Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 11, 1903, Image 5
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT . M RICE EDITOR tor in Advance * HUBLlbHED EVERY THURSDAY. . . .irtiu at me Poal-offlce at Valentine. Cherry 'OU"\ . Nebraska , as Second-claim matter. K.of l . CbERRY LODGE NO. 109 , meets let and 3rd Friday of each month at 8:30. (3. M , 1/UNTKtt , * C. rf. GOULD. C. C. * K. of It. & . S. Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS itAMiALL , J. T. KKELEYT , N , G. . Sec'y. 3JL1XNKUIIAUIJZA LODGE A. F. & A. M. flu , loa.- Meets 1st Tuesday on or be fore the lull ol the moon each month. T. c , Hominy , W , W , THOMPSON , \V. M. Sec'y. A. O. U. W. MO. 7O.- Meets 1st and 3rd Mon day.of each month. W. A , 1'BTTYCKEW , U. G , DUXK , M. W. Recorder. WKG21KKOK liOXOK SO. JL1O.Meets 2nd and 4th 3Iouday each mouth. ! XTA BHOWK. IMSZ , PETTYCBEW , C , of H. Recorder. 31. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each mouth. Ai. V. NICHOLSON , W. E , HALEY , V.O. Clerk. JPKATEKMAli L'A'IOX KO , 5GS-Meets every Saturday night. J. A.llouxBACK , E. D , CLARK , ' FM. Sec'y. SCO Y A ! . JVEl HKOItS. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each mouth. ( juiuiisv , MINNIK DAXiKi < 3. Oracle. Itec M und Duughlt-rM f Protection Lodge Xo. O. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each mouth. HKNKYGKAHAM , Mrs. JENNIE LEWIS , Ties. Sec'y ttoyal I&itfhlundcrM , Devon C 2 J l. Meets 2nd Friday eaca mouth. ED CLARK , . E. HALEY , I. P. Sec'y. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , Prince Boanrtel 131093 nnd Curly Coat 11 2-201 ar head of herd The blood of Fowler. Anxiety , Lord VviltonandSir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. stiK-k iorrs.ile at present. Banch four miles north-west of Browmee , Nebr. C. H. FAULHABEB. HENEY AUGTJSTON Blacksmith _ , Brown lee , Nebr. Does general blucksmithingathard times prices for cash. FAT HETT Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. M. CK AMEK , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. .W. AVKTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Kan de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide aud Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Valentiiie or WoodJake OK.JtRAL TVOhK PllOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN POEATH Riege , Kebr. Tubular wells and windmills. A. M. MORHISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Stoie. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry J treet. fidward S. Furay ' Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El- it * C liott's Drug Store. 19UU2 F. M. WALCOTT ATTQRNEY DABSTRAGTER Valentine , .Kebr. Practices In District Court and U. S. Land Atytracter. MILL PRICES FOR FEED * Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 ton Sci tsemngs ) . . . . . . . 70c " $13.00 " ( Jl.op Feed . . . .1.05 " $20.00 " Curn 95 $18.00" Chop corn . .1.00 $19.00" Oats 1.20 $23.00 BE. J. E. SNYDER , . OSTEOPATH. . Office over T. C. Hornby's store by the south stairway. Chronic cases a specialty. Hours : 9 tola A. 31. JJ to 41 f. 31 John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Keuerve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Willbein Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. DK. LAUREN JONES , OSTEOPATH. Cordon , Nebr. Graduate ot th American School of Oeteopa th under the Founder of the science , treats both acute and chrcnl. . diseases. A specialty o spinal aud hip troubles and diseases of women and children. Consultation free. Real hstate Transfers June 2 , 1903. United States to James McBallard , Pat use uesw nwsw 22 33 36 United States to Moses B Trussell , Tat sue ese 22 25 26 United States to Chas F Koopcr , 11R cou § 1 sesw 15 nmv mvne 22 33 23 Julia A Cole , wld. to CnrlatUu H stoner. w d cou § 50 lot 12 blk 2 Cole's Ad. Cody Win Gulick and wf to Robert Koblnson , intg c > n § 300 sse mvse nesw 28 31 20 June 3. 1903. Tnited Slates to Arthur C Bowrlno. Pat lots 3-4 sec 3 , lots 1 2sec 4 34 37 United States to James F Prentiss , Pat nne 12 ese 1 30 29 United States to Holland H Kobertson , Pat semv sue use 31 34 31 United SUitcs to Kichaad F Ogle , Pat ss w swse 25 sese 20 34 35 Unltad States to George VV P Day. K 11 Cull $4 4-6212925 June 4. 1903. Nellie 8 Keunicott and Paul Kenuicott to Mary E Fuller , liltjj con § 900 sese 2 uene 11 3) 27 oilier land. L C SpaiKs , mgr Lad wig Ljjnider Yard to Hat- tie Maria Bennett , mch lien cbn § 115.50 , two story Irame building ou lot 3 blk 5 Valentine. Julie 5. 