Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 13, 1903, Image 3
0. S. SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Recommends Pe-ru-na For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble Ex-Senalor M. C. Butler. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna , , write at once to Dr. Harmian , giving a full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartmnn , President of , The Harfcnran Sanitarium , Columbus , .Ohio. Catarrh of the Stomach is Generally Called Dyspepsia Something to Produce Artificial Diges tion is Generally Taken. Hence , Pepsin , Pancreatin and a Host5' of Other Digestive Remedies Has Been Invented. These Remedies Do Not Reach the Seat of the Difficulty , Which is Really Catarrh. - . S. Senator M. C. Butler from EX-TJ. Carolina was Senator from that State for two terms. In a re cent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co. , from Washington , D. C. , s-ays : "I can recommend Peruna for dys pepsia and stomach trouble. I have been using your medicine for a short period and I feel very much relieved. Its Indeed a wonderful medicine be' sides a good tonic. " M. C. Butler. The only rational way to cure dyspep sia is to remove the catarrh. Peruna cures catarrh. Peruna does not produce artificial digestion. It cures catarrh and leaves the stomach to perform digestion In a natural way. This is vastly better and safer than resorting to artificial methods. Peruna has cured more cases of dys pepsia than all other remedies com bined , simply because it cures catarrh wherever located. If catarrh is located in the head , Peruna cures it. If catarrh has fastened itself in the throat or bronchial tubes , Peruna cures it. When catarrh becomes settled in the stomach , Peruna cures it , as well in this location as in any other. Peruna is not simply a remedy for dyspepsia. Peruna is a catarrh remedy. Peruna cures dyspepsia because it is generally dependent upon catarrh. Sale THE FAKELY'S FAVQRSTE C.ATHJ RTJ C T FOR THE It gives a woman extreme pleasure to prove a man to be in error. Women select sentiment ratbr tbau fact for letter writing. " \Vben a man tbiakshe is a failure oe sinks in despair. ' It touches a woman's heart to tell per sbe is not possesert of vanity. , Men past middle age become tire some wben tbey d.orj into tbe remin iscent. A Skin of Beauty is a aoy Forever. DB. T. VELIX CorrKATTI 8 ORIENTAL CREAM , 014 MAG7OAI , BEAU1UFIKK. Remove Tan. Pimples , Freckles , Moth Fau-hes , lwuh. and Skin * J xv > S r r jiL disuses , and every blemish on S * ° ! t f y5 ° bounty , and deflt-z P E ± y ' - * \ HCcr l.KJ'O 'v ; / ? . - \ detection. It has } Htood the test of 6 * jtOS3- - - - PSST JJ V //yejxrs. and J PO e * = -T' * * - . . tr Mr- / / harmless we tustefI ! to be sure it is prop- crlj made. Accipi no coun rfeit of similar imme. Dr. L. A. Sftvre enid to a lady cf the hunt-ton ( a r > atiPnt"As you IftdteixriHuseihcin. recommend. "Gour- 1 aud's Cream' as the le at harmful of fcl ) the Stln prcpsra tiuis " Fopjalo bj a1 ! Drnppbts or.d Fancy-Goods Dealers in the C. 8. . Caiiidas and Europe VE3D. T. UOPKIXS. Prop'r , t ! Greii Jones St. M. Y The University of Notre Dame , NOTRE DAME , INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Classics , Letters , Eco- notnics and History , Journalism , Art , Science , Pharmacy , Law , Civil , Mechanical and Elec- tricaljEngtaecring , Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. BOOMS FHEK to nil student \yho have completed the Etn&es required for admission into the Snpho- rnore."nior or Senior Year of any of the Collegmte KOOilR TO KEXT. moderate char o to studenti over nerenteen prepalrmE for Collegiate Court i. A limitxvl number of Cimdidates for the EecleBins- tieHl state wi ! bo received at ( special rates ST. EDVTA"KI 'B HALL , for boys under 13 years , is unique in the completeness of its equipment. The OOtU Year trill open September S , 1903. locuea Free. Addre i E V. A. MORR1SSEY. C. S. C. . President , Box 254 CURES WHEliE ALL ELSE FAILS. ; Couth. Byrup. Tastes Good , use In time. Sold bj druslu . N. N. U. , 784-33 YORK , NEB Whsn a man seeks a'lvice he is sure : to expect praise. / Worry during these days puts you1 in close touch with the undetaker. Woman's good-heartedness often assumes an impressive form. At the church of the Haered Ueart in Paris a twenty-two ton bell is tolled by electricity. A choir boy dues the work which formerly re quired the services o five men. Treason i "Why is the mob chasing that man ? "Cause he said if this country andf Roc-shy got in a Oyht we might bave bard work licking her , blame him It A man tbat hain't no more patriotic - , otic than that ran't I've in this' town. " The man who plots tbe destruction , of others usuaMy becomes a victim' of his own scheme. She Didn't Care. Maplehill. Iowa , Aug. 10. "I felt as though I didn't care whether I lived ol died , I wus so miserable all the time."j In these words does Miss Nellie Bar-1 foot of this place describe her condi-1 * tion. Every woman who is , or 'hai been sick and suffering will understaiiJ and appreciate just how Miss Barfoot felt , and there are no doubt many thousands of similar cases. It is trul-y an awful thing when