Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 28, 1903, Image 7

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    I A School for Baker * .
There Is hardly a phase of modern
Industrial life but which can be learned
bt some school specially devoted to its
'teaching ' to better or to equal advan
tage than the old-time apprenticing
system. If there wasone branch that
"had been overlooked it was that of the
baker and confectioner , but this in-
d istry Is no lonppr so neglected , as
the London Natl a School of Bakery
and Confectionery ouersacourseof the
m > st advanced instruction in this
Summer -Luncheons
In hot weather things must look and taste just
right. What more damtv and tempting tnan
Libby's Melrose Pate
a de1ictclv seasoned combination of Game ,
Ham and Tonjrue ; or more appetirinj ; for
supper or breakfast than Libby's Corned Beef
Hash ? Libby's Home-made Pork and Beans
are like all of Libby's ( Natural Flavor )
Products , cooked ready to serve. Put up in
convenient key-opcniny cans.
FHEZ the booklet "How to Make Good
Th i new to Eut ' ' Senil five 2c slumps for
Libbj-'b big Atlas of the World.
Libby , McNeill & Libby
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of Fax-
tine Toilet Antiseptic
we will mail a large trial
package with book of in
structions absolutely
free. This is not a tiny
sample , but alarge package ,
enough to convince anyone
of its value. Women all
over the country are prais
ing Paxtine ior what it has done in local
treatment of female ilia , curing all inflam
mation and discharges , wonderful as a cleans
ing vaginal douche , for sore throat , nasal ca
tarrh , as a mouth wash , and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth. Send to-day ; a postal
card will do.
dot.1 iy draggUU or cent po tpk1d by u , SO
ent , large box. Sntltfaction guaranteed.
* . f AXTUN CO. , 216 Coiumbus Avb. , 3otoa ,
has FBKK JIOMEg for mil-
; lions. Upwards of 100,000 Ameri-
I cam have settled in Western Can
ada during the past Syears. Thar
PROSPEROUS , and there is room
1 still tor MILLIONS. Wonderful
yields of Wheat and other grains. The best Grazing
Lnnda on the Continent. Magnificent climate , plenty
of water and fuel. Good cchools , excellent churche j
find plandid ratlvrar facilities. All in the
Send to the following for an Atlas and other litera
te * telling of the great resources of the country , at
jrall as for certificates giving you reduced rates. eto.i ;
Superintendent of Immigration. OttawH. Canada , or
to W.V. Bennett , 801 New York Life Bldg. , Omaha ,
Sob. , .Agent for the Government of Canada.
/ ' Ely's Cream Balm
CO Cta.
Balm Into each nostril.
Mrs. Firm jfe
Address Dr. Hartman , President \
of The Hartman Sanitarium , <
Columbus , 0. , for free advice , ,
A French physician removes most
foreign bodies frooTthe ear by suck
ing them in a soft rubber tube.
Always look for this trade mark : "The
Klean. Keel Kitchen Kind. " The stoves
without smoke , ashes or heat. Make
comfortable cooking.
Daniel Webster said : "All nation
al wealth depends upon an enlighten
ed agriculture. * '
Carpets can be colored on the floor
The man who lets the world , or his
own portion of it , choose his plan
of life for him , has no need of any
other faculty than the apelike one
of imitation. J. S. Mill.
Never Goes Amiss.
A woman never hits what she aims
at unless she throws a kiss. Somerville -
ville Journal.
He Paid For It.
Jim ' That is a beautiful spring
hat ihat Mrs D impieton has on.
Jam "Yes ; but I'll bet you the hat
is really on her husband.
If you want to see a funny picture
hunt up a photograph of yourself taken
twenty or thirty years ago.
\ - Shoes STJSS
V lfe You can save from * 3.OO to 90.OO yearly
by wearing W. I Douglas $3.50 or S3 Shoe * .
They are just as good in every way as those that
have been costing you from $4.00 to $5.00. Th
immense sale of W. L. Douglas shoes prove *
their superiority over all other makes.
-iy Sold hv * retail shoe dealers everywhere.
