Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 30, 1903, Image 7

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    Summer Is a food time to treat Chronic Kidney ,
KIDNEY Blidder , nd UrJwry troubles with Doan's KMacy nils : COMFORT.
they conquer the most stubbora cases.
Aching backs are cased. much pain hi my back ; as
Hip , back , nud Join pains went on I could hardly
overcome. Swelling of the endure it ; I could not stand
for few moments at
except a
limbs and dropsy signs a time ; 1 crew weak and
vanish. exhausted ; I could not even
They correct urine with do light housework ; I could
brick dust sediment , high no > stoop or bend ; my head
colored , pain in passing , ocl < "d severely ; I was In pain
dribbling frequency bed from toy head down to my
, ,
' het s ; centering in the kiu-
wetting. Doan's Kidney Tills
ne < s it was a heavy , steady ,
remove calculi and gravel. sickening ache ; I could not
Relieve heart palpitation , HAME. res' , nights , and g ot up
EleepleHHiiess , hca.dachc , mrroings weak and tired. I
P. O.
nervousness , dizziness. thought I was about dope
for , when I snvr Doan's Kid
STAT E ney Pills advertised. Within
Mrs. James Beck of 314 For fire trial box , mall tills coupon to a week after commencing
West Whiteabnro Street , Foster-Jllltmm Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. If al > eve their use I began to improve ,
Home , N. Y. , snj-s : " I iv.-is rpsiw in insufilclentvrito address on sepe- and from that tune on rapidly
troubled with my kidneys for raie flip. grevr better. I used five
eight or niuo years ; hud boxes in all and was cured. "
A hospital in Chelsea. Endland ,
loses a bequest of $0,000 through an
informality , The testator signed his
will in his bedr ; om , and the wit-
oiesses thoughtlessly cairied ib into
( another room before signing it , thus
invalidating the whole document.
TLe largest insect known is the
stick insect of Borneo. When in
active it resembles a piece of sticK.
iSome specimens thirteen inches in
jlength have been captured.
Notre Dome , Indiana.
Ve call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of Notre Dame
University , one of the great educa
tional institutions of the West , which
appears in ano.ther column of this pa
per. Those of our readers who may
have occasion lo look up a college for
( their sons during the coming year
would do well to correspond with the
President , who will semi thorn a cata
logue free of charge , as well as all par
ticulars regarding terms , courses of
studies , etc.
Private rooms are given free to stu
dents of the Sophomore. .Junior or Se
nior years of any of the Collegiate
There is a thorough preparatory
'school in connection with the University -
sity , in which students of all grades
will have every opportunity of prepar
ing themselves for higher studies. The
'Commercial ' Course intended for young
/men / preparing for business , may be
' finished in one or two years according
jto the ability of the student. St. Ed-
) ward's Hall , for boys under thirteen , is
| a unique department of the institution.
( The higher courses are thorough in ev-
jery respect , and students will find every -
| ery opportunity of perfecting them-
iselves in any line of work they may
tchoose to select. Thoroughness in
class work , exactness in the care of
istuuents , and devotion to the best in
terests of all , are the distiniruishing
'characteristics of the University of
Notre Dame.
Sixty years of active work in the
.cause of education have made this institution -
stitution famous all over the country. ,
Sheep draw little express w
'in India- and Persia.
iTour Denier for Allen's Foot Jin t >
A powder to shake into your shoes. It
rests the feet. Cures Corns. Bunions ,
Swollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching ,
Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. -
Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight
shoes easy. Sold by nil drusfrists and
shoe stores , 25c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y.
A tidy room peas ! = mt and sunny ,
can be rented at the Hague. Holland ,
for sixty-two cents a wek. .
, .
2S5HS > * S. * A > - & *
4& ® , - ' *
The University of Notre Dame ,
FULL COURSES IN Classics , Letters , Economics -
, nomics and History , Journalism , Art , Science ,
( Pharmacy , Law , Civil. Mechanical and Elec
trical Engineering : , Architecture.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
1 Courses.
ROOMS FKEK to nil student who IIBTO completed
.the studies required for admission into the Sopho-
Jrnore. Junior or Senior Ywar of any of the ColloKiato
! Courses.
ROOMS TO REXT , moderate charge to students
lover seventeen preimiringforColleglate Courses.
