly pro- ected by a strong naval force. Prof. Blind negatives the idea that the naval aspirations of Germany are of recent , or of royal or imperial , origin. One of the purposes that were closest to the hearts of the liberals in 1S4S-49 was the restoration of the German power on the sea. Prof. Blind says : "As to the feeling of the nation at arge , it may be taken for certain that , f a plebiscite in the Swiss style had r ) een or were now taken , the verdict would have been and would now be n favor of proper naval preparations against the increasing contingency of risks , , even though an additional bur- Ion of taxation had to be borne , rhough thirty-two years have passed ince the last war with France , the esson of that time has not been lost upon the German people. The readi- aess with which military and naval mdgets are always voted in the 0 ( Trench chamber of deputies , generally with scarcely any discussiou. uid thfl great and rapid increase of tne Rus sian and Franch fleets are for Ger many significant monitory simo- "Along the North sea and h Bal tic Germany possesses a eoori seafar ing population. Year by } . - ; . r tl e num ber of men who come from Oe south to enter the navy is steadil increas ing. This is true even for Alsace- Loraine , which now furnishes far more volunteers for the navy than might be expected , comparip its population with that of Germany vr a whole. * ' DIAZ AND HIS ARMY. The Rurales of Mexico Would Win Ad miration of World if Put to Teat. Most Americans if asked to tell the strength of the Mexican army would voice the general opinion that it c > n- sisted of a few thousands and of the irregular , nondescript sort so common in Latin American states. Turn to some year almanac , however , and cue finds that the pence strength is 40,000 ; that 50,000 men , trained regular sol diers , most of them veterans , are avail able at a fortnight's notice , and 100,000 would be ready in another two weeks. The United States is supposed to have no more than 50,000 men at command. The military strength of the army of any nation is not to be judged by the mere count of a few thousands one way or the other , but by Its condition of'fitness. . " as the English say , and in this light the facts concerning Gen. Porfirio Diaz's very capable military support are worth knowing. The importance of this , in the light of the attitude of the Mexican govern ment to the Mouroe doctrine , is not to be too highly estimated. Were the United States called upon some morn ing to make the long-expected stand of force in defense of that doctrine the strongest support which it would get in North or South America would come from the republic beyond the Ilio Grande , which has been taking strides to the fore as a power in the last ten years. President Diaz , in his message to Congress six years ago , pledged himself and ministry to the unquali fied support of the policy that forbade further territorial aggression by Old World powers in western continents. It is a long look to the fore to behold in Canada , British Honduras , Guiana , Jamaica , etc. , sovereign states , but that so great a man as Porfirio Diaz should look for this gives an ade quate conception of his attitude in case the Monroe doctrine was tested. Should it ever be , that hard-riding , straight-shooting and fearless corps , the rurales of Mexico , would win the admiration of the world. How much it behooves those most interested in this country's welfare to take these things into account. Denver Republi can. Justice in Old Kentucky. The attorney for the prosecution : "Did you hear the prisoner declare he would kill the deceased ? " The witness : "Your honor , must I answer questions that would imperil my personal safety ? " The judge : "You must answer the present question. " The witness : "Your honor , I throw myself on the court. I am a married man and have a family depending on me. If I answer the question in the affirmative I'm as good as dead. " The judge : "What would you have the court do ? " The witness : "I ask the court's pro tection. I want every man in the court room disarmed. " The judge : "Bailiff , disarm the per sons in this auditorium. Here , take my gun first. " The witness : "I want a gatling gun stationed in the courtyard , and a com pany of mounted sharpshooters about the court house door. " j The judge : "Bailiff , attend to the t details mentioned by the witness , and at once. " The witness : "Thank you , judge. And now just one other thing. Let me breathe my answer into your hon orable ear. " The judge. "Very well , witness. 