Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 09, 1903, Image 5

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t .t > 1 > t * ir 1 /
HlTHLItfHED KVEEY THUESDA * . at tue PosUJlllce at Valentine. Onerr ;
c > nintv. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
The Loup Valley Hereford Hunch
Prince Boandel
131093 and Curl ;
Coat ll22Clat hea (
of herd The bloo <
of Fowler. Anxiety
Lord Wilton and Si :
Gladstone predoml
nates in my herd.
No stock for sale at present. Ranch four mile ;
north-west of Brownlee , Nclir.
* <
Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.UU COL
Shorts bulk . : . , .85 per cwt $16.00 tor
Screenings 70c § 13.00 "
Cbup Feed . . . .1.05 " / $20.UU
.Corn . 95 118.00
Chop corn . 1.00 $19.00 "
Data . 1.20 $23.00 "
Office over T. C. Hornby's store by the
south stairway. Chronic cases a
Hotirs : O to 12 A. M. . S to 41 . 31
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. Reserve
your work for him. Office at Donoher
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and E-riday preceding. .
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1901.
iSrownlee , Nebr.
Does general blucksmithingathard
times prices for cash.
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
First-class Shop iii Every Eespect
Euu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
Valentine , Nebr.
Good , Hard Rock for sale in any
Physician and Surgeon
Office at QuigJey & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights Thi- Don
oher residence , C/herry Mreet.
Edward . Fwray
Physician and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El
liott's Store.
Drug i9in2v
Valentine , Nebr.
Practices in District Court and U. S\ Land
Oflice. Real Eetat and Sanch Tropeity
" anlrl
-A-tf-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
- The n-cent package is enough ! or usual occas
Blons. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a
' for a year. All druggists sull tueiu.
Great Northern IJine
at O'neill , Nebr.
s Kast , Goinc West.
Leaves 10:10 a m. Arrives 9:50 p. in
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
, 'Juiiuections with Klkhorn trains east aii'i
wesfrbounu from all points west of O'NKlll.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond ,
Through connections fer Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St , Paul and all points north and west.
Buy local UcKets to O'Neill.
Sioux City , Iowa
Real Lstate Transfers
U S to Fanny Morrison , R R con 8200
sse ssw 17 30 37
U S to Wm A Denny , pat bsw sse 26
28 33
U S to Otto Schwidersky , R R nesw
nse 20 nwsvv 21 33 31
Allen Stansbie to Floyd B Sterns and
wf , rel nne 3 25 40 and other lands
Arthur B Ries and wi to David A Han
COCK , w d con $250 swsw 33 30 28
Thomas P Hamilton and wf to Chas
J Hills , mtff con $2100 se 34 sse ssw 35
U S to Frank A Wells , pat nw 20 29 26
Fidelia A Swan , wid , and B Harris-
Love , wid to P H Young , s , w d con
$2000 lot 1 nenw nne 18 31 28 other
Emma Ochs. s , to V A Goodrich , w d
con $250 ne 11 32 38
V A Goodrich , s , to Levi W Cedy , w
d con $350 ne 11 32 38
F H Baumgartel and wf .to School
District No 16 , w d con $1 lot A or
iginal town Crookstcn.
Fannie Morrison , s , to Richards &
Cairnes , w d con $500 sse ssw 17 30 37
Waiter S Jackson and wf to Frank
Bra'yton , w d con $1 e * lot 9-10 blk 1
original town , Valentine.
Frank A Wells and wf to J C Walker
mtg con $400 nw 20 29 26
Levi W Cady and wf to Maverick
Loan & Ttust Co , mtg con $575 sw 1
32 38 other lands.
Chas F Cooper and wf to David Hanna -
na , mtg con $262 30 sesw 15 30 29 &
other lands.
L'ratiK Brayton and wf to XV in T
Us , w d con $1000 ei lois 9-10 Oluck 1
original town oJ Valentine.