A limited number of Onndidntes for the Eccleeino
Itical atate will be received at special ratea
ST. KO WAKD'8 HAI-U for born under 13 yoare. is
'unique In the complstene * * of its equipment.
The GOth Vi-ur trill open September 8 , 1908.
Catalogues Froe. Addre
REV. A. MORR1SSEY. C. S. C. , President , Box 264.
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of Pnx-
tine Toilet Antiseptic
we will mail a large trial
package with book of in
structions abbolutely
free. This is not a tin )
sample , but alarge package ,
enough to convince anyone
of its value. Women all
over the country are prais
ing Paxtine for what it has done in local
i treatment of female ills , curing all inflam
mation and discharges , wonderful as a cleans
ing vaginal douche , tor sore throat , nasal ca-
carrh , as a mouth wash , and to remove tartar
and whiten tke teeth. Send to-day ; a postal
card will do.
Sold by drucrUU or lent po ! pnld by us , 50
cento , Inrce box. Satisfaction ffuarnnteed.
R. PAXTOH CO. , 216 Colupbus Ave. Bo to * . Mass.
A Skin of Beauty Is a aoy Forever.
GO fS w npmovp Tan. Pimples , Frecklrs.
J oth Patches , Hush , and Shin
disease * , and every blemish on
beauty , nafl defies
Tears , and ii so
Larmlefs wo tnsto ft
to b euro it is prop-
made. Accept
counterfeit of
A. Sayro said to a
lady of the ham-ton
( a patient ) : "As you
ladles will use them ,
I recommend 'Qour-
1 nnd'a Cream' as the
least harmful of all
tha Skin prepara
tions. " For ue by
all Drnrl5t3 and
? aney-Goods Dealers In the TJ. 8. , Canadoc and Europe.
FEKD. T. nOPKINR. rropr. ? T Grtwt Jones St. . N.Y.
Beet Conjgli Syrep. Tastes Good. Uao
"in time.
N. N. U. . 782-31 YORK , NEB
Tlie distinction of a humorist con
sists in the fact tliat bis jokes are
worth a salary.
You have not fulfilled your des-
tir > y these days unless you have had
We lead the other day of a monkey
in JSew York who died of a broken
heart because he was close-shaven.
Several gentlemen of our acquaint
ance would do well to follow his ex
ample. Frank Paine.
It is said that one of the most per
plexing duties of authorship is
naming a work. It certainly is the
most profound problem connected1
with most modern novels.
A bright future is a nice thing to
have , but it is a poor thing to live
A contributor to a newspaper is a
man whose salary consists of the
postage he pajs to get his articles
pub ishecl.
Many girls think that because a
young man does not stop to talk to
them he is bashful. There is such
a thing as self defense.
The worst insult that some people
have to bear is the fact that there
are others smarter than themselves.
Talk to some young men about
their prospects and the only thing
they can tell you is what they are
going to do.
Frank Power.
Pound a Friend.
Valley City , N. D. , July 27. Mrs
Matilda M. Boucher of this place tells
how she found a friend in the follow
ing words :
"For years I suffered with a dizzi
ness Iu my head Rod could get nothing
to cure rue till fcbout two years ago
svhen I was advised to take Dodd'S
Kidney Pills. These pills cured me
before I had used the whole of the
first box , and I haven't been troubled
since. '
"In January of this year I had ar ,
attack of Sciatica that made me almost
helpless , and remembering how much
Dodd's Kidney Pills had done for me
before , I sent and got some and began ,
to fcike them at once.
"In three weeks I was well , and not
a trace of the Sc-iatica left , and I have
been well ever since.
"Dodd's Kklne ; Pills have certainly
been of great Ii-'iefit to me. I have
found them a ft end in time of sick
ness , and I wil always recommen
them to every one suffering with the
troubles that bothered me. "
Persons with blue eyes are rarely
affected with color blindness.
Aliens who hereafter stray
into British prisons , as convicts ,
will not be taught trades.
Rain has never been known to fall
i i Iquique , Peru The place con-
uiius 14,100 inhabitants.
In Kew York City there are twelve
hotels , each of which has more than
300 telephones.
It costs very little to support 2 ,
family in India. Millions of men
in t'nat country live , marry and rear
healthy children upon an income
which even when the wife workj , is
rarely above sixb ? cents a week.
