Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 27, 1903, Image 2

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I. M KICK , Pub/iaher.
Worry is a bad bedfellow. Kick it
Speaking of votes , It Isn't quality ,
but quantity , that'counts.
A preferred creditor is one whenever
never asks for his money.
Many a man goes to the bad because
lie attempts to pose as a good fellow.
Bachelors may lead blissful lives ,
but you can't make a spinster believe
Don't forget there is always a wrong
side to a question aa well as your
Lay figures form a very important
Item in the stock equipment of a poul
try farm.
Any meek and lowly man can get
his wife's undivided attention by talk
ing in his sleep.
There is certainly enough money
spent on the road to ruin to keep it
in 'excellent repair.
At the age of 127 this country's re
markable vitality may be attributed to
its wonderful constitution-
1 . .
Men laugh ft trotfble and women cry
over it , or at I&asp thar > { e way" { hey
tjsually act at a wedding. t
f ; \
There Is likely to be a bitter tastu l
hi a man's mouth afier he has been
forced to eat his own words.
The trouble with trouble is that most
people can't distinguish between the
genuine article and the counterfeit
" A Kansas City man dropped dead
while sawing wood. A most sensible
mgn if there was much more wood in
. i
Abdul II. may not have much money
for paying his debts , but he can al
ways find car fare for a few army
If a man is unable to boast of what
his ancestors accomplished it is up
to him to do something on his own
Mr. Harry Lehr's latest triumph is a
parrot that sits on his shoulder at din
ner aud swears , Mr. Lehr's efforts aa
an uplifter continue to be inspiring.
King Peter promises his devoted sub
jects that he will raise the army to a
height worthy the hope of the Servian
oeople. Always providing the army
doesn't raze him first
Often a man spends more for fire
crackers than he could get for hb
vote. About as often , also , , he puts
more patriotism in the Fourth thau
he does In the ballot box.
America was well represented at the
last court of the se non held at Buck
ingham Palace. Once we had "taxation
without representation , " now it is
representation without taxation. How
times change !
England's king has awarded a medal
to the American architect who re
modeled the white house. The least
we can do in return Is to offer a vote
of thanks to the gardener who is keepIng -
Ing the grounds around Windsor Castle
in good order.
A French journalist Is worried be
cause there is no distinctive word for
citizens of the United States. He
suggests "Unistatists. " A Toledo ,
Ohio , man thinks this is to.o long to
become popular , and Jrecommends
'Unites ; " but the Cleveland Plain
Dealer , regarding this also as too long ,
suggests dropping the first and last
syllables , leaving "It"
Five life positions in the government
service , to which a salary beginning
at twenty-seven hundred dollars a year
is attached , have been going begging.
They are in the corps of civil en
gineers in the navy department After
Jive years' service the pay is increased ,
and at the end of ten years it is thirty-
five hundred dollars. There must be
either a dearth of civil engineers , or
ihf demand for them In ordinary busi
ness must be so great that the pay of
fered by the government does not tempt
them. Of one thing there can be no
doubt : this profession offers greater
attractions to young men than it did
twenty years ago.
For preserving the peace in a partly
civilized country a railway , accoMing
to a famous statesman , is worth more
than an army corps. Although the
railways which are building from
Haifa to Damascus hi Ftlestine , and
from Damascus southward toward
Mecca , are primarily for military pur
poses , Uiey will open up a country
which was prosperous and fertile two
thousand years ago , but has since be
come one of the waste places of the
earth. They are already using Ameri
can harvesting machines on the plain
of .Tezreel. When the proposed rail
ways are finished there will be a de
mand for the accompanying modern
agricultural machines. Galile and
the country beyond Jordan will again
Itlossnni as the rose.
We have of late years grown , ac
customed to the Idea of old age pen-
sions for employes of railways , and
of other large establishments , in this
country. The same idea is carried out
in other countries by the government ,
and has taken shape almost simultan
eously in places far apart. In New
Zealand citizens who have been self-
supporting and self respecting , and
wh seincome from private sources falls
below a fixed minimum , are given a
pension graded according to their
needs , when they have reached the
age of sixty-five years. In Denmark
a somewhat similar plan prevails. A
pension is given at the age of sixty ,
varying from $2.25 to $4.50 per month ,
according to the locality in which the
person lives. This .law has been in
operation in Denmark for a dozen
years. A pension system exists also
In Germany , and in France , Austria
and England plans aud laws looking
in the same direction are being seri
ously discussed.
People may find it hard to believe ,
when surrounded with every luxury ,
that the money in the bank may some
day suddenly melt away like a snow
drift in the spring sun. But it hap
pens 'so sometimes. And poverty is
most unkind to those who have once
known opulence. Ten years ago , Jas.
