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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1903)
CUTICORA SOAP The World's ' Greatest Skin Soap , The World's Sweetest Toilet Soap , Sale Greater &B tlie forfs Protet of Oiler SHE Soaps. . Sold Wherever Civilization'Has Penetrated. Millions of the world's best people nse Cuticr.ra Soap , rusii-ted by Cuticura Ointment , thd great skin care , for pre serving , purifying and beautifying the skin , for clcMising the scalp of crnsts , scales ind dandruff , and the stopping of falling hair , for softening , Whitening and soothing red , rough aud sore hands , for baby rat-hes , Itchings and chafings , for annoying Irritations , or too free or cflen-ive perspiration , for ulcerativc weaknesses , and many sanative , anti septic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women , especially moth ers , as well as for all the purposes of tbc toilet , bath and nursery. Cuticura Soap combiwes delicate emollient properties derived from Cntt- cura , the great skin cnre , with the pur est of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odours. No other medicated soap cv r compounded Is to be compared -with It for preserv ing , purifying and beautifying the skin , scalp , hair and hands. No other for eign or domestic toilet soap , however expensive , is to be compared with It for all the purposes of the toilet , bath and nursery. Thus It coinbines'in on soap at one price the roost effective skin and complexion soap , and the purest aad sweetest toilet , bath and , nursery soap ever compounded. thronghonflhe world. Cutteurm Ilcsohtnt. 5"e. Send for " All About the 6kl , Scalp and Hair. " Put a variety into Summer living it's not the time of ye'ar to live near the kitchen range. Efbby's VeahLoaf Potted Turkey Deviled flam Ox Tongue Etc. Xf Quickly Made Ready to Serve. Send to-day for the llttjle booklet , ' 'How to Make Good Things to full of ideas on quick , deli cious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas Q ! the World mailed free for 5 tfwo-cent stamps. Chrcaio. U. S. A. Permanently Cured. jvjnt ori erTeusne-s. .itei a8t aav'r. use ot iJr. Kline' : ; Grcaierve he- etorar. SncdfortKEHP2.M -n.ifbot la = anl irt&lle. IrtL H. H. KLINE Ud. S3i . . St. . I'liiiartelnhi * Pn. N.N.U. 775-24. YORK. NEB. Cuairies IsTing-sley says : ' "Thank G&l every _ ragrmng you have some thing to do which must be dona \vbethej you libc it or nofc Being , forced to work and foiled to do your "beat will develop in you temperance , self-control , diligence , strength of will , contentment and a hundred otber viitures of vrhich the idle never have any toneeption. " The smallest apartment houses are those oceupi-ed by bees. In "a cttbic foot of Iwrieycomb there aie about. 9 OSO cells. WESTERN CANADA'S IMMIGRA TION. Bapld Settlement of the Fields North of the 49th Parallel. ( From the Chicago Record-Herald. ) "Canada has anticipated a very heavy immigration this year , and she now has figures to show that she is actually getting it in a way to meet all her expectations. In the first four months of this yea'r the doors of the Dominion opened to 40,672 persons , ac cording to a report prepared by the committee on agriculture and coloniza tion of the Canadian Parliament. This is almost twice as large as the immi gration in the' corresponding months last year , and fully three times as large as in 1901 , the respective figures being 22,482 and 13,393. "Most of these newcomers have been attracted by the wheat lands of the Northwest territories. They have moved direct ; from Winnipeg and they have turned that city into a 'great ' * camp , In which they have been fitting themselves out for the last stage of their adventure for new homes. "Of the immigration of this spring a little over a third has come from Great Britain , the figure being 10.457. This is three times as large as the British immigration of the correspond ing months of the preceding year , and it is within 2.500 of the number of im migrants that the United States at tracted from Great Britain and Ire land in the same period this spring. As to the remainder of the immigration into Canada , 13,770 settlers came from the United States , - a50 \ per cent