Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 04, 1903, Image 7

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Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
fcgefable Pr eparaiionfor As
similating IheFoodandReguIa-
ling iheSloinaclis andBowels of Bears the
Promotes .
ness andltest.Contains neither
OpiumMorphine nor > Iiiieral.
rlanfitd Sugar
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa-
Tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and " Loss " OF _ _ SLEEP. _ K For Over
Facsimile Signature oF
6 &ffM& & *
NEW YORK. Thirty Years
Atb no on ill % -old
. .
I : ,
sln Germany working men are visit-
' * iec at their homes on paydays rjy savings -
( ings bank officials , to collect their
isivings for banking.
, The raising of black sheep is a
ihobby with John D. Wing of Mills-
ibrook , N. Y. He has a fluck of sevcn-
'tyand they are perfectly black.
I would not like to be the last man
ilefb on earth ; the first one was a
( failure , and I am afraid the last one
will be.
Skin , Scalp and Blood
From Pimples to Scrofula
. I * From Infancy to Age
Speedily Cured by Guticura
When Ml Else Fails.
The agonizing itching and burning of
the skin , as in Eczema ; the frightful
scaling , as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair
and crusting of the scalp , as in scalled
head ; the facial disfigurements , as in
acne and ringworm ; the awful suffer
ing of infants , and anxiety of worn-
out parents , as in milk crust , tetter and
salt rheum , all demand a remedy of
almost superhuman virtues to success
fully cope with them. That Cuticura
Soap , Ointment and Resolvent are such
stands proven beyond all doubt. No
statement is made regarding them that
is not justified by the strongest evi
dence. The purity and sweetness , the
power to afford immediate relief , the
certainty of speedy and permanent cure ,
the absolute safety and great economy ,
have made them the standard skin
cures , blood purifiers and humour reme
dies of the civilized -world.
Bathe the affected parts with hot
water and Cuticura Soap , to cleanse the
surface of crusts and scales and soften
the thickened cuticle. Dry , without
rubbing , and apply Cnticura Oint
ment freely , to allay itching , irritation
and inflammation , and soothe and heal ,
and , lastly , take Cuticura Resolvent , to
cool and cleanse the blood. This com
plete local and constitutional treatment
affords instant relief , permits rest and
sleep in the severest forms of eczema
and other itching , burning and scaly
humours of the ikin , scalp and blood ,
and points to & speedy , permanent and
economical cure when all else fails.
Sold thronjhout tha vorid. ( MienrtXMlr Bt. Oe. ( [ |
I form of Cbocolit * Coated Kit , He. Mr. r l of < ) . Oiat-
ment. We. , So p. 31 * . DiMta i Lmaqa , 27 Ch rtrhon *
Pq : Pint. S Rue 1 * P lri Bactoa , 157 Coltmbni AT *
Potter Dm * ft Ch . Corp. , Cote TiMrltten :
gr-Stni for "How to Cor * Ertrj Unmoor. "
A Skin of Beauty is * , Joy Forever.
Moth Patches , Rash , 'and Skin
diseases , and erery blemish on
xbeauty , and defies
detection. It has
the test of M
/years , and is M
r barxuees we taste it
to be rare It Is prop
erly made. Accept
no counterfeit of
BimUarxaae. Dr. I *
A. Sayre aaid to a
lady of tb * nant-toi.
( apatleat ) : "As you
, ladlesTrlllniwthem ,
11 YdcoiUBend Oour-
I and's Cn m a th
' least barmfal of all
thv BMn prepara-
tloas. " For sal * by
all DrniKtets and
Fancy-Goods Dealers In the TJ. S. , Canadas , and nrppe.
FEED. T. BOPKlira. Prop'r. 87 Great Jones SU , K.Y/
I Best Cough Syrup : Taste * Good. UM
In time. Sola
N.N.U. 774-23. YORK , NEB.
Most men argy just az they bet
their munny to win.
Up to the present time Thomas A.
Edison has taken out 791 patents ,
and in ordinary fees for them has
Four and one-half tons of oak tim
ber make a ton of charcoal , while of
pine timber six tons are required.
Nell What is Cholly goo3 for any
way ? ] a e Wellhe serves very well'
for a cigarette ho'.der. Somerville
"I have been vsinr yonr CASCAJt-
BTS for headache and find them all you re
commend them to be. I will certainly recom
mend them to anyone suffering from this distressing
tressingcomplaint. . I know from experience
that they will be benefited if they take them
according : to directions. I will never Be without
CASCARETS in thef uture. MBS. A. W. MATZ ,
67 W. 18th Place , Chicago , HI. "
PIe nt , Palatable , Potent , T § t Good , Do
Good , Nerer Sicken , Wealten.or Gripe , lOc , 2fc , Me.