a woman gets so low that she can say "I don't care whether I live or die. " But Miss Barfoot tells a different story to-day , a-nd her words should guide every suffering woman to tha path of health and happiness. "I used Dodd's Kidney Pills , and I am cured. I feel like a new persoa and I would say to every woman suf fering as I did , give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial and you will noirbe disap pointed. They are worthy of the high , est praise. " Queen Wilhemina has become an > xpert photogiapher , se g nut without her camera. Piso's Cure for Consumption always skives immediate relief iii all throat trou bles. F. E. Bierman , LiiipsicvOhio , Aug. 31,1001 * Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil dren teethingsoftens- u-uins , reduces inlla- matloii , allays pain cure colic. Piice25cbottlo < afflicted with ' 3cr o' as. n e 'sEyeWater COMPELLED TO USE A CRUTCH FOR EIGHT MONTHS. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. P. CONLIN , CARBONDALE , PA. Mrs. P. Conlin , 82 Green field Avenue , Carbondale , Pa. , says : "IBuffered with backache , and , despite the use of medicines , I could not get rid of it. I was compelled t io UK a crutch for eight months , and a part of the time was unable to walk at ally I fairly screamed if I attempted to lift my-feet from the floor , and , finally , I lout control of my limbs through weakness , as I could neither bond nor straighten up to my full height , and if erer a woman was In a serious condition , I was. My hns- , band went to Kelly's drug store and brousr'it homo a tx r of Dean * mis. I felt 4 caster in a few days , and , the treatment , t Kidney Pills. 50 CtWTS. NAME.k . P. O. STATE For free trial box , mafl this eonpon to FosVtjr-Mtlburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. IT above itpoce li lanfflcieatwrite address on cpa- riuosllp. was soon able to walk. At the end of two weeks the pains in my loins left. When 1 had completed the treat ment , I had not an ache nor a pain , and I hare been in that condition ever since. Aching backs are eased. Hip , back , and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy algns vanish. [ They correct urine with brick dust sediment , high i colored , pain in passing , dribbling , frequency , bed wetting. Boon's Kidney Pffla remove calculi and gravel. Believe heart palpitation , sleeplessness , headache , nervousness , mii-2H .ragaE # iEv.-g/- Water-Heatina : Device. The subjoined diagram , taken from Grange Judd Farmer , illustrated how wisily water can be warmed in a small way where both house and barn are furnished with running water and Moderate plumbing arrangements. The pipe marked E F. running through the house cellar , furnishes water to the house and barn. By means of two short pipes , C D , the pipe from the hot water boiler in the house is connected with the pipe E F , which , as before stated , supplies the barn with cold water. Then all that is necessary to fill the barn tub with warm water Is to open Ihe valve B and shut valve A , thus let ting the warm water from the house boiler into the pipe which goes to the barn and shutting off the flow of cold. HOUSE .j-B r * ceLinn : ; " . : X.y-.v- % PLAX OF DEVICE. lAhis clever little scheme has worked successfully on an up-to-date farm in Amherst , Mass. , and hns furnished tvarm wuter to four cows and two or three horses for several winters. The only objection Is that the good house- ivife sometimes objects to having her supply of hot water exhausted two or three times a day. of Sheep Owner * . On the trial of an action brought by Ignes Smith against George Werhwill n the Oneida "County , New York , court , .o recover damages for the alleged un lawful killing by the defendant of her Ijg , the evidence showed that the ani mal was shot on premises adjoining those owned by Wetherill. after he had been chasing sheep. The defendant ns- jerted that he was justified in shoot ing the dog under a statute which pro- rided that any person inny kill any log which he shall see chasing , wor rying or wounding any sheep. Th. [ rial justice charged the jury , m n matter' of law. that the statute was not i defense , because the dog was not 'basing or worrying or wounding any fheep nt the time he was shot. Tlu * fourth apprllate division , o an appealer ! or a verdict against Wetherill , has de cided that the charge was erroneo s ' At common law , " fail Justice > 'a-h , [ or the court , "u clog might be killtcl In defense of or when no etsiry 1'or toe protection or preservnt'on of iprop- rrty. The statute goes further. It pro- rides for the killing of a dog that ivrongfully chases , woiries or wounds iheep. If it does these things , it mu. t > e killed. " American Cultivator. of Angoras. America has developed an Angora juck of the highest quality , which is a rreat victory for those who claim that ye can breed as good stock as can be lound in Turkey or South Africa. Ln : > irus Avas bred by D. C. Taylor of Lake tfalley , N. M. , and was the champion it the recent Kansas City show. He vas sold at auction to Col. C. S. liich- LAZAJSUS. rdson of Dubuque , Iowa , for $700 , the ? cord price for an American bred An- ora. Relievine a PufRng Horae. Most