Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 11, 1903, Image 2
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRA1 XICB , , F * > lhe . TALENTIN1 , NEBRASKA It is a sign you are growing ok \vhen you read the obituary before tin marriage notices. When Mr. Morgan finish * his $300 , DOO home Mr. Carnegie will give bin a few books to put in it Over in Paris they call one of oui most graceful forms of entertainmenl "De Ka-Ka-Wak. " Do you know whal it Is ? The fellow who sits down and wait * for his rich relations'to die must con sider that they are worth their wait in gold. A Chicago man traveled 14.000 miies and spsnt $5.000 for the purpose of winning a ? 20 bet. Some people are very hard losers. Our country has the misfortune fre quently to step on Germany's corns. It seems as though Germany sticks out her feet for that purpose. The Chicago paper which is to be started and managed by women prob ably could be induced to take its dry goods and millinery advertising out in trade. King Alexander of Servia wants to know what's the use being a consti tutional monarch if such a monarch can't do as he pleases with the consti tution. The Kaiser has drawn the plans for the German Building at the St Louis Exposition , and now , to play out his "whole thing" role , he ought to ome over and build It. ' A Kansas City judge has decided that a baby cannot be attached for its parents' debts. The idea that the parents' attachment for the child Js the strongest is quite logical. There is tilk of an alliance between Italy , France and England. Now let Switzerland , Portugal and Holland get together , and the peace of Europe will be secure for at least another week. We must bear In mind , however , that when Jefferson said "pride cos.ts more than' hunger , thirst and cold , " there were no beef trusts , few cham- pagns thirsts and never a coal speculator later between the mines and Edgewa- ter. It will astonish the victims of the grip to learn that the bacillus of that infernal disease is only onersixteen- thousandth jot an inch in leogth and nbout onejeighty-thousandth of an inch in width. The general impression dur ing the epidemic was that the bacillus must be of at least the size of a sea serpent An American is the discoverer of a process by which can be made paper weighing 30 to 40 per cent less than that used in the books of to-day. I-f he could find some method of doing away with the heaviness of the great majority of the matter put on the 'pa- per the reform would be one of th * greatest of the century. "Advertising pays" has come to be an axiom of modern business meth ods. The business'man who tries 'to be successful without it/is tempting fate instead 'of fortune. The American na- ' tlon to-day is recognized abroad as the greatest industrial and commercial proposition in tbte world . and the American Bastion spends $250,000,000 .annually in advertising Its business. If when you go to New York yon meet a man who wears checked trous ers very large ebee&s and spats , you will kriow yolf have een a multimi lipnaiKe. GShat is the way mnitimS- , lionaires are rexMtosentiftd by carlooo- ists who , of ctfotse , always are a i mated by accuracy , p&tjeely as etag managers arwajra &ve flj rillalne of the play shiny hats and patent-leather boots , not shoes. There Is a good deal of truth , btrt mighty little enootrragement in the statement of the Chicago clergyman who fluds that there are a great many people In the churches who have no moral < ? onvict3oii.s arid a great many more men of rrroraJ influence and stand ing who will have nothing to do with the churches. The situation indicates that the churches are not teaching Christianity , for whatever may be the differences respecting Christianity as a religious creed there can be none as to its value as a code of ethics. We are , indeed , passing rapidly into the age of woman. We have had the bronze age and the stone age and the coal age and others quite like them , sovit is not out oftho ordinary to ha.vQ , the woman's age. A woman law yer defended some burglars a few "days ago and the women truck drivers got tlirough a mob at St. Louis some time ago. In Kansas they have women offi cials in some counties and a woman A elsewhere was a bunco woman , and tx women are running racing stables. txsi There were women ballpJayers and si there is a woman cowboy In Texas and women farmers without nui&ber. And the list could be continued. Let the work go on. Perhaps the day will e come when the men can stay at homo tl tla aid the women easi ths living. We a ; would then have a barrel of fun. d 63a There Is only one remecry for tha a : friction between labor and capital rl arbitration ! Arbitration ofJ differences It , is the only genuine lubricating oil thi [ will prevent the grinding together ( two unyielding surfaces until one < the other Is broken or the sparks s < fir * to the building. And those wli will not accept arbitration on equf terms convict themselves of one of tw things or both. Either they fear 1 submit their side of a controversy t fair men on its merits or tbey are eage for trouble. 