Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 17, 1903, Image 7

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    ' Robert Burns' cottage at , Ayr wa.
last year visited by over 50,000 per'
Rain falls on the eastern coast of
Ireland about two hundred and eight
flays in the year.
When a young woman of the Phil
ippines marries , her husband's name
Is added to her maiden name. If
she becomes a widow , the husband's
name is discarded.
A. Boy's Victory.
Crossroads , Tenn. , Sept 14. Orhra
the ] of Lester
Young , 0-year-old son
Young , of this place , is a bright hey ,
and one who is very well liked by all
who know him.
For some years Orhra has suffered
a great deal with a form of Kidney
Trouble which Avas A'ery annoying , and
which made him miserable all the
time. He had to get up three or four
times every night , almost all his life.
His father heard of a remedy called
Dodd's Kidney Tills , and bought some
for the little felloAV , Avith the result
that he Is noAV completely cured of the
old trouble. He says :
"Dodd's Kidney Pills soon gave me
great relief , and IIOAV I can sleep all
night without having to get up. We
will ahvays praise Dodd's Kidney
nils. "
There are many children suffering
from Kidney and Urinary troubles.
These disorders should he promptly
corrected. Dodd's Kidney Pills is a
safe and sure remedy for all such de
Master Orhra Young conquered his
troubles and made a Avell boy of him
self , by using Dodd's Kidney Pills ,
and any one may do the same by the
same moans.
Parents should see to it that their
children are given a fair chance in
life , and there is nothing that can un
dermine the health of a groAvirig child
as much as Kidney and Urinary de
The grasshoppers areund Forsyth ,
Montana , have destroyed all ve 5ta-
tion in a district seventy ujiles Inns
and fifty miles wide. T < e plains are
dotted with cattle that have starved
to death because of the lack of herb
An interesting animal is the flying
frog of Borneo. Its long toes are
wtlned to the tigs , aud ihus act as
little parachutes , enabling the frog
to leap from lofty trees and descend
Asbestos towels are among the lat-
test novelties. They do not require
soap and water to cleanse them.
When soiled throAV ihem in the fire ,
and in a few minutes they may be
drawn out , fresh aud clean.
rjC"he " visits of the stork are wel
comed by the Aiabs. They have a
superstition that when one of these
birds makes its nest on a housetop ,
the occupants of that house are as
sured of R0)d luck for a year.
Human rakes scrape vry little to-
It costs more 10 u < _ iect a duty than
to perform it.
" One lal turn -enesanother revo-
lutijn for the better.
Men seldom pay taxes on Avhat they
are reputed to. be wurth.
May Be Acquired and U edwith Great
Complete and restful poise of the body
and mind is nn art not easily gained.
Perhaps nothing brings one as much
content , comfort , happiness aud pleasure
as the e conditions of easy , restful , re
sourceful and well-balanced mind aud
body , that make of work a pleasure and
the daily life happy nnd peaceful.
The nervous housewife busy with a
hundred duties and harassed by children ;
the business uian , worried Avith the press
of daily affairs , debts , etc. , cannot enjoy
the peace and restful repose and health
ful nervous balance unless they know
There is a Avay. First and foremost
the stomach must be consulted. That
menus leaving off coffee absolutely , for
the temporary stimulant and the result
ing depression is a sure ruin to the ner
vous system , and the whole condition of
health and happiness ivsts upon stomach ,
nerves and mind.
Start Avith the loniach. that is frhe
keystone to the wlmlo arch. Stop using
things that break down its power , upset
its nervous energy and prevent the
proper digestion of the food and the con
sequent 'manufacture of healthful blood
and nerves , brain and tissues.
When you quit coffee take ou Postum
Food Coffee. That is like stopping the
payment of interest and starting on a
career AA'here you are loaning money and
receiving interest. The good results are
double. You stop poisoning the system
with coffee and start building up the
broken do\vn nen-e cells by poAverful
elements contained in Postum. Those
are pure food elements ably selected by
experts for the purpose of supplying
vt the tiling required by Nature to per
form this rebuilding.
