Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 03, 1903, Image 3
u * . NAMES FOR RURAL SEATa a Arc Patterning After Ett ropean * to a Great Extent. There ought to be originality enough 'to the American nation to invent appropriate - propriate names for the estates upon which rich people pass their summers but such does not aeem to be case. "Very often one's curiosity is piqued at the astounding epithets with which iome good folk christened their habi tations. Why , for intsance , has Mrs. Tom Young of New York called her , beautiful summer home Donctable ? 'It ' 1 not a family name or ic the word ' tc be found in th dictionary. The atanfling of tha my Ury r r al that 4 * * name is a Jok of Mr . Young's cracking. At the time of the and to her chagrin the staUe "done" so long In advance of the that for awhile she lived In It ate from a manger. It wa * 'these rural days which later Mrs. Young commemorated in the name. f Another interesting name of a coun- 'iry place Is Hadderway , on Long is land , a place that belongs to the at torney general and Mrs. Gilehrist. .This name blows verily the blast of tri- oimph. It Is a slight transposition of Ibe family contest concerning the "building of the place in which Mrs. -Gilchrist "hiul her way. " Infinitely more interesting we find such names than those that are hack- * neyc < l or smack of .sentimentality. Hillside , Bellvue , Oakland's , Maple- grove , rush in our minds in this eon- -uection. Nor is it well to try too .liard to emulate the great. For N. P. Willis to call his drowsy place on the Hudson Idlewild was a pretty and appropriate conceit , but the same name -becomes rather a shock when it is ap- . plled to a huge , gray 'stone mansion festooned with electric lights , posed on a high , barren hill and without a 'tree in sight. In a country so cold as England and where the land bears traces of Norse , : Saxon and Roman occupation there 'have ' naturally been preserved num- 'bers of monosyllables descriptive of various divisions of laud. Thus , Toft means a grove of trees on a hill. Croft an inclosure. Holin designates R flat stretch of country near a stream , . and "rigs" applies to high ridges of iland. The meadows were originally -divided off into "garths , " while for high , tOAverlike rocks the monosyllable -"tor" retains its usage. It can be readily seen how in combi nations these Syllables became very valuable. In this country today many of them are employed. Maycroft is perhaps as pretty as any > of the names bestowed on Long island : homes. "May" is the petit rtom of its owner , Mrs. Hermann Aldrich , and "croft" is here well used to express that the place is inclosedby a bay. JBirchwood , a house in the woods ; Beechtoft , a hill crowned with these -trees , are names readily interpreted. IPRODIGAL RETURNS AFTER WANDERING FOR 23 YEARS A nice little woolly lamb is being fattened at the Delmadge farm , near JEast Oldenliara , Orange County , N. Y. , for James S. Delmadge , who suddenly returned to his aged mother and other relatives , after having disappeared fw twenty-three years. When Jainea rras a youngster he becaro * seized with an idea that he owed it to hlm- J. DULMADQE. world. One Sunday night he stole -out of the house , and no word was ieard from him except a brief note from an aunt in Albany to say that the tooy had called on her and as sudden ly gone away. Years passed and the family gave the boy up as dead. Several days ago a stranger called at Ihe Delmadge house and John Del madge answered the knock. "Jim , " exclaimed one and "John , " said the other , and the brothers hugged one another with joy. While they were talking the mother entered the room and fell weeping into the arms of the prodigal. Young Delmadge had been seeking "his fortune on the great Western plains , but he now intends to stay at /nome. Chicago Journal. Getting : Kvcn. Mrs. Wimble It makes me so mad -to see a person stick to the end seat of a car and make every one climb over her. ' Mrs. Wamble So it does me , Mrs. Wimble. Mrs. Wimble T1 other day a woman " clung to the end seat all the way in , but I got my revenge later. , Mrs. Wamble And how was that , idear ? Mrs. Wimble I got tne end seat coming back , and A rode two miles be yond my street just on purpose to pre vent anybody else getting it Boston Transcript. Balloons Almost Safe from Guns. The difficulty in damaging a war bal loon in midair was recently shown by tests made in Austria. The experl- ifmenters anchored a balloon at a height ibf 7,000 feet and had gunners who had not been given the distance try to find