Tiftorioal Sooltty [ ' VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBEE 24,1903. NUMBER 3i ; Heating Stoves , Cast and Steel Ranges "We now call your attention to our large and complete - & > | plete line of Heating Stoves , Hard Coal Burners &J i and Steel Eaugee , which we now have on our fo floors ready for inspection. We are glad to say , & > 4 ? and can prove what we say , that we have the best & 49 line of stoves that lias ever been offered to the < ? people of this part of the country. W Prices and Quality Guaranteed. < ? * ? "We are also sole agents for the " .Retort Jewel5' , a ftft ft stove which has been improved upon by men who have had years of experience in the stove busi tf ness and ip therefore the best "JRetort" stoveon 4 * ? the market , a good one which is especially adapt I ed to the cheaper grades of soft coal , handled by ? our dealers here. We are also sole agents of the "Cole's Hot Blast" etoves. If you need a stove 4 ? call and see us. 4 $ r sw g r a a' ! ' Winter Wraps and Clothing Take away the dread of cold weather. The BEST Styles and fit in Ladies Jackets , Ready and Tailornade Suits and Overcoats For fall and winter wear. Caps and Gloves for a chilly drive , D , ANDCLOTHIEE. TAILOK & ? ? SStSffiW&W JVJiiflS ? K.l Our Tin and Sheet Iron work can't be beat. A ftft ftft first class tinner and good material to work with. ftft ft ftft ft * ? Guns and Ammunition ftft < * Haymakers Tools ftft 1 ? Undertaking. & 4 * General Hardware , Stoves and Rang- * | es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and a Furniture , windmills and Pumps , < ? ' W I FRAHK FISCHER. j ot JAMES B- HULL HHE OWL SALOON Proprietor. $ T p % Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE 3C NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CARE IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts f Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as a State Bank Chartered aa a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , < FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) cxf Va3.en.tlTx © . OA.PITAL PAID IN o A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. TALK.OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. 8. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau ) Valentine , Nebraska , week ending 6 a. IP , , September 23.1903 , Maximum temperature 91 degrees on the 21th Minimum temperature , 28 degrees on the 17th. Mean temperature. 59.4 degrees , which is 3. o degree below the normal. Total precipitation , 0.00 inch , which isO 21 inch below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge. J. C. Rounds is in town. John Grooms was a visitor in town Tuesday. Wm. Shelbourn was up from the Snake last week. Don't forget the county conven tion next Monday , Sept. 28th D. M. Sears and Mr. Hale , of Kennedy , were in town yesterday. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Walter Meltendorff is digging a cellar and will build an addition on the rear of his saloon. Len Bivens has returned from his visit with relatives end is again at his work in the Red Front. _ * The Schromm Bros. , of Arabia , were in town Monday getting bills printed for their sale Oct. 10th. Mr. Clark , a printer for some time on the Spring view Herald , called on us Tuesday looking for a job. job.Wm. Wm. Caton and wife are at Judge Towne's. The Judge has been sick again but is up and around P. V. VanKorstran was in the city the first of the week. He is working in the hay fields near Newton. Mr. Holcomb , father of the Mis ses Holcomb who are teachers in our school , has come up to make his home with them. The grounds around the school house are being improved with a fence and walks. It is not safe to have children playing in the open street. J. R. Nelson , wife and little girl were here last week from Mexico , visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson. Mr. Nelson is a brother to Mrs. Hudson. Chas. Sherman and wife return ed from Moscow , Idaho , last Sat urday morning and have decided to remain in Valentine , as nothing he has seen since leaving here last spring suits him better. The Newport Eagle has sus pended publication and Robert Good has gone to Kansas to look up a new location. Mrs. Good and little one have gone to her parents in Long Pine. Newport Republi can. can.E. E. W. Thode , manager of the T. L. Pool of Big White river , brought in eight or nine hundred head of cattle and shipped out a train load of 18 cars Monday and 16 cars Tuesday. They expect to bring in some more next week. H. S. Savage has sold the Star livery barn to Chas. Sherman who takes possession next Monday. Mr. Savage will go to Tacoraa , Wash. , about Nov. 1st to engage with his father in running a saw mill. He has made many friends here during his stay who will re gret his leaving. Thomas Hudson was in from Sparks last Friday and informs us that his house was struck by light ning on Friday night , the llth , just after he and his wife had re tired and were shocked by the stroke. Mrs. Hudson was con fined to her bed several days and was helpless but has now recov ered A. Osgood , better known to many of the boys around town as Snowball , was in town this week. He