Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 04, 1903, Image 8
THE VALENTINE DEMOGRA1 I. M. RICE EDITOf , Mutual companies pay losses in full No discount I. M. RICE , Agent. THE OLD RELIABLE THEMIS m SUBSTITUTE Chi Psi Cattle Co. Edward Lewis , foreman. Simeon , Nebr. Cattle branded as in cut on right side. Range : r miles east of Simeon on Cronin much. Sotica to Creditors. Tn County Court , within and for Cherry County Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Phebe Cole , To the Creditors o'said estate : You are hereby notified , that I will sit at the county court room in Valentine in said county on the Qth day of June 1903 at 10 o'clock a.m. to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and al lowance. The rime limited for the presentation of claims agaln&r s-iiil estate is on the Gth duy of June A. D , lOua. nd the time limited for the payment of dents is o je year from said 10th day of November 1902. Witness my hand an'l the seal of s < id SEAL County Court this 13th dav of May * 1003. W.K TVNE. . 17 4 County Judge. Ot.llJ . -T. i . , . . EveryJjJMly L.VVCH fu * 37r'.iJVlh / : . . . : tlu * uifisi biiUik < > gems. ciectrif..ii W.j a rid.iu i. tl.a dorsoc : d.t.KUso , juch : . .s it c-a ! ! . fortn < i rt'UccrioM of wljjlitiiejst' . is iLt The sUi of fae'.i ir-Ji : IP s"i of in finite ei.erg.v a..d glorious iii : . : . Cut how t'ow allow tiK.i elve.s tu . > ! . . How few faces are iit up w'.ih L i possibly divine lite ! Take your thoughts away frcpi the swamps of t'enr and evil , center them . on the ideals of faith and love , on good intentions for others , and your counte nance is at once illuminated. Look in a mirror , and .you sLali see that my words are true. Absolve your self of all troubles , be peaceful , be still , cease all our repining ; then your countenance will hhine. That such an instantaneous physical change can take place by a change of thought suggests what power there is in a renewed habit of thought , a habit created by repeated conscious repose ful efforts of calm , concentrated think ing in line with the ideal. Not only is the countenance changed by a bright thought , but the whole body. The atoms are so many vortices of ether , and the central force of each is thl wind. A shining countenance is a smiling countenance. Look on life rightly , and you cannot but be pleased. Then you will smile , you will laugh with joy , be cause of life's possibilities. You have perhaps desired to reach greater heights of power. You will reach tliem easier if j'ou will bat smile as you go. There is every reason why the heart should be glad , and your love for oth ers will show this so. This is the suu- sliine that expresses itself in your countenance. The mere fact of loving drives awa } * fear and -darkness. All false conceptigns of duty , the conclu sions of a biased reasoning , vanish at the appearance of love. Every one loves the sunshiny days , and every one loves the man whose soul or individual sun shines through his face. Such a man will be trusted wherever 'he is. He is an interpreter of life ; he will intuitively grasp the meaning of ( things ; he will be welcomed every where ; he will recognize all and he will , ( be recognized by all ; he will be re ceived as the Son of Man , a true exem plar of his race , a leader in the evolu tion of humanity ; he will be an encour agement and an incentive to all. A shining countenance is first of all an immediate phenomenon expressive of the proof of right thinking , and the same source of this illustration contains - ' tainslie potency of completely chang ing oli'iraoU'r. body , burroandings , of fuxi ; : ? -c-in. the P-T.SOJ. the community. tli- me.of Issuing forth from its in- M finite. KOI ! ; * renter great stream of life , giving uut more vlgpr , raising the whole realm ( ir' the higher pl ine. --FiTtl Curry. Very conservative in all matters are J < the Turls , and especially r.low to adopt P1 modern .improvements of any kind. a man quits smoking and goes Jo chewing he is not much of a hero. jiichisoirGJpba. C F COOPEB Postofflce address Oasis , Nebr Braud registered 209.1 Cattle bracded on left side sama. as cut iiorses bran tied on left hip. Also some cattle Range South and west of Hakberrv and DUCK Lake. ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska. On left side. ses left shoulder. Range north of Cutcomb Lake U. G. Criger. Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1037. Brand cut on si A1S. icft hip Range JO miles south of M cm man on the brara. John Gresh. Merriman , Neb. On both sides some ou right side and hip. Horses same with out bar , Iett thigh. Rango.Lake Creek D. Bray Rosejud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut . Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on rightside Range 16 miles north of Hyannis J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S.D. , Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and dip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Ranee Lake Sreek and Little White River. D. A. Hancock JL5L-.ekburn , My. or Simeon. Nebrasa Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also 1G on left side witli on left hip of some cattle ; also S16 on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on ) ewey Lake. Range ou Niobrara River , east of rort Niobrara ; all In Cherry County. Nebraska. A. .Benson Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. i address. Oasis , Nel-r. G. K. Sawyer lias 3 [ charge of thesp cut tle Horses 1 > S ors \ -eft slioiild r.'omc left sJfJe ft t-imh R.iiigu on Snake riv ( 'has. Yiugst. Arabia Nel/r. Brand registered No. 1139 Cattle branded on left side as in cut. Hors ° .s same on Jeft shoulder. ange on Ever uen creek 5 miles northwest of Arabia. Roan.Brothers oodlake Neb hn Roan's ivtac mark , slit left ear MILLS BROS , Merriman , Nebr. Cattle and horses ses branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand Brand register ed 1091. Range 12 mile 3 southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara river. H A BUCK. Postofflce addre Hyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvanuis Valentine , Nebr. Otherbrands : Z + - Horses branded : j - < orf on leit shoulder ; 9 O h'ft thigh. Range on Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. Moses & Holfricker. Simeon , Nebr S on right or left O shoulder 01 hors es. on left jaw. 1 on left side. 11 on left thigh Sandy Williams. Merriman. Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horses same on left shoulder. Jtange Lake Creek , S , D. J A SATTLT8 Cattle on l ' Horses on left shoulder. Some stock pet bearing my former brand as shown below. Fostoffice address Gregory , Net On left side or hip horses same on le"fi shoulder Range-Arkansas Valley and Snake AUen & Sons ? t-Niobrara. Brand registered ? 0870 Horses branded m left hip Range , Niobrara iver 12 miles east if Valentine G.H. Sealer , 'ostofflce address Cody , Neoraska Battle branded as on ut on left side , hip nd shoulder ; horses ame &nge , Snake Creek I. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara F. W. Jersig Valentine. Nebr Cattle branded as shown Jin cut on left side , loin or hip. ttange between the Gordon and Snake uth of the Niobrara river J B Wallingford Kennedy.Neb. Jattie brande ne as cut ; also lie branded | on left hip. Bi UC P S ROUSqiTE Poarolfice address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; hornes branded same on left lilp. Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder , or JK or TV or O ' VI , JorO or FZ. Also following , the Grst one being on side and hip on rai Win. F. Schmidt Rosebud S D Same as cuter or with bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped norees branded ame on left hip Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. . Horses on left shoulder. Range- North Eli F. T. Brackett Rlege. Nebr. Brand Registered < o 1490 Brand right side Drhip Hoi'ses same oi > right shoulder Range , Niobrara B miles south of Kilgoro F. M. Walcott. Valentine , Nebr. Cattle branded on left hip- C. W. Bennett Simeon Neb a Stock branded with 7 on lelt hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river Franfc T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Browulee. Robert Emery Rosebud , { SD. . Cattle branded on both sides. Horses on left thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. D.'M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM "WILSON Postpfflce address Kilgore Nebt. Two half [ circles of left hip and leftside of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip H V 'ostoffice addreas Gregory , Neb ) n left side ; also D 0 L E on side Range - Stevenson , ake W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgoro C. H. Little. Merriman , Nebr. B On either side Horses same on 2o hip. Also gRange > Si o ; Siei ei Range Lake Creek le SD leR Si S WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Xebr. Cattle branded same as cut OD left side. Horses on left shoulder. Range 6 mile ? south of Irwiu. JULIUS PETERSON istofllce address Gregory , Xeb anded as on cut iaugo two miles rth of Gregory F. C. & M. O. Metzger. Merriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left thigh , some are branded Sojna left si-le. Snake 35 miles soath of Merriman. Others ge 8 miles northwest of Merriman. Charles Richards. errlman. Neb James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses J3 on left jaw. Range Between the Mobrara and Medicine Lake. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoBM on left side hip. hip.S S on right hip and F + on left side. Q on left hip of horses. p ou left Jaw and left shoulder of horses , UJQ on left hip of horses. R M Faddis & Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded left thigh Horses oi < - left oliouldeif or thigh Some on iett shou Ider oren thigh. Some on right thigh or shoulder. J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara iverl2-mlles south west of Cody Frank Eothleutner Postoffice addres KilgoreNeb. Cattle branded on side as on cut same ou hip. | 3ome on left side. George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co G. W. McFarland Valentine , Nebr Range : four miles east of Fort Siobrara , north ind south of Berry bridge the C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side. C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock saringany of these brands. Morey & Hewett srdon , Nebr. and registered W. Ou left hip cattle. Horses me left should- ; also 94.fl : tside. mge South of ake 35 miles of Gordon. Robert Quisenbery B Postcfflce address IKea Simeon , .Nebr. IKm n left hip on "V cattle. ea Horses same on right shoulder. Range on Snake River. Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle br.mded i\l > connected on left hip or side as shown in cut Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rtehtside Some cattle also have a - { - on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two baas across hind qnar- . . . Iters. ses branded SOrf on left hlo. Some cattle ided AW bar connected on both sides and Ino of horse * . Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. Cat eft nci R ; ofS brai WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb Like cut on either left side or hlpralao llett side. Horses Isameascut Ion left hip. * 250.OO F MtadHiBvaHBiv RD for con - conviction ol anyone unlawfully handling cattle In these brands. John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. 4 Nebr.CO Cattle branded j on left hip. Horses same on eft shoulder. Some branded- * on left shoulder 5 sleiome .g on _ "southwest of Valentine "on north * sid e of A'lobrara. river. PIKKBROSPostofflce Postofflce address Crookston , Neb Cftttle'-branded PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. f Range On Minne- chaduza 5 miles east of Crookston , SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S. " See block Range Stever and Stephenaon Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any person for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction cattle with the of any person or persons stealing abnvo brand. FRANK MOGLE Postofflc address Cody , Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and riyht ear spllthorses ; D anded , same on left sh oulder iRange on Niobrar * tand Medicine Canyon D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 15M. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio brara , Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. Jartlett Richards 'Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the follqwing brands : tiorses same Range between Gordon un the F.E. * &n.vonB & M' E to * Northw stera . , A , , ItoSSS : NetaSg ? ' BAS ETT BIOHAHDS. Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co 1 Branded on left Ide and thigh. earmark , square rou right ear Horses have ame brand on jft thigh. Range on Gor- on and Snake ? 'reeks. ' G. VV. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside aiu cut , 6-inch bOv and 254-Inch circle Brand registered 875. a-idbs br ed , jieft shoul-l 'der. ' QLfr inch circle , i-ln J L ROSEBEBBY istofflce address PnJlman , Neb anded on left hio ; rses game Herd- ( rk-double dew-lap tunge south Jtof Brnsh Hill A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannls. N'eD right side and hip ntiht side and hip * Horses on right hip ige-Southwestern Cherrj J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward forany information leading to the re- from mv range J.F. Swain , parks , Nebr. le branded on side as shown t. t.nge nge South mrks on Nio- a river ,