VV A Parker to Waiter Everett , as n
se 10 31 27
3 H Toncray to E W ivleffett , rel sesw
swse 28 enw 33 31 25
[ J S to Melvin Hale , B R lot 3 esw sw
se 30 29 30
[ J S to Robert S Lee , R R w sesw ne
sesw 26 27 29
P H Young to Mrs Fidelia A Swan
Mrs B H Lane , mtg con $1300-lot 1
nenw 18 31' 28 other lands.
J S to Hoyt Cortleyon , pat nse esw
24 29 38
Robert G Dorr and wf to Frank Bre-
see , w d con $1800 nsw sesw 32 34 39
other lands.
tf A Ross and wf to Frank Bresee , w
d con $5000 lot 4 sesw 30 33 39 other
Virginia C Thacher to General Public
plat ne neaw 31 34 27
J S to Gottfried Schmitt , pat sesw 12
31 26
J S to Harrv H Keller , pat wsw 17 n
nw 20 27 26
J S to Joseph Grooms , pat lots 1-2 sne
1 34 26
J S to Isaac M Liptrapp , pat se 9 32
J S to .Jens Thomsen , pat lots 3-4 esw
19 33 40
os T vioberly and wf to Thos P Ham
ilton , w c con $150 sse ssw 35 25 28
llmer E Moberly et al to Thos P Ham
ilton w d con $150 se 34 25 28
? he following 5 w d are in favor of
Jbarles H Eatinger :
Christopher C Denny , $2000 , se 31 26 28
Lndrew .1 Thompson , $700 snw sne 3
25 28
Andrew j Thompson and wf , $800 nsw
nse 18 20 28
Lndiew J Thompson and wf , $500 sne
enw 13 26 29
Andrew J Thompson and wf , $500 sne
32 nwnw 33 26 28
) tto Schwidersky. s , to Minnie L
Uendersbot , w d con $280 nesw nse
20 nwsw 21 33 31
3has O Tarrell and wf to Kroeger &
Dan , w d con $600 lot 2 , 18 28 24 and
other lands.
Jeo'E McMullen and wf to Ole Peter-
sou , w d con $250 lots 3 4 esw 19 33
j N Lay port , shf , to James N Harke ,
S D con $500 lots 1 2 sne 1 34 2tf
j N Lay port shf , to Jas N Clarke , Rec
S D con $300 se 9 32 40
larry n Keeler to Austin llowe , mtg
con $330 wsw 17 unw 20 27 26
? T Thompson to Mary D Lee and IM >
rel nidi 24 27 29 other lands.
Picture Making
has been reduced to a
very simple process by
the advent of the -
Developing Machine1
t- * j
By the use of this machine
the dark room is unneces
sary. The development is
done by the "time process J3
$ V : which assures one a perfect
ii negative. : : : : : :
Prices of Kodaks , $2,00 to
Prices of Developing Max
chines , S2,00 to $10,00 ,
QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN , Druggists.
W < Can Satiufv You Jn Ooaltt" Price
Charley Maxwell had his fact
burned pretty bad by the explos
ion of Moray's balloon.
U. O'Bryan , of the reservation.
handed us a couple of dollars OE
subscription just before the Fourth
while in town.
Crct With A lowing
Thomas Thomsen , the 12 year
3ld son of Jens Thomsen , was run
) ver with a mowing machine yes
terday morning , 8 miles south of
farm. His
; o wn on J ohn
irm was pretty badly cut at tiie
jlbow and above the elbow. He
lad been helping his father load
some vegetables and when through
lis father started him home but
3eing sleepy lay down in the grass
ind went to sleep. John Fcrstel
; ame , along vith his mower but the
frass was high and he could not
iee the boy.
saal Kotos
The attendence has reached one
Misses Monta Herring and Ada
Jould are two new students from
] \Iiss Nellie Easley has taken up
vork in the Junior Normal pre-
laratory. for High School work
text year.
