Sodttf r FHE VALENTINE _ . _ _ k - 4B - - HL- - w .4 J L-mtftfMi Mb mHm orfHkw WHHb kv V > HH M W VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JUNE 11,1903. NUMBER 21 < w ft _ wish Call ftft We to ftft Your Attentionl That the Good Old Summer Time is here , and you will necessarily need something in the following line : Screen Doors Window Screens Wire Cloth Poultry Netting Field Fencing Barb Wire ft of which we have a complete stock ? * ftft We are also Sole Agents for the Aermotor Windmills and will give prompt attention to all orders for repairs received 3 ? ceived by us. We have also added to our already complete line of hardware , etc. , a full line of Pumps , Pipe , black or if galvanized , all sizes ; fittings and plumbing supplies. Give us a call and note Oar Prices' . ww > I.M. ftft 4 ? E.ARE Headquarters for Busby Gloves , Stetson Hats , California Pants and Suits. Tailoring in all Branches TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. I Gasoline Stoves I $3 Comfortable cooking. All through the summer your kitchen b& p will be cool if you have one of these stoves. Easy to run r * gand easy on the pocket. u , $1 ft * II General Hardware , Stoves and Bang- * * H es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and g I ? Furniture , Windmills and Pumps , * 15 Piano Mowers and Rakes. St FRANK FJSJHK ; ft &S t B HULL o" V * cs Vr " Sole Agents for HERALD PUFE RYE WHISKEY * I Ale and Porter , AndFRED KRUG'S BEEP Choicest Wines and Cigars. f VALENTINE NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAM I IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jimn 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 , : . X A FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID A General Baning S3 . 5 000 . ' Exchan and S.L ? < V V V VXJ , , , , r ' n Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. * * - ' . 'M. Y > NICHOLSON > Cashier * TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record C. 8. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau ) Valeutiue. Nebraska , week ending G a , ra , , June 10,1903 , Maximum temperature 82 degrees on the 7th. Minimum temperature , 37 degrees on the 10th. Mean temperature. 61.4 degrees , which is 1.7 degree below the normal. Total precipitation. 0.13 Inch , which is 0 67 inch below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge , Yes , we're going to celebrate the 4th of July. Come and join us. E. H. Wilson is quite sick this week. Spinal trouble is the Dr.'s statement. Frank Bray ton is building a nice home on Cherry street where his house formerly stood. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 "W. D. Kicketts of Merriman was in the city Tuesday and handed us a dollar for another year to the Democrat. Now let everyone chip in and spend a little money to get a 4th of July celebration. How much will you give ? Prof. Watson has built a neat addititon to his dwelling and is making his place look more home like with improvements. The Eqnal Suffrage Club will give an ice cream social at Bethel Hall Friday night. Everybody ordially invited to be present. Born : A fine baby boy , to Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Price last Saturday morning June 6 , 1903. Dr. Compton was the . attending physician. ' Morning subject at the M. E. jhurch next Sunday will be , "Seek- ng a Better Country. " Evening , is June the 14th is Children's Day a very interesting program will be given by children of the Sabbath school , consisting of songs , recita tions and speeches. You are cord ially invited to attend. Later reports indicate that the circumstances relating to Lyon's whipping his crippled son at Gor don as reported in these columns last week , were only a part of the story. We learn that Lyon , after knocking his boy down with his fist and kicking him until he lay helpless before him , ran into the house and got his shot gun but was intercepted by his wife and prevented - \ vented from using it. Lyon ex plain ed that he knew the gun was not loaded and that he just got the gun to scare the boy. Tuesday until noon a stuffed suit of clothes to represent Lyon was hung to the liberty pole. We were told that it was thought to be hanging there yet on Saturday. This is the man who poses as a writer of cute things and thinks that the boys of great men don't usually amount to any thing. R. W. Tellis who shot Mrs. Kit chen as reported last week in these columns sends us a communication stating that he had been out of the city previous to the shooting of Mrs. Kitchen and had not spoken to the woman for three days and had not been to the place where she belongs for more than a week , consequently had not brought her to town but met her as she was be ing taken out of town near uncle Paul's residence where the shoot- iing took place. THE DEMOCRAT got its information from parties j who told the story as they believed to be true and