has been cooking for E. W. Thode of the T. L. Pool on Big White river. D. A. Melton , one of the pion eer farmers of North Table was in town last Friday and called at our office to set his subscription a year ahead. He is a man of little pre tensions , but can be depended upon as a good citizen. He tells us that G. P. Crabb and family are doing well in their new home in Wash ington and that Mrs Crabb is hav ing better health than she ever had before. Oscar Graeff , the 11 year old son of A. S. Graeff living near Britt , was sick with malarial fever last Saturday and was unable to go to the old settlers picnic at Britt which caused him considerable dis appointment as he saw so many people going. He had practiced running expecting to compete for the prize in one of the foot races which very likely he'd have won , but there will be other chances for him to run yet. Dr. Dwyer went out Saturday night to see him and Sunday left him much better. The old settlers picnic at Britt last Saturday was a success. About 500 people gathered to talk over old times and enjoy a day together in sport. They came from the surrounding country 15 to 20 miles around and met as a great family with greetings and social conver sation. The day was perfect and the program was carried out as billed without a jar or discord. Music was furnished by the Mc- Ilhon family for the dancers which was highly appreciated by everyone who heard them play. The purse ball game between the Valentine nine and the boys on the Table re sulted in a draw , the score standing 8 to 8 tallies in 7 innings. The was divided and everyone was hap py. The horse races were entered by several contestants. 1st money was won by the best horse or best rider and they started off first dash. Smaller sports and dancing closed the day and the people went home satisfied with having spent an en joyable day. Every available rig in Valentine was used and some stayed at home for want of trans portation. Full more we'd ' write in verse or rhyme Jn praise of all that is aublime If we could rhyme and verses fix We'd ' write this up and sign it , Bix. The editor and boy were there To swell the crowd of people where , They all are cheerful playing ball And people courteous to all. We'd like to write about the game Because we umpired for the same , We'd mention those that plaj'ed base ball But hang it , we dent know them all. We'd ' also bring in every name Of those who came to see the game Or spent the day upon the ground In s&amug handa or walking 'round , We'd ' speak of Hahn , Broad and Britt , Of Sanner , Spratt , Graeff , Searby , Hetc , Of Pettycrew , Dunn , Mcllhon And G Pi Crabb who now is gone. Of Hooper , Fowler , Granger , Hull , And Harper , Jackson , Sparks , Gas- kell ; Then Hobson , Kellogg , Taylor , Ward ; Green , Higgle , Walcott and his Pard There's Melton , Tackett , Johnson , Zarr ; Judge Towne and Tracewell were net there. Thompson , Archer , Polen , Reece Segar , Hershey and John Neiss. Bullis , Kimbell , Bishop , Black , Miller , Becker farther back ; Hubbard , Collett , Kalbringer , Kelley , Salmon , Hilsinger. Stetter , Fischer and Laport. Yank O'Bryan Davenport ; Eaton , Brosius , Smith McCrea , We'll name some more some other . day , 4 ? 4 ? Children's Cloaks 1 Eiderdown , Flannel , Corduroy , handsomely trimmed and made in latest styles for children. Ranging in price 43 from § 1.25 to § 8.00 g Women's Outing " Flannel Gowns 4 ? From . , . 1.00 to 1.25S > 4 ? Eiderdown Dressing Sacques & > Jj All colors. From 1.00 to 1.25 | J 4 Dressier and more elaborate 1.50 to 3.50 fc > 4 ? Dress Skirts & 2 Everything to be desired. Good quality , style and make.f 4 $ Some extra large and extra small sizes in skirts. All & > 4jj prices. 2 * S * Sorosis Petticoats g ftfr 43 Best petticoat made. Inspect our line when you w ? 4 ? good quality and right prices i > 4J Boudoir Slippers & > tfO * * o Dainty and serviceable 1.75 J 4 Davenport & Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS i * Our Spring Goods fa fcj are now in and we are prepared to figure with you in any thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If yon are in need of an.y Farming Implements let us figure with'you. MAX E. VIBRTBL NEBRASKA CROOKSTO * Our Groceries Are best for GOOD LIVING. You get satis faction from Good Groceries and we get satis faction in furnishing them. We give you the best in quality at a price you are willing to pay. : W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , l r < rr < rd < rirfrre r v HAY TOOLS Sweeps , Loaders and Bakes . And in fact everything needed in the hay field. Corn Harvesters , Shredders and Potato Diggers Almost household necessities. Eclipse Windmills , Gasoline Engines , Pumps , Cylinders and Well Pipe. O33. © SS ! F oot TOTTSTOX- OOSO ? . Lumber for Corrals. Lime , Plaster , Stucco and Hair when you are building. SPECIAL PEICE on Barb Wire. We want you to know that we have everything usually kept in our line. Come in and feel at home. LUDWIG L. C. SPARKS , Manager. 1)0 ) YOU WANT A The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Douoher Bouse. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Furs. S.MOON - - . Valentine ,