Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 28, 1903, Image 1
Society 1 VALENTINE DEMO VOLUME xvin VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. MAY 28.1903. NUMBER 19 s s ? Wewish to Call ? 49S * Your Attention i < 9 " 49 Thatlthc * Good "Old Summer Time is tote 49 here , and you will necessarily need to 49 49 something in the following line : tote 49 49 Screen Doors tote tote 49 to 49 Window Screens 49 tote 49 Wire Cloth 49 to 49 Poultry Netting 49 49 49 Field Fencing tote 49 Barb Wire 49 to 4 * of which we have a complete stock tote 49 to tote 49 to 49 We are also Sole Agents for the Aermotor Windmills tote tote and will give prompt attention to all ! orders for repairs re tote ceived by us. We have also added to our already complete tote line of hardware , etc. , a full line of Pumps , Pipe , black or tote 49 galvanized , all sizes ; ! fittings and plumbing''supplies. tote Give us a call and note .Our Prices. tote tote to tote to tote to WE ARE Headquarters for Busby Gloves , Stetson Hats , California Pants and Suits. Tailoring in all Branches .STINARD.TAILOR . . . AND CLOTHIER. i Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves | < ? Comfortable cooking. All through the summer your kitchen to ? ? will be cool if you have one of these stoves. Easy to run 3 | 4 $ and easy on the pocket. ' & > 4S to 4 $ to w General Hardware , Stoves and Bangg J * es. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and * $ Furniture , Windmills and Pumps , j * * j Piano Mowers and Bakes. jj . . FRAHK FISCHER. T- YEARNSHAW rPHEOWL SALOON JAMES B. HULL v Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKE J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Chartered as a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. ' August 12 , 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN , ' A General Banking Exchange and * Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL ; President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. Y ) NttfloLSGffj Cashier. wwwvwwvwwwvwwwyv TALK OF THE TOWN 1 ft WW A JM > dWWftX < WW JCi < A < L AAAA * fclUa > A * AA * < > Local Weather Record U. 8. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week ending G a , m , . May 27,1903 , Maximum temperature 85 degrees on the 21st Minimum temperature , 43 degrees on the 23rd Mean temperature. 60.9 degrees , which is 2.0 degree above the normal. Total precipitation , i.14 inch , which Iso'51 incl below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge. If you want a good drink call al the Valentine Bottling Works. 17 Geo. G. Harden and family weni out to their claim near Arabia , Tuesday. I. N. Garner , of Merriman , was in town last Saturday. He had just returned from a visit back East during the winter ; V It's time to talk about celebrat ing the 4th of July at Valentine. Call a meeting and talk it over be fore our citizens decide to go else where to spend their money and the 4th. C. F. Callen , the Sparks mer chant and postmaster was in our city Monday and Tuesday on busi ness. We credit him with a dollar on subscription. Mr. Callen is a nice young man and is doing well at Sparks. Now is the time to get your in surance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it will be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented by I. M. Kice , .Valentine Nebr. Report of school district No. 74 for month beginning April 20th and ending May 15. Number of days taught , 19 ; number of pupils enrolled , 15 ; average attendance , 12 ; names of pupils neither tardy aor absent : Meda , Mary and Ocy Goucher. Those absent one day : Ajiria , Elmer and Etta Goucher. JESSIE BOWERIXG , Teacher. Court will be in session next Monday. The following jurors iave been selected. r. F , Kelley Bruce Moore i. W. Epke A I' Madsen lames McLaughlin Win Ballard lohu W Bullis G H Folsoni Albert Nenzel C M Richardson Bee A Chapman Richard O&borne Dan Webster Alexander Kfef IT Galloway Thedore Tillson JCReece A ! r Davis Henry Heckfl M B Trussel Wm Fcrdon A Benson Frank Hipgiu 1 J Kropp A tornado struck this part of the country last Thursday evening about five o'clock and did consid erable damage to buildings and trees. The storm was accompan ied by a hard rain and 'hail. ' Another storm less severe came up about 8 o'clock 'the same evening and helped to finish some of the devastation that was partly begun by the first section of the storm. The board awnings of the Eldorado saloon occupied by Geo. Hershey and the frame building used by Frank Fischer "for his furniture and storage room were torn down. A stable used by Mat Woodson and the stable owned by Stratton & Kline between here and the Post svere also demolished. W. S. Barker's water tank was blown 3ver. Massingale's corn crib and Hackler's coal house were blown Jown. Jake Martin's stone chick- m house was unroofed and wind mill demolished on the table north ) f town. A mile north of him 3j j ) ther windmills were destroyed , j Dne belonging to Carpenter Higgle md one on the Mat House place. ' it the Brosius place , the chimney ) f their dwelling was blown down , ; he carriage house and granary novcd off the foundation and a large corn