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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1903)
liistotical Society " - < ? 9 VALENTINE VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JULY 30,1903. NUMBER 28 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 4 ? 5 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 49 carries a complete line of 49 Harness , Saddles and etc. ftto ww 4 ? to tote to 4 ? Heavy and light Harness , Stock Saddles , Boys tote tote Saddles , Horse Collars , Sweat Pads , Halters and tote 4 ? to 49 all kinds of strap work. : : : : : tote tote 4 ? to tote 4 ? We also carry Simmon's Patent Collar , which we tote 49 to 49 guarantee will never break , will last as long or tote 49 longer than any collar sold and always give per tote fect satisfaction. : : : : : : tote tote 49 to 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 to 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote tote 49 to tote 49 to Our Line Of Summer Shirts is complete. Our Ventilated Summer Shoes for men R E Z on the feet. They have a perfor ated inner sole and air chambers to keep1 the feet cool. They're neat and the most perfect shoe made. We also have Ladies' , Misses' and Children's shoes to fit the feet , Colonial Slippers and comfortable shoes for hot weather. weather.Tl TAILOR AND CLOTHIEE. Gasoline Stoves tote 49 tote Comfortable cooking. All through the summer your kitchen tote 49 49 will be cool if you have one of these stoves. Easy to run to and easy on the pocket. 49 fwww ywwv rvwvwwv wwwwwwwvww 49 General Hardware , Stoves and Rang tote 49 49 es , Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and tote 4 ° Furniture , windmills and Pumps , tote Piano Mowers and Rakes. tote tote to tote to FRAHK FISCHER , tote tote to T. YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAW1E IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A G CD eral Banking 25,000. * * * * * and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. Y , NICHOLSON , Cashier. . * TALK OF THE TOWN _ . . VSA/u VAAj\JVftj\yu j > ruWJJUWWVA .A AJU QVA WWW vwJWW A A A Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture ( . Weather Bureau J Valentine , Nebraska , week ending C a , m , , July 2) , 1903 , Maximum temperature 98 degrees on the 2 tli Minimum temperature , 53 degrees on the 29th Mean temperature. 78.0 degrees , which is 4.7 degree above the normal. Total precipitation.09 Inch , which is 0 10 inch below the normal. H. Her , BALDWIN , Official in Charge , Fancy China at Mrs. Elmore's T. A. Yearnshaw , of Clearwater , is in town this week. Mrs. Campbell is sick at her home in the east part of town. J. A. Hitt was in town last Sat urday looking as jolly as usual. "Wash Honey , of Wood Lake , was a pleasant caller at this office while in town Monday. John Neiss , of the reservation , was transacting business in our city the first of the week. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. . 17 Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilbur left last Saturday morning for an ex tended visit with relatives in Iowa. Geo. Hornby and sou George returned home from their trip to Boston and other eastern points Friday night. Fred Brayton , one of the pros- erous ranchman of Cherry county , was doing business with our merch ants Monday. Party in new Harden house wish roomers. Nice rooms and beds and kept clean. Four dollars per month ; two in room.- - 28 Mrs. Eazey , accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Hunt , came in from her homestead to visit a few days with Mrs. P. F. Simons. Ed Johnson and daughter Edna , of Arabia , were in town Monday. Mr. Johnson brings his cream here and ships it to Beatrice , Nebr. L. C. Sparks , manager of the Ludwig Lumber Yard , sold a car load of cement to the U. S. Indian Department at Rosebud last week. Morning subject next Sunday at the M. E. church will be , "Duel Between Faith and Force. " Eve ning , "Measured by the Deeds of Life. " A sign painter struck town the first of the week and painted several - eral signs for our business men. Although he did fair work he can't be compared with our local paint ers. ers.C. C. Shaffer and wife , of Cody , were in town last Thursday and Friday. Mr. Shaffer was suffering from the effects of a sunstroke. They came down to consult Dr. Compton. Louis Ganow moved his family into the residence of H. Wilbur on Catherine street last week and the house of Uncle Paul's , vacated by him , is now occupied by his broth er who comes from Sparks. The supreme court at Lincoln last Saturday declared the Ains- worth bonds , which were voted at that place July 20th as a donation to have a state normal school there , void. The court decided that the I 1 bonds were not legal on the grounds that a state institution is not an internal \ 'I ' ternal improvement. e Farmers and ranchman all over \ the county are busy cutting small grain and putting up hay. The t hay crop is said to be the best for tt tc several years and the small grain t is fairly good. Wheat will prob A ably average from 15 to 30 bushels C per acre and oats from 40 to 60 1 1t bushels per acre. Corn is looking t good/ ] | Stop at Quigley & Chapman's and get a quart of Ice Cream for the family. 