B. Leddon was one of the wealthy men
of Boston. He was a broker , rated at
nt least a half million. But the panic
of ' 93 cleaned him out and left him
penniless and broken in spirit His
abilities seem to have been atrophied ,
for he never got up in finance again.
The other day he was arrested in New
York for permitting his children to
peddle on the streets. For two years
he had been living in a small , miser
able room , supported wholly by his
two daughters.aged eleven and tiilr- '
teen , who sold perfumery. A thirteen-
year-old boy is in the juvenile asylum.
Now , broken hearted and. disgraced ,
the once rich man lies in prison , sep
arated from his children and charged
with violating a city ordinance. It is
a pathetic but significant rebuke to
the insolence of wealth. People are
apt to entertain the idea that if they
can only get rich they are fixed for
this world , if not for the next Usual
ly , a man who loves money well
enough to accumulate a large forhme
loves it well enough to cling to it. But
not always , as this case , and many an
other testify. Money is a nice thing
to have , but it is not a safe thing to
fasten one's life ambition upon or to
pin all of one's hopes to.
The novels that have been most
popular in the last year in England
represent a rather marked departure
from the general taste that had pre
vailed for several years. Apparently
our English cousins have not only
eschewed m great measure the histori
cal romance that has so long maintain
ed its sway there , as in this country ,
but their preference of the last year
denotes that the literature of gloom
is again in the ascendant It may
be said for the historical romance that ,
while it was frequently meretricious
in the kind of entertainment it served
up , it was at least unimpeachable as
to its moral effect On the other hand ,
the non-historical novels that have met
with : i cordial reception this year in
England are , broadly speaking , of
quite a different character. The note
is the note of depression rather than
that of optimism. It would be a one
sided attitude , a narrow theory of art ,
to hold that fiction should only treat
of human happiness. Misery , the irony
of circumstance , the million defects
of civilization and their tragic in
fluence on the individual soul , are all
too well known , too obviously facts
to permit of their being ignored in the
novel of realities. The writer of stories
must perforce accept the material of
life. It is the smalluess of heart , the
lack of the higher charities of truth-
portraying in the fiction of the pres
ent that impairs its worth. One re
ceives hardly more thau a cold-photo
graphic record of life , a comfortless
reiteration of the wisdom with which
the soul of man is already overstored.
What is the pleasure one takes in the
clever execution of such pictures of
human experience compared with the
satisfaction that one feels in the novel
wherein is encountered on every page
the presence of one who desires to
lift the load of humanity as well as
ably describe it ? It is the quality of
sympathy that , after all , counts the
most in novel writing , and without it
the story treating of the bitterness of
mundane things is seldom truly worth
the reading.
On Dangerous Ground.
"Now , bishop , how old do you think
I am ? " coyly asked a literary spinster
ofimil ; whose unfailing courtesy was
s > -i'i l ineuted by his.wit on many oc
"My dear lady , that is a hard ques
tion for a man who can scarcely re
member his own age , " said the bishop ,
cautiously , "and in your case it is par
ticularly difficult , for you look five
years younger than it seems possible
you can be , when I consider what a
wonderful amount you have accom
plished. "
Sea Elephant Captured.
A southern sea elephant captured bj
a w.haling vessel on an island in the
antarctic circle has been received 03
the National Museum at Washington
It is an amphibian , with but the sug
gestion of a trunk , which has no pre
hensile power.
Dining Cars in Japan.
The dining car has made its appear
ance on Japanese railways.
When any one is very far behind thi
times , we always imagine that one 01
his most cherished possessions is "Th/
Letter "Writer's Friend. "
General Tendency la Toward Plain
ness in Trimming and Cut Kouxh
Goods Will Bo Mnch Used Notes on
Gotham Modes.
New York correspondence :
OUR economizer is
favored in the skirt
fashions set for fall
and winter. She
may not be able to
manage all the
jmv models pre
sented , but some of
them she'll find
nicely adapted to
making over and
utilising sizeable
remnants. Skirts
are to be intricate ,
you see , with a
good deal of cut
ting of the goods.
Especially will the
skimper find satis-
faction in the indorsement given to two
ind three flounce skirts. They give
j > lendid chance for making over old
Iresses. In these new skirts the fullness
is gained at the bottom without the bulk
.it hips and waist that shirred and gath
ered models give. That is a decided gain
for stout women , too. Some pretty mod
els have the ruffles graduated , some are
in fancy points and others are made of
accordeon pleating * . These latter , of
course , may be followed only in the very
llifht material * .
