Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 20, 1903, Image 7

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    ll -i * _
Compelled to Be on Her Feet the Larger Part
of the Day Finds a Tonic in Pe = ru = na.
Miss C rlan , of St
Paul , Gives Her
street , St. Paul , Minn. , bead sales-
'Tror.van in a department store , writes :
" / have charge of a department In a
I dry gods store , and after standing
the larger part of the day , I would go
I borne with a dull ache , generally
( through my entire body. I used PC-
, rurm and fed so much better that I
t to and from the store now. I
Perana to be the best medicine
on the market forthe diseases peculiar
to women. " Miss Nellie Curtain
Nothing is so weakening to the human
( system as the constant loss of mucus. inflammation of the mucous
membrane produces an excessive forma
tion of mucus. Whether the mucous
iinenibrane be located in the head or
In 1870 the German people barely
exceeded 40,000.000 in 1S5 they bad
risen to nearly 47,000 000 , and i'i 1900
the census returns save 56 345,014
Statistics show that in fifty years
th ° average height of British men
has risen an inch. Tne present
average height for aman of 30 is five
feet eight and one-half inches.
1 have alvYaysf been a quarter of
an hour before my time , and it has
made a man of me. Lord Nelson.
In the body of a horse that died
suddenly at Newport ( Yorks ) the
veterinary surgeon who made a post
mortem examintion discoverd three
large stones , oce of them nearly as
large as a cricket ball.
The Summer Bath.
Nothing is more refreshing or invigor
ating in summer than a daily bath. Use
soft , tepid water and good soap. Ivory
soap is ideal for the bath ; it is pure ,
lathers quickly and leaves the skin soft
and white. Th bath should be taken
early in the morning or just before re
tiring at night.
As the outcome of much painstak
ing investigation the'existance has
been demonstrated of class of hu
man beings called moral imbeciles.
Their essential character is rorn-
plete moral insensibility , revealed
by a total absence of repugnance to
the suggestion of crime before the
A dentist in Moscow is a wonder
in his line He has invented a sys
tem by which false teeth can be
made to adhere to the gums so firm
ly that in three months it is diffi
cult to , extract them. This Russian
tooth-grafter hopes in time to be
able to rival nature by making artifi
cial girnders that ache.
An electric gridiron has been de
vised to kill fl es. It stands vertic
ally , and the moment a fly alights
N. N. U.f 785-34 YORK , NEB
Permanently Cured. wonts ornerrouinessatier
flrrt d y' use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Re-
ftorec. 8dforFKEEa.OP'ri lbottteandtreatl- * .
DR. B. H. KLINE. Ltd. . 831 Arc.1 St. . Philadelphia. Pa-
pelric organs , the discharge of mucus
is sure to occur.
This discharge of mucus constitutes
a weakening drain ; the ejstein cannot
Ion ? withstand the loss of mncus ,
houce it is that women afflicted with
catarrhal affections of the pelvic or
gans feel tired and languid , wilih weak
back and throbbing brain. A course of.
Peruna is sure to restore health by
cutting off the weakening drain of the
daily ' < > ss of mucus.
An Admirable Tonic.
Congressman Mark H. Dunnell , Na
tional Hotel , Washington , D. C. , writes :
"Your Peruna being used by myself
and many of my friends and acquaint
ances not only as a cure for catarrh
but also as an admirable tonic for phy
sical recuperation , I gladly recommend
it to all persons requiring such reme
dies. " Mark H. Dunnell.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the UPe of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus , O.
It would never do for a burglar to
go into politics , because he wouldn't
have never enough.
It may be logic , but ; there is more
tlit life in the country than in tLie
city apartment houses.
The United States has ten battleships /
ships built and ten building.
Headings from che bible are now
being given in Berlin by professional
upon it death ensues from electric ,
shock. Tne dead fly drops onto a' '
horizontal shelf nu3eneath
Some of the healthiest snd grace
fully formed people of Europe are
the gypsies of Hungary. They are
rarely illtheir cheeks are rose tinted
and so pure Is their blood that their
wounds quickly heal without the !
application of medicaments.
Make yourself necessary to the
world and mankind will give you' '
Have a heart that never hardens , a
temper that never tires , and touch
that never hurts. Charles Dickens.
