Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 17, 1903, Image 1

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    p.PI . Society
We call your attention to our large and complete
line of SPORTING GOODS , as the hunting season
is almost here. We have just received a large sup ft
ply of Guns , Ammunition , etc. , which we would
be glad to have you call and inspect before pur
chasing elsewhere. We have all kinds and sizes of ft
< 9 ft
< 9 Shot Guns , Eifles and Revolvers ft
49 ft
< 9 ft
* 9i i We also have a large line of ft
< 9 ft
49 Hunting Coats , Tests , ft ft
4 % ft
49 Hats , Caps , Leggins , etc ftft
49 Drop in and see us ; it won't cost you anything. ft *
49 ft *
49 ft
ft *
ft *
ft *
Our Line
Of Summer Shirts is complete. Our Ventilated Summer
Shoes for men R E Z on the feet. They have a perfor
ated inner sole and air chambers to keep the feet cool.
They're neat and the most perfect shoe made. We also
have Ladies' , Misses' and Children's shoes to fit the
feet , Colonial Slippers and comfortable shoes for hot
" 49 Cur Tin and Sheet Iron work can't be beat. A ft *
"fc 49 first class tinner and good material to work with. ft *
ft *
49 ft *
49 Guns and Ammunition ft *
49 ft *
49 Haymakers Tools ft *
49 ft *
4 ? Undertaking.
General Hardware , Stoves and Eang- w v
4 ft *
49 es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and
41 ft *
Furniture , windmills and Pumps ,
, ft *
4 $
Cf Of Of Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
First-class line of Steaks , Roasts
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
Jun > 3 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
lOftTTjl 0 ± " "Val33.tJLT3. © .
AP1TAI. PAID IN y , A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CoKNELL-President. J. T. MAY , Vice-president.
M. Y , NICOOLSON , Cashier ,
Local Weather Record
to U. S. Department of Agriculture I
tote Weather Bureau f
Valentine , Nebraska , week ending C a , ir , .
* September 19,1903 ,
Maximum temperature 82 degrees on the 10th.
* Minimum temperature , 30 degrees on the 16th.
Mean temperature. 46 3 degrees , which is 15.
degree below the normal.
Total precipitation , 0.4a inch , which is 0 28 inch
above the normal.
Official in Charge ,
The Valentine Bottling Works
puts up the finest kind of soft
drinks. 17
Sam Lesscrt and S. Q. Spain
* came in from the hay flats Tues
* day.
* * Sol. Ellis , the Simeon merchant ,
* was in town Monday to get a load
* of supplies for his store.
* W. A. Pettycrow has been suf
fering a great deal from rheuma
tism the past two months.
"Wm. Stetter and wife returned
home Monday night after a short
visit here with his brothers.
Do not forget that THE VALEN
TINE DEMOCRAT can publish your
contest notices or any other legal
Yank O'Bryan was down from
the reservation the first of the
week and took out a couple of men
to work for him.
Edwin C. Brock called on us
Saturday and subscribed for the
DEMOCRAT. He lives on the Joe
Bristol farm east of Ft. Niobrara ,
taking care of Joe's stock.
M. Dunham and family have
moved to town and are living in
the Breuklander house on Cherry
street. He carries the mail be
tween here and Chesterfield.
Merlin Barnes , of Cody , was in
our city Monday and though the
Editor spent an hour or more show
ing him around town we couldn't
get him to divulge the secret of his
trip here.
J. A. Hornback writes the DEM
OCRAT from Colorado Springs , Col.
that they have had enough of Col
orado and will soon move back to
Nebraska. They will locate at
Stromsburg where Mr. Hornnack's
father lives.
Ed G. Asay , the tramp of Rush-
ville , who seems to have a mania
for travelling and has been in nearly
every state in the union , stopped
in town Tuesday for a grub stake
on his way home from 111 , where
he had been at work.
Masdames Henry and J."W. Stet
ter received the sad news of the
death of their mother , Mrs. Carrie
Schwalm , at Richmond , Va. , Mon
day , September 14th at 1 p. m.
They have the sympathy of every
one in their sorrow.
"While in Cody last Friday the
Editor met John R. Smith , of
Johnson county , Kan. , who is vis
iting with our friend , I. C. Stotts.
whom he raised and hadn't seen
for several years. Mr. Smith is
SI years old and is yet a strong
hearty man.
D. J. Drebert , special agent of
the German Mutual Insurance Co. ,
topped off at Valentine last Fri
day between trains to visit their
local agent I. M. Rice , and to look
after the business of the company | |
here and at Cody where they spent
the day Friday. A policy in this' '
company is worth 100 cents on the' '
dollar in case of loss.
Mrs. Shaughnessy went up to :
Nenzel last Thursday nightand Mr.
Shaughnessy will go up soon to
make their home with their son-in- j
law , Ed Satterlee , while Miss
Agatha teaches the Nenzel school.
They have rented their dwelling
on Hall street to Wm. Steadman
who will move to town to live during - '
ing the coming
| Several cars of stock have been
shipped from Valentine the past
week. On Tuesday John Bachelor
shipped 10 cars , O'Connor Cattle
Co. 2 cars , Frank Ashburn 2 cars ,
Faddis & Steadman 4 cars , and Nels
Rowley 1 car.