8 Step up and let's have it. " The wit ness steps up and whispers to the judge. The latter nods. The witness whispers again. This time the judge shakes his head. The witness : "Thank you , your hon or. " The judge : "Resume your seat. The court is satisfied. Let the trial pro a ceed. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. Not Up to the Part. Except in times of war the soldier is ppularly supposed to lead an idle life , barring a bit of drill. Really he must be an "actor in addition to his more martial qualifications. How many persons could stand for hours and hours immovable , as the guards did who watched Queen Victoria's coffin ? The requisites of the "brave sojer man. " appear in a story of a drillmaster - master who was putting a'raw com pany through the exercises of a funer al service. He had them drawn up with their arms reversed , and then he said : ' "Now , I'll be the hearse. " So he marched solemnly down the line at a slow pace. Turning his eyes to the side to see how his men were tl behaving , he stopped suddenly and ' roared : "Can't you men put on an expression , of regret ? " Proof of Waning : Affection. "My husband has ceased to love ll me. " a 'How 3o you know ? " "I cant make him miserable any > more.- " ' -Smart Set. Strength of the Mormon Ohnrch. The church of Latter Day Saints Mormon ) , now in the seventieth year , b ) < has some 400,000 adherents. SHARP TRICKS OF THIEVES. Instances in Which Cheek and T3K9r'.ui-T : Were Displayed. Several years go a "gentleman" alighted from a well-appointed brou gham at the door of a London silver smith's shop and purchased a coni/d- erable quantity of plate , in payment of which he tendered a 100 note and re ceived a small balance. He carried the plate away with him in the brougham and shortly afterward a "policeman" called at the shop to say that he had heard of the purchase and to inform the silversmith that the note tendered in payment was a bad oiib He was glad to add , however , last flu thief had been apprehended a-jd re quested him to attend at the r.olc . station at a certain hour in the after noon to identify the prisoner. jit. told the silversmith that it would bt necessary for him to give up the bad note to facilitate the preliminary in quiries and this the latter did , obtain ing a formal receipt. On going to the police station the unfortunate shop keeper found that he had boon hoaxed. The "gentleman" and the "policeman" were both members of the Ugh - fingered ed fraternity and the note was * a good one. one.Two Two ladies on entering a house in Belgravia to attend an afternoon party were accosted by a weil-dressed gen tleman , who said : "I presume you are going to Lady C.'s , " and they went in together. Although the lady of the house did not recognize the gentle man , she concluded he had been fully invited , as he accompanied her friends. After a handsome silver service had been placed on the table the hostess was called out of the room for a few minutes and during her absence the gentleman said to the company : "I'll play a triok on my aunt , " and at the same time proceeded to fill his pockets with silver spoons , cream jug , sugar basin , etc. , and hastily left the apart ment. Shortly afterward. Lady ( J returned and said with some surprise , "I thought the servant had brought in all the tea service. " "Yes , " replied one of the two ladies , "but your nephew said he would play a trick on you and carried off most of the ai'tieles. " "My nephew ! " exclaimed her ladyship. "I have no nephew in the world. I thought the gentleman was a frieiu1 of yours. " Baltimore Sun. After Many Years. "On the train as I was going to Chicago cage the other week , " said -a Detrolter , according to the "Free Press , " "I fell | n with u man who was on a visit to his brother iu a certain town. The two had not met for thirty years , one having lived in New Hampshire and the other in Michigan all that time. I became somewhat interested in the af fair , and in imagination 1 pictured the greeting ( between them after such a long 1 separation. Indeed , I was more enthusiastic than the traveler. He had given no notice of his coming , but when we reached the town he picked up his satchel and looked out of the window and said : " 'I think I see my brother right out there on the platform now. ' "I followed him out and he walked up to the other and queried : " 'Ain't you Sam Blank ? : " 'Yep , and ain't your name Bill Blank ? ' queried the other in reply. ' "It is. Howdy do , Sam ? ' " Turty well , Bill. ' " 'Come to visit me ? ' " ' ' 'Yep. " 'Then come along to the house. ' "That was all , " sighed the narrator "no hugging no tears no luijjpiuii * handshake no old oaken