crib tipped over and a lot of board fence blown down. Numerous other places sustained some damage. This was the strong- jsfr wind ever known at Valentine. Card of Thanks. I desire to express my earnest thanks tovthe members of the Ep- worth League and of the church and all others for their deep sym pathy and assistance rendered me in my sad bereavement and can Only say it will not be soon forgot ten. Very sincerely CHAS WAYNE BAY. Election Notice. An election will be held at the M. E. church Wednesday , June 3rd from 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. , for the purpose of electing one delegate and one reserve to attend the M. E. Lay conference which meets at Valentine , Nebr. , Sept. , 11. All members of the church 21 years of age and older are entitled to vote. CHAS. WAYNE KAY , Pastor. From The Cody Cow Boy Married at the home of the bride's parents , near Eli , May > 14 , 1903 , Rev. B. Hunt officiating , James S. Lowrie and Miss Luella Jamer- son. Mrs. H. V. Downing , who is re siding at Hastings , Neb. , temporarily arily , so that the children may at tend school , is visiting her husband at present , at the ranch , about 40 miles south of Merriman. Uncle Jimmy Collins has closed his restaurant in West Cody , and packed up his householdsand he and Mrs. Collins have gone to Valen- ine. Later they expect to spend a few weeks or a month at Hot Springs. The Cow Boy regrets to see these people move 'away from i > Wm. Danofsky and wife and child departed on the west bound train from Cody , Monday morning their destination being South Seat tle , Wash. , where they expect to make their future home. This gentleman was only a small boy when he came toCherry county , with his parents , 19 years ago. Junior Kormal. Miss Brown , Co. Supt. of Cherry Co. authorizes us to say that she will renew the first and second grade certificates of teachers who attend the Junior Normal the full term of ten weeks and for persons holding third grades and those who have not taught , she will accept all grades of SO per cent or over made in class examination. She wishes us to say further that the last week of the Junior Normal will be Union Normal Insti tute for Cherry and adjoin ing counties. Any young person who plans to teach in Cherry Co. at any time during the year must attend institute week. A number of young persons applied for cer tificates this spring who had never attended an institute and had no opportunity whatever of .learning how to manage a school- keep the records or anything of the kind. She believes there will be enough young people this year , who will attend institute that none other need apply. On our own account we wish to say to the young people of Cherry Co. , this is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss. You should be present every day of the Jun ior Normal. Young persons from the countrj- who are planing to enter the Val entine High School in Sept. will do well to attend the Junior Normal and devote almost their whole time to arithmetic and grammar. This will make them strong for their Algebra and Latin and insure them against a probable failure the first year of their high school course. " - . R. H. WATSON Prin. Junior-Normal. 49 4 ? NOTIONS 4S to 13 43 43 I 4 * 4 ? 4S Ladies' Embroidery Top Collars JS All the latest styles. The ones with long Bishop Tabs 42 are especially pretty lOc to 75c' ' Ladies' Wash Veils 4 ! fA < $ Pretty and serviceable 25c to 35c 4 * Ladies' Shirt Waist Sets 4 ? Pearl buttons in all shapes , round , heart shaped and ij S diamond 25c to § 1.50 S Children's Caps 42 2i 49 "VYhite Pique Automobiles. Very dainty a nd pretty. . 50c 49 Leather Automobiles in tan- red and blue Soc to 49 Buck Automobiles in all colors , 75c S 49 4 ? 49 49 to 49 49 Davenport & Thacher 49 GENERAL MERCHANTS 49 . to Our Spring Goods are now in and we arc prepared to figure with you in any- hing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If you are'in need of any Farming Implements let us figure with you. MAX E. VIERTBL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA Groceries Pleasing meals are possible 'only when you have pleasing groceries. The best that the market affords at a right price here. Selected for your selection. * 5 W. A. Petty crew , General Merchandise. lytrtrtrtrirtririririri THE LUDWIG LUMBER YARD i Do you know that we have the best Lumber Shed in North-west Nebraska ? Do you know that our Lumber is DRY and you do not have to freight moisture home ? Do you know that we carry a Larger and Better StocK than all the rest of the yards in Cherry county combined ? Do you know that our grade is higher and our price is lower than any of our competitors ? If you do not know these facts and are from Missouri , call on us and we "Will Show You. " L. C. SPARKS , Manager- FKKU WniTTEMonK. President CHABI.ES SPAUKS. Cashier J. W STKTTKR , Vice President CLAKA WATS-OK , Assistant Cashier Interest paid on time deposits. Capital , 825.OOO Surplus , S 1OOO Office Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. Bl. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE , NEBRASKA Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business.