These are solid , substantial facts and
can be proven clearly to the satisfaction
, of _ auyojie , by personal experience. Try
the change yourself nnd note how the
old condition of shattered nerves and
Avorried mind changes to that feeling of
restful poise of a well-balanced nervous
The managing physician of a hygienic
sanitarium in Indiana says that for five
years in his practice he has always in
sisted upon the patients leaving off coffee
and taking Postum Food Coffee with the
most positive , "well defined results and
with satisfaction to the most confirmed
coffee toper.
The Doctor's name will be furnished
, by the Postum Co. , Ltd. , Battle Creek ,
Look In each package for a copy of
the famous little book , "The Road to
Wellville. "
"Those stones about Hrouijli , ' '
the Doctor , "reminded meof others.
Going one day to consult the- Gover
nor , I met a lady prominent in .society
and In good work for the soldiers coinIng -
Ing from an interview with Krounh.
She was excited nncl furious. Slfe in
sisted that the Governor had treated
her without consideration and -ilnust
Insolently. Her grievance was that nil
through the interview the Governor
had chewed tobacco and had used the
cuspidor as freely as if he had been
in a barroom or saloon. She had been
Brough's friend all through his stjrmy
administration , and she wished heart
ily she had never scon what .she eu led
his barroom manners.
"I knew the Governor was a free
user of tobacco , but 1 had never no
ticed anything offensive in his way of
using it. In fact. 1 didn't care any
thing about his tobacco or his way. i f
using it. When I went to his ollice
he always talked of big things , and his
strength was so apparent in handling
the great questions of the day that I
had no place in my miiul for trifles. I
told the lady this and assured her that
she must he mistaken a& to any slight
on the Governor's part. I went into
Brough's oflkv. howevtr. and th.Te sat
the Governor of Ohio with a huge eux-
pidor at his side , sputtering and spit
ting like a gunboat under fire.
"There was trouble of the gravest
import , and Brough had forgotten him
self and the amenities of his oflice in
rounding out a plan to help the natijn-
al acliuinistiation. lie did help Presi
dent Lincoln then and on other occa
sions , and without thought of himself
or his political prospects. When the
Governor had cooled down I told him
of my conversation with the lady who
had been disappointed in him , and in
rny hearing he dictated a note of apol
ogy as graceful as it was sincere. He
said he did not want to he in bunder-
stood by one who had done so much
to help him and the soldiers in the
field , and asked her for suggestions
as to the controversy with the sanitary
arid Christian commissions in which
he had become involved through the
desire of the Ohio soldiers' aid socie
ties to send their contributions direct
to Ohio soldiers in the field.
' 'In thrs controversy the women of
the aid sccieties were with the Gov
ernor , although he Avas misunderstood
in other States and was represented
as seeking a quarrel Avith the Chris
tian commission. I happen to ICUOAA"
that the lady who Avas so disappointed
over Brough using tobacco did much
to clear up the misunderstanding and
to show that in his inirnctions to the
State agents the Governor insisted the
agents should avoid controversy and
strife and yet do their full duty in
looking after the sick , AVOmuled and
other soldiers of the State.
"Brough , it is true , Avas harsh in lan
guage and judgment , and his quarrels
with officers Avere fought to the end
with the bitterness of the time. But
often he got as good as he sent. In
several cases the officers under criti
cism Avrote the Governor AA-arning him
to mind his OAVU business , and in other
cases his letters Avere returned with
dignified but severe comment. Colonel
Dan McCook wrote Brough a letter
which the Governor regarded as in
solent , and he wrote in reply a sting
ing rebuke , wLich Colonel Dan Avas
smarting under when he led the as
sault at Kenesaw mountain. Brough
probably regretted the letter , but Mc-
Coolc's friends never forgot It.
"Brough was a master in Avar af
fairs. It was on his suggestion that
the Governors of Illinois , Indiana.
Ohio and Iowa offered the government
the 100-days men in 1SG4. And Brough ,
It must be remembered , had 30,009
National Guards , as he called them.
In the field in sixteen days. His plan
was that these short-term men should
take the places of older troops guardIng -
Ing cities and raihvays , and that a
veteran army at full strength should
he hurled against Lee , and so end the
war in a hundred days. "
"I knew several of the Avar gover
nors , " said the Major , "and they all
were fighters. Ted went into the Gov
ernor's office in Ohio In 1SG2 , Avhen the
clouds of Avar were very dark and he
was naturally impatient. At the time
of the Kirby Smith raid toward Cin
cinnati he hurried raw troops pell-mell
into Kentucky , and after asking for
tents for them three times telegraphed
Stanton at Washington to the effect
that he didn't knoAV who was to blame
for not sending the tents , hut he could
whip the fellow , whoever he was.