farmers are familiar with the erse "who puffs and wheezes at Its : ork. The disease Is technically nown as "roaring , " and Is said to be mllar to asthma In humans. There really no cure for It , but the trouble my be greatly alleviated by treat- lent and especially by proper feeding. I the disease Is not so deeply seated mt the animal cannot do farm work the work given It should be light the feed should consist of little hay and this wet each time. Feet mainly on grains. Take one dram oi iodide of potassium and mix with one- half dram mix vomica. Give this dosq twice a day for two or three weeks during each bad attack and during th period let the work of the horse be thai which does not require much speed. Th care and treatment Indicated will re lieve the animal greatly , although It doubtful If it will ever amount to much for steady work. Indianapolij News. Good i uts. Good oats are clean , hard , dry. sweet , heavy , plump , full of Hour , and rattle like shot. They have a clean and almost metallic luster. Each oat In a well-grown sample is nearly of the same size. There are but few smaller or imperfect grains. The hard pres sure of the nail on an oat should leave little or no mark. The kernel , w3iei pressed between the teeth , should cliii rather than tear. The skin should b thin. The size of the kernel will b less in proportion than the skin i ? thick. The color of the oat Is not very material , but white oats are generally thinner in the skin than black. Again , black oats will grow on inferior soil , Short , plump are preferable to large , long grains. Bearded oats must havg an excess of husk. Chits are not nec essarily bad because they are thick- skinned or bearded , but they must con tain a less amount of flour per bushel than the thin-skinned oats not bearded A GooJVliitern3h. . Two kinds of ordinary whitewasl may be used to advantage , prepared in the following manner : For inside work , to a bucketful of ready limewash add one pint of soft-boiled lice and a quar ter of a pound of white glue , dissolved thoroughly and mixed through thg mess. For outside substitute in placg of rice and glue ( to each pail of white wash ) a pound of common rock salt , dissolved in boiling water. Thus mixed - ed and applied upon a bright , sunny day , the whitening will remain perma nent in color and will not rub off read ily , while the application to the inte rior will destroy the lice that may b secreted in the rough wall and crevices of the Inside of the poultry house and stables , if the wash be generously ds rributed. A Desirable Door L > ock. Large barn doors are often fasteneq to a perpendicular bar , one end ol which enters a mortise in a beam 01 uiocic overueaa and the other a mortise in the fl o o r. T h e strength of a man is usually required to take out the bar , or put.It up. The i 1 1 u s t r a tion shows a more convenient way to manage the n * crossbar. A * round iron bolt holds the bar to - - the middle rail SECURE cuoss BAR LOCK. of the door , allowing it to turn freely either way. Two long gains , one in thq floor and one in the beam overhead , receive the ends of the bar when th uoor is closed. In place of a gain in the beam , a strip of scantling may b $ nailed lirmly to the under side of thq beam. The upper end of the crossbar , when set erect , conies on the inside cj the strip. D. H. Shepard in Farm an < 3 ITome. Tips for Creameries. Milk cans should be washed and ster. ilized with steam at the factory , an1 ome other receptacle should be used to return the skim milk or whey to ths farm. If the cans are used for thij purpose they should by all means be emptied as soon as they reach thj fan11 , thoroughly washed and scaldel a I'd placed on a rode in an inverted position with the covers off. i'airy markets should be developnj by selling products of known standards - ards put up in such forms that the c.n-.inner . will get the original package and know its grade or quality. Illi. nois Bulletin No. S3. Dairy Education. ' A. W. Trow , ihe prominent farmer , cie.iir.ery man and agricultural writer , of Glenville , Minn. , has recently been made a member of the educational ( staff of the dairy and food department - ment in his State. His work will b very largely of an educational nature and among the farmers and dairymen. The $30,000 annual appropriation re. coutly voted by the Legislature , to gether with the improved and amend ed dairy laws just secured , give Min nesota splendid facilities for aiding in the most effective way her great dairy and creamery Interests. In Fly Time. A 'gallon of kerosene , a quart of fish oil and an ounce of carbolic acid 1 $ one of the cheapest and best homemade - made mixtures for keeping flies from cattle. It should be applied every morning after milking , using a good- sized hand sprayer , paying especial attention to the head , shoulders and fore legs. Spraying for flies is abso lutely necessary to keep up the full flow of milk In hot weather. London has some houses , built oi timber , which it Is claimed are as good as vfcn erected over 200 years ago. OLD DAYS IN OKLAHOMA. Governor Fersuson's Reminiscences of Hunting in Buffalo Country. "This is the time of year in Oklaho- jna when a man