HE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR Par Yvur in. Advance PUBLIbHED EVERY THUBSDA\ . Entered at ttoe PotHfflce at Valentine , Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee , Nebr , Prince Boabdel 131693 and Curly Coat 112M1 at head of herd. The blood of Fowler. Anxiety. Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates 10 my herd. No stock for salelat present Ranch four miles north-west of Brownlee , Nebr. C. H. FAUI/HABEU , MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 ton Screenings 70c $13.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.05 $20.00 " Cora . .95 $18.00 " Chop corn 1.00 K $19.00 " f 1.20 $23.00 " DE. J. E. SNYDEB , OSTJEOPATH. Office over T. C. Hornby's store by the south stairway. Chronic .cases a specialty. Hours : 9 to 12 A. 31. to 4 P. 31 John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher " House. II. . ETTA BROWN SUPI , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Kosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904 : . JBLSNKY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. : fl. M. CKAMEK , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages liauled to and troin tuts depot and all parts of the City. W. Ao KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every .Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlnke GKM-.KAI. WOKK MIOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PAT HETT Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. A. fl. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Ofiice at Quigley & Chapman's j Drug Store. JSights The Donj j oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. luray Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El- , liott's Drug Store. 19UD2 P. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A D ABSTRACTER Valeettine , Nebr. PrnctlccB lu .District Court and U. S. Land Ofllce. Real Estate and Sancn Property ' * - anil -A-fl-S Tabules Doctors find -'f , A good prescription For mankind The 3-cent package is euou h lor usual o'ccas glons. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a ply for a year. All druggists sell them. Commissioner's Proceedings. Valentine , Nebr , , July 14,1903. This beln . the time set for the board to meet and L , Laufer being the only one present , continued from day to day until the 18th. July 18 , 1903. Board met with the following mem bers present. Chairman W. E. Haley and L. Laufer. The following claims were allowed : General fund J W Yeast radsc § 7 00 IM Illie statiouer > 11 25 John M Tucker , Ford case clind $250 alld 100 00 ABIMorrissey " ' " " 10000 " Green case " " " 150 00 Road fund J L Ashburn repairing bridge $125 00 Ludwig Lumber Yard material 13 20 Bond of First National Bank of Valentine , approved. Board approved the official bonds of the following : M. E. Robertson , road overseer district No. 53 ; Mat Bolts , district No. 6. Request of J. E. Thackrey for ex pert examination of treasurer's boons rejected. Request of I. M. Humphrey for re fund of taxes laid over until next meeting of the board. Request of Mrs. L. Rising for re fund of taxes rejected. Claim of Brown county caring for Wm. Good rejected. Claim of M. W. Vian keeping pau per rejected. Claim of G. W. Lambley medical service Wm. Good rejected. Claim of school district No. 1 , tuit ion of pupils adjunct districts rejected Request of Mrs ; M. L. Query for re fund of taxes rejected. Application of F. M. walcott at torney for Standard Cattle Co. to have assessment of 1100 head of cat tle stricken from assessor's books Woodlake prct. for year 1903 rejected. School tax of George Dew for year 1902 ordered refunded , same having been erroneously assessed , amt $13.55. Taxes of Dawson & Ball , Sparks precinct , year 1902 ordered refunded , same having been erroneously assess ed amount $29.02. Taxes of James H. Quigley , Table precinct , ordered refunded same hav ing been erroneously assessed amount 84.80. Whereupon the board adjourned to July 20 , 1903. Julv 20,1903. Board met as per adjournment pres ent Chairman W. E. Ha'ey ' and L. Laufer. J. W. Teast was awarded the con tract for furnishing 50 tons of coal for use at the court house. The following named persons were appointed on the Soldiers Relief Com mission : W. R. Towne , W. W. Thomp son and J. R. Ayers. The commissioners appointed the following named persons on the Board of Health : Dr. A. N. Compton , W. E. Haley and L. N. Layport. The commissioners allowed the Co. Supt. $50.00 for institute purposes to be paid out of the general fund. The commissioners re-considered their action in making a levy of i mill for adjunct district fund and ordered the clerk to strike same from the re cords. The following claims were allowed on the general fund : Commissioners fees L Laufer § 112 70 W. E. Hal'y § 76 30 The county attorney is instructed to file complaint and cause the arrest at once of all parties engaged in sell ing liquors within our county who have not in their possession the nec essary government and state license