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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1903)
JRanaafr , ll Give Warning of Approach of flore Serious Trouble. Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness , alternating with extreme irritability , bordering upon hysteria ? Are your spirits easily affected so that one minute you laugh , and the next fall into con vulsive weeping ? Do you feel something like a ball rising in your throat and threaten ing to choke you ; all the senses perverted , morbidly sensitive to light and sound ; pain hi the ovaries , and especially between the shoulders ; sometimes loss of voice ; nervous dyspepsia , and almost continually cross and snappy , with a tendency to cry at the least provocation ? If so , your nerves are in a shattered condition , and you are threat ened with nervous prostration. ' Undoubtedly you do not know it , but hi nine cases out of ten this is caused by some uterine disorder , and tne nerves centering in and about the organs which make you a woman influence your entire nervous system. Something must be done at once to restore their natural condition or you will be prostrated for weeks and months perhaps , and suffer untold misery. Proof is monumental that nothing hi the world is better for this purpose than Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound ; thou sands and thousands of women have written us so. How firs. Holland , of Philadelphia , suffered among the finest physicians in the country , none of whom could help her finally cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : For over two years I was a constant suf ferer from extreme nervousness , indigestion , and dizziness. Menstruation was irregular , had backache and a feeling of great lassitude and weak ness. I was so bad that I was not able to do my own work or go far in the street. I could not sleep nights. "I tried several splendid doctors , but they gave me no relief. After taking Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound I soon began to . feel better , and was able to go out and not feel as if I would fall at | every step. I continued to take the medicine until cured. ( "I cannot say enough in behalf of Lydia E. Pinkhani's medicine , and heartily recommend all suffering women to try it and find the relief I did. " MRS. FLORENCE HOLLAND , 622 S. Clifton St. , Phila delphia , Pa. ( Jan. 6 , 1902. ) Another case of severe female trouble cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , after the doctors had failed. "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : I was in poor health for several years. I had female trouble and was not able to do mv housework alone. I felt tired , very nervous , and could not sleep. I doctored with several doctors. They doctored me for my stomach , but did not relieve me. I read hi your book about your medicine , and thought I would try it. I did so , and am now cured and able to do my work alone , and feel good. I was always very poor , but now weigh one hundred and fifty pounds. " I thank you for the relief I have obtained , and I hope that every woman troubled with female weakness will give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. I have recommended it to many of my friends. " MRS. MARIA BOWERS , Millersville , Ohio. ( Aug. 15,1901. ) Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by .Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound convince all of the virtues of this medicine ? How shall the fact that it will help them be made plain ? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak , and sick , and discour aged , exhausted with each day's work. You have some derange ment of the feminine organism , and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you just as surely as it has others. The new Spanish kinc may as well taake up his mind to spend the next fifty years watching for anarchists. If Cuba finds that ib cannot get along without a guardian , Mr. Paliua knows this nation's telephone nutn- * her. The extravagance which buys what it does not need soon comes to be Ithe poverty which needs what ic can- 'not ' buy. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Dae In time. Sold by druggists. IN.N.U. 779-28.YORK , NEB. A Brooklyn man objects to a me morial park in Plymouth square in honor of Henry Ward Beecher for the reason that he was noi a man of na1 tional reputation. A lot of old sub scribers would like to know who it was that made Brooklyn famous. Some people get most excited when talking about nothing. A wise man is slow about Kivinp advice. So is a fool about taking it. A good many people of kindly dis position have grown very weary ol Carrie JSTation. Too much must not be expected ol Cuba for a season. Give the little repulic a chance. Schemes which looked like less work and more money have spoiled the lives of a multitude. Bound to Get There u Don't you think , " said the ger erous minded man , "that you woul feel more kindly toward your politic ! rival if you could imagine yoursel in his place ? My dear sir , answered the enei getic gentleman , "mere imaginatio won't do. I'm going to put mysel 'in ' his place if it can be managed He has one of tbe best places in tb government service. " DO YOU WANT YOUR TO EARN / x 7 PER CENT INTEREST PER ANNUM TTrlt me for particulars of a safe , ce < : ure ment paying leven per cent on amounts of one hundre dollars or more. BANK REFEHEXCES. W. H. HOKE. York , Penna. For Aged People. Bellflower , Mo. , July 0. Mr. G. V. Bohrer of this place lias written au open letter to the old men nnd women of the country , advising them to use Dodd's Kidney Pills as a remedy for those forms of Kidney Trouble so com mon among the aged. Mr. Bohrer says : "I suffered myself for years with my Kidneys and urinary organs. I was obliged to get up as many as seven or eight times during the night. " 1 tried many things with no suc cess , till I smv one of Dodd's Almanacs and read of what Dodd's Kidney Pills were doing for old people. "I bought two boxes from our drug gist and began to use them at once. In a very abort time I was well. This ia over a year ao , and my trouble hae not returned , so that I know my cure was a good , genuine , permanent one. "I believe Dodd's Kidney Pills are a splendid medicine for old people or anyone suffering with Kidney and urinary troubles , for although I am 84 years of age , they have made me well. " A Yale Test An exchange tells this st ry of a Yale senior , who had just proposed to a young lady. "Yes , 1 will be yours on one con dition' . "That's all right , ' he , unabashed , responded , "I entered Yale with six. " I find Piso's Cure for Consumption the best medicine for croupy children. Mrs. F. Callahan , 114 Hall street , Parkersburg - burg , W. Va. , April 10 , 1901. The Part He Took College President : "So you confess bhat the unfortunate young man was carried to the pump and there 3rencbed with water. Now Mr. Sop. , what oart did you take in this dis graceful affair ? " Undergraduate meekly : "The left eg sir. " Your Dealer for Allen's Foot Jinbe , i. powder to shake into your shoes. It ests the feet. Cures Corns , Bunions , swollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching , Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Lllcn's Foot-Ease makes nevr or tight hoes easy. Sold by all druggists and hoe stores , 25c. Smple mailed FREE. Allen S. OlmstedL Le Rox. N. Y. Well , cook , and what did you think > f it ? " "Why , mum. she sang beautiful ust as if she was a-gargling. " S100 Reward , 1OO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to earn that there is at least one dreaded disease : hat science hu been able to cure In a'l Its stages , aad that b Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure 5 tne onlr poritlTe euro known to tne medical fraternity. " Catarrh bcinp a constitutional dls- sase. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally , acting directly > n the blood and mncous surfaces of the- system , thereby destroying tht feundatlon of the dis- ase. and glTlnr the patiemt strength by bnlUlng ip the constitution and assisting oatur * in doing its work. The proprietors haye M much faith in its eiiratlTe powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , TohJde , 0. Sola by Drugpists , 7Cc. Hall's Family Mils are the best. Mrs. Wlnslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for chil- Jmi teething , softens the eums , reduces inlla- natlon , allays pain cures colic. Pi ice 25c bottle Some people give the impression that they are wound up and can't stop bill they run down. Your breakfast will prove more sat- isfyinc if you put in an hour of the 2arly morning killing weeds , Some peonle still write it "preven- bative. " There is no such word in bhe language of our common country. From the way jointists are carrying Dp in Topeka it looks as though Car rie Nation would have it all to do aver again. Greatest in the World A MILLION AMBBIOAN BEAUTIES keep their blood pure , their complexion soft and olear , their breath sweet and their whole bodies active and healthy with OASOABETS Candy Cathartic. The quick effects of OASOABETS as system cleaners and blood purifiers ; their promptness in curing pimples , boils , blotches , liver-spots , blackheads , and in sweetening a tainted breath , have become known through the kind words of ladies who have tried them. Hence the sale of nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. The quickest , surest , way to beauty is to cleanse the blood , for Beauty's Blood Deep. The first rule for purifying the blood is to keep the bowels free , gently but positively. OASOABETS Candy Cathartic are the only medicine to do it. All druggists , lOc , 25o , 60c. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped O O O. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co , , Chicago or New York. ga CRAZE FOR NOVEL READING. fnblUher Think * "Literary" Courae Drive Many to It. "It Is a bad day for the publlshe when the book buyer begins to read , Is the epigram of a New York publlst er. The author of the epigram dls cussed In the Times the Increase o novel reading and Its effect upon th demand for books other than flctlor Only within the last tc-n years , he sale had the great demand for fiction bee : the most striking fact of the publisli ing and book-selling business. LOUJ before that time fiction had becom the most important item in the Unite < States , but never before had so man , successful novels been published. He set down the Increased clrcula tlon of novels to the growth In popula tion , wealth and education , and wa hardly inclined to allow a suggestioi that on the average the quality of fie tion had greatly improved -withi ] twenty or twenty-five years. Neve before was the financial success o novelists , so much talked , about an < written about , and the effect was t stimulate novel writing. Not only ar there more novels than ever befor published , but there are vastly mon than ever before rejected by the pub Ushers. It was doubtful , the publishe thought , whether the Increase In thi reading of fiction had lessened the read ing in other departments of literature Many of the new readers of fiction an persons who would read nothing else and lovers of poetry , criticism , histori and biography have not been drawi away from their favorite subjects b : the fact that unknown young men am women write novels that sell by th < hnudreds of thousands. A large par of the most intelligent and cultivate < readers gives very little time to nev fiction. The fact that the colleges ant universities are giving more attentioi to the study of fiction as a literary manifestation has given fiction an Im portance that it did not once have. Another thing that the colleges ar < doing , the publisher thought , had less ened the reading of books' ' proper t < literature that is , the requirement that students preparing for collegi shall read and study by way of tast masterpieces of literature which niosi such young persons In the natura course of their development would no' ' reach for years after they had finished their preparatory course. The effeci was to drive many such students awaj from literature and make it hateful tc them because they associated It with 3 distasteful tak. Doubtless many suci young men and women fled joyfully from the classics of the language tr the lightest and roost ephemeral ol modern novels. RELIC OF SHAKESPEARE IS SOLD FOR A HIGH PRICE An interesting Shakspearean relic recently sold , in London was the arm chair made from the wood of the mul berry tree planted by Shakspeare ir New Palace garden , Stratford-on-Avon , The pedigree of the chair Is unques tionably authentic , sinee its history can be traced right from the" time ol . A SHAKESPEABEAN EELIC. the famous tree being cut down to th present day. It formerly occupied a honored place in the "Stratford Arms , Stratford. When the proprietor diet in 1845. it passed into the possessio of his dauguter , then to that daugl ter's niece , by whom it was for som time exhibited in Sheffield public mi scum , Weston Park. At the sale thi relic was sold for $750. A Schoolboy's Mistake. In a public school in the northwes section of Philadelphia it is the cuj torn for the supervising principal t receive "Good morning" and "Goo < afternoon" ' from the pupils on entei ing and leaving the school. It wa rather repulsive for one boy , wh evaded the custom as often as possi ble. One Friday afternoon he salutei the principal with this startling fare well , "Go to the devil , " professor , " am ran out of the school. The professo became very angry over the affair am thought over several plans of punish ment to mete out on the followinj Monday morning. Monday mornini came , and with it the boy , who sat 