Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 06, 1903, Image 7

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The University of Notre Dame ,
FULL COURSES IN Classics , Letters , Eco-
aomlcs and History , Journalism , Art , Science ,
Pharmacy , Law , Civil , Mechanical and Elec
trical Enjjlneerlnfc , Architecture.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial ,
Course ? .
ttOOM" FKKK to all student who liave complnted
the siudi 8 required for udmlnBion Into the Soplio-
more , Junior or Heritor Year of any of the Collegiate
ROOMS TO KENT , moderate chnrae to students
overwjTotiteen jiropuirirK for/ollo 'at Courses.
A li nil ted number of "Hadjcluierf for the Ecclt iuB-
ttcnl flta'oj will 'jjioceived ut n [ > eeinl rates
ST. I.OVt'AK 'R HALL. forboj undT 13roars , ! >
cniqni In > he coi pletune < i of its equipment.
The CHtSi Voar will opeu September 8 , 1908 ,
ClUiIotue Fr < > . Addrcvn
Rfc'V. A. MORR1SSEY. C. S. C. . President , Box 261.
If a man has no reputation to lose
he can all rd to ignore public opin
( Vith the exception of love making ,
h there ; ire many new ways of doing
old things
It talus an experienced undrr-
takt-r to louk solemn and conceal his
suLisfiK tini at a funeral.
It s1 ems queer , but nevertheless
it's a fact ll.att illness is often the
result of drinking well water :
\Vhit was It ?
Friarpoinf. Miss. , Aug. 3. One oJ
the stranicest cases ever reported oc
currcd lioio recently. The son of Mr
G. L. Lluth r was very ill. The doctoi
said he had some disease of the sphmi
cord , and treated him for t\vo months
but he ; a'e\v worse ull the time , and
finally the doctor told Mr. liutler thai
lie did not know what WAS the trouble.
The boy would wake up in the ni l1) )
and say that he was dying. lie wouk1
be nervous and trembling and want to
run out of the house , sayinc he saw
ujriy things which frightened him.
His father wa ? very much discourag
ed till one day he saw a new remedy
called Dodd's Kidnry Pills advertised
mid he at once bought some and began
to give them to his boy.
He used altogether eight boxes be
fore he was entirely cured. lie has
not been troubled since. Mr. Butlei
tsays :
"I feel it my duty to tell what
Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for my
boy. All this remedy needs is a fail
chance and it will speak for itself. "
Chanctcr is the substance : repu
tation the shadow.
The flower of the family isn't
always college bred.
His satanic majesty must have
a lot of branch offices.
Take.a few s-vimming lessons be
fore burning your bridges behind
you. _
That a warm climate favors long
life is sbown by a recent list of cen
tenarians. Scotland has -16 , England
146 , Sweden 10 , France 213and Spain
fr > 401.
The gross earnings of the civilized
world are about $36,000,000,000 per
annum. _ _
One day's rest out of seven is said
to be the secret of beauty and will
help to proloug it into middle age.
Chicago Daily News.
' England lias 28 railway tunnels of
a mile or more in length.
" " "
' Dont' get marl. It gives""the" other
fellow the whole advanage. Phila
delphia Press.
Dissolve one'ounceof'camptiorgum
in four ounces of warm sweet oil.
Household Ledger.
. Many men love justice within
their own doors , while barring thier
Quit Coffee and Got Well.
A woman's coffee experience is inter
esting. "For two weeks at a time I hare
tnken no food but skim milk , for solid
food would ferment and cause such , a
pressure of gaa and such distress that
I could hardly breathe at times , also ex
cruciating pain and heart palpitation and
all the time I was so nervous and rest
"From childhood up I had been a cor-
fee and tea drinker and for the past 20
yeurs I have been trying different physfc-
'cians , but could get only temporary re
lief. Then I read an article telling how
some one had been cured by leaving off
coffee and drinking Postum and it seem
ed FO pleasant just -to read about good
health I decided to try Postum in place
of coffee.
I I made the change from coffee to
Postum and such a change there is in me
tbat I don't feel like the same person.
We all found Postum delicious and like
it hetter than coffee. My health now i
wonderfully good.
"A-5 soon as I made the shift from cof
fee to Postum I got better and now all of
my troubles are gone. I am fleshy , my
food assimilates , the pressure in the
chest and palpitation are all gone , my
bowels are regular , have no more stomach
ach trouble and my headaches are gone.
Remember I did not use medicines o& all
just left off coffee and drank Postum
teadily. " Name given by Postum C * .
