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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1903)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR i * < sr In Advattcf * HUBLIHHED EVEBY THURSDAY. iiutreci at t ton Post-olllce at Valentine , Cherry ou u v N tiraikd. . as Second-class matter. " f 9 SOCIETIES , K. of P. CHERRY LODGE NO.UCO. meets let and 3rd Friday of each month at 8:30. C. M , .ZIUNTEU , C. S. GOULD , C. C. K.ofR. & . S. VALKXTIXJK LO1 > C * : A'0 , 205 1. 0. Of F Meets Thursday night eacli week , AMOS HASDALL , J , T. KKELEV , N , G. Sec'y. UiaiXEUIIADUZA J'ODGE A. F. & AM. . Ko. lOg.-Meets 1st Tuesday on or be fore tbe'full of the incon each month. T. C. llouNiiY , W , W , THOMPSON , W. M. A. O. V. W. K 0. 70.Meets 1st and 3rd Mon day .ol each mouth. W. A. PKTTVCBKW , U. G , DUNN , M. W. Recorder. mIlEE OJB liOA'OK NO. HO.Meets 2ud and 4th Monday each month. ETTA BUOWN , INEZ , PETTVCIIEW , C. of II. Recorder. M. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each mouth. : .i. V. NICHOLSON , W. E , HALEY , V.O. Clerk. UXIOX NO , 508-Meets every .Saturday night. . J. A.ftoBNBACK , E. D , CLARK , F , M. Sec'y. ftt'YAL ArKl < * HIiOIt $ . Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month. . Y QUIGLEY , MINNIE DANIELS , Oracle. Kec. and Daughters ef Protection - Lodge Xo. G. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each mouth. UKNRY GRAHAM , Mrs. JENNIE LEWIS , Pies. Sec'y Highlanders , Devon Castle Xo. 2J J Meets 2nd Friday eaca mouth. Ki > CLARK , . E. HALEY , l. P. Sec'y. The Loup Valley Hereford Kanch. Brownlee , Nebr , Prince Boabdel 131693 and Curly Coat H22Clat head of herd The blood of Fowler. Anxiety. Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates ID my herd. Ko stock for sale at present. Ranch faur miles north-west of Browulee , Nebr. C.H. FAULHABEU , HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith. Brownlee , Kebr. Does general blaeksmithingathard times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine Nebr. ; ' " --i. , l ( Bi t' Good , Hard Rock for sale in any C quantity. J ; . CEAMEK , KK City Deliyeryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and J from the depot and all parts of the City. W. A. KIMBELL A Barber B'irst-class Shop in Every Kespect Ji Ewn de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair JiU Tonic. Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. U Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream U LEEOY LEACH A County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake GENERAL -WOKE PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. U JOHN PORATH " \ Kicgc , Ji Tubular wells and windmills. * A. M. MOEEISSEY TlM Attorney at Law M Valentine , Nebr. Ei EiA A. JN. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry .Street. to flc flC JEdivard 'S. Furay c b Physician and Surgeon iiii ii Office Fraternal Hall or El iia liott's Store. c Drug . 19UU2 s a F. M. WALGOTT at E ATTORNEY A % ABSTRACTOR ly ValeRtine , Kebr. Practices In District Court and U. S. Land al Delate and iianch Property L Bbm. BoiiU&a Abfltracter. MILL PRICES FOR FEED * Bran , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton Shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 IOD Screenings 70c " $13.00 " Chop Feed 1.05 § 20.00 ' Corn 95 $18.00" Chopcora 1.00 " $19.00" Data 1.20 $23.00" DE. J. E. . . . SNYDEK , OSTEOPATH. Office over T. C. Hornby's store by tht south stairwa } ' . Chronic Lcases a specialty. Hour * : 9tol A. 31. 2 to4P. K John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. . Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House , ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. "Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. _ _ . _ _ _ % i DK. LAUREN JONES , OSTEOPATH. Gordon , Nebr. Graduate of the American School of Osteopa. th under the Founder of the science , treats both acute and chronic diseases A specialty Cf spinal and hip troubles and diseases of women and children. Consultation Free. Real tstate Transfers May 2" , 1903. United States to Robert McCarty , Pat sse 4 nene 0 mvnw 10 20 38 United States to Mabel E Joder , Pat senw sne 22 swnw 23 30 33 Joanna Love joy. wid. to Kichards & Cairnes Co w d cou § 500 nesw use 31 uwsw 32 30 3'i ; Jeorge W Hervej and wf to Matilda Jane Keller w d con ? 