legalizing said traffic. Claim of American Bridge Co. laid over ior further investigation. Bowerlng railroad crossing petition laid over until our October meeting. Whereupon the board adjourned sine die. W. E. HALEY , Chm. Attest : C. S. REECE , Co. Clerk. Chicago's * Oentexmial Cele bration. The Chid ago & North-Western R'y announces that muCh interest is be ing evidenced throughout the west in Chicago's celebration of the 100th an niversary of that city's settlement in 1803. The celebration will take place from September 26th to October 1st next , with a program that includes a series of commemorative events that possess many special features of int erest. A great naval display will be a part of the program , together with regattas and the spectacular arrival in canoes , by way of the lake , of 400 Indians , the descendents of tribes formerly occupying this site , who will establish a village around a repro duction of old Fort Dearborn , on the lake front. Athletic contests , parades , great fire works displays , patriotic meet ings and religious services , a grand chorus , military maneuvers by gov ernment troops , and on the conclud- dav a reception to the President of the United States and other disting uished puests , all contribute to a most elaborate program. Every energy is being employed to make the occasion typical of that spir it that has made Chicago one of the greatest cities in the world. Porcupine Quills. Fine hay weather this week , Make hay while the sun shines. John Grooms , Jr. is through mat ing hay. Burdicks have moved back to the river. Mr. Sorby and wife went to town Monday. Lawrence Morrison has been on the sick list. Miss Eglehoff spent Sunday with Miss Eandall. J. F. Swain has commenced to harvest his crop. F. Grooms went fo town the fore part of the week. Mrs. Whetstone , of Penbrook , was in Valentine Monday. The Seman boys have gone to Dakota to work in harvest. Dave Hamar has bought a new right hand McCormick binder. Mrs. Hittle and Miss Bandal spent Sunday at Mr. Graddy's. Penbrook Sunday school has been moved up the river about one mile. Harvest has commenced with everybody looking for a prospective yield. Porcupine is about in the notion now to get rid of his mule and poultry. Henry Grooms has finished his new house and given the boys an Irish wake. Tate.Graddy furnished the music for the dance at H. Grooms' Satur day night. "Plow deep while sluggards sleep and you' 11 have corn to 8311 and corn to keep. " Mr. Tillson's two daughters , Car rie and Lettie , are staying at home this summer. Lew Hutchison's house was struck by lightening recently , stunning both him and his wife. Wm. Graddy has had three smash ups with his top buggy. Each time he broke the tongue out. Say Billy better get you an automobile. By the way , Youngster from down the river , in looking over old scraps of paper we found your compliment to Weary Willie and Porcupine. We think that Weary Willie is already married , Porcupine ought to be and Youngter would like to be. But never mind , next year is leap year , and if he don't propose to you you can propose to him , and Weary Willie and Porcupine will know you're in the swim. What's the matter with our presi dent of the Old Settlers Reunion ? Seems like it's about time there was some preparation made for the same and there should be a meeting call ed pretty soon to set a date for the same and to appoint committies for the different sports and pleasures of the day. We believe August is the proper month for the Be-union or early September. PORCUPINE. Real Lstate Transfers U 3 to Wm Buyer , pat ssw nesw swae 21 26 32 Mary D Lee and bus to P S Rouche , \v d con S3500 snw nsw 26 27 2 ; ) and other lands. flattie M Bennett , wd , to L C Sparks mtg con $215 lot 3 blk 5 Valentine. U S to Arthur L Colby , pat ese seue 30 28 27 U S to John E Colby , pat nwaw 32 38 27 Bon HSkiles to W P Conley , w d con S300 lots 6.7 sesw swse 6 33 39 U S to The Heirs of John P Stoli dec , B K con $4 sw 26 26 25 Gee Choate , s , to Ida V. Lyon , rut con 8200 nw 15 32 39 Bertha C Sparks to Kirtsen Pedersen mag rel lot 9 blk 1 H & C H Cornell add to Valentine. L C Sparks , mgr to Hattie M Bennett mag rel lot 3 blk 5 original town 01 Valentine U S to John F Bradley , pat lots 567 sec 23 lot 4 sec 24" 33 28 C R Howard , s , to Thomas Leahy , mtg con $50 lot 1 blk 35 Woodlake. Z T Davis and wf to Lew M Sawteli , w d con S4SO lot 2 blk 2 Merriman. U S to Sopoia Harper , patss\v s\vse4 nwnw 9 29 39 ' U S to John H Tull , pat ese swse sesw 5 29 39 Charley O Goodrich and wf to Oscar C Goodrich , mtg con 81000 nenw wne sene 12 34 35 and other lands. Hansen Cattle & Land Co to Sylves ter Remaly and wf , rel wsw 3 28 25 U S to Mark D Cyphers pat se 9 3129 Mark D Cyphers , s , to Samuel Hud son , w d con 8500 se 9 31 29 For all kinds of Undertaking Goods and Undertaking work call on the Eed Front Merc Co. 27 WATERFALLS IN JAPAN Ihaj- Are Aimout Countiesn and Art- L'jiod rw Slirlnew. The wutrfxlls 01' Jnimn nrc > almos juullMs. Thuro is one at every