Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 09, 1903, Image 1
* lttf rt & ! Social ? * . VALENTINE VOLUME VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JULY 9 , 1903. NUMBER 5 oV o iYour Attention 3 Is Called to Our 49 49 49 new and'complete line of Furniture. "We are in position Jj 4 ? to furnish you anything that you may need in this line. 21 L § Prices and Quality guaranteed. Note the following. < 8 ftl * J il Dining Chairs , per set. . . . . . . . , . § 4.50 to $12.00 it Extention Tables . 6.00 to 13.75 49 Kitchen Tables. . . - . . only 2.75 JJ Kitchen Cabinets . 4.25 to 6.25 i Bed Room Suite. . . . . . 18.75 " 28.50 & * 49 Dressers . ' . . 10.00 " 15.00 49 Iron Bed . . ' . 3.50 " 9.50 Rockers. . .7 . 2.50 " 6.75 51 49 5t 49 5t 5t 49 49 These are only a few of the good things we have , & We give you "these prices so that you may understand jj 49 that we mean business , - 51 49 Our .Line i Of Summer Shirts is complete. Our Ventilated Summer Shoes for men R E Z on the feet. They have a perfor ated inner sole and air chambers to keep the feet cool. They're neat and the most perfect shoe made. We also have Ladies' , Misses' and Children's shoes to fit the feet , Colonial Slippers and comfortable shoes for hot weather. TAILOK ITI ANDCLOTHIEK. , J Quick leal Gasoline Stoves | " Comfortable cooking. All through the summer your kitchen i > will be cool if you have one of these stoves. Easy to run g and easy on the , pocket. & > t ? . General Hardware , Stoves and Bang- * es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and g Furniture , windmills and Pumps , g 49 Piano Mowers and Rakes. 5 > 49 5 49 i9 PRAHK FISCHER , 5W * 49 &fr . . ' " Vl--.itt-r- T. YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULLs Sole for s ? v Agents HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , ' VALENTINE X NEBRASKA - SI ? CITIZENS MEAT MARKET _ _ HENRY STETTER , PROP if FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked \ Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Succespor to ) CAPITAL PAID nr A General Banking ftOO Exchange and , \/V/'U. Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. , Yj NICHOLSON , Cashier. TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. 8. Department or Agriculture i Weather Bureau j Valentine. Nebraska , week ending C a , m. July 8,1903 , Maximum temperature 97 degrees on the 7th. Minimum temperature , 53 degrees on the 4th. Mean temperature. 71.4 degrees , wtiich is 1.2 degree below the normal. Total precipitation , 0.33 Inch , which is 0 34 inch below the normal. HTMcP , BALDWIN , Official jn Charge , Geo. Hornby went east last week to be gone for a couple of weeks. A. H. Stees came in from Ken nedy last week and spent the .week in town. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Stop at Quigley & Chapman's and get a quart of Ice Cream for the family. 24 10 Mrs. L. C. Sparks returned home last Saturday. Mr. Sparks met her at Fremont and returned with her. Several ranchmen are looking for hay hands and we think there will be work in the hay flats for all wh6 want to work. THE DEMOCRAT building is hav ing some more repairing done by U. Gr. McBride , and we hope to have a more comfortable place as time rolls by. C. C. Burke , of the Harrison Press Journal , came down last Friday to spend the 4th at Valen tine and visit friends. We enjoyed a fraternal call from him. He re turned Sunday night. B. J. Hoffacker was nutown to spend the 4th with friends. He was thrown from , a horse out at the ranch a couple of weeks ago and is a little lame yet but is just as cheerful as ever and always looks on the bright side of life. Morning subject at the M. E. church next Sunday will be , "God's Work Complete. " Eve ning : At this service the third special sermon will be presented by the pastor on the subject , "Man's Fourfold Mission. " A. E. Tennis an.d wife returned last Friday morning from Idaho and went out to Simeon to cele- srate the 4th with S. L. Ellis and wife. Mrs. Tennis will be better inown as Miss Rose Morgareidge who was one of the Cherry county ; eachers , and had lived in our town while attending school some years ago. They were married June 17 at the home of W. D. Mprgaeidge at Moscow , Idaho. They expect ; o live near Kennedy. The DEMO CRAT congratulates them. / AJbijah Overman was in our city Monday making arrangements for a sale that he will have on July 15 which will be this coming Wednes day. There are 88 head of cattle and numerous other articles for sale that you might be interested in. Read his sale bill in another part of this paper. If you don't want anything go anyhow. You will be welcome. Its a bona-fide sale ; you pay for what you get and get what you buy. All buyers are on the same equality as yourself. Last week while running our press at the rate of speed that makes a man hungry at supper , we were visited by a nice delega tion from the Rosebud Boarding School consisting of 0. E. Ramsdill , VIrs. Caruthers , Mrs. Bullard , Mrs. and Miss. Tripp , and was glad of an opportunity of resting lon r nough to take , in a cash in ad vance subscription and show the people how the printing was done in our office. Mrs. Tripp got too close to the press and got her sleeve Dlacked some but we get use to that. Fancy China at Mrs. Elmore's Wm. I. Wray , of Kilgore , this week becomes a reader of the DEM OCRAT having ordered it sent to him while in town Monday. Miss Leah Wakeman , of Spring- view , came up from Ainsworth Monday evening to assist Mrs. W. A. Kimbell with dressmaking. Ely D. Valentine was up from Woodlake Monday. He says that they had a good crowd at their sale at Woodlake and that they were well pleased. J. A. Frise gave a practical dem onstration at E. H. Bohle's last Friday afternoon of the superior ity of the Reception Brand of can ned goods over cheap grades. E. L. Davis and wife , of Wood Lake , spent the 4th here and went up home with Jerome Broad for a visit , returning Monday. Mr. Broad is a brother to Mrs. Davis. J. B. Tripp and daughter Miss Anna , and Mrs. Caruthers started Friday morning for Boston to at tend the N. E. A. , and will go from there to Washington. Mrs. Arm strong goes to Kansas City for a months visit with relatives. Mrs. Bullard will visit relatives in Kearn ey for a month , starting yesterday morning. * * THE DEMOCRAT acknowledges a lot of complimentary music , in strumental and vocal , from Lyon & Healy of Chicago , for which they have our sincere thanks. Lyon & Healy are at present of fering big reductions on pianos and'brgans. If you are thinking of buying it will pay you to write to them at Chicago , 111. We areindebetedto Bro. Church of the Atkinson Graphic for a large size photograph of the editors of the E. V. E. A. taken in front of the Graphic office. You have our thanks Bro. Church. We'll frame it as we did that taken at Chadron and hang it in our office as a memento - mento of the day we spent in your town. You have a good town of generous whole souled people that we'll remember as the years roll by. Geo. Tracewell handed us a let ter Tuesday that he had received Tom U. G. Dunn stating that the family had gotten through all right to Richmond , Kan. , and that he" has hired to a man who had 1000 acres of timothy to run a mower at 30c per hour , and that they liked E the country there first rate. Grant used to get § 4.00 a day here for single handed work but he writes that his hand is not well enough to work at his trade yet. When it is we think he will be glad to get $2.00 or $3.00 per day for work in Kan. and hunt for a job too. But Kansas is a nice place to live. * The Railroad compa'ne has be gun the erection of a coal chute and coal house where a car of coal will be run up the chute and dumped. It will be a great saving in time and labor. The huge tow er looks like a sky scraper. There are 26 men at work at it and two cooks. They expect to finish up their part of the work in about ten days from the time they began. Other men will take the job and do the fininishing work. A gaso j ! line engine with a 3 foot stroke and 40 horse power will pull the cars up the chute and dump them. The capacity of this chute will be 140 tons of coal. It will require i r only a short time with this new coal house in operation to load an engine with coal and water. Sev eral hundred feet of new side track will be laid for convenience in switching. . or 43 > Ladies' One Strap Slippers § 1.25 43 43 41 Heavy Oxfords 1-50 43 43 " Four Strap Sandals 1-75 43 * 43 " Heavy Soled "Waking Shoe 2.50 43 " Patent Leather " " 3.00 & fc 43 fcfc 43 Children's one strap Colonial Buckle 150 fcfc 43 fci > 43 " Patent Leathers 1.50 i > 43 43 Ladies' , Sweaters in red and white 2.00 & 43 43 " Dressing Sacques , cool and airy 85 * I * 43 43 I * 43 & 43 & 47 & > 43 fr 43 i > 43 & Thacher & 43 Davenport i * S3 GENERAL MERCHANTS 3 cl > 43 Our Spring Goods are now in and we are prepared to figure with you in any thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If you are in need of any Farming Implements let us figure with1you. . MAX E. VIEBTBL NEBRASKA CEOOKSTOft Groceries Pleasing meals are possible only when you have pleasing groceries. The best that E the market affords at a right price here. Selected for your selection. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. LOOKED AT from every point of view , ftfcCormfck mowers will be found faultless in design , modern in con struction and thorough in equipment , with ihe most practical features. These mowers are so perfectly balanced , 50 easily operated and do such smooth and even cutting that they instantly become the favorite of every man who buys one. The McCormick book , , "A MODEL MACHINE , " tells all about Model mowers. on Tvant it S < MMI one. TJie place to get the best Wmdmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door Routh of the Do ioher House Highest canh pvice paid or Hides and Furs. 3 , MOON - - - Valentine , Nebr