Battle Creek , Mich.
Send to the Co. for particulars by mail
of extension of time on the § 7,500.00
Prince Bismarck's wife was note
worthy for her executive ability and'
for her independence. The Princess
attached little value to articles of lux
ury , unless they were connected in
her memory with some distinct trait
of human kindness. In writing of her
In "Personal Reminiscences of Prince
Bismarck , " Mr. Whitman says that In
her unceasing care for her family and
her guests the Princess showed to
what extent a wife , a mother , a mis
tress of a household can sacrifice her
own convenience in identifying herself
with the wants and wishes of others.
No general In command could sur
vey a battlefield more completely than
Princess Bismarck controlled a dinner-
table. She was in supreme command
and overlooked everything. Thoie
was at times something not far from
heroic in this , seeing that she was
often hardly able to keep awake.
There she would sit , not touching a
Yet in spite of her suffering from
asthma , at times scarcely able to draw
n breath , her eye was everywhere ,
controlling , ministering , seeing that
everybody was attended to and satisfied
If the conversation ut table turned
on a fresh delicacy of the season , era
a new dish , or the predilection ex
pressed by a guest , the chances were
that one or the other would make its
appearance the next day. While at
table she would whisper .1 few words
to one of her servants to give a mes-
BHge to the cook to add some item to
the very dinner in progress.
Nor was it only from a desire to
humor the taste of her husband that
Princess Bismarck showed such vigi
lance in controlling the wheels of the
ilomestic machinery. All her house
hold , domestic servants included , were
the objects of her constant solicitude.
As the old saying , "Every man to his
taste. " still holds good , and some fish
ermen Avill swear by genuine live bait
only , a Xc w England inventor proposes
to provide it for them as easily as pos
sible ; nonce , the ingenious little fish
trap shown in the accompanying pic
ture. Its principle is similar to that of
the large fish nets used on the sea
shore , where the fish find tlieirway
through openings at the apex of a
V-shaped net into a large holding net.
In this case the tubular receiving net
has glass cones at either end , with
small opening at the apex , through
which the fish find their way Into the
interior. It may be wise to place a
small quantity of bait inside the trap ,
which the fish will quickly spy through
the transparent cones , working their
way toward it until they find the open
ings and pass in. It will be seen that
one of the cones is tilted on its pivot
pins , this feature affording a handy
means of access to the interior , or
enabling the cone to be reversed to
drop the contents of the trap into it
for selection and assorting. If the trap
is supplied with the necessary bait and
immersed for a short time along the
shore of a stream or lake , it will be
found to contain the live minnows
sought for , according to the inventor.
John E. Hill , of Center Harbor ,
N. II. , is the patentee.
Method in Her IMadneas.
The feminine coterie was holding a
garrulous powwow in the drawing
room , when suddenly a mouse loomed
up amid the scenery. It was all of the
fair ones In a go-as-you-please race to
the lawn with the exception of one
maid of more or less uncertain years.
"Why didn't you run , too ? " asked the
strong man who rushed gallantly to
the rescue.
"I I was In h-hopes , " sobbed she
of the unrecorded birthday anniversar
ies , "that I m-might be scared out of
s-several years g-growth If I re-remain
ed. "
Whereupon the strong man took on a
sympathetic look and Bald never *
Fame's Ladder.
top ,
we .
stop !
Smait Set.
Disfigured a d Out of the Hunt
Banby But why have you thrown
Charlie overboard ?
Maude I couldn't marry a man wU
i broken nose , you know.
Banby Ah ! I wonder how he go
his nose broken , poor fellow ?
Maude Oh , I struck him playin
tennis ! Pick Me Up.
Faber : The art of saying appro ; * ;
ate words in a kindly way is one t' :
never goes out of fashion , and is w , . . . 1
\a the reach of tfc * humblest. '
Why the Yonnff Doctor Had to B-si-
bard His Own House.
They had been married only a short
while. He was a young and struggling
physlcia'i , and she a very sweet , de
voted little wife , but very much afraid
of burglars , so that when it did hap
pen that the doctor had a sick call
during the wee hours , they resorted
to all means that she might know that
It was he who wished to enter the
house upon his return and not the
dreaded night prowlers.