300 sne emv 22 3 4 23 Georjje M Hull and wf to Edward Young , mtg con $65 lots 7 8 blk 41 Woodlake Neb Hannah Bell to Wm B Harris , rel sw 24 34 29 May 28 , 1903. W L , Mills to FP Mills , w d con 515,000 umv senw swne 23 33 39 other laud Claude w McGregor , s , to Wilbur E Young and Florey ? Bros , w d con 5100 nsw 26 nse 27 32 38 Kittle Benn to Helix Nollette , wd con § 300 36 3 31 20 Kate Jane Kief and hus to Lillian M Bluer , mtg con § 300 sne nwne 15 swnw 14 31 20 E AIcNare and wf to Win T Scott , mtg con § 383 wiiw uwiie 20 ueue 19 3 ? 'E May 29 , 1003. K Thacher to U G Dunn , Deed lot uo. north 12 foot of lot 7 division B Mount Hope Cemetery. f James H Sears and wf to Albert Haley , w d coTi $250 lot 4 bl k * Sparks , Neor \ United States to Levi W Cady , te Fat nw 12 32 38 0 United States to SiunuelJ Lecper. teff Tat sw 1 22 38 K Kuskie and wf to J B Carter , ff mtg con § 400 se 22 31 25 , June 1,1903. United States to Rosa Bell Fosten , Pat wse esw 24 35 31 Walter L Selby and wf to M Kate Noble , q c d con 51 sesw s > wee 23 emv 33 31 25 Jacob Hempel and wf to Peter Herapel , a w d con § 700 lots 3-4 snw l 34 31 , This deed Is given to correct error m grantor's name in former deed. sj Thomas Duffy's to St , Francis Misson , w d con 5900 wse esw 24 35 31 V Mary L Bailey to Edward Young and Ella Young n d con 5100 lots 15-16 blk 23 Woodlake Nebr S Edward Young and Ella Young toMarj L Bailey mtR con 5100 lots 15-16 blk 23 Woodlake \V Andrew ateHe and wf ti P Sullivan , mtg con fciOO cue ese Go 3t 3 le lc Do You Want a Camera ? ] * n Boys and girl , here is a good chance < secure a good camera absolutely free. We will give you a Brownie tl Camera , made by the Eastman Kodak Co. This camera is not a tov , but a reliable and accurate litl instrument making pictures 2 tl inches , which are as sharp and clear n pictures made by most $10 and $15 cameras Send us three , new subscriptions the WorldELerSi scriptions < to WeeKly - - aid , prepaid for one year , and we will once mail you , postage paid , a Brownie Camera. " The subscription price of the Week h World-Herald is $1.00 per year. Address , WEEKLY WORLD-HERALD , ] s Omaha1 , Nebr ; is Penbrook Quills. Once again after so long we send in some items. Annie Tillson was home Saturday and Sunday. Albert Hutchison is fencing his garden with a good fence ; horse high , hog tight and elephant strong. Frank and Wm. Grooms and James Hutchison were out to the lakes for a few days sport last week. Mrs. Hittle spent a few days in the neighborhood of Sparks. Miss Clara Crowe closed a sucsess- ful five months term of school in district No. 28 , two and half miles north of Penbrook at the Pleasant Valley school house. Dave Owens has been under the weather for several days but is im proving at this writing. Miss Annie and Alice Tillson were at this office Saturday evening. Frank Lewis has moved to his homestead where he is improving his part of the community. Mr. Hittle has been ditching some wet land , which improves his hay meadow. Mr. Hittle is a careful worker and sets a good example be fore younger people. Eoy Burdick is holding down the Small place. Fate Graddy took inthe dance at Polen's Friday night. Mr. George and wife have been visiting at Mr. Brown's Charlie Hudson Jr. and Thomas Brown were putting on a little air in this neighborhood Sunday even-- - ing. Sernan went ovei to Wood Lake the first of the week. Quite a number of boj's got hold of a gallon of moonshine down about Norden some few days ago , and the consequences were that sev eral of th'em got pretty full. Mrs. Jaquins lost a horse noine time ago. It apparently seemed well as usual , but at turnout time dropped dead in the harness. Quite a crowd out to Sunday school Sunday afternoon. We desire help from everybody interested in Sab bath school. Everybody invited to attend. The rake ranch had a grand round up of horses Sunday a week ago. Mr. Handcock , from Sparks , was in this neck of he woods recently. , Ethel Grooms returned to Valen tine last week. Memorial day was observed at Norden Saturday by a large crowd. The little children took the ledd to the cemetery followed by the old soldierS'Of the Civil war and then a followed ( a large crowd. The graves " were decorated and flowers and