Pros Clemens , of the Fremont
formal , visited our Normal last
Friday and gave an adress to the
tudents in the afternoon.
Misses Smith and Gorbail return-
d from Bassett Sat. night. Miss
iose Ross came with them and
sntered the Normal Monday.
C. V. Thorn , Principal of Lower
Jut Meat Indian school , visited
lie Normal Wed. and expressed
imself as greatly pleased with it
nd especially with the instructors.
Mr. Baldwin , weather oberver
t this place , gave a very interest-
ig talk at chapel Monday morn-
nd invited the students down | Lo
ae "the machine which makes the
The illustrated lecture of Dr.
londra last Friday evening was
rell ettended and something learn-
d about our beautiful places at
ome. In the words of the lecturer
Why teach the wonders of the
Amazon before we know the
eauties of the Platt , and long for
Hagraia when we know nothing
f the grandeur of Smith Fall"
About 4.0 of the Normalitcs led
yF.M. Walcott , went "walking"
ist Thursday evening and feel
lore than repaid for the exertion
i climbing hills and scrambling
ver rocks. All were delighted
Tith the beauty of the scenery and
ven some whose homes are here
rere surprised. We returned by
-ay of Prof. Watson's where we
ere given some very refreshing
jmonade. 1
Buy your Macliinc Oil at the
Pat Hett came down from Glcn-
rock , Wyo. , to spend the 4th with
his friends.
The J. C. C. Corset , t he best
cheap corset made , at the Ladies'
store. Mrs. Elmores.
for the student and the writer ,
as an authoritative reference book
for schools , families and busines
men , there is one book which of
fers superior advantages both in
the solid value of its information ,
and the ease with which it is ob
One's admiration for Webster's
International Dictionary increases
daily as it comes to be better
known. It never refuses the information
mation sought and it never over
whelms one with a mass of mis
information illogically arranged.
The St. James Gazette of London ,
England , says : For the teacher , the pu
pil , the student and the litterateur , there
is nothing better ; it covers everything.
The New and'Enlarged Edition
recently issued has 25,000 new
words and phrases , 2364 pages
and 5000 illustrations.
Our nimc is on thc-litlc-pnjrcs of all the
authentic dielionarics of the Webster series.
"A. Test in Proatuiciaticn" wlik-li affords a
pleasant anil instructive c\eiiinj's entertain
ment. Illustrated pamphlet also frec.
G.&C.I IERHrAMCO.Pubs.Spri-i.lcld , . . s ? .
"IfindThedford's Blact-Draughfc
Q good medicine for liver disease.
It cured my FDD after ho had spent
S100 with doctors. It is all the med
icine I take. " ! , IRS. GASOLINE
MARTIN , Parkersburg . Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your drucgist and
secure a package of Thedford's
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels , stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A _ torpid liver invites
colds , biliousness , chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright's disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thedford's Black-
prauglit should always be kept
in the house.
"I jused Thedford's Black-
Draught for liver and kidney com
plaints and found nothing to creel
blehead , 111.
To use its columns
to advance your business interests.
Cf Cf Cf Cf Of Cf
If you are looking for buyers of goods you hand
le , an "AD" in this paper will give the widest
publicity possible in newspaper advertising. THE
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT goes to more homes than
any other paper in this territory. There is no
denying this fact. If you are from Missouri , we
will consider it a pleasure to" show up our sub
scription list to those interested. : : : : : :
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per lin <
each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cent ;
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders ,
Wanted to Contract
800 acres of valley hay , put up
two miles west of Georgia.
22 tf Kilgore , tfebr.
One brown yearling horse col !
branded , JBJj&4 | on right hip.
12 D. STINAUD , Valentine , iSrebr.
Wanted to Contract
Hay , either cutting or stacking
or both , in lots to suit. Address ,
METZGAR BROS , Gregory , Nebr.