01 a bench outside the classroom. TVhei the professor appeared he began ti cry , and loudly exclaimed : "Oh , pro fessor , don't expel me ; we were goinj to move away from here on Friday and now we ain't. " It is needless t < say he was not expelled. Easily Explained. Stubb Why Is It more women can not discover the "secret of success ? " Penn Oh , because when it reaches them it Is no secret. Magistrate What Is your occupa tion ? Witness I'm a lawjTer , your honor. Magistrate Well , try to forget ij while giving your testimony. Bayonet Him "Captain , " exclaimed tbe rlcb philanthropist , ID a burst of gen erosity "I want to do something to assist you In your noble work. What shall it be1 "Well" , said tbe captain of the Salvation Army company , bis honest face flushing with pleasure "any little gift of money would be accept able , of coiise. but what we moso need is a cornet player that can reach F with' ut making a squawk of it. " , How to Keach a Boy's Heart. Study his parentage and home in- Huence. Observe closely his likes and dis likes , ap itudes. temper , companions , reading. C < nveise ofteo with him in a friendly way. Ask as to his purposes and am- b tions. Lend him books. Interest yourself in his sports. Speak to t.iui of the lessons in the lives of uood men. Tell him of vour own struggles in b yhnoo or irirlbo with adverse cir cumstances lu brief , be his friend ; when he leaves school and neighborhood keep informed as to his whereabouts by correspondence Western School Journal. Straw Hats are here drink Rootbeer -Mr Ktrtn now * tl drink it all wininier : it cools anil r freahes. A package makes five Kollcma. Sol ) I where , CniULKS E. BIK S Eihero , Fa. ELY'S CREAM BALM Cures CATARRH. It la placed into the nostrils , ipreads orer the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is IID- mediate. It ia not drying , does cot produce sneezing. DrogglsU , BO eta. or by malL BLY BEOS,66 Warren 8 U. If.T. Let this Coupon be your Messenger of Deliver ance from Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary Troubles. It's the people who The reason yod cau get doubt , and become cured this trial Tree is bociiuso whilw they doubt who th y cure Kiduey Ilia and Uoau's Fills the will prove it to you. highest. Aching backs are eased. Kidney BRANCH. MICH. Hip , back , and loin pains Bonn's Kidney Pills hit the overcome. Swelling of the Pills , case , which was an unusual. limbs and dropsy signs P1CE. SO C1MTS. desire to urinate had to get vanish. up fire or six times of a night They correct urine with I think diabetes was well un brick dust sediment , high der way , the feet uid ankle * colored , pain in passing , swelled. There was an in dribbling , frequency , bed NAME. tense pain in the back , th # wotting. Doan'a Kidney Pills heat of which weald feel like remOTB calculi and grarel. P. O putting one's hand up to a Relieve heart palpitation , lamp chimney. I hare used sleeplessness , headache , 8TATE- tbe fre trial and two fafl nervousness , dizziness. Tor fifo trial bor. mall this coupon to boxes of DO&B'C Pills with tb * TATLOMVIUJE , Mi s. "I SVwtur-MUburn Co. . Buffala. N. T. If abor uticf action of f eflllnr that I tried everything : for a weak space U iniufflcient , * rit tulilr M on sepa am cured. They are the rem back and got no relief until I rata dip. edy par excellence. " used Doajfa Pills. " B. F. . J. N. Lrwis. DOUGLAS . and $3.82 Shoes XfiiSS You can B re from S3.OO t 86.OO 7erly "They are just as rood In er ry war * a the * tkaft have boon costing yon from $ < -00 to | 5.00. Th * immeme al of W. L. Doagla * tboei prorw their superiority OTer all other mak § . ild by .reUll ihoe dealers eTcrywh r , Tlv genuin * hare name anfl prlc stamped on th bottom Take no ubatltnte. Fait ColorEytltttvud. r * . L , . DouclM 94 Gilt Kdf Une cwmot b quolZad. nt ny prio " . makaa and sails mor m n' "W. I Douirlax of lunnlnp Ihn bottom * TheDonclas tterrt proetut wait ( hand-s v < l iprooesi ) ahoen Goody r wfarlnz Iralhtr prodam i rf > flaxlhl * Md I BRIT in th world. th n nyolh rt n r . Thel K8JJ.21"W. any th r manufacturer iWd the p f nr jenr * . whlfh pro" * lt ap rlorHy. $25,000 Rewards . . , , K8JJ.21 ISM SalN * ,3ftS s the beat iitpontd via 4merieaa leattttu. The Great. Germ and Insect Destroyer Is now used throughout the United States in the treatment of hog cholera , swine plague , ergot diseases , corn stalk disease , pink eye , foot and mouth disease , scurvy , mange. Texas itch , scabs and all germ dis eases of domestic animals deposited in City National Bank of York , Xeb. , ana Sheidon State Uank , Sheldon , l : be paid to $100.00 anyone fir cling any of t lib foSlo wing testituomuls not genuine. : : : : : : 5 ; : : : : : : t St. Paul , NebApril9 , ' 03. National Medical Co. Gentlemen : This i * to certify that 1 have used Liquid Koal for ergot disease in cattle and believe it to oe a cure for this dUia e irom the experiments 1 huve made , but be lieve it ought to be used when the animal is first taken with the disease. And for a lice killer it can't be betit by anything I know of. Yours respectfully.W. W. L. LITTLE. / .vard , Neb. . Dec. 5.1902. Liquid Koal , imanufactured und sold by National Medic I Co. , York , Neb , is a ne cessity to any faimers ra sing stock Several instances of its efficiency have come under my personal notice. JOHN HARVEY , Ex-Mavor , Sevrard. Wausa. Neb. , Dec. 18 1902. I consider Liquid Koal one > f the best articles for all around purposes on the market. For mites and lice in the chicken houses and for lice on calves and horses it is the best and cheape&t thing I have ever found. Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm. CHAS. BERGANHAGER. ColerJdge , Neb. , Dec. 8.1902. I can say that your L. K. is the best in- ect destroyer that I ever used. It will not injure the eggs when used on setting hens. I find It the best all around stock medi-ine that I ever had on the place. 1 advise erery farmer to keep a supply on han < i. G.B GROFF. C&//1 \ > vSKnRTfr * Summer Luncheon Foods Meet eT ry requisite of the impromptu or hot weather meal. . Potted Dm , Beat an * Team , Oz Ttirat ( Wtoie ) , Veal Loif. Dsrlkd htm. Brisket Bed , SH < 4 Sacked Bed. Etc. All natural flavor foods palatable and whole some. Your croccr should have them. ' rP1 * < " > klel "How to K.k. Good Thin * , to Eat. " Bond for IJbb/'n biZAtl of th World. Ubby. McNelll & Llbby , Chicago , III. All tbe troubles of tbis world are born witb wiogs. Knew tbe daughter "Well have you found a stage career all that ; you boped ? Has Dame Fortune smiled on you ? ' 'I haven't met the old lady yet. Hut I know her daughter ; we have travelled together for several years. " "Her daughter ? " ' -Yes Miss Fortune.Kansas City fournal. ESTERN w CANADA. I The Vast Are i ofthU Roranrk- ublc Agricultural Cauatry ara attracting morn attention than any other district ia the world. "THE GRANARY Of THE WORLD. " "TUE LAND OF BCKSniNE. " The XATUEAL FEEDING GROUNDS for STOCK , Area nndrr Crop In 1002 1,987,80 Acre * . Yield In l 0-llT,923T64JJnshels. Abundance of Witter ; Fuel. Plentiful. Cheap Build ing Muterinl ; Good Orn x for pasture * * and Hur.n fertile soil , u sufficient rr.iEfull , and a climate Klring an assured and adequate neaion of ( growth. Homatteiid of 100 Aero * J ro clo e to Chorchee. Schools , etc. ; lUilnursUp all nettled districts. Hind for Atlna and other literature to Snprrin. ten dent of Imml retloit , Ottawa , Canada , or to W. V. Bennett , 801 New Yorlc Life Bid * . . Omaha. Neb. , Ageut for the Government of C'cnadaWho will hupplj you with certlflcuU ) civiuu jou reduced ruilirsr rates , etc. llartington. Neb. , Dec. 10,1902. National Medical Co. , York. Neb. Dear -Ir : I am a user of Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it. I would not try to do without it as I find it useful in a great many ways. I have had no sick hogs since I commenced using it a year uo. ; In my opinion it is the best and cheapest hog cholera preventative on the market todav. You can use this as you wish. Anyone wishing to know more about this pleasa write me. ENOCH ELY. Sevrard , Neb. , Nov. 28,1201. To Whom It May Concern : This is to certify that I have bought the third lot of Liquid Koal from the Nutlona Medical Co. , and think it the best erm de stroyer , appetizer and disinfectant that have ever used. I have had occasion to us it on two ditterent horses this summer fo very severe wounds , and found It the bea and cheapest remedy I ever tried ; would not be without it on mv place. W. B. FKANCI3. Delmont. S. D. I have used your L. K. , and think it is a good preventive and .disinfectant. I used it as a n. edlcine for all Kinds of stock and chickens. I had two cows that were sick and would not eat and I used L. K. and it helped them. I al o used it as a hog cholera preventive , and think it is all right G. H. PATRICK. PRICE : One Quart Can Sl.OO T > n Gallon Keg , p r gallon S2.5O One Gallon 3 OO 25 Gallons , half bbt. . per gal. . . . 2.35 tire G llonH , per gallon 2.75 | | CO Gallon- bbl. , per c i 2.OO A 25c 32-page Book on Gcrtn Dmeastg of Animals Sent Free on Application. MANUFACTURED BY National Medical Co. Sheldon , Iowa. . York. Neb.