'When we hear of some traveler wh has been impoverished by sharpers o an ocean steamer we feel reasonabl sure that he broke Into their game 63 pecting to rob them. Either that o he is an idiot pure and simple : Th case Is obviously a ease of the bite bit We wtitrte no emotion upon thes alleged victims. A fool and his mone ; are soon parted why need we troubl ourselves as to the details ? It is i perfectly safe assumption that in nin cases out of ten the fellow who lose his money hoped and expected to ge the better of the others. He was no looking for congenial companionship And when the would-be spoliator is de spoiled he appeals to no sense of pit : or Indignation in the hearts of hones and enlightened men. Nobody car whether he gets fleeced or not No body ought to care. How the world loves Its childrei heroes , the little folks who 'have Spar tan blood In their -veins and set ex ampl s > of courage and patience thai might well serve their eWers. There Is littte Seymour Smith , a New Yorh nine-year-old , and the son of a doctor. Seymour was playing -'tag , " when he was knocked down by a truck which passed qver his right leg , crushing il below the knee. Of course , we older Polks know that cries and groans dc aot lessen pain. Tbey are waste ef fort an very annoying. But what is it that made a child of nine wink sack the tears , as he was laid in q Blanket and say : 'It is all right Mr. Policeman ; please don't mind me. 1 ivon't cry. " At the hospital be would lot take ether , and when he saw the ars rSlling down'his father's cheeks ] ie said : "Ten them to go ahead , papa , tnd dtjn't cry , I won't mind , if I don't mve to stayaway from school. " The K > y is going to get welL The doctors iave done all they can and old Stotber Mature is now taking care of the .lad. [ "here are men who will go for month ? nth aching teeth , because tbey are .fraid of the pain a dentist.will in- iict There are men who grunt and roan about a thousand ills that creep nto their daily lires. And it is left' ' or a boy to wink back the tears and' ay : "Don't mind me , Mr. Policeman , ' won't cry. " All of those who read his little comment will be glad that' 'Bymour ' Smith is to be a whole boy , ' aund and strong one of these days. ' [ e Is a benefactor in a way , for he' as taught the lesson of courage. A rich man has left a legacy of $4 i 'eek to his daugh/ter , to begin only' fter the death of her husband , and ie same amount to a son , to be paid aly so long as he is husband of his' ' resent wife. This is carrying dicta- ' on of the conjugal affairs , of heirs to' rather harsh extreme , yet H is of a ass of wills that have become un- > mfortably common. Restrictions in ills against the marriage of widows , ' inghters or sons have become an" reryday affair. The man who finds : the threshold of the other world that' 2 cannot tak-e. with him the money tat has been the idol of his life seems find consolation In the reflection tat be can at least make it live after m in the control' of 'his poor wife' ehildren , Many a money grub-1 ng brute , who has made his wife' teerable as long as he lived , has abrnced this easy means of making T naiewy continue' after he is gone. ; od he binds his children under con- ' tSous that dwarf and warp their hole lives. It is the absolute sover- ' jnity of money over human nan- ness. No man is so wise as to Be de to foresee Hie condition under i liich his widow or children may def f e to wed. if is not the husbands and fiber's judgment or forslght * thart ex- ' ' txls its sVay into Hie future , but the'V ' vrer of unthbaking. unpitying , uurej' itihg money. It takes the heart "out' \ life , the soul out of frepdorn , kills' , * wliolesome > innocent ambition and adeus the moral sense. This man' ( ustrates the senseless inconsistency such provisions. He discourages' s daughter's marriage , and at th ' ' | tne time discourages his son' ? rorce. Clearly no fixed principle ' * lid be In control. lie is moved f ely by a determination to in-1 J ' * fere in relations in which there' > uld be no interference. Xo doubt' ' c tunil love and affection for a child * 5 often been the " cause of such prorij j a ns. But It "is doubtful if ever a r lighter's life was made happier by B Certainly no son was ever made xjtter man by such means. Sawdnst Ibr Wood. * rench cabinet-makers have learn- , a way of preparing sawdust auq ° king it into articles of oraamen ) .t resemble carved woodwork. . $ In Argentina. tachlnery has been ordered for tht ci jentino Republic to turn out 350 , cJ s a wee"k of "ilolascuit , " the new P tie food made from molasses an < 2 's < or-cane fiber. | ( fi i the old days of barbarism , meci re divided