Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 13, 1903, Image 5
If ! ( HE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT LW' I , M RICE EDITOR Per Year in , Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. autnred at the Postofflce at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. " " ' " " i" " * The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. IJrownlee.Nebr , i Prince Boabdel I316D3 nnrt Curly Coat 1122G1 at bead of berd. The blood of Fowler. Anxiety , Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi 'I nates in my herd. r > - mMMMWEVMBB MOiVVi1 No stock for sale at present. Ranch four miles north-west of firownleo. Nebr. C , H. FAULHABEU , MILL PRICES FOR FEED , tarn , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton Kiortsbulk 85 per cwt $16.00 toni Screenings 70c $13.00 " Chop Feed 1.05 $20.00 " i * i Corn 95 < i $18.00 " Chop corn 1.00 $19.00 " Data 1.20 $23.00 " DE. J. E. SNYDEK , OSTEOPATH. Office over T. C. Hornby's store by the south stairway. Chronic .cases a specialty. Hours : O tola A. 31. to 4 r. 31 John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. .Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904. HENKY AUGTJSTON Blacksmitli Brownlee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. H. M. CEAMEK , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot aud all parts of the City. W. A. KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Etair Tonic , Herpiclde and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEROY LEACH County Surveyor [ 4 Valentine or Woodlake k't ' OENKRAL WOKK riioiiriLY ATTENDED TO. PAT HETT Valentine , Kebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don oher residence , Cherry Street. * Edward S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. i9Un2 R M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY ADABSTRAGTER Valentine , Kebr , Practices in District Court and U. S. Lane Office. Eeal Estate and Sanch Property nld Konrtert Kobert G. Easley , ATTORNEY AT ! LAW. over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICI A meeting at Britt store Satur ? . day eve , Aug. 15 , to arrange for a ISet tiers picnic. Manley Wayman of W oodlake called on us today while in town buying some horses. The J. C. C. Corset , the best cheap corset made , at the Ladies' store. Mrs. Elmores. J. R. Ensley , a partner of Dan Truax is in town making arrange ments for a public sale of his cat tle Saturday , August 22 , at Cody. Dr. and Mrs. Dailey entertained "W. S. Barker and wife and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sparks for breakfast this morning in honor of tbelatters 14th wedding anniversary Verne Mathews , a cousin of Grant Spain who has been visiting him , came to town Tuesday and yesterday morning took the train for his home back east. Joe Jennett was in town a couple of days this week from the ranch on the reservation where he , Eainbolt and Hans Ulrick are taking care of cattle for J. W. Stetter. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Thorn have resigned their positions of teacher and housekeeper , respectively , at Lower Cut Meat day school , and will locate at Lincoln , Nebr. , where Mr. Thorn will attend school , tak- a course in electrical engineering. "VYe are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Thorn from our force of day school employees and recommend them to the people of Lincoln. New Era. Annual Eeunion and Picnic -of the Old Settlers of Cherry and Keya- paha counties will be held at Sparks Aug. 27 and 28. Don't stay away because you are not an old settler , Come to get aquainted and enjoy yourselves. The Norden Silver Cornet Band will be there , and there will be speaking , singing , drills , small sports , horse racing , broncho liding , ball playing and a dancing platform on the grounds , A big bowery is promised to furnish shade for a big crowd , so come everybody and have a good time. .Free hay will be furnished on the grounds. BY THE COMMITTEE. Notes Next week will week. Miss Smith has been very sick this week which necessitates her missing several days of school. Examinations will be held Thursday afternoon