increase - crease over the preceding year , and' ' 10,445 from Continental Europe , a 40 per cent increase. "These 40,072 immigrants into Can ada may appear trifling in comparison with the 297,070 persons who entered the United States in the same period , but they are proportionately more im portant to the country. Canada's pop ulation is one-fifteenth of ours , but her immigration is now two-fifteenths as large as ours. It Is worth remem bering also that Canada's immigrants are almost entirely of Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic races , while our immigration is now two-thirds made up of Romance and Slav elements. "Speculation is natural as to the fu ture of Canada in her relations to the United States when her Northwest ter ritories are filled up , but the one ab solutely certain fact of the near fu ture is 'that the United States is to have a great eompetitor in the grain markets of the world. " The above editorial article taken from the columns of the Chicago Rec ord-Herald of Slay 2G shows the condi tion of the Canadian immigration , , which as pointed out , has had a constant - j stant growth a marvelously increas ing growth for the past six or seven years , until this year , it is confidently assumed , the increase to Canada's pop ulation , by way of immigration , will exceed 100,000. This is accounted for by the great agricultural resources which abound there. It is no fairy tale but the matter-of-fact , - - experience of the tens of thousands bear ample testimony to the wealth and riches in store for all who choose to accept of the opportunities offered. Those who wish to learn more of the country can secure illustrated atlases , pamphlets , etc. , giving full and relia ble data issued under government au thority , by applying to any of the au thorized agents of the Canadian Gov ernment These agents , whose names appear below , will quote you the ex ceptionally low rates that take you to the free grant lands of Western Cin- ada and render you any other assist ance in their power : W. V. Bennett. SOI New York Life building , Omaha , Neb. By coming in contact with cloudy weattier we learn to appreciate the o-f sunshine. ' "The Klean ' , Keel Kitchen Kind" is the trade 'mapk on stoves which enable you to cook in comfort in a cool kite-lien. In sp2.ikin ? of friendship recently - j ly , a thougrifcful woman whose life has never ) acl el love , said , "I teamed long aqo to pray , 'Make me worthy of friendship and give me friends , ' How few ever 111 ink of a ' ' prayer ilke that 1'Ton'often friends are eonsldeied a natural right , and the lack of them a wrong and injus- j friee for which humanity is to be berated and Providence complained uf. Yet friendship is one of GorTs choicest gilts , and It is worth while to pray to be inarde worthy of it WMrs. Topman , a prominent" * lady of Richmond , Va. , a great sufferer with woman's troubles , tells how she was cured. " For some years I suffered .with backache , severe bearing-down pains , leucorrhosa , and falling of the womb. I tried many remedies , but nothing gave any positive relief. "I commenced taking Ijydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in June , 1901. "When I had taken the first half bottle , I felt a vast improve ment , and have now taken ten bottles with the result that I feel like a new woman. When I commenced taking the Vegetable Compound I felt all worn out and was fast approaching complete nervous collapse. I weighed only 98 pounds. Now I weigh 109J-J pounds and am improving every day. I gladly testify to the benefits re ceived. " MBS. R. C. TUPMAN , 423 West 30th St . , Richmond , Va. $5000 forfeit ij origrnal of above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. "When a medicine has been suc cessful in more than a million cases , is it justice to yourself to say , without trying it , "I do not believe it would help me ? " Surely you cannot wish to re main weak and sick. Mrs. Pinkham , whose address Is I ynn , Mass. , will answer cheer fully and without cost all letters addressed to her by sick women. Perhaps she has just the knowl edge that will help your case try her to-day it costs nothing. Sir John Herschel , who knew a great deal about