25 The genuine have name and prica
* stamped on the bottom Take no
far'Ai nG'-FRfc rt v substitute , fast Color Eyelets used.
.kATALOU CNEfc < g
. w Douglas 94 Gilt Edge
Une cannot be equalled
at any price.
* *
{ /
Established 1876.
The Douglas * rret pr re" of Unnln ? lh hot lorn oln "W. Ii. Douglas makes and sells more men'a
prod errs mere fltxtbte and lonjcT nrarlnp l atbr Goodyear welt ( hand-sewed process ) shoes
lh u nj otherUnnire. Thcxalrt hatunorr than dou than any o'her manufacturer in the world.
bled tb pa t fnnr vraro. whlrh prmn In uprrlorltj. COC ? nnn Dowarrl will be paltf to anyone-who
IBM Sales : ! * 2,2 : j.sHi.iil vb OiUUU nBWaiU cairdisprot-e this statement
: C32 S5.0M.a40.0 t Madsol tliebest importe-lin < t Aoiencanleathe' * .
Tired , Nervous , Aching , Trem
bling , Sleepless , Bloodless.
Pe-ru-na Renovates , Regulates ,
A Pretty New Y rk Woman's Recovery
the Talk of Her Numerous Friends.
Mr * . J. E. Finn , 82 Bast High street ,
Buffalo , N. Y. , writes :
Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
Gentlemen : "A few years ago
1 had to give up social life entirely ,
as my health was completely broken
down. The doctor advised a com
plete rest for a year. As this was
out of the question for a time , I be
gan to look for some other means of
restoring my health.
"Ihad often heard of Peruna as
an excellent tonic so I bought a bot-
He to see ivhat it would do for ine
and it certainly took hold of my
system and rejuvenated me and in
less than two months I was in per
fect health , and now when I feel
worn out or tired a dose or two of
Peruna is.all that I needs' Mrs.
J. E. Finn.
Catarrh Causeu Female Diseases.
America is the land of nervous women.
The great majority of nervous women
are so because they are suffering from
some form of female disease. By far
the greatest number of female troubles
are caused directly by catarrh. The e
women despair of recovery. I-Vmale
trouble is so common , so i revalenr.
that tlioy accejif it as almost : npvtabe !
The greatest obstacle in the way of re
covery is that they dp not underatanvi
that it is catarrh which is the source
of their illness.
In female complaint , ninety-nine cases
out of one hundred are tiV.h'.nij bu :
Peruna euros catarrh wherever lo
\ \ Mat ian Altar.
The word altar occurred iu. the
scripture itsson. "What is an
altar' ? " said tlie teacber. : 'A
place to burn insects , " replied an
bonest boy.
Like Underwear.
"Wbeie is tbab big blustery fellow
wbo was boasting that he was all
wot'l and a yard wide "
"Oh , the boys turned the hose on
him and he shrunk. " Kansas City
Indirect Answer.
Borem "Do you believe thatsuicide
is a sin ?
Miss Caustic "Well , in your case , I
think it would be permissable. "
A Good. Fire Extinguisher
A very perfect tire extinguishing
compound is made by mixing twenty
pounds of common salt with ten
pounds of sal ammoniac in seven gallons
lens of water.
A Sensational Case.
Alston , Mich. , May 25. Houghton
County has never witnessed a more
striking medical case than that of Mr.
Jauaes Culet of this place.
Mr. Culet had spent a small fortune
with the best physicians in the county
and in addition to this he has tried
every medicine he could hear of.
He had a very bad case of Rheuma
tism and Kidney Trouble , from which
he had suffered for twenty years. Noth
ing he could get seemed to do him
any good , and he was gradually grow
ing worse. j
He has no Rheumatism now and explains -
plains It thus : ,
"One day I happened to see an ad
vertisement of Dodd's Kidney Pills
and decided to try them.
"I made up my mind to give them a
good , fair trial , as my case was a very
bad one and was of over twenty years'
"I used altogether 42 boxes and I >
can truthfully say that they have driv '
en out every trace of the Rheumatism.