bucket busi ness whatever. After thirty Long years Sam had hap pened to be at the depot as his broth er Bill pot off the train , and Bill went , h ; me with Sam. It made me so vexed that I didn't enjoy the rest of the day it all. Modern Translation. A West Philadelphia Sunday school teacher lias a class of a dozen small boys , ranging in their ages from (5 to years. Not long ago the lesson was ' from the twenty-second chapter of Genesis , upon the temptation of Abra ham to offer Isaac for a sacrifice. The teacher told them in as simple lan guage as possible the story of the go ing into the mountain and the prepara tion for the sacrifice , and when all was ready she explained that Abraham s.-nv kid caught in the bushes and rook that and killed it. There was an aAved silence for a moment when she had finished and when one little lad gasped , with eyes wide with horror : "A 'kid ! ' What , a boy ? " Philadel phia Press. "Wetlilin * ? Announcement. . Every one admitted that Mrs. Thom son was an excellent disciplinarian. She was a widoAv Avith three ivhom she had brought up to obe- lience and truthfulness , if IQ' to joy. I "Children , I have something to tell rou , " she announced one Sunday , on lie return of the family from church. 'On Thursday afternoon I shall marry Doctor Lane , whom you all know and espect. " There was a solemn pause , ended by he oldest boy. "Mother , " he asked , 'when are you going to tell Doctor Lane ? " Teaching : Them a Lesson. "One of our cars ran over another nan last night , " announced the super- ntendent of the traimvay. "Well , " replied the manager , "after while the people will learn that the nly safe place is aboard the car. " London Tit-Bits. Alphabetical Liovemaking. She Are you fond of tea ? He Yes , but I like the next letter etter. Modern Society. COMMODORE NICHOLSON OF OUR NAVY Recommends Pe = ru = na = = = 0ther Prominent ] Men Testify. Commodore Soiiiorville Nicholson , of ihe United States Navy , in a letter from 1837 K street , N.V. . . Washington , D. C. , says : "Your Peruna has been and fs now used by so many of my friends and acquaintances as a sure cure for catarrh that I am convinced of its curative qualities and I unhesitatingly recommend it to all persons suffering from that complain t. " S. Nicholson. United States Minister to Guatemala Endorses Pe-ru-na. Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter , U. S. Minis ter to Guatemala , ex-inember of Con gress from Kentucky , iu a letter from Washington. D. C. . writes : "I am fully satisfied that your Peruna is an efficacious remedy for catarrh , as I and many of ray friends have been bene fited by its use. " W. G. lluntcr. M. D. Member of Congress From Virginia Writes. Hon. G. R. Brown , Martinville , Vs. , ex-member of Congress Fifth District , uOth Congress. Avrites : "I cheerfully give my indorsement to your Pertuia as a cure for catarrh. Its beneficial results have been so fully demonstrated that its use is esivntial to all persons suffering from that disease. " Hon. G. K. Brown. The day was when men of prominence hesitated to give their testimonials to proprietary medicines for publication. This remains true to-day of most pro prietary medicines. But Peruna lias become so justly famous , its merits are known to so many people of high and low stations , that no one hesitates to see his name in print recommending Peruna. The highest men in our nation have given Peruna a strong indorsement. Men representing all classes and sta tions are equally represented. 000 Boxes a Year. THE FAKELY'S FAVOR3TE KEDSCIKE All Druggists 533 BEST FOR THE BOWELS NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER UNION , 79O-39 , YORK , NEBRASKA- A strarge accident befell a boy who was chopping wood near Augs burg , Germany. His ax struck a wire clothesline , and at the same .moment a Hash cf lightning struck .the line , passed down the hatchet and killed him. Charles Stevens , secretary cl the Anti-Vaccination league of Minnea polis , died from smallpox. lie had frequently denounced vaccination as inefficacious and a barbarous prac- fcinfi- Many Men Have periods of depression which make them unpleasant companions. Shew no consideration for a wom an's opinion. Discuss sporting topics in a way in tended to show great knowledge. Fail to understand that a son haste to learn to become sedate. Find it impossible to get along , no matter hi w elaborate their income. Take pride in proving they are gen tlemen under all circumstances. Have money on one form of dissipa tion to throw ic away on another kind. Texas Finds a Remedy. Fate. Tex. , Sept. 21. Texas has sel dom , if ever , had