Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 20, 1903, Image 5

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5J.CW Per Year in Advance
iiui re < l at the Post omce at Valentine. Cherry
emintv. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
< . . _ _ _ _ . B ,
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch
Brownlee , Nebr ,
Prince Boabdel
131603 and Curly
Coat H22Glat head
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety.
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
No stock for sale'at present. Ranch feur miles
north-west of Brownlee , Nebr.
Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton
Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 ton
j 1 Screenings 70c $13.00 "
HhopFeed . . . .1.05 $20.00 "
Corn 95 $18.00 "
( /hop corn 1.00 $19.00 "
Oats 1.20 $23.00 "
Office over T. C. Hornby's store by the
south stairway. Chronic cases a
Hours : OtolSiA.M. to4I . 31
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. .Reserve
your work for him. Office at Donoher
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and Friday preceding.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,190 * .
Brownlee , Nebr.
Does general blacksinithingathard
times prices for cash.
'Oi '
City Deliveryman.
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
Iroiu the depot aud all parts of the City.
First-class Shop iii Every Eespect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
Valentine , Xefor.
Good , Hard Rock for sale in any
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Edward S. Furay
Physician and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El-
Holt's Drug Store. 19un2
Valentine , Kebr.
Practices In District Court and U. S. Land
Office. Real Estate and Ranch Property
- w ut-wter
Kobert G. Easley9
"Office over Red Front
v > u
Dr. Seymour coming Oct. 16th.
Ice Cream by the quart at Quig
ley and Chapman's. 24:10
Dress trimmings , notions and
millinery at Mrs. Elmore's.
Fred Cumbow is out in the hay
flats this week.
Mrs E. McDonald was in the
city the first of the week.
Mrs. W. Brown left yesterday
to join her husband in Iowa.
Burgess Hartigan has gone home
for a couple of weeks visit.
Al Holt , pres. of the bank of
Johnstown , was in the city Tues
Peter DeCory and Yank O'Brien
are in town this week from the
Mrs. E. H. Bohle and daughters
are at Johnstown this week visit
ing relatives.
The Fort team will play base
ball at Gordon to-morrow. They'll
probably get beat.
John Layport , frther of Lee the
sheriff , is here from Marshalto vn
visiting his son.
Mrs. Donoher has returned from
Park City Utah where she had been
for several months.
Miss Cora Thackrey was quite
sick yesterday and was not at work
as clerk in the P. 0.
Our streets are being gradsd
and the weeds cut. " There are side
walks which need repairing.
Dr. J. C. Dwyer returned to Val
entine last week fro Omaha where
he had been in the hospital.
M. N. Allen , of Nordcn , was a
delegate to the judicial convention
and called on us while in town.
Gen. Devol , of Kansas City , is
at the Post this week visiting the
Capt. and Mrs. Lyon , his daughter.
Arthur F. Mullen , county at
torney of Holt county , called and
enrolled as a reader of the DEMO
CRAT Tuesday.
Miss Katie Beer and Mrs. Wm.
Beer came in from the hay flats to
stay a few days with Geo. Beer in
town. Miss Katie has not been
very well.
"Win. Skelly , Emanuel Hatton
and "W. C. White called last Satur
day while in town. Notice the
brand of St. Francis Mission in
this issue.
Eev. Eay delivered his lecture on
, , The Abode of Departed Souls be
fore the Judgment" at the post
Tuesday evening to a large and
appreciative audience.
Private Ashby , of the the 25th
Inf. and catcher for the 1st battal
ion ball team , had the first three
fingers of his left hand cutt off
while attempting to get off the pas
senger Sunday morning at the
bridge at Niobrara river.
Dr. Verne A. Goodrich has de
parted from here and will find
greener fields on the slopes of the
Cascades. His sorrowing friends
may be consoled by the thought
that others of similar natures may
be found here and there who arc
yearning for the smiles and cour
tesies that waste their sweetness
on the desert air.
Edward Ormesher asks us to an
nounce his candidacy for the office
of county assessor of Cherry Co.
Mr. Ormesher is a successful stock
man and owns 3700 acres of land
and SOO head of cattle. He's been
here 20 years , is well known and
is deserving of mention for the of
fice to which he aspires and will
make a faithful officer if elected.
Last week Jas. L. Ashburncame
down from Cody where he had
been doing bridge work for the
county , expecting to visit for a
couple of days with his family , but
found that they had gone , taking
about § 200 in money which he had
left with them and shipped their
household goods , renting their
house to a colored man and his wife.
Mr. Ashburn has but one leg but
gets around and makes more mon
ey than many who have two. He
says he'll let them shift for themselves -
selves after this.
The Valentine Bottling Works
puts up eleven different kinds of
drinks. 17"
The J. C. C. Corset , the best
cheap corset made , at the Ladies'
store. Mrs. Elmores.
