-1 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ! . M RICE EDITOR &JL.OO Per Yvur it * Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Post-ofllce &i Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. The Loup Valley Hereford llanch. Brownlee.Nebr Prince Itoahdel 131603 and Curlj Coat 112-201 at heat of herd The blood of Fowler. Anxiety Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. No stock for sale at present. llanch four miles north-west of Brownlee , Nebr. 0.11. FAULHABKK , MILL PRICES FOR FEED. Sran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton i bulk . . . . 85 per cwt $16.00 too Screenings 70c 413.00 " Chop Feed 1.05 $20.00 Corn , .95 118.00 " Chop corn 1.00 $19.00 . ' Oats 1.20 ' $2300 " . J. E. ISNYDEE , OSTJGOPATH. Oflice over T. C. Hornby's store by the south stairway. Chronic cases a specialty. Hours : O to 12 A. 31. 2 to 4 I . 31 John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. .Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. % ALENTJNE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery dcparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Eosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1901. s . . . _ * _ . - - . _ , - = ; - - ; DE. LAUREN JONES , OSTEOPATH. Gordon , Nebr. Graduate ot the American School of Osteopa th.C under the Founder of the science , treats both acute and chronic diseases A specially o spinal and hip troubles and diseases of women and children. Consultation free. HENKY AUGUSTON Blacksmith JBrowniee , Kebr. Does general blucksmithingathard times prices for cash. H. M. CE AMEK , City Deliyeryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. W. A. KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Eespect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEEOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake GKNbUtAbVOHK PltOMrTl/y ATTENDED TO. PAT HETT Valentine , ( -food , Hard Rock for sale in quantity. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's ft- Drug Store. JSlghte The Don oher v residence , Cherry Mreet. Edward S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. 191102 F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEYAD ABSTRACT ; Valentine , Kebr. | Practices in District Court and U. S. Land i Oflice. Keal Estate and Ranch Property Abfmuter. TIMETABLE , ftreat Northern Une at O'neill , Ncbr. Goln East , * Going West. Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9BO p. ra. Passenger , daily except Sunday. ' 'onnections with Elkhorn trains east and west-bound from all points west of O'Neill. Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond , Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St , Paul and all points north and west , Buy local tickets to O'Neill. FBED HOOERS , G. P. A. Sioux City , Iowa ru eel Minnesota The Northwestern Line will have pome exceedingly low rates to St. Paul , Minneapolis and Duluth during- the sum mer months. Better figure on spending 3'our vacation at Lake Min- netonka , White Bear or some other Summer Resort in Min nesota or North Wisconsin. Abk any Agent Northwtst ern Line for particulars , or address .T. A. KUIIX , A. * . F. &P. A. , Omaha , Nelir. < RANCH FOR SALE- 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay can be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Al so open water on a part of the range the year round. § 4,000 will buy it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. Real Lstate Transfers U S to Hamilton McCrea , pat svv 23 34 25 Robert O Jones , s } to James Hughes w d con $800 sw 23 34 25 Robert O Jones to Carl Morris , rel sw 23 34 25 U S to Louis J F lager , R R con $200 lot 5 senvv nesw nwse 6 33 CJ S to James Dornana , RR con $99.90 nese sene , lot 1 6 33 sese 31 34 39 ' * j U S to Ben Hayden Sidles , R R con $200 lots 6 7 sesw 9\vs\v 6 33 Edward B Chapman and wf to Leon ard H Roacb w d con $1500 sesw 27 nwne nnw 34 35 30 U S to David W Collett , pat ene nwne 20 34 28 Wanted to contract 1000 tons of liay cut and stacked. W. G. BALLAKD , 16 Woodlakc , Nebr. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank those friends ind neighbors who so kindly assist ed us and did all in human power ; o lighten the great grief which so suddenly came upon us. Also the Modern Woodman for their presence ind aid , and the choir for the corn- 'ortiug songs. MRS. NINA WILSON AND FAMILY. J. G. WILSOS. MBS. CECELIA STOWE , Orator , Entro Nous Club. 176 "Warren Avenue , CHICAGO , ILL. , Oct. 22,1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I , however , strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as T , for home with a sicb woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of "Wine of Cardui for me to try , and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. Wi th in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. . Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by i female weaknes and how completely "Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi- I ness again. Do not go on suffer ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Kodak Picture Making I has been reduced to a very simple process by the advent of the KODAK Developing Machine By the use of this machine the dark room is unneces sary. The development is done by the "time process" which assures one a perfect negative. : : : : : : Prices of Kodaks , $2,00 to $25,00. Prices of Developing Machines / ' chines , $2,00 to $10,00 , QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN , Druggists. The J. C. C. Corset , the best cheap corset made , at the Ladies' store. Mrs. Elmorcs. Del Sherman rctuaned Tuesday from Idaho. He says Valentine is good enough for him. The display of art at the court house was well attended but would have been better , had those in charge thought of printers ink. Valentine ftorma ) . From ( he Reck County Leader , The school has been running one week and bids fair to be a grand success. Our instructors are very good and the attendants are all earnestly trying to improve their opportunities. Supt. Fowler was here one day last week and spoke in the eveningatthe-M. E. church. ; His talk was both interesting and instructive. Friday night theEp- worth League gave the school a reception at the court house. We enjoyed a very pleasant evening and all vote the Valentine people royal entertainers. Saturday evening - ' ning Mr. Eoberson gave his illus trated lecture on Imperial India. Well , it makes me hold my breath even now to think of it. It was simply magnificant and the audi ence sat enthralled for an hour and a half. He is a very rapid speak er and whatever he was speaking of , was before us on the wall all of the time , a fact which gave us a much clearer understanding of the lecture. But at the dining hall is where we shine. We come and pass out with happy , smiling faces. I bhink everyone is well pleased with the board. The only thing wrong is the small attendance. There arc , [ think , about 70 enrolled. This is a great opportunity for the teach ers of our county to learn new methods and old truths , two things which all teachers should strive to know. I wish every teacher in our Bounty and every person who in- iends to teac-i ! could be here during jhe whole term. Then we could lave much better schools next win- ier and the school boards would be encouraged to pay better wages. Please do what you can to encour- ige any stay at home teacher to : ome up to Valentine quick. The Rock county delegation last | week consisted of 6. Friday night : we got one recruit. The delega tion is doing nicely and behaving rery well , considering. There are 3ne or two in the delegation who ire rather young and frisky and me got awfully homesick Friday light but we have a mutual agree- nent not to give each other away. [ won't say anything about these } hings , bat say , really one or two iicmbers of the delegation are rather quiet. Hoping you will do what-you jan to secure enlistments , I am : espetcfully yours for better schools. Dress trimmings , notions and millinery at Mrs. Elmore's. Buy your Machine Oil at the RED FIIOXT. 23 Fancy China at Mrs. Elmore's A full line of Barb Wire , Field Fencing and Poultry Netting is carried by the RED FKONT MERC. Co. , Hardware Department. Resolutions of respect and con dolence adoptsd by Wild Rose Canip No. 928 , R. N. of A. of Crookston. WHEREAS , The angel of death has entered the home of our neighbor , Nina Wilson , and has taken- from 'their midst a beloved husband and father , therefore he it * , RESOLVED : That we , the entire membership of Wild Rose Camp , do most sincerely extend to tt e be loved wife and fatherless children our heartfelt symprthy in this time of sorrow , and commend them to the Heavenly Father who doeth all things well ; and be it further RESOLVED : That we send a copy of these resolutionh to the local pa pers , a copy be sent to the family- and a copy be entered on our re cords. MRS. CLARA RHINE , MRS. MARY CLAYBOUGH , MRS. LYDIA YIERTEL , Committee. Junior There arc now 92 enrolled and each day adds new ones to the list. Misses Gorball and Smith of Bassett will go home to spend the Fourth. Those who were not at chapel Wednesday missed in Mrs. Wat son's recitation , a very rare treat. Miss Carrie Wilson was called to her home Saturday by a tele gram stating her father was serious ly hurt. Dr. Conclra delivered two ad- ilresses to the