Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 03, 1903, Image 5

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fil.VO JPcr F c r ill Advance
filtered at I be Fost-oiUce at Valeiitlne , Cherry
county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
fc. MB
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
IrowuleNebr ,
Prince P.oalidel
131003 and Curly
Cott ; 112201 ut head
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety.
Jx > rd Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
No stock for s.Ue at present. Ranch four miles
north-west of Browiilee , .Nebr.
, bulk 75 per cwt $14.UJ ( ton
Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 too
Screenings 70c $13.00 "
Chop Peed 1.05 $20.00 "
Corn 95 $18.00 "
Chop corn 1.00 $19.00 "
Oats 1.20 $23.00 "
Office over T. C. Hornby's store by the
south stairway. Chronic cases a
Hours : 0 to IS A. 31. to 4 P. 31
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. Reserve
your work for him. Office at Donoher
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and Friday preceding.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Kosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904.
Brownlee , Nebr.
Does general blacksrnithing athard
fr times prices for cash.
City Delivery-man ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
trom the depot and all parts of the City.
First-class Shop in Every Eespect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golrteu Star Hair
Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
Valentino , JKebr.
ITOOU , Hard Rock for sale in any
.Physician and Surgeon
Office at QuigJey & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nighte The Doii-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Edward S. Furay
Physician and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El-
liott's Drug Store. 19un2
Valentine , 'Kebr.
Practices In District Court and U. S. Land
Office. Heal Estate and Uanch Property
* > O'iei * anil eold Bonrtprt AhBir-uit > r
Eobert G. Easley ,
over Red Front
1 Dr. Seymour coming Oct. 16th.
, Dress trimmings , notions and
millinery at Mrs. Elmore's.
Ice Cream by the quart at Quigley -
ley and Chapman's. 24 10
The Valentine Bottling Works
puts up eleven different kinds of
drinks. 17
The J. C. C. Corset , the best
cheap corset made , at the Ladies'
store. Mrs. Elmores.
There was a jolly old time when
the democratic convention took
place at columbus Tuesday , Aug.
25th. Bryan was there and made
the best talk that some thought they
ever heard. In fact Bryan knows
what to say and how to say it
Mayor Keed , of Kansas City , was
there. Also Mathew Wyvall of
N. Y. , W. D. Oldham and Goe. L.
Loomis of Nebr. , and lots of oth
ers which insured a.democratic love
feast. Judge John L. Sullivan was
renominatcd to succeed himself as
judge of the supreme court. At
the same time the populists held
their convention at Grand Island.
"Wm. O. Jones of Adams , and Dr.
E. 0. Webber of Saunders Co. ,
were the nominees for regents of
the state university. The con
vention was most harmonious and
good feeling prevailed.
] Sf. JE. CJnircli Notes.
Morning subject , "The End of
the Eoad. " Evening , "Is Life
Worth Livivg ? " This will be the
last Sunday of the conference year.
The lecture by Dr. E. C. Horn
will be a great treat.
Conference begins Wednesday
evening Sep. 9th and Eev. Dr.
Grose will speak at that time.
Whereas , Our Heavenly Father
in his infinite wisdom has called
home our beloved sister , Mrs.
Adelia Pettycrew
EESOLVED , That we , the mem
bers of Cherry Eebekah Lodge No.
168 , extend our heartfelt sympathy
to the bereaved family and friends
of our late sister , and commend
them to God who will comfort them
in this their hour of sorrow.
EESOLVED , That we drape our
charter for thirty days and that a
copy of these resolutions be sent
to the bereaved family , and to the
local papers for publication and
that a copy be spread upon the
records of our order.
Comm. < ETTA BROWX ,
Hall of Hope Lodge No. 110 , D.
of H.
Whereas : It has pleased the all
wise ruler of the Universe to re
move from our midst our beloved
sister , Adelia E. Pettycrew , and
by her death our camp has lost a
brue and worthy member , the hus
band a loving wife and her children
i devoted mother , therefore be it
EESOLVED , That as a lodge we
mourn the death of our sister and
that we extend our fraternal sym
pathy to those who so deeply grieve
3ver the loss of their loved one ;
ind be it further
EESOLVED , That as a token of
respect for our departed sister , our
charter be draped in mourning for
i period of thirty days , that a copy
Df these resolutions be sent to her
liusband , that this tribute of re
spect be placed on the records of
3ur lodge and a copy be sent to
the local papers for publication.