Again he telegraphed Washington ,
'For God's sake furnish Ohio troops
noAV in Kentucky with canteens. ' All
these things were Irregular , but they
made friends for Ted among soldiers
"He was a wonderful mobillzer of
troops. When Cincinnati was In dan
ger in 18G2 he ordered the farmers of
certain counties to provide themselves
with quilts or blankets , squirrel rifles
and ammunition , and , after organiza
tion into companies , take the trains
for Cincinnati. The farmers , old and
young , did as requested , and in less
than a week 15.000 men who knew
IIOAV to shoot were at Cincinnati or ir
Kentucky ready to shoot. These Avere
the famous 'squirrel hunters , ' and Gov
ernor Ted ahvays believed that they
and their squirrel rifles scared Kirby
Smith and led to his retreat. Certain
ly the 'squirrel hunters' t of Ohio In
their ready response to tlu > Governor's
appeal demonstrated that Ted knew
something of the men AA-UO had voted
him into office. "
"Governor Ted , " said the Colonel ,
"organized as many new regiments in
his two years of office as any other
State executive. lie contributed great
ly to the good of the service by ap
pointing to the neAv regiments officers
Aviio had seen service in older regi
ments. For example , Captain Opdycke
of the Forty-first Ohio Avas made Colonel
nel of the One Hundred and Twenty-
fiftli Ohio , Avhich became known in
our division as Opdycke's Tigers. And
they Avere good fighters. That reminds
me that one of the Tigers received
Avhat lie called a jolt , that put him out
of the Tiger l.usiness for half an hour.
"This was at Buzzard's Koost , May
11. IftM. The Tiger had just raised
his Springfield rifle to his shoulder ,
j and after taking aim Avas just ready
i to pull the trigger when a musket ball
fired from a rebel gun entered the
muzzle of his own rifle. The effect
Ava" to paralyze his arms and his rifle
dropped to the ground. On the same
day Julius livers of Co. K. T > 2d Ohio.
Avas struck by a musket hall which
parsed through both elbow joints , the
shuck to the brain produced instant
d all ) . The ( lectors regarded the case
as one of the strangest in their experi
ence. " Chicago Inter Ocean.
An Important Houqnet.
As Ave move along the street , a little
girl , probably tAvelve years of age , ran
up to my horse and handed me a lai'ge
bouquet of flowers , in the center of
which Avas a note in delicate hand
writing , purporting to give the num
bers and describe the position of the
Union forces of Wrightsville , toward
Avhich I Avas advancing. 1 carefully
read and reread this strange note. It
bore no signature and contained no
assurance of sympathy for the South
ern cause , but it Avas so terse and
explicit in its terms as to compel my
confidence. The second day AVC Avere
in front of Wrightsville , and from
the high ridge , on Avhich this note
suggested that I halt to examine the
position of the Union troops , I eagerly
scanned the prospect Avith my field
glasses in order to verify the truth
of the mysterious communication or
detect its misrepresentations. There ,
in full view before vis. Avas the town ,
just as descritjed , nestling on the
hanks of the Susquehanna. There Avas
the blue line of soldiers guarding the
approach , drnAvn up as indicated ,
along an intervening ridge and across
the pike. There A\-as the long bridge
spanning the Susquehanna and con
necting the tOAvn with Columbia on
the other bank. Most important of all ,
there Avas the deep gorge or ravine
running off to the right and extend
ing around the left flank of the Fed
eral line to the river below the bridge.
Not an inaccurate detail in that note
could he discovered. I did not hesi
tate , therefore , to adopt its sugges
tion of moving doAvn the gorge in or
der to throAV my command on the
flank , or possibly in the rear , of the
Union troops and force them to a
rapid retreat or surrender. The result
of this movement vindicated the
strategic Avisdom of my unknown and
judging by the handwriting female
correspondent , Avhose note Avas none
the less material because imbedded in
roses , and Avhose evident genius for
war. had occasion offered , might have
made her a captain equal to Catherine.