Into factions , as at pres1 u When two factions disagreed y collected their spears , and bows i arrows , and went to war. In the Ulzed times , the members of differ factions "talk about" each other ! cc i Invent all sorts of improbable sto L Half the charges against human I. are pure fiction , < _ _ . ' All over the District of Columbia ire scores of types of volcanic actioi ind all show traces of electrical en The German Cable Company has fin Isbed laying its second line to Nev ork as far as the Azore islands , 1,20 aiiles. Rent from American property own d by foreigners or Americans livinj ibroad is believed to amount annuall ] to not less than $25,000,000. It Is proposed to distribute Green wich time to vessete on the Atlantii ind Mediterranean and to Buropeai eities by wireless telegraphy. The- guff stream is 200 fathoms deej &ff Cape Florida. Near Cape Hattera : the depth is only half as great , th < rtreaui appearing to have run uphill with an ascent of ten inches to tlx tnife. It has been estimated by an expert In the employ of the government thai ipricult'ural machinery reduces tht rmmbcr of men employed to do a giv 2n amount of work to one-third , whik manufacturing machinery reduces the lumber to one-fiftieth. Electric anaesthesia proves valuable n surgery , as well as in dentil opera- ; ions. By high-frequency alternating currents a French surgeon has produc- > d insensibility so lasting that a se- ions and difficult operation was per- 'ormed , the patient feeling nothing. It is not generally known that the ackal is a greater destroyer of hu- nanity in India than the tiger. Sta- istics published by the government of ndia show that while 928 persons vere killed by tigers more than 1,000 ihiWren were carried away by jackals. About five years ago a Maine wom- m , taking a consumptive husband to be mountains of Arizona , was shown .n abandoned claim by her Indian ser vant. She took it , with great difficulty ecured $500 to work it and before the rear was out sold it for $50,000 and a l e interest. According to the latest taxation re- orts the number of Prussian million- ires has increased from 6,016 in 1899 0 ' 6,601 in 1902 , or 9.7 per cent. But hey are millionaires in marks , a mill- jn marks being Irttle more than a uarter of a million dollars. Only 791 re millionaires in dollars and but e o are worth as much as $25,000- 00. 00.A A newly patented German process of Iving relief to ornaments and velning n wood consists in gluing strips of aper over the parts to be raised , and * en dabbing the entire surface verti- illy tvith bundles of fine steel wire. 'be ' so-fter parts of the wood corne tit as dust , while the protected places nd the hard annual rings remain un- CPected. A millionaire who died recently in lew York left an account book filled * 'ith his " 9peculationsi'as apart from is legitimate investments. The total urchases and sales for the la-st three 2ars approximated $2,000,000. Two nndred and sixty dollars' profits re- ained to the financier's estate. The onderful part of the s tory is not that ic profits were so small , but that they ere so large. At the recent corn carnival at Pe la , Mo. , there were on exhibition an ) ple of the pippin variety "and an ear ! ordinary yellow corn , the former eighing six pounds and about the ze of an average watermelon , while ie latter measured fourteen inches in ngth , contained 947 grains by actual iunt , was two inches in diameter , six ches in circumference , and was pick- 1 from its staMt nine feet from the ound. Mrs. Julia O'Toole of Boston has Hie tisfactiou of knowing that her beau- is a matter of court record * She kd been awarded a verdict of $20- 0against the Old Colony Street Itail- ad ( Soinpany on account or injuries stained. Tffis verdict was "set , aside appeal , tfte Supreme Court holding at the jury in the trial had been arriod off their feet" through their miration for the plaintiff. Mrs. Toole will carry the case still high- An improved machine for sealing velopes has been invented by a man TopckaKan. "In operation. " says i Scientific American , "the envelopes j fed into the machine , the flaps Mstened , turned , and finally pressed htly to sealing position. The rna- ine , it is claimed , will seal from 00 to 15,000 envelo'pes Un hour of ordinary bulk , mixed s4xes , and es- jially adjusted will seal at about the ne rate up to one-half inch in 3openhagen , the capital of DemuaKk , ; just elected a Socialist mayor. lie a working painter named Jensen , b has been for some time president the Danish trades unions. After election he was met outside t'he , -n hall by a procession ef over 1,000 lialists , with torches and bands. 