turu. : ud where there wis not one in thr , - ftiuhijr tin * Japs hr.iuau ! one. fo , t is tl'.eir passion. Every little KJU'doi ! : , - ; t fall or two. and it would not br o..3A.C'j-\l a jwnlcu at all without it i here are many very beautiful ones ir various parts oi ! the country , and thcj nv all of iJicm shrines visited b'y : housids of pilgrims every year. The ; jfo net pray to them as to a statue ol 3uiuha , but they first pass up a llttk oapc-r prayer on a convenient rock au'l .he : : sit down in rapt attention am ; ; 7.Lat tlu ; falling water for hours , ti-.l. in' : an occasional cup of tea at a little ttfihuuse which always stands close al hnncl. The Japs are great at malring pil grirnages anyway. When a man lias reached the age of forty-live , he is sup pcsed to have raised a family which will in the future take care of him. About the first thing he docs on retir ing in to start on a series of pilgrimages. Sometimes he joins a band of fellow pilgrims , or , if comparatively wealthy , he sometimes takes his wife and a mi nor child and makes the pilgrimages by himself. These pilgrim hands can al ways ? be seen moving about the couu- try. They carry little banners with the name of their city and district marked on them , and when they have received good entertainment at a teahouse or hotel they hang oue of their banners up in a conspicuous place as a testimonial. Often a band of pilgrims will travel from one end of the country to the oth er , visiting every temple and waterfall In the land. APHORISMS. Liberality consists rather in giving seasonably than much. Cicero. Labor is the divine law of our exist ence ; repose is desertion and suicide. Mazzioi. Unbecoming forwardness oftener pro ceeds from Ignorance than impudence. Guville. Kindness is a language the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear and under stand. Bovee ; 4 Every one complains of the badness of his memory , but nobody of his judg ment. Rochefoucauld. He who has no inclination to learn more will be very apt to think that he knows enough. Powell. It Is not what he has or even what he does which expresses the worth of a man , but what lie is. Amicl. Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions. Longfellow. Justice is the insurance we have on our lives and property , and obedience is the premium we pay for it Penn. Cata of Ancient By some persons the popularity of the cat In Egypt has been attributed to the fact that the animal was valu able in ridding the palaces of rats and mice and also in hunting fowls. There ore several paintings in the British museum , executed by ancient Egyp tian artists , representing Egyptian sportsmen in boats on the river Nile , accompanied by large cats , sitting on their haunches in the stern. Other picture's Fhow the cats swimming with birds in their mouths after the mannej of retriever dog * . Tlu-s- pictr.n-s avc greatly perplexed modern naturalists' because the cat of today has a strong aversion to water , anil it is di'iicuU ' to reconcile such different traits even aft e.r the lapse of thousands of years. Oi'r Pii icr Moiiuy. The man who i ever ready to but on anything s.-ii < l suddenly to a group of nieml.ers of the club. 'Til bet a case of catchup to a bottle of curry powder that there ir 't a man ! n the party that can name the denominations of United States paper money. " All lost , and ali were a bashed when he mentioned $1. ? 2. S. > . ? 10. $20. $30. $100. SolJO. SI.IMJO. $ . " ,00 ar.d ? ! ( ) . ( KJO. Most men are r.n uu'tl lo handling notes above u'.l few ever saw one of § 10.01)0. ) New York Press. \ltcr. < It is .surprising how circumstances al- : ur animals. Tae savages of thAm : ! - : oi region fee.d the coniii-tn : grwu par rot for gf.HTa'.ions with the fat of cer lain i.shs. . thus causing it lo become bcauiifully variegated with red ; : nd yellow feathers. In like manii'.T tin- natives of the Malay archipelago , by a process of feeding , changw the talka tive lory into the gorgeous king lory. The 3iaiaper Rcnllaes It. "There is something elevating in mu sic. " said the artist. "Yes/ ' answered the manager. "Mu sic certainly has the effect of stimu lating lofty ideals as to salary. " Wash ington Star. It was to combat and expose quacks and fools that laughter was invented. Thackeray , _ , _ _ t * - * * * " v > K K - Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents' per line each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each insertion. * All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Go to the Red Front Merc. Co. for all kinds of heavy and shelf Hardware. 27 Wanted to Contract 800 acres of valley hay , put up two miles Vest of Georgia. FRANK ROTIILEUTNEK , 22 tf Kilgorc , Nebr. LOST ! One brown yearling horse colt branded , ICQ ! on left hip. 12 D. STIXAKD , Valentine , Arebr. Wanted to Contract Hay , either cutting or stacking or both , in lots to suit. Address , METZGAR BROS , Gregory , Nebr. 23 4 "Imperial" Castor Machine Oil , the best on earth. Sold by the Red Front Merc. Co. 27 Estrayetl One sorrel .horse branded knife on left shoulder ; also one blue horse branded I D , 1015 and knife right side. Addess , HENRY KNIFE , 25 Rosebud , S. D. Genuine home made Lard at the new ButcheriShop. 