Sterllmj Remedy Company , Chicago , Scntral , S w Tork. J17
Upwards of 100,000 Amerlea * *
hare Battled in WMtara Canada
dnring the last 6 yaan. They ai
contented , happy and prospero * * *
and there ! room itlll for million *
Wonderful yields of Wheat ant
other grains. B st Gracing Land *
_ _ on th Continent. Hsgnincral
elimate , plenty of water and foal. 6900 enooMi
KMllent ohnrohM and splendid railway taoUitiM.
Free Homestead of 160 Acns , Frei
no only charge being $10 for entry. Brad to * *
following for an Atlas nnd other ) iieratara * wll
Cor certificate , giving TOU ndnced railway raM * . etj
BaperinteDdent of Immigratien , Ottawa. Oaa. . or M
WJV. Bennett , 801 New Tork I4fa Bid * , Caaba ,
K b , the.aatkorixed Canadian OoMcmmamt AcB4
For Hot , Tired , Aching
Swollen Feet.
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder. It cures
painful , smarting , nervous feet and
ingrowing nails , and instantly takes
the sting out of corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Makes tight or new shoes
easy. A certain cure for sweating ,
callous and hot , tired , aehing feet. 30-
000 testimonials. Try it to-day. Sold
by all Druggists and Shoe stores , 25c.
Don't accept a substitute. Trial pack
age FRE-E. Address Allen 8. Olm-
sted , Le Roy , N. T.
f afflicted with '
\ Thompson'sEyeWiter
ore eyes , ese
< rKie HJean , Heel Hifcchca HI * * " * f
stoves make no. smoke-smell , aoet , aahjfe
or excessive heat. Alwajfe took ivr
trade mark.
Mrs.WUslev'8 SQ07HING S B.WP fcr
drcn teething , softens the cqB9TeDM0 ; ! -
matlon , allays pain OUN& coin.
f Short Qtot'ef ! $
* * * * * * * * , | . .1. . .1. , | . .1. . . | . g. . ; . .1. *
Abraham Lincoln had a rule for
evading difficulties. At a Cabinet
meeting one day , it is related , Mr.
Sewaird jokingly remarked : "Mr. Pres
ident , I hear that you turned out for
i colored woman on n , muddy crossing
the other day. " "I don't remember , "
answered Lincoln , musingly , "but I
think it very likely. I have always
made it a rule that if people won't
turn out for me , I will for them. If I
didn't , there might be a collision. "
In his recent book on "China and
the Chinese , " Dr. Giles tells of a very
stingy Chinaman who took a paltry
sum of money to an artist payment is
always exacted in advance and asked
him to paint his portrait. The artist at
once complied with the request , but
when the portrait was finished nothing
was visible save the back of the sit
ter's head. "What does this mean ? "
cried , the sitter , indigninatly. "Well , "
replied the artist , " 1 thought a man
who paid so little as you paid wouldn't
? are to show his face. "
Representative KItchin , of North
Carolina , relates an amusing story of
in old justice of the peace in his coun-
iy. It seems that two young attor-
aeys were trying a case before him.
After the arguments had followed the
testimony of the witnesses and the
case was closed , the old fellow , awak
ening from deep reveries into which
he had fallen , said , addressing one of
the lawyers : "You know , Hank , I gave
you the decision In the last two cases ,
so I will give this one to Tom. You
can't expect to get them all. "
It is related that a stranger on.ce
entered a cathedral in' Sicily and beg
ged to be allowed to try the organ ,
which was new and a very fine instru
ment that even the organist did not
understand. With some reluctance
the organist allowed the stranger to
play , and soon the cathedral was filled
with sounds that its walls had never
heard before. As the stranger played ,
pulling out stops never before com
bined , and working slowly up to the
full organ , the cathedral filled , and it
was not until a large congregation had
wondered at his gift that the stranger
told his name. He was Dom Lorenzo
Perosi , the young priest-composer ,
Avhose latest oratorio , "Leo , " was re
cently performed at the Vatican dur-
jing the celebration 'of the Pope's jubi
In one of the towns which John
Philip Sousa recently visited in En
gland , the march king met a lady with
a great reputation for worrying celeb-
pities of all kinds to attend her din
ners and "at homes. " She sent him a
'pressing invitation to sup at her house
after his performance ; but when Sousa
.learned that she had issiied invitations
to her neighbors "to meet Mr. John
Philip Sousa" an exhibition of "pre-
viousness" not to be tolerated even by
an American he declined politely and
with thanks. Having counted upon
Sousa's acceptance , and held his name
out to her friends as bait , the lady was
much disturbed on receiving his note ,
and wrote back to him with desperate
solicitude : "I am terribly sorry to
have your card saying you cannot
come , but I still hope for the pleasure
of your company. " To this the poor
lady received the following terrifying
answer : "Dear Madam : I have given
your kind message to my company ,
but I regret to say that only fifty of
them will be able to accept your invi
tation , the rest of them having ap
pointments to keep elsewhere. "
A British Gunboat and Mad Mullah's
Dhow Try Conclusions.