Those having eye , ear , nose or
throat troubles , should not fail to
call on Dr. Seymour and his assist
ant when they are in Valentine , on
Oct. 16th , at the Donoher hotel.
Col. Alphens H. Bowman was
retired Brig. General last Friday ,
Aug. 14 , and Lieut. Col. James
was left in command at Ft. Nio
brara of the 25th Infantry. Col.
James is first in line of Lieut. Col
onels for promotion and will prob
ably be made colonel and given a
command in the Philipines. Gen-
Bowman and wife left last Tues
day morning for Pennsylvania and
will later go to Washington , D. C.
W. A. Pettycrew received a tele
gram last night as he was closing
his store , from Dr- Ferguson at the
Siloam , Hot Springs S. D. asking
him to come at once and stated
that Mrs. Pettycrew was very ill.
Mr. Pettycrew horridly made prep
arations and went up on the passenger -
enger which Hot Springs
about 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning
Later A telegram this morning
stated that Mrs W. A. Pettycrew
died at Hot Springs , S.D. at 10
o'clock last night. She will be
brought to Valentine Friday and
the funeral will be conducted from
the M. E. church Friday afternoon
at 3 o'clock.
Kev. Chas. Wayne Eay , of the M.
E. church , has written a book on the
perplexing questions arising in the
bible and has given logical answers
to them. The title of the book will
be , "Bible Questions Answered. "
In a concise form , scripture quo
tations are used touching upon
questions and Eev. Eay's answers
are clear and concise. The book
has been -copyrighted and will be
published by Jennings & Pye of
Cincinnati , Ohio , and will contain
60 or 70 pages bound in cloth and pa
per covers. This book is entirely
new , nothing like it ever having
been printed previously.
Orders will be taken in advance at
Quigley and Chapman's and Elliot's
drug stores and at G. H. Hornby's
store. Price for paper covers 25
cents and cloth 50 cents. Mail
orders should be sent lo C. W. Eay
Valentine , Nebr ,
For 25 to 50cents one can get
the information that would take
them years to study up for th'em
At the convention of the W. C.
T. U. , to be held in Valentine Aug.
25-26. The following program
will be rendered and on the 26th
the ladies will have a picnic dinner
at Bethel hall All are invited to
come to the convention and bring
your dinner and stay all day.
Tuesday , August 23,1903.
Morning , 9:30 at Bethel flhll.
Executive meeting
Afternoon. 23l.
Devotional exercises led by Mrs. O. W. Morey.
Roll Cull of officers aud &eperlntendents ,
Appointment of Committee.
Minutes of last convention.
Reports of county o.1icers ,
Child culture Mrs. JCorlhorp
The American mother Mrs. Harden
Evening , 8:00 , at M. E. church.
Lecture-The Tr.Uning of a Christian ; Temper
ance Character in the Child
Mrs. Tiiomas Stuar * .
Reading The Mission of a iittie Easter Bud.
Wednesday Morning. 9:30 :
Devotional exercises Mrs. House.
Evangelistic work Mrs. Gallon ,
Report of Credential Committee.
Reports of Superintendents.
Reports of Delegates.
.Election of officers.
Atternoon , 'J-.ISO
Devotional exercises Mrs , Query.
Report of Committees.
Y. W C. T. U. Work Franc es Hard en
Woman's Suffrage Mrs. Lewis
Elfective Temperauce Work Mrs. Thomas.
Evening. 8:00 , atM. E. church.
Silver Medal Contest.
Dr. Seymour will be in Valen
tine , at the Donoher hotel , Friday ,
October 16th. 31 tf
Miss Estella Daniels , county
superintendent of Brown county
is the city.
Everybody is busy having.
Ed Eichards moved to Oasis a few
days ago.
Wm. Erickson was a Kennedy
caller one day last week.
Hanford Dunham went to Valen
tine the first of the week.
The Kennedy school will com
mence the first week in September.
Ed Harris and wife were visiting
in the vicinity of Kennedy last Sun
Frank Kimc made a flying tiip to
Valentine the latter part of last
D. A. Pearcy made a one car ship
ment of cattle to South Omaha last
Homer Harris was swaping yarns
with some of the Kennedyites last
Real Estate Transfers
U S to Henry Crawford , R II con $200
snw s\v ne nwse 32 25 30
Virginia C Thacher , wid , to School
Dist No 1 , w d con $100 part of s\v of
lot A in Thacher's add to Valentine
Henry Crawford and wf to Luella
Miller , w d con $1000 snw swne nw&e
32 25 30
W D Morgrareidge to George Young
rel sse 13 31 29 other land.