comets , estimated that even those with tails millions of miles in length do not weigh more than half a pound. When the young married * couple confronts seriously the problem of making a living , the airy-fairy edge of wedded bliss begins to look a little ragged. How ? By soothing and subduing the pain , that's the way St. Jacobs Oil Cures Neuralgia Price , 25c. and 5Oc. It may be- called the irony uf nature when high water cuts off tlie water supply. Well , this isn't ! the fiist time Ne braska has gone wet by a big major ity. Keep your teacher if she is a good one. Do no't a few dollars per month , on salary cause y u to l se a teacher who teaches youvscbeel successfully. You may get ono as guod. but you canont aff rd to risk it when you have a sure thine. M5f 1 The most -wonderful record in all history merit mode it. Advertising has served to make OASOARETS known , but 1he ; greatest advertaflment ever printed could do no more than get * a DeVson to try OASOABETS oncfe. Then comes the test , and if OASOARETS did not prove their merit there would -no.t be a sale of nearly a MILLION BOXES A MONTH. This success has b en made by the kind words of our friends , . No one who trfee OASCARETS'fails to be tileased and tsUr nicely aboufrthem. OASOARHTS are easiest to buy , to earry. to take , to give. ipi-iKi PERFECT HOME MBDIOINE. They are a perfect cure for Constipation , Appendicitis. Bllioosnese , Sour Stomach , Sick Headache , Bd Breath , Bad Blood , Pimples , Piles , Worms and Slbowel diaeaaee. Genutne'tablet stamped OOCL NEVER SOLD IN BULK. AU druggists , lOo , SSo 6Oe. - Sample akd booklet frog. Addreao SterHng Remedy Oa , Chicago or New York. i "When Betty Bakes Cakes. 5Vhen Betty bakes the buckwheat cakca My bosom swells with pride ; i then forget'my life's mistakes And smile , well satisfied. The chilling wind outside the pane To discord vainly wakes ; It cannot move ' /e to complain When Betty bakes the cakes. j Now , some there be whose broidering Is ladylike and fine ; A.nd some most daintily do sing Or write in phrases fine. But , though my admiration stirs , My loyalty ne'er shakes , t Their cleverness is naught to hers When Betty bakes the cakes. The syrup in a golden line Sets forth to trace her name ; The coffee steam , an incense fine , Arises to her fame. And though the sunshine for a while The wintry morn forsakes , t ak no radiance save her ? mile When Betty bakes the cakes. Washington Star. Liver anl Bacon. Bacon and dalves' liver is a common dish , but especially attractive to mt'ii who enjoy rich food. Calves' liver is much more delicate than beef or even lamb. Slice it fine and lay it in cold water for at least ten minutes. This flraws out the blood and makes the liver better food. Fry a dozen piecis of bacon cut in wafer-like like slices to every quarter of a pound of calves' liver. Let the bacon be ice-cold and crisp it quickly on a very hot frying pan until it forms , in a few minutes , into little brown rolls. Take up the bacon and fry the calves' liver , whir-h has been dried on a clean cloth , in the bacon fat for ten minutes , or until it is well browned on both sides. Dish it and decorate it with the crisp rolls of bacon. There should be no grease about this dish , and there will not be if it is properly cooked. Curried Venl ( Chafinc-Dish ) . Cut into small pieces , half an inch square , about a pound of cold roust veal ; put in the chafing dish two tn- blespoonfuls of butter , an onion , a tart npple and a glove of garlic , all minced fine ; then stir in a tablespoouful of curry powder , and half a tablespoonful - ful of flour ; add the meat and pour in half , a pint of stock , or the same quantity of hot water , in which a des sertspoonful of fluid beef has been dis solved. Add a little lemon juice and salt , let all simmer slowly a few min- ates , and serve hot. Hollandaisc Sance. Put two ounces of butter in a sauce pan , with a little salt , nutmeg and a gill of water. Cook over the fire for Eiye minutes. In another saucepan have two tablespoonfuls of vinegar cooked till reduced one-half. Add to the othtr ingredients with a tablespoonful qf bechamel sauce antl an ounce of but ter. Mix the 3olks of four eggs in a tablespoonful