The calls were not many , but some
how they had never hit upon a success
ful plan until the wife exclaimed one
morning at breakfast : "I have it now ,
Jack ; after this you knock five times
and let there be a minute between
each knock ; then I'll be sure to know
it Is yourself. " Jack , so the story
goes , was not in favor of having to
wait five minutes to gain entrance to
his own house , but ever anxious to
please , agreed to the arrangement , and
one night last week bad occasion to
test it Someone was dying , the mes
senger said , and wanted a doctor im
mediately ; would he come ? Where
upon Jack tumbled into his clothes and
in the confusion didn't hear or , what
was more likely , forgot all about the
five knocks that he was to give tha
front door upon his return.
During his absence the fearful wifa
"could hear nothing but knocks , " she
afterward said , "and I was just so
nervous alone in a strange house and
neighborhood , that I thought Jack had
been gone an hour before he had time
to turn the corner. Finally I heard
the bell ring ; then somebody tried the
door. I was nearly dead from fright
and don't know what would have hap
pened had it not been that any numbei
of stones began storming against the
house. I knew this Avas an unusual
attack for burglars , so with a prayei
on my lips that Jack would return ai
least some time during that dreadful
night , I ventured to the window and
peeped out. It was Jack , and he saw
me. "
"You've waked up the whole neigh
borhood. Why don't you let me in ? "
he fairly shouted.
"Why didn't you knock ? " came bacli
; the small voice.
I "Why didn't I knock ? " again shriek.
ed the irate husband. "Didn't you
vhear the panel fall out of the door ? '
"I know , " sobbed the timid littlt
wife ; "but you didn't knock the righl
number ; it was five , don't you remem
ber ? " Washington Post
Postofflces were first established In
The wrist contains eight bones , th
palm five and the fingers fourteen.
In the Black forest industrious me
chanics are turning out paper knives ,
cigarette cases , etc. , labeled : : Made ol
wood grown near the Matoppos , when
Cecil Rhodes is buried. "
The hydrogen atom has hithert <
been considered the smallest partlclt
of matter , but the incandescent parti
cles in the vacuum of a Crooks tub *
are but one-thousandth as large.
Fowls are supposed to have beei ]
first domesticated in China 1400 , B. C ,
This is probably about the same period
when , according to Lamb , the Chines ;
discovered the succulency of roast pig
The city of Christiania long ag {
went to law on the question of liability
for the support of an aged woman
When the case was settled recently it
was discovered that the old woman
had been dead for years.
Queen Alexandra's laces , linens and
silks are perfumed by a method whiclj
almost any woman can copy. Tha
drawers in which they are kept are
lined with white paper , strewn with ,
rose petals. On this is placed a layei
of the fabrics to be scented , over that
a layer of rose leaves , and so on iq
alternation until the drawer is filled ,
Over all a sheet of tissue is spread. At
the end of twenty-four hours every ,
thing In the drawer will have a deli ,
cate perfume that will cling to it foj
a long time. Perfumes are believed tq
make clothes and linen much mor <
wholesome. Flowers and certain prei
pared perfumes have excellent medici.
nal qualities.
With our forefathers , disease was ai |
evil Influence. We should no iongei
look at It in that way ; at least , so w <
are assured in a recent address by Si\ \
Frederick Treves , an Engliuh physi
cian. To the modern expert , he says ,
disease is merely the outcome of nat >
ural processes whose purpose , at bet >
torn , Is a kindly or beneficent one. It {
symptoms are merely "expressions of 4
! natural effort toward cure ; " they ar
"not malign in intent , but have foj
their end the ridding of the body ol
[ the very troubles which they are rap
'posed to represent" After all , how ,
ever , this view is not so very new.
Even In the Middle Ages wise mei
talked of the "curative force of na
ture , " and in this phase lies the trut }
on which Sir Frederick has based hlf
lecture. Still , it is frequently forgottei
that nature means well by us , and it ii
a good thing to be once in a while re
minded of it
Miss Olden ( coyly ) Mr. Timmid call ,
ed to see me last night and I had j
proposal "
Miss Speitz Yes ?
Miss Olden You don't appear to b' '
at all curious to know what he said.
Miss Speitz Oh , I suppose he sai <
"yes , " of course. Philadelphia Press'
Spanish proverb : Live with th/
'wolves , and you will learn to howL
B \
a A prominent Southern lady ,
Mrs. Blanchard , of Nashville ,
Tenn. , tells how she was cured
of backache , dizziness , painful
and irregular periods by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" Gratitude compels me to acknowl
edge the great merit of your Vege
table Compound. I have suffered for
four years with irregulr.r and painful
menstruation , also dizz'tjess. pains in
tlie back and lower limbs , and fitful
sleep. I dreaded the time to come
which would only mean suffering1 to
me. Six bottles of "Lydia E.
Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound
brought me health and happiness in a
few short months , and was worth
more than months under the doctor's
care , which really did not benefit me j
at all. 1 feel like another person now. ! '
My aches and pains have left me. I
am satisfied there is no medicine so
good for sick woman as your Vege
table Compound , and I advocate it to
my lady friends in need of medical | j
help. " MRS. B. A. BrA > cnARW , 423
Broad St. , Nashville. Tenn. $5000for- i
fsit if orlylnat of above letter proving genuineness j
cannot be produced.
When women , are troubled with
menstrual irregularities , weakness , j '
Icucorrhcea , displacement or ulceratiou
of ths womb , that bearing-down feel
ing , inflammation of the ovaries , back
ache , they should remember there ia
one tried "and true remedy. Lydia E.
Pinkham's VcgretableCompouiid *
The Parisans ate 23000 horses last
The fecundity of the domestic fly
is remarkable. Each female housefly
biys about one hundred and twenty
eggs and each ejig is hatched and
produces a perfect frtile fly in less
than three weeks. If a calculation
from these facts is made it will bo
found that it is quite possil le that a
single female fly may be the progeni
tor of twenty-five million descend
ants in the course of one summer.
It is better to have a memory for
favors than a memory for faces.
Some men work : assiduously , some
When a blooded dog barks all the
curs are sure to join in.
Some men are so selflsh tbat they
kick at their own joys.
It taKes a strong man to profit
by the mistakes of an enemy.
Men show a spirit of unreasonable
ness over a kindly word of advice.
Mirth will warm the heart at
Write me for particulars of a safe , secure invest
ment vavinR seven per cent on amounts of one hun
dred dollars or more. BANK KEFERKNCFS.
\V. H. HOKE , York , Penna.
A Philadelphia millionaire In bis
will left * 5Q each to his children.
Last year America imported only
8,000,000 bushels of potatoes.
An elephant's jaw has been un-
earted in Halleck Canyon , Wyo.
Rats are estimated to destroy food
to the value of 12,000,000 year.
Deafness Cannot Bo Curert
hv local applications , as they cannot reacn the
llseased portion of the ear. There Is only one
way to cure Deafness , and that Is by constitu
tional reino'Hes. Deafness is caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eust.ichlan Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed
vou have a rumbllnp ound or Imperfect hear
ing , and when It Is entirely closed Deafness Is
the result , and unices the inflammation can be
taken out and tills tube restored to Its normal
condition , hearing will b ? destroyed forever ;
niuo cases out of ten are caused by i atarrh.
which Is nothing but an intianmd condition of
the mucoui surfaces.
"We will glvo One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars , free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0.
j Sold by DruircKt 7 .c.
Hall's Family I'llls are the best
People who turn to look at a prize
fighter merely exhibit the lingering
trace of savagery.
Two bottles of Piso's Cure lor Con-
sumption cured me of a terrible coujrh.
Fred Hermann , 209 Box avenue , Buffalo ,
X. Y. , Sept. 24 , 1901.
Ranchers in Montnna are importing -
ing cats from Minnesota to kill prairie
doijs. So far the experiment has
been successful. On one ranch two
hundred miles east of Butte there
are nearly thrcu hundred cats , and
cab kil's an average of two
prairie dogs every day.
A negro murderer in MuKnoman
co-nty , Oregon , believes in unicn
prices for labor. He therefore ob
jects to being hung on the gallows
whir h he has learned was erected byte
to 'scabs' ' .
When women talk nf the proposals
of marriage they have had they are
as unreliable as men who talk of
fishing and hunting.
A lover who has been discarded by
[ his lady for another sued the faith
less one for the mony expended
to her during the courtship , where
uyon she turned and married him.
A train of thought is apt to jump
tha track.
The dude owes his fine feathers to
the tailors' goose.
Yonr Denier fnr AHen'a FootfSaua ,
A powder to shake into your shoes. It
rests the feet. Cures Corns. Buiiona ,
Swollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching ,
Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails.
Allen's Poot-Ense makes new or tight
shoes easy. Sold by all druggists and
shoe stores. 25c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le ROT. N. Y.
Fiance is ' 'boss of the bakery" in
the production of large loaves of
bread. Some of tbe French loaves
are six feet long.
ne meers wih rebuns because of a
failure bow down to presumption.