Over one-half the trees struck by ]
lightninc are populars. From this
fact scientists conclude that the popi
ular has some value as a conductor
of lightning. Therefore agricult
uralists are advised to plant these
trees in the vicinity of the farm
Nothing is spent for fuel by the
Maories of iSfew Zealand. They cook
their potatoes and other vegetable
in volcanic heat. There are a fe\y
volcanoes in Uew Zealand , and some
of the Maories live up in the mountains - }
ains near them. They make the
volcanoes serve as cooking stoves. .
There is something so disagreeablq
to mice in the soil of one of the'
islands in Sb. Magus Bay , on the
west side of Shetland , that the little ] '
pests cannot exist there. To test1
the truth of this statement , several
mice , at variovs times , were taken
there , but the soil proved so uncon
genial that they soon died. *
How's This !
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
anv case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by'
Hall's Catarrh Cure. t
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. . Toledo. 0.
Wo the undersigned hare known F. J. Cheney C
for the last is year * ; , and bellove him perfectly v
honorable in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by 8
tlielf firm.
WKST &TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , 0. flE
Drugclsts. Toledo. O. I
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Trice 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
DniRRlsts. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Investment Securilles , 40 Wall St. N. Y.
Makes n speciality of guaranteed 6 per
cent stock * , suitable for administrators.
} xncutors audiTriibt Funds. Write for par
At a dinner of Federated Women in
St. Paul , the other day , one of the
gentle sex , responding to the toast ,
"The Ideal Man , " said : "Man is the
paragon of animals. On his own
ground he surpasses the lion in mag
nanimity , the fox in acumen , the par
rot in repartee , the monkey in versa
tility , the ant in thrift , the iish in self-
control , the spider in all that goes to
make up a valued member of society.
I dare say that , if all the facts were
known , man is more of an absolute
success than the mule ! "
An amusing instance of a minister
stumbling on a text of a humorous
personal application is that related of
a widower , who had remarried withiu
a year after his first wife's death.
His friends and congregation thought
liim very expeditious , and on the next
Sunday , when his text was announced ,
they could scarcely control themselves.
He rose in his place in his pulpit and
feaid : "My beloved brethren ! You
will flnd my text in the seventeenth
verse of the fourth chapter of Second
Corinthians , 'Our light afiliction ,
which is for the moment. ' "
Wirt Gerrare , in his volume on
"Greater Russia , " says that in the
Czar's country one may not call an
other a fool there is a Scriptural in
junction against that , and it is consequently
quently a legal offense , too. Not long
ago , a "viuf player called his partner
a fool for needlessly trumping their
trick. The offended man brought his
accuser before the court. The culprit
pleaded provocation , and , knowing
that the judge would be a passionate
follower of the national game , explain
ed the matter in detail. The judge be
came interested ; got excited as the
particulars of the play were given. '
took the trick with my queen , and , in
stead of throwing away , my partner
played the king ! " shouted the abuser.
k"The fool ! " said the judge ; "ah-hein
next case. "
On the day of ex-President Cleve
land's first inauguration in Washing
ton , D. C. , the late Thomas P. OcLiu-
tree took a cab to go to the Capitol.
[ The driver was drunk , and the horse
ran away. "Tom" was thrown out
.and so severely injured that he was
! on crutches for more than a year. He
sued the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany , which owned the cab , for $20,000
'damages. His friends jocularly in
sisted that he would cling to those
.crutches until the suit was decided.
Meanwhile he went to a Clover Club
dinner in Philadelphia , and , being
called on to speak , arose to respond ,
with no crutches in sight. As soon as
he uttered the words , "Mr. President , "
Mr. Postlethwaite , of the Pennsylva-
hia Railroad , one of the brightest fel
lows in the club , sang out : "Colonel
Ochiltree , where are your crutches. "
It was enough to floor most men , but
"Tom" was equal to the emergency.
Quick as a flash came this answer :
"Under the table , sir , where you will
be in a few minutes. " Mr. Pestle
thwaite joined as heartily as anybody
in the laugh following this knock
down blow.
Original Colonel Sellers Lived and
Flourished Down in Missouri.
One hears , almost annually , of some
person "who was Mark Twain's in
spiration" for the famous character of
Colonel Mullbery Sellers that wonder
ful optimist who has delighted two
generations , taught the lesson of
human kindness and loving charity as
it was never taught by mortal man ,
and given mingled happiness and mer
riment to untold thousands of our time.