1903. United States to Charles A Coe , Pat wsw sesw 13 nnnw 24 34 40 d da United S'at s to ttermati Johnson , a B K cou $85.23 lots 3-4 22 35 39 United States to Helena Johnson , B B con § 178.55 lots 2 3-4 lUVSW 21 35 39 Herman Johnson and wf to Cephas W Carpen ter aud James C Carson , w d con § 100 lots3-4 22 35 39 , Helena .fohiisoh wid to Cephas W Carpenter and Jtiffles C CarsOn , W d con f InO lots 2-3 nwsw 21 35 39 S Sophia Hoffman and John Hoffman to Battle Maria Belibett. Belibett.w w d cou § 160 lot 3 blk 5 Valentine Virginia C Tluclier wid , to Albert EThacher , Power of Attorney , All my real estate situ" ated In Cherry county , Nebr. Jacob Martin aud wf to Virginia C Thacher , 0 llltg con 230 sw 25 34 28 e June o. 1993. n United States to Klkanah Rothwell. Patwneeuw 13 31 23 tx txn United States to John Schluter , n Put sw 28 33 30 s1 s1a Hackberry Labe-.Shootlng Hub , art of incor a poration , § 2500 snw swne 21 30 29 Charles H Cornell to Val , Dairy Association. * w d con $50 lot 12 blk 13 Valentine James Mangan to Edward Parry and wf marginal release ene semv rnvse 19 35 25 I June S , 1993. S Marj D Lee and John E Lee to Grano May Stead man , \vd con § 50 lot 17 in blk 2 Browiilee I Levi N Layport to Nukon Polen. S D cou $107 se 30 o5 25 I A Johnson U Win Gulick , rel s n neswvse 11 31 27 Wm Gulick to Charles Yingst and wt marp relvse nesw svvoe II 31 27 1I LOST ! .1 One brown yearling horse colt branded , fSS on right hip. 12 JX STINAEE ? ! YalDutfn.0 , Porcupine An ostrich may have plumes but they never bloom. A. Haley and Tom Hudson went to the lakes last week. Crops look fine in this commun ity. Oran Grooms , of Valentine , is vis iting relatives in this community. Norden was over run with people Saturday evening and a little rain fell also to fill up the vacant places Henry Brown went to town one day last week. X Freddie Grooms spent Sunday with his cousin Chester. Jim Hutchinson , of Penbrook , car ried the mail from Sparks to Valentine , tine last week , while the ostrich went to get some fish to eat. Sparlfs has oiganized a base team , wonder if they could beat the scrubs ? Will Bruce , of Penbrook , went down to Norden Saturday. Don Kellogg passed through this neck of the country Saturday en route for valentine. The writer had not seen Mr. Kellogg for 13 years yet both instantly recognized each other. Will Seman has been on the sick list for several days. Dave Green had another runaway last week , bruising the old gentle man up pretty badly. POECUHNE. Arabia Screening * . We are informed that a live weight social will be given in Clear Lake church on Saturday evening of the 13 inst. We would not hesitate to advise all pleasure loving folks to attend as they always have a good time out there. Last Friday , Miss Bertha Schney- der of Guster county , closed a very su3cessful term of 'school in the Hull district south of here. She says she will soon depart but we believe she will be pursuaded ' 0 stay for the summer sit least. Call on M. J. Jordan if you are in want of bailed hay. A Masonic banquet was given in Woodlake last Saturday night to which several of the neighbors went. Ed Phelps and family spent the last couple of weeks visiting friends and relatives in Springview and as soon as they returned , Mr. Eberhart 8a and family left for the same plac < ? . A farewell dance will be given in the Hull school house on June 10th in honor of Miss Schneyder. A good time is anticipated and each young fellow is eagerly awaiting the time. On Sunday the 24th ult. an oyster dinner was given at Mr. Kreycik's and a good time was enjoyed by all. We are informed that the only method by which a certain young man , Allen Benson by name , could make himself noticed was by eating the most dinner. Have you lost any horses this spring ? It seems to be more would- \ be thieves than horses. MAUDE. It might be a good plan for some of Sears , Roebuck & Co.'s Rock county patrons to look up the fax es which that firm pays in Rock county. They will find they am't to just § 000.00. But the home merchant is expected to pay his share to keep up schools sidewalks and bridges for the benefit of these people. Exeter Enterprise. Memorial exercises at Rosebud Boarding School , May 30 , 1903. a PROGRAM Song Liberty Bell Prayer Stipt. Tripp Rec Geo. Pawnee Rec Clarence Emery Rec G rover Burnette Song School Rec Louise Bridgcman Rec Ben Lunderman ' Rec , . Jenny Smith 1 : Remarks Song % , . . .America March to