feels something pull ing him into the open country , " said Governor Ferguson , who is a frontiers man by preference and a pioneer by instinct. His father went from Iowa to Kansas when game was abundant everj-where , and became one of the most successful hunters in the South western country. When a small boy Governor Ferguson was his father's companion on many expeditions into Oklahoma and Indian Territory. "I do not suppose that I shall ever overcome the keen regret that is felt In thinking of the old da3's that are gone forever , " said Governor Fergu son. "Oklahoma seems lonesome to me now when I travel over it and pass constantly in sight of towns and farm houses where once I saw noth ing but the prairies , the hills , and the timbered streams. It was my delight to ride as the crow flies straight across the country , unobstructed by wire fences and section-line highway s. Spring was a glorious season. The air was fresh and pure , the earth mantling with green and brilliant with Sewers , and the sun just far enough north to thaw the winter sluggishiu'S- from a man's blood and set even nerve tingling with happiness. The plaintive note of a meadow lark al ways makes me homesick and brings back to me a vision of the prairies. It was no less enjoyable to ride in the big timber in the river 'bottoms. ' mu sical with the songs of countless birds. The song of what we called the 'sugar writer' bird , probably the tohee , had a melancholy sweetness that makes a man's heart thump even now. "I went with my father on man ; hunting trips from Chautauqua county Kansas , into Oklahoma. The regions between the South Canadian river and the Smoky Hill was the best buffalo ? oiintry in the West. Along the Salt Fork in Northern Oklahoma I have seen buffalo as far as the eye could reach. We came often in the fall , with ox teams , and returned with ow ing wagons loaded with winter meat. We camped one afternoon at Buffalo Springs , just north of Hennessey , and turned our oxen out to graze , without unyoking them. They began snorting , and fearing a stampede , we chained them to our wagons. We looked every where for the cause of alarm , but ? ould see nothing. In about ten min utes a low , rumbling sound , like deep , far-off thunder , came from the west , where clouds of dust were rolling high in the air. We know that a heard of huffalo was coming. Almost before we could realize it , the herd was upon Us , rushing headlong for the spring * ! , where they crowded upon each other in a mad frenzy for water. Their tongues protruded as if they had been pursued by hunters , which was prob ably true. We killed nine , all we needed , in a short time. "It may be unwise to destroytradi- tions , but the story that Pat Hennes sey is buried in the town of Ilennes- pey is untrue. Hennessey was buried near Buffalo Springs , and I saw Irs ftrave within a year after he wa < killed , and many times aft''rward in driving cattle up the trail. The grave was marked by a stone on which V.MS 'P. II. , 1874 , ' if I remember correctly , the year of his death. " Guthrie ( Ok. ) Correspondence Kansas City Star. UNIQUE BIRD EXHIBIT. St. Louis Fair Now Has One of theMe Mo t Instructive in Kxistence. Frank M. Chapman , the bird mnn of the American Museum of History , has made a remarkalilo pic ture for the bird exhibit at the St Louis World's Fair. There is a glistening stretch of real beach sand arrayed with a background of painted beach and painted sea so natural that you can almost hear tlu > waves ripple. Tufts of beach grash and stray clumps of beach goldrnrorl actually growing in the sand and many shells are supplemented by pictured grass and bushes so that the two blend and produce a most realistic scene. But even more natural than the set ting are the groups of birds , the hab its , growth and appearance of which the whole thing is intended to show. The exhibit has just been opened and is the most striking in the museum. The locality represented is Cobb's Island , a shell-covered sand reef seven miles long about seven miles off the Virginia coast. Air. Chapman visited Oobb's Island last July in the nesting season and camped out for days behind a screen of banked-up sand , armed with a cam era. These six specimens are rep resented by the stuffed specimens : Least tern , gull-billed tern , common tern , skimmers , Wilson's plover and oyster catcher. In addition to the full grown birds shown in flight or nesting , says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch , are the young , the eggs and the rude circle of shells which the sea birds heap together for nests. His Trouble. "Literature may be a great thing , " said the sad looking inan , "but if I hadn't been a man of letters I would bave had less trouble. " "Indeed ? " queried the casual ac quaintance. "Yes , I wouldn't have been mixed up in a breach of promise suit. " Phil adelphia Ledger. Method in His Rashness. Tom Why were you so determined j kiss that plain cousin of yours ? Dick I wanted to establish a prece- ent She Has two pretty sisters , you jiovr. Stray Stories. All men are born equal , but some rnrw up and become presidents or mseiall umpires. Fibroid Tumors Cured1 Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice and medicine. " Some time ago I rrrote to you de scribing1 my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied , and I followed all your directions carefully , and to- jlay I am a well woman. , ' ' The use of Lydia E. Pinklmni's .Vegetable Compound entirely ex pelled the tumor and strengthened iny whole system. I can walk miles now. "Lydia B. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is worth five dollars lars a drop. I advise all women who ere afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give it afaithful trial. " ( Signed ) MRS. E. F. HAVES , 252 Dudley St. , ( Roxbury ) Boston. Mass. 5000 forfeit If erlylnal of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Mountains of gold could not. purchase such testimony or take the place of the health \ and happiness which JLydia E. Piiiklmm's Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs. Hayes. Such testimony should be accepted by all women ns convincing evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distress ing ills of women ; all ovarian troubles ; tumors ; inflammations ; ulceration , falling and displacement of the womb ; backache ; irregular , suppressed or painful menstruation. Surely tha volume and character of the testimo nial letters we are daily printing in. the newspapers caa leave no room for doubt in the minds cf fair people. Somehow a man always has a lin gering doubt or two nhen a woman Eays. , "I want you to understand that I am a lady ! " There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than a'l other discuses put together , and until the last few y rb was supposed to bo in curable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease , and prescribed local remedies , and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment , pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease , and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J.Cheney & Co. . Toledo. Ohio , is the only con stitutional euro on the market. It is taken In ternally in doses from 10 drops to a. teaspoonfnL It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer 0110 hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. F. .T. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo. O- Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Mils are the best. . Some men are iberai in all things b it religion and politics. four Dealer for Allen's Foot r A powder to shake into your shoes. II rests the feet. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching , Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Base makes new or tight hoes easy. Sold by all druggists and Shoe stores , 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Ror. N. Y | There are people in this world who insist on thinking tbat the self- made man who has the gout is merely trying to show off. Don't get the idea into your head that woman is more economical t aa man just because her waist is smaller. It is taking an unfair advantage of Russian to ask him to pronounce his name when he has been drinking. In 1850 only one woman worked for wages to every ten men ; now the ratio is one woman to form. Men make themselves weary 'by combating opinions which mean' nothing. . , Just because two men have an , understanding between them , they are necessarily balf-witted. Cats are licensed in Berlin , and every cat in tbat city must wear a ba modal badge _ bearing a number. A BACk NUMBER. The Milk and ERIC Diet. Starving the patient -who has a sick stomach is an out of date treatment anil no longer necessary with the predijrested and nourishing food Grape-Nuts that the weakest stomach can handle and grotv ; strong upon. There is plenty of proof of 'this : "I had suffered from stomach trouble fV six year * * and for most of the last t\\ years had been confined to my bed , the trouble having become chronic in spite of the very best niedieal attention. I had always been a coffee drinker , but for the past year I could not driak it at * all be cause it made me so nervous I could not 'sleep ' and my appetite was almost en1 tirely pone. / "Then some friend advised me to try the predicated food Grape-Nuts and abour three mouths ago I did so and since that time my improvement has been so rapid -that my customers and friends are astonished and every day someone remarks upon my changed con dition. I have gained 15 pounds , sleep well , my appetite is good and my diges tion is perfect. Where I have lived on milk and light diet for years I now eat most anything I want and don't Buffer any inconvenience either. The way Grape-Nuts food has built up my stomach and strengthened my nervous system particularly is just wonderful. ' 'I drink your food drink Postum , too , and no longer feel the want of coffee. There is absolutely no doubt that leaving off coffee and using Grape-Nuts and Postum has brought me out of my bed from an invalid back to fine health. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battla Creek , Mich. . ( "There's a reason , " and that reason is plain to anyone' who "will spend a few minutes investigating in the interest of health. Send to the Co. for particulars by mail of extension of time on the $7,500.00 oaks' contest for .735 money prizw.