the range , even approximately and not until the sixty-fourth round was the balloon hit It then sustained but a slight tear , which caused It to glowly descend. It takes an experienced undertaker to look solemn and conceal his satis faction at a funeral. ' , It seems queer , but nevertheless It's . ia fact that illness is often the result of jdrinking vrell water. HOLLAND CHARITABLE WORK. Cfenrcli and Private laatitntioaut Kx eel In tbe Aid Granted. A rec < * it report of tb.e minister of th Interior of the Netherlands Is of par tlcular interest , giving complete sta tistics of the amount expended in char liable work in Holland , says the Kevu Sclentlflque. This matter Is regulated In Holland by the law of June 28 , 1854 which recognizes four sorts of charlt able Institutions those which are ad ministered by the state , the provinces or the communes ; thos which belong to a church and are for the purpose o assisting the poor of the pariah ; th Institutions founded by lay bodita ox private Individuals , and mixed in titu tlon which are directed by-the public authorities , together with the churel or private Individuals. In all of thest cases there Is a distinction mada be tween assistance given to those who ask it of their own will and those who are ashamed to ask and are sought out In an average year the assistance a' the homes of the indigent amounts tea a little more than 14,000,000 francs of which 9,000,000 is in money and the rest in provisions , the whole being distributed among about 185,000 poor In this total of expenditures the parl played by public funds is 5,000,000 .francs , the rest being almost entirely furnished by the churches , the private institutions distributing hardly 500,000 francs. The churches distribute more money than the public institutions. The poor who do not apply for as sistance are almost exclusively cured for either by the churches or private institutions , as the public oflicials do not possess sufficient initiative to seek out the sufferers. The amount distrib uted to these "asluimed" poor repre sents an expenditure of some 1,300,000 francs , which is divided almost equally between the private and lay institu tions and the churches. The distribution of provisions and fuel reaches the modest total of 270,000 francs distributed among 15,000 poor. The source of most of this assistance is the private institutions , the public granting butT little more than 13.000 francs to 500 poor. The explanation of the relatively modest part played by the government lies in the specification in the law mentioned above that , pub lic assistance shall bo granted only when other agencies are inadequate. The charitable institutions of Holland are public , 3,400 supported by the number about 5,000 , of which 1,900 church and 450 are private. i Kerosene was first used for lighting in 1S2G. The highest mountain in the moon is at least thirty-five thousand feet ; that is six thousand feet higher than Mt Everest Goose-quill pens and drying powders are still used in English law courts and the House of Lords , and in the French Chamber of Deputies. Striking resemblance has been point ed out between the remarkable ancient ruins at Zimbabwe , in Rhodesia , and antiquities in Cornwall. England. Kite hawk * hare become so bold about the wrlao kt Buraak that they srwoop doim ea tk mess tables and seize food from tke oiaek * ' plate * . A traveler has made tlbe bs cTatkiJ ) that coffee-drinking people are very seldom given to dninJcannMW , IB Braz.ll for Instance , vrhera coffee is grown extensively and all tfc inhabitants drink it many times a day , intoxJca- tlon Is rarely seen. The effect is not only noticeable among the natives , but the foreigner who settles there , though possessed of ever such a passion for strong drink , gradually loses his lik ing for alcohol as he acquires the coffee-drinking habit of the Brazilian. Germany has a pay wedding , at whicn the bride receives her guests with a basin before her in which each person entering deposits a jewel , a sil ver spoon or a piece of money. In some parts of Germany the rule is th it the expenses of the marriage feast shall be met by each guest paying ftr what he cats or drinks. The prices paid for viands and drinks are high , and the young couple often make a aandsoine profit out of their wetldlng realizing a sum quite sufficient to start them nicely in life. A writer in Power tells us that in th best steam engines only six to fifteen ) er cent , of the c al burned actually produces power that can be used ; the rest is a dead loss. Where decs it go To begin