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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1903)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. H. RICE EDITOR ! companies pay losses n full. No discount I. M. RICE , Ajjent. Chi Pai Cattle Co. Edward Lewis , foremar Simeon. % 'obr. Cattle brjinded as In cut on riit side. Range : c\ \ dies east of Simeon * iCronin ranch. Order of Hearing on Petition lor Ap pointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATKOF NEimAsrta UH COUNTY OF CHKUKV j00 To tteorgia A. Orr and Ernest Leo Orr and tote to all persons interested in the estate of Sylves ter E Orr , deceased : On reading the petition of GeogiaA. Orr praying that the administration of said estate be granted to herself as administrator. It Is hereby o dered that you. and all persons interest-d in snld limitmav , and do. appear at the Counti fouri u. be held in and lor snid oountv , < n. the 1st < in f Aligns ! A. D. 1UH ! rtt 10 o'clock a m . to show jause. If any there be , why the prayer or the petitioner HUould not lie gran'ed , and that notice of the pendenej of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publlshinga eopy of this order in the Valentine hemorrat a. weekly newspaper print j-dinnaid county , fortliree successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand , and seal of said court , this 13th day July A. 1) . 1003. SEAL W.R. TOWNE , , 26 3 County Judge. Notice to Cretlitorft , In County Court within and for Cherry County Nebraska , lu the matter of the estate of I'eter Pearson , deceased. To tke Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notified , that I will sit at the county court room in Valentine in said county , en Iho 15th day of August.llKMat 10 o'clock a. in. to receive and examine ail claims against said Oktate , whh a view to their adjustment and al- 'lowauce. The time limited fortbe presentation of claims against said estate is 7 mouths Irom the nth day of January A. D 1903 aud the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from said 5th day olJanuary 1903. Witness my nand and the seal of said 8EAL county court , this 22nd day of July v arylS03. W.R.TOWNE 27 4 County Judge JVotlce rrobate of Will Notice probate of will , Mary A. McDennott , deceased. in County Court , Cherry Cwmty , Nebraska. The State of Nebraska to the lieirs and next o ! km of thesaid Mary A. McDermott , deceased. Take notice. That upon llling of a written in strument purportine to be the hibt will and tes tament of Mary A. McDermotc for probate aud allowance , it is ordered that .said matter be .set for hearing tlie 7th day ol Agust , A. D. 1U03 before said County Court , at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. , at whieh time any person in terested may appear ami contest the same ; and notice of this proceeding is ordered published three weeks successivel > in the Valentine Demo crat a weekly newspapei published in this state Jn testimony whereof , 1 have hereunto set my - ' hand and the sc il of the County Court , BEAL at Valentine 22nd day of July , - , A.D. 11K)3. ) W.R.TuWNE. 27-3 County Judge. Walcott & Morrls-sey , attorneys. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County , Neb raska. STATB OK > 'KDUASICA. COUNTY OK CIIKHKY. f To the heirs aud to all persons interested m the eH'ate of Elizabeth Remaly , deceased- * On reading the petition of Silvester Hemaly praying tliat the administration ot said e.state be granted to Sylvester Kemaiy as administrator. It is hereby ordered that you , and all persons interested in .said matter , may , and do , appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county , on the 8th fday ol August , A. D. , 1903 at 2 o'clock p.m. , to show any there he why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency 9f said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in &aid matter by publish- a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat a weekly newspaper printed m said county , for 8 successive weeks prior to said day ot hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said court , this 21st day of July. A , D , 1903. SEAL W. R. TOWNE. , County Judge. Walcott & Morrissey attorneys for petitioner. 273 Notice Probate of Will. JfOTICE 1'ROBATE OF WlLTI I JOUK P. STOLL , Deceased f In County Court , Cherry County , Neb. The State of Nebraska to the heirs and next of kin of the said John P. Stoll , deceased : lake Notice , that upon filing of a wiitten in strument purporting 10 be the last will and test- amontof John P. Sloll lor probate aud'allow- xni-e. it is ordered that said matter be set for he irlng the 8th day of August A. . D. 11)03 ) before said County Court , at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. at which time any person interested may ai > - pear ant contest the same : and notice of this proceeding is ordered published 3 weeks sucress- ivelr In the VaieLtine Democrat a weekly news paper , published in this state. In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the County Cnu rt SEAL at Valentine this 21st day of July , A.D. 1903. W. It. TOWNE , 27-3 County Judge. Walcott & Morriesey. attorneys. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATE or NEBRASKA , ( . 