"I feel like a new man , and I can
and do most heartily recommend
Dodd's Kidney Pills for Rheumatism
and Kidney Trouble. " ;
. . tlP
Greatest in the World a" CO
A JOLLION GRANDMAS all over America point to OASOABETS Candy Cathartic as the
most perfect family medicine ever discovered. Good , kindly , tender-hearted old soul grandma
tries to help others by telling of the good things she has learned through experience , and so the w
sale of OASOABETS is nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. The wisdom of years of exper
ience with her own health , and grandpa's and her children's , and her children's children's has d (
taught grandma that in OASCABETS Candy Cathartic has been discovered THE ONLY w
PEBFECT FAKETLY MEDICINE for all bowel troubles , children's diseases , diseases of the stomach le
and liver , * iok headaches , biliousness and bad blood. Best for the Bowels. All druggists , lOo ,
25o , 5Oc. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped COO. Guaranteed to cure or your
money back. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co. , Chicago or New York. 534 ta
A Newcomer Played a Little Joke
on Them.
In one of the important downtown
departments of the general government
at Washington the clerks are still
laughing over the ingenious joke play
ed by one of the pretty sister employes
This yonng clerk had not been in the
government service very long , but she
had noticed that at lunch hour , after
the girls had finished their noonday
repasts , they gathered around and
talked to each other and sometimes
about each other. It was particularly
noticeable that when a girl chanced
to come to the office adorned in a new
frock or wearing a new or odd piece
of jewelry the other girls would ply
her with all sorts of questions regard
ing the garment or trinket.
Now it happened the ingenious young
lady .who had only lately come to work
had a birthday not very long ago.
Among the presents made to her was
a beautiful gold locket , dangling at
the end of a fine chain. She imme
diately thought of what the girls at
the office would say when they saw
"The very first thing/ ' she thought
to herself , "they will want to know
whose picture in on the inside. And
I'm going to fool them this once , even
if they all hate me forever afterward. "
So she went to work next morning.
The locket dangled from the chain
around her neck. The girls could see
it from afar and their curiosity was
great ere twelve o'clock arrived. Sure
enough , they wanted to see whose pic
ture was Avithin. At first the girl
with the locket protested. But the
others insisted , ami finally she said ,
"All right. " Then one of the curious
coterie undertook the task. She \vas
nervous and excited , says the Wash
ington Star , and pressed away vaim.\
at the springs for a * few moments
Then [ t came open , and this is whai
greeted the gaxe of all :
"Fie on your curiosity ! "
It was neatly printed on a bit uf
paper carefully cut to fit the trinket
"Bum. " the assistant night captain
at the Colorado reformatory , works
nights and sleeps in the daytime. A
common mongrel pup crept inside the
reformatory walls in a penitential
mood one day , and since expiating his
sins , whatever they were , has appoint-
" "
id himself an officer of the outposts.
\To one can come or go in the reform-
itory grounds after nightfall until
'Bum" has inquired of him bis busi-
icss in tones loud enough to warn the
sleepiest lookout in the towers. The
> hotographer says that "Bum" has
jnough bloodhound stock in him to fol-
ow a trail and bring back a runaway
ivith the best of them , but with his
Hrdiriary work "Bum" is the busiest
log in official circles in the State.
Holdincr Him to It.
Absent-Minded Young Professor ( aft-
r discoursing learnedly but vaguely
'or fifteen minutes ) I beg your par-
Ion , Miss de Muir , but I seem to have
vandered from the subject I had in
nind when I came here , and find rny- te
elf unable to pick up the thread , as it
vere. of my
Blushing Maiden I think , professor ,
rou were asking me to marry you.
Absent-Minded Young Professor To m
ie sure. sp
( .Wanders again. ) H [
Trees Without Leaves. At
There are great forests of leafless A
rees in Australia. They are acacias , res
r wattles , as some people call them , Sv
nd their being leafless is simply an SvAl
daptation to the dry climate. They eh 6b
ave leaves while growing , but when ehAc
lieir growth is complete they shed the
javes and breathe through the little
tern that remains , because moisture W '
too precious to them for the free yo
vaporation that leaves always cause.