with , twenty-two per ceiu flies up the chimney in smoke , fiv > per cc-nt. is wasted by radiant heat from the boiler : one per cent drops tin our h the grate , ten per cent is consumed in pumping water into the boiler , while Ifty-seveii per cen * goes off in stt-.mi after passing through the engine. The rest is counted for by leaks and waste heat. The centre ot ihe mothcr-of-peai 1 in dustry i > Singapore. The shell oyster s six to ten 'inches long , the larger ones weighing us much as ten pounds. It is found ou hard-bottom channels between .slanuS , where the current is strong. In gathering It a diver takes with him a ba of coir rope one-fourth of an inch in diameter , made inargo meshes , Vrhlch , while suited fohcld tag the ahell , does not impede his traveling along the bottom. The ap paratus for diving has not been Intro duced in the Philippines , although Manila shell brings the nigh price of a dollar a pound. Don't marry money : you can spend the money , but you can't spend tbo trouble you may get with it SULTAN SUBMITS riELDG COMPLETELY TO THE DE MANDS OF RUSSIA. DFFNDERSTOBE PUNISHED ORDERS HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO EXECUTE MURDERERS. RECALLED TO SEBASTOPOL Sqamdroa Han B e Ordered t * Pott of Departure. Accuser * or - . fiiaisaJmant are Liberated. St Petersburg , Aug. 24-Tbe Rus sian Black Sea squadron , ordered to Turkish waters and wbicb arrived at Iniada , European Turkey , Au ° r.l9 , to support ) Russia's demands on tbe sul tan growing out of tbe assassinationoC M. R skowski , Russian consul at Mon astir , has been recalled to Sabas'opol , tbe squadron's po nt of departure. Tbe rerall followed a notification from tbe port tbat tbe Sultan had or dered all the Russian demands to be complb-d with. The dispatch from M. Zinovieff , Rus sian ambaesador at Constantinople announcing tuat the sultan had yielded completely to Russia's demandswas as follows : "Tbe porte has taken the following measure to fulfill the demands of the Russian government In addition ta the condemnation and execution of M. Rostkowski's murderers and the pun ishment of their accomplices , those officers who made the disrespectful al lusions to M. Roskowski are dis missed from the service. A careful search is being made for the persons who fired at the consul's carriage. All the officials , twenty-four in number , whse names were handed to the porte as objects of unfavorable com ment by the Russian ambassador are removed from their posts and handed over to the justice. All private per sons mentioned in the list as guilty of various offences will likewise be tried. "Ismal Ilaki Pasha , the chief of po lice at Palanka , province of Uskub , is restored to his post. The persons un der arrest for accusing Mussulmans of outrage and abuse are liberated. Loss of Life May Be Great. Kingston , Jamaica , Aug. 24. A s ' , trooner whicb arrived here yester day morning reports that the Cayman Islandswere _ devasta cled by hurricane on the evening of August 11. Many houses at Georgetown , a village neai the west end of Grand Cayman island were detoo'ished , The vessels in the harbor were driven out to sea ; two subsequently returned , but ihe others hare sot been beard of up to August 17. It la feared tbat serious loss ol life km oacft'red. All tbe trees ad reps ar eksiroyed and a faniM H iaamiaeat. Th * people expect the gar- erarawet f Jamaica to send supplies. Seven schooners were wrecked oo tiw east side f tbe principal island. No news had been received from Cayman Brae and little Caymam up to tb time tbat the schooner left , but it was thought certain that ttoese inlands also were devestated by the cyclone. Steamer Sinks. Indianapolis , ti d. , Aug. 24. Amid scenes of panic in which some terror stricken men lost their heads and so-ight to throw women and children over board , the pleasure steamer In diana went to the bottom of the In dianapolis water company's canal at Fa rview park last evening at 7 o'c ock. Tne park officials think nobody was drowned bu : two passengers say that , they saw a wojnan with a baby sink to the bottom They did not &ee them come to the surface again and fee1 sure they were drowned. Abou fifty people wer 'mon board when the vessel nank about three-quarters of a mile above its starting point in , the canal whic i is about eight miles ] long and runs from Indianapolis tote to Bioad ripp e park. The canal is narrow and from ten to fifteen feet deep in the middle , It is not yet cer tain what sent the steamer to the bet tom. Defective machinery , overloading ing on one side.and leaks are given