There are current , as any obeervant
woman knows , a host of gathered and
shirred models. They're very pretty , too ,
in light Biimmery stuffs , but most of them
would be altogether too bulky in die
heavier weaves that Boon will be sea-
ma-ble. Yet it seems unlikely that all
these pretrty skirts will be turned down
hard just because Jack Frost has made
his appearance. Some of the many that
would he impossible in goods of winter
weight probably will be retained in the
lighter weaves employed for evening , and
others will be cleverly modified so that
gathering or shirring may be retained
with little increase of bulk. The short
skirt that is , the walking ekirt designed
just to clear the ground is well entab
iished , and the coming season hardly will
see any other model on the street. The
rhree-quarters length coat is quite tin1
prettiest coat to go with these skirts , and
a suit thus composed , either in box-pleat .
side pleats or plainer arrangement. i <
quite the thing.
The newer materials shown for thick
fall and winter suits include heavy ,
mannish goods again , both in plain ma-
orating has been very trying for them.
Many new heavy suitings are fancifully
rough , showing large knobs , twists and
knots , features that suggest dreasy uses
for the fabrics. Collarless styles are go
ing out , and almost all the new models
show collars of one kind or another. Dark
velvet collars are seen here and there ,
and there seems to be a turning back to
styles of two or three seasons ago. Wom
en who don't want to give up th larger
sleeves may compromise with a sleeve
showing a few pleats and juBt a. little
fullness at the wrist. But those who lika
the plain coat sleeve , with or without
the turnback cuff , may have it and feel
sure of being in style. Stitching will be
the stand-by in finish , for women with
good figures and skilled tailors ar n't
going to disguise by a lot of trimming !
the display made of their proportion * .
The accompanying pictures , especially
the first two of them , show some of th *
new skirts suggested in the foregoing.
The pointed ruffle model was gray taffeta.
A yoke of black chantilly over white silk
trimmed the accompanying bodice. Of
the two triple skirts , one was gray can
vas cloth embroidered in gray silk , and
the other was accordeon pleated soft
black taffeta , with edges pinked. The
bodice of the first of this pair showed
the shawl shoulder droop. The other had
a yoke of figured net over white. In the i j
concluding illustration are skirt models '
showing less radical changes from sum- '
inor fafhious. The double skirt was '
dark'blue otamine and white guipure , the
bodice matching and having a girdle belt | (
of blue velvet with steel buckles. Coffee
colored voile and lace to match were combined - .
bined in the dress next shown , and soft J
green voile and Irish lace made up the '
third gown , a darker green velvet girdle
being added. Such models as these last
two show conclusively that she who is
fond of elaborations may hav ' * m in
Colored belts have added to th beau
ties of summer gowns and ar * > to be con
tinued. There is a wide range in the
ways in which they are to be used. When
colored leather belts first came into use it
was said that they were to give the same
color to the whole suit and a wild scram
ble was made to match the gown's ma
terial exactly in the fancy belt. But now
contrasts are seen more often than are
marchings. Bright red belts "with black
skirts and white shirt waists are pretty
and striking. The belts are. for the most
part , narrow , just covering the band of
the skirt.
Fashion Notes.
.V Louis jacket in flowered silk is a
chnrmiiiE thing to wear over sheer sum
mer skirts.
No straight lines are seen on the sum
mer hats ; the brims are gracefully curv
ed on all sides.
, S low waist of lace is one of the very
smartest oveniug bodices a woman can this summer.
The prevalence of white and the pro-
terials and large plaids. The rougher
: he fabric , the better it will be liked , of
, o it is promised , and It is noticeable
that with the appearance of the heavier
. 'flods. the plainer modds of tailoring are
.ppearing. It is a relief after the abun-
liiit decoration of recent seasons to sea
ilainer models. Some of the early ones
.R'ered for the coming -winter are aa plain
's possible. Even the sleeves are the
! d plain ooar sleeves , and absolute fit is
V ote : t'-iin essential. Tailors are re-
< i\c\n \ \ . for : he period of SJrtremw hi dec-
fusion of lace are the noticeable features
of aJl fashionable gatherings. [
A stock and girdle of almond green
taffeta is an effective bit of coloring for
either -white or a black waist.
Shoulder collars of all kinds are gradually -
ually growing deeper and deeper , so that
now they really should all be termed
The bertha , such a fashionable bodice
decoration this year , is universally made
of whitelace , even is a gamitur * e
black waists.
Chicago now pays her superintendent
> f schools $10,000 a year.
The bubonic plague , which has now
: > een in India more than six years ,
ihows no sign of abating.
The largest camp of the Gideons , the
> rganization of Christian commercial
men , Is in Chicgao.