of water and remove the sauce from the fire ; when it has aeased boiling add the egg yolks , the juice of a lemon , and strain before serving. Boilel Dandelion Sala : ! . Wash dandelion leaves and break in to inch lengths. Make a dressing of one beaten egg , a tablespoonful of sug ar , Sfilt , pepper and vinegar to tas.e and a wineglassful of milk. Add : i lump of bu-tter , put all over the lire and bring to a boil , stirring constantly. Add the dandelion , let all boil up once and take off the fire. Set in the ice after it is cool until chilled through idd two sliced hard-boiled eggs aud serve. Brief Pastry should be cooled off in a warm room ; taking it suddenly from the oven to a cold larder will make it heavy. A too large cork wll often fit a bottle quite well after it has been soaked- boiling water for a few min utes. To shell shrimps easily , put them in a colsiucler and pour boiling water over them. Shell them as soon as possible after they have drained. Turpjsutine will cleanse zincf and make it look like new. Wash the zfuc first in hot soda water and then rub with a flannel dipped in turpentine. A large manila envelope , pasted in the Inside of the cover at the back of a cook book , is a very handy ve- cepta'cle for clippings and copies of recipes which one intends to try at onee. Thedaily supply of food may be kept In the cellar if a wire safe is used , but this is doubtful wisdom unless the housekeeper is prepared to inspect the safe every day to see that no scraps are left lying around. Never leave empty wooden tubs and pails standing in the sun , or in a hot part of the scullery. In very ho't ' weath er they should be left full of clean wa ter to prevent the wood shrinking and cracktog. At other times keep them In a cool , rather damp place. When knives have steel blades they should be cleaned and polished after each using. This is best accomplished ff a small basket is kept near at hand which contains a potato , a bathbrick and a polishing cloth. Scrape a little of the brick upon a board , dip the cut and of the potato into it , and use this to rub the blade of the knife free of nil stains. Then polish with the cloth and wash the handle in warm but not Ifot-vrater. A peculiar water animal Is the synapta , which nature has provided with an anchor somewhat similar In shape to those used by ships. By means of this the insect holds itself firmly In any desired spot. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ? Shake into your shoos Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New * Shoes.feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollrn , Hot and .Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREB. Address Alleii S. Olmsied. Leltoy , N. Y. It is unwise to use tea leaves for laying the dust when sweeping a liyht coln'fi can el. unless they nave been previously rinsed in water ; otherwise ihe. carpet may be badly siained. ELY'S LIQUID CUKAM BALM Ja prepared for sufferers from nasal catarrh who are used to an atomizer in spraying the diseased memlirniios. All the healing and soothing properties of Cream Balm are retained in the new preparation. It does not dry up the secretions. Price , in cluding sprnving tube , 75 cts. At drug gists' or Ely Bros. , 5U Warren street , New York , mail it. The only yearly paper in the world is published at Cape Prince of Wales , in the Arctic circle It is called the Eskimo Bulletin. The subscription price is ten rents a year. Have used Piso's Cure for Consump tion nearly two years , and h'nd nothing to compare with it. Mrs. Morgan , Berke ley , Gal. , Sept. 2 , 1903. We know a mau who boasts of his wjalth but is so infernally stingy he hates to buy bread ( or his chil dren. People in Kansas City are suffer- irg greatly for the \vmt of water , and they can't walk across the street vvithoat Retting wet. _ r t PUTMAN FADELESS DYES color more goods , brighter colors with less work than others. The knowledge that seeks no ex pression in service is absolutely worthless. Highest thought and highest knowledge are the equipment of life. We must live nobly. All vocations must be considered sacred. Industiy is the flower of the consci ence of the race , which you are to stand ry and serve Rev