- Gen. John B. Gordon , in Scribner's.
Hijrli Prices Prevailed.
"When I hear a friend of mine com
plain of prices on the hill of fare of
any high-toned hotel restaurant I tell
him he ought to have lived in the
South during the closing days of the
Civil War and taken his meals at any
first-class restaurant , and then he
would see that in comparison with the
of to eat almost
prices to-day things are
most given aAvay , " said T. J. Wilson
of Virginia to a Washington Star man.
"Why , during the days of ' 64 you had
to carry a basketful of money to buy
enough meats and vegetables for a
family dinner. And it was the same
Avay if you took your best girl to sup
per after the theater.
"In looking over some old documents
the other day I came across a price
list of articles served by the old Ori
ental Restaurant at Richmond. The
prices that prevailed then seem worse
than robbery now to those not ' ac
quainted Avith the then existing condi
tions. For instance , a plate of soup
cost just $1.50. Think of that ! And
It AA'asn't green turtle soup. For an
order of turkey or chicken you were
taxed $3.50 , Avhile for roast beef you. .
paid $3 for an order. If you had an
appetite for rockfish you could get a
plate of it for $5. Fried oysters also
commanded the same price. Pure cof
fee Avas $3 a cup , pure tea $2 , and
fresh milk $2. Bread and butter was
Avorth $1.50 an order. The cheapest
articles on the list were cabbage and
potatoes ; an order of either cost $1.
Ham and eggs Avas a popular dish at
$3.50. A , dozen ou the half shell
brought $5.
When you consider the service given
by the leading hotels of the country
and the'amount of money invested by
the companies that OAATI them I think
the prices of to-day are reasonable ,
and that it is not good form to register
a kick every time the waiter hands
you a check for a Avell-cooked meal. "
Not Married Yet.
Ernie I saw a girl in the circus
jumping rings. "
Ida Well , I have jumped a few
rings myself this summer. "
Ernie You have ? "
Ida Yes ; engagement rings. "
rtenernber this v/henyoubuy Wet
Weather Clothing and look for the
name TOWER on the buttons.
This sign and this name have stood
for the 5E5T dunnp ; sixty-seven
years of increasing sales.
( fTour dealer will not supply you write for
free catalogue of black or yellow water
proof oiled ccfats. slickers , suits , hats , and
horse goods for all kinds of wet work.
BOSTON. MASS , U.3 A. .SIGN - . ( tteini ' *
TORONTO. CAN. V > .ia. aBRA ' , , , ,
A people that would preserve the
power of self jzovernmeuf. in fact as
well as in name nust have forej
t lotisht , shrewdness , self-restraint ,
the courage whio.h refuses to aban
don one's own right1- and the disin
terested , kindly < iod sense which en-
ahles one to do jusiice to the light of
Doaliiess Cj.niiot lie Cured
nv local application * * , as they cannot rcac'i tht
diseased portion of tlie ear. There is oiy one
way to cure Deafness , and that N l > y constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused b > an in
flamed condition of the nincoiii lining of the
Knstaehian Tube. When this tube guts inflamed
you have a rumbling ' omul or impoi feet hear
inn , anrl uhen it is entirely closed Itenfness ii
the rt'Mili , aiid ; : ! 'les the Inflammation can be
takeri nut and this tube le.stored to its normal
condition , hearum will be destroyed forever ;
nine caes otit of ten 'fo Caused by catarrh ,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
thf1 mucous surface * .
AYe will Ive One Htmdred Dollars for anj
case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor cir-
uitlara , free.
F. J. CIIKNKY & CO. . Toledo , 0.
Sold by DnmaNt- > c.
Hall's Family 1'ills nro tno best.
Lack uf strength and lack of cour
age unfit men for spif-goverument :
brutal arrogance , env > or any mani
festation of the spirit cf selfish dis
regard , a-re equally fatal.
We are never without a bottle of Pise's-
Cure for Consumption in our lioust' .
Mrs. E. M. Swayze , Wakita , Okln. , April
17 , 1001.
