SistotUal Sotfaty I rv H ; ri VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 3. L9U3. iNI.HKK : : ay I ; ' tote to tote to tote to We call your attention to our large and complete tote ' " ' tote 4 ? "line of SPORTING GOODS , as the hunting season tote 49 . is almost here. We ha ve just received a large supply to 49 49 ply of Guns , Ammunition , etc. , which we would 49 be glad to have you call and inspect before pur 49 chasing elsewhere. We have all kinds and sizes of 49 49 49 49 Shot Runs , Eifles and Revolvers 49 49 * . We also have a large line of 49 ' ' * ' AQ * ? 9 Hunt " ing Coats. Tests , 49 ft * 49 49 Hats , Caps , Leggins , etc.j * 49 / 49 Drop in and see us ; it won't cost you anything. 49 * ? vt 31'7J 49 rSl fH jl KitAt'Vi i/i Kit\ ' . \ MV 49 v k i 4.v * Z/ & ft * 49 Our Line Of Summer Shirts is complete. Our Ventilated Summer Shoes for men R E Z on the feet. They have a perforated \ \ ated inner sole and air chambers to keep the feet cool. i They're neat and the most perfect shoe made. We also iI I ' ' and Children's shoes fit the have Ladies' , Misses' to i feet , Colonial Slippers and comfortable shoes for hot ik it weather. k ; T AND TAILOE CLOTHIEE. fcfr 4R Our Tin and Sheet Iron work can't be beat. A first class tinner and good material to work with. Guns and Ammunition tote Haymakers Tools tote < ? TT - , , , . v to * ? Undertaking , to < ? to 4 ? ' to g /General Hardware , Stoves and Rang- Q-es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and to w Eurniture , windmills and Pumps , to & * ' FRAHK FISCHER , | to JAMES B. HULL THE OWL Proprietor. Sole Agents for ' ' ' - HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast. Chartered as-a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank ' ' June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) 0 ± " CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H , CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. Y , NICHOLSON , Cashier. TALK OF THE TOWN ' Local Weather Record U. H. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau I Valentine. Nebraska , week ending C a. rn. A must 23. 1903 , Maximum temperature 90 degrees on the 2ivl Minimum temperature.19 decrees oil ( he 30th. Mean temperatiirt * . 674 degrees , which is 04 decree above the normal. Total precipitation , 0.03 im-h which is 0 31 inch below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Ofllcml in Charge. Fancy China at Mrs. "Elmore's Dr. DeBell was down from the agency Monday. Geo. Stover , of Merriman , was in town a couple of days this week. Dr. Compton reports a boy born to E. C. Bock and wife Aug 25th. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Mrs. A. Bailey , of Woodlakc , was in the city a couple of days doctoring. Fred Whittcmore , pros , of the Valentine State bank , was in town this week. Paul Viertel and E. D. Spencer were down from Crookston Tues day evening. Geo. Cyphers is home for a months vacation from his work at Pine Kidge. K. S. Dennis is batching while his wife visits her father S. B. Downing of Norclen. Black Spotted Horse and his wife Mrs. Edwin Jordan went up to Deadwood Monday evening. C. B. Parsons , of Pine Reidge , spent several days in town the past week in company with Farmer Chas. Eads was badly scalded last week while trying a steam en gine which he and Frank Fischer had made. Miss Tacy Collett returned from Omaha and St. Louis last Friday where she had been to select goods for her store. S. W. Cyphers , a brother of Mark , the milk man , is here from N. J. on a visit. He is a tailor and talks of locating1 here. Chas. D. Simmons , of Nenzel , was in our city last week and while iiere gave an exhibition of his- skill as a phrenologist to some of the boys. boys.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cole returned to their home at A\rhitman last Satur day. Mrs. Bullis and Miss Lucilla Stinard accompanied them for a . . . X visit. Mrs. Belle Pfunder and daughter - ter , Dolly , are visiting with friends in town. Miss Ruth returned to ; heir home at Norfolk the first of ihe week. Julius Raurer and wife were down Wednesday of last week on 3usiness and attended the speaking : or silver medal at the church that evening. Miss Viola Brosius brought to ; his office last week a twig bearing ; hree nice specimens of crab ap ples which was grown on their farm north of town. On Sept. 8th Dr. E. C. Horn of Alliance will be here to deliver his ecture entitled , "Around the World" , and illustrated with 100 stereoptican views. * Col. Jordan came down from Rosebud to send his children to school this week. Young Red Cloud H and John go to Omaha , and Mary to Chicago. Lee Layport returned from Lin coln last Friday , having taken Daisy Goodin to the hospital for the feeble minded , she having been adjudged insane by the insanity board. \ Stop at Quiglcy 1 Chapman's and get a quart of Ice Cream for . the family. 