Normal students on Wednesday afternoon , one on Physiology and one on Geography. Brown county succeeded in stitching up with Rock and now there is a tie. Rock county docs not intend to let it remain so how ever , and are not going to cease the agitation ajid endeavor to get , ihead of Brown. | i Those enrolled since the first week of Normal are : Valentine Flazrl I'amm \ViieJuiiels | ] ; M-ir ret Stele -EveU-tn-y ft coj'bish'-r . y.uiiiif Kctiley Wll'ie Hairy Ha-vey M > rnby May G'll'ino Aland M J'IOII Mis Louie Cr-M iin r A.uni Melton Mcrrimen / Ultra Crowe Kiln'ri ! : s .F ss ) u Ains worth Emma ! ? urrirt C'ara Martin I'sii uie.McCoiil Hazd liable ul U.util l-tiir.t. Sinn ) u , Unitl ISarKer. IJa- > sot Mary Ciimhow. .Iotnst ! wu ilice Uufulufiuu , T The. Valentine Democrat INVITES YOU To use its columns to advance your business interests , If you are looking for buyers of goods you hand le , an "AD" in this paper will give the widest publicity possible in newspaper advertising. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT goes to more homes than any other paper in this territory. There is no denying this fact. If you are from Missouri , we will consider it a pleasure to show up our sub scription list to those interested. : : : : : : W. T. Bishop , LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents per line each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Wanted to Contract 800 acres of valley hay , put up two miles west of Georgia. FRANK EOTIILEUTXEU , 22 tf Kilgorc , Nebr. LOST ! One brown yearling horse colt branded , lim on right hip. 12 D. STINARD , Valentine , JSTebr. Wanted to Contract Hay , either cutting or stacking or both , in lots to suit. Address , METZGAR BROS , Gregory , Nebr. 23 i For Sale. Timber culture , one-hundred and sixty acres , title clear , no incum- brancc , for cash. Within fifteen miles of Valentine , Cherry Co. Xeb. Mrs. S. C. Cameron , 21 4 : 2iIST. 9th st , Hamilton,0. Estrayed.J Strayed from my ranch after April 15 , 1903 four head of horses. One grey mare , one chestnut sorrel rel with bald face , one brown mare heavy with foal , all branded 16 and cockeye on left shoulder. One blazed face bay 2 year old stallion ' branded fcajScj on left hip. N. S. ROWLEY. 22 Kennedy , jNcbr. 25,000 NEW WORDS arc mlilcil in the List edition of \Vclsl.er'a ) lul.ernalional Diction- aiy. The International is kept uhvsiys abreast of l.he lirnes. Ifc Lakes constant work , expensive work uiul worry , but il ; is the only way to keep the dictionary the STANDARD AUTHORITY of the Engliah-speaking world. Other dictionaries follow. Web ster leads. ! t id the favorite ivitli Judges , Scholars , Educators , Prin tors , etc. , . his and foreign countries. A postal card ivill .bring you inl-.resting specimen pages , etc. 0. & C. MEftPJAM COMPANY Sl'ULKGFIELD , MASS. runusiiERS or WEBSTER'S iftTERMATSONAL DICT1ONARY. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Railroad between JlittHOitri Ulcer ntnl Chicago. Direct line to St L'aitl-Jllnneajt- Oliti. Direct line to Black Hills. Apply to nearettt ayentfor rttten innpn tind time TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Daily . , 2-33 P..M. No. 25 except Sunday 9:40'A. Jt No. 3 Passenger" Daily Jl2:49A'Sl ! EAST BOU > D ; No. 23 Frt. Daily ' ' ' No , 20 " except Sunday 5:00.P.M. NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. M. Stallion for Sale Man ten o tfo. 68 2 the fastest Stallion in this part of the state. Will be sold right. Come and see him whether you want to buy or not. H. S. SAVAGE , Prop. Star Livery Stable. Meals Lunches Short Orders THE KANGAROO I 5 r 3-CJ-C ± - First class meals at all hours , day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. E. D. Cohota , Prop. Special Reduced Excursion Kates. M11 ! l > e'ui ellect ironi "all points on the Chicago & ? orth-\\ extent ttaiway for the occasions i.ami d beloxv : boston. July 6th to 10th. National hduciCioual Assoiation. . Saratoga Springs , N , Y. . .tnlyTth to 10th , Nobles of tle : Jlystic'Shrine. Denver July 9th to 13th , United Christian Knrtfiivor. Detroit. . Mich. . .July IGth to 10th , Ep- \vurth I iiiRin ; . Paltiniorc , Aid. , July 21st to 2ml , B. P. O. E. San FfiiiH-ispo. Aujrit&t 17th to 22ud. ( r A. K. inertinu. Baltimore. Md. . . Svpt. : > t.st to 2ah , s-ovoivi.uii Crai-d I tuhzt- . ( ) O. F. For i-iform alien as t ' lutrs. 'l te1' * > ' siilr. i-tr. of thesr or other ocva.s-icns , rail upon the ticket a ent " 1 'he > orth-Wc-j > Jeru Line , 1M-P-A-N-S Tabulcs Doctors A good preFer For limn kind The.cenr iineH.-u e'isi'i-onuli lor-nsnal oi.-eas B'ons. The fun-yb ! ttlo ( iM > cents ) contains a lor a jcar. All druggists bell ; u , m.