2y conducted him through the wded streets which were lined with ering masses of workin men. to the > ple's Hall , where a fete on a large Ie was held. Mayor Jensen is the t Socialist to gain suc'h high honor Deiiiuarik. } IAN DANCE AT PINE RiDGE. iv Ernest Thompson Sctoii ITud to Pny to Get Out of It. rnest Thompson Seton gives in the i' Y ork Tribune an interesting ac- at of the Oruaha dance at Pine ge last July : fo open the ceremonies , " he said , : , dogs were killed. These dogs were boiled in six wash boilers , anc3 then refreshmepts wer handed around. "It's of no use to describe the dance , because an Indian dance has to be seen ; but in a lull a young fellow came in and danced alone. He gave the most wonderful exhibition of all the dance steps , known to humanity appa rently , that could be imagined. It was marvelous. I said to the inter preter , 'Who is that ? ' " 'Why , don't you know ? ' he said. That's White Cap. ' "It seems White Cap had a natural genius for dancing , and loved it with his whole soul. 'Buffalo Bill' discov ered him and took him to Paris. He had a good salary , but he possessed a soul above filthy lucre. He spent his entire emoluments in paying for les sons in Parisian dancing steps. He followed the same policy in London. Now White Cap is back on the reser vation. He is not wealthy , but he is content * . He is the star dancer of the plains. "At a certain point in the ceremony proceedings stopped and a herald walk ed up and down and chanted remarks to the effect that six rneu had given their time to get up this dance , and it was only proper that the rest should chip Jn to recompense them. Every body gave something. One give a pair of moccasins , one a dog , one a buck ing broncho , and so on. "When the contribution box got to the minister the herald walked up and down and chanted some more. The gist of his song was. 'Here are all these white men come to see us dance. They get all they want out of us , but I don't see as we get anything out of them. ' "One white man walked up and dropped ? 1 Into the tin bucket. From all around the circle come : " 'Ugh , ugh , ugh , ugh , ' in commen dation. "The next dropped in a half dollar. " 'Ugh , ugh , , ugh. ' "Next came a quarter. " 'Ugh , ugh. ' "Then came a man who dropped in one plain , ordinary , little copper cent. "Dead silence. "Then the herald got up and chant ed : 'One white man has dropped in a cent. TMs must be one of his gen erous days. I should like to see him on one of his stingy days. ' "When this was translated to the white man he flushed up till he gave a I'ery good imitation of a red man. To 3o the poor fellow justice , it was all 3ie money he had , but he borrowed a naif and went and dropped it in the Bucket and got one 'Ugh' for his pains. "After awhile th'e squaws had a lance and chose their partners. One ) f them chose rne. It was easy enough : o get in , but there seemed no way : o get out. As I danced past the in- eppreter , almost dead. I gasped , 'Bill , low do I get out of this ? ' 'Only way is to pay up , ' he said , ginning. ' " 'How much for a chair ? ' said I. " 'Guess a dime'll fix you , ' said he. "I handed over a dime aad congrat ilated myself that I had got out of hat dance mighty cheap. "After it was over a smart young aan came up and said : 'Mr. Seton , am here getting illustrations for ( he mined a New York magazine ) and I hink it proper to inform you that I ave the bulliest sketch of you danc- tig with that squaw that anybody evei aw. ' "Then I wasn't sure that I had got ut of that dance so cheap , after all. ' > AT A WASHINGTON HOTEL. nterview Between an Englishwoman and One from Chicago. There is a very handsome woman taying at one of the smart family otels , where everybody knows every- ody else except the somebody and miebody else who don't speak to each ther when they meet. She is a Chi- ijro wonuwi , rich as the whole Croesus unily , and during a year spent in .ngland was inoculated with a London i-ceiit which , to her way of think- ig , took wonderfully. That accent is s dear to her as her back hair , com- tents the Washington Post. Now , a | le same hotel abides an English'gen- ewoman whom everybody lores. * \ ; w evenings after the lady with the ated accent arrived the English wean an happened to hear fliat she was DIM Chicago. Accordingly she walk- I into the parlor where the uforesaSO dy was criticising and counnentinr ; 1 things American in a way whicl > iiglish gentlefolk do not permit them ives when they visit us. The Eng ; h woman did not hear the couversa in , or monologue , rather , but she ar ired just after the Chicago woiaai ! id said fierce things about the horri , s e American accent. Tire grou-p oJ t : 3inen stopped talking as the Euglfsh- rltl IIKIII drew near , and there was au tl troduction. tlS tla "I am so glad to know you , " S B Englishwoman , "and to know thnj tl u really are from Chicago. I speni tly tly ch a.delightful summer there during y ur wonderful World's Fair , and t/j ti ar your charming Western aceen' tl ings it all so vividly back to me. " tl tlsc id there were certain ones amona sc 2 women there