U S to Florence H Newberry , former
ly Florence H Morgan , pat lot 1 sw
se 19 wne 30 35 33
John E West and wf to Yearnshaw &
Hull , w d con $400 lot 12 blk 34 Wood
Lase , Nebr ,
Jas B Hull and wf to T A Yearnshaw ,
w d con $100 undivided i interest of
lot 12 blk 34 Woodlake
Mary J ) Lee and hus to Augustus Oak
ley , gdn , mtg con $800 se 29 27 28
Augustus Oakley , gdn , to Mary D Lee
and hu ? , se 29 27 28 mar rel oth land
U S to Jas Pruden , pat sese 21 35 37
Horace A Burnhain to Wm Steadman
lease con $50 swne 21 28 30 oth land
Dora M Keller , wid , to Harris G Hend
erson , w d con $15 lot 3 so Merriman
O Vincent Coffin et al to Nebr Loan &
Trust Co , order to sell se 9 32 40
Eugene W Dement to J A Hornback ,
rel of deed lots 5 6-7-8 in 29 34 25
M Thompson , s , to Nebr Loan & Trust
Co , w d con $42.80 se 9 32 40
James N Clark , rec , to Maverick Loan
& Trust Co , w d con $400 se 9 32 40
Clara Kalb , nee Bowering and hus , to
Clara 0 Felch , w d con $4oO lot 31
9 Valentine.
W E Haley and wf to to Wm F Assen-
heimer , w d con $400 lets 3-4 sec 29
lot 1 30 34 25.
Clara U Felch to Clara Kalb , mtg con
$200 lot 31 blk 9 Valentine.
Now is the time to got your in
surance on your buildings and
stock. Storms have already begun
and if you are without insurance
it will be your neglect. It costs but
a trifle to insure against fire , light
ning and tornadoes in the best state
companies. They are represented
by I. M. Kice , Valentine , lSTebr.
for the student and the writer ,
as an authoritative reference book
for schools , families and business
men , there is one book which of
fers superior advantages both in
the solid value of its information ,
and the ease with which it is ob
One's admiration for Webster's
International Dictionary increases
daily as it comes to be better
known. It never refuses the information
mation sought and it never over
whelms one with a mass of mis
information illogically arranged.
The St. James Gazette of London ,
England , says : For the teacher , the pu
pil , the student and the litterateur , there
is nothing better ; it covers everything.
The New and Enlarged Edition
recently issued has 25,000 new
words and phrases , 2364 pages
and 5000 illustrations.
Our name is on ILc title-pages of all the
authentic dictionaries of thu Webster scries.
"A Test in Pronunciation" which affords n
pleasant and instructive evening's ente'-tuin-
ment. Illustrated pamphlet also free.
G , & 0 , MEBBIA3I CO , , Pubs' . , Springfield , Jiuss.
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per line
each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklandera.
Good fresh Meat and Lard at
Stetters Meat Market. 26
Bargains in Ladies' and Gent's
Underwear at Pettycrew's. 29
Go to the Red Front Merc. Co.
for all kinds of heavy and shelf
Hardware. 27
Wanted to Contract
SOO acres of valley hay , put up
two miles west of Georgia.
22 tf Kilgore , tfebr.
For all kinds of Undertaking
Goods and Undertaking work call
on the Red Front Merc Co. 27
One brown yearling horse colt
randed , IKS on left hip.
12 D. STINARD , Valentine , JSrcbr.
Call and see our special line of
Ladies' and Gent's Summer Un
derwear at "W. A. Pettycrews.
"Imperial" Castor Machine Oil ,
the best on earth. Sold by the
Eed Front Merc. Co. 27
Genuine home made Lard at the
new Butcher [ Shop. 26
For your Barb "Wire , Field Fenc
ing and Poultry Netting go to the
Red Front Merc. Co. , hardware
department. 27
ILost , Strayed or Stolen.
One bay pony mare , white face ,
five years old , weighs about 750
pounds , broke to ride , has saddle
marks , small sore right cheek from
blind tooth , branded sa on left hip
Raised on Rosebud agency by an
Indian named. Ben Hungry. Lib
eral reward will be paid for recov
ery. M. WEBBER ,
28 Ft. Niobrara , Nebr.
6 quarter sections of Deeded land
and some school land. Range for
200 head of stock and is the best
range now vacant. 200 tons of hay
can be cut on this ranch and there
is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds
stable , two windmills with never
failing wells and stock tanks. Al
so open water on a part of the
range the year round. $ i,000 will
buy it. Call at this office or write
I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr.
1M-P-A-N-S Tabnles
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
Thucent package is enough Jur usual cccas
sir-iis. The family bottle ( IO cents ) contains a
t ply for a jear. All druggists sell thrin.
( ireat Xorthf
t O'neill ,
Going Fast , Going West.