Hall of Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. 0. U. W.
Whereas : The angel of death
has entered the house of our broth-
gr , Wm. A. Pettycrew , and taken
bis beloved wife and helpmate ,
therefore be it
EESOLVED , That we , the mem
bers of Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
sxtend our heartfelt sympathy to
the bereaved family and friends of
the deceased and commed them to
Him who is ever able to support
and comfor6 them in the hour of
sorr.ow and affliction ;
EESOLVED , That our charter be
draped in mourning for thirty days ,
tliafc a cop of these resolutions be }
sent to the bereaved family , and
1 to the local papers and that a copy
be placed on the records of our lodge
JBailcy Brief * .
( Received too late for publication last week , )
Fred Walker purchased a saddle
horse last week.
Geo. Seager went to Cody the 23.
Alma Weede came over from
Newton last Sunday.
Parlies are getting along reason
ably well in Bailey m haying.
Several parties shipped cattle from
Bailey the 24th ; Art Heath 1 car ,
Geo. Heine 1 car , Art Brooks , Walt
Goodin and Heath Bros. 1 car , and
G. L. Hauver 2 cars.
It is only the learned who can ap
preciate their ignorance.
The price of cattle clown , the
price of beef up , is Jin example of
the practical effect of trust busting
without interfering with our phe-
nominal prosperity.
Corn is filling excellent ; taters
are good.
Ealph and Art Dahlgren have
leased their mother's ranch.
James Hunt was at the rooster
ranch last Sunday.
Kate Weede has been attending
the institute.
Wm. Fleisaman is getting along
as well as could be expected at this
writing. /
r Onills.
Win. Graddy says he hasr notion
to get married and pays he' has got
his own consent which is half , and
now if he can find someone in the
same notion he says it will be a
A smile is the bud and a laugh is
the full bloom.
Mrs. Hittle and Miss Bandall took
in the reunion at Sparks Friday.
Mr. .Eaton and wife of Valentine ,
visited with relatives at Sparks last
Mr. Swain of Sparks , took a trip
south this week , interested in the
nsurance business.
When anj calamitv has been suf
fered the first thing to be rernem-
jered is , how much has been escaped.
At the top of the first page of his
Daper , Editor Bice should have this
motto : "This paper is published
ror people this side of the grave" ,
for this reason , everybody knows
ihere is no dead beats on his sub
scription list.
School will commence in district
No. 28 , Monday , Sept. 7th.
A gambling machine was started
at Sparks Friday morning during
reunion but was soon susppnded.
Sam Grooms and wife , of Ains-
worth , took in the reunion and vis
ited witti Mrs. Grooms of Penbrook.j
Anyone who thinks fruit cannot
be grown in Cherry Co. can have the <
same demonstrated to them by calling - !
ing on John F. Swain , about five ;
miles south of Sparks. Becently
the fruit was gathered from a small
apple tree , scant 6 feet high and of
only two years growth , and the
number of apples was found to be ;
115 , averaging 6 inches in circum
ference. The writer also noticed a
small plumb tree that bent under i
the weight of its fruit and had to
braced up * with small props , and it
was found to have 51 plumbs ful y
matured. PORCUPINE.
Over Three Tlion.saiul JLiqnor
licenses issued in the Ssjim-
iioTver State the JL/ast Fis
cal Year.
Lcavenworfch , Kan. , Aug. 24 The
annual report of this revenue of
fice , completed Saturday , , shows
that very little attention is paid to
the Kansas prohibitionary law. In
the year , the number of retail liq
uor licenses issued to Kansas was
2,822 , the largest in the history of
this revenue office. Aside from
this , 303 licenses were issued to
wholesale beer agencies. This is
over 3,000. Kandolph ( Kan. ) En
Jaiiior ] $ ormal Resolutions.