who went out iutc scoJ i hall and meanly laughed. oJ oJhs hs hsSi A Retort jof Hilborn's. Si Representative Hilbor-n , of Calif on- cc i , after a vote In the House unseating n , retired to the cloakroom , where he/Id / a levee as friends crowded lr\ \ th expressions of Sympathy and d 3d will. sv Well , Hilborn , " said one of them , ju are cer-tain to come back , so you ar jht not to feel so bad. " Jr Yes , " said Hilborn , in his dry way ; e all cherish the Christian belief in i resurrection , but I don't think that ofl entirely reconciles us to death. " to itury. ; UNIVERSITY OF SALAMANCA. Some of the Quaint Customs of Th Ancient School. The most typical and interesting , a well as the oldest , of the Spanish un versities , according to the London Lai cet , is that of Salamanca , which wa founded in Valencia in 1200 and tram ferred to Salamanca in 1240. The un versity played an important part i the history of Spain , for from it cam almost all the distinguished * Spaniard of the sixteenth and seventeenth cei tunes , though probably Don Quixote' "Bachelor of Salamanca" Is the men : her of the university best known i : England. It was to Salamanca tha Gil Bias was going when he bega : his travels. The university was i most distinguished corporation and it representatives , with the other gran dees , swore fealty to the kings o Spain at their accession ; it receivet solemn visits from royal personages as did our English universities unde the Tudors and Stuarts , and , like Ox ford and Cambridge also , it advancet money to the kings which was not al ways repaid. In 1710 the University o : Salamanca gave to King Philip V 330,000 reals and 100 men whom th < king 'equipped for war and maintained as English nobles did in feudal times In its most flourishing time Sala manca numbered 10,000 students , bul now there are not 500. Salamanca itself is quaint and interesting a ical old-world Spanish city , with a large square containing shops undei i colonnade decorated with placques ol the heads , of the kings of Spain and ) ther distinguished persons , the latest ) f whom has been dead 200 years' . The streets are narrow , the houses are tall md curiously wrought iron gratings to : he windows which are far above the leads of the foot passengers , and here are many convents and churches ind very beautiful pavements. In the nain square , where is now a gar * len , there used to be , bull fights form- irly. The houses are moldering away ind the servants at the chief hotel are gnorant of any tongue but their own. The university was founded literally inder the shadow of the church , and vas never free frpm ecclesiastical in- luence , and such influence is evident a all the educational institutions of ipain to this day. Students were not iable to any civil authority , but were ried by the vice-chancellor a prac- ice which led to so many scandals hat eventually the king appointed hree conservators on behalf of the ity to be assessors with the vice-chan- ellor when he tried the students for 3rious offenses acrainst the citizens. THEY SHOW HORSE SENSE. Drivers of Express Wagons Depend Upon Their Steeds. "I have heard of express horses mt became so expert in 'picking up ill cards' that the driver had"noth - ig to do but get out at each stop and ) llect his packages , " said the uiaua- 2r of a Western express office a few lys ago. "The story is told that one arse in New York had such an eye > r business that he takes in upper ories as well as ground floors , and iver misses a trick. Sounds fishy , > esn't it ? "Well , I believe it , nevertheless , lie trick is done by drivers who stop leir horses in every instance a few et before readng the sign or call rd of their company , and after an fectionate pat or caress , taking up 0 card and waving it at their dumb ; rtner. Continual association with is same card fixes it on the eyesight the horse until he knows it well , nally the horse falls into the habit stopping at the familiar sign as tidily as the driver. Now , we have ch a horse in Denver. lie is a big , telligeut bay of the name of Dick , lorn I purchased at Lonjrnuont a con- 1 of years ago. Frank Herrick , his iver , makes a pet companion of htm , undies' him with a stick of candy , lump of sugar , an apple , or the like. ' 'Lately he has noticed that Dick mid stop without being told to dc every time a card was seen. First would go to the right and stop , then the next card was on the left he mid cross and fetch up dead in front it. and nod his head as much as tc r : 'Get that package out of that ive , and you want to hurry , too. " iladelplua Inquirer. Buttc's Great "Wealth. Joue w-oalth is produced in the small ? a of Butte every year than in some lole States. The revenue from the nes some fifty-five million dollars equal to the income of the govent- iiit of Holland. The recent grea ! > gress in every- department of elec- 2al development