Just how many persons have received
this enviable distinction we shall not
undertake to say. They are innumerable -
able by this time and we shrink from
the task of assorting and classifying
them with anything like care. Indeed ,
we are relieved of that laborious and
futile undertaking by the sure knowl
edge that Mark Twain had originally
in mind the late Thomas A. Harris , of
Pewee Valley , Ivy. , some fifteen or
twenty miles to the north of Louis
General Harris was a Missourian a '
man of travel , education , wide experi
ence , indomitable courage and engag
ing manners and appearance. Gifted
far beyond ordinary men In brains ,
address and noble instincts , he was
Relieved in private , successful in af
fairs , admired , respected and confided
'in by all who knew him. He made
millions like a genius and spent them
like a prince. He was a soldier , a
poet , an orator , a bold and shrewd
'speculator. No one ever lost a dollar
through trusting him. His failures
and disappointments touched himself
alone. Mark Twain knew him well in n
the old days before the civil war ;
thrilled responsive to his sublime con
ceptions and the alluring eloquence
with which he gave them shape and
substance ; recognized his fine char
acter , his noble purpose , his chivalrlc
soul , felt the full charm of his amaz
ing personality. And Mark Twain
In painting Colonel Mullbery Sellers "
merely utilized the pathos and the P
liumor and the splendid and beautiful
benevolence of the man's unique and
Brilliant nature.
Senator Vest remembers dear old S ,
Tom Harris. It was he who' In the 3
fall of 1861 , when Price was besieging
Lexington , Mo. , and when all efforts
failed tof dislodge Mulligan and his
immortal'"Chicago Brigade. " conceiv
ed tue expedient of the hemp bales and a :
' put the confederate army behind them ,
rolling the movable breastworks up
the hill and over the union fortifica
tions to victory. But for Harris' gen
ius Lexington would never have been
taken. Thrice the force that Price had
at his command could not have suc
cessfully stormed that formidable
| i height A 3'ear or so later , Harris was
I in Richmond seeking a command.
J I While there , he fell out of a fonrth-
| j story window , alighting , face down-
I ward , on a pile of bricks. Vest said
j 1 , of it , afterward : "It would have killed
j a snow bird. " In Harris' case , ther. '
was only a nose split right down the
middle , and a scar Avhich everybody
thought had been made by a sabc-r in
some desperate hand-to-hand conflict
with a hated foe.
Harris was always the kind and
courteous and clear-handed gentleman.
He loved his fellow man. He was
read } ' to share his last dollar with
anyone who seemed to be in stress
or sorrow. Great thought issued from
his fruitful mind. Prodigies schemes
and enterprises were the child : en of his
Intellect. Untold millions , in which ho
had no share , have been the creatures
of his light , suave suggestions. He
never wronged man or woman. Ho
was incapable of deceit or pretense
But when he talked all men listenet
Out of the crumbs of his opulent sug
gestion others gathered fame and for
tune. And he died poor ! He had inada
many men rich. He had distributed
succor , hope , encouragement , as th *
sewer flings his seed. But he always-
saw the bread upon the water and
he never lost his faith in man. lie
was Mark Twain's Sellers. Washing
ton Post.
If Not , Try It Sometime ou the News
The man at the news stands might
know. Mrs. Gibbons hovered uncer
tainly around the pictorial exhibit , try
ing to screw up a suddenly waning
courage and then found voice to say
engagingly :
"I am looking for my husband. "
"What did you say , lady ? " The man
stopped in his work of sorting papers.
"I'm looking for my husband. He's
been waiting for me here for a long
time with a party but he's gone
now. I thought perhaps he had left
some message here with you. "
"What kind of looking man was he ? "
asked the news clerk. He leaned for
ward companionably.
"He he's tall , and clean shaven ,
with a light overcoat , and blue eyes
and " She groped around for some
distinguishing characteristic to elicit a
gleam of response "a square chin
with a dimple in it. " She felt her own
fatuousness. "You you'd know him if
you saw him. "
The clerk turned to a boy who had
appeared behind the counter.
"Did you see a man with a light
overcoat , and " a spasm passed over
his face "and a dimple in his chin ?
Did he leave any message here ? " Mrs.