The story of a thrilling fight in the
Red sea between a British gunboat and
H large gun-running dhow with sup
plies for the mullah is told by a Beuter
The Kitty , which had been patrolling
the littoral for some three weeks , es
pied the dhow bearing on a course
which would make the two boats pass
within hailing distance. She prompt
ly assumed the appearance ofa help
less cripple , signals of distress were
hung out , and a Somali in her rigging
waved his loin cloth to attract atten
The stranger came on , decreasing the
distance which separated the two
boats until suddenly , when the dhow
was some 200 yards away , the Kitty
broke out her flag and fired a blank
shot across the bows of the dhow.
The heads of the twenty men could be
counted upon the big dhow , and as
the sun glinted upon the barrels of
their rifles the Kitty became aware
that It was not Impossible that she
had tackled an ugly customer and a
valuable prize.
Lieutenant Bevan and Petty Officer
Halstead were standing together when
an answering shower of bullets rained
upon them.
The big dhow drew off a little , and ,
having both the wind and the heels
of the Kitty slowly circled around her
little antagonist , drenching with vol
leys , shredding her sail and piercing
the frail timbers of her side. But the
Kitty returned the salutations of her
enemy with signal emphasis , striking
her again and again.
Lieutenant Bevan was now master
of the situation , and in spite of the
odds against her the Kitty made des
perate efforts to board her enemy.
A couple of dead hung across the
stranger's grmwale and a wounded
.man lay by the tiller. She wore an
uir of submission , and an Arab stand
ing : at the poop waved his hand and
Availed patiently for her arrival. An
end of the fight seemed to have ar
rived , when hostilities began afresh
at close range , the Arab on the poop
firing at Ilalst id. Lieutenant Bevan
. bowled him over with a bullet through
the arm and chest from his revolver.
Further opposition was now useless ,
and the Kitty came abreast , the men
from the dhow throwing themselves
into the sea to escape capture.
The prize was found to possess
French papers and to have come from
Jibutil. She contained some eighty
modern French rifles , 10,000 rounds of
ammunition , twenty-four barrels of
powder and four tons of lead , all of
which were confiscated by the British
authorities , while the dhow- herself
was burned.
Lieutenant Bevan and his crew of six
have been informed by "my lords" of
the admiralty that their splendid serv
ices have not been overlooked , and
400 prize money Mns been divided
among them. London Express. '
Railroad Plnj-ed Kven With One Man
Who Uued Fcalper's Ticket.
He arrived at the Midland Hotel yesterday -
terday morning , tired and dusty. He
gladly gave two heavy grips to the
porter , and heaved a sigh as he signed
for a room , and asked especially for a
"You look worn out , " said Irving
Doolittle , the clerk in charge , as the
man leaned on the counter.
"Well , I have a right to be , " said the
man , "for I have walked all the way
from the station , lugging those grips. "
"Why didn't you takem car ? " asked
the sympathetic clerk.
"I simply didn't have the price. I
was afraid to take a cab because I
would necessarily have asked for cred
it , and I wasn't sure that you would
take me in when I am absolutely pen
niless. "
"What's the matter ? Been held up ? "
"Well , just the same thing. I got
caught with a scalper's ticket , and I
didn't have money enough to pay my
fare down from Chicago by just twen
ty cents. What do you think of that
for hard lines ? I thought I would be
gay yesterday and save a little , so I
bought a ticket from a broker for $11.
Oh , it looked like a good ticket , all
right , till the conductor saw it. Th.-'n
he looked at it , tucked it in his pocket
and said :
" 'No good. Come up with the fare ,
or off you go ! '
"It was a case of dig. He had the
ticket , and what was I to do ? I put
up all I had , which was just about
$12.30 , or twenty cents short of the
fare. "
" 'Will that do ? ' I asked him.