has been made pos- le in large degree by the energy of se men of Butte. For the city and envorons now produce a quarter of i world's entire product of copper , mt two-fifths that of the United tes. A single group of mines in heart of the city the Anaconda p ids more than twice as much copper rly as all Germany. Nor is the isure confined to copper. Butte is greatest silver-producing center in United States , its annual outputrst ie thirteen million dollars beinj ; rly equal to that of the entire State tc in Colorado , which , next to Montana , the largest production of all the f tes. And of gold Dutte still yields d < siderably over a million dollars rly.7 Century. N in Which Switch ? inbe e You say that automobile acei- best bem t was caused by a misplaced m : ch ? st stN ie Yes ; the dear girl tried to fix It N st > * er her auto at the same time jung man , if a girl declines the th of your heart and hand It is up lit qu to make her regret the lost op- Fairs. A gentleman -was donning his outfit ) reparatory to taking a horseback ride nto tbey country. After a irfclte it lectured to him that hi * rlflJng boots iad been left in aaothtr part of the iouse and be accordingly informed a Irishman of their lo- , { errant , a young ration , remarking at the time that in the- ibere were two pairs together iloset and he should be sure to get' toates. In a few minutes the servanli returned with two boots , but odd ones , . "Why , don't yon see these are not. ? " the other , out , of patience1 ; rith the felk > w. "One has a longer- top than the other. " "You are right about that , " replied1 the Irishman , apologetically ; "but then : the other pair was just so , too. " PhiL- idelphia Ledger. The Affluent "Why do they always portray the farmer as purchasing gold bricks ? " "That's easy explained , " answered " farmer's the fel- Mr. Corntossel ; "the [ er that's got the cash these days ; the Dther people is hustlin' to get some of it by any trick they can fix up. " Washington Star. Not Strikingly Noble. "So your daughter is going to mar fy a nobleman. " "Yes , " answered Mr. Cuinrox ; "but lie's only a nobleman by professioa. Personally I must say he strikes me as- i pretty common sort" Washingaorh Star. The Ideal. "How many children have you , Mrs. . Scaddsleigh ? " he asked. "One , " she replied. "I must telU rou what a cunning thing one of my lear little doggies did yesterday. E iad her out for an airing in the car- iage , and " "The baby ? " "The baby ? Mercy , no ! My doggie- I ! hope you don't suppose I am my own r" Chicago Record-Herald. Plain Knongh. Briggs What possesses you to wear hat great ulster ? I'm never cold , and : ee how thin my overcoat is. Goward That doesn't signify. You- ust buy yourself a big ulster , and I. warrant you'll be cold enough after s > ew wearings to enjoy it all right Joston Transcript Not Likely to Remain. _ Mistress You are a nice little girl. \.nua , and I like you very much. 1 lope you will remain Avith us always. Anna ( innocently ) That's just what naster said to me this morning. Appreciative. "I don.'t believe you hold the public n very high esteem. " "My dear sir , " rejoined the billion- ire , "you wrong me. If it weren't for he public where would we look for our. irofits ? " Washington Star. Old Variety. 'Let me sell you letter-opener , " aid the clerk in the novelty store. "Have one home , " responded the lit le man. ' . 'Indeed ! What kind is it ? " "My wife. " Appropriate. Lan r They have a "flatiron build- > g" in New York. Denny Phwat koind av brick'is nfe uilt av ? Larry Pressed , Oi guess. THAT'S THE TIME When Prooer Food Is Necessary.- Proper food is never more necessary ian when recovering from a wasting ckrress when ever-eating would be fd P ref D"CedS " " "W t At ttos time the condensed food rane-Jfcts is shown to be one's most .werful . fnend. Porrr teaspoonfuls of rapeirts and cream win sustain- healthy man for hnlf a day and a less lantity in warm milk will build up the nvalescent wonderfully. No stomach too weak to digest and relish Grape- ; was taken slck with typfcott ver and everyone who has had this jease knows how weak and lifeless a oa feels when beginning to recuper- & "I had to be very careful about my' 2t and could eat only very light foods icse d4d not seem to nourish me and in sad of getting better every day Ias 3t at a standstill and everyone began- fear a rolnpse. One day while 1/ine- bed very much discouraged my si io was reaQmg to me from the pa id an article about Grape-Nuts and eided to send for a package -From the very first meal "of Grape- rts I began to improve , strength caW bounds and leaps with the result that s soon out of bed ; my change for th * : ter seemed simply " marvelous. "Mv ad clear and strong and my body jrdy. I am now entirely recovered ' s asbr Postnm > There is a reason. L dessert that helps the bodthat's . thing Any number of S in the 6