24 10 A. T. Brackett , of Ivilgore , was in town doing business with our merchants the fore part of the week. Adam Smith , a prosperous ranch man from Westover , S. D. , spent several days in our city doing busi ness with our merchants last week. E. S. Dennis , who has been do ing some painting for Chas. Tack- ett on the reservation and for Arthur Eies at Crookston , return ed home the first of the week after an absence of about ten days. Frank Grooms made this office a pleasant call Monday. He says farmers in his section of the coun try have commenced harvesting small grain and that they will have a fair yield of wheat and oats. W. G. Ballard , of Wood Lake , made this office a pleasant call while in town Saturday. Pie says that owing to the scarcity of hay hands he has not succeeded in making a contract to have his hay put up. Miss Laura Roberts , who has been staying with her sister Mrs. J. T. Galloway for the past year and attending the Valentine high school , returned to her home at Dead wood , S. D. , Tuesday morn ing. The Pope died at Eome Monday July 20,1903 , at a ripe old age. Se was a great and grand old man. He was worth at the time of his death some fifteen millions , but this will not be remembered against aim. aim.J. J. E. Harden is building an ad dition to his residence in the east part of town. He also has pur chased the lot between him and M. Fitzgerald's and moved a small building onto it which he will fit up to rent. E. J. Smith , of Norden , was a business visitor to our city last a week. It was his first visit here for years and he expressed a great deal of surprise at the amount of improvement which has taken place in that time. Mrs. Riggle , from the north' ' table , was in town Saturday. When ready to start for home she found the buggy tongue broken so that she was obliged to take it to the blacksmith shop for repairs before she could return home. Is it hot enough for you ? This was a question that was f requntly heard on our streets during the past week. Although the mercury was quite ambitious , yet according to the record at the weather bu reau it did not climb above 98 on Monday , the hottest clay of the season. However there were sev eral clays when it appeared to have reached a higher point. People generally suffered and wondered when the weather man was going to shut off the hot air. Nearly everybody was grumbling and per spiring. The only ones satisfied were the manipulators of the soda water fountains , the ice men and the farmers. They were looking pleasant for they were doing a land office business land the corn was growing nicely with every promise of a good yield. The av erage temperature for the week was 78 degrees which was 5 de grees above the normal and while this is not a record breaker , yet owing to the great amount of mois ture in the atmosphere the heat was very oppressive. The high est temperature ever recorded here was 106 which occurred on the 6th of July 1SS9 and on the loth Of July 1902. ' AAt& * * < ft&A . * * * * * * ; * * * & & * * < ft AAi&.f | wA'Q O' WD. WOWOD OaOO > - - - aO Q 49 49 49 DRESS TRIMMINGS 1 49 ft 49 ftto 49 49 49 49 Pendant Ornaments to In black and white. Swell up-to-date , dressy. . 15c each Butterfly Medallions | J The newest thing out. In black and white silk. Small to size 15c. Large size 40c. $ ? 49 Imitation Cluny Lace and Insertion q % The popular lace of the season , 20c per yard. S Appliques , Dress Braids , Beadings , Insertions ftto 49 A full line at the right prices. tote tote 49 Torchon and Valenciennes Laces to J v ; Pretticstj'newest , daintiest patterns imaginable. tote 49 to 49 tote 49 tote 4 ? tote to 4 49 ? & Thacher * tote 49 Davenport to 49 GENERAL MERCHANTS Our Spring : Goods S Gj are now in and we are'prepared'to figure * with you in any thing you may need in our lines. "We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If you are in need of any Farming Implements let us figure with'you. ' MAX E. VIBRTSL NEBRASKA CROOKSTOJS g * J AJtMJMjaASJM ; * * KA J8A Our Groceries Are best for GOOD LIVING. You get satis faction from Good Groceries and we get satis faction in furnishing them. We give you the best in quality at a price you are willingto ! pay. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. 3Wr8T8r from every point of view , fVJcCormick mowers will be found faultless in design , modern in con struction and thorough in equipment , with the most practical features. These mov/ers are so perfectly balanced , so easily operated and do such smooth and even cutting that they instantly become the favorite of every man who buys one. The McCorrnick book , "A MODEL MACHINE , " telFs all about Model mowers. Jit so you want u good one. The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher House Highest cash price paid for Hides and Furs. 3.M00N - - - Valentine , Nebr