such a profound sen- gation as that caused by the introduc- 'tion recently of a new remedy for Kid ney diseases. This remedy has already been tried in thousands of cases , and in almost every ease the results have been wonderful. Henry Vaughan , of Rural Route No. 3. Fate , says of it : "I suffered with Kidney Trouble forever over IS months. I was very bad and could get nothing to help me till I heard of the uew remedy. Dodd's Kid ney Pills. I bcjjan to u < e these pills , and very soon found myself improving. I kept 011 and now I can say I am ab solutely cured and free from any symp tom of my old trouble. "I am very glad I heard of this won derful remedy and I would strongly advise anyone suffering with Kidney trouble to try it. for I know it will cure. " If every man w-.uld take as much interest in his work as he does i trying to avoid it , poverty wculdsrun be \\ord wiihcut meaning. Chicago Daily Uews , A. Skin of Beauty is a uoy Forcvo- T > K. T. FELIX GorfJAUD'S OKIESTA * * CKEAM , Oil 3i.\r.rCAI.i BEACTiflKi : * . o , r < 9b. H'T'ovp * Ton. Pimples , Freckli - * iSS X * M" Prf.fhes , Hash , onel hk S * c . JfeJSfv ' J.Qiscase3 , an 1 every blemish ? jjlo b inty , and cleflt S detection. It Jia t = j SsS stood the test of 6 rears , and I su si | > harmless we taste i sl to be sure It Is prnf * erlj made. Aecep no counterfeit 01 girail ir name. Dr. I. r > A. Sayre said to n lady of the hum-ton ( a patient ) : "An yot- ladies will ue them I recommend 'Gour aud's Cream' as th least harmful of & 1 the Skin prepara tions. " For rale ball \ all Drnpyists on' fancy-Goods Dealers In th ? C. 3. , Canodas and Europt T.RD. T. HOPKINS. Pron'r * Great Jonea St. K. V -3noo | 3S11 TJV 3H3HM S1Ufl3 MchoUon If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of I'eruna , write at once to Dr. Uartinan. giving a full statement of your case , and he will ) be pleased to give you his valuable aoV vice gratis. Address Dr. TIartnian , President of The Ilartman Sanitarium , Columbus , O. A horse in a wild state lives to be from thirty-six to forty years old ; when domesticated he is usually played out at the age of twenty-live ! * < is thus seeu that civilization does not contribute to the longevity of the animal. S' me manufacturers of the so-called "all tobacco cigarette > : > use piper for the wrappers. The paper is first soaked in a liquid decoction of t < - bacco , and it has the appearance or genuine tobacco. L. DOUGLA You can sava from $3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes. i nuy equal inoso that have been cost ing vou from ยง 4.00 to 35.00. The im mense sale of W. L. Douglas shoes proves ' .heir superiority over ill other makes. SiA'l ' by retail shoo 1 Cillers everywhere. Look for name ; ind > rire on bottom. That Douglas nses Cor- aatoltprores there in aliie in Douglas shoes. oron.i is lh highest 'rade 1'aM.r.itherniade. fast Color tiiiflft , , . . = , / * frF & * z " * &Z i Catalog free. IV. L. HOUGLAS , Broektoa. Bus. $ tfl H < tAi $ T TIN * "The best r. \V"- * " > ' ' ' . * . -Of'.rftv * l * * r w * t lULJ r TOWER'5 5tctea Cbtbfind Hats fovwj the y.-or-'J ever They ere m&Jeia bbck crjr-'ir.vfor ' fif ! lands cf wet wcrt tide.'tnf farci-I beinngtte .SIGN OP THE rI iH & jaaarieed to oivs i L- iifactica A' I re ! s Ks deaf so idl thesx A.J.TOftl ? CQ.B05TCS.HA55JJ.iJL TWIZ CAJUISAH COLFJeaellflfiOSiaaH. REE TO W OMEN ! To prove the healing and cleansing power of Pax- tine Toilet Antiseptic we will mail a urge trial package with book of instructions - structions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample , but alarge package , enough to convince anyone of its value. Women all over the country are prais- ng Paxrine for what it has done in local treatment of female ilia , curing all inflam mation and discharges , wonderful as a cleans ing vaginal douche , for sore throat , nasal ca tarrh , as a mouth wash , and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth. Send to-day ; a postal card will do. Sold by draught * or tent postpaid by u , SO tent * . I arse box. SaU factIon guaranteed. 3. PAXTUN CO. , 216 Columbus Ave . Bostoa. Mass. Ripnnd Tatjues ! are 'ho best dyspepsia medicine ever made. A hundred millions of them have been sold in the United States in a single year. Constipation , hpartbnrn , sick headache , dizziness - ness , bad breath. 3ore throat and every other illness arising from a disordered stomach are relieved or cured bv Kipans Tabules. One will generally pive relief within twenty minutes. The uve-cenf package is enough for ordinary occasions. Alldrupgists sell them. r afflicted with ) ' sorscyes. use \ Ttapson'sEyelater