26 For your Barb "Wire , Field Fenc ing and Poultry Netting go to the Red Front Merc. Co. , hardware department. 27 Estrayed.J Strayed from my ranch after April 15 , 1903 four head of horses. One grey mare , one chestnut sorrel rel with bald face , one brown mare heavy with foal , all branded 16 and cockeye on left shoulder. One blazed face bay 2 year old stallion brandecFS3 on left hip. N. S. ROWLEY. 22 Kennedy , Nebr. RANCH FOR SALE- 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay can be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Al so open water on a part of the range the year round. § i,000 will buy it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. Notice to Builders and Con tractors. Sealed bids will be received by me until noon the 5th day of Aug- gust , 1903 , for building a frame school house in school district No. 21 about three miles south of Val entine. Specification can be seen by calling at W. E. Haley's office. Parties awarded contract will be required to furnish a § 400 bond. The board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. JOHN BORMAN , Director. TIME TABLE Great Northern JLine at O'neilJ , Nebr. Going East , Going West. LeavesIlO :10 : a. m. Arrives 9:50 : p. m. Passenger , daily except Sunday. jonnections with Elklioru trains east and west-bound from all points west of O'.N 111. shortest route to isioux City and beyond. Through connections fwr Sionx Falls , Minne apolis. St. Paul and all points north and west. Buy local tickets to O'Neill. FltKD JiOUKKS , G. 1 * . A. Sioux City , Iowa 50 YEARS * EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlrbly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention la probnMypntentable. Communica tions Hirictlyconllilcntlal. Ilnudbookon Patents tent free. Oldest ouency for 8ecunnffj > atenta. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpccial notice , without charge , in the ckntiftc Hmerican. A handpomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any ncieiiUUc journal. Terms. $3 e year ; four months , fL Sold by nil newsdealers. MUNN &Co.f * * HewYort Bnwh Office. 625 F 8U W&sbtaston , D , C , ( Joel Minnesota 1 The Northwestern Line will have- Home exceedingly low rates to St. Paul , Minneapolis and Dnluth during the sum mer months. Better figure on spending youi vacation at Lake Min- netonka , White Bear or some other Summer Resort in Min nesota or North Wisconsin. Ahk any Agent North\vtst ern Line for particulars , or address J. A. KUIIX , A. G. F. &P. A. , > Omaha , Xebr. LtAAA THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Itallrontl bettccen JlixHonri Itiver anil Cliicayo. Direct line to St I'ttitl-Jllnneajt- o/i * . Direct tine to lilac/i Hills. Apply to nearest agent for ratcx maim anticline cnrtln. TIME TABLE WEST BOUND Ko. 27 Frt. Daily 2:33 P. BI. No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. a Passenger Bally 12:19 A. M EAST BOUND No.28 Frt. Daily 0:50 A. M. No,26 except Sunday 5-.00P.M. NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47'A. M. Meals Lunches Short Orders JHEANGAROO First class meals at all hours,4 clay and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. E. P. Cohota , Prop. Special Ucdnced Excursion Kates. "N ill be m.effect from all points on the Chicago & North-Western Hallway for the occasions named below : Lincoln , Nebr. , Nebraska Epworth League Assembly. Aug. 5th to 13th , circular IK. Kate one lare plus 50c. NIobrara , Nebr. , Northeast Nebraska District G. A. 11. Keunion , Aug. 11th to llth , circular 165 rate one fare. San/Francisco , August 17th to 22nd. G. A. It. meeting. Kaltimore , Md. . . Sept. 21st to 2Cth , Sovereign Grand Lodge , I. O 0. F. For information as to rates , dates of sale , etc. or these or other occassions , call upon the ticket agent of the North-Western Line , 2825 Keeley St. , CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct , , 2 , 1902. I suffered with falling and con- . geation of the wonib , "with severe j gains through the groins. I suf- ared terribly at the time of men struation , had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. "What to try I knew not , for it seemed that I had tried all ajnd failed , but I had never tried "Wine of Cardui , that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon .knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven , bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took "Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders , bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cases requiring special directions , address , giving symptoms , "The Ladies' Advisory Department , " The Chattanooga Meaicine Co. , Chattanooga , Term. oed Team of Horses for Sale. One horse weighs 1300 pounds and the other 1100 pounds. In quire of J. F. GEYER , 26 R. K , pump house ,