& 3 isS ® JBii $
Beat Couch cyrup. rastas Good , dec
N. ft. U. . 783-32 YORK. NEB
f |
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of Pax * I
tine Toilet Aatiaaptlo'
we will mail a Urge trial1
package with book of In * '
structions absolutely !
free. This is not a tiny !
sample , but alarge package , i
enough to convince anyone
of its value. Women all'
over the country are prais
ing Paxtine for what it has done in local
treatment of female Ills , curing all in flam ,
tnation and discharges , wondrrful as a cleans
tog vaginal douche , for sore throat , nasal ca
tarrh , as a mouth wash , and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth , bend to-day ; a postal
card will do.
Said by drUffcUte or Bent postpaid by t > , 6&
eenU. larrc box. Satltfaetloa guaranteed.
R. PAXTON CO. . 218 Columbus A , Bottoi. Mats.
A Skin of Beauty Is a coy Forever :
. K h. and SkJa
dUcuca , and erery blemish on
bounty , and tii-fles
u > twllon. H baa
ate < td tha test of 64
Tttrs , and In o
n rniIfMwo lasts It
to b euro It U prop.
rlj m ( ic- Accept
no coanterfeit of
cimtUr na-uc. Dr. U.
A. Ba/ro a id to "
lad j of Ui hant tor
( iv patient ) . "A. ; 701 *
ladles will win-them.
I rrcommend'Oour-
aud'ii I'nrMii1 M Che1
least birntul of al >
the Skin prepara
tions " Per mlo by.
all DrufWits and
Tancj-Oocds Deaden In th C. 8. . Cana/Ias oad Europo.
T HnpKlNS. Propr,17GreJonca3t..N.y-
A phf-toRiaplicr in Berlin has wor >
bhe title rf"darlsns" from tbe
middle sgcd Ind'cs of that city.
When takJns pictures of : i Jady of
advanced age , be places thin sheets
of celluloid between the negative and
the printing paper , thus producing
a very softening effect , which hides
the ravages of time.
Mrp.WInslo-.v's POOTHING SYRUP for chil
dren teethinir , sou-ns the eums. reduces InflK-
matlon , allays pain cures , colic. Pilce2oc bottle
Even when she didn't take him
ifc always is a great pleasure to a
woman to reraemhcrbow noble a man-
was in his grief after he proposed.
A girl's i < 1ea cf going swimming
is that she must be carefull to dress
a little , but appropriately , in case
she might have to go into the water.
New York News.
A law for the extermination of
prairie dogs has been passed bj the
Texas Legislature.
Simla , India , is built on the si do
of a srerp hill and the roof of one
hou e is often on a level with the
foundation of one on the next ter
The rats of S'utbern Itally are
very cunning , and display good taste.
They climb the orange trees and
suck the blood oranges , neglecting
the others.
Kentucky needs schools , but nofc
to teach the young idea how to
Good Tbtags to Eat on the Lawn
Potted Hsm , Beti and Tongue , OzTonrae
( totei , Vecl Loaf , Devlltd Ham , Brisket
Beef , Sliced Snaked B f.
All Natural Flavor Foods. Palatable and
wholesome. Your grocer should have them.
Bend fira 2c ntamj. for Ltbby' * bisr Atlas of th
\Vo-Id. Hnud-omo booklet "HowtoMak * Good
things to Eat" free.
Ubby , McNelll & Llbby. Chlcags.
PernmiifiiOr Cured. ironwornerroaBnesJaxcT
flrnt tuy.'r use ot Dr. KUne'i Great Nerre Kw
A Send to-Fit EE # 2.0O 'rial bottle wi trrUt .
R. R , H. KtlNR Ltd i'3l A. St..Pailadelrhl Pa-
Greatest in the World
The most wonderftil record In all history merit made it. Advertising has sarved to make
OASOABETS known , t > E $ the greatest advertisment ever printed could do no more than got
a person to try OASOABBSfS once. Then oomes the test , and if GASOABETS did not prove
their merit there -would not be a sale of nearly a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. This sucoe *
has been made by the kind words of our friends. No one who tries OASOABETS fails to be
pleased said talk nicely about them. OASOABBTS are easiest to buy , to carry , to take , to give.
THB PEBFBOT HOME MEDICINE. . They are a perfect cure for Constipation , Appendicitis.
Biliousness , Sour Stomsoh , Sick Headache , Bad Breath , Bad Blood , Pimples , Piles , "Worms and
all bowel diseases. Genuine tablet stamped O O O. NEVEB SOLD IN BULK. All drupsjists , lOo ,
25o , 6Oc. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co. , Chicago or New York. E