Incurable. mi
"Your son , " said the phrenologist to
he anxious parents , "will become a
oet some day. "
Here the father interrupted with an p ?
ir of deep concern. "But don't you nc
liink we could cure him now if we sp
ould whack the poetical bump w th to
sledge hammer or something like ev
mt ? " Tit-Bits.
There Are Others. se
"I wonder why he uses' so many big W (
rords. "
"Why , I suppose he's afraid if he
oesn't we'll think he doesn't know
-hat they mean. " Philadelphia Bul-
We will wager that when the baby BtI
I )
ies at your house , its father voliin-
irily looks up at its mother to see If
le heard it. N
The real heroines of every day are in our nomes. Frequently , how
ever , it is a mistaken and useless heroism.
Women seem to listen to every call of duty except the supreme
one that tells them to guard their health. IIow much harder the daily
tasks become when some derangement of the female organs makes
every movement painful and keeps the nervous system unstrung ?
Irritability takes the place of happiness and amiability ; and weakness
and suffering takes the place of health and strength. As long as they
can drag themselves around , women continue to work and perform
their household duties. They , have been led to believe that suffering
is necessary because they are women. What a mistake !
The use of Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound will banish
pain and restore happiness. Don't resort to strong stimulants or nar
cotics when this great strengthening , healing remedy for women is
always within reach.
If there is any tiling1 in your case about which you would like
special advice , write freely to Mrs. Pinkhain. Xo man will see
your letter. She can surely help you , for no person in America
has such a wide experience in treating female ills as she lias lia I.
She has helped hundreds of thousands of women back to health.
Her address is Lynn , Mass. , and her advice is free. You are very
foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation.
For proof read the symptoms , suffering and cure
recited in the following letters :
"DEAE MRS. PIXKIIA : : I wish to express to you the great benefit I
hare derived from vour advice and the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. My trouble was female weakness in its worst form and
I was in a very bad condition. I could not perform my household duties , my
back ached , I'was extremely nervous , and I could not eat or sleep , and the
bearing-down pains were terrible. My husband spent hundreds of * dollars
to get me well , and all the medicine that the doctors prescribed failed to do me
any good ; I resorted to an operation which the physician said was necessary
to restore me to health , but I suffered more after it than I did before ; I had
hemorrhages of the womb that nothing could seem to stop.
"I noticed one of your advertisements and wrote you for advice , I re
ceived your reply and" carefully followed all instructions. I immediately
began to get stronger , and in two weeks was about the house. I took eight
bottles of I/ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and continued
following your advice , and to-day I am a well woman. Your remedies and
help are a Godsend to suffering women , and I cannot find words to thank
you for what you have done for me. " MBS. LOTTIE V. NJLYLOH , 1328 N. J.
Ave. , N.W. , Washiogton , D. C.
"DEAR MRS. PINKIIAM : I write to tell you what Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound has done for me.
" I was suffering with falling of the womb and could hardly drag about ,
but after taking five bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound I was completely cured. I ani now a well woman and able to do all
my work.
"I think your medicine one of the best remedies in. the world. " MBS.
J. M. LEE141 Lyndal St. , Newcastle , Pa.
" DEAB MRS. PIKKHAM : Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has done a great deal for me. I suffered so much from falling of the
womb and all the troubles qonnected with it. I doctored for years with
doctors'and other remedies but received only temporary relief.
" I began taking your medicine , and had not taken it long before I was
feeling better. My husband said that I should keep right on taking it as long
as it gave me relief from my suffering , as I could not expect to be cured by
one or two bottles. I did so and am now able to be on my feet and work
hard all day , and go to bed and rest at night. Thanks to your Vegetable Com
pound I am certainly grateful for the relief it gave me. It is the mother's
great friend. I would not be without it in my house , for when I feel tired
or out of sorts I takea few doses and feel all right.
"I would recommend your medicine to all tired mothers , and especially
to those suffering as I was. " MRS. R. F. CHAMBERS , Bennet , Neb.
FORFEIT ' tre cannot forthwith prod ace the original lettersand signature * of
$5000 aboTtt tMtimonialflwhich will prore their absolute genuineness.