Ameiican telegraph instruments
click in Sibeiia and in Italy , while
our telephones are "helloed" through
by the Chinese , East Indiamen and
The machine -winnowing gold
by bljwing away the gravel whMe
the heavier gold grains fall into a re-
cepticleis to be usid in Austrjii-- ;
In public life that man is the b ° st
re > srntative of each of us who seelc-
to d good to each by doing good to
It is an infamous thing in our
American life , and fundamentally
treacherous to our institutions , to
apply to any man any test save of his
personal worth.
People show themselves just as un
fit for liberty v nether they submit
ti anarchy or to tjranny.
Gertrude Coghlan has returned
foim Ptince Edward island , where
she has been spending her vacation ,
to begin preparations for her starring
tour in "The Last of the Roissacs. "
Walker Whiteside will open a num-
xber of new theaters this season \\ith
his new play , "We Are King. ) S
Weather predictions for the next
twenty-four hours are now stamped
on all letters which pass through the
postotlices in Mexico. The stamping
is done at the same time that the
postage stamps on the letters are
ISo one enters or leaves a lailroad
car in Spain without bowing politely
to the occupants : and the person
wbc goes into a store and asks for
what he wants without first saluting
the shopkeeper is considered very
more coods. per package , than others.
An old as well as a bold soldier
died recently at t-alem Oregon. JJis
native was Joseph JJashaw and his
age was 114 JJe was a soldier under
.Napuleun from IbOti to Ibl5 , and
fought at Waterloo. He drove un ox
team to Oreg n in 1847.
31rs Winslow'- SOOTHING SYKUP for thil
dr < n teething , boftutih ihu KUIIIS , reduces iniin-
nialion , allays pain cures colic. IMceiioe bottle
The camel , the most patient and
tractab'e of animals , wnen pressed
beycnd its e.idurance , and is utterly
exhausted , drops on its knees , and
nothing in the world will make it
budge again. The namcl remains
where it kneels , until it falls on its'
side and dies.
Gossip about a couple of babies ha {
occupied the attention of the residents - ' )
dents of Harjvood. Texas. The ir.-J
rants belong to different lamilies buK
were both raised in the same incu 1
bator. The two mothers uow clair
the same iulant , and neither of then.
wants the other infant.
C Hr t au.'r ut.e of Dr. KliiiK3
store.- & EjiOf I5KKOS OOTialb
i.lL R. H. KLINK Ltd. JC1 rcn St. . I'bUadcInhi ! " .
A third tail to Borelli's comet has
been discovered.
The manufacture of aitificial com-
phur by electrolysis is now assured.
Russia's new naval program , to
finish in 1900. is six battleships and
three armored cruiseis.
vSelf reliance is the name we give
to the egotism of the man who suc
Not all eyes arc the mirrors of
souls. Some are me-ely the red w-n-
dews that indicate the presence of
' ' worm"
The mysterious 'tropical
disease which has attacked 20,000
Westphaliau mineris being treated
and investigated by 150 pnysicians
sent by the German government.
Rose Conhlan will play the role of
Penelope in "Uljsses" when Stephen
! Phillip's greatest work is repre-
1 seated in London.
$3.Ii&$3 SHOES
You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by
wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes.
They equal these
that have been cost
ing you from S4.00
to S5.00. The im
mense sale of W. L.
Douglas shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes.
S < Ad by retail shoo
dealers everywhere.
Look for name and
price on bottom.
That Douglas tuet Cor
ona Colt prores I here Is
T.I hie In Douglas shoe * .
Corona N the highest
grade Pat.Leather made.
t' < ut Color Eyelctt used. . .
Our S4 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price.
Shoes by mail. 25 rents extra. Illustrated
Catalog free. IV. L. DOUGLAS , Brockton , BJUJ.
$1.00 BIG 500-POUND STEEtt |
If you can use the best big 500-pound iteelt
range made in the world , nnd nre willing to have !
It placed in your own home on three months' nee ! just cut this notice out nnd send it to SCABS , i
ROEBI'CK At Co. , Chicago , and yon will receive
free by return mail u big picture of the steel
range and many other reeking and heating
stoves , you w.ll also receive the most wonderful - "
ful $1.00teel range offer , an offer that places1
the best steel range or heating stove in the home
of any family , such an offer that no family In
the land , no matter what their circumstances
may he. or how smull their Income , need be with
out the best cooking or heating stove made , .