A. E. Thacher writes from the
Wakesha Springs Sanitarium , Wis.
that he has had a relapse and will 4
not be home for two or three weeks
yet. He has been there six or
seven weeks now in hopes of bene-
fitting his health and his friends
hope for his recovery soon so that
he may return to Valentine. We
miss him at home.
Mrs. Charlotte Foster , wife of
John Foster , died of dropsy at
the home of her daughter Mrs.
Damon at Dawson , Nebr. July 25 ,
1903 at the age of 64 years. Six
children and her husband survive
her. Mrs. Jennie Damon at Dawson - {
son , Wm. Geo. and Edward Foster
Mrs. Emma Archer and Mrs. Har
riet Johnson of Cherry county.
Nebraska. The bereaved have the
sympathy of their numerous
friends. It was only recently that
THE DEMOCRAT was informed of
Mrs. Foster's death.
The weather has been quite cold
the past week and though at times
below freezing there was no frost ,
excepting a very light one last Sat
urday evening , but was melted be
fore morning so that there was no
damage done to crops. Sunday
night there was a mist of snow fell
and on the north table Monday
morning the ground was white.
Tuesday night the snow again fell
and was one to two inches deep.
Near Rosebud it was reported four
inches deep , and three inches deep
near Britt. The cloudy weather
and wind has prevented frost.
Tuesday evening it became clear
and a heavy frost followed.
People who think they know all
about running a newspaper would
do well to compare themselves with
the following account by the editor
of the West Union ( W. Va. ) Rec
ord. He says :
"To run a newspaper all a fel-
lew has to do is to be able to write
poems , discuss the tariff and mon
ey question , umpire a ball game ,
report a wedding , saw wood , des
cribe a fire so that the readers will
shed their wraps , make one dollar
do the work of ten , shine ata dance
abuse the liquor habit , test whiskey ,
subscribe to charity , go without
meals , attack free silver , wear
diamonds , invent advertisement ,
sneer at snobbery , overlooks candaj
appraise babies , delight pumpkin
raisers , minister to the afflicted ,
heal the disgruntled , fight to a fin
ish , set type , mold opinion , keep
sour paste on hand , sweep the office - ,
fice but never wash the office towel ,
speak at prayer meetings and stand
in with everybody and everything.
From the Gordon Journal.
We are in receipt of the news of
the death of Mrs. Carrie Murr ,
wife of J. L. Murr who was once
at Crookston. The deceased was
a sister of Mrs. S. B. Rice of Har-
lan , and died on August 28th at
Bedford , Indiana.
About 7 miles from Hay Springs
the body of an old lady , 65 years
old , named Krumel was found on
the prairie in a badly decomposed
condition , supposed to have been
lifeless for about nine days. Her
sons claim that while they were
away from home on Wednesday
she left the house , and , supposing
that she was at some of the neigh
bors never sought for her until Sun
day , and not until the following
Thursday was the body found by
one of the sons , who discovered it
in a kind of draw , where he had
commenced to mow. The coroner's
jury decided that she came to her
death from some cause unknown
to them. .
i Dress Goods Talki
gO _ JL
| n Do you want material for a new Waist , a Skirt , ff
$ $ a Fall Suit , a Dressing Sacque , a Fall Wrapper , & }
J2 a Baby's 'Cloak , Winter Night Eobes , or Winter i *
5 Petticoats ? You will find what 5'ou want in S
s ?
A Full Line of Fine Serges ,
jjj Broad Cloths , Henriettas , Pebble Cheviots , Gran- jJ |
pj ite Cloth , Shark Skin Cloth , Brilliantine , Albra-
R tress , Cassimercs , Coverts , Etamines , and Peau- i >
* de-Soie.
$ Outing Flannels jj
g Light or Dark From 5c to 20c per yard. j *
w Fleeced Waistings and Calicos
" *
g for Kemonos , "Wrappers , Dressing Sacques and j * |
Waists lOc to 50c per yard.
g Eider Downs .
French gray , lavender , blue , pink , red , tan , fancy >
? striped. S >
IS \ ±
H Davenport & Thacher j *
ft _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ ft
Our Spring Goods
are now in and we are prepared to figure with you in any
thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything
kept in a n'rst-cluss General Store at prices which are
right. If you are in need of any
Farming Implements
let us figure with'you. " ' . . .
Our Groceries
Are best for GOOD LIVING. You get satis
faction from Good Groceries and we get satis
faction in furnishing them. We give you the
best in quality at a price you are willing to pay.
W. A. Petty crew , General Merchandise.
Sweeps , Loaders and Eakes
And in fact everything needed in the hay field.
Corn Harvesters , Shredders and Potato
Almost household necessities.
Eclipse Windmills , Gasoline Engines ,
Pumps , Cylinders and Well Pipe.
On. © OS 3E oot ; To-c > crz * at OOST
Lumber for Corrals.
Lime , Plaster , Stucco and Hair when
you are building.
We want you to know that we have everything usually
kept in our line. Come in and feel at home.
L. C SPARKS , Manager.
lOYouwANTAWiNDMiLi1 ! ; : : : : '
The place to get the best Windmill , also pnmpg aiid Tanks.
First door south of the Donoker House
2iighest c h price pairt for Hides am ! Furs.
1.MOON - - - VatentmevNebr