and Friday which will finish the Normal pro per. Mrs. Stella Schene returned to her home Wednesday night after spending several weeks at the Normal. Misses Smith and Ross went up to Crooks ton last Thursday and from there to Rosebud , returning Monday. Misses Clara Dunham , of Ken nedy and Amy Burleigh of Norden , and several others whose names we did not learn , entered Normal Monday toviakc the examinations and institute work. The Normal students gave Prof. E. E. Magee a very pleasant sur prise party at the home of Mrs. J. H. Shore on Wednesday of last week in honor of his birthday. The surprise was complete and all enjoyed a very pleasant evening. lieimdey Kews. Ben Ganow has moved to Oasis. John Bachelor was taking in the sights at Kennedy last Mondaj. Albert Gdnow is back after spending - ing several montlis in Idaho and Washington. A. J. Wallingford , of Snake river , was a pleasant caller at Kennedy the first of the week. Earnest Wilkinson was down on the lakes hunting and fishing a couple of days last week. Onr live stock commission man , Ed Richards , is busy haying these days , doing two men's work at once. The hall at Kennedy is again va cant after having been occupied part of the time the past 8 months 'by Ben Ganow. HI ita ? n b torn I Commencing at 1 o'clock p , m. , I will sell at Public Sale the following described prop erty to-wit : 92 Head of Cattle Consisting of 51 Cows , 8 Yearling Heif ers , 6 Yearling Steers and I Durham Bull , & u H ftt ffk * * m TERMS OF RALE : On all sums over § 10.00 , 12 months time will be given with approved security , notes bearing 10 per cent inter est. Sums under § 10-00 cash. 5 per cent discount for cash 'on all sums over $10.00. E. J. W. E. HALEY , G-EO. TRACE WELL , Clerk. Auctioneer , This is on the Fly. Whence comes the flies with buzzing wing , That vvorry us to death we think ; Why are they here to ting-a-ling Around our eyes and make us blink ? They wake us early in the day , And buzz around from morn till night They seem to ever be at play , While we are always on the fight. " * * We drive them out when e'er we can , Buy Tangle foot or Nickle plate ; We put lly paper in a pan , Or get the Daisy up-to-date , A dozen other kinds of bait ; To kill the germ and catch the lly ; Some said to catch them while you wait , And others kill 'em by and by. They are a pesky lot of thieves , To dabble in our lood and drink , We dip them out and I believe They eat and waste more than you thinir. They buzz and buzz and never tire , They're sure to find your new straw hat ; They blow the meat instead of fire , They're always spoiling this or that. Where does he come from anyway We always see the full grown lly , No baby flies are out at play , But all grown up ; we wonder why ? They bother us the livelong day , In thousand ways , at different times They make us angry and turn gray , And make us spend on them our dimes. Now try to think just how you feel , When flies are numerous and bold , And dance the old Virginia reel Around your head till "it gets old. " First at your head and then vour hands They bite and buzz and crawl and creep ; They cbe.w 3'our ears and their de mands Are batisfled when you're asleep. They buzz around your eyes and nose , They dab , you strike , they dive away But come back at you ; 1 suppose That you like flies , but I'm no jay. Real hstate Transfers U S to Emily McUlean , R R con $4 00 ss\v nwsw swnw 34 29 28 U S to Clara Rogers , R R con $168 Its 4-3 sec 6 29 23 etc U S to Elsie Coddtnffton , R R con $200 senw sne nese 34 29 28 Elise Coddington and bus to Emily M McClean , w d con $500 senw sne ne se 34 29 28 Clara Rogers , s , to Ecnily M McClain , w d con $300 lots 4-5 6 29 28 Frank Noble , s , to Mary D Lee , w d con $600 wne wse 35 28 28 Robert H Montgomery and wf to Al fred Lewis , w d con $360 lots 7-9 blk 12 Valentine. Jas M Lee and wf to Mary 1) Lee , w d con $600 swsw 12 wnw 13 sese 11 27 20 Emily McClean to T T Thompson , w d con $1300 ssvv nwsw swnw 31 29 28 Sophia Harper , s , to John H Tuil , w d con $1 swse ssw uwnw 9 29 3'J Edward D Parry and wf to John M Bowers , w d con $3003undivided hall Iocs 4-5 blk 5 