K. Piakfcam Medlclo * Co. ,
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever ;
Removes Tan , Pimples ,
Moth Patches. Hash , and Skin
„ < 2 > j - : * diseases , and every blemish on
' years , and is so
harmless we taste It
to be sure it is prop
erly made. Accept
no counterfeit of
similar name. Dr. U
A. Sayre said to
lady of the haul-ton
( a patient ) : "As you
ladies will use them ,
I recommend 'Qour-
1 aud's Cream' as the
least harmful of all
tbe Skin prepara
tions. " For sale bj
all Drufrjrsts and
foacy-Oood * Dealer ? in the O. S. , Canada * and Europe
JTERD. T. HOPEIN3. Prop'r , 37 Great Jones at , K. X.
The Rote System.
The Eote system , like ether sys-
ams of its age , made more of forms
nd symbols than of the things sym-
olized. To repeat the words correct-
r" was everything , to understand the
meaning , nothing ; and thus thfi
pirit was sacrificed to the letter.
erbert Spencer. *
.sk Your Dealer for Allen's Foot Ease ,
powder to shake into your shoes. It
ists the feet. Cures Corns , Bunions ,
wollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching ,
treating feet and Ingrowing Nails ,
lien's Foot-Ease makes new or tight
iocs easy. Sold by all druggists and
ice stores. 25c. Sample mailed FREE ,
ddress Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roj , N. Y.
The mourning color for unmarried
'omen ( in Brazil is scarlet , and the
Dung ladies luok quite gay in it.
Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYBUP for fhil
* n teethinpsoftens the gums , reduces in'ia-
atloa , allays pain cures , colic. Piice25 bottle
for Spinsters.
We in En land have for some tirre
st recognized the social and , shall it
ot be said , the economic value of the
jinster. She has long since ceased
be disparaged , and , indeed , we see
ery year how our girls cling to f ree-
Dmand voluntarily constitute them-
jlves what but a generation ago
ould have been described as hope-
ss old maids. " Lady's Pictorial.
_ _ _ _ _
Many an honest man eats pie with
ITo Permanently Cured , nontaornervoasnegjaiier
11 O first clay's use of Dr. Kline's Great Jferre H -
itoret Scc'd for FHEE$2.0t 'rial bottle and twatise.
3R. R. H. KL1XEUd.,931 St..Philadelphia Pa.
.N.U. 773-22 , YORK , NEB.
Some things are better forgotten
then remembered.
The habit of overlooking family
jars , of failing to s e th2 sour look ,
and not heaiing the harsh word , and
s itinn aside forever tbe disagree
ment is a nabit that makes for
family peace. It is throwing stones
in the path out of one's way ,
Life is short at best , and we should
make it a rule to grasp only the
pleasant things that count only days
of sunshine. Each one of us has a
pet failure. Tn weaiiness and at
times when not on guard , out comes
the impatient reply , or the spizeful
word which a moment after we reel
that we would give anything in our
possession could but we recall it.
Unforeseen and ungarded impulses
may be at the root of your neigh
bor's peculiarities. ' Be patient and
forget Missouri School Journal.
It is a real delight , a restful
pleasure to be in the society of people
ple who have been disciplined in
the amenities of life of those who
radiate an atmosDtiere of kindliness , " "
of good will and of helpfullness *
wherever they go. Success.
Potato Shells. v. *
Add to a pint of hot mashed pota-
s , half a teaspoon of celery salt ,
one-fourth of a teaspoon of Hungarian
paprika , a tablespoon each of butter
and cream and the stffly beaten whites
of two eggs : press firmly into buttered
shell ? , unmold carefully , brush the
corrugated side with beaten yolk , lay
( n a buttered pan and bake brown ;
garnish with parsley.
Indians are occasionally troubled
witto red aunts.
It is something to have the in
fluence on the fortunes of mankind ;
it is greatly more to have influence
on their intellects. Such is the
difference between men of office and
men of genius , between computed-
and uncomputed rank. Landor.
Literature is the immortality of
speech. Schlegel.
A little gall spoils much honey.- ; ' '
Portugu se proverb.