Gibbons felt hotly that he was laugh
ing at her , although he looked impas-
"Naw , " said the boy , "he didn't leave
no message with me. " He added on
reflection. "I ain't seen no one hang
ing 'round but a chunky feller with a
black mustache. "
"He hasn't seen anyone but a stout
man with a black mustache , " reported
the clerk officially , while two pairs of
eyes stared at her in a disconcerting
manner. McClure's Magazine.
Too Strenuous a Jjife.
A well-dressed lad , the son of
wealthy parents , recently decided it
would be quite manly to earn a few
coppers for himself by selling daily
papers. He stopped a tattered news
boy in the street , and said to him :
"Do you think I should be able to .
earn money as you do if I bought [
some papers and came to this corner
to sell them ? "
"Why do you want to sell papers ? "
"I'm tired of being Idle. "
"Well , " said the philosophic little
newsboy with serious air " '
, , a , "d'yer
think you can hold thirty-six papers in
one hand , lick three or four bojrs big-
gerun yerself with the other hand ,
while yer keeps two more off with yer
feet , and yells 'Evenin' News' all the
time ? "
"Xo-o , I don't , " replied the well-
dressed boy.
"Then ye are no good in the news
boy biz , " replied the tattered philoso
pher. "You'd better get yer people to
'prentice yer to somethin' light ! "
She Was Helpless.
Mrs. Smith I hate to mention it ,
Mrs. Brown , but I wish you'd keep
your Charley off my fence.
Mrs. Brown I suppose he does an
noy you , Mrs. Smith , but what am I
to do ? We have no fence at our house ,
you know. Boston Transcript
Changed His Methods.
Wantinno Has Sorehead anything
to say about his defeat ?
Duzno No , Indeed. He never did
have anything to say , but since the
lomination he has adopted the less
noisy way of saying nothing. Baltl-
more American.
Just Before the Battle.
"I shall never speak to you again ! "
exclaimed the angry wife.
"My dear , " calmly queried the other
half of the matrimonial combine ,
"what have I done to merit this unex
pected bliss ? "
A Far Cry.
Miss Passay When I was 1C papa
gave me the cutest little diamond ring
you ever saw , and
Miss Speitz Gracious ! What a mem
# you have ! Philadelphia Press.
Heated Gloves for Motor-men.
Electrically heated gloves and shoe-
tire proposed for motormen.
' *
Miss Gannon , Sec'y Detroit Amateur j |
Art Association , tells young women what to
do to avoid pain and suffering caused by
female troubles.
" DEAB Mxs. PINKIIAM : I can conscientiously recommend LydlaE.
Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound to those of my sisters suffering \vifch.
female weakness and the troubles which , so often befall women , I suf
fered for months with general weakness , and felt so weary that I had
hard work to keep up. I had shooting pains , and was utterly miserable.
In my distress I was advised to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound , and it was a red letter day to me when I took the first dose ,
for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was a changed
woman , perfectly well in every respect. I felt so elated and happy that
I want all women who suffer to get well as I did. " Miss GUILA GANKOH ,
359 Jones St. , Detroit , Mich. , Secretary Amateur Art Association.
It is clearly shown in this young lady's letter that I/ydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will certainly cure the sufferings
of women ; and when OTIC considers that IHiss Gannon's letter is
only one of the countless hundreds which we are continually
publishing1 in the newspapers of this country ,
the great virtue of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine
must be admitted by all ; and for the absolute
cure of all kinds of female ills no substitute
can possibly its place- Women should bear
this important 1'act in mind tvhen they go into
a drug1 store , and be sure not to accept anything .
that is claimed to be " just as good1' as I/ydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , for
no other medicine for female ills has made so
many actual cures. * '
How Another Young Sufferer
Was Cured.
write and tell you what your Vegetable'
Compound has done for me. I suffered'
terribly every month at tune of men
struation , and was not able to work. Your medicine has cured me of
my trouble. I felt relieved after taking one bottle. I know of no med-i
icine as good as yours for female troubles. " Miss EDITH GROSS , 169.
Water Street , Haverhill , Mass
Remember , Mrs. Pinkham's advice is free , and all sick women
are foolish if they do not ask for it. No other person has such
vast experience , and has helped so many women. "Write to-day ;
FORFEJT " cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatnrea ol
above testimonials , which will prove tbeir absolute Genuineness.
Lydia . 1'inL.ham ilidieina Co. ,
The tacbelor editor of a weekly
paper in Melbourne offers himself a
prize to the woman who writes the
best essay on the duties of a wife.
