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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1903)
tutorial-Sovitt ? VALENTINE VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBKASKA , JUNE 25,1903. NUMBER 23 ofr fYour Attention 0 fc * lls Called to Our' o * FT B new and complete line of Furniture. We are in position to furnish you anytliing that you may ne'ed in this line. fcfr Prices and Quality guaranteed. Note the following. ? T 8 49 Dining Chairs , per set $4.50 to $12.00 Extention Tables 6.00 to 1 .75 I * ' 4 ? Kitchen Tables . only 2.75 4 ? Kitchen Cabinets 4.25 to 6.25 4 * Bed Eoom Suite 18.75 " 28.50 Dressers 10.00 " 15.00 * ' o Iron Bed . . . . .3.50 " 9.50 Eockers 2.50 " 6.75 4 ? OF These are only a few of the good . things we have , fr We . give you these prices so that you may understand ? F -f t 1 f k A 89. that we mean business * 4 ? It ' Our Line Of Summer Shirts is complete. Our Ventilated Summer Shoes for men E E Z on the feet. They have a perfor ated inner sole and air chambers to keep the feet cool. They're neat and the most perfect shoe made. We also have Ladies' , Misses' and Children's shoes to fit the feet , Colonial Slippers and comfortable shoes for hot weather. TAILOR D.8TI . AND CLOTHIER. Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves t 07 * J * " ' &t Comfortable cooking. All through the summer your kitchen o > 1 S will be cool if you have one of these stoves. Easy to run ? f * ' $ * j * and easy on the pocket. & V } * WVWWW\ < WWWVVWW WW-i fl OF | General Hardware , Stoves and Eangj j * g es.'Ifon Beds , Springs , Mattresses and g Furniture , windmills and Pumps , Piano Mowers and Rakes. fj 4 ? FRAHK FISCHER. 4 ? cr- - - - T. YEARNSHAW IHE OWL SALOON JAMES B- HULL < F i ? Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY " Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER" ; : Choicest Wines and Cigars , 1 VALENTINE X 'NEBRASKA CITIZENS. ME AT HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FBI ) ! ! AND CAAfii : IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking , Exchange and collection Business. C. H. COIIXELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. MY / TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. 8 , Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau f Valentine , Nebraska , week ending C a , m , , June-17,1903 , Maximum temperature 88 degrees on tbe 24th. Minimum temperature , 44 degrees on the llth. Mean temperature. 65.3 degreea , which Is 2.0 degree below the normal. Total precipitation , 1.16 inch , which is 0 34 inch above the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge , Fancy China at 'Mrs. Elmore's. Capt. Howell has gone back to the Soldiers Home at Grand Island. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 By mistake last week we stated that A. J. Irwin , of Thermopolis , was dead. It was Mrs. A. J. Ir win who died. W. A. Petty crew's sale of horses was well attended last Saturday and stock brought fair prices. The creamery machinery went at about 15 per cent of cost. Kemember Manley Wyman's and Ely Valentine's sale at Wood Lake * tomorrow , Friday , June 26. 250 head of stock and numerous items of interest to a ranchman will be sold. C. M. VanMeter informs us that a telephone meeting will be held at Harmony school house next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Those interested ina telephone for the north-table should be pres ent. Mrs. EleanorThackrey , of Man hattan , Kan. , came up Monday night to visit her daughters , Mrs. C. S. Reece and Miss Cora Thack- rey and will prove up on the land thatSamuelJ. Thackrey had taken , before returning. "Conditions of Life" and "The Twentieth Century Christian" by Kev. Chas. Wayne Eay , are little booklets containing maxims and gems of thought , condensed and readable. For sale at lOc each at Hornby's and the drug stores. f Morning subject at the M. E. church next Sunday will be , "The Importance of Builders. " Even ing , the pastor will present the second sermon in the special ser ies , subject , "The Doctrine of Uni- versalism. " The right view-of this subject is most vital to every person. Kev. C. W. Eay , Misses Thack- ery Jordan , Watson , Lilly and Clara Collett , Mesdames Northrup and Hornby , Mr. Gorsuch and Mr. Bristol of the Epworth Le ague and Misses Ethel Sherman and Ennis Boyer of the Junior League went down to Stuart Wed- ensday morning to attend the Long Pine district Epworth League convention at that place. Lewis Adamson died in this city Saturday morning , June 12 , 1903 , at the age of 79 years. He was born in Tennessee , moving from there to Iowa and coming to Neb raska nine years ago , settling at Valentine. Four years since , he removed to Bayard where he has c since resided. He has been an invalid - g valid for tbe past three years and during the last year has been blind and helpless. This makes the fifth brother who has passed from earth within the past four years. He leaves twov brothers , Ira , residing here , and Henry , residing at New ton , Iowa , with a sister Kachel Bullard , and two sons , George of Bayard , and James of Salt Lake , and a daughter , , Mrs. J. H. Sears of Valentine , besides a large num ber of relatives to mourn his loss. The funeral was from the house Sunday afternoon , Kev. Eobert Eutledge officiating , and was I largely attended. Bayard Tran- scripti Cyclone Strikes This city , Considerable Damage Done TeA A cyclone struck this city about o'clock Tuesday afternoon and I did considerable damage to build ings ' though no one was hurt. Clouds had been hovering around all day and several sprinkles of rain fell4. In the afternoon the clouds began to thicken and the wind had a dismal howl as it rat tled the windows , blowing from the southeast. Suddenly it began raining and caught hundreds of un suspecting victims unawares , giv ing them a 'thorough drenching be fore they could find shelter. The funeral procession of Mrs. Wood- son , an old colored woman , was caught about half way from the house on the Niobrara Eiver and Mount Hope cemetery and the hail which accompanied the drenching rain stopped the horses , obliging them to turn their * backs to the storm to await until it was over before proceeding. The center of tfie storm seemed to strike near Valentine's new court house. A strong wind from the southwest brought dense clouds of rain to the ground and for a few minutes sheet after sheet of rain was pre- cipated. Suddenly again a cur rent of air star ted bio wing from the northwest and the air about the court house was filled with shingles , boards tind cfebris , a part of which came from barns in the path of the storm , but mainly from the roof of Jim Galloway's house which was being carried into the air. Mrs. Shores' barn was turned bottom side up. Several small out building were blown several rods. The barn of Mark Zarr's was blown over against a telephone pole bending it over and broke a wire , the barn being almost a wreck. Chas. Eeece's barn was moved several feet at the north nd and broke at the corner leav- ng his corn and the west side of the barn where it was but badly mashing the building. Fred Hols- claw's new building was the next to be torn down. He had the frame work up and was building grotto walls but will have to frame - his building again. The center of the storm seemed to be at Gallo way's house. One chimney was blown off Chas. Sparks' new house and several chimneys over in that part of town are badly shaken. The hail which accompanied the storm and followed it , was mostly about the size of cherries and fell thick. On the north side of build ings it drifted like snow to the- depth of 6 to 8 inches. This is the first real cyclone that Valentine has ever had and wasn't a very severe one or it would have taken every building in its path. The wind storm on the 21st of May was a straight wind. In this case the wind changed suddenly and came from the northwest , and | while the main part of Galloway's roof blew southeast from his house , the chimney of Chas. Sparks' house and the barn of Mrs. Shores' just across the street blew over to the north while the flying timbers were carried in a northeasterly direction and the general direction of the storm seems to have been from the southwest. Several out 'buildings were blown into Galloway's yard from the north and west. A full line of Barb Wire , Field Fencing and Poultry Netting is carried by the RED FRONT MERC. Hardware Department , i Mid Summer Wrappers 49 49 & S Dark blue and red Percales * . .OP1 49 trimmed with braid , ruffles around yoke and deep JJ * flounces on skirt § 1.25 and § 1.50 * g Light colored s& 49 49 Percale Wrappers § 1.25 ! \ i 49 Black Satine Wrappers 49 Very handsome. Finest quality Satine in tucked'J gg yoke with ruffles and deep flounces $2.50 | J S Silver Gray Wrappers JJ 49 49 The'popular color. Some extremely good. Patjj 49 terns of Percale § 1.50 IA 49 _ _ ' Pink , blue , red and white Wrappers ] 49 Dainty , cool and pretty , trimmed with fine white I 49 embroidery. Yokes of white. Only § 2.00 w ; 49 [ pressing Sacques 4 ? A fine line to be opened next week. 0 V 49 I * 43 & 49 49 Davenport & Thacher * * 49 GENERAL MERCHANTS & 49 & Our Spring Goods are now in and we are i ure wio' ' .01 any thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If you are in need of any Farmingllmpleinents let us figure with'you. MAX E. VIERTBL CROOKSTOIi NEBRASKA , / Groceries Pleasing meals are possible 'only when you have pleasing groceries. The best that the market affords at a right pric3 here. Selected for your selection : / W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. VIEW LOOKED AT from every point of view , McCormrck mowers' will be found faultless in design , modern in con * struction and thorough in equipment- with the most practical features.These - mowers arc so perfectly balanced , so easily operated and do such smooth and even cutting that they instantly become the favorite of every man who buys one. The McCormick book , "A MODEL MACHINE , " tells all about Model mowers. tUDWIG LUMBER GO. r DOYOUWANTAWINDMIU. ? ! ? 80 you want . ) d one. The pluce to get the best"Windmill.alec ; pumps uiiU 'uuks. First door south of theL , > onoLer House ' ' ' Highest cash price paid for'Hides aud Furs. S. MOON ' - - . . . : - Valentine , Nebr - ' - . ' - ' ' & . . : t , ' ' '