A Skin of Beauty is a aoy Forever ;
Hemorrs Tan. Pimples , Freckles.
Moth Patches. Hash , ami Skin
diseues , and every blemlnh on
beauty , and defies
| detection. It has
stood the teat of 64
years , and Is to
harmless we tuat It
to be sure It Is prop
erly made. Accept
no counterfeit of
similar came. Dr.L.
A. Sayre said to
lady of the h/vtit-ton
( a patient ) : "As you
ladies will a. e tbtm.
I recomraend'Gour-
aud's Cream' as the
least harmful of all
tlie Skin prepara
tions " For dale by
all DructsisM and'
francy-Gooda Dralers in tbe C. S. , Caiiadas and Europe.
T Il < 'PKISS. Prop'r. 37 Gre t Jones St. . JJ. Y
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of Pnx-
tine Toilet Antiseptic .
we will mail a urge trial
package with bock of in
structions abaoJutely
free. This is not a tinj'
sam pie , but a large package ,
enough to convince anyone
of its value. Women alfr
over th - country are prais
ing Paxtme for what it has done in local
treatment of female ills , curing all inflam-
maiion and discharges , wonderful as a cleans
tng vaginal douche , for sore throat , nasal ca
tarrh , as a mouth wash , and to remove tartar
and whiten nhe teeth. Send to-day ; a postal
card will do.
< . ! < ! bj < lrugslit * or srut po tpaIJ by UK , CO
tent * . Inrsc box. gnt"fnclli > n guaranteed.
R. f AXTON CO. . 216 Coluirbus Ave , Bostoi. Mast ,
Best Couch Syrup. Tastes Good , use
" Chang , a Chinese general , has bees
triveil a like position in tue Kussian
army to command the Chinese sol
diers lately enlisted by the Eussians.
Fie has 4.000 men.
Clara Morris is to live in Coloradd
Springs , Colo. , where her husband ,
F. C. Harriott , has commissioned
his agents to purchase a house.
With the chilling air of faH comes an limbs and drops } * signs vanish. They
'xtra tax on Avcak kidneys. ifs the time correct uriiie Avilh brick dust sediment ,
Doan's Kidney Pills are needed IIOAV high colored , pain in passing , dribbling ,
recogni/.cd the world over as the chief frequency , bed Avctting. Doan's Kidney
Kidney nnd Bladder remedy. Pills remove calculi and gravel , relieve
Aching backsure cased. Hip , back , and heart palpitation , sleeplessness , headache ,
oin pains overcome. Swelling of the ncrA'onsness , dizziness.
DEKKFIKI-K. Ix . " It was ,
* I received the free sample
called rhi'UKiatisni. 1 cnuhl
no ri'lit-f from.the doc ' ple of Doan's Kidney Pills.
get loan's
For five j'ears I hare had
tors. I bejran to impp > T < * on
and much pain in my back , which
Dam s sample
( physicians said arose from
cot two bo cs : it our dnij- ,
cists , and , although 08 my kidneys. Four boxes of
years Pills Dean's Pills hare
lit 1 almost a ne\v
age , am |
! Fiuct so ctms. tirely cured the trouble. I
. I troubli'daKf"
man. was A. VPtXAVXC. VO - think 1 owe my Ji'e to these
leal * h water had to
v my
pills , and I want others to
i el iio fo'ir and five tis.t-s a "
" know it. SADIK DAVIS ,
night" That trouble is over
' .v'.h nod once more I can NAME _ „ _ . . _ , _ . Baxter Springs , Kans.
re = - * 'jo nicht through. My
backache is all one , anil I p. O. . . . FALMOCTH , YA. "I suf
thank you cverbo much for fered over twelve months
tlio wj'nilerfnl m < l Seine , STAT E . with pain in the small of my
Doa j's Kidney Pills. " back. Medicines and plasters
Kor free trial box. mail this to
J.vo II. HITHER. Koster-Jlilbuni Co. , utrilo. N. A' coupon If above ters ga e only temporary
President , Kn . is Insufficient , write address on * epo- relief. Doan's Kidne3' Pilla
Indiana , State IJank. rate flip. cured me. " F. S. BROWX.
Falmouth , Va.
A MILLION GRANDMAS all over .America point to OASOABETS Candy Cathartic as the
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