There are 1,575 Young Men's Christ
ian Associations In America , with 323-
J24 members and $23,000,000 worth of
Mrs. Leland Stanford is said to carry
a larger amount of insurance than any
other woman In the world. Her policies
amount to more than a million dollars
Reporter ( in the Mastadomistoria )
Is it true , Mr. Goldwaller , that you
have bought this hotel ? Innumerabil
lionaire No sir ! It is not necessary
I can afford to be a guest. Puck.
The prefect of the Seine having pla
carded Paris with posters describing
the terrible effects of alcohol anil ab
sinthe drinking , the cafe pioprietors
each tiled a damage suit against .him
An amateur statistician in one of the
government departments has figured
out the interesting fact that it is about
seven times safer to travel on the rail
ways of the United States than to staj
at home.
The Kaiser has recently become a
landowner in Switzerland by means of
a legacy. A wealthy German merchant
bequeathed to the Emperor a whole
alp , known as the Iffigen alp , in , the
canton of Berne.
King Edward has given orders foi
the disbandment of his private band ,
one of the ancient features of his
court. In its present form it was es
tablished by Charles II. It is com
posed of thirty-four musicians , under
the direction of Sir Walter Parratt ,
"mas'er of the musick. "
A loving cup of pld English jack-
Wo d. oiice owned by Bishop Asbury's
mother , and frequently used as a sacra
mental cup by John Wesley when he
administered the sacrament to the lit
tle band of Methodists at the Asbury
home , has just been given to the Wesleyan -
leyan University , Middletoun , ( Vnn.
The Belgian authorities in Africa
have threatened the American Pr , sby-
terians with forcible eviction unless
they vacate their station on the Kasai
River , and other missionaries have
been expelled from Juapa , because of
the activity of Protestant m'ssioraiirs
in exposing the horrors of the awful
barbarities for which Belgian authori
ties are responsible.
Count de la Vaulx , who tried last
fall to cross the Mediterranean in a
balloon and failed , owing to bad
weather , is reconstructing his balloon
and will make the trial again this year.
His ballast will be in the form of wa
ter pumped up through a hose , the
lower end of which trails in the sea.
When the balloon rises more water is
pumped up , ami when it descends some
is let out.
The cut-rate cigar has become one of
the abominations of New York. A
mau may walk the length of a show
case looking in vain for a plain ten-
cent cigar. In half the shops this tra
ditional smoke cannot be found. He
can find any number of "two for 17s , "
"three for Us" and "six for 31s. " but
that good okl ten-cent cigar of his
father's and his own early manhood
has vanished. New York Letter.
Heir to British Throne Has No Ele
ments of Popularity.
Far and away the three most popular
members of the royal family to-day are
the king and queen and little Prince
Edward , eldest son of the Prince of
Wales. That the king and queen
would be popular everyone expected ;
they always were as Prince and Prin
cess of Wales. But the present prince
and princess are about the least popu
lar members of fhe house of Hanover.
Prince George , the ' 'sailor prince , "
was once almost idolized by the crowd ,
says the New York Times , but that
was when he was a sailor. Since he
gave up the sea he has drifted back in
public regard. It is some years ago
that , after a prolonged period of in
activity , he suddenly took it into his
head to command a battleship and
started on a cruise. The British press
wept tears of joy and he was the hereof
of the hour. But after a few Aveeks
"the ship came back" and the royal
commander has given himself leave
of absence on shore ever since.
When he was younger he took his
profession very seriously and never
shirked the dlsagreeableness connected
with it There is a perfectly true sto
ry of his ship , when he was a lieuten
ant , touching at a Turkish porf. The
local governor at once came to pay
his respects to the royal prince. The
ship was coaling , operations being
commanded by the officer of the watch ,
black as a negro from coal dust , and
perspiring freely. The admiral re
ceived the pasha , who explained that
he came to pay his respects to the
queen's grandson.
"He is on duty just now , " explained
the sailor ; "there he is , " pointing to
the hot and dirty officer. No wonder
the public liked a man who did his
lay's work and never flinched nor
sheltered himself from irksome tasks
behind his title.
The trouble with the prince to-day
seems to be that his health is indiffer
ent. Whether his severe attack of fe-
rer just after his elder brother's death
has weakened him , orwhether , as
some say , It la a matter of weak di
gestion , one cannot tell , but he is not
, and has to take great care of
himself. At Buckingham palace they
keep late hours ; the king seldom re
tires before midnight. At Marlborouglr
house the prince goes to bed much
earlier and never sits up late. He-
hates horse racing and never goes to >
Newmarket or other races If he can
' possibly avaid it. The present king's-
! death will be a great blow to the popu
larity of racing.