Women go callling in a grand
opera key ; they stay at home with
the family to rag time.
Drop stitch stockings are straining
more eyes these days than the bright
A law recently enacted by the
leigslature of Louisiana punishes
with imprisonment and hard labor
husbands who desert or fail to sup
port their wives and children. The
wives of lazy husbands hang over the1
mantle a framed copy of the law , '
but this query in red ink , "Now1
Will You Be Good. "
When a girl refuses to marry a
duke it is because he refuses to ask
Busy Merchant W H , sir , wiat d *
yon -want ?
Timit Yootb Y-ym * Aurgbter'a
Busy Merchant Cant ftra ft to
you , air. Either take hp ntir 01
leave her. We are not dobv " " In
Nature seems to hate a mn ; the
summers are either too -wet or" too dry.
A weed always eets alonz.
Eat Frnit and Green Vegetables li
You Would Improre Your Looks.
Do you wish to be beautiful ? Or , ii
you possess beauty already , are you
anxious to retain it ?
The clianc'es ' are , in either case , thai
the answer is yes. Well , then , it all
depends to a great extent upon whal
you eat. Certain kinds of food encour
age pulchritude , while others have ar
opposite tendency. It is worth whih
to know how to regulate your diel
with a view to acquiring beauty , iJ
you nave it not , or to retaining it li
you arc its fortunate possessor.
At the present time Uncle Sam is
cultivating , on his experimental farm
near Washington , a beauty-making
phmt. It is called the "fenugreek , "
and the seeds of it are oaten by the
womeu of Algeria to make them beau
tiful. Their belief is that it makes
them plump and improves their com
plexions. But the government experts
as yet have not reached a satisfactory
conclusion as to whether this faith is
justified or not. It may be correct ,
but judgment on the point is sus
However , there are foods which un
deniably are beauty-makers. It is
worth any woman's while to know
what they are , and to try them un
less , perchance , she is so perfect phy
sically as not to need them in hei
own case , and for her own advantage
"The best of all beauty-making foods
are fresh fruits and vegetables , " saic
Professor H. W. Wiley , the famous
government chemist , who is incidental
ly a skilled physician. "They contaii ;
relatively little nourishment a womau
could hardly live on them exclusively
for any length of time but for rea
sons which as yet are imperfectly un
derstood , they possess extraordinary
value as healthgivers. If you wanl
bright eyes and a clear complexion ,
eat plenty of them. "
The fact is that most fresh vegeta
bles and fruits are nearly all water
Spinach is 92 # > per cent water , cab
bage is 77 per cent water , beets are S
per cent water ; carrots are 91 per ceni
water , cauliflower is 91 per cent water
cucumbers are 90 per cent water , egg
plant is 93 per cent water , onions an
78 per cent water , tomatoes are 9t
per cent water , green com ( cut froir
the cob ) is Sl per cent water anc
celery Is 94 . per cent water. Fruits
are pretty nearly all water , though th (
banana is relatively rich in starch.
Fruits and vegetables , then , are ol
no great use in supporting the humar
body. Their value is mainly medi
cinal , and as beauty-makers they are
the chief among foods. It is almosi
impossible to eat too much of them ir
a fresh state , though , of course , th
diet must include a reasonable proportion
tion of those substances , such as raea
which furnish blood and muscle tissue
Boston Herald.
Measures Taken to Preserve the Peac
in 23OO B. C.
A legal code that is nearly l.CXK
years older than Moses has been un
earthed in Susa , the ancient capital o
Ahasuerus. It is in the form of ;
column of stone five feet high and set
forth in 300 paragraphs certain of th
rules of law governing Babylon 230 {
B. C. . The Literary Digest says :
"In general the old testament priu
ciple of an 'eye for an eye and a tooti
for a tooth' is consistently carried ou
in this Babylonian cede. Among othei
things it says : 'If a man knock ou
the eye of a freeman his own eye shal
be forfeited. If he break one of the
members of a man his own membei
shall be removed. ' But this rule ap
plied only In the case of freemenw II
the suffering party were a slave a pay
ment of money could make good tlu
wrong. The same was true of a freed
man. On the other hand , if an in
ferior struck a superior he was punish
ed with fifty lashes , and if he was a
slave his ear was cut off.