3a COUNTY or CHJCRKT. i To the heirs and to all persons interested in the estate of Fred Daimfoky. deceased : On reading the petition of William Danof-ky praying that thu administration of said estate b > - granted to Herman Unttenhausasadministrtor. It is hereby ordered that you , acd all per-nns inter ested in said matter , may , and do. apic-ur at the Ueunty Court to he held In and for SUM county on the 8th day of August A. D. 1903 t 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there he. why the ptajer of the petitioner should not be granted , UHd that notice of tbe pendency of said petition aud that the hearing thereof be given to all per- ionu Interested in said matter by pubiishitm a copy of this Order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly 'newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hear ing.Witness Witness my hand and seal of said court , this ' 2lst day of July A. I ) . 1W3. SEAL W. It TO\V.NE. i 27 3 Cotu-ty Judge. Walcott & Morrissey attorneys lor petitioner. Kow is the time to got your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you arc without insurance it will be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. tf C F COOPER Postofflce address Oasis , Nebr Cattle branded on -A teft side same as cur J Horses branded on Also some cattle Range South and west of Hackberry and DUCK J/ikn. ALONZO KEATn Postofiice address Cody , Nebraska On left side. ses left shoulder. Range- north of Cuicomb Lake U. G. Criger. Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand cut on si Ais ioft hip Range -10 miles south ol Aleiri man on the brara. John Gresh. Merriman , Neb. On' both sides ; some on right side and hip. Horses same with out bar , left thigh. Range.Lake Creek and Little White River. D. Bray RosejudS D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on loft shoulder also cattle on right side Range 16 miles north of Hjannis J. J. Peek. ' Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S. D. Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek and Little White River. D. A. Hancock M r hall , Mo . Simeon , Nebraska Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also 16 on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also SW on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 on letfr shoulder or hip. Z on left jaw Home rancti ou Dewey Lake. Range on Nlobrara River , east of Port Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. A , Benson Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. I'ostoffice address. Oasis , Nebr. G. K. Sawyer has 1 charge of these cat tle Horses B S enL L left shoulder. Some leftside same left tihgliT Range on Snake riyei jS ( 'has. Arabia Nebr. Brand registered No. 1139. 'Cattle branded on left side as in cut. Horses same on Jeft shoulder. Range on Ever ureen creek 5 miles northwest of A-abhi. Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's privtaemark , slit in left ear MILLS BROS , Merriman , Nebr. Cattle and horses ses branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand Brand register ed 1031. Range 12 m'les ' sou tli west of Mcrriman on the Niobrara river. H A BUCK ! * a Postofflce addre Hyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. Otherbrands : 3X X + - Horses branded1 X , - < or + on lelt shoulder ; O It-'ft tliich. Range on Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. P. II. Young. Simeon. Xebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some side. " " " on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , Sandy Williams. Merriman. Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horses same on left shoulder. Jtange Lake Creek , S , D. J A SAULTS Cattle on lef1 hip.Horses Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown below. Postofflco address Gregory , Nel On left side or hip h'orses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansas Valley and Snake AUen & Sons fJi Niobrara. Brand registered No 370 Horses branded on left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine G.H. Seager. Postolilce address Cody , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses same Range , Snake Creek J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded eame as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara F. W. Jersig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown Jin cut on left side , loin or hip. Range between tbe Gordon and Snake wuth of the Niobrara river J R Wallingford Kennedy.Neb. Cattle branded lame as cut ; also some branded JI on lefthip. P S ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb .On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut I off ; horses branded f same on left hip.Also , has stock branded H \ on side or shoulder , lor JKorWorO'VL ' BorO or FZ. Also he-followinjr , the first one being on side and hip > Wm. F. Schmidt Rosebud S D Same as cut * or with bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped Horses branded Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. Horses on left shoulder. se- North Eli. F. T. Brackett Rlege. Nebr. Brand Registered Xo [ 1490 Brand right side Drhip Horses same op right shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore F. M. Waicott. Valentine , Nebr. Cattle branded on left hip. O. W. Bennett Simeon Neb n Stock branded with 7 on lett hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks aud on the Niobrara river Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. ' Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. Robert Emery Rosebud , } SD. . Cattle branded on both sides. Horses on left thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM WILSON Postofflco address Kilgore Nebi Two half fclrcles of left hip and leftside of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip H V DOWNING Postofflce addreas Gregory , Neb On leftside ; also CO L E on side Range Stevenson Lake . E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore C. H. Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also Range Lake Creek SD WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses branded on loft shoulder. Range 6 infles- south of Irwin , JULIUS PETERSON Postofflce address Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles aortb of Greuory F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Metriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on 4ef t side ; Horses branded on left thigh , some are branded CHttle on left si IP. Range n Snake 35 miles so.ith of IMerriman. Others aneeS miles northwest of Merriman. Charles Richards. Merriman , Neb James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses J3 on left jaw. Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake. JNT. S. .Rowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. as Ciit on left 1 side ami hip , uud on left shou. " "T of her ses. Alsoji on left side hip. ! t on right 'lip and Mon left side. Q on left hip of horses. * p ou left jaw and left shoulder of horses , UJQ on left hip of horses. R M Faddis& Co. Postoflice address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on left thigh m S3&3 Horses left shoulder or thigh Some on letc shou Ider or thigh. Some ] on right thigh or shoulder , J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara ver,12-miles south west of Cody Prank Eothleutner Postoflice address KilgoreNeb. Cattle branded on side : is on cut same on bit > Some on left George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Kaime north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co G. W. McFarland Valeniine , Ramie : lour miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and south of Berry bridge the C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side. C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Morey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 94.O left side. Range South of Snake 35 miles se of Gordon. Robert Qnisenbery Postofflce address Simeon , Nebr. left hip on Y cattle. Horses same on right shoulder. Ranee on Snake River. Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr. Kangc on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded .cOi connected on left hip or side as shown in cut Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on richtside Some cattle also have a + on neck Some with A. on left shonlder and some branded with two baas across hind qnar- . _ _ . ters- liorses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattle iranded AW bar connected on both sides and pft hln of hnr ) p < i. Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. > ) WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownleo , Neb Like cut on cither left side or hipralao jlefC side. Horses { same as cut Ion left hip John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. Nebr.CO CO Cattle branded j on left hip Horses sarnon eft shoulder llouUler on icftr Some on of Valentine on north Ranee . bide of Mobrara river. PIKE BROS BROSPostofflce Postofflce address Crooksto'n , Neb Cattle branded PE on either hip or right side. ' / Horses PE on left shoulder. Range-On Minne- chatluza 5 mile * east of Crookston. SWEENEY BROS Postofilce address Pullman , N Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S , See block Range Stever and Stephenson Lakes and South $300 reward will be paid to any person { or in formation leading to the arrest and conviction cattle with th > of any person or persons stealing above brand. FRANK MOGLE Postofflc address Cody , Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and risrht ear splithorses i > anded isame on left sb onlder i Range on Nio " am land D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 155-1. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio brara , Nebraska Land and Feeding i Sartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , \ P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal : also the following brands : lorses branded tbo same Range between Gordon on the F.E , , . &M. V.R. R. and 3yanni3 on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAETLETT RICHABDS. Ellsworth. Nebraska. Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. Earmark , square crop right ear Horses have same brand on left thigh. Range on Gor-rtlT- , . don and SnakeSslsl * Creeks. A. Iteirnrfl of $25O will be paid to any itiou IeadiQgto the arrest anO of any person or persons oatl la Tcith ahnvo hran/ G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a : i. cut , 6-inch b and2inchciroU Brand register"- 875. a&dhs br ed * sgi left shoul- tier 2 inch circle . l-in miles south of J ! ROSEBERRY Postoffice address PnJlman , Neb Branded on left hip ; horses same Herd- mark-double dew-lap Range south east of Brush Hill A J PLUMER Postcfflce address Hyanni3. Neb right side and hip Also nave stock branded on rient side and hip Horses on right hip Range-Southwestern Cherry Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightslde Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re- P" of , strayed trom range J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. Jattle branded on eft side as shown icut. Range-South f Sparks on Nio- rara river , i