" 'It would ordinarily , because I'd
pass the twenty cents myself , ' said he ,
'but I've got no mercy on a scalper era
a scalper's customer. So you'll have to
dig again. '
"I'dug , but not another red could I
find. Finally 1 borrowed twenty cents
from the porter on the strength of one
of my grips , and I actually had to
leave my watch with a barkeep across
from the station to get the coin to pay
that nigger before he would give me
my baggage. No more brokers for
Willie ! Give me a bath , quick , will
you , and discount a draft on the house
in Chicago ? " Kansas City Journal.
Just by Eatinj * .
Girls who value a good complexion
and cheerful spirits are advised to eat
plenty of spinach. It contains salts of
potassium and iron and otherwise
wholesome ingredients. The iron in it
is easily assimilated. A vegetable not
generally made much of by housewives
because it is among the less expensive
foods , it is put in first place by the
food experts and deserves more promi
nence in public esteem.
People troubled with poor memories
are urged to eat mustard. The seed
of the mustard plant is credited with
very quickening , livening properties
said to have direct influence on these
brain cells that have to do with for
getting and remembering.
Nervous folks ought to partake often
of cheese , which acts as a sedative.
They should beware of eating cheese
to excess , however , as it is a tax on
the digestion. Only moderate eon-
sumption is efficacious.
A too steady diet of potatoes induces
fatigue of both body and mind.
Apples are now held to contain
much sustenance for the brain and to
have an exhilarating effect on the spir
its. Apples contain phosphorus and
also malic acid , which is most benefi
cial for people under mental strainer
or who habitually do work which pro
hibits eexrcise. The apples should not
be munched between times , but taken
as a component part of the regular
meals. New York Sun.
Twopence Earned.
Seeing a friend step on the platform
of a weighing machine Mr. Pneer
stepped up behind him.
"Let's see how much both of us
weigh , " he said.
"All right , " the friend said , dropping
a cent in the slot
The indicator flew around to the fig
ures 297 and stopped.
"How much do you usually weigh ? "
asked Mr. Pnwr.
"One forty-three , I guess. That's
what It was tb other day. "
"Then my weight IB 154. Thanks. "
And Mr. Pneer's countenance glowed
with serne satisfaction as ht stepped
His Ancestral lAno.
"Even admlttln' dat folks is descend
ed from monfceyV' sM TJncb
"I ktoTS s < m .e peep ! dat
special e { flt to theft
Az long az vice doesn't bekum a
custom the world Iz safe.
He who marries for buty haz ilttle
more property in his wife than the
test ov the world.
When windows are dicffiulti to opener
or close rub the cords with soft
soap , and they ( will run smoothly.
Agriculture is comparatively easy
work in China. The soil is so rich
; hat a fquare mile of it is capable of
c a copulation of 4,000
In all its stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses , soothes and heals
tha diseased membrane.
It cares catarrh and drives
Away a cold ia the head
Cream Balm ! placed Into the nostrils , spreads
over the membrane end ia absorbed. Belief is im
mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does
not produce sneezing. Large Size , 60 cents at Drug *
gists or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 cents
"ELY BROTHERS , 66 Warren Street , New York.
A jSeedle and Thread Tree. The
Mexican maguey tree fnrhnisucs a
needle and thread all ready for use.
At the tip Df each dark green leaf is
a slender thorn needle that must be
carefully drawn from its sheath ; at
the same time it slowly unwinds
the thread , a strong , smooth fibre
attached to thp. needle and capable
of being drawn out to a great length.
Mind This.
It makes no difference
whether it is chronic.
acute or inflammatory
of the muscles or joints
St. Jacobs Oi
cures and cures promptly.
Price , 25c. and 5Oc.
Judge I will give you just "one
nour to get out of town. Peevish
Polhemu ? Well , if I'm b rough D back
Here fer overspeeding me 'auto * don't
blame me , jedge. Puck.
Man of Trouble : I am quite ready
and anxious to die , but I believe it
is wicked to commit suicide. His
Kind Friend : Then why don't you
split the difference and buy an auto
She There is just one little bit of
millinery that I desire most. He
( crossly ) You needn't say any more.
I won't buy it for you. She Don't
be afraid. You'll never get the bill
for it. It's a widow's bonnet. Phll-
adelphiia Press.
"No , said the Billeville maiden ,
"my mind is made up. the lips that
touch wine shall never touch mine ! "
"Then I'm all "
right" exclaimed the
lover . "Corn '
, rapturously. liquor's
my teverage. ! " Atlanta Constitu
Coffee Tried an * Found Guilty.