Valentine. John M Bowers to W A Bon&er , w d con $960 lots 4 5 blk 5 Valentine Alfred Lewis and wf to Jas H Sears , w d con $360 lots 9 10 blk 12 Valen- tlae. Wm J Shakelton to Abram L Mace , vr d con $300 ne 25 34 25 John H Tull , wid , to Richards & Cairnes Co , w d con $2000 swse ssw 29 31 other land John W Daniels and wf to Andrew Swanson , tntg deed con $500 ne32 31 Abram L Mace and wf to Gee O Mead wig con $750 ne 25 34 25 D C Nelson to Chas Butcher , rel lot 4 blk 4 Cole's add to Cody. Nils Jensen to Maverick Loan & Trust Co , Q C D con $1 lots 1-2 sec 1 32 41 Comment. I The Register , Central City , Cole , recently published what the editor has learned during his experience as an editor. He learns : That the editor that tries to please everybody is doomed to disappoint ment and must exercise great caution if be hopes to escape tbe fool-killer ; . That campaign promises are ev en more fragile than the pie-crusts anybody's "mother used to make" ; That many men would rather tell two lies than pay one little printing bill ; That some men and women feel injured if we fail to mention their good deeds , however trifling , and that we will be injured if we men tion their evil deeds : That an editor who has opinions and dares to publish them has enemies and the one with no opin ions has no friends ; That people who do not pay for your paper find more fault with it than those who pay in advance ; That Central City has several women who would make excellent reporters if they could be kept from telling everything they know until after the paper was issued. ( Now don't got mad this doesn't apply to you ; it moans your neigh bor the one who gossips ) . f\ * /\f\f\ 2 5OOO NEW WORDS are added in the List edition of Webster's In lei-national Diction ary. The International is kept always abrensb of the times. It takes constant "work , expensive work and worry , but it is the only way to keep the dictionary the AUTHORITY of : the English-speaking world. Other dictionaries follow. Web ster leads. It is the favorite "with Judges , Scholars , Educators , Printers , etc. , in this and foreign countries. A postal card , will bring you interesting specimen pages , etc. G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY SrEIix'GFIELD , MASS. rUBLISHERS OF WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. Business Notices. Xottces under this beading 5 cents per line each Insertion. Among reading matter. 10 cents per line fach insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Good fresh Meat and Lard aff Stetters Meat Market. 26 Bargains in Ladies' and Gent's Underwear at Pettycrew's. 29 Go to the Red Front Merc. Co. for all kinds of heavy and shelf Hardware. 27 Wanted to Contract 800 acres of valley hay , put up two miles west of Georgia. FRANK ROTIILEUTXER , 22 tf . Kilgore , Nebr. For all kinds of Undertaking Goods and Undertaking work call on the Red Front Merc Co. 27 LOST ! One brown yearling horse colt randed , f @I on left hip. 12 D. STIXARD , Valentine , Nebr. Call and see our special line of Ladies' and Gent's Summer Un derwear at W. A. Pettycrews. "Imperial" Castor Machine Oil , the best on earth. Sold by the Red Front Merc. Co. 27 Genuine home made Lard at the new Butcher [ Shop. 26 For your Barb Wire , Field Fenc ing and Poultry Netting go to the Red Front Merc. Co. , hardware department. 27 ILost , Strayed or Stolen. One bay pony mare , white face , five years old , weighs about 750 pounds , broke to ride , has saddle marks , small sore right cheek from blind tooth , branded 22 on left hip Raised on Rosebud agency by an Indian named Ben Hungry. Lib eral reward will be paid for recovery ery- M. WEBBER , ' 28 Ft. Niobrara'Ncbr. RANCH FOR SALE- 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay can be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Al so open water on a part of the range the year round. § 4,000 will buy it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 1M-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 0-00111 package is i-nnu h lor usual ocrr.s The liiinily bottle Mi < ) ( Tiitt- ) contains a plj for a. jear. All ( IrujjKWs > ! ! til. in. TIME