a tears were strewn over the graves n of the dead. C Penbrook's Sunday school is pro gressing nicely under its superin tendent , Mr. Sorbey. PORCUPINE. Down the River. Josh Hitt was through these parts assessing ; recently. Mrs. VVm. Foster and children spent Sunday at J , Wolf s. Miss Anna Ashburn is keeping house for her brother Frank at pre sent. ( Graddy Bros , are running a herd west of Dave Archer's this summer. Miss Delia Osborne had the measles vK les last week but said she ? hardly K knew it. She intends to attend the normal this summer. Robert Grooms intends to leave the country in a few weeks. The dance at Mr. Polen's was a little bit spoiled by the rain , but all that were present report having a nice time. Harvey Johnson has been on the sick list for the past week. James Hudson got about 400 head of cattle from Fremont to herd this summer. Robert Grooms lost a nice horse last week. The cause of the death a mysteryt Jake Hewer and wife spent Sun day at A. Grooms' . Miss Ida Linn is visiting with her grandma , Mrs. Clark at this writing. Miss Martha Byrant was sick 3 or 4 days last week. Elmer Wolf was in town one day last week. ' Married : &t Sparks , May 19 , by Geo. Bristol , justice of the peace , Miss Rosa Jelly and Mr. Jacob Breohbill , both of Sparks. We wish them a long and uappy life. James Ashburn is making prep- eration to move on his place that he recently filed on , on the state line. Harry Dodson and family have just got the over measles. Quite a few are having them but they are not dangerous. YOUNGSTER. Bailey Briefs. Jennie Weed was visiting friends and relatives in Bailey last week. Chas. and -Lulu Sellers went to Merriman the 29th. J. B. Nichols and Mr. Lenson were carpen at the lakes last week. Mrs. L. A. Blemisdorfers things sold very well at the sale. Since marriage is a lottery the gaming instinct is necessary to the life of the race. Fred Walker went to Cody the 28th. 28th.Lee Lee Sellers turned a bunch of horses into Medicine canyon the 30th. Bailey folks can talk over the wires to Cody in a few days. Flint Young will fix the attachments this week. Nellie Gunderson is on the sick list. George and Mr. Heyne are vis iting relatives in Hooper. Cora and Alma Gunderson was horseback riding last Sunday. A man waits for a woman to speak first , in a chance meeting. The west nine made 48 scores the east nine made 11 at base ball the 24th. 24th.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Morgareidge was visiting at Churn ranch and at Ed Weed's last week. James Bay was in Bailey the 30 th on business. Wm. Finalson has moved on the place known as the Lyman Story place. GUESS WHO 1 AM. Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it will be your neglect. It costs but trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. ! They are represented by I. M. Rice , Valentine , Nebr. * I TIME TABLE &reat Northern Liine at O'neill , Nebr. Going East , Going West. Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:50 p. ro Passenger , dally except Sunday. Connections with Elkhoru trains east and west-bound from all points west of O'Neill. Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond , Through connections for Sioux Falls , Mlnne spoils , St. Paul ana all points north and west , Buy local tickets to O'Neill. FKED ROGERS , G , P. A. Sioux City , Iowa LOST ! One brown yearling horse colt branded , RBI on right hip. 12 D. STIXAED , Valentine , Nebr. The custom of giving engagement rings ranks back to long before the Christian era. "With tiie ancient Egyp tians engagement rings were always of iron , to indicate the mutual sacri fice of liLarty of the contracting par ties. ties.One One of the very earliest adornments of betrothal rings was a loadstone , which symbolized the attractive force which drew a maiden from her own family circle into that of her husband. It is believed that the fourth finger has always been the bride's ring finger. Hnrd to Part With. The man at our boarding house has the remains of a once prosperous , pocket cpmb , from which the teeth have long since fled. "Why , " we ask him , "do you carry that thing around with you that worthless old comb ? " And he replies : "Well , I can't part with it. " Balti more News. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac , invention Is probably pntentable. Communion- lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents jUJ \\/iuuvA < ca * * * uu v u V > > B > uw * sent free. Oldest agency for securinepatenta. Patents taken through JUunn & Co. receive tpecialnotice , without charge , lathe Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terras , | 3 a year ; lour months , | L Sold by all newsdealers. MUHN & Co.361Broad New York Branch Office. 625 P St. W-ashlncton. D. C. Stallion for Sale aianteno No. 6862 the fastest Stallion in this part of the state. Will be sold right. Come and see him whether you want to buy or not. / H. S. SAVAG-E , Prop.'Star Livery Stable. Meals Lunches Short Orders JHNANGARO ( First class meals at all hours , ! . day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. E. D. Cohota , Prop. The Valentine Democrat o INVITES YOU i t t To use its columns to advance your business interests. v If you are looking for buyers of goods you hand le , an "AD" in this paper will give the widest publicity possible in newspaper advertising. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT goes to more homes than any other paper in this territory. There is no denying this fact. If you are from Missouri , we will consider it a pleasure to show up our sub scription list to those interested. : : : : : : JO YOU WANT A WINOMLLiC.r ! The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donohcr House Highest cash price paid for Hides and Furs. Valentine , Nebr ' ' - \ Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per Una each Insertion. Among reading nutter , 10 cents per line each insertion. All kinda of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Wanted to contract 1000 tons of hay cut and stacked. W. G. BALLAKB , 16 S Wbodlake , Nebr. test , Strayed or Stolen. One bay 3 year old gelding , black mane and tail , small white spot in face and branded Of on left shoul der ; gentle and halter broke. GEO , CAMM , Valentine , Nebr. 201 One dark bay horse , white star in face , white spot on nose , white hind foot , shows white strongly in one eye. Reward for information or recovery. 16 MARK D. CYPHERS. MOTICE. The hotel at Crdokston will be vacated June 15. This is a goodjop- portunity for the right party. All furniture and fixtures for sale or rent by A. B. RIES , Crookston , Nebr. Notice. I have fourteen or fifteen regis tered Hereford Bulls , from one to three years old , for sale or trade. Also three full blood Galoway Bulls at my ranch 25 miles south of Valentine and 20 miles west of Woodlake. "W. G. BALLARD , 7 tf Woodlake , Nebr. RANCH FOR SALE. 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay : an be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. , Al so . open water on a part of the range the year round. $4,000 will buy it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. Special Beduced Excursion Bates. \ \ 111 be.m effect from all points on the Chicago SNorth-Weatern Bailway for the occasions named below : Los Angeles , May 2isttoJune 2nd. ft-esbyterlan General Assembly. Indianapolis , Ind. . June Oth to 14th , Travelers' Protective Association. Indianapolis , Ind. . June lto 21 , Modern Woodman ol America. Boston , July 6th to 10th , National Educational Association. Saratoga Springs , NY , , . July 7th to 10th , Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Denver. July Oth to 13th , United Christian Endeavor. Detroit , Mich. , July 10th to JOth , Ep- worth League. Baltimore , Md. , July 21st to 23rd , B. P. O. E. San Francisco , August 17th to 22nd. G. A , R. meeting. Baltimore , JId. , . Sept. 21st to 2Cth , Sovereign Grand Lodge , 1.0. O. F. For Information as to rates , dates of sale , etc. these or other occasslons , call upon the ticket agent of the North-Western Line , THE- NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track Railroad between Jlitmottri Jtlvcr and C/ticayo. Direct line to St Panl-3linneap- olitt. Direct line to Black Hills. Apply to nearest agent for rateit map * and time carttn. TIME TABLE ! WESTBOUNI * No. 27 Frt. Daily 233 P. M. No. 25 " except Sund ij9:10 A. SI No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49A. M. EAsr BOUND No , 23 Frt. Dally 6:50 A. M. No , 2C " ezcept Sunday 5:00 P. M. KO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. M ,