Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 04, 1903, Image 1
CIltOCiMl SoolrtJ , n- - e e tf-- ' - < J - . ! . _ , .v . s THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JUNE 4,1903. NUMBER 20 } if < ? 4 4 ? ? We wish to Call 4 ? 49 49 49 Your Attention * 49 & P 49 49 That the' Good Old Summer Time is 'r 49 49 here , and you will necessarily * need 'rt 49 something in the following line : 49 49 Screen Doors I- - 49 49 Window Screens ftft 49 ft 49 Wire Cloth ftft ftft 49 ft 49 Poultry Netting ftft 49 ft 49 Field Fencing ftft 49 49 Barb Wire 49 4 of which we have a complete stock 49 49 49 "We are also Sole Agents for the Aermotor Windmills 49 and will give prompt attention to all orders for repairs re ft ceived by us. We have also added to our already complete 4 ? line of hardware , etc. , a full line of Pumps , Pipe , black or galvanized , all sizes ; fittings and plumbing supplies. Aft o Give us a call and note Our Price ? . raWT. Ml ! WE ARE Headquarters for Busby Gloves , Stetson Hats , California Pants and Suits. Tailoring in all Branches 8TINARD.TAILOR . . AND CLOTHIER. h i Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves ' Comfortable cooking. All through the summer your kitchen & > k' will be cool if you have one of these stoves. Easy to run jj and easy on the pocket. ' & } OP General Hardware , Stoves and Bangj j * es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and * * Furniture , Windmills and Pumps , * Piano Mowers and Bakes. & 4 * FRAHK FISCHER , ftft ftft ft T. YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES B- HULL H w d * M tf * r A d w A Sole Agents for HERALD PUEE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE A : NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON 'First-class ' line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast. Bacon Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , Hi FIRST NATIONAL BANK * Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking $35,000. - t G. H. COBNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.- " * ' M. V ) NICHOLSTJN , Cashier. TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week ending G a.m. , June 3,1903 , Maximum temperature 79 degrees on the 27th Minimum temperature , 42 degrees on the 3lst. Mean temperature. 58.0 degrees , which is 4.3 degree below the normal. Teal precipitation , 0.45 inch , which Is 0 21 Inch below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge , Bob Gillaspieis enjoying him self in town this week. We credit Perry Veach with a $ for the DEMOCRAT this week. Geo. W. Beamer of Gordon is in town this week attending court. Hans Ulrich's sons were down from the reservation on a visit last week. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Old jolly Pat Piper of Simeon spent a couple of days with us this week. Mrs. Susan J. Berry from down the river , becomes a reader of the Democrat this week. Wm. Beamer and wife called Tuesday , while in , ; fcown from the west end of Cherry county. Wm. Ferdon and wife , of Brown- ee came up last Saturday and spent several days in town this 'week. Miss Bertha Barnes came down from Cody last Saturday and is helping Mrs. Sears at the City Hotel. Will G. Comstock , of the Rich ards and Comstock ranch was in the city. Sunday and Monday of this week. % Judge Mogle , the 300 pound mar shal who keeps the boys straight at Cody , was in our city the first of the week as a witness in the Bovee case. C. C. Tacket of Rosebud came down Tuesday to look after the sale of some of his fine traveling horses. He has good stock and some fine matched teams. QMrs. Perry Veach went up to Rushville last Saturday to visit with her folks. Meanwhile Perry will endure single lonliness during her absence. Chauncy Yellow Robe a teacher graduate of Genoa , who is now spending his time on the reserva tion with his father , Yellow Robe was in town Tuesday. G. W. McFarland , from down the river , was one of the number to respond with a' dollar on sub scription this week. He was haul ing lumbhr to do some building. The Chi Psi Cattle Co. this week insert their brand in this paper. Edward Lewis is foreman and their headquarters are at the John Cronin - nin ranch , 20 miles south of town. Mary E. King and J. M. Van- Tassel were married at Harding- ton , Nebr. at 8:30- : Tuesday , May 26. They went from there to his home at Artesian , S. D. VanTas- sel was formerly boss farmer afc , Rosebud. Last week we made a mistake in stating that J. F. Riggle's wind mill was blown down.t It was his buggy shed and buggy that were demolished , as also one or two other buildings en his farm which is on North table. C. M. Richardson , of McCann , is in town attending court as one of the jurors and handed us a § in advance on subscription. Mr. Richardson used to freight with our grand-father from