Leaves 10:10 : i. m. Arrives aBO p. m.
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
'onnectionsitb Elkhorn train.veast and
west-bonnet from all poiuts west of O'Neill.
Shortest route to Sioux City and bt-yond.
Through connections 1 r Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St. Pan ! and all points .north and west.
Buy local tickets to O'XUIl.
b'KKl ) ROiJEHS , G. I' . A.
Sioux City , Iowa
yof ice to Suits e'iliei s.
After September 1st the price of
The Omaha Daily News will be $1.50
a year. Subssriptions will be re
ceived at the old price ( § 1.00 per
year ) during August.
11-s.perhsients in J
( jfnrden Vegetables.
The Nebraska Experiment Station
has just issued Bulletin No. 80 , entit
led "Experiments in Mulching Gard
en Vegetables " It gives the results
of tests conducted at the Experiment
Station during the past three years ,
showing the results of a straw mulch
as compared , with cultivation in grow
ing the common garden vegetables.
Residents of Nebraska may obtain
the bulletin Iree of cost by writing
to the agricultural Experiment Stat
ion , Lincoln ) Nebr.
Cool Minnesota
The * Northwestern Line will
have ? ome exceedingly low
rates to St. Paul , Minneapolis
and Duluth during the sum
mer months.
Better figure on spending
3'our vacation at Lake Min-
netonka , White Bear or some
othrr Summer Kesort in Mtn
nesota or North Wisconsin.
Atk any Agent North\vtst
ern Line for particulars , or
A. . F. &P. A. , ]
Onjalia , Efelir. s
Only Double Track
Itdllroml between JliNtioiiri Jflvcr
anfl C/iicfif/o.
Direct line to St I'attl-JIinncttjt-
Direct line to Jllac/c Ullln.
Apply to ncaretttfifjentjor rates
iii tpit anil
No. 27 Frt. Dally 2:33 : P. HI.
No. 25 " except Sunday 0:40 A. M
No. 3 Passenger Daily - 12:49 A. M
No. 23 Frt. Daily 'c:50 A. M.
No , 2fi " except Sunday 3:00P.M.
NO. 4 Passenger Daily . 4:47 A. M.
Meals Lunches Short Orders
I TS * 3-cTT2i ,
First class meals at all hours"
day and night. Oysters hi
season. Pies , cakes- dough
nuts always on hand.
E. D. Cohota , Prop.
Special Retlncetl
Excursion Kates.
\ \ 111 be in ettect from all points on the Chicago
& North-Westera. Railway for the occasions
named below :
San Francisco. California , G. A. K. Encami > -
ment , Aug. 17-22. Special rate ( circular 1st. )
San/Francisco. August 17th to 22nd.
G. A , R. meeting.
Baltimore , Md. . . Sept. 21st to 2Ctb ,
Sovereign Grand Lodge , J. 0. O. F.
For information as , to rates , dates of sale , etc.
ol these or other occassions , call upon the ticket
agent of the North-Western Line ,
* CI don't think -we could keep
honso without Thedford'a Black-
Draught. Wo have used , it in tha
family for over two years with the
best of results. * I have not had a.
doctor in the house for that length
of time. It is a doctor in itself and
always ready to make a person well
and happy. " JAMES HATTV ] Jack
sonville , HI.
Because this great medicine
relieves stomach pains , frees the
constipated bowels and invigor
ates the torpid liver and weak
ened kidneys
is necessary in the home rchere
Thedford's Black-Draught ia
kept. Families living in the
country , miles from any physician - '
cian , have been kept in health
for years "with this medicine as
their only doctor. Thedford's
Black-Draught cures bilious
ness , dyspepsia , colds , chills and
fever , bad blood , headaches ,
diarrhoea , constipation , colic
and almost every other ailment
because the stomach , bowels
liver and kidneys so nearly con
trol the health.
Xoticc of Hearing.
Notice is hereby given to all purtl
m t'.ie estate ot Sylvester E. ) ri , ilrtxd M-U Into
of c'heny County. ebnu > ka. that on Uiu i.t > t i
ot August. 1003. Georgia , Orr. Avdo.v of the
\ vlvijtr K. "rr , fi'etl ' h r petition for : ui al
ance out of tiaid Mue : fnr htTarlf ami family ,
vitli the Comity .Indue of said Cherry Couuty.
aud tiiar a hetrn ) will be lia-l beJore saH jurijie
at his ottice in ValMiMue Nebraska , on the 5t i
day of Sf ptembiT , ISO ; , at 10 n'cioik a. in. which
time all parties having object ons to aM allow
ance will be beard , us tj t-rot sis and objtctions
then on tile.
SEAL County Jii(3-g { -
- Y DutcJ tills 10th day of August.jyj |