by different per-ons. Skiffs on the canal aided in the work of rescue of fainting women and children Thirty people were thrown into the water when the boat sank. Search is being made to see if any U > dies are at the bttom of the canal. Horse Buyers Plentiful. Belle Fourche , S. D. Aug. 24. The 5 ock Commission company Bold $10- XX ) worth of horses in one day in this jity. The average price for the tiorses was about f20 per head. The sale was made at public auct-on , there aeing buyers from all parts of the west. Five carloads of horses were shipped jast by an eastern buyer and several sirl ads wiii be taken away in tne i ' icxt few days as the result of the sa ) J TURKS TURN OH WOMEN WHOLESALE MASSACRE OF NONCOMBATANTS - COMBATANTS- Sofia , Aug. 25. With the rumors of massacres and the murder of prison ers in Monastir now authenticated the general situation is considered here as fast becoming intolerable. Official and diplomatic circles alike are con cerned , having ever/ reason to fear tbat only a part of the horrors enacted in the interior ot Macedonia have come to light. The revolutionary coaaaiittees are doing their utmost to force the hands of the government and the immediate outlook is exceedingly serious. It appears that tbe Turks have ob tained tbe upper band in the ulayet of Monastir ai d the insurgents are planning to remove the center of their activity close to the Bulgarian frontiers. Dispatches arriving tday from the distuibed area are exceed ingly gloomy. From Adrianople comes the news of a Turkish defeat and the extension of the revolutioi - ary outbreak ; from Mona-tirthe news of Turksih victories accompanitd by barbarous excesses. According to the Sofia Dnevnik the Turks committed unspeakable atroci ties at Krusnevo. The mutilated corpses of ninety women and children were found in one building : pieces of the Dcdics had been thrown into the street. Fifteen of the principal mer chants of the town were killed and t leir heads exhibited on poles at Mon. astis. The churches \\ore demolished , the houses sacked and the town is now in a heap of ashes. The popu lace fled to the hills where they are in a starving condition. The Dnevnik also a'serts that a general massacre has trken place in the whoie vilayet of Monastir. Nearly all the villages have been destroyed. The treacherous murder of eighty in surgent prisoners by their guards neai Monastis has made an especially bad impression here. Many rumors are current of mass acres in the city of Adrinople , bul confirmation is lacking. The situ ation there , however , is undoubtedly serious. Many Supposed to be Dead. Budapest , Hungary , 25. Fire broke out this evening in a four-storj building , the two lower stories ol which were occupied by a fancj goods firm and the upper floors were residential flats. There were 20U work ing people in the1 building and the escape of many of them and of the residents .on the third a > d fourth floors was cut off by the flames It if impossible as yet to ascertain the number of victims. The warehouse contained piles ol flimsy material , and the flames , whicb were detected at 7 o'clock spread with frightful rapidity and SOOE reached the residential floors. Onlj the work people near the doors below were able t scapo. Tbe reaid ata aoave seeing- their es- oape eb offt olung desperately to the wift&orc , sore&ming for help. The irwaea feekl out shoots of canvas and called to tbena to jump. Fifteen per- sr * were saved i * this way , but manj in jurnpiafc missed the sheet , nine being - ing killed a the spot , including twc children ; eight others mortally and seriously injured. From Canada to The Gulf. Guthrie , Okl , Aug. 25. The Pan American Railioad company , with a capital st ck placed at $250OOJ,0'JO was chartered by the secreta y of ; tbe ter-itory here today. The purpose of the corporation , il issair1 , is to build a line of railwaj 'extending ' from Porb Nelson , Hudsor Bay , British America , in a souther y direction , crossing the line of tbe Canadian Pacific near 'Winpepeg. through North and Soufh Dakota , Nebraska , Ka sas. Oklahoma and Ii dian Terr to y to Galvcston , Jer from G-lves > on tiirouga the rppu-lu of Mexico lo the boundry line of t. en- tral America , through the Isthmus ol Panama , tt ence 'hrough the United States of Colombia to Ecuador , and finally thioutfh the repu lie of Peru to Buenos Ayres , on the A. lau.ic ocean. Also a branch line beginning in the republic of Peru and extending in a southeasterly direction 'hrougb Braz 1 to Kio de Janeiro ; also beyinning in the republic of Peru and