23 4
One sorrel horscTbranded knife
: m left shoulder ; also one blue horse
branded ID , 1015 and knife right
side. Axldess , HENRY KNI E ,
25 Rosebud , S. D.
Call at the HED FRONT MERC.
do. for all kinds oL' Undertaking
3-oocls and Undertaking work.
"Wanted to contract 1000 tons of
lay cut and stacked.
.6 Woodlakc , Xebr.
A full line of Barb Wire , Field
fencing and Poultry Netting is
larried by the RED FRONT MERC.
] o. , Hardware Department.
Estrayccl. "
Strayed from my ranch after
Lpril 15 , 1903 four head of horses.
) nc grey mare , one chestnut sor-
el with bald face , one brown mare
teavy with foal , all branded 16 and
ockeye on left shoulder. One
lazed face bay 2 year old stallion
randcd * jsjiaJj on left hip.
22 Kennedy , Nebr.
Now is the time to get your in-
urance on your buildings and
tock. Storms have already begun
nd if you are without insurance
i will be your neglect. It costs but
trifle to insure against fire , light
ing and tornadoes in the best state
mpanies. They are represented
y I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr.
LOST ! !
Lost out of Cornell's pasture 1
ay horse , white face , branded < JK
imnucted on left shoulder. Also
chestnut ssorrel branded L on
loulder. Forelocks trimmed and
itlocks cut off of both horses ,
'hese ' horses are known as the Lee
.ayport team and were last seen
IB fore part of last week. Liber-
l reward will be paid for infor-
lation leading to their recovery.
25 Valentino , Nebr.
Last week the Presbyterian
[ lurch \vas struck by-lightning in
ic steeple. The damage was
! Cool Minnesota 1
The Northwestern Line will
have some exceedingly low
rates to St. Paul , Minneapolis
and Duluth during the sum
mer months.
Better figure on spending
your vacation at Lake Min-
netonka , White Bear or some
other Summer Resort in Min
nesota or North Wisconsin.
Abk any Agent North wtst
ern Line for particulars , or
3. A. KUHX ,
A. G. F. &P. A. , j
Omaha , Neln * . 5
Double Track
'cctlincto St t'aul-JIimicttp-
Direct tine to Jtlticli SliUtt.
Ainily to iieui'pHt afjciitjor rutex
nuii > n rind fimc ctirtin.
No. 27 Frt. Daily 233 P. at.
No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M
No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49A. M
No. 23 Frt. Daily C:30 A. M.
No , 36 " except Sunday 5:00 P. M.
NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. JI.
3Ianteno JTo. 802 the
fastest Stallion in this part
of the state. Will be sold
right. Come and see him
whether you want to buy or
. . - ,
Prop. Star Livery Stable.
Meals Lunches Short Orders
- sr EHHE rs
First class meals at all hours ,
day and night. Oysters in
season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
E.D.Cohota , Prop.
Special Reduced
Excursion ISute * .
M ill be in eiTett from Jill points on the Chicago
; -North-\\ extern Kuiivniy for the cccajioua
.amsdbtlow :
Boitun , .July 6th to 10th. National
Eduatijual Asso'intio i.
Saratoga Springs , N , Y. . Jti'yTth to
ICtii , Cobles of tlie Mjstic Shrine.
Demer. July 9th to 13h , United
Chiitiuii Endeavor.
Detroit , Mich. . July 16th to lofc : , Ep-
worth League.
Baltimore. Md ; July 2lst to iTjrd
B. P. O. K.
Sau. Brands o.yAngiist 17th to 22nd.
G. A. K. meeting.
Kaltitnirii. Mrf. . . Sepi. Slat to 2tith ,
/ereigu Cr. ! nd \ COge. I. U O. F.
KOI i ifurni atlon au t. rat , dates ol sale , * tc.
1 tlieai or other oecassious. c < ill upon the titet
igent 01 the orth-Wesierii Liue-