2i 10 Miss Anna Ashburn was bucked oil'a horse at the ranch last week and hurt her head and shoulders. She was brought to town and is getting along all right. Henry Stetter went up to Hot Springs last Friday and returned Monday morning with his wife and little boy. Mrs. Stetter is much improved m health and is glad to be back home again. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rrayton returned from Omaha Friday mor ning where they had been for sev eral days selecting furniture and household goods for their new dwel ling which is nearly completed. Wm. Brown , of Stillwater , Okla. visited his relatives here last week. He is a brother of Henry , FT. K. , Mrs. McCroa , Mrs. George , and Mrs. Tom Hudson. They had a reunion down at Henry's while Wm. was here. J. D. McLean brought ; his chil dren , Sam , Addie and Robert , down from the reservation Mon day and strated them to Haskcll Institute at Lawrence , Kan. D. L. McLain also sent his children off to school. At the silver medal contests held under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Wednesday evening of last week , Miss Frances Harden re ceived the mcdjJ aad Miss Noy Ashburn 2nd prize. The other speakers Misses Maggie Simpson , Florence Kletecua and Ada Lewis also did well. Frank Frush has had a streak of luck lately. Frank thinks it was bad. He was roping a heifer Tues day of last week when his horse's feet slipped out from under him and fell across Frank's leg smash ing his ankle and while yet using a crutch was out Saturday helping cut out some cattle to ship when his horse fell again and dislocated his right shoulder. Dr. Dwyer set it a half hour later and he's doing first rate now. We enjoyed a pleasant visit from . C. Riggs , of Woodlake , Tues day. He came to look after busi ness and placed an ad in the Dem ocrat offering1 a house and lot and some cattle for sale. Mr. Riggs will leave us in the fall if he can dispose of his property here. He intends going back to Virginia near Richmond to live. We'll miss his pleasant countenance and Cherry county will lose a good citizen. Many highly complimented men are no more worthy * Obe Church had his team hitched to a spring wagon and standing in front of his store last Friday when it became scared at the sun shade flopping in the wind and started to run. The horses ran across the street in front of the meat market of Henry Stetter and came near runninginto the building but whirl ed down the side walk and out in front of the postoffice taking out a couple of porch posts , then across to the corner of the Palace saloon where they were caught. Obe went around with his hammer and fixed things up. Old Settlers Saturday Sept. 19th is the- big day at Britt , Nebr. They're go ing to have a fine program and all kinds of sports. . Here's some of them : Ball game . . ' Purse $2r 00 Horse race 12 00 Broke saddle horses. 10 03 Pony race 8 Oo Toot race 3 00 Boy's foot nice 2 00 Nail driving contest 3 00 shoe race for boys " i 00 Long jump - . . 2 00 Free hay and pasture. 5 ? \Vliite : mcl Tan , handsomely embroidered. The season's | j swell waists . § 4.00 to § 6.00 g < ? BShsck BVau < ! ' X i - Wutw * > * I ? Well made , handsome waists of finest material , art dc- sign 85.00 to $6.00 ' 2 TailVta Silk Waists 49 All colors. Dainty , pretty , scrviccabl..68 .00 and 85.00& " * * * * f * fa J "lZ t * * J ? Black , white and all colors. Come in waist patterns only. & 49 Every pattern different 'Toe per yard. Silk Oxfords * 4 % All Colors Soc per yard. Voi | < 'w 4 $ Blue and black 81.25 per yard. IA O JflercerixeU Oxfords " ' ? Ljt f ' % i ' cf1 49 Very handsome 81.25 per yard fo * Honvy Wij * j Black , white and blue . * - . . . . . .8l.'T5 per yard i > jj Special Sale j * * ? Wright and Ditson Tennis Balls . 45c a piece. & Davenport & Thacher - * GENERAL MERCHANTS * Our Spring Goods are now in and we are'prepared to figure with you in any thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If you are in need of any ' Farming Implements let us figure with"you. . ' MAX B. VIEETBL XEBKASKA Our Groceries 5S Are best for GOOD LIVING. You get satis faction from Good Groceries and we get satis faction in furnishing them. We gLve you. the best in quality at a price you are willing to pay. . A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. TOOL Sweeps , Loaders and Eakes And in fact everything needed in the hay field. Corn Harvesters , Shredders and Potato . Diggers - Almost household necessities. - Eclipse Windmills , Gasoline Engines , Pumps , Cylinders and Well Pipe : O33LO SS OOt T'OTTU'OItt OOJS3 ? * . Lumber for Corrals. | Lime , Plaster , Stucco and Hair when you are building. SPECIAL PEICE on Barb Wire. We want you to know that we have every thing-usually kept'in our line. Come in and feel at h'ome. LUMBER CO. L. 0. SPARKS , Manager. DO YOU WANT A WINDMILLi"Tr The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps" and "Tanks. First door south of the DonoherHouse * - . * v ' Highest casli price paid for Hides and Furs. S.MOON . . . Valentine , Nebr