TABLE 'at Rcrtlu-rn at O'neill , Xebr. Coins Eabt , Goine West. Leaves 10-10 a. m. Arrives 0:50 p. m. Passenger , daily except Sunday. Jonnectionsitb Elkliorn t nunsj east and westbound from all points west of O'Neill. Shortest route to Sioux City and bejond. Through connections fr Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St. Paul and nil points .north and west. Buy local tickets to O'Neill. FKKD UO-UIRS , G. P. A. Sioux City , Iowa Police to Subscribers. After September 1st the price of The Omaha Daily News will be $1.50 a year. Subssriptions will be re ceived at the old price ( $1.00 per year ) during August. intents ist , { Jnrden f'cyefttbles. Tne Nebraska Experiment Station hat- just issued Bulletin No. SO , entit led "Experiments in Mulching' Gard en Vegetables " It jjlves the results of tests conducted at the Experiment Station during the past three 3ears , showing the j e mlts of a straw mulct as compared withcurtivation in ro\v in i the common garden vegetables. Residents of Nebraska may obtaii the bulletin irce of uo&t by writing to tbe agricultural Experiment Stat ion , Lincoln , Nebr. ! Cool Minnesota The-Northwestern Line have * oine exceedingly low rates to St. Paul , Minneapolis and Duluth during thei m- tiier months. Better figure on spending your vacation at Lake Min- netonka , White Bear or some other Summer Resort in Min nesota or North Wisconsin. Ahk any Agent North\vtst J > ern Line for particulars , or address J. A. KVHX , A. G. F. &P. A. . > Omaha , Kebr. &AJWIA THE -WESTE LINE Only Double Track Itailrotitl between JliHttouri Itlcer and Cliicayo. Jirectlincto St t'aitl Jlinncij- Direct line to Jllaclt llill . A2 > itly to nearest agent for ratett tnantt ami tiniecartln. TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Dkily 2:33 P. M. No. 25 " except Sunday 9 : to A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49A. : M EAST BOUXD No. 28 Frt. Daily c:50 : A. M. No. 26 " except Sunday 5:00 P. M. xo. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A.M. Meals Lunches Short Orders THE KANGAROO i * -TS-TH'.CT-S- First class meals at all hours , * day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , 'cakes ' , I dough nuts always on hand. E. D. Cohota , Prop. Special Reduced Excursion Hate ? . \ \ 111 be in ellect from all points on Aa Chicago & North-Western Hallway for tliu ocajions Hdiiied below : . San Francisco , California , G. A. K. Encanij- raeiit , AUJJ , 1T-22. Special rate ( circular 15i. ) San "Francisco. August 17ch to 22ud. G. A , E. meeting. Baltimore , Md. . . Sept. 21st to 2Cth , Sovereign Grand Lodge , I. 0 O. F. For information as to rates , dates of sale , etc. of these or other occassions , call upon the ticket agent of the North-Western Line , 6121-2 Congress 6t. POSTZAND , MAINE , Oct. 17,1902. I consider Wino of Cardui superior to any doctor's medicine I ever used and I know whereof I apeak. I suf fered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated me. Fains wonld shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. My limbs would swell up and I would feel so weak I could not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians , but "Wine of Cardui came as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain. "Wine of Cardni is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of its good qualities. Treasurer , Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell or fe ; male weakness. "Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses , bearing down pains or any female weakness. Iff you are discouraged and doctors have failed , that is the best reason in the world you should try "Wine of Cardui now. Eemember that headaches mean female -weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of "Wine of Cardui today. There have be n several Indians in town the past week , 200 or more. They danced aud sang. Miss Hattie Holcomb returned last night to resume work as teach er in our schools. She was accom anied by her si&ter , Miss Myrtle. H. 0. Jackson rode into town Sunday evening on a Rambler automobile and will spend several weeks here. Mr. Jackson writes in surance for the Franklin Life.