Whereas , the first session of the
Valentine Junior Normal School ,
which is iust closing , has been an in
spiration to every teacher in attend
ance , and believing that we shall be
able to take much back to our scheols
that will haye a tendency to make
better and brighter the lives of those
who look to us for guidance , do hereby
express our heartfelt appreciation
for the same by adopting these our
RESOLVED , That we express to the
fullest extent our appreciation of the
splendid work done by our conductor ,
Supt. B. H. Watson. He has been in
defatigable in his efforts to make the
school a success and in looking after
the welfare and comfort of those in
attendance. He has ever been ready
to assist the students both in and out
of school , and by his kindly and sym
pathetic manner has made all feel
free to go to him with the most trival
perplexities , and always giving the
needed advice and encouragement-
Because of his always insisting on
promptness and regularity , he has set
an example of great value to us as we
assume the responsibilities of cur sev
eral schcols. Continue the manage
ment of the Normal under Supt. Wat
son and its triumphant success in 190i
is assured.
RESOLVED , That the thanks of ev
ery member of this body are due and
are hereby tendered to Supt. G. A.
Gregory for the able manner in which
he has presented his worK on various
subjects to the students body , for his
ready response to tht demands of the
normal for musical instruction and
entertainment , for his uniform kind
ness and courtesy to all , for theabso
lute impartiality displayed of his duty ,
RESOLVED , That we extend to Mr.
Magee our gratitude for the efficient
service he has rendered to the teach
ers , not only in the school room from
which his instruction and example
will cast a lasting influence over the
schools of the counties , but also in his
social relations with the teachers.
Eis sincere interest in their welfare
ind his ever cheery disposition will
9 % OOO
* , \Jy\J\J\J
arc uikled in llio lust edition of
Webster's Jnteniutiomii Diction
ary. The International is kept
always abreast of the times. It
takes constant work , expensive
work ami worry , but it ia the only
way to keep the dictionary the
of the English-speaking world.
Other dictionaries follow. Web
ster leads.
it is the favorite with Judges ,
Scholars , Educators , Printers , etc. ,
in this and foreign countries.
A. postal card ivill bring you
interesting specimen pages , etc.
A Minimum of Friction Gives the
a x i m u m of Life
. . . . TO THE . .
Smith Premier
Ball Bearing Carriage. Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Shaft to Convey
Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no otner Machine.
"Wearing Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : : Beautiful Catalogue Free ,
The Smith Premier Typewriter Company.
CorIT'tli and JTairnain. St. ,
Omalia ,
lonp be an inspiration to those with
whom he has come in contact.
KESOLVBD , That we extend to Miss
O'Sullivan our heartfelt thanks and
the. as.-urance of our gratitude , he
cause of Iter faithful work and efli
cient Instruction. Her ready sym
pathy and the personal interest man
fested by her \ \ ith those under her
instruction has endeared her to all
Her personal influence has been such
that we question the ability and in
tegrity of any teacher who has not
been touched by her life and made to
feel a desire to combat every perplex
ity of a teacher's life with the weap-
ons-of thorough preparation. We are
not satisfied that those alone , who
have been fortunate enough to have
received instruction under Miss Lally
shall be granted the privilage of
speaking such wholesome words of
praise for her because of the ideal
( Continued next weeK. )
Business Notices.
Notices under this beading 5 cents per line
each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Good fresh Meat and Lard at
Stettcrs Meat Market. 26
Bargains in Ladies' and Gent's
Underwear at Pettycrew's. 29
WANTED A. yard man and two
girls for laundry and chamher work
at the Donoher. 32 tf.
Do not forget that Friday , Octob
er 16th , is the date of Dr. Seymour's
visit to Valentine.
Dr. Seymour will be in Valen
tine , at the Donoher hotel , Friday ,
October 16th. 31. tf
Go to the Red Front Merc. Co.
for all kinds of heavy and shelf
Hardware. 27
Wanted to Contract
800 acres of valley hay , put up
two miles west of Georgia.
22 tf Kilgore , Nebr.