extending i- asoutherly dir'C ion thro igh Chili , to Valparaiso also on t he Pacific ocean. The estimated cost of the Pan- American railway is 5250.000,000 and the estimated lentitb ln,009 miles. The incorporaturs ; ire W H. Dodge , Stephen A.Sheldon S Pendieton , Eldrege G Phtlps , of Sbawnee , Okl. , and C E. Welis , of Lincoln , Neb. It is not known what outside interes's ' , if any , these men represent , The principal offices of the cmnpany are stated to be at Guthrie and Shawnee - nee , OkL Boodle Coses Postponed. Jefferson City , Mo. , Aug. 2o. The. two principal legislative boudle cases set for trial this week , those of State Senators Frank Farris and Charles A. Smith , were today continued to November 2 and 4 , respectively. Senator Farris' case which was set for today was continued because the defendant was sick , and the defense in tbe Smith case secured-a continu ance on tbe plea that Senator Farris was their principal witness. ! RELIANCE AGAIN VINS SECOND RACE BY NARROW MARGIN. 500D WIND , SMOOTH SEA SHAMROCK III TOO SLOW FOR AMERICAN DEFENDER. YACHTS WELL MATCHED I , d tr + m. th * Stare aad St atly Galai t tb Jlasal.ta . Wlas . tk fU bj 1:19. Beli&nce. Shamrocl Start 11.003 ; < J 11:02:00 : finish 2:15:30 2 : 0:10 Elapsed Time 3:14:5-1 3:18:10 Corrected Time 3:14:5 * 1:16:13 New. York' , Aug. 26. In a glorioui whole sail breeze , over a triangular course , ten miles to a leg , the fleet fuoted cup defender , Reliance , again today showed her heels to Sir Thorn as Lipton's challenger , taking the second race of the cup series of 1903 by the narrow margin of oue minute and niuereen seconds. It was as pretty and as hard a fought contest as has ever been sailed off Sandy Hook , and had the wind not fallen during the lasr. ten minutes the record for the course , three hours , twelve minutes and fifteen seconds , made by the olumbia two years ago in her mem orable race against Shamrock : II , would have been broken. As it was Reliance sailed tbe thirty miles within two minutes and thirty-nine seconds 01 the record , which speaks wonders for [ her speed in the wind that was blow- inReliance's victory , narrow as it was , would have been smaller had nol Captain Wringe , the skipper of the British ship , bungled the start , send ing his craft o/erthe line nineteei seconds after the last gun and band icapping to that extent. At even pjint of sailing the Defender's su periority was demonstrated. S h < gained one minute and filty-one see ondsin windward work , forty secondi on the run to the second mark , anc fifty-five seconds on the close reach for home. When the yachts reached the start ingliae shortly after 10 a. m. tin wind was southeast and blowing about four knots not enough to senc them over the conree within the timt limit , but there were indications thai there would be enough of it later. The preparatory signal was fired al 10:45 and the starting gun at 11 , Navigator signalled that the ract would be over a triangular course , ter miles to a leg , the first leg south , thi second northeast by easb.ln.lf east , the third northwest by wesi half-east. The wind at that time was due south and had begun t < freshen. In the preliminary jockeying Cap tain Borr of Reliance got the w nd- ward position , blanketing Shamrocl and clung to it through various ma neuvers until the warning gun had been fired , when Captain Wringe had got clear of the Reliance. At the sound of the gun Shamrock bore off to leeward and away from Reliance , while Captain Barr tackec unstarting gun was tired and crossed the line over thirty-six seconds behind the gun. Shamrock kept away fronc the Lne almo-t until the handicai gun , then tacked and crossed it , hand icapped by nineteen seconds , foi which no al owance was made for her The nineteen seconds was dead loss. Boy Found Dead. Ca'laway ' , Neb. , Aug. 27. ( Special. , Ciaus Chrlstaiasen , a lad of twelve or thirteen years of agej residimj about ten miles west of this p ace , was found dead by hi mother Satur day afternoon. The lad was herding cattle on the canons for a neighbor and as he failed to return home for dinner as was his cus om , a searcl was soon instituted by his mother anc neighbors , which culminated in the above result. It appears that the boy had beer hired by August Jaeger , a well-to-dt farmer and stockman , to herd his cat ) tie for him , and in so doing he waf assisted only by his favorite dog While the cattle would graze the boj and dog were in the habit of hunting through the canyons and hills for coy otes , badgers , rabbits , etc. , and it is supposed were doing