All members of the royal family-
. avoid -witnessing cricket or football
matches , but the prince seems to dis
like agricultural shows as well. His
( chief hobby Is fishing , and this gives
a hint to his character , for a flsheriuart
is. as a rule , quiet , reserved and fond
of solitude. The long and short of it
is there will be a slump in loyalty
when George V. comes to the throne , ,
unless he comes out of his shell and ;
imitates bis royal father's geniality.
ItVaa One Lost on a Pullman Car uml
Found by an Honest Traveler.
W. J. Snyder. an insurance man of
this city. Is looking for the owner era
a 1,000 bank note which he found
in the snaking compartment of a Pullman
'on . The-
man car the Reading road. ,
note was a brand-now yellow gold cer
tificate. He thinks he knows the man
who dropped it , but he cannot find
On the way from Now York last
Friday evening Snyder fell into conversation - '
versation with a flashily dressed mam
who seemed to be in high spirits anil ,
ready to tell the story of life life OIL
the slightest pretext. Incidentally he-
remarked that luck was coming his
way. and that he had just won $12,000-
on the races at Morris Park.
When Snyder's face betrayed as.
shade of doubt at this statement the-
stranger drew out a fat wallet from ,
his inside pocket and showed a large *
bunch of yellow notes. Snyder left the-
compartment without learningthe -
lucky individual's name.
Half an hour later , as the train'
was approaching the terminal , Snyder
returned to the smoking compartment
to light a cigarette. In doing this he
accidentally upset the box of safety
matche ? on the floor of the car. In
reaching down to pick them up agaim
his hand encountered a crisp $1,000 *
nate. lie stared at it in amazement
for a minute and then made a hasty-
tour of the train , seeking the man who *
had exhibited his wraith so freely a.
short time before. But that gentle
man had left the train.
Snyder thereupon told the conductor
of his find , reports the Philadelphia
North American. The latter demanded ,
that the bill be turned over to his.
keeping as railroad property. Snyder
refused to do so , but handed the con
ductor a visiting card with his name-
and address.
Next morning he deposited the note
with a downtown trust company. Later
Snyder told the story to the president
of the institution. The money now
awaits its original owner.
HOTT They Are Made for the Trade -
Sin-rer'a Voice.
"Did you know , " said the dealer In
electrical novelties to a Philadelphia
Record writer , "that there are a num
ber of men who make their living by
singing into phonographs by making :
records ? Yes , " he went on , "some of
these chaps earn from $40 to ? 50 a day.
"Their work requires a voice a
strong and a pnysique as powerful as
a grand opera singer's. You. must yell
into a phonograph at the tip-top of
your lungs , yon know , In order to make
a good record , and for you and me to
yell like that would prostrate us in
about four minutes. But the profes
sional record maker has a leather
throat and a steel constitution , and
you can't wear him out.
"He makes four records at a time.
He sits at his piano , and trained upon
him are the horns of four phonographs , ,
each at a certain angle. The angle Is
an important matter. It must be accu
rate or the record is not good. If the
angle is an Inch out it is necessary to
destroy the record.
"So at his piano sits the singer , and
into the four horns he bellows as loud
as he can. When the song Is done he
removes the cylinders and puts others
in their place. He makes four clyin-
ders at a time , and to make 150 he re
gards as a very good day's work.
"You get for making these cylinders
from 25 to 50 cents ; though , of course ,
you get much more than that If you
are a well-known person. A speech by
President Roosevelt , for instance
would be worth considerably over 50
cents , and if Adelina Patti shall sing-
into some phonographs when she
comes over here I know she Is to be
asked to It is safe to say that she will
demand more than 25 or 50 cents a rec
ord. "
Breakfast Food.
People who are accustomed to par
take of dry toast and hot water for
breakfast will enjoy the point of view
of a waiter in a restaurant of the far
West , as told by the New York Times i
The traveler from the East took his"
seat at the table one pleasant morn-
ng and gazed pensively out of the win
dow until some one approached.
"Have you any breakfast food ? " he
"Well , I guess "
yes , cheerfully re
sponded the cowboy waiter. "We got
ham and eggs , fried
sausage , chuck
steak , spareribs , mutton chops , corn-
beef hash , hog and hominy , light bread * ,
heavy bread , hot bread , cold bread ,
corn bread , apple butter , peach butter
cow butter , coffee , tea and buttermilk !
Breakfast food ! Why , that's our win
ner. Name yonr grub. "
Pew Jap Women in New fork.
In the colony of Japanese in New
York city there are about 1,000 men.
and but thirty women.