Campus. Tribute of FJowers , llYoung man , " said the veteran , "never marry for anything but love , but don't forget that it is just as easy to love the only daugh ter of the owner of a half section farm and a good bank account as it is a girl from a large family with nothing but a hope in heaven : " Ex. i If you fail to be present at Rob- ersop's * 'Imperial InPia Illustrat ed" , Saturday evening , June 50. you will regret it but once , how ever that once will last the remain der of your life. Reserved seat , tickets will be on sale at Quigley & Chapman's , Thursday June IS , adults 50 cents , children 25. PERSONAL OPINIONS. "A man of good sense and good taste , who knows whither he is leading you. " Mary A. McClel land , NY. . S. Normal College. The illustrations impossible to improve'upon ; sensible , entertain ing , instructive , throwing great light on subjects" treated. I can recomend Mr. R. as a gentleman who does more than he promises , and a man who always pleases and instructs. " H. C. Jennings , M. E. Book Concern. "Alm'ost as good as seeing the countries represented. We look forward with pleasure to a repe tition of his visit. " Eliza M. Mos- her , Dean , University of Midh. For beauty of illustration and interest surpasses any illustrated tour of travel to which I have ever listened. " "Walter C. Douglas , Gen. Sec. Y. M. C. A. , Phila. Pa. "I have heard all our promL nent illustrators , but do nofc hesi tate to say that he is second to none. " Samuel Dickie , Esq. NEWSPAPER COMMENTS. Reveals his experience , culture , magnetism , perfection. Augusta , Ga. , Herald.- The all-seeing eye of a Dickens , up-to-date. Cincinnati Enquirer. Not a single fault to be found. - Minneapolis Tribune. He has no superior , unexcelled. St. Louis Globe Democrat. Every phase beautifully illustrat ed. Omaha Bee. Boys Will Be Boy * . We never could bring ourselves to t believe that the community could afford to tolerate the above excuse for bad conduct among boys that often approaches very nearly the seriousness of criminality. The day is fast passing in this country when a lot of college students , or a lot of irresponsible boys in a city 1c or village can congregate and de stroy property and make night hideous by their unearthly yells. These practices are relics of past ages. Hazing has been winked at in our institutions of higher education and especially in our military academy at West Point until the deaths re sulting from the practice became so alarming as to cry out for a remedy. The new boy must stand a haz ing he must be found to have the proper stuff in him if he would be given a place among his classmates. If ho were hazed to his death , no one could be found who knew any thing of the affair. These rude ways of toughening the new boy have been put aside with the statement above "boys will be boys , " until in many places the boys actually think that they liave a license granted by the pub- Itc to do about as they please. Ev en the clergyman laughs at boy outrages , and goes into the pulpit to tell how bad he was when he was boy. We cannot tolerate the man in the pulpit who will tell of iiis own disgrace in order to prove the possibility of reformation. Let us teach the boys that it pays to be manly. Let us awake in them higher ideals of life. Ifc adds nothing to a man's achievements to say that he came up uut of the gutter. The same weakness that landed him in the gutter may land him there again. Man's tendency is downward rather 'than upward , and while we fr'OUld u&t advise holding too , a line upon boyish fun we do think that too much liberty is allowed ( the modern boy. Western Ranch er. If you don't believe that an 'ad' in the newspaper is read by the people just advertise something at a way down price and see how quickly some one nabs it. Do You Want u Camera ? a Boys and girl , here is a good chance to secure a good camera absolutely free. We will give you a Brownie Camera , made by the Eastman Kodak Co. This camera is not a tov , but a reliable' and accurate instrument making pictures 2ix21 , which are as sharp and clear as pictures made by most $10 and $15 cameras. Send us three new sub scriptions to the Weekly World-Her ald , prepaid for one year , and we will at once mail you , postage paid , a Brownie Camera. The subscription price of the Week ly World-flerald is Sl.OO per year. Address , . WEEKLY WORLD-HERALD , Omaha , Nebr : fcireut Nort hern JLiiie at O'neill , Nebr. Going Hast , Golns West. Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives y60 ; p. in. Passenger , dally except Sunday. ( Jonnectionsitli lilkliom trains east and west-bound from all points westoC O'.N I11. Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond. Through connections I'-r Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St. Paul and all points north and west. Buy local tickets to O'Neill. FUKD KO < ! ER8 , G. P. A. Sioux City , Iowa Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it will be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They arc represented by I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. tf Xotice. I have fourteen or fifteen regis tered Hereford Bulls , from one to three years old , for sale or trade. Also three full blood Galoway Bulls at my ranch 25 miles south of Valentine and 20 miles west of Woedlake. W. Gr. BALLAKD , 7 tf ' Woodlake , Nebr. 50 YEARS * EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac , Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention IsprohaWy patentnblc. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent * sent free. Oldest ncency for BecurlncpatentB. Patents taken through Slunn & Co. receive special notice , without cbnrce , lathe Scientific A handsomely Illustrated weekly. J.nrjrcBt cir culation ot any oclentlflo Journal. Terms , $5 a year : f our months , $ L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN fcCo.36"-- Tort Bmncb Office. 625 F 8k , * Y ashlneton. D. C laliion for Sale Manteuo No. < ISO the fastest Stallion in this part of the state. Will be sold right. Come and see him whether you want to buy or not. H. S. SAVAGE , Prop. Star Livery Stable. Meals Lunches ' Short Orders THE KANGAROO I & - HH = T"S5 RES TA.UR.AJVT First class meals at all hours\ . day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts alwaj's on hand. E.D.Cohota , Prop. Business Notices. Notice * nii'itff HUH heading 5 cents per line i-acli tn < * ftti i. Aiuoiif. ivjwliuj ; nmtUT , iiireuta l r llni * ' -rii insertion. All kn i.of heavy hardware ati-l wagon wood dtock at E. Breukindrr ) > . > .i _ . . "Wanted to contract 1000 tons of hay cut and stacked. * \ W. G. BALLAIID , 16 S tVoodlake , Xebr. , Strayed or Stolen. One bay 3 year old gelding , black mane and tail , small white spot in face and branded Of on left shoul der ; gentle and halter broke. GEO , CAMM , Valentine , Nebr. 201 I.OST. One dark bay horse , white star in face , white spot on nose , white hind foot , ' shows white strongly in one eye. Reward for information or recovery. 16 MARK D. CYPHERS. NOTICE. The hotel at Crookston will be vacated June 15 , This is a good op portunity for the right party. All furniture and fixtures for sale or rent by A. B. EIES , Crookston , Nehr. RANCH FOR SALE- 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay can be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Al so open water on a part of the range the year round. § 4,000 will buy it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. Special Ifrdaced Excursion Uate * . \ \ 111 beineffect ! from all point ! on the Chicago & North-Western Bailway for the occasions named below : Los Angeles , May 2lstto June 2nd Presbyterian General Assembly. Indianapolis , Ind..June Oth to 14th , Travelers' Protective Association. Indianapolis , Ind. , June. 17 to 21 , Modern Woodman of America. Boston. July 6th to 10th. National Educational Association. Saratoga Springs , NlY , , . July 7th to lOHi , Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Denver. July Oth to 13th , United Christian Endeavor. Detroit , Mich. . July 16th to 10th , Ep- worth League. Baltimore , Md. , July 21st to 23rd B. P. O. E. ' San Francisco , August 17th to 22nd. G. A. B. meeting. Baltimore. Md. , . Sept. 21st tj 2Gth , Sovereign Grand Ledge. I. o. 0. F. For information aa to rites , dates of sale , etc. ot these or other occasslous , call upon the ticket agent of the North-Western Line , THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Itailroail between JlitHottri Mirer antl Chivayo. Direct line to St fanl-Jlinneap' olin. Direct line to Btac/t Hill * . y to ncart'nt agent for rates and time cnrtln. TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt , Dally 2-33 P. M. No. 25 except Sunday 0:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Ually 12:49A.M. EAST BOUTTD No. 2S Ftt. lUlly :5 < J A. M. No. Zf ' f-xpcpt Sunihiy 5n \ \ AT. NU. 4 Tasseii r 1 > ii.i 4:47 A. M. W. T. Bishop , LIVERY FEED AND SAIE STABLE The Wilher Burn Your Patronage Solicited