No ene Tvho has studied its effects on
the hnman body can deny that coffee is
a strong drug and liable to cause all kinds
of ills , while Postum is a food drink and
a powerful rebuilder that will correct the
ills caused by coffee when used steadily
in place of coffee.
An expert who has studied the subject
aays' : "I hare studied the value of foods
nnd the manufacture of food products
from personal investigation and wish to
bear testimony to the wonderful qualities
of Postum Cereal Coffee. I was an ex
cessive coffee drinker , although I knew
It to be a Blow poison. First it affected
my nerves nnd then my heart , but when
I nce tried Postum I found it easy to
give np the coffee , confirmed coffee fiend
though I was.
"Postum satisfied my craving for coffee
and liace drinking Postnm steadily in
place of the toffee all my troubles have
< 5bappeaed and I am again healthy and
"I know that even where coffee is not
taken to extess it has bad effects on the
constitution in some form or other and I
am convinced by my investigation that
tfie only thing to do if health and happi
ness are of any value to one is to quit
coffee and drink Postum. " Name given
bj Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.-
Tru love consists of quarrels and
make tips.
When a government iz in a state !
ov anarky , the highest place Is az ;
unsafe az the lowest.
If yu wish to lind out about yur <
nabor. study yourself. ; vu and he
are near alike az two peas.
At the age of fifty a person usually
begins to slowly decrease in stature , :
and at the age of eighty he has losb'
about one and one-half inches.
The poorest compliment yu kan
pay enny man iz to immitate hiz ex-
If a mule kicks me the sekond
time. I allvvus btarn miself and giv
the mule kredit for it.
Old Sofas , Backs of Chairsetc. , can. .
be dyed with PUTNAM'S FADE
You can't buy -a home. A mani
buys a house ; but only a woman -an
make it a home. A bouse is a body ,
a home is a soul. "The Outlook. "
It is stated that the hours of work
of hospital nurses are longer than
those of any other profession. In
many hospitals they average four
teen hours a day.
Minnesota Man's Discovery.
Adriuu. Minn. , June 1. Philip Doyle
of this place says he has found out n
medicine that Avill cure any case of
Kidney Trouble. As Mr. Doyle was
himself very sick for a long time with
this pninful disease , and is now , ap
parently , as well as ever , his stutemeu
carries the confirmation of personal ex
The remedy that cured Mr. Doyle ia
called Dodd's Kidney Pills.
In speaking of the pills , Mr. Doyle
says :
"In regard to Dodd's Kidney Pills ,
they are certainly a wonderful medi
cine the .best that I have ever taken.
"I was very bad for a long time with
Kidney Trouble and could get nothing
to help me till I tried Dodd's Kidney
"I used altogether about ten boxes ,
and I can say emphatically that I am
completely cured. I am entirely well ,
without a symptom of Kidney Trouble
"I can heartily recommend Dodd's
Kidney Pills to anyone who is suffer
ing with Kidney Trouble , for they
made me all right.
"I have advised several of my
friends to try them , and not one has
been disappointed. "
The best cure fora man's conceit is
a woman's laughter.
There are but few men whoze
merit outlast their munny.
I can recommend Piso's Cure for Con
sumption for Asthma. It has given me
great relief. W. L. Wood , Farmersburg ,
Ind. , Sept. 8 , 1901.
Edukashun haz rarely if ever , made
a grate man ; but natial abilitys ,
without the aid of educashun. haz.
m.ule menny a one.
"The great poets aie born , " re
marked the sententious person. "Yes
and they are also dead , "replied the
editor wearily.
Mrs. E B. Bradshaw , oi
Guthrie , Qkla. , Cured of a severe
case by Lydii E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
A great many women suffer with &
form of indigestion or dyspepsia which
does not seem to yield to ordinary
medical treatment. While the symp
toms seem to be similar to those of
ordinary indigestion , yet th ' -
cines universally prescribed * * > t
seem to restore the patient's normal
Mrs. Pinkham claims that there
is a kind of dyspepsia that is caused
by derangement of the female organ
ism , and which , while it causes dis
turbance similar to ordinary indiges
tion , cannot be relieved without a
medicine which , not only acts as a
stomach tonic , but haa peculiar uterine-
tonic effects as well.
Thousands of testimonial let
ters prove beyond question that
nothing will relieve this distress
ing condition no surely as IJydia
. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. It always works in har
mony with the female system.
Mrs. Pinkham advises sick
women free. Address Lynn , Mass.