The smallest range of emperature
Is in Surinam , Dutch Guiann. In
.summer the average is 78 degrees ,
and in winter only one-half df a de
gree less.
"Anxious IlearG" writes the globe
for rules to be observed when one
goes visiting. We know buc one :
Don't go visiting.
On the front of a colored church in1
Plainfield. N. J. there is a sign'
bearing these gentle reminders ; ! .
"Gentlemen will remove their hatsj
on entering. " J > > n't loaf upon the ;
steps. " T o Chritian pentlemani
will use pofane ; or indecent language ]
inside the cnurcli. Others must not. ' ' !
'Do not smoke or bring lightedi
cigars into the church. "
The highest shot tower in the
world is in Villach. Austria. Bullets'
from the upper lev. 1 fall 249 feet.
The Great.
Germ and
Insect Destroyer- -
Is now used throughout the United States in the treatment of
cholera , swine plague , ergoC diseases , corn stalk disease , pink ey , foot /
and mouth disease , scurvy , mange. Texas itch scabs and all germ diseases - ' '
eases of domestic animals- ' ' ;
deposited In Cif y rf.ttlonal Bailc of York. NP ! > . , and
Sheidon State Usinh , Sliel l ii , Tnwi. , o l e juiii to
anyone finding : any of t lie following tegtimui.mirf not
St. Paul , Neb. April 9 , ' 03.
Rational Medical Co.
Gentlemen : This i to certify that I have
used Litjnid Konl for errot disease in entile
and believe it to oe a cure for this disease
from the experiments I have made , but be
lieve it ought to be used when the animal
is fint taken with the disease. And for a
lice killer it can't be beat by anything I
know of. Youra respectfully.W.
Seward , Neb. . Dec. 5,1902.
Liquid Koal , manufactured and sold by
National Medical Co. , York , Neb , is a ne
cessity to any formers raising stocfe. Several
Instances of its efficiency have cocae under
my personal notice. JOHN HARVEY ,
Ei-Mayor , Seward.
Wnusa. Neb. , Dec. 18 1902.
I consider Liquid Koal one of the best
articles for all around purposes on the
market. For mites and lice in the chicken
bouses and for lice on calves and horses it is
the bent and cheapest thing I have ever
found. Liquid Koal out ht to be on every
Coleridge , Neb. , Dec. 8,1902.
I can say that your L. K. is the best in
sect destroyer thnt I ever used. It will not
injure the ege when used on setting hens.
I find it the best all around stock medirine
thHt I ever had on the place. I advise
every farmer to keep a supply on hand.
HartinKton. Neb. , Doc. 10,1902.
National Medical Co. , Y k. Neb.
Dear -ir : I am a nser of Liquid Koal and
am well pleased wiih it. I would not try
to do without it as I fin.l it useful In a great
marcr was. . I have had no pick hog since I
commence * ! usin ? it a year auo. In my
opinion it is the best and chep st hog
cholera prevent * ive on the m.irket todav.
You rnn use this as you wish. Anyone
wishing to know more about thf please
vrrita me. ENOCH ELY.
Sewnri Neb. , Nov. 28,1901.
To Whom It May Concern :
This is to certify that I have bought the
third lot of Liquid Koal from the liatlona
Medical Co. . an i thine it the best erin da
slroyer , appetizer and disinfeci-ant that
have ever used. I have had occasion to us
it on two different hornes this snjnmer fo
very severe wounds , and found it the bes
and cheapest remedy I ever tri d ; would
not-be without it on my place.
Delmont. S. D.
I have used your L. K. , ana think It is a
good preventive and disinfectant. I used
it as a iredicine for all kinds of stock and
chickens. 1 had two cows that were sick
anrwould not eat and I used-L. K and it
helped them. I al-o used it as a hog cholera
preventive , and think it is all rluht
One Qu rt Can Sl.OO II TVn Girl Ion KPC. pr Ballon S3 50
° - ne T"11 V , 3 ° ° 85 G'l"ns ' " ! " ' > * > ' . Per jr l . . . . 2.25
1-ive Gallons , per gallon 2.75 | | 5O Gallon. '
, 1 bl > ! . , perBal - 2.OO
A 25c 32-pasre Book on Germ Diseases of Animals Sent .Free on Application.
National Medical Co. Sheldon , Iowa.
, Neb.