wishing to be fair we gladly make this correction. We think justice should be clone to the guilty and justice is best arri ved at from the facts of the case. We make no attempt to shield the criminal in this explanation and hope he will bxrdealtr with fairly * Secret Teleponq Numbers. Do not imagine that all the tele phone addresses are in the book. Many thousands of our fellow citi zens who have telephones in their homes a re unwilling that the gener al public shall know their numbers. Therefore , a nuisance is avoided. The telephone habit is a curse. It increases talk to a murderous de gree. It makes fools of women and martyrs of men. A rich broker who had a telephone put in his house and his number in a book had to hire a boy at $7 a week to ans wer calls , of which there were over 150 a day. Not one amounted to anything , but friends with the habit had to ring up. Now he has a 'phone , but only a few of the faithful know his number. It is notin the books. NewYorkPress. Field Day Exercises. The , , following Field Day Exer cises lnt > 3 held at this post June 16,19ok egin-Xfcg at 9:00 : o'clock a. m. * * " 1st EVENT Wall scaling teams of S men from each company or organization represented to compete one non commissioned and 7 privates. Each man to be in light marching order -single blanket roll , rifle and belt , belt to contain 5 rounds of blank ammunition. Uniform blue flan nel shirts , blue trousers , campaign lats.and leggins , if shoes are worn. Wearing of shoes will be optional with teams competing. Teams to start from double rank formation 20ife'et away from wall and to fin ish 20 ft beyond wall , first man up so as to see over wall will fire 5 shots as rapidly as posible at im aginary enemy , 2nd man to fire shots sitting astride of wall , the re maining 30 shots to be fired from the ground beyond wall after all of team are over. Equipment to be on in proper order at finish and pieces at order arms. Team scal- ng wall-in the shortest time to be declared the winner. 2nd EVENT Running 100 yard dash. 3rd EVENT Pitching conical wall tent. Teams of S men , 1 non-commissioned of ficer and 7 privates. Shortness of time and correct appearance of tent to determine winner. 4th EVENT Hurdle race , 120 yards. 5th EVKNT Relay race , one mile.Teams of 4 men from each organization , rep resented to compete , each member of team to run 440 yards and to touch hands with relay. Failure to keep within the course or to touch hands to constitute a foul , each foul to be penalized by a for feiture of five seconds time. Race to be against time. 6th EVENT Putting 16 pound skot. 7th EVENT Infantry obstacle race , 220 yards field' equipment to consist of single blanket roll , heversack and canteen without water. Uniform dark blue shirts , blue trousers , cam paign hats and leggins. 8th EVENT Base ball , battalion competition , PRIZES To the winner of each event by individual competition , a coupon book on the Post Exchange to the value of ยง 2. To the winning team in each event where competition is by team , one box of cigars , "Prin cipe de Gales. " ' 'These prizes to be given to the winners on athletic ground after each event. By order of Col. Bowman J. D. LEITCII , Capt. & Adjutant 25th , Infantry , Adjutant. A 1A Drive in I * I * 1 Canned Fruits ft I * * ft * 4 ? ft 4 ? ftft 4 ? California Yellow Peaches 3 Ib can 15c ftI 49 Apricots " " " loc I * 49 " " " 49 EggTlums 15c Pears " " " 15c ft 49 Canned Apples , good quality , 3 cans 25c ftft 49 Home Made Apple Butter , pint glass jars 15c ftft 49 Pure Strained Honey , graduating glass 15c ftftfr 49 ftfr The Newest in Cereals Strength Fude -15c Cero Fruto 15c 49 49 A Snap of Snaps ft W * W 43 Best Ginger Snaps , 3 Ibs 25c ftft 47 ft * ft * 49 J * 4 ? I * 49 Davenport & Thacher 49 & 49 GENERAL MERCHANTS & 49 J * Our Spring Goods are now in and we are prepared to figure with you in any thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are Tight. If you are in need of any Farming Implements let us figure with'you. MAX E. VIERTBL CROOKSTOls NEBRASKA i'is5 JRA JUL AtJ AJ8AJtJtJMAl AAt A Groceries - Pleasing meals are possible only when you have pleasing groceries. The best that the market affords at a right price here. Selected for your selection. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. JTi ? * Trrrrrsr'sw8rsrr VIEW LOOKED AT from every point of viaw , McCormicK mowers will be found faultless in design , modern in con struction and thorough in equipment with the most practical features. These mowers are so perfectly balanced , so easily operated and do such smooth and even cutting that they instantly become the favorite of every man who buys one. The McCormick book , "A MODEL MACHINE , " tells ell about Model mowers. LUDWIG LUMBER GO. DO YOU WANT A - The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher House Highest cash price paid for Hides ami Furs. 8M0DN . . . Valentine * Nebr