Dr. George A Gordo. School Education. Saved Bis Life. Whitehall , 111. , June S. Mr. Lon Manley had Bright's Disease and after his home doctor had treated him for sometime he finally told him that he could do nothing more for him , and that he would" surely die. A friend who had heard of what Dodd's Kidney Pills had done in cases of Kidney Trouble , advised Mr. Man- fey to try a treatment of this remedy. He did so and everyone was sur prised and delighted to see an improve ment in a very short time. This im provement gradually kept on as the treatment proceeded , till now Mr. Man- ley is well. He says : "The doctor said he had done all he could for me. He gave me up. A friend advised me to take Dodd's Kid ney Pills , and in a few weeks I was nearly all right again. "f am not dead , and can truthfully s y that I feel better to-day than 1 have for years. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a wondferful remedy and I will al ways praise tlfem and recommend them to everyone suffering as I did. " Mr. Manley's recovery has caused a profound sensation , as no one ever thought- would recover. According to the theories of Rain Maker Wiight. con ussion is s-'ver- eign remedy fjr all meteorological ills. Tw i years ago he was sweating around fur two or three days and nights filing guns in the airvto bring rain. Now he says that if the canntn on the state house around aan be pointed ino the air and fired off a intervals of three or four min utes the clouds will pack their grips and take the limited a-ir line fr seme other locality without even stopping to say good by Tented by Time. ing cures. She says : "Up to the early part of the year 1002 I had been a sufferer from kidney troubles for many years. The pain In my back became worse and worse un til It was a daily burden that inter fered with every duty. I was much af flicted with headaches and dizzy spells and was unable to rest well nights. In 'May. 1002 , after using Doan's Kidney Pills I made a statement for publica tion declaring that they had entirely relieved me of the pain In my back. I have since then had a year's time in ; which to study the effects of the med icine , and while I have had slight touches of the trouble since , the use of the pills has always driven away all signs of the disorder and I have become - come convinced o the fact that the , first treatment was practically perma- ' .nent in its effects , and I know that a box of Doan's Kidney Pills kept on hand are a sufficient guarantee against any suffering from the kidneys or back. I should advise every sufferer to take Doan's Kidney Pills , and I know that they will be surprised and pleased with the result. " A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mrs. Brod- erick will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Ad dress Foster-Milburn Co. . Buffalo. N. Y. For sale by all druggists , price 50 cents per box. Minnesota is laughing at us because we got wet. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP for thil dr n ttethiojrsoftens the emus , reduces inna- matloa , allays piiin cures colic. Pi Ice 25c bottle After all , there is no place like home. WESTERN , - + CANADA IB attracting more attention than auy other district in the world * "THE GKAXARr OF THE WORLD. " "THE LAXD OF SUNSHINE. " The NATURAL FEEDING GROUNDS for STOCK Area tinder Crop In 1 903 1,987,880 Acre * . Yield In 1902 117,982,754 JJuihelc. Abundance of Water ; Fuel , Plentiful. Cheap Bnild * in Material ; tiood GrussforriisturesendHujyifertils Boil , a sufficient rainfall , and a climate giving an. assured and adequate season of growth. Iloinenteud Land * of 1OO Acre * Free , the only charco being | 10 entry. Clo-e to Churches , School * , etc. ; Kailwais tap all settled districts. Send for Atlas and other literature to Superin tendent of Imiiifjration. Ottawa. Canada , or to W.'V. Bennetr , EC1 New York Life BIdK.t Omahi , Neb. , the authorized Canadian Government Agent , who will supply you with , certificate giving you reduced railway ratent etc. The Law With a Glass of Hires TJootbecr , brightens her eyes , deepens tlie rows in hrr checks , and acquires Bound liealth and buoyant from her favorite berermge. Rootbeer the great hot -weather drink , is sold everywhere - where , or * ntby mail fur IS cts. A pac-kace makes ft TO Cftsj.K. Hires.Co. . . Balitrs , P . CURES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. Best Couph Syrnp. Tastes Good. Use In time. " "OKI br druzzi , ta Ame icans are ainnzed and inclined to laugh , they see friendly A rats meet. Their s-lutilion ; is almost roiesqne , for they sh.ike hands seven or eight time's and sometimes re peatedly kiss each t-ther. . ; If youv'e tried , and have not won , Never stop for crying ; All that's great and good is done Just by patient trying- When man butts up against the angry elements he finds he is pretty small potatoes. I The Great. Germ and Insect Destroyer Is now used throughout the United States in the treatment of hog cholera , swine plauue , eraot diseases , corn stalk disease , pink eyp , foot and raouth disease , scurvy- , mange , lexas itch scabs and all germ dis eases of domestic animals. < ! epo .5t * cl ( n City N tional TJank of York , Xl > . , ; inci S e ili.u'state Jiant. , .Sheldon , lutv.i. , o bo i aitl to $ -100.00 nnt'one firtlinff any tf Jhb following testimonials not g -nn lie. : : : : : ' : : : : x : : : : : St. Paul , Xeb. AprXO , ' 03. National Medicnl Co. Gentlemen : Thlsi * to rertify that I have used Liquid Koalfor eivot disease in cattle and believe it to be a rure for this diea c trora the experiments 1 hsive made , but be lieve it-oufifht to be used vnen t e nnimal is first taken with the disease. And fora lice kilk-r it can't be beat by anything I know of. Yours respectfti ly.V. \V. L LITTLE. Seward , N'eb. . Pec 5.1902. Liquid Koal , nianufncturi'd and sold by/ National Medinal Co. , York , Neb . is .a ne cessity to any fnrmeis ra sinu stoct Several instances of it > efficiency have come under my personal noti e. JOIIX HAUVKY , Ex.MayoReward. . Wansa. Neb. . Ue 1& 1902. I qonsider Liquid Koal one- * " the te t articles for all around purposes on the market. Formites _ and lice in the chicken houses and for lice oo calves and horses it is the best and cheapest thinjr I have ever found. Liquid Koal ought tbf > on. every farm. CHAS. BEKG.ANIIAGER. Coleridge. Nel > . . Dec. S. 19C2. J can say that your L. K. is the- best in sect desiroyer that I ever used. Itvill not injure the eggs when used on setting hens. I find it the best all around stock medi ine that I over had on the place , i advise every farmer to keep a supply on hand. G. B GROFF. Hartinjjton. Neb. . Dee 10 , 1902. Nntional Medical Co. , \ \ rk , Neb. Peiir ir : I am a user of Liquid Koal i-nd am welj plciised with it. 1 wouM not try to .ID will-out it as l\ linn it u.-efnl in a great ma iy w.i > s. I have had no ick h > jjs since I C"inmence < i using it a year aio IK ray Tnnion it is the best and cheapest hog cnolera re\vntMiive on the market lodav . Yon -an use tirls as you wish. Anvone AvisriinK to know more abont this please write me. ENOCH ELY. Sewcrd , Neb. , Nov. 23 , 1901. \VhpmIt Ma Concern : 'I his is to rertify that I have bought the third lot of Liquid Koal from the Nationa .Medi'-al Oo . an.J- think it th - bestirerm de s. r , yer , appetizer and dh > inffccaut that have ever used. I have had" occasion to us it on two djlleient horses this summer fo very severe wounds and founds It the bes indacheaie'-t remedy I ever tried ; would notce without it on mv " place. W. R. FRANCIS. Delmnn * . S. D. I have used your L. K. . anil think it is a good preventive and dLsinftictniit I used it as a n edfeine for all kinds of stock and chickens. 1 had two covs that were sick aufl would not eat and I used , L. K and it helped them. I al-o used it tfs a hoanholera preventive , and think it is all right G. H. PATRICK. PRICE : Ono Quiwt Can Sl.OO One Oallbn 3 OO five Gallons , per g-allon 2.75 I Mrs. Robert Erode rick , who resides at 1915 Virginia street , in Sait Antonio , Tex as , tells an e x p e r lence that will interest - est every reader ; it shows as well that Doan's cures are last- Gallon Hejr , per gallon 83 GO 25 Gallons , half bbl. , per gal . . . . 2.25 5O Gallon- bbl. , per em 2.0O A 23c 32-page Book on Germ DUeHaeg of Animals Sent Free on Application. MANUFACTURED BY National Medical Co. Sheldon , Iowa. York , Neb.