this when he met his death. When found only his feet were protruding from a hole in'c which he had crawled and the eartb about which had caved in on h m. It is though that the dog had run some animal into the hole , when the boy attempted to crawl in and bring it out , and in so doing jarred the earth above which caused it to cave in upon him , either mashing him. 01 smothering him to death. Army Officer A Suicide. New York , Aug. 26. Frederick D P essler , stationed at Seattle in the paymaster's department , today shot and Killed himself in Carroll Park , Brooklyn. He had been reported mis sing from his borne near the park for four weeks. Captain Presslt-r was about fifty years of age , was in the army as a non-commissioned officer , but left the service two years ago. He had been in financial straihts and be * oame despondent. Notes The cbatauqua has opened at Au Durn. Tbe attendance promises tet ae the largest in history. The Harlao County Agricultural lociet ? will hold a fair at Orleamtj A-ugust 26 , 27 and 28. ' * * * Tte democrats of Lancaster eoaaty will hold their convention this after noon In the Auditorum at Li cfe. * * James Dcliey , one of tha 9ta& & ind Srst settlers of Naaet c e4y lied yesterday. Hi IcaTM MTM * * Nathan Schulz and Miu Cory were married in tbe church at Plattsmoath one day tfcia weelc. * * While In the Union Pacific yarda Dharles Wysinski , aged 11 was stru < jfc T a switch engine and almost in stantly killed. * * * York Is crowded with teachers who are attending the -Teachers' Insti tute now in session. Several prom- nent speakers will be present. * # # Plattsmouth is in the hands of tha. teachers of Sarpy and Cass counties. Mayor Morgan has turned tbe keys iver to them. They were welcomed to the city by R. B. Windbam. * * * The new Catholic church at Sllvei Creek was dedicated this week. Piiests from that part of the stafef took part in the dedicatory exercises. * * The company of eastern engineers , inspecting the Fremont and Colum bus canal projects , arrived this week. They were driven over the site and will report , later. * * * The Howard County Farmers' in stitute held a picnic at St. Paul. The attendance was large. Tberi was a ball game and other sports. An Omaha aeronaut make a balloon iscension in tbe evening. * * * Fremont was in darkness for sera time one night last week and the pumps had to be shut down for a * me. A manhole blew out of th boiler at the electric light plant. N one was hurt. * * A tel&prnne message was received by the chief of police at Plattsmoutfc from Alike Tonycfc at Ewing 'asking for his father , who is said to bav * passed through that city. Thefathei was lookng for his sons and wai 35 years old. * * * At Falls City recently James K. McDowell and Miss Eva M. Millet were married at tbe home of tht bride. The couple will be at hosss it Tecumseb after an extended west * srn trip. # * About 200 teachers are enrcited al the county Teachers' institute at Falls City. J. M. Greenwooi , oJ Kansas City , Mo. , lectured on "Ma jority Thinking versus Mtceritj Thinking11. A number of etfcei speakers were in attendance. * * Cyrus Chamberlain , a farmer neai Herman , went to town the other. Jay , filled UD on drink and while re- feu mine home was struck by a St. , Paul train. Chamberlain escaped injury - jury , but his mules were killed. Deputy Insurance Auditor Pierce , I Lincoln , discussing the reports bat many hail insurance companies vould have to suspend business be- eaus ot the large losses sustained1 luring the bail storms In this state- ays that all such companies are in safe condition. * * * An unknown young man , evidently. bout 18 or 20 years of age was killed ast week by falling from a Missouri ! Pacific freight train near Straus- ' Mile. He was not found until thei next morning when his dead body } vas discovered in the ditch beside ] he track. His head was crushed toj elly. * * * Sunday Mrs. Sherlock , who resides ) n the eastern part of Auburn , heard ) omeone trying to get in at the window. Her husband , who is ailroad man , was not at home. Sh vent to the telephone and muffling he bell , 'phoned across Ibe street to Engineer Talbot Henry , who camej cross with a shotgun and captured ] he man. ' * C. Frizzell Stllwell and Miss Etta May Botick , of Greenwood were mar led Sunday at the residence of tha iride's mother , Mrs. N. 0. Bouck , be double ring service being used , following ; tbe ceremony a wedding linner was served , with fifty guest * resent , after which the couple leffe or Shelby , Neb. They will be atf i me after September at JohnstowaJ