The lextalionis was carried on so fai
that If a surgeon was unsuccessful Ir
performing an operation he was not en
titled to any pay. If the patient dieJ
under the hand of the surgeon the lat
ter lost his hands , in case the patien1
was a freeman. If a slave died undej
his "hand he must buy another. In case
a builder made a failure of a structim
he was also punished with death
Whether imprisonment was one meth
od of punishing wrongoers does not ap
pear , but evidently if at all applied i
was of comparatively small import
ance. Money fines were , however , ver ?
common and were proportionate to tin
wrong done. He who falsely claimec
that another was indebted to him mus
pay one-third of a mina. Freemen fight
Ing were fined a mlna. Theft of at
animal was punishable by a fine o *
thirty times its value. Hammurabi "wa :
much concerned for the safety of hi :
highwaysi A robber who attacked !
person on the public road was killed , 01
if he could not be foxmd then the com
munity in which the crime had takei
place was fined a mina in case the lif <
of a human being had been lost"
A Unique Career.
The career of Brigadier General Ed
ward M. Hayes ( familiarly known a
Jack Hayes ) , who has Just been promoted
meted from the colonelcy of the Thir
teenth Infantry , is unique in the an
nals of our army. He enlisted hi th <
army as a boy in 1855 as bugler in th-
company of which Fitzhugh Lee wa
second lieutenant. When the war be
pan he enlisted as a private and cam'
out an officer. ' With the reorganlza
tion of the army In 1808 he obtained :
commission , since which time he ha
made a most brilliant record , first 01
the plains and lately in the Philippine ?
If you don't get married until yoi
are twenty-five years old , you will se
ta-cubic enough.
Genius is only great patienec.
Forgive thyself little and others
A good m an does good merely ty
What does that lady seem to be
taking up ? An elevator.
Ignore tbaiaC which you do not
want to grow within you love .or
hate grows.
A German Farmer's Case.
Rich Fountain , Mo. , Aug. 17. Rev.
Jos. Pope of this place is widely and
favorably known as a clergyman who
has done and is doing much for his
people. lie is very much beloved by
everyone for the faithfulness of his
pastoral work.
Rev. Mr. Pope has given for publica
tion a statement made to him by a
German farmer who is a member of his
congregation. The man's name is
George Iloellerer , and he has given
Rev. Mr. Pope this letter :
"Last winter I suffered very much
with Rheumatism. I coulfl neither
walk nor ride on horseback nor do any
farm work.
"I took medicine from different doc
tors , but they did not tlo me n ny good.
Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills pro
cured for me by a good friend. After I
had taken the first box I felt already
a heap better ; I was relieved of the
pain and could walk and chop wood ;
and the contraction of my fingers be
gun to resolve.
"Now since I have taken six more
boxes of Dwld's Kidney Pills 1 feel
well again and am able to do all the
work on the farm. "
Locked out knitting girls of Dover ,
N. J. , have organized a co-operative
knitting company.
Nothing can lesson the dignity of
humanity so long as the religion of
love , cf unsellishness and devotion
endures , and no one can destroy the
Itars of this faith for us so long as
we feel ourselves capable of love.
8100 Reward , 8100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at lea > , t one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all Its
stages , and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to tne medical
fraternity. Catarrh belnp a constitutional dis
ease , requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally , antinc directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system ,
thereby destroying the foundation of the dis
ease , and giving the patient strength by building
up the constitution an-i assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers that they oiler One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send
tor list of testimonials.
Addre . F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sola by Druggists. " > c.
Hall's Family PllN are the best.
I give it as my deliberate and
solemn conviction that the individ
ual who is habitually tardy in meet
ing an appointment , will never be
respected or successful ! in life. W.
Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me
of a tenacious and persistent cough.
Wm. H. Harrison , 227 W. 121st street.
New. York , March 25 , 1901.
There is noue made so great but
be may both aeed the help and ser
vice aod stand in fear of the power
and uokindness , even of the meanest
3f mortals. Seneca.
Appointments once made , become
flebts. If I have made an appoint
ment with you , I owe you punctu-
illy ; have no right to throw away
pour time , if I do my own. Cecil.
Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil
dren teethingsoftens the cums , reduces inrta-
matlon , allays pain cures colic. Pi ice Sou bottle
Lost wealth may be replaced by
industry , lest knowledge by study ,
lost health by temperance or med
icine , but lost time is gone forever.
Samuel Smiles.
Here Is a new occupation for a
woman : Sunshine companion.
Woman are getting positions for
jbis sort of worK in New York. The
31obe has long contended that there
is a place in the -world for all pro
fessional sympathizers : one to whom
i man could tell his troubles , and
ivho wuoldn't repeat the tale after-
Maryland day at the World's Fair
icxt year , will be September 12.
Free Medical /
Advice to Women.
Every sick and ailing woman ,
Every young girl who suffers monthly , "
Every woman who is approaching maternitys "
Every woman who feels that life is a burden ,
Every woman who has tried"all other means to regain healtk without siccess , \
Every woman who is going through that critical time the change of life
Is invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. , in regard to her trouble , aad
the most expert advice telling exactly how to obtain a CURE will be sent abso
lutely free of cost.
The one thing that qualifies a person to give advice on any subject
is experience experience creates knowledge.
No other person has so wide an experience with female ills nor such
a record of success as Mrs. Pinkham has had.
Over a hundred thousand cases come before her each year. Some
personally , others by mail. And this has been going on for twenty years ,
day after day , and day after day.
Twenty years of constant success think of the knowledge thus
gained ! Surely women are wise in seeking advice from a woman with ,
such an experience , especially when it is free.
Mrs. Hayes , of Boston , wrote to Mrs. Pinkham when she "was
in great trouble. Her letter shows the result. There arc actually
thousands of such letters in Mrs. Pinkham's possession.
" DEA.R MRS. PINKHAM : I have been under doctors' treatment for female
troubles for some time , but without any relief. They now tell me I have a
fibroid tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain , and the soreness extends
up niy spine. I have bearing1 down pains both back and front. My abdomen
is swollen , I cannot wear my clothes with any comfort. Womb is dreadfully
swollen , and I have had flowing- spells for three years. My appetite is not
good. I cannot walk or be on my feet for any length of time.
" The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor , given in your little book , accurately
describe my case , so I write to you. for advice. " MKS. E. F. HAYES , 252
Dudley St. ( Boston ) , Roxbury , Mass.
"DEAR MRS. PINEFULM : I wrote to you describing my symptoms , and
asked your advice. You replied , and I followed all your directions carefully
for several months , acd to-day I am a well woman.
" The use of L ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , together
with your advice , carefully followed , entirely expelled the tumor , and strength
ened the whole system. I can walk miles now.
"Your Vegetable Compound is worth five dollars a drop. I advise all
women who are afflicted with tumors , or any female trouble , to write you for
advice , and give it a faithful trial. " MRS. E. F. HATES , 252 Dudley St.
( Boston ) , Roxbury , Mass.
Mrs. Hayes will gladly answer any and all letters that may be
addressed , to her asking about her illness , and how Mrs. Pinkham
helped her.
( FORFEIT if tre cannot forthwith produce the orlftfn * ! letter aad ilgnatnre of
I above testimonial , which will prove its absolute genain nes .
* Lydia 15. Pinkham Medioiae Co. , Lynn , "
I could never think well of a man's
intellectual or moral character , if
be was habitually unfaithful to his
ippointments Emmons.
What has become of the custom of
rebuking a child when' it returned
from a neighbors with a bit of gossip
ir criticism ? Isn't it customary
these days to laugh , and quote the
: hilds saying's as a proof of that it
'S ' observing and smart ?
Explorers have leached within 238
miles of the North P le , but no one
iias yet approached nearer than 772
niles of hhe South Pole
It ought to be a fair trade to swop ,
religions with an ? Christian , but ,
wbare will yu find the party that/ /
iz wiling to do it ?
It has been discovered that the
new comet has three tails. It will }
finally be found that t had only one , |
and some one has stepped on that. '
The new comet is as overrated as the
average woman's kin back east.
When we visit in the country , we.
like the hostess disappearance to > e
followed immedlatrlly by the sound
of chickens sqauwking in the back
by unscrupulous
and with it satisfaction or your money refunded under iron
of C ABC ABETS today