St. Joe , Mo. to MarysviE , Kan. and , from 'there to Junction City , Kan. , in the early settlement of Kansas just after the war. I Mat Boltz brought his assessor's book Tuesday and called at this office to hand us a dollar for Andrew .Haralewski , of Nenzel. Mr. Boltz is a ypung man bright in appear ance and has the good will of his fellow men in his neighborhood. Alex Burr , J. W. Dye andS.E. Stilson of Pullman were up the first of the week attending court in a replevin case wherein the 1st National Bank had reple vied some cattle which J. W. Dye had pur chased. The case laid over until next term of court. Prof. G. A. Gregory , an instruct or in the Junior Normal has been engaged to teach a class in the M. E. Sunday School. This will be a special class for teachers attending the Normal and the work will be very instructive and helpful to all who may take it up. Services at the M. E. church next Sunday will be as follows : Morning subject , "Pay Your Debts.4 * Evening , the Junior Lea gue officers will be installed at this service and two boys who have fin ished their work will be graduated from ; the society and received into the Epworth League. Report of school district No. 46 for month beginning May 4th and ending May 29th 1903. Number of days taught , 20 ; number pupils enrolled , 5 ; daily attendance , 5 ; no one tardy. This closes the term which began Dec. 1902. The pupils neither tardy nor absent during the entire six months were : FranceJRoy and Ethel Hook , and Alice Johnson. MART GREWE , Teacher. The editor purchased one of Frank Fischer's quick meal gaso line stoves last week and find it the best we've seen. No trouble to learn how to use it. Simple in construction and ready at any moment to start. It is a self gen erator. None of the usual trouble in hunting kindling nor the gas odor which results from burning oil in a cup to heat the burner for generating the gas. No waste of fuel and makes cooking easy. Junior Normal. One week from next Monday the Junior Normal will open. We believe the citizens of no town in the state have done as well financi ally as have the citizens of Valen tine to make the school a success. We now ask them to do as well socially. The whole school will meet at the M. E. Church every day at 10 o'clockand spend40 min utes in chapel exercises. The first ten minutes of this time will be de voted to some form of religeous exercises and the other thirty min utes will be turned over to Supt. Gregory for his chorus class. This chorus work will be free to every body not only the members of the school but to every one who is in any way interested in music. Let every one who has a moment to spare drop in promptly at 10 o'clock for these exercises. The first lecture of the term will be on Sat urday June 20th by Frank R. Rob- erson. This will be an illustrated lecture on Imperial India. It is the event of the term. Admission will bef ; ree to students of the school and prices of tickets to the gen eral public will be announced next week. I wish to say to all high school and grammar students that this is the lecture of which I have spoken to you several times. You cannot afford to miss it even if you have to go without chewing gum and candy for a whole six months afterward. 49 49 49 A Drive in 49 49 49 49 Canned Goods wv 49 wvi 49 49 i 49 49 49 California Yellow Peaches 3 lb can 15c 49 Apricots " " " 15c 49 It U It 49 EggPlums 15c 49 Pears " " " loc 49 Canned Apples , good quality , 3 cans 25c 49 49 Home Made Apple Butter , pint glass jars 15c 49 Pure Strained Honey , graduating glass \ .loc 49 49 The Newest in Cereals 49 49 49 Strength Fude / 15c 49 Cero Fruto loc 49 49 A Snap of Snaps 49 49 Best Ginger Snaps , 3 Ibs , ,25c 4 ? 49 49 W V 49 & 49 49 Davenport & Thacher 49 GENERAL MERCHANTS 49 Our Spring Goods are now in and we are prepared to figure with you in any thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in "a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If you are * in need of any Farming Implements let us figure with1 you. MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTOfc NEBRASKA Groceries Pleasing meals are possible only when you have pleasing groceries. The best that the market affords at a right price here. Selected for your selection. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. i r rrriYrrrsryrr THE LUDWIG -LUMBER YARD Do you know that we have the best Lumber Shed in North-west Nebraska ? Do you know that our Lumber is DRY and you do not have to freight moisture nome ? Do you know .that we carry a Larger and Better StocK than all the rest of the yards in Cherry county combined ? Do you know that our grade is higher and our price is lower than any of our competitors ? If you do not know these facts > and are from Missouri , call on us and we "Will Show You. " \ ! L. G. SPARKS , Manager-