For all kinds of Undertaking
Goods and Undertaking work call
on the Eed Front Merc Co. 27
One brown yearling horse colt
randed , IBB on left hip.
12 D. STINARD , Valentine , ISrebr.
Call and see our special line of
Ladies' and Gent's Summer Un
derwear at W. A. Pettycrews.
"Imperial" Castor Machine Oil ,
the best on earth. Sold by the
Red Front Merc. Co. 27
Genuine home made Lard at the
new Butcher Shop. 26
For your Barb Wire , Field Fenc
ing and Poultry Netting go to the
Red Front Merc. Co. , hardware
department. 27
l < est , Strayed or Stolen.
One bay pony mare , white face ,
five years old , weighs about 750
pounds , broke to ride , has saddle
marks , small sore right cheek from
blind tooth , branded 2 on left hip
Raised on Rosebud agency by an
Indian named Ben Hungry. Lib
eral reward will be paid for recov
ery. M. WEBBER ,
28 Ft. Niobrara , Nebr.
6 quarter sections of Deeded land
and some school land. Range for
200 head of stock and is the best
range now vacant. 200 tons of hay
can be cut on this ranch and there
is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds
stable , two windmills with never
failing wells and stock ta'nks. Al
so open water on a part of the
range the year round. § 4,000 will
buy it. Call at this office or write
I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , J ebr.
li-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas
aions. The family bottle ( < H > cents ) contains a
t ply for a year. All druggists sell them.
( Joel Minnesota <
Northwestern Line will ;
havoine : exceedingly low St. Paul , Minneapolis
and nuluth during the sum
mer months.
'Tit Uer figure on spending
rout vacation at Lake Min-
netonka , "White Bear or some
other Summer Resort in Min
nesuia. or Korth Wisconsin.
Atk any Agent Xorthwtst
ern Line for particulars , or
, T. A. KUJIX ,
A. G. F. & 1 . A. ,
Oiiinlin , Xebr.
Double Track.
Itailroad between Missouri JCleer
ami Cliicayo.
Direct line to St I'atil-JIiinicnjt-
Direct line to Itlack Hills.
to nearest ayentjor ratctt
and time cards.
No. 27 Frt. Daily 2 :33 : P. M.
No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M
No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49 A. M
EAST Bouxo
No. 28 Frt. Daily " G50 A. M.
No , 26 " except Sunday 5:00 : P. M.
NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. M.
Meals Lunches Short Orders
First class meals at aH'hours ,
day and night. Oysters in.
season. Pies , 'cakes , I doughnuts - .
nuts always on hand. '
E. P. Cohota , Prop.
Special Reduced
Excursion Hate * .
\ \ ill be in ellect from all points on the Chicago
& -North-Western Railway for the occasions
aimed below :
San Francisco , California , G. A. R. Encamp
ment , Aug. 17-22. Special rate ( circular ist.j
Sanj'Francisco , August 17th to 22nd.
G. A. R. meeting.
Baltimore , Md. , . Sept , 21st to".2Gth ,
Sovereign Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F.
For information as to rates , dates of sale , etc.
ol these or other occassions , call upon the ticket
igent of the NorthWestern Line ,
"Ifind Thedford's Bloci-Draught
t a good medicine for liver disease.
It cured my son after ho had spent
$100 with doctors. It ia all the med
icine I tate. " MRS. CAROLINE
MARTIN , Parkersburg , W. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of Tnedford's
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels , stirs up the. torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford'a Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invites
colds , biliousness , chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. "Weak kid
neys result inBright's disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thedford's Black-
Draught should always be kept
in the house.
"I used Thedford's Black-
Dranght for liver and kidney com
plaints and found nothing to ezcel
blehead , HI.
Great Northern
at O'neil ) , Xebr.
3on ; ast , Gain ? West.
Leaves 10 ; 10 a , in. Arrives a : pO p.m. .
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
Jonnections with Elkhorn traiiisiLeast and
west-bound from all points west -O'Neill. .
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections fcr Sioux Fulls